=== asac_ is now known as asac [02:53] hmmm, 95% compatibility for common extensions with Firefox 6 [12:10] compared to 5? === m_conley_away is now known as m_conley [15:56] bhearsum: I think 5 was closer to 85% on release day [15:58] yeah, but do you mean "95% of the addons that were compatible with Fx5 are compatible with Fx6"? [16:00] no, 95% of the top addons are compatible, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/compatibility/dashboard/6.0 [16:12] ah [16:30] well, firefox and thunderbird a re published in the firefox-stable and thunderbird-stable PPA's [16:31] i shall be on vacation next time all this happens ;) [16:32] chrisccoulson: I can push buttons for you, just let me know what you need done :) [16:32] thanks! [17:15] so, cairo 1.10 wasn't backed out before the merge to beta then? [17:16] doesn't look like it [17:19] well, cairo 1.10 might be breaking chromium in certain environments [18:19] I just noticed something with the newest thunderbird [18:20] LDAP support seems completely broken ? [18:20] I can see my list of contacts, but if I want to edit them, it just doesn't show anything === m_conley is now known as m_conley_away === bhearsum is now known as bhearsum|afk [22:05] w'ah, too many bzr branches [22:08] dupondje: do you mean 6? [22:09] yea, oneiric version [22:28] chrisccoulson: I've got a weird situation with the global menu in natty, I don't think it's a regression, but the global menu doesn't always appear until the window loses focus and then gets focus again [22:29] micahg, that must be a unity or compiz bug. firefox has no control whatsoever over what is displayed in the panel [22:29] it merely exports a menu, and it's up to unity what it displays in the panel [22:30] chrisccoulson: k, I'm happy to file a bug, should I do it against unity? [22:30] micahg, i don't mind. it probably won't be me who looks at it ;) [22:31] just wondering what your best guess as to where to file it is, will file after I get Firefox 6 out the door [22:31] cool [22:32] i'm getting the next beta builds ready now :) [22:32] cool [22:32] I'll talk to jcastro later this week about channel publicity so we can get more testing [22:34] I'll try to verify that it's not a 5 to 6 regression, I'm guessing it's not