[12:06] hello [12:20] hello vychune [12:21] how ya doing man [13:04] doing good vychune, how about your bad self? [13:23] good [13:23] got some great programming done [13:24] i'm gonna work on chestpaint.com today [13:25] anybody got skype for linux? [14:20] yes I do have skype for Linux... hopefully will tell him later [14:26] cyberanger, pace_t_zulu ping [16:14] wrst: pong [16:23] pace_t_zulu: something to think upon, do we need a standard greeting when new people join the team? maybe even a webpage on the site or something along those lines? [16:26] wrst: pong [16:26] wrst: like an orientation? [16:26] new member orientation? [16:27] yeah maybe pace_t_zulu something along the lines of this is what we do where to talk to others etc kind of thing [16:28] wrst: like at http://www.ubuntu-tennessee.org [16:28] ? [16:29] yes [16:29] just a little static page, or do we have something already? :) [16:31] Introduce ourselves & such [16:32] yeah [16:32] i think a "New Member Orientation" page is a great idea [16:32] I'm Zach and I'm an Alcohol...wrong meeting sorry [16:32] wrst: did you want to go ahead and start that? [16:32] (horrible joke aside, I do like the idea) [16:32] Svpernova09: care to chime in? [16:33] yeah pace_t_zulu i can do that :) [16:33] I will get something then get it up for you guys to review and change and what not [16:34] An about page should do the trick [16:34] wrst: it will we a living document ;) [16:35] s/we/be [16:35] orias: care to chime in? [16:36] hopefully it won't die too [16:36] but yeah, something to show more than what they see now is a nice thought [16:38] an about page is fine [16:51] * cyberanger is glad we keep things simple here, we don't add any pork to our plans or create a bill 10,000 pages long [16:51] perhaps we should run for congress...... [16:57] ha ha cyberanger we would just need a week a year to do everything :) [16:57] maybe this weekend before I get started as I have no interwebs at home yet [16:59] lol [16:59] * cyberanger hands wrst his setup, hopes he has a cell signal [16:59] cyberanger: actually my 3G is spotty at home [16:59] and you have ddwrt, yes? [17:00] I have had it to disappear the last couple of nights and I can see the tower! [17:00] cyberanger: yes [17:00] no open networks in range cyberanger :) [17:00] wrst: can you tether? [17:00] I'm not rooted none of the non-rooted options have worked [17:00] vzw? [17:01] yes [17:02] yeah, least easy to work with on that, vzw really doesn't want that (which makes me think they're really not built for data like sprint & t-mobile are) [17:02] I was gonna say, you have it made in the shade [17:03] well the current about page pretty well sums things up [17:04] but if it were so easy a caveman could do it [17:06] cyberanger: all the info seems to me to be there I just need to modify my greeting :) [17:07] wrst: oh, I was referring to vwz & tethering [17:08] oh yeah :) [17:11] if there is one thing I know, it's how to run networks (in an unorthodox but working manner, however, when the conventional stuff fails, try anything ;-)) [17:11] cyberanger: i'm just going to wait until friday :) [17:11] its near now [17:12] whoops, I mean especially the unorthodox methods, can cover it all reasonably well [17:12] wrst: eh, that's no fun [17:12] ha ha yeah but too busy doing other moving stuff [17:15] but not to busy to metion the idea of an about page, and chat to a guy bugging you about not having a internet connected network at home [17:15] sounds like the right amount of busy to me ;-) [17:18] and I take it the move is going well then? [17:22] yes going well cyberanger just need to get all things digital back to going again [17:25] yeah, nice to have that all in working order [17:32] I just hope the day doesn't come when we all forget how to unplug [17:38] ha ha cyberanger very true [19:21] welcome back excid3 [19:21] long time no see (well, as far as this channel is concerned) [19:21] yes! :) [23:45] o/