[00:38] evening all [01:00] how are you guys holding up in Ptown tonight [01:02] i'm bored [01:02] i ought to go do something [01:02] I got a Square [01:02] but i have no smartphone [01:02] :( [01:02] what is a square? [01:02] http://squareup.com [01:07] why do you have one? [01:08] idk [01:08] why not [01:08] wanted to play around with it [01:08] ok [01:08] are they very costly? [01:11] they are free [01:11] cool, would be fun to try then [01:11] do you have a device with iOS or Android? [01:12] ipod [01:12] touch 3g [01:12] it was a prize [01:12] there ya go [01:12] get a square [01:12] mine took like 3 days to come [01:15] * bkerensa just ordered a square [01:16] lol [01:16] your phone doesn't support it [01:16] isn't supported* [01:17] wrong [01:17] I have a android tablet [01:17] it has the same port [01:17] and have wifi [01:17] :) [01:17] haha [01:17] oh right [01:18] wame port? [01:18] same* [01:18] * bkerensa needs to go return this Blockbuster Express movie and such [01:18] LOL [01:18] * thefinn93 didn't know Blockbuster was still around [01:20] * thefinn93 needs to find hist analygraph glasses [01:21] play me some 3D minecraft [01:21] minecraft, what is the big deal about that game, people seem to love it [01:21] it's an amazing game [01:22] * thefinn93 is going AFK [01:22] bye [01:25] take care [02:02] minecraft is a near perfect combination of mindless repitition, material acquisition, and creative freedom. [02:02] not to mention it has a hugely active, and frequently interesting community [02:02] also, also; it's cheap and runs good on linux :) [02:16] i see [02:16] but its blocky year 2k graphics [02:24] well, yeah. But then consider the sort of budget's most mainstream games have to work with. [02:24] this was basically a goof off project that blew up [06:25] mint fans, anyone? [06:40] mmm [06:40] I like mint candies [06:40] :D [06:40] darn [06:40] * bkerensa snaps his fingers [07:44] * thefinn93 pings everybody [07:44] anyone up? [07:44] I have some code I need yall to try [07:45] it's a GNOME panel applet that displays realtime TransitTracker data [13:03] hi === bkerensa_ is now known as bkerensa [14:19] good morning [14:20] good morning bkerensa [14:20] how are you [14:20] I'm just waking up... a bit tired but im here [14:20] :D [14:21] thats good, i would hate for it to be the alternative [14:25] whats on todays agenda [14:38] just dealing with email and relaxing :) [16:53] Ubuntu Global Jam T-shirts should be arriving this morning :) I will post pics to Ubuntu Oregon FB page when they come [17:47] thefinn93: Ubuntu Oregon Global Jam Shirts - http://imgur.com/k1Q6m [19:20] nice shirt