=== sarhan_ is now known as sarhan [17:53] http://www.facebook.com/questions/233389786705476/?qa_ref=qd [23:13] elacheche_anis: [23:13] hey EgyParadox :) [23:13] :D [23:14] 3amel eh? [23:14] I find how to do the thumbnails :) [23:14] hmd labess :D w inti?? [23:16] el7amdeoleah [23:16] :D [23:16] are there other active LoCo teams in the Middle East other than ubuntu-tn? [23:17] you're LoCo and ubuntu-dz [23:18] u-dz will organize a SFD an they send an invitation to our LoCo to be present with one or é conferences :) [23:27] dz? [23:28] which country? [23:29] Algeria [23:31] ohhh [23:32] I hardly think we can do any collaboration with them [23:33] why not? [23:36] 3ashan eli 7asal maben masr welgazayer [23:39] insit illi il 3alam il 3arabi ba3d 2011 itbaddal?? I don't think that will be a problem.. u-dz try to do a new startup to the LoCo.. If you will not be able to collaborate with them that's will be because of there LoCo situation not anything else..