[06:32] * astraljava noticed that on #xubuntu-devel, there was a lot of useful talk regarding lightdm(-greeter) while he was sleeping. Hopefully I get out of work early today, so I can start hacking. [10:01] howdy [10:01] how are my US friends doing? [10:52] You're not interested in your EU friends? :D [10:57] :) [10:58] only US matters to me :) [10:59] *hmpft* [12:02] * jussi giggles at astraljava [15:53] Shut your trap, jussi. I've had 2½ weeks of sh****ness. I don't need no giggling. [15:54] And yes, yes I know. This will only result to more laughter. [16:56] email sent to the mailing list responding to cory's email [16:56] let the shit storm begin :) [16:57] * astraljava starts hoarding the groceries and fresh water [18:09] lol [20:05] ScottL, Good email [22:24] ScottL: That was a good email. Thanks for that! I'll respond soon enough, but have my blessings on the target audience (which you were most worried about.) [22:55] thank you ailo and astraljava :) [23:00] ailo, you were partially the inspiration for the second email about someone focusing on the "upgrade" path [23:01] you had talked about -controls to do this or a single package to install for ubuntu studio [23:05] ScottL, -controls would have ability to tune the system for low latency in system settings, while adding audio packages need to be done through a package manager. Either the regular ones, or a custom one. Upgrading Ubuntu to US from Software Center, in my opinion, should be a meta-package that includes: kernel, -controls, jack, (fonts and what else), and a basic set of apps. The only difference between the software center upg [23:05] rade and a full install from DVD would be dropping XFCE dependencies from the "upgrade" [23:06] And the "upgrade" could be even slimmer yet [23:06] That's my idea of it, anyway [23:07] As always, I'm not taking into account graphics and video [23:07] -desktop would be the one to draw in the XFCE dependencies anyhoo, so that's easy to circumvent. [23:11] As ScottL mentioned in the email, I'm not going to be as active in development as I would have wanted. Perhaps not at all. All though, I will still pursue the objects I have had all along: kernels testing and developing a -controls application. The -controls application may turn out to be an unbranded app, which I could try to push into Debian repo. [23:11] I don't have a time plan right now, though [23:12] I will want to start with kernel building and testing [23:12] I'll set up a PPA project for that later on [23:12] The goal is to find out if -lowlatency is needed and try to push it into Ubuntu repo [23:14] Just testing the kernel is a challenge for me, so that will take some time to do