
=== DanRabbit_ is now known as DanRabbit
oSoMoNgood morning07:06
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
andyrockDBO, present?08:59
davidcalleHi andyrock!09:06
andyrockhey davidcalle09:06
davidcalleandyrock, how are you?09:06
andyrockdavidcalle, not so good... i'm a little ill09:07
andyrockwhat about you?09:07
davidcalleI'm fine, at work.09:07
andyrockdavidcalle, you're lucky since you have a job :)09:08
davidcalleandyrock, indeed. I'm even enjoying it from time to time ;)09:08
andyrockdavidcalle, ;)09:09
andyrockJohnLea, around?10:15
JohnLeaandyrock; yes, hi10:15
andyrockJohnLea, about https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76475110:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 764751 in unity "Launcher - when Launcher contained folded icons, partcipants weren't able to find the rubbish bin" [Medium,Triaged]10:16
andyrockcan you read the last two comments?10:16
andyrockplease :)10:16
JohnLeayes, it should be marked as fixed, thx ;-)10:17
JohnLeawell, as soon as the other bug is fixed ;-)10:17
JohnLeamarking as a dupe10:17
andyrockJohnLea, thx :)10:18
andyrockthere is a merge proposal btw :)10:19
=== daker_ is now known as daker
cdbsDBO: Hi, since I'm moving to Canada today, I might not be able to get online before around, say, Tuesday. So, could you ensure that https://code.launchpad.net/~bilalakhtar/unity/software-center-integration-for-o/+merge/71905 gets merged atleast before UIF? Thanks!10:23
cdbss/gets merged/gets reviewed/10:23
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
mardyCan please someone running unity-2d try this out:11:23
mardyfrom a terminal, as a user, run /usr/sbin/synaptic11:23
mardyon the dialog which will appear, click OK11:24
mardythen check the application title, is it OK, or is it empty?11:24
andyrocknjpatel, the window buttons don't respect theme (also using radiance or ambiance)11:45
andyrockit's a bug? or it's by design?11:45
njpatelandyrock, local unity or system one?11:48
njpatelCimi__, made some changes there11:48
andyrocknjpatel, both system one and local one...11:48
njpatelandyrock, not sure then? could you have a peek at the code? it's meant to look in the theme to see if there is a unity folder, otherwise fallback11:49
njpatelmaybe it's not finding the folder11:49
andyrocknjpatel, ok... so it's a bug. Let me try11:50
njpatelthanks dude11:50
andyrocknjpatel, thx btw11:50
andyrocknjpatel, done :)12:05
andyrockjust a question12:05
andyrockconst char* var = g_getenv("GTK_DATA_PREFIX");12:05
andyrock     if (!var)12:05
andyrock-      var = "/usr";12:05
andyrock+      var = "/usr/share/themes";12:05
andyrock 12:05
andyrock     glib::String filename(g_build_filename(var, _theme_name, subpath.str().c_str(), NULL));12:05
andyrock 12:05
andyrockor i have to add share/themes to g_build_filename?12:06
njpatelandyrock, i think what you did is  finee12:09
andyrocknjpatel, reading here http://www.lanedo.com/~carlos/gtk3-doc/GtkCssProvider.html12:11
andyrockmaybe is better adding it to g_build_filename12:12
andyrock*it is12:12
njpatelyes, your right :)12:12
Cimi__my connection sucks today12:47
Cimi__njpatel: feel free to merge andyrock patch12:50
Cimi__njpatel: was my fault12:50
=== Cimi__ is now known as Cimi
mptCimi, yo12:51
mptI have a couple of questions about the theme, one simple and one not-so-simple12:51
Cimimpt: all is simple for me12:52
Cimimpt: ok, shoot<112:53
mptCimi, first: There seems to be a small regression in the Oneiric theme, where radio menus (ComboBox, OptionMenu) have only an arrow pointing down, rather than a pair pointing up and down12:54
Cimimpt: totally agree, could you please file a bug against gtk? gtk+ does the same too12:55
Cimimpt: I could workaround in the engine, maybe next week12:55
Cimi(well, I need to see)12:55
Cimi(was on my list to things to remind you :D)12:56
mptCimi, "gtk+3.0" package?12:56
Cimimpt: well, I think it could be gtkthemingengine too12:56
Cimimpt: it's in gtk+3, master too12:56
Cimimpt: explain the rationale why they should point both up and down12:57
mptsure thing12:57
mptCimi, the possibly-not-so-simple one: One thing that always bugged me about the Light themes is that they don't distinguish between palette windows and other windows12:57
mptIn Windows, Mac, and (I think) even Clearlooks, palette windows have a smaller title bar (and therefore smaller close+minimize buttons) than other windows12:58
mptThat way you can tell, just by looking, that they're going to float on top of the other windows12:58
Cimimpt: palette windows?12:58
Cimimpt: utility?12:58
Cimimpt: (gimp's toolbox)12:59
Cimimpt: bug in compiz, plus something I should do in light-themes13:00
mptand Gimp's "Tool Options" window, "Layers" window, etc13:00
mptCimi, so should I report one bug affecting both of those two?13:01
Cimimpt: indeed, compiz didn't support them13:01
Cimimpt: with the work done for dialog windows13:01
Cimimpt: I guess support was added13:01
Cimimpt: but you know, it was removed13:01
Cimimpt: now if compiz passes the tests, it'll be reuploaded13:01
mptCimi, so you actually have code+artwork for that already?13:02
Cimimpt: if that will happen, I need to draw the different state for the utility windows13:02
Cimimpt: code should be on the way, ask smspillazz13:02
Cimimpt: light-themes not13:02
Cimimpt: and I don't have visual assets for them13:02
Cimimpt: what I could do is make them squared13:03
kenvandinecdbs, ping13:03
Cimimpt: and maybe reduce the size, but preserving the size of the buttons as I don't have different assets13:03
cdbskenvandine: Poingo13:05
kenvandinehey cdbs13:05
kenvandinethe "avatars not loading" problem13:05
cdbsHi ken13:05
kenvandineis that just displaying the nobody icon?13:05
kenvandineor is it not loading the stream?13:05
cdbsIts loading the stream13:06
cdbsbut displaying the generic nobody icon13:06
kenvandinedo you have notifications turned off?13:06
cdbsexcept for a very small number of people in my stream13:06
* cdbs checks13:06
cdbskenvandine: no13:07
cdbsI just turned them on though13:07
Cimimpt: roger?13:07
kenvandinecdbs, ok... that is why13:07
kenvandinethey get cached when it notifies13:07
kenvandinethat will change13:07
mptCimi, what would it take to get the assets?13:07
kenvandinenjpatel is going to fix it so they load async in the stream13:07
cdbskenvandine: I mean, it was turned off, but I just turned them on13:07
cdbsokie, nice to know13:07
kenvandinecdbs, i assumed so13:08
mptCimi, I got the impression from Otto that you had drawn the full-size ones13:08
kenvandinei took a stab at it, but made scrolling dirt slow13:08
Cimimpt: I mean, if otto wants something different, I need him to draw special buttons13:08
kenvandineso njpatel is going to work his magic and make it not suck13:08
cdbsthanks kenvandine , gwibber is awesome already :)13:08
kenvandinecdbs, :)13:08
kenvandineright njpatel? :-D13:08
Cimimpt: if he wants the same buttons, I have full control over the rest13:08
mptCimi, well, they need to be the same but smaller. :-) Does that require new artwork?13:10
Cimimpt: yes13:11
mptI guess it does for the symbols inside them13:11
mptotherwise they'd blur13:11
mptok, I'll go back to Otto13:11
mptCimi, would it be useful to report a bug to track it in the meantime?13:11
Cimimpt: no, I already opened a bugreport in my brain and I assigned it to myself. It is faster than launchpad and I receive instant notifications13:12
mptI'll just tap you on the head whenever I need to see the status13:13
mptCimi, reported bug 829425 about the menu arrows13:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 829425 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Radio menu (ComboBox, OptionMenu) arrows point only downward, not upward" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82942513:14
Cimimpt: ops13:14
Cimimpt: gnome bugzilla :)13:15
Cimimpt: it's affecting upstream gtk13:15
Cimi(look at adwaita)13:15
Cimisorry for the misunderstood13:15
mptCimi, I reported it upstream and linked it13:24
Cimimpt: I'll be out for a couple of hours, just tell otto to give me the new buttons for both Ambiance and Radiance in dropbox, and I'll play with them in the evening13:24
Cimimpt: awesome13:24
mptok, thanks muchly Cimi13:25
Cimimpt: and you've seen they were all simple questions :)13:25
mptso they were13:25
njpatelcdbs, kenvandine, yes, definitely :)13:36
* kenvandine hugs njpatel13:41
cdbsnjpatel is a magician :)13:44
* cdbs also hugs njpatel 13:45
njpatelcdbs, I reviewed your branch, hopefully what I said makes sense  :)13:45
* cdbs checks13:46
cdbsnjpatel: thanks a lot for the review! /me looks at the unity::blahblah source code13:48
=== mterry_ is now known as mterry
andyrocknjpatel, i want use nautilus 3 dbus inteface to run the confirmation dialog when "Empty trash" is activated from launcher14:35
njpatelandyrock, I was just peeking at your branch :)14:35
andyrocknow i've used glib::DBusProx14:36
njpatelyeah, excellent :)14:36
andyrockbut i don't know if it's fine having proxy as a private member14:36
andyrockor i have to create a new proxy every time14:36
njpatelandyrock, new proxy everytime? when?14:37
andyrockeverytime "empty trash" is activated14:37
njpatelandyrock, oh14:39
njpatelandyrock, private member variable14:39
njpatelandyrock, it's async so it wouldn't work great as a local variable14:39
andyrockok i have to add some stuff to make sure that proxy is connected when Call method is called :)14:40
njpatelandyrock, does nautilus do dbus activation?14:40
njpatelandyrock, if so, it should be fine to just call it, activation will take care of the rest14:41
andyrocknjpatel, i have to check if a file service for natuilus exists in /usr/share/dbus-1/services right?14:42
njpatelandyrock, right14:43
andyrock[D-BUS Service]14:43
andyrockExec=/usr/bin/nautilus --no-default-window14:43
njpatelandyrock, yep14:43
njpatelso you're safe14:43
andyrockok... so the newer TrashLauncherIcon.cpp is cleaner than the last one :)14:44
andyrocki love outsourcing :)14:44
andyrocknjpatel, can i use lambda c++0x function too?14:46
njpatelandyrock, yep14:47
njpatelas long as it's not crazy like what gord likes to do ;)14:47
andyrockcool :)14:47
gordif its not a lambda, its a bug14:47
gordlambda aspect programming is the way for the future14:48
andyrocklamda + async stuff lol :)14:48
DBOandyrock, merged your branch14:56
DBOyou rock dude14:56
DBOmany kudos14:56
DBOlove, and respect14:56
andyrockDBO, if i rock you are superman :)14:56
DBOjcastro, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/139914:57
jcastrowhoa, DBO, you did a review?14:58
jcastro(heh, just kidding)14:58
DBOshutup bitch14:58
jcastrook so what does this do? the description is confusing14:58
jcastrosomething about DND14:58
jcastrowhat's like, an example?14:59
=== daker is now known as daker_
Andy80hi all16:12
Andy80Kaleo: hi :) you have any news about this https://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/unity-2d/trash-nautilus-setting/+merge/70583 ? I've some spare time to try to fix it, if I only could get some feedback about my last comments ;)16:12
ephan 0016:58
ephanoops, nvm16:58
KaleoAndy80: I'm on it :)17:03
Andy80Kaleo: good :)17:04
andyrockom26er, around?17:06
om26erandyrock, yes i am here and the regression is fixed thx17:07
om26erandyrock, your branch did awesome things ;)17:08
om26erandyrock, that firefox bug is fixed btw17:08
andyrockwell seb128 released unity 4.8.2ubuntu3 (and ubuntu 4 right now)17:08
andyrockso why the bug is "fix-commited"? :)17:08
andyrocksorry if i'm wrong17:08
jcastroI think it "releases" when it's published17:09
jcastroiirc it's automatic17:09
andyrockjcastro, but it's aleady published :)17:09
KaleoAndy80: replied!17:09
jcastroandyrock: oh, I haven't gotten it yet17:09
om26erandyrock, back17:10
andyrockom26er, well seb128 released unity 4.8.2ubuntu3 (and ubuntu 4 right now)17:10
andyrockso why the bug is "fix-commited"? :)17:10
andyrocksorry if i'm wrong17:10
om26erandyrock, fix committed only for unity upstream17:10
om26erbecause new tarball was not released17:11
om26erandyrock, seb pulled from trunk till I think commit# 1400 and uploaded it17:11
om26erandyrock, though I have a bug for you :p17:12
om26erdrag and drop issue17:12
andyrockdrag and drop + scale mode right?17:13
andyrockom26er, ^^^17:13
om26erandyrock, yes problem specific to two or more than two windows17:13
andyrockwell this bug is present also without my patch right?17:14
om26erandyrock, maybe I never use dnd ;)17:15
andyrockom26er, can you open (eventually) a new bug and assign it to me?17:15
om26erandyrock, sure, I will do that.17:16
andyrockom26er, i will work on it as soon as possible (i'm working on cairo stuff right know)17:16
om26erandyrock, the fade to show the menubar?17:16
om26er*applications menu17:16
andyrockright, but there are some problem with the current implementation17:17
om26erandyrock, the change will be cool though17:18
andyrockom26er, indeed... but before I assign it to me i want to study it a little more17:18
om26er andyrock is hard at work ;)17:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sethishIn unity-2d why does Empathy flash its icon and the messaging menu?  And how do I get it to stop constantly covering my other work by activating the unity-2d icon panel?21:21
sethishI really like Unity-2d otherwise, but I stopped using it because I can't figure out how to make it stop.21:22
jbichayou could stop using Empathy...lol21:30
jbichaI believe that behavior is by design, I don't use Empathy so I don't know if there's a way to change it21:31
sethishI turned off all of empathy's notify features21:41
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
Andy80I don't know if this is the right place where to discuss this, but.... is there any dedicated team in Ubuntu that work to make it more accessible to "special people"? I mean.. blind people, or someone who can have any problem using a keyboard ecc....?23:39
nhainesAndy80: that's the Ubuntu Accessiblity Team.23:39
Andy80nhaines: oh, thank you!23:40
Andy80I'll google to search more info23:40
nhainesAndy80: you're welcome.  :)23:40

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