[00:28] hi [00:32] yes? [00:33] He already did the disco... [00:40] Usually, when they are on the web service, it means they finished reading the slideshow, clicked, and then the install finished. [00:42] I thought about maybe pointing it to offtopic, but figured it was better as it is === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [03:35] hey [03:44] hey, when i upgraded to 11.04 access to my desktop via ssh cut off === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [05:33] so it's only 2 months until oeneric and thunar still has the first-launch-after-boot issue [05:33] is this the level of quality we should expect from xubuntu? [05:34] you only get disappointed if you expect things [05:35] not new thunar version out yet [05:35] is it still not fixed in xfce? [05:36] nope [05:36] oh, i'm really sorry then, i'm complaining in the wrong place :( [05:36] you can try some other filemanager [05:36] many apologies, off to #xfce [05:42] #xfce is telling me there's a newer thunar [05:42] Sysi: you lied to me :P [05:48] didn't know.. :/ [05:49] well i didn't either [05:49] so i can't blame you :P [07:10] hey! i updated to 11.04 today and now i cant seem to ssh into my desktop. what might be causing that? [09:53] hello! [09:54] i came here because on xubuntu.org/help is said that I may get some help here [09:54] is that correct? [09:55] pop a question and you may get an ansver [09:55] cheers :) [09:55] I have xubun [09:55] to installed with a ubuntu 11 version [09:56] how can I know which version is installed? xubuntu version [09:57] lsb_release -a' [09:57] erm [09:57] 'lsb_release -a' in terminal without the quotes [09:59] 11.04 but that is ubuntu version... so does this means that xubunto version is the same as ubunto version? [09:59] ubuntu [09:59] yes [10:00] same package repositories = same version and basically same OS, with different default packages(apps) [10:01] hum... I don't think I like this version, the scroll bar on the left side is a bit slow... do you have any suggestions on that? is it a question of configuration? [10:01] and thank you knome and Sysi [10:04] "scroll bar on the left side" sounds like something that isn't in xubuntu 11.04 by default. [10:05] hum... it came when I upgraded from 10 [10:05] didn't had that before [10:05] though is much better now... === awway is now known as lukinfore [10:07] is there a way to be sure I have the right installation? or the right packages? or to reinstall it again?... [10:16] tsunamiuser, if you have a reason to avoid a fresh install, you can take a screenshot of the actual problem and we can try to help with it [10:28] thank you knome [10:29] errrr... hum... sorry, but how can I send the screenshot? [10:40] knome, I am sending you a screenshot [10:46] tsunamiuser, please don't use dcc, use imagebin [10:46] !imagebin [10:46] Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it. === `mOOse` is now known as m00se [10:49] ubottu, thank you I'm uploading now [10:49] tsunamiuser: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [10:49] http://imagebin.org/168348 [10:50] quite a nice bot you are ubottu :) [10:51] tsunamiuser, doesn't look like you are in a xubuntu session [10:51] wt...!? [10:51] do you use autologin? [10:53] tsunamiuser, xubuntu 1104 is supposed to look like: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_1QSDkzYY2vc/TbqXvD4wEDI/AAAAAAAAENU/dv_zS0XwUCM/xubuntu-11.04_2.png [10:56] I guess so... just have to enter my password [10:56] when it starts up it sais xubuntu [10:56] says [10:56] tsunamiuser, is there a dropdown box to select the *session* [10:56] no [10:57] if you manually log out, do you then have the dropdown box? [10:57] "panel" at the bottom of screen [10:57] no, no panel at the bottom [10:58] I will logout now to see [12:07] knome and Sysi thank you for your help [12:08] only now I could connect bak [12:08] back [12:08] my signl is very weak, I'm at sea now [12:58] Hello fellow Xubuntu users! [13:18] where is everyone? :) [13:19] !china [13:19] 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw [13:19] !korea [13:19] 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko [13:19] !msgthebot [13:19] Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". [13:19] Pici: whats wrong? everything has been so dead in here all week [13:19] everyone's xubuntus are just working [13:19] Its a miracle! lol [13:20] There are other Ubuntu support channels if you want to help out elsewhere. [13:21] I like this ubuntu channel the most, you have fewer people but the quality of the responses is better even though it might take longer to get a response. [13:21] I need a new project to work on.. [13:22] setting up archlinux took me almost entire day [13:22] little server could be fun too [13:28] why did it take all day? [13:30] a lot to set up, packages to install [13:31] Ah.. [13:31] Never used that distrobution myself before [14:07] hmm i noticed that firefox 6 crashes on computers with nvdia optimus video cards (because of hardware acceleration being enabled by default) what would be the best place to report this so other people with the same problem can find the solution? [14:08] this is down to the lack of nvidia support for optimus on linux btw, not firefox and it also is not (x)ubuntu specific, so i'm not sure where to report it [14:09] i would report it to nvidia driver [14:09] ubuntu-bug nvidia(whatever the package name is) [14:12] hmm well the problem with that is that nvidia already know's it does not work (and said they won't support it *shakes fist*) and it only happens with firefox (which the package maintainers can't do anything about eiter, i'm guessing) [14:14] ah well, ill throw a message to both nvidia and firefox anyway, thanks GridCube [14:14] indeed fill a bug to firefox trackers so they know [15:39] Hello, has anyone else experienced difficulties with XFCE since yesterday's updates? I seem to have lost the top bar and borders to all windows, along with the minimize/maximize/close buttons. Bookmarks menus in Firefox disappear as soon as the mouse comes into contact with the menu. Have lost transparency in my bottom panel where my application links reside. Not sure what broke. Any ideas? [15:40] alt+F2 "xfwm4" [15:40] When I tail /var/log/syslog, I can see the following: WARNING: Could not launch application 'metacity.desktop': Unable to start application: Failed to execute child process "metacity" (No such file or directory) [15:41] xfwm4 --replace possibly [15:42] Sysi: removing && installing now... [15:43] Sysi: will reboot and see if it worked. Thank you. [15:45] Sysi: no luck. [15:45] err I told you to run xfwm4 [15:46] Sysi: oh, sorry. I misunderstood. Will try now. [15:48] Sysi: ok, wow, that seemed to work! I have been on hiatus from XFCE for many years and have just come back to it recently. I don't recall what that command does. What just happened when I executed xfwm4? Does that just restart XFCE, or does it reset things back to default, or something else? [15:49] it's the windowmanager, takes care of many things [15:49] you should propably 'rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions' and then save session on logout [15:50] Sysi: Got it, thanks! That would explain why "Window Manager" was not available in my Settings menu. It must also be tied into Metacity and somehow restarts it when that command is executed. Found more info here: http://www.xfce.org/projects/xfwm4/ Thanks much for your help! Very appreciative! [15:51] np [16:03] Does anyone know if the youtube-dl program from the repos still works? [16:04] Im trying to use it doesnt seem so [16:04] dunno [16:04] never used that [16:04] try some firefox addition, downloadhelper or minitube or something [16:04] i use the downloadhelper for firefox to do that [16:07] thanks download helper works [16:08] wait... [16:08] where does it download to, the home directory? [16:10] i got it now [16:13] my n00b question for the day, ubuntu in general comes with a bourne shell because of $ as opposed to a c shell which uses % ? [16:13] or have i got that back to fornt [16:16] bash is used in most distributions by default, I guess promt has nothing to do with it (you can set it to be anything anyway) [16:18] right, as far as I know, bash is one of those things that became more or less standard for linux [16:25] s shell is csh? it's propably not GPL, zsh would be real alternative but not really reason to change [16:25] c shell* [16:44] ChristopherNG: I've been using clive (or cclive) to download things from youtube lately. === localuser is now known as Viva_Nero [20:29] Panel disapeared on my karmic install, and the entry for it in settings manager won't bring anything up [20:29] I made a new account, and panel shows up on it [20:30] !panels [20:30] Did your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels [20:31] okay, let me change accounts and see if it works [20:55] hey [21:15] Sup ChristopherNG [21:16] Not much yourself? [21:18] hey guys, I'm testing Xubuntu from a live usb [21:19] yes and? [21:20] well I have been trying many different distro's on my CR-48 laptop [21:21] and only some distro's based solely from ubuntu seem to work well with the mutli-touch track pad [21:21] but Unity is still way too slow for my tastes, even on a powerful machine, so I wanted to try Xubuntu [21:22] I heard you can get the Gnome-globalmenu to work in XFCE but [21:22] What do you think so far? [21:22] I like how fast it is :) [21:22] for some odd reason firefox won't open at all [21:23] idk if thats just cause that particular package is broken some how or what, but I'm using Midori to test it so all's good at the moment [21:24] Basically i like Xubuntu and i really cant see myself going back top regular ubuntu. [21:24] but would you guys know how to get the Gnome-globalmenu to work in XFCE? [21:24] oh no? why not? [21:24] install and add to panel, or compile from source and add to panel [21:24] Arora is also a good little browser [21:24] oh I'll check Arora then :) [21:25] quite the same as midori but qt [21:25] ooh qt is generally faster than GTK2 isn't it? [21:25] I have Aurora and Arora in internet options :P Arora seems to render better than Midori though [21:26] does it work with any extentions or plugins? I have grown quite attatched to Lastpass :-P [21:26] ubuntu__: how would you compare speed of appearance libs [21:34] maybe this is not quite the right channel [21:36] but I have tried installing a couple different distros on a few machines, and a couple that are based on Ubuntu 11.04 get an error just before the installation is finished, then rebooting just gives a black screen with a blinking underscore [21:37] and this has been on 2 different machines and I have tried getting ISO's from a couple different networks than my own. So I know its none of those things. Any ideas as to why some 11.04 distro's do that and others don't? [21:43] hmmm I think you guys got busy or its late where you are lol, well I'll come back another time, thanks for being so friendly :) [21:43] Wed, 17 Aug 2011 17:43:10 -0400 [21:43] Not late yet, just eating kinda [22:21] Unit193: ah mkay :) [22:21] I'm just playing around with Cairo dock and seeing how I like it and other apps before I install [22:23] by the way, I tried installing the Gnome global menu from the terminal, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8, sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install gnome-globalmenu [22:23] but it didn't find the package :( [22:24] can anyone help me with gvfs-mount and an ntfs drive? [22:28] nevermind, just needed -d flag, thanks anyway [22:34] Hello does anyone know of any software that can change your voice and do different effects like the sound recorder? === `mOOse` is now known as m00se === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [23:44] Hello anyone there? [23:44] !help [23:45] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [23:45] Anyone know where I can get Jack to work with mixxx? [23:51] Hmmm... Wouldn't this be better to ask in #mixx OR #jack ? [23:51] Or perhaps #ubuntustudio [23:52] ^^ Might be best (Or even #opensourcemusicians :P )