[01:02] what is this channel about? === ejat- is now known as ejat === ejat- is now known as ejat === doko__ is now known as doko === arun__ is now known as arun === Mkaysi|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi|ZNC|ZNC === Mkaysi|ZNC|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi_ === Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi_|ZNC === Guest67514 is now known as lag === lag is now known as Guest3769 [15:00] moop [15:00] #startmeeting [15:00] Meeting started Thu Aug 18 15:00:34 2011 UTC. The chair is NCommander. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot. [15:00] Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. [15:01] #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/20110818 [15:01] hrm, new boot, and it seems to be lagging :-( [15:01] #topic Standing Items === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Standing Items [15:01] TOPIC: Standing Items [15:02] G'day all [15:02] #link http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html [15:02] #link http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html [15:02] you can use ubuntu-arm now [15:02] (i fixed that last week) [15:02] I can't decide if my laptop is completely foobared, or if its theinternet here :-( [15:02] * NCommander is lagging something feirce [15:03] regardless the burndown chart doesn't look happy [15:03] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html [15:03] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html [15:03] thank you ogra_ [15:03] the beta one looks fine [15:03] we're a little above trend but not earth shattering [15:03] ugh, yeah, I'm lagging something hidiously bad [15:04] so I'll take your word for it (the image won't even load properly on thenew link for me) [15:04] heh [15:04] move :) [15:04] (the trendline for ubuntu-arm shows '12' as the start point so .... yeah) [15:04] yeah, ignore th etrend lines [15:04] #topic ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey) === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey) [15:04] TOPIC: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey) [15:05] LXC on ARM should work out of the box once a new meta package to ship 2101 out of the box goes [15:05] i dont even know if there is a way to adjust it on other than the ubuntu-arm.html page [15:05] *1201 [15:05] I'm now looking at openstack on ARM [15:05] and have some concerns since it seems to want an EC2-style image which we don't build for OMAP. Further research required [15:05] NCommander, is there anything i should change regarding the ac100 kernel ? (the server team uses dynabooks) [15:05] [action] NCommander to review openstack image requirements and report back [15:05] ACTION: NCommander to review openstack image requirements and report back [15:06] oh good, the old alias work [15:06] wrt LXC i mean [15:06] ogra_: run lxc-checkconfig. Ignore the namespace error, and make sure you can mount a cgroup with -o clone_children [15:06] k, thx [15:06] Ideally, just kick off a LXC instance [15:06] will test that [15:06] lxc-create does most of the hard work, poke me on IRC [15:07] My ac100 is currently dead and running natty so it won't be much help [15:07] will do, if i dont get along [15:07] ogra_: You could just diff your config with the omap4 one, ignore hardware bits, and make the rest match. :P [15:07] there should be an oneiric installer soon [15:07] #topic Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati) === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati) [15:07] TOPIC: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati) [15:07] * NCommander LAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS [15:07] infinity, yeahm, thats what i usually try ... [15:08] omap4 meta has been updated to 1202.6 (latest TI BSP + lxc fixes) [15:08] on the other end, work continues on the "arm scheduler bug" [15:08] Sweet. Next daily should then have LXC out of the box [15:08] (more or less) [15:08] found (and fixed) an smp clock bug, but didn't help [15:08] if you get a daily :) [15:08] * NCommander smacks ogra_ [15:09] that's an unhappy thought, and unhappy thoughts are disallowed while I'm chairing a meeting [15:09] heh [15:09] profiling is undergoing, but so far i didn't find the bttleneck yet [15:09] ppisati: sounds like the SMP issue on panda is proving to be an extremely difficult nut to crack [15:09] s/on panda// [15:10] NCommander: definitely, but i've started looking at it just yesterday, so... [15:10] let's see [15:10] ppisati, I think we do not have latencytop enabled in our omap4 kernel [15:10] infinity: point taken [15:10] but yes, it's nasty [15:10] I tried to use that to debug the issues two weeks ago, and then found it is ok on nosmp [15:10] janimo: someone told me that latencytop was broken on arm, but don't remember who [15:11] ppisati, Linaro have it enabled, so can't hurt [15:11] ah ok [15:11] i'll try it ou [15:11] t [15:11] I hear dit was ok un UP, not too ok on SMP [15:11] using perf right now [15:11] ah yes, and the sgw fix from ricardo :) [15:12] not pulled yet, but will shortly [15:12] ppisati, great :) [15:12] that's all from my side [15:12] good to have you back :) [15:12] ppisati: bestof luck. If you manage to fry your brain on this bug, then you've officially made it as a member of the ARM developer community [15:12] :) [15:12] heh [15:12] i will [15:13] [topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [15:13] TOPIC: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo) [15:13] main is looking happier [15:13] Yup. [15:13] And I have a ton of uploads sitting here to re-transition ocaml today. [15:14] who fixed ocaml? [15:14] Ah [15:14] Debian maintainer fixed it, I uploaded said fix. [15:14] Was it an underlying bug with binutil's handling Cortex A8 errta? [15:14] Not really. [15:14] nuts [15:14] that was the train of thought I was working on before life got busy [15:15] More undefined behaviour that required us to jam in an extra section and make everything happy again. [15:15] omg ! [15:15] libx86 fails [15:15] ocaml using packages still segfault [15:15] someone fix that ! [15:15] I saw a few today [15:15] I mean, one could argue it's binutils' fault, but ocaml was hand-crafting bits in a "workaround the compiler" sort of way, so their own foot they shot. [15:15] ogra_: $#!@I NFU'ed that package last cycle [15:15] janimo: Yes, see above about re-transitioning. [15:15] infinity, oki [15:16] janimo: Anything build before my last ocaml upload is broken. [15:16] s/build/built/ [15:16] infinity, I gave back two packages today and yesterday and they segfaulted [15:16] maybe you uploaded a new ocaml yesterday? [15:17] or they need explicit reupload for transitioning? [15:17] janimo: Which 2? If they depend on other non-transitioned stuff, they'd still break. [15:17] janimo: There's an order here. :) [15:18] order? In the builds? awesome news :) [15:18] pfft, orders .... just throw the whole bunch at the buildd until nothing returns :P [15:18] I'll check to see which exactly [15:18] janimo: (But I'd appreciate data points anyway, if it's only half-fixed, I'd like to know... I suspect you're just bouncing packages with broken/un-transitioned build-deps, though) [15:18] * NCommander beats ogra_ with something heavier [15:19] *squeek* [15:19] See? Fun noises. [15:19] just for you :) [15:19] move ? [15:20] Anyhow. [15:20] #topic ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [15:20] TOPIC: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander) [15:20] desktop is broken thanks to archive skew [15:20] It's broken thanks to archive breakage. [15:20] on monday sw-center, since tuesday mono joined [15:20] (ie: every arch is broken) [15:21] sw-center is fine again, that affected all arches [15:21] beyond that, ac100 image is progressing, my final livefs testbuild should finish any minute [15:22] server preinstalled are fine, netboot are fine again since the last d-i uplaod [15:22] janimo, anything about mx5 to report ? [15:23] ogra_, nope, waiting for the kernels to test live image [15:23] ah, great (i wondered if my mic was muted :) ) [15:23] NCommander, nothing to add from my side [15:24] ENOTOBIN so skipping QA status [15:24] #topic Any Other Business === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any Other Business [15:24] TOPIC: Any Other Business [15:24] well, i noticed this week how much support tobin does all the time .... [15:24] ogra_, nope, I just found an inappropriate moment to switch to xubuntu from unity-2d so sometimes my windows disappear :) [15:24] true enough he is missed [15:25] On the flip side, the pull of gravity in the house is no longer slated towards his office [15:25] * NCommander runs away [15:25] ogra_, same can be said about you [15:25] You running from all the things that are now heading your way? :P [15:25] well, my vacation is done now :) [15:25] pfft, we should just all go on vacation at the same time [15:25] No one wouldbe missed if the ARM team disappeared in December [15:25] and I'm very happy it is for sure [15:26] davidm, which remids me about the missing paperwork *grin* [15:26] OK one item is folks we would like to see at UDS [15:26] * NCommander will find some names [15:26] David Copperfield? [15:26] infinity, huh, really ? [15:26] Anyone we really need to sponsor? [15:26] * ogra_ would prefer claudia schiffer then [15:26] ogra_: It was the first sarcastic answer to pop to mind. :P [15:26] ogra_: But yours is better. [15:27] I've seen David Copperfield he is quite good [15:27] davidm: I assume we have our usual Linaro suspects coming already? [15:27] maybe he can make all ARM bugs go away [15:27] we dont sponsor linaro :) [15:27] ogra_: I know/figured. [15:27] yes Linaro will be there as their Linaro connect will be at UDS [15:28] We should probably see if we can get LXC upstream/openstack upstream to attend again [15:28] * ogra_ has some ideas but will have to talk to people first [15:28] if nothing else, I'd like to close the meeting out [15:28] go [15:28] #endmeeting === meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology is the new Mootbot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot [15:29] Meeting ended Thu Aug 18 15:28:59 2011 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot . (v 0.1.4) [15:29] Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-08-18-15.00.moin.txt [15:29] And done. [15:29] :) [15:29] WTF [15:29] ? [15:29] GrueMaster just left the channel, but I know he'snot here, and if he's on IRC, he's doing something wrong during his VAC [15:30] well, he joined when the meeting started [15:30] i guess he just lurked from his phone or so [15:30] I have to wonder if he has a script to autojoin === christel is now known as jchristel === davidm` is now known as davidm === Mkaysi_|ZNC is now known as Mkaysi_ === JanC_ is now known as JanC === Mkaysi_ is now known as Mkaysi_|AFK === Mkaysi_|AFK is now known as Mkaysi_ === medberry is now known as med_out === med_out is now known as med === med is now known as medberry === yofel_ is now known as yofel === medberry is now known as med_out === Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth [23:56] how's everybody doing today? [23:56] beuno: doing well :) [23:57] good, good! [23:57] we're a few minutes from starting [23:58] * dscassel settles in. [23:59] so we're just missing tenach