=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [02:12] ok quick question as i am working on documention, is Muon the default package manager in Oneric? [02:14] it is, as in both muon and muon-installer are installed by default [02:14] awesome thanks yofel [02:16] ok another question then running the ntebook version and in kate when i go file and then S for save nothing happens [02:16] seems the secondary level dont work... file s for save or file q for quit doesnt work in Kate [02:32] jjesse-netbook: Sounds like it needs a bug filed on bugs.kde.org. It's certainly not on purpose. [02:32] ScottK: thanks its seems like i had this problem some previous releases ago [02:32] under what package/option would i file fis? [02:33] kate is it's own package in kde4.7. [02:33] ok back [02:33] looks like it is only affecting kate [02:46] ok reported this to bugs: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=280236 [02:46] KDE bug 280236 in general "problems with second level menu options" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [07:30] Morning [07:39] morning [07:54] hi guys - this is probably old news for you but i didn't find a bug-report [07:54] with today's updates i can't log in anymore [07:54] kdm shows a message-box with a warning [07:54] about qdbus - i found this in kdm.log: [07:55] klauncher(3467) kdemain: No DBUS session-bus found. Check if you have started the DBUS server. [07:55] kdeinit4: Communication error with launcher. Exiting! [07:55] [07:55] (i'm using 11.10) [08:11] I've probably dreamed , but a while ago a phonon video thumbnailer existed... no? [08:12] <_StefanS_> morning [08:13] <_StefanS_> I noticed a bug in the recent update to libqt4-dbus package, /usr/bin/qdbus is missing [08:14] <_StefanS_> not sure who's managing this part [08:14] <_StefanS_> or package [08:14] ohh you can use phonon via mplayerthumbs :) [08:14] _StefanS_: same problem for me [08:15] <_StefanS_> I just took the old ubuntu4 package and copied the qdbus file in manually [08:15] _StefanS_: no answer yet, though... we'll just have to wait ;) [08:15] <_StefanS_> then it works [08:15] <_StefanS_> stefan: are they aware of this ? [08:15] <_StefanS_> I like your name btw. [08:16] _StefanS_: hehe ;) i wrote a couple of minutes ago - no answer. then again, this is of course not the right place for bug reports [08:16] <_StefanS_> yea you're right, maybe we should spam kubuntu-devel mailinglist instead :D [08:17] actually, with your info on the package i can file a bug-report on launchpad [08:18] <_StefanS_> oh please do if you have the time [08:18] <_StefanS_> stefan: I think its simply some builderror noone noticed [08:18] <_StefanS_> stefan: or a patch that omits the actual binary [08:18] _StefanS_: its actually more or less solved already: percentage <= min_community_part_ [08:19] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/+bug/827815 [08:19] Ubuntu bug 827815 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Can't log into KDE, with error: Could not start D-bus, can you call qdbus?" [Undecided,New] [08:19] sorry for the garbage before... [08:19] <_StefanS_> err I'm going to comment on that [08:20] <_StefanS_> having qt4-dev-tools installed for normal operation sounds wrong [08:21] <_StefanS_> stefan: thanks - I'm off ! [08:42] it's me or... mplayerthumbsconfig does absolutly NOTHING ? [08:43] ubiquity from the build of the 15th doesnt seem to work. [08:55] bambee: i dont even know what it is [08:55] ulmlogger: seriously? it has been released with kde-multimedia [08:55] it does not work here [08:56] ulmlogger: it's a kioslave for video thumbnailing [08:56] well [08:56] config? [08:56] with two backends [08:56] mplayer and phonon [08:56] the thumb aint called config :P [08:56] also the code is crapz(tm) [08:56] * ulmlogger was -->>this<<-- close to propose removal from kdemm [08:57] mplayerthumbsconfig does not work [08:59] it uses a kconfigdialog (to use the kcfg class correctly), I don't see the "settingsChanged" signal connected nor MplayerThumbsCfg::writeConfig() called... [08:59] wtf is it for? [08:59] and why and when and how? [09:00] wtf [09:01] mplayerthumbsconfig is the gui used the select the video backend (mplayer/phonon) and to configure the kcfg class correctly [09:01] s/the select/to select/ [09:01] bambee meant: "mplayerthumbsconfig is the gui used to select the video backend (mplayer/phonon) and to configure the kcfg class correctly" [09:01] additionnally you can clean the thumbnails cache... etc... [09:02] install mplayerthumbs and test it (using phonon as backend) [09:02] it does not work :) [09:02] (change the backend does not work too) [09:06] bambee: because it is kaput [09:06] the thumbers should all be removed [09:06] and replaced with a phonon backend [09:06] I agree [09:56] ulmlogger: mplayerthumbs use VideoWidget::snapshot() (which is not implemented in pvlc nor pgst) [09:56] uses * [09:57] it should use videodataoutput imho === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [10:36] Riddell: Name = Jonathan Kolberg [10:36] Affiliation = Kubuntu Ninja [10:38] congrats on your celebrity status bulldog98, nice article on dot news :) [10:41] Riddell: thanks [13:16] fabo: I'd like to convert gtk2-engines-oxygen to multiarch which requires moving the binaries to a new package [13:16] can we agree on a package name? gtk2-engines-oxygen-tools? [13:19] debfx: -bin [13:20] we have a bunch of packages prefixed -bin [13:20] fabo: ok, works for me [13:21] s/prefixed/suffixed ;) [13:21] * debfx has already purged ia32-libs :-) [14:12] hi all [14:49] Quintasan, ping [14:56] ScottK, ping [14:58] rbelem: pong [14:59] Quintasan, :-) [14:59] Quintasan, could you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kubuntu-packaging/kde-runtime-active-4.7 ? [15:00] I can merge it once I get home [15:00] Quintasan, ulmlogger acked [15:00] I see. [15:00] Quintasan, oki :-) [15:00] I will merge and upload [15:00] or I think ScottK has to upload [15:00] Quintasan, thks :-) [15:00] * Quintasan is not sure on who is uploading after FFe [15:01] Quintasan, maybe only ScottK [15:01] rbelem: Do we have FFe for runtime? [15:01] Quintasan, yup [15:02] Quintasan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/827283 [15:02] Ubuntu bug 827283 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "kde-runtime needs to be updated" [Undecided,New] [15:02] rbelem: Awesome, could you also do FFe for s-l-c and plasma-mobile? [15:03] I will review and ack and ScottK can just upload [15:03] Quintasan, i will do that right now [15:03] Great. [15:03] Quintasan, lets add contour too [15:03] :-) [15:03] Quintasan, they announced today i think [15:03] * Quintasan has to get another FFe for workspace with KWin GL ES as well [15:04] Hmm, I am not sure if we want contour in repo [15:04] * Quintasan would like PPA better [15:05] yeah, i'd go with a PPA too [15:05] i've seen contour ... not so stable [15:06] :'( [15:06] rbelem: Besides, PPA can be updated whenever you want [15:06] You can't really do that with archive [15:06] that's the good side [15:07] rbelem: While you are at FFe, could you file one for kde-workspace and link the bug no. here? [15:07] * Quintasan is at driving license course right now [15:07] Quintasan, yup ;-) [15:08] Thanks! [15:08] Quintasan, you are very welcome :-) [15:08] That would be getting much more done for oneeyerick [15:09] Too bad we are doing it after feature freeze :P [15:14] Quintasan, there isn't how to do that before [15:15] <_Groo_> Quintasan: i uploaded TH last night, went to sleep late doing the pakcage... today is digikam2 turn [15:16] <_Groo_> Quintasan: sorry for the delay :P i had a few packaging problems [15:31] I myself didn't finish kwin gles up until today :) [15:33] fabo: do we even need those oxygen-gtk programs? oxygen-gtk-deco seem to be broken, whatever it's supposed to be doing [15:52] duh [15:52] JontheEchidna: lol, Im at the course and I forgot to turn off sounds, suddenly: I AM BULLETPROOF [15:52] someone sent me a text message [15:56] debfx: demo is useless, dunno for deco. we could ask upstream [16:01] * ulmlogger thinks ScottK is supposed to start a shitstorm WRT breaking qt [16:04] bulldog98: pingpingpingopgp0ingoignpoigong [16:04] {@!!!E!! [16:13] ulmlogger: What exactly was broken? [16:15] ulmlogger: pong [16:16] bulldog98: we need kubuntu tablet [16:16] ASAP [16:16] so [16:17] Quintasan: dunno, qdbus was moved around, see mail on kubuntu-devel [16:17] bulldog98: so, I have default settings semi-ready, if you could make sure that we get the packages in with help from Quintasan that would be super awesome [16:17] also bulldog98 or Quintasan should poke cjwatson so that we get a tablet image going [16:17] Oh, ScottK told me to work with slangasek on it but I wasn't able to irc much until 17 [16:20] ulmlogger: When I'm supposed to ping him to get tablet image rolling? [16:23] Quintasan: now ^^ [16:23] lol [16:24] Quintasan: I guess we'll need a seed and then he can do the setup in ubuntu-cd and stuff [16:24] Do we have a seed? [16:24] ScottK actually might know the process of getting an image better than me [16:24] Quintasan: not yet [16:25] Quintasan: for now we could just use desktop as the seed, I suppose we should talk about the relations between seeds [16:25] I think that tablet should be part of the mobile seed branch [16:25] Quintasan: actually cancel that [16:25] hold on [16:25] let me think [16:25] How about you do that? [16:25] * ulmlogger is busy with phonon and kde stuff unfortunately [16:26] also I'll need to get the settings done as bulldog98 and I are the only people with a tablet [16:26] Quintasan: so it might make sense to simply merge tablet into mobile and perhaps rename mobile [16:27] * bulldog98 hasn’t got too much time, since my grandma is visiting us [16:27] as both require touch-enabled interfaces it would make sense to be the same image, or at least in the same seed branch (as we had with netbook and desktop) [16:27] * ulmlogger waves fist at bulldog98 [16:27] well, doing settings now [16:27] ulmlogger: but I’ll do as much as possible [16:27] Quintasan: lets wait with the seeds until ScottK is available so we can talk this over [16:28] bulldog98: you just need to delegate the upload process and stuff :P [16:28] * ulmlogger tests his settings package [16:29] ulmlogger: send it too me, cause the current one doesn’t works well [16:29] fabo: deco just displays two weird windows. seems to be a test tool for window decorations [16:31] rbelem: How are FFe's? [16:32] good evening from Ulm :) [16:32] ulmlogger (Harald Sitter) is sitting next to me [16:32] We kinda noticed that :P [16:33] heh [16:33] Quintasan: +1 [16:35] Quintasan, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/828111 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/828159 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/828093 [16:35] Ubuntu bug 828111 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] share-like-connect" [Undecided,New] [16:35] Ubuntu bug 828159 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "kde-workspace needs latest kwin-gles" [Undecided,New] [16:35] Ubuntu bug 828093 in plasma-mobile (Ubuntu) "plasma-mobile needs to be updated" [Undecided,New] [16:35] :-) [16:35] Awesome [16:35] * Quintasan is building kwin-gles and testing it [16:36] * rbelem goes to lunch [16:37] "Team to pring the power of plasma active to Kubuntu." [16:37] fun [16:37] pring? [16:37] :O [16:37] hehe ;P [16:39] shadeslayer: that one is good :) [16:39] Quintasan: fix it on your team lp page [16:40] How am I responsible for THAT? [16:40] I'm not even a member :P [16:40] yofel: ^^ [16:41] hahah :P [16:46] and kde-workspace runs with -j1 [16:46] I wonder wtf [16:46] mgraesslin: ping [16:46] Quintasan: pong [16:47] mgraesslin: Is it possible to build only kwin and kwineffects from whole kde-workspace or one would need to patch the source? [16:47] you need the kde-workspace libraries around [16:48] if you have that you can run cmake in workspace directory and afterwards compile only kwin [16:48] Well, now I'm essentialy double-building workspace but in another directory [16:50] mgraesslin: compile kde-workspace -> install it -> go to debian/build-kwin-gles -> build workspace with GLES -> install to debian/tmp-kwin-gles <--- that's how we do it now (in short) [16:50] hmm [16:50] That won't work too [16:51] the easiest solution is to pull the build system changes from master [16:51] How do they work? [16:52] it builds kwin twice: once as kwin and once as kwin_gles binary [16:52] :O [16:52] ulmlogger: ^^^ [16:53] Can we somehow magically patch the source and think it will go unnoticed? [16:53] but it's only a temporary solution till kwin can load the right backend at runtime [16:53] Well, now I'm DOUBLE building the whole workspace [16:53] :S [16:54] * mgraesslin does that all the time in the CI system [16:57] mgraesslin: Well, that temporary solution is better than building whole workspace, would be the diff to source code big? [16:57] mostly CMake files are changed [16:59] Hmmmmmm. [16:59] Quintasan: https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101979/ [16:59] [lp:kubuntu-dev-tools] Rohan Garg * 117 * bin/astyle-kubuntu Update arguments passed to astyle for astyle versions 2.01 and upwards [16:59] and https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/102002/ [17:00] but the kwineffects library has been split into kwineffects and kwingl(es)utils libraries [17:00] GLES doesn't work with NVIDIA driver? [17:00] yes [17:00] in 4.7 there is still GL code in kwineffects [17:01] so you would have to change the patches to keep one library and build just kwineffects twice [17:01] mgraesslin: IS there a list of working drivers? [17:04] ulmlogger: what have you installed on your tablet an modified? [17:05] to get it working [17:05] Quintasan: no, radeon works fine, nouveau sometimes, Intel mostly [17:06] ^^ \o/ [17:06] now if only radeon could ... wait a minute [17:06] ZOMG [17:06] ulmlogger: bulldog98 yofel NO MORE AMD UNSUPPORTED HARDWARE OVERLAY [17:07] booya [17:07] i just noticed that :P [17:10] bulldog98: plasma-mobile & runtime & libs & share-like-connect [17:10] settings will be up in a bit [17:10] currently having dinnger [17:11] ulmlogger: have you added the PPA? [17:11] nope [17:11] all from git [17:13] ScottK: do I need a FFe to build gtk2-engines-oxygen for multiarch? [17:18] debfx: question, i don't understand why we need to re/build packages for multiarch [17:18] IT'S ALIVE [17:18] i mean, all multiarch does is give x86_64 users access to x86 packages right? [17:22] rbelem: Were patched kdelibs uploaded? I want to testbuild s-l-c before advocating [17:24] We have to wait for ScottK anyways, since only he can do anything about uploading [17:27] * shadeslayer wonders whats the best way to strangle DBus [17:32] debfx: I can tell you that slangasek has requested and FFe in the past for multiarch since it has the potential to break other applications that use the package in question [17:34] shadeslayer: multiarch changes where files are stored on the fs which can break applications which make improper assumptions about file locations [17:34] oh .. [17:35] did i mention the new apport package is broken? [17:36] http://paste.kde.org/110857/ [17:40] shadeslayer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/apport/1.21.3-0ubuntu4 [17:40] aw [17:41] i already fixed that myself [17:47] ulmlogger: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/desktop-summit-akademy-guadec-group-photo-2011.html <-- where are you? [17:57] shadeslayer: oh fun, fixing [17:57] yeah :P [17:58] yofel: wait, what are you talking about? [17:58] neon? [17:58] no, 'pring' :P [17:58] ah ok [17:59] * bambee has a new game... "where is harald?"... the goal is simple, you must find harald on the ds photo in 5 minutes... good luck :P [18:00] the winner wins a cookie, a beer and a chocolate :D [18:06] bambee: make that find rohan, more of a challange :P [18:07] mouarf :P [18:07] indeed...actually I've only found Riddell, valorie and you [18:12] trying to find lydia too... [18:12] heh [18:12] i'm hidden behind Vishesh Handa xD [18:18] Quintasan, it is in the https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-active/+archive/ppa [18:18] nope, it is on REVU [18:18] new packages are on revu [18:18] Quintasan, about the kdelibs [18:18] ppa packages are not really a material to submit imo [18:19] oh [18:19] #:-D [18:19] we need it in archive [18:19] Quintasan, to testbuild slc [18:47] rbelem: You've got a nice business card [18:57] Riddell: Can one use Ubuntu font for business cards? [19:01] Quintasan, business card? [19:01] Quintasan, i uploaded latest slc to revu [19:01] Quintasan, the openbossa one? [19:01] yeah [19:02] :-D [19:02] * Quintasan suddenly wanted to have his own business card [19:02] * yofel needs a kubuntu business card.. [19:02] Makes me look professional [19:02] +1 ^^ [19:02] yofel: Use gLabels dude [19:03] haven't tried that yet, thanks [19:03] sheytan did some but I can't no longer find them nor I think printing them would be cost-effective [19:07] Quintasan http://www.sendspace.com/file/n6il10 [19:14] http://i.imgur.com/88J20.png [19:14] Here is what I did [19:14] :P [19:15] * Quintasan thinks we could include icons for contact info [19:15] but I have to go:P [19:15] brb [19:55] <_Groo_> gn guys, gonna go home, have digikam2 to upload :P [20:00] micahg: moving a gtk2 theme to a multiarch path can't really break applications [20:00] can't login to 11.10. kdm is saying 'can't start Dbus. can you call qdbus?'. ?? [20:01] muntiKubu: known bug, as a workaround you can install qt4-dev-tools [20:01] debfx: in theory it would break anything looking for it in a hardcoded dir [20:01] debfx: ok..will try. thnks [20:03] micahg: well sure, the theme could stop working but that doesn't really break applications [20:03] but I'll just ask for a FFe [20:50] debfx: We've been doing FFe for multi-arch changes. [20:56] yofel: What do you think about the plain-ol' business card of mine? [20:56] ~ok, although I would move the 'kubuntu' to the top right corner [20:57] and maybe some font size changes [20:57] but not sure there [20:57] We need designers! [20:58] * bambee thinks to sheytan [21:01] Quintasan: ping nuno :) [21:01] or agateau [21:04] ScottK: bug #828360 [21:04] Launchpad bug 828360 in gtk2-engines-oxygen (Ubuntu) "FFe: Build for multiarch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/828360 [21:04] debfx: Please attach the diff and then ask slangasek to review. === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:07] fringe ... this serie rocks... really ... <3 [21:08] I'm pushing kwin-gles branch, can anyone review? [21:08] ScottK: Can you upload modified kdelibs and runtime? [21:08] After I approve the FFe. [21:08] Did I do that already? [21:09] Where the hell is Rodrigo? [21:09] I'll probably need a nap anyway. [21:09] Pullin' a Rodrigo I guess [21:09] Speaking of Rodrigo. [21:09] Yeah. [21:09] ScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/827286 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-runtime/+bug/827283 [21:09] Ubuntu bug 827286 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "kde4libs package needs to be updated" [Undecided,New] [21:09] Ubuntu bug 827283 in kde-runtime (Ubuntu) "kde-runtime needs to be updated" [Undecided,New] [21:09] Both have ulmlogger's ack [21:10] Once I'm done with pushing kde-workspace I'll attach a diff to my FFe [21:11] yofel: pingo [21:11] like pongo [21:11] Feelin' like reviewin' mah gles branch? [21:12] sure [21:12] Now with fixed' library [21:12] Let me push this stupid branch [21:12] 20mb lol [21:12] Someone must have pushed some pornon in there at some point [21:13] yofel: IMHO the logo should be a little bit smaller :S [21:15] yofel: How about we get Rodrigo get the guy who designed his business card to design something for us? [21:15] yofel: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quintasan/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/revision/551 [21:15] This [21:15] heh, sure. But IMO the logo is ok, but it's in the wrong corner and the other text is mis-aligned [21:16] the card is a tad too... plain though [21:16] Here is http://i.imgur.com/xvV1q.png [21:16] there are ubuntu example cards, those aren't too bad [21:16] Where? [21:16] Never seen em' [21:16] I might steal something [21:17] * yofel hits the wiki [21:17] Oh there [21:17] ... [21:17] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/BusinessCards [21:17] "You have won $350000000" from Google Lottery [21:18] Seems legit. [21:18] of course :P [21:18] yofel: Well, TBH the fonts there look like !@$$%#@ [21:19] And try printing those :/ [21:19] the one from Jacob is nice, but it's missing content [21:19] rbelem's is black, meaning you get black paper and print the hell out of it [21:19] anyone seen this :http://www.markshuttleworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/dash_home_11.10.png ? [21:19] I wouldn't go for black, but there's defenitely not enough blue on yours [21:20] not enough blue? :DDDDD [21:20] brb fixing [21:20] shadeslayer: What is this? Looks like err [21:20] bleh [21:20] yeah [21:20] well, blue dots with shadow like on plymouth in a corner would look nice (if it fits) [21:21] i can't quite figure out wth is being done on the screen :P [21:21] that is *far* too translucent and hurts my eyes just looking at it [21:21] MAKE IT FULL OF RAINBOWS [21:21] :D === bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98 [21:22] altho ... it actually is pretty neat in terms of a touch friendly interface [21:22] nice large buttons [21:22] yeah, but make the dash darker [21:22] less ... translucent [21:23] right, and this "window" border looks gross [21:24] * Quintasan has no design sense [21:25] agreed :P [21:25] then again, mine isn't much better I think [21:25] yofel: http://i.imgur.com/aBrdz.png I heard you want blue so we put blue in your text so you can poke your eyeballs while you use your eyes [21:25] * Quintasan does the "No design sense" dance and runs away [21:25] for the fingerprint that's actually not bad... [21:25] * yofel would've used some gray level [21:26] "Close without saving" [21:26] Quintasan: actually it looks quite good [21:26] lol [21:26] Troll is a art [21:27] bambee: no where [21:27] I only attended the intersting bits [21:28] * Quintasan thinks the sheytan ones are nice but printing those would be "Y U SO EXPENSIVE BUSINESS CARDS?!" [21:28] oh ok [21:28] ulmlogger: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quintasan/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/revision/551 [21:28] How does that look? [21:30] hm [21:30] Conflicts: kde-window-manager (= ${binary:Version}) [21:30] Quintasan: link to sheytan’s desing? [21:30] are you sure that should be '=' ? [21:30] Hmm, more like =< [21:31] yeah [21:31] bulldog98: http://www.sendspace.com/file/n6il10 [21:31] Apart from that? [21:32] tnx [21:32] Ahh, shouldn't kde-window-manager conflict with -gles as well? :S [21:32] * Quintasan fixes [21:33] nope [21:33] not =< [21:33] >= :P [21:34] er, >= ? [21:34] why? [21:34] greater or equal, right? [21:34] well, why greater? [21:35] or I'm too tired... [21:35] If you think like that we can make it = [21:35] Since you can't have BOTH installed at the same time [21:36] And you won't get -gles package before that upload [21:36] :P [21:36] IMO <= would be right. Also, looking at the policy you can junk the Breaks part if you use Conflicts [21:36] * Quintasan drops the breaks then [21:37] ulmlogger: What the hell I'm supposed to use =< , = or >=? [21:37] <= lesser or equal [21:37] ARGH [21:37] You even made me confused [21:37] FFS [21:37] ^^ [21:38] <= lesser or equal than, >= greater or equal than, = exactly equal to , << stricly lesser than [21:39] * Quintasan goes with >= [21:39] I also think we should make libkwineffects conflict with each other [21:39] really [21:40] * yofel doesn't get why we need to conflict against future packages, but whatever [21:40] brrr [21:40] * Quintasan drops conflicts on library and testbuilds to see what happens when he installs [21:41] uh, the libs should conflict each other right, but I think it's enough if you add that to one of them [21:41] final edition is http://paste.kde.org/111085 [21:41] Only conflicts, right? [21:42] conflicts is enough, but the libs should conflict too [21:43] http://paste.kde.org/111097 [21:44] I still don't agree with the >, otherwise fine [21:44] BRRR [21:44] ulmlogger: PING [21:44] or ScottK [21:45] One of them should be able to enlighten us [21:46] Quintasan: I can’t download that [21:46] brr [21:46] bulldog98: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/69524/kubuntu-buisnesscard-dark.svg.tar.gz [21:47] Quintasan: thx [21:48] yofel: IMO, why on Earth should we conflict with EARLIER version you are not going to have? [21:48] because you don't want to fix that in the NEXT upload? [21:48] Hmm [21:49] Makes sense [21:49] Let's see what policy says [21:49] or rather, if you use >=, and build ubuntu6 and have ubuntu5 installed, it WILL break [21:50] That makes even more sense [21:52] Also, why do I have Conflicts on -gles as well? [21:52] BRRR [21:57] yofel: Quintasan: just use our wallpapers and moo [21:57] :D [21:58] lol [22:01] moo as in http://uk.moo.com/c [22:02] -c [22:06] WHERE THE HELL ARE WALLPAPERS IN GIT? [22:11] Quintasan: they're in svn [22:14] Quintasan: you can use the Ubuntu font for anything you like (same as any font, there's no copyright law in that regard) [22:14] oooh Riddell is here [22:14] :D [22:15] dobry wieczór [22:15] !!!!!! [22:16] gosh, how do you even begin to pronounce wieczór? [22:16] hmm [22:17] Riddell: Apparently "This is pronounced as “DOH-brayh VEE-choorh”." [22:18] I mean, our grammar is even more fck up [22:22] yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/668665/ [22:23] yes? [22:23] ah thanks [22:24] yofel: uk.moo.com [22:24] LOOK AT THE READY DESIGNS [22:24] SPACE INVADERS [22:24] * Quintasan orders 1000 [22:25] hehe [22:26] hm, they're even affordable [22:28] yofel: how do you set ninjas? [22:28] I just set ninja=1 when calling pbuilder: sudo -E ninja=1 pbuilder build... [22:28] yofel: ok [22:29] you need to edit the sources list by hand though after creating the basetgz [22:30] yofel: that was what I’m up to right now :) [22:36] Quintasan: pong [22:37] nvm [22:37] ok === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech [22:45] yofel: http://i.imgur.com/ku0y3.png [22:45] FRONT [22:46] http://i.imgur.com/oF4xR.png [22:46] back [22:54] ulmlogger: Do you has KDE e.V business card? [22:54] well, I am e.v. member yet I do not know about it [22:54] the e.v. is a big time mess [22:55] I blame Nightrose [22:56] * Quintasan demands Kubuntu business card [22:57] I'm not designer-ish enought to get something good looking done [22:57] * yofel needs some time to think about his design [22:57] services over at moo seem to be good [22:57] for printing [22:57] just give me a design [22:58] No matter how you look at it rbelem has superior business card [22:58] * yofel hasn't seen his [22:59] let me scan em [22:59] * Quintasan abandons the design warship [22:59] I got a redhat and a collabora one at the key signing session [23:00] I can't say I like the design much though... [23:00] at least not the front [23:02] yofel: http://i.imgur.com/TBGMt.jpg [23:02] and http://i.imgur.com/UjbTF.jpg [23:02] The third one has the other side white so I didn't bother :P [23:02] yofel: is icecc fixed in oneiric? [23:03] it is [23:03] by whom? [23:03] Quintasan: hm, not too bad. But not quite my taste either [23:03] bulldog98: fabo fixed it in debian and we synced [23:04] * bulldog98 hugs fabo [23:05] no matter where I slap the Kubuntu logo it doesn't somehow fit [23:05] we might have a crappy logo [23:05] :S [23:06] the 'kubuntu' part is ok, but the tiny icon looks totally off [23:07] MAKE IT BIGGER [23:07] BIGGER IS GOOD [23:07] :S [23:07] that looks even more horrible [23:07] brrr [23:07] put the icon at the backside [23:07] ! [23:07] You mean [23:07] white background [23:08] although I was wondering if I should put a KDE-ish logo there [23:08] only the blue gears there in the middle [23:08] for example [23:08] and on the other side your info with kubuntu [23:08] Meh [23:08] I'm tired [23:08] Good night. [23:08] gn [23:13] ulmlogger, ping [23:14] Quintasan, sleep tight :-) [23:14] ScottK, ping [23:17] rbelem: pong [23:18] ulmlogger, i will postpone fileshare stuff. afiestaas asked me to work on the kfileplaces [23:19] ok [23:19] ulmlogger, he thinks that it higher priority [23:20] ulmlogger, and it will be ready for 11.10 :-) [23:20] I have no idea what kfileplaces is, but if alex thinks it is more important I'll trust his judegment :) [23:21] ulmlogger, it is the places from dolphin and file select dialogs [23:21] rbelem: ah, the sidebar thing? [23:21] ulmlogger, yup [23:22] what is there to be done? [23:22] ulmlogger, refactoring [23:22] I see [23:22] ulmlogger, to a better look [23:22] ulmlogger, and more networking funcionality [23:23] oh, that i really over due [23:23] sllll [23:23] bleeh, I am drunk :D [23:24] ulmlogger, :-D [23:24] also I am talking to way too many people at once :D [23:25] I blame it all on Ulm, it makes you wanna drink more, pretty horrible I might say :P [23:25] nice :-D ulmlogger is a multi threaded guy [23:25] :-D [23:25] multi thread with segfaults :P [23:25] hahahaha [23:27] * rbelem misses these moments with the kubuntu team [23:27] :-D [23:34] ok, glabels is far too simple of an app for the design I have in mind.. [23:35] yofel: write klabels and make it better :P [23:36] nah, I think what I have in my mind is complicated enough to require inkscape or krita ^^ [23:37] yofel, do you know if kdelibs and -runtime got uploaded? [23:37] no [23:37] and no [23:37] :'(