[06:13] is there a way (using video files as ane xample).. you can make the icon " preview".. of the video.. rather than just a general .avi icon? [06:13] yes [06:14] was there a size settings for creating thumbnails? [06:14] or was it thunar [06:14] i think that was thunar [06:51] what's the command line to edit grub2 [06:51] depends [06:52] What do you need to change? [06:52] i want to change the default o.s to load [06:52] I mean, i want a certain o.s to load so i dont have to wait when i reboot and press up or down arrow [06:53] I dont usually wait, I press enter [06:53] if I want to boot to Windows, I choose Windoze from the menu and press enter [06:53] You can edit /etc/default/grub [06:53] otherwise it will boot into GNU/Linux [06:55] unit193 thnx you [06:55] Remember, it starts counting from zero [06:57] for some reason on occasion.. my keyboard locks up & usb optical mouse stops working === Guest43980 is now known as MichealH === Guest9880 is now known as MoShah [16:49] Hi, I'm trying to setup two monitors at the same time and one should be setup as an extended desktop. However, Everytime I restart Lubuntu 11.04 the setting doesn't save and I have to use xrandr again to reset it. [16:50] Any ideas why this is happening please? [19:16] is there a software out there that helps speed up file transfer betwee hdd ? [19:18] if the bus between the two drives is set up correctly, not really [19:19] keep those hard drives on different cables if using PATA [19:20] if the performance is below the capacity announced by the drives, there might be a problem there, but appart from choosing a different filesystem depending on your usecase there is not much you can do [19:20] I'm using SATA and im transfering about 150 gig, the problem is the file transfer rate is around 30 MB/s and it takes about an hour or so to finish [19:20] sata or sata2 ? [19:20] 30MB/s is okay [19:21] 30-40MB/s is what you get from 7200RPM hdd [19:21] i think its sata [19:22] and ofcourse the seek time and so on affects too ;) [19:22] wait i think its sata2 since its a 3Gb/s [19:22] 7200rpm ? size of cache ? [19:23] 72000 RPM 32 Mb cache, 1 TB space [19:25] its tihs one, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152185 well i guess ill just go afk while it transfer, cuz my comp becomes slow when transfering files and I cant play games like cod. thnx guys [19:30] How can I copy something as sudo but keep the permissions of the files I'm copying? [19:30] Usually when I copy things as sudo it means no user who isn't sudo can access them [19:30] chmod them [19:31] bioterror: They will have different permissions though as they were created originally by samba users on a zentyal server [19:31] zentyal :G [19:31] bioterror: Is there no way to preserve permissions? [19:31] bioterror: What's wrong with zentyal? lol [19:33] http://forum.zentyal.org/index.php/topic,5259.msg21472.html :D [19:34] I'm just too demanding ;) [19:35] bioterror: I accept that the way it manages network ifaces is pretty weird [19:36] bioterror: But for the most part it's alright, comes with some goodies configured already for you anyway [19:36] it was rather okay, it was better than ipcop or ipfire [19:36] but still, I decided to keep using pfSense [19:38] This is irritating me somewhat, I can't access /home/samba/shares/InsertShareNameHere because of the permissions [19:38] But I can't find a way to login as a user that does have the correct permissions :( [19:38] su user [19:38] That'll dump me in a su session though? [19:39] or [19:39] you can: sudo bash [19:39] DOH [19:39] and then: su user [19:39] I got it [19:39] with root su'ing to another user, you dont need his passwords [19:39] For some reason doing smb://serverName/share didn't work [19:39] But I did network:/// in pcmanfm and went to the server from there and it works [19:40] bioterror: So doing su user will copy files with the permissions of the user specified and not su? [19:43] kvarley: your are searching for "cp -p" p is for "preserve", (or just use "cp -a") [19:44] avelldiroll: That'll work, thank you very much! You've saved me some time =D [19:45] kvarley: another way to do this would be to fine tune your permissions with a sgid on the directory, or using ACLs if you need them [19:46] ACLs? I have seen that somewhere on the permissions page of the server backend. [19:51] kvarley | bioterror: What's wrong with zentyal? <-- like all web control panel, the only way to secure them is to know how to do everything without them [19:55] hi all, setting up l;ubuntu as an ssh server, how after it is set up do i connect from another computer? [19:56] ssh user@computer [19:56] bioterror, and what goes where computer is ? [19:57] i guess that is more the question [19:57] ssh user@hostname [19:57] ssh user@ip.add.res.s [19:57] !ssh | Darth_Tux [19:57] Darth_Tux: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) [19:57] Darth_Tux: ip fqdn or lan name if you have a local dns [19:57] !sshd | Darth_Tux [19:57] Darth_Tux: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy) [19:58] there you go [22:32] hey guys, i made two accounts, Admin and Guest, how do I make it so that Guest cannot access Admin home folder? [22:33] Ogi0n: it shouldn't be able to. [22:33] guest should get a permission error if he/she tries to browse to the Admin Home folder [22:33] it did, i log out log onto Guest, then went to home folder, go up one level, saw Admin folder and open it., and i can view and open the files of Admin folder [22:34] hmm [22:34] that shoudlnt be [22:34] did you create a home partition?.. or you just using the default install? (/swap and /) [22:34] what do you do to make it not accessible to other users? [22:34] yea [22:35] Ogi0n: it yeah what?.. thats a two part question [22:35] just default with admin first and all that, now i create a new account called guest that is not admin [22:35] i didnt careate home partition, just the default set up [22:35] Ogi0n: i dunno, something screwy if the guest account can access the admin folder. [22:36] unless for some reason, the permissions are being retained when you log out. [22:36] hmm ill try that [22:46] it didnt work when I restart my computer [22:48] Anyone know how I can prevent non-admin user to access Admin home folder? [23:08] ya I got it now, I had to go to Home folder and right click properties set Permission of Admin to Others: None [23:10] it would've been nice if it was default [23:10] good thing I use truecrypt, and i got my important files lock up [23:32] it should have "been" that way by default... not sure why it wasn't. [23:45] KM0201: There is actually an opposite argument going on.... people who go 'ooh, I'll encrypt my home folder' then forget / lose the password. I, and others, do not think that is a really sensible option as there is exactly zero we can do to help them.... it's gone - tough...... these people are used to a 'hack' to bypass security, it is not there! [23:46] but that wasn't the case here.... his issue didn't have anything to do w/ encryption