[08:14] salam dostan , kasi dastori to terminal mishnase ke beshe bahash ye peyghamio bara ye soket ferestad va javabo gereft? mesle kari le curl bara http va ftp mikone! [09:20] salam [09:20] doostan man ye soal daram [09:20] kasi hast komak kone !? [09:22] Rmin: soaletoon ro matrah konid [09:23] man Ubuntu 11.04 rikhtam [09:23] bad roosh ye VMWARE rikhtam ke roosh Win7 nasb e [09:23] salam [09:23] ama soratesh kheyli kheyli paeene [09:23] va hamash hang mikone [09:24] salam dostan [09:24] Rmin: toye ubuntu vmware nasb kardi? [09:25] bale too Ubuntu [09:25] Rmin: shoma az virtualbox estefade konid behtare [09:25] Ubuntu Host e [09:25] ba Virtual Box moshkeli nadaram [09:25] ama mikham az VMWARE estefade konam [09:26] Rmin: farghi baham nadaran, man khodam ba virtualbox rahatam [09:26] ok [09:26] ye soal e dige [09:27] rahe digee hast adobe master Collerction o roo Ubuntu bala avord !? [09:27] Rmin: nemidonam chi hast [09:28] Majmooeye mahsoolate ADobe e mesle Photoshop, Flash, After Effect va .... [09:29] Rmin: nemitoonam komaketoon konam vali midonam linux ee ha az gimp estefade mikonan [09:31] merc mamnoon [09:32] man ye Flash Memory daram [09:32] che kar konam ke khodesh roo Windows 7 Guest Auto mount beshe mesle VMWARE [09:36] ? [12:37] * WhiteCrow1 be bax salam mide [13:17] Salam Dostan [13:18] ie soal dashtam dar morede ubuntuie 64 bit [13:19] ?? [13:19] kasy hast? [13:20] ? [13:21] tanx [13:27] az modiraie site kasi inja nist ? [13:30] ai baba [13:32] ask! | Hani_ [13:32] fek konam eshteb zadam command ro anyway [13:32] Hani_: ? et ro bepors age kasi bedone javab et ro mide [13:33] !ask [13:33] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [13:33] :) === mtux is now known as mehrdad === maour is now known as majid === mehrdad is now known as maour === maour is now known as mtux === majid is now known as maour === WhiteCrow1 is now known as WhiteCrow1||AWAY === WhiteCrow1||AWAY is now known as WhiteCrow1 [19:49] salam [19:49] salam "fvahid" [19:50] alo [19:50] seda miad [19:50] ? [19:51] "fvahid" [19:51] kojayy [19:51] ? [19:53] hichki nist? [19:53] salam "alabd: [19:53] " [19:54] aliz74: aleikom o salam [19:54] chetori? [19:55] chetori mitoonam connection adsl khodamo rooye shabake share konam ? [19:57] alabd : chetor mishe narmafzar hayy ro ke vase ye sistem ubuntu download kardam. bebaram rooye ye sisteme ubuntuye dige ? [20:38] salaam [20:38] dustan [20:38] man pointer mouse ro [20:38] az gnome-appearance avaz mikonam [20:38] ama too application avaz mishe === Tim55 is now known as Joe0006 [20:39] ama roo descktop hamun pointere ghablie [20:39] kasi midune chera? [20:41] salam alabd [20:41] salam "Omid [20:41] " [20:42] salaam aliz ;) [20:42] ye soal faram [20:42] daram [20:43] aliz74: befarmaeed sorry unja dc shodam [20:43] baraye un kar [20:43] berid /var/cache/apt/archives tamame baste ha ro bebarid tuye systeme jadid [20:43] tuye ye folder ke rikkhtid [20:43] mishe narmafzar hayy ke roye ye sistem nasb kardim ro bebarim roo ye sistem dige [20:43] ke [20:43] be [20:43] internet [20:43] dastresi [20:43] nadare [20:43] bezanid dpkg -l /filder/* [20:43] berizim ? [20:43] ^ [20:45] dar morede dpkg -l /folder/* va inke [20:45] jaye harkodoom chi bezanim tozih bedid [20:45] lotfan [20:47] tozih dadam shoma otfaan ba deghate bishtary bekhunid [20:48] be jaye * chi bezanam? [20:49] gereftam [20:49] mamnoon [20:51] age moshkeletuun hal nashod [20:51] o bazi package ha nasb nashod [20:52] az in rah berid [20:52] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal [20:52] shab bekheir [20:59] alabd hanooz hasti ? [21:00] bale ama daram miram moshkelie? [21:00] in ye eror dad : "no pakeges matching ..... [21:00] baraye harkodoom ye eror dad [21:02] alo [21:04] http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/138053-1.png in panjere esmesh chie?! [21:05] nemidoonam [21:06] aliz74: sary error ro kamel bedid [21:07] Omid: yani chy esmesh chie [21:07] yani che applicationie [21:07] chejuri bayad bazesh konam? [21:07] ohum wait [21:10] "Nopakeges found matching /home/htc-linux/htc/xchat_2.8.6-4ubuntu5_i386.deb." [21:11] "No pakeges found matching /home/htc-linux/htc/xchat_2.8.6-4ubuntu5_i386.deb." [21:11] Omid: gtk-theme fek konam [21:11] alabd, inahash [21:11] merC [21:11] didi erorr ro ? [21:11] aliz74: package ha hast tuye un folder? [21:11] "No pakeges found matching /home/htc-linux/htc/xchat_2.8.6-4ubuntu5_i386.deb." [21:11] yes [21:12] yani package ha ro rikhtid tuye /home/htc-linux/htc/ ? [21:13] yes [21:15] bad ham zadid dpkg -l /home/htc-linux/htc/* ? [21:15] are [21:17] Omid: esme app Gtkrc hast http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=377397&page=6 [21:17] aliz74: pas az in ravesh estefade konid https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Personal [21:17] alabd: mamnun [21:17] ok thanks [21:17] khahesh mikonam [21:17] khoda hefzton kone [21:18] shab bekheir [21:18] ye soal [21:18] vaisa [21:18] bale? [21:18] hamoon dpkg-dev ro chejoori nasb konam ? [21:18] (marhale aval ) [21:18] age ruye cd nadari internet [21:19] synaptic manager ro baz konid [21:19] ctrl+f [21:19] age hichkodoom chi ? [21:19] va .. [21:19] age hich kodum nemishe yekish bayad bashe [21:19] nist [21:19] ru cd ham nemidunam hast ya na [21:19] NiSt [21:19] ;( [21:19] :9 [21:20] ok shab bekheir [21:20] mamnoon [21:20] bye [22:16] من رو به صورت فارسی راهنمایی کنید [22:17] من میخوام سایتهایی که فیلتره رودر لینوکس آریوس که منطبق بر اوبونتو هست هست باز کنم [22:17] لطفا کمک کنید