
smoserSpamapS, yes, it would.00:23
smoserflaccid, cloud-init does generate new ssh host keys on first boot00:24
smoserof an instance00:24
flaccidsweet as thanks smoser00:24
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flaccidsmoser: oh the only question i had remaining is if cloud-utils is really a dep and why?02:52
flaccid(regarding cloud-init)02:52
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smoserflaccid, cloud-utils is probably not a dep anymore.  ssh-import-id was there for a while, which allows you to populate authorized_keys easily from launchpad. i'd have to see if there is some other reason it is a dep.13:31
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TRElliszul: howdy :)15:33
zulTREllis: hey15:34
TRElliszul: so, I'm back on a sane timezone now15:35
zulTREllis: oh good im not on a sane timezone :)15:35
TRElliszul: how was london?15:35
zulTREllis: umm...interesting...they canceled my game those mofos15:35
TRElliszul: lol15:38
zulTREllis: wasnt too happy about that15:39
TRElliszul: ah, so it was you who was rioting at the end of my street15:40
zulTREllis: yeah sorry about that15:40
TRElliszul: ;-)15:44
TRElliszul: just lookin' around but do you know of any major changes to the scheduler in nova? specifically looking for something related to the algorithms for queuing instances, when capacity is tight15:45
zulTREllis: there has been some work done on it i dont know of anything specific15:46
TREllislooking at the ec2 api, just seems there are a couple of returns that can be used for no capcity available, I'm wondering if there will be something related to queuing instances so that when instances are terminated others requested will start15:46
TREllisonly thing I can find is https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/distributed-scheduler which is a bit different15:47
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flaccidthanks smoser !21:25

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