[00:41] hi [01:22] hi Cheri703! How have you been? [01:22] doing alright overall [01:23] How's Ubuntu-Ohio been? Not feeling too overwhelmed, I hope! [01:24] my to-do list is large, but not entirely u-ohio stuff :) [01:25] heh well that's a Good Thing :) [01:31] yeah, but I keep procrastinating :) though I have been productive in other ways this past week [01:32] am a bit discouraged though, my business isn't bringing in enough money, so I've been looking for some sort of side income, and no such luck so far :/ [01:33] What is your business, if you don't mind me asking? [01:33] not too many office jobs in my area...mostly manufacturing around here [01:33] I do computer support/repair, etc [01:33] ahh... me too, and a bit of consulting, as my side job. I agree it seems to be rather feast of famine... :/ [01:34] yeah [01:35] and I have a reasonable skill set, and type 84wpm (took a test the other day :) ) but...the temp places I went to haven't contacted me with anything, and most of the other places in town aren't hiring, or it's crappy retail or sales, which I don't want [01:36] there is a call center that apparently really wants me, but since I'm car free, I can't manage the hours they'd need [02:37] ahh we have a lot in common - I'm car-free too atm :) [02:50] yeah, I get along alright with the buses here [04:38] heh. not here, sadly :/ [13:34] Cheri703: ever try out the trobber code? [13:35] not yet [13:35] might take a look after my errands later [13:35] righto [14:02] morning all === jacob_ is now known as jacob [15:26] Mornin [23:13] * skellat grumblesmurfs [23:15] Howdy, it's been mostly dead for a bit :P [23:16] This is my first day off from work in 10 days [23:17] Somebody went on maternity leave and I was suddenly pushed into almost over 40 hours [23:17] Considering that I am a part-timer, that's not cool [23:18] Will you be at OLF, Unit193? [23:18] I would like to be a few days, but I should be able to make it to one [23:19] Congrats on getting on Council ;) [23:19] Hunh? [23:19] Oh [23:20] I'm just there to record their open session [23:20] So you should be for all days? [23:20] if I have independent transportation down to OLF, Unit193 is welcome to carpool with me [23:20] I only get that Friday [23:20] (still working out logistics of it all) [23:21] The only reason I get that Friday is because it is my 30th birthday [23:21] Cheri703: Thanks, I do hope you can go down, but I don't know how I can help you in return :P [23:23] I dunno. The whole field deployment for Erie Looking Productions is kinda open for debate. I sent a note to Council asking that somebody call my engineer to discuss what they envision for ELP to do so that he can plan out equipment load. [23:30] Oh stinking fish... http://www.extremetech.com/internet/92792-mozilla-takes-firefox-version-number-removal-a-step-further