
elacheche_anisHey guys, I have a serious problem here with the loco.ubuntu.com website!! When I sign in using my OpenID the site don't use my real OpenId but an other one XD04:01
elacheche_anisThere is no one who can help me here???04:20
elacheche_anisHey guys, I have a serious problem here with the loco.ubuntu.com website!! When I sign in using my OpenID the site don't use my real OpenId but an other one XD05:07
bkerensaelacheche_anis: Can you elaborate? What do you mean another  one?05:28
elacheche_anisMy OpenID is https://launchpad.net/~elacheche but when I signin to the web site it use https://launchpad.net/~elachecheanis05:29
elacheche_anisand I can't change it!!05:29
nigelbwhich one are you signed into currently?05:32
elacheche_anisthere is NO elachecheanis account!!05:32
nigelbdid you recently change your branding?05:34
nigelbi.e. change from elachecheanis to elacheche?05:34
elacheche_anismay be I change it the first time I create the LP account(2008)05:34
nigelbstrange, anyway, I'll speak to mhall119 later today and figure out what's going wrong05:36
elacheche_anisThank you very much nigelb :) can you check this please: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16836805:38
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dholbachgood morning07:00
Ekusheyaloha czajkowski07:56
serfusis there an official download of the ubuntu book 6th edition? i find only shady torrent downloads and such08:56
bkerensa_Amazon sells a copy 09:03
serfusi'm not looking to buy one09:04
czajkowskiserfus: each team can get one 09:32
serfusi'm not clear enough today :D09:33
czajkowskifor offical loco teams 09:33
serfuslooking for a pdf or a epub or something09:33
serfusnot paper09:34
czajkowskithen I suspect no 09:34
czajkowskiit's not a free book :) 09:34
serfusisn't it?09:34
czajkowskiNo, why would it be :) 09:34
czajkowskieach locoteam is able to get 1 Free copy as long as they are an approved team09:34
serfusidk... i thought it was09:34
czajkowskiserfus: you can download art  of community for free as a pdf 09:35
serfusyup, this i know09:35
serfuswell, now i understand why i couldn't find it online09:35
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sarhanhello guys20:39
sarhani am member of the tunisian loco team and we hare having some problems with users registering to your loco dir event here http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-tn/1159/detail/  it shows "openiduser526" with a broken link to their launchpad account. Any help please!?20:39
Neo31our loco dir*20:40
Neo31Hello folks20:40
bkerensaNeo31: Hi20:41
bkerensasarhan: hello20:41
Neo31hi bkerensa 20:42
bkerensasarhan: I think the loco directory is having some serious issues there was data loss during a migration and I think they are still trying to sort that out.... I know other users are having same issues20:42
bkerensaNeo31: You having same issue?20:42
Neo31we are both from the same loco bkerensa 20:43
bkerensaNeo31: Yeah its kinda known issue I know they are working on it but I will pass a reminder up the grape vine20:43
Neo31bkerensa we have opened UGJ registration on loco dir, but it seems there is some problems with it. any recommendations please?20:44
bkerensaNeo31: I would just hold tight... The IS and Devs are aware of the issue I will send a e-mail to the appropriate people20:44
sarhanbkerensa, do u think we must use another registration mean?20:45
bkerensasarhan: Well I would just give it a day20:45
bkerensaYou can subscribe to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts and more info will likely come through their20:45
Neo31do you think the broken links will be fixed or users will have to register their accounts again?20:46
pleia2sarhan: the loco dev folks hang out in #ubuntu-website and you can submit bugs at: https://launchpad.net/loco-directory20:46
pleia2(having people show up as openiduser is a valid bug to submit)20:46
Neo31ok, thank you pleia2 and bkerensa 20:48
bkerensaNeo31: No problem at all20:48
sarhanthx guys!20:49
sarhangood day or night ! 20:49
bkerensaSarhan and Neo31: https://answers.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+question/16836820:49
bkerensaIts reported so hopefully it will be resolve soon20:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 826990 in loco-directory "Team meetings and history deleted (affects: 3) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:50
Neo31<bkerensa> Sarhan and Neo31: https://answers.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+question/168368 << he is the first to spot the problem from our team20:51
bkerensaNeo31: Ok20:51
bkerensaNeo31: I converted it to a bug since your not the only person noticing it20:53
Neo31which one bkerensa !? I will explain the openiduser problem there20:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 829038 in loco-directory "Users signing in with OpenID having different name shown upon login (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:54
bkerensaFeel free to edit the description and I will add notes as necessary20:55
Neo31I will just comment20:59
cjohnstonNeo31: what is your problem with LoCo Directory please21:04
sarhancjohnston, <sarhan> i am member of the tunisian loco team and we hare having some problems with users registering to ourloco dir event here http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-tn/1159/detail/  it shows "openiduser526" with a broken link to their launchpad account. Any help please!?21:05
sarhancjohnston, Neo31 have the same problem 21:05
Neo31http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-tn/1159/detail/ we have many entries as "openiduser#". we cannot contact these members, know their real names ot launchpad account21:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 574049 in loco-directory "User referred to as "openiduser44" in event RSVP (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 2)" [Medium,Triaged]21:06
cjohnstonNeo31: sarhan ^21:06
Neo31this will make us some trouble preparing badges and estimating the number and names of attending users21:06
cjohnstonNeo31: sarhan I think comment 5 will explain a little more... https://bugs.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+bug/574049/comments/521:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 574049 in loco-directory "User referred to as "openiduser44" in event RSVP (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 2)" [Medium,Triaged]21:07
Neo31thanks cjohnston 21:08
cjohnstonbkerensa: did you have a different issue?21:08
bkerensacjohnston: Negative. But I saw someone early A.M. yesterday with same issue and I noticed on our LoCo event someone is having some openid issues not exact same but still weird21:09
cjohnstonbkerensa: as far as your missing event, create a new one please.. That's the best thing we can offer right now... Another site blew up, so they moved our site off the server, which seems to have caused a little bit of data loss21:10
cjohnstonbkerensa: I think I commented on the openid issue one...21:10
bkerensacjohnston: Already did were good to go on that note... Just notice one other person on irc in a.m. had same openid issue and someone was having openid issues yesterday when trying to reg our event21:11

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