[00:47] :) [00:47] * madnick is sad [00:47] we could really position the session selection anywhere, but the problem is: it does not look good with it being a button [01:01] is libsession unity specific? [01:15] * micahg isn't familiar with a libsession [01:17] micahg: i *think* its an indicator [01:17] And if we miss that one, I guess its sort of a deal breaker to use the unity greeter :( [01:17] We got libsound [01:18] ah, yeah, indicator-session provides it [01:19] ah [01:24] tbh, the best greeter would be a plain simple "username" "password" :D [01:25] +1 :) [01:25] Don't think most people agree however [01:28] Wonderful, wrong terminal, outside of virtualbox :) [01:48] http://www.madnick.se/~madnick/xubuntu/session.png [01:49] Droid Sans + Select Session (need to do something about that), the indicators [01:49] I need to think about this deeply :/ [01:52] madnick: nice [12:42] hm, cannot run -test-mode of lightdm in a VM :\ [12:51] could anyone help me with some packaging? [13:02] :( sorry i cant [13:02] I made a package ~2006 :P I guess I *could* make a simple package, but I wouldnt trust it being correct enough :( [13:03] micahg, mr_pouit ? [13:03] (hey madnick & GridCube) [13:04] hi [13:05] i still think the lightdm should be centered, if the plymouth theme is centered ;) [13:05] madnick: If I go home today at all, I can give it a go. [13:05] knome: indeed, im doing a new theme [13:05] no other reasons really, the left-aligned style doesn't look bad as it is [13:05] astraljava: thanks :) [13:05] madnick, any other changes than just centering? [13:05] knome: im doing "username" -> "password" [13:05] + session [13:05] mmh [13:05] in center :) [13:06] are you presenting a list of the usernames [13:06] (awesome!) [13:06] hey astraljava [13:06] Im not, but I could do that [13:06] okay, i think that'd be a welcome addition [13:06] i don't need it myself but yeah.. many like it [13:06] knome: im just gonna do 2 masked textboxes + dropdown (for session) + login button [13:06] :) [13:06] with xubuntu-greybird.png [13:07] if you need any artwork, just ask [13:07] and sorry for not being that active, life is getting in the way :) [13:07] knome: i need artwork for plymouth! :P If I dont have a package next week charlie wont ship it [13:07] so it's still about cirlce/not circle? [13:07] Yes [13:07] next week = monday, or sunday? [13:07] Monday [13:08] mm'kay [13:08] If you get ochosi to like our version (the bar) i could have the package today [13:08] if you haven't heard of me before friday, poke me with a fork [13:09] and the lightdm theme also needs to be ready before Mon? is there something you need? [13:09] Well, not sure, I guess anything is welcome, atm its just gonna be the standard controllers styled as much as possible :) [13:10] okay [13:10] once you have gone as far as you can (without using too much time with artwork), can you also poke me? [13:10] yes :) [13:10] thanks [13:11] it shouldn't take too long to create something in the same style [13:11] I suspect the greeter code will take a day or two [13:12] okay [13:13] Im gonna write it in Vala, so I can easily port Roberts code for fetching users etc [13:13] :) [13:13] robert who? [13:13] The author of lightdm [13:13] oki [13:14] Im a bit worried about libsession.so [13:14] If that is a heavy thing or not [13:14] :) [14:18] knome: pong [14:18] astraljava, ping? :) [14:18] astraljava, just said hello before, if you were wondering [14:18] Aha. :) Well, hello there! :D [14:19] How you doin'? [14:19] heh [14:19] fineish [14:19] busy, but okay [14:19] guests coming in any minute :) [14:20] Oh alright, have fun! [14:20] will try to ;) [14:20] so did you already watch QI with jussi? [14:20] Nope. :) [14:21] BAAAH! [14:21] ;) [14:24] But I think he saw us talking about that, and I'm fairly confident he checked it out himself at some point. [14:26] yeah. i've been reminding him of it. [14:27] err, cannot compile what I made :( I lost the makefile, got no idea how I got it working before :D [14:28] how is that even possible? [14:28] don't you make backups? [14:28] ;) [14:29] Nope :( [14:29] boo [14:29] According to the unity greeter, i should use 5 libs, which I am [14:29] you should. :) [14:30] anyway, bbl -> [14:30] cya :) [16:04] Nobody seems to know what is wrong with the compilation :( [16:32] knome: ? [16:33] hi micahg could you help me package the plymouth theme? :) [16:35] madnick: sure, does it have to be right now? [16:35] micahg: nope [16:35] madnick: take a look at plymouth-theme-xubuntu-logo and plymouth-theme-xubuntu-text and xubuntu-plymouth-theme [16:36] okay :) [17:16] wget ftp://ftp.funet.fi/dev/100Mnull [17:16] ... [17:16] 2011-08-15 20:08:49 (11.1 MB/s) - `100Mnull' saved [104857600] [17:16] * astraljava is happy again [17:29] yesterday i did the alternate i386 whole disk test [17:31] it went smootly :D [17:31] smoothly? [17:32] yep that one [17:34] Do you intend to do some today? I can do some others, then, but only i386 at this time. [17:34] I mean real hw. [17:34] vbox can be used for amd64 [17:35] http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/bandwidth.png [17:37] i can't do tests on the week days, uni and work wont allow me to. I can test on weekends tho [17:38] Ahh... okay then. [17:56] . [23:22] micahg: Ive looked over package structure, nothing odd, just that, Im not sure how to build a package :) [23:24] I found alot of guides for it, but it cannot possibly involve that many tools :\ [23:24] madnick: Yeah, sorry, but I had to work 15 hours today, so no time for helping out. :( [23:24] madnick: take a look at pbuilder-dist in ubuntu-dev-tools [23:24] astraljava: oh, okay :) [23:24] micahg: will do [23:25] micahg: while i have you here, what was bad about using GtkWebKit for building a GTK greeter with Webkit frontend? [23:25] I remember vaugly it was something bad about it [23:32] overhead? [23:35] That is true :P [23:37] Still, it requires less than 256 MB RAM