=== bregma_ is now known as bregma === Jens is now known as Guest60129 === Arcademan is now known as Arcademan` === Arcademan` is now known as iArcade === iArcade is now known as Arcademan [07:02] good morning [09:40] Kaleo: I'd like to get a new stacktrace for bug 743662, because the code now has changed considerably and is using C++ exceptions. Should I just do that in a comment, or ar there specific keywords to set? [09:40] Launchpad bug 743662 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "unity-2d-spread crashed with SIGSEGV in WindowImageProvider::requestImage()" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/743662 [09:43] mardy: I don't know of any specific keywords for that [09:44] Kaleo: because I'm afraid that the bug report tool will simply detect that the bug is a duplicate, and won't upload a new trace :-/ [09:45] mardy: good point [09:45] jibel: do you know? [09:49] mardy, there is no specific keyword. Just add a comment and ask for a new report. [09:51] mardy, the retracers are offline ATM and IDK when they will be back, the bug won't be marked as dup anyway (and won't be retraced :( ) === zyga is now known as zyga-doctor [11:28] hi [11:37] mardy: MR updated, hopefully it's all good this time === yofel_ is now known as yofel [11:54] nerochiaro: I see that in some places you use "Type *variable" (which I personally prefer), while the rest of the Unity-2d code seems to use "Type* variable" [11:54] mardy: i'm pretty random in that usage, honestly [11:55] mardy: again, i think it's something that should either be left up to the coder, or enforced via CODING guidelines file [11:55] Kaleo: do you mind ^? (I don't) [11:56] i don't have any preference [11:56] on that subject [11:56] mardy: I believe Type* is clearer [11:56] mardy: does the google c++ guidelines say something about taht? [11:57] Kaleo: yes, both are accepted, provided that the usage is consistent within a project [11:59] nerochiaro: I would keep the namespace [11:59] mardy: you mean add it back to all the plugins ? [11:59] nerochiaro: but of course, either we put it in all applets, or we don't put it at all [11:59] mardy: what's the reason you prefer it ? nothing else uses it [12:00] nerochiaro: if we don't have any requirements on ABI compatibility, we can keep it for later [12:00] mardy: you mean remove the namespace now, and perhaps add it back later if it's needed ? [12:00] nerochiaro: if this plugin API is going to be public, better use it [12:01] mardy: ok, i'll add it back then [12:01] mardy: please say so in the MR so i don't forget [12:01] nerochiaro: ok, great === bregma_ is now known as bregma [12:41] mardy: from your MR comment it seems you want only the interface itself to be in the Unity2d namespace, which is good. but the change you saw in my previous commit was related to the plugins being outside of the namespace, which is independent from the interface being inside of it (unless i'm missing something) [12:41] good afternoon ayanta devs [12:42] how to clean all removed application from application dash please ? [12:44] nerochiaro: ah, true [12:44] nerochiaro: I just care about the interface and the PanelApplet class [12:45] mardy: good. i'll fix that only then [12:52] after a dist upgrade on Sat. evening, when i log in i only get to nautilus, this is on oneiric, i just now did a dist-upgrade and i still have this problem [12:52] i happen to be in the millbank office right now if anyone wants to take a look at it [12:55] good morning all === zyga-doctor is now known as zyga === chaotic is now known as Guest14971 === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley === chaotic is now known as Guest80524 [14:10] mardy: all changes you requested should be pushed to the branch now [14:10] nerochiaro: cool, let me have one last look [14:11] mardy: thanks === API is now known as Guest65101 [14:40] i assume we are aware that the new alt-tab switcher looses its mind and selects the wrong window, often not the forground window of a set of windows === chaotic is now known as Guest52192 [15:06] DBO njpatel howdy chaps, have you guys seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/824890 ? [15:06] Ubuntu bug 824890 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Dash performance issues with 'Active Blur' enabled" [Critical,Confirmed] [15:07] jono, I have some help on the way for that [15:07] working out the remaining kinks [15:07] but long story short [15:07] yes [15:08] mardy: great that you approved the MR, but please put approved too on the "status" field at the top of the page, or it won't be merged by tarmac [15:08] nerochiaro: ah, sorry, didn't know. I'll do that right away [15:16] mardy: np. it's a pretty nice system. ask Kaleo for more details, I think he set it up [15:26] DBO, cool [15:27] DBO, so there should be perf improvements? [15:29] jono yes [15:29] big ones [15:31] DBO rocking === racarr_ is now known as racarr === kklimonda is now known as Guest54756 === Guest54756 is now known as kklimonda [17:50] I'm going to work with this bug (https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/691776) but it's my "first time" with cairo animation... [17:50] Ubuntu bug 691776 in unity (Ubuntu) "Fade effect when showing the menubar" [Medium,Confirmed] [17:50] could someone help me? :) === alecu is now known as alecu-lunch [17:51] andyrock: Cimi is your man! [17:52] jcastro, ok thx [17:52] andyrock: that looks pretty trivial to do [17:52] Cimi, trivial for you... not for me :) [17:52] you could save the previous surface [17:53] and the newer one [17:53] and paint one with alpha = progress [17:53] the other 1 - progress [17:53] until it ends your timeout [17:54] Cimi, I thought something like this... but i'm asking [17:54] let's assume you have the previous pattern [17:54] with all the text etc etc [17:54] save it [17:54] then [17:54] get the new pattern [17:55] what you'll need now is to fade between them [17:55] Cimi, i've to fade both menu text and title text? [17:55] while the first one gots alpha reduced (so, from 1 to 0) [17:55] the other one increases [17:55] (0 to 1) [17:56] so for example, the menu fade out and the title fade in the same moment? [17:56] totally [17:56] I think that's the fade animation we want, isn't it? [17:57] i think so... but i've to create a base class to do this [17:57] maybe FaderWidget [17:57] since menu and title ara handled in differents ways in unity... you know [17:58] *are [17:58] I don't know :) [17:58] so, basically you just need to store the previous pattern [17:58] well title is a simple "cairo pango text", menu are indicators :) [17:58] and keep it in mem until animation ends [17:59] so [17:59] assuming you use gtk_render_layout for the title [17:59] cairo_save [18:00] cairo_push_group () [18:00] gtk_render_layout [18:00] cairo_pattern_t *pat = cairo_pop_group () [18:00] cairo_restore [18:01] now, pat contains the previous title [18:01] the fade should have [18:01] cairo_set_source (cr, pat) [18:01] cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, 1 - progress); [18:01] // new text, set source... [18:02] cairo_paint_with_alpha (cr, progress) [18:02] assuming progress is double from 0.0f to 1.0f [18:03] i have to apply the fading to the single menuitem, or i can apply it to the entire menubar? [18:03] Cimi, thx btw [18:04] andyrock: what you want [18:05] andyrock: I suggest you to write a test app [18:05] should be difficult [18:05] *shouldn't [18:06] Cimi, can you do nicely-rounded window borders? kthxbi [18:06] c10ud: you mean those? :) https://plus.google.com/107658363031614745288/posts/267k79USyni [18:06] exactly, thanks for reading my mind [18:07] no gtk2 support i guess [18:07] c10ud: it's in the window deco [18:07] c10ud: does not depend on toolkit [18:07] does that mean you're going to backport it? :p [18:08] c10ud: to what? [18:08] lucid [18:08] oh no [18:08] that requires new compiz is in oneiric [18:09] backport moar (?) [18:09] i have some theme from your ppa, but it's gone now [18:10] don't have time for anything [18:12] we (as organization) fixed your file transfer bug, you owe us something! [18:12] (just kidding..maybe?) [18:13] :) [18:21] cdbs: hey you're working on the unity bug triage with om26er right? === alecu-lunch is now known as alecu [19:57] jcastro, why is Firefox a security update? [19:57] it's just the way it ended up [19:58] I guess if you think about it, it's a security update [19:58] that just happens to have a bunch of features along with it [19:58] plus "updates" are optional, security not so much. [19:58] Well yes, new browser versions usually include better security features [19:58] Yes I'm starting to get it, thanks [20:02] hey, i have a problem with lenses, when I click any shortcut from dash it only closes and don't launch [20:03] how can I see if it is logging errors like that to report a bug? [20:03] Pretto, one way is to run unity in a terminal and see if there's any error output [20:05] ephan: i will try that === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [20:06] WARN 2011-08-16 17:06:02 unity.dash.view DashView.cpp:406 Unable to find Lens /com/canonical/unity/applicationsplace/applications [20:06] got that error [20:07] I think that has been reported already, let me check [20:08] bug 824842 [20:08] Launchpad bug 824842 in unity (Ubuntu) "Click on 'More Apps' et al closes the dash" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824842 [20:08] There it is Pretto, check that it has happened to you [20:09] ephan, it is the same I am having here [20:09] Yes, as I said, press "This happens to me" [20:10] Thus, it'll get more attention and we'll try to fix it faster [20:10] ephan: other problem I am having is that I can't navigato in the dash using direction keys [20:10] s/navigato/navigate/ [20:11] I see Pretto [20:11] Right now I can't, so go to Launchpad and check if it has been reported [20:11] I think something like that has been reported [20:11] ok, thak you ephan [20:14] Pretto, that is also reported :) [20:14] om26er: do you have the url for it? [20:15] bug 824966 [20:15] Launchpad bug 824966 in unity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Unity 4.8 Dash is no longer keyboard accessible" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/824966 [20:16] ↑ [20:16] I knew I had read about it [20:20] why does unity ignore ccsm when there are conflicts and you do resolve conflicts and tell it not to set the value? [20:35] jjohansen, i would love to know that as well, but i am afraid those who could answer this are already asleep or offline (or on vacation) :) [20:36] om26er: well then I will just have to pester them in 12 hours :) [20:36] om26er, are you referring to Treviño? [20:37] ephan, no, didrocks [20:37] jjohansen, ;) === daker is now known as daker_ [20:55] jcastro: ping [20:55] jcastro: No, not any more [20:55] Or I should say, not for now [20:55] focusing more on the papercuts project and unity contrubitions other than triage === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away === yofel_ is now known as yofel