[06:02] good morning all === aronxu is now known as happyaron === henninge is now known as henninge-lunch === evilserfus is now known as serfus === henninge-lunch is now known as henninge [16:00] dpm: hi, do you have a second? [16:01] kelemengabor, sure, just finished off a call [16:04] so, the time for the Natty langpack updates testing is up, but we got no response from those three languages (es, sl, pt_BR) that reached 100% coverage in ubuntu-help translation - this quite kills the point of having updated base packages. What should we do? [16:07] also, Andre_Gondim report in: don't you want fully translated Natty help in -updates? :) [16:07] hit them with a stick! [16:07] :D [16:07] let me give them a heads up on the list [16:08] let me see [16:08] Andre_Gondim: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA [16:19] kelemengabor, I've just sent a reminder to the translators list and to each team's list. Let's have another chat tomorrow to see if anyone has signed off those languages in the meantime [16:19] dpm: okay [16:20] thanks for looking at this kelemengabor! [16:21] you are welcome :) [16:22] also, there was a question raised on the list by Hannie: will there be another update for the docs translation (for Natty)? [16:22] or rather: should we do another? [16:26] I think we should talk about this with the docs team, and develop a clear schedule for next cycle, as it would be great to have more time to translate the docs, but their help would be needed [16:35] anyone know about how to translate codeblocks? it seems the wiki on codeblocks.org is largely out dated. [16:51] kelemengabor, yeah, I agree. Perhaps we should have a UDS session for that as well (common schedule for updates) [16:51] happyaron, no, I don't know, sorry [16:53] dpm: hey, it's not your problem... I believe it's codeblocks developers' problem. [16:55] their wiki contains only out dated instructions, there release tarballs contains no translation, their forum has nobody talking on this issue for 5 years. But in svn trunk, there is POT files in non-standard directory, and I don't know where to place the translated files...