
idnar-r ancestor::submit..02:41
idnarthere's something visually fun about that02:41
lifelessalmost perl in its elegance :P02:43
idnaralthough I think I actually just want bzr missing02:44
fullermdIt really needs a pair of top-aligned dots at the beginning though.  Isn't that in Unicode somewhere?02:44
idnarhmm, no02:46
idnarsomeone else can write the patch to add it to the revisionspec syntax :P02:47
fullermdAlternate interpretation: "ancestor::submit.." would be a good title for a prog metal album.02:47
bairuihey, guys... on evaluating my repository layout needs for website development, a question arose regarding releases. We have a staging area (called XPT) from which successfully (accepted) builds become releases. What is a better strategy (repository-wise) with dealing with these releases? Should I have a single XPT branch from the trunk (created either way back when or at the first release) and as new02:51
bairuireleases come, just merge them into XPT and tag the successful ones?   Or...   Create a new branch for each release?02:51
mwhudsonfullermd: i like "Alternate interpretation: ancestor::submit.." actually02:51
lifelessbairui: both are fine02:54
fullermdmwhudson: Could be a totally genre crossover.  Tracks include "Criss-cross merging the streams" and "-rdate:All Our Yesterdays".02:54
bairuitagging it is then, methinks02:54
bairuithanks, lifeless02:54
mwhudsonfullermd: i like "Alternate interpretation: ancestor::submit.." actually02:55
mwhudsonfullermd: :-p02:55
fullermdMaybe I should take that back.  It almost makes me look like some kinda nerd.02:55
james_wpoolie, hi, did you change the crontab on jubany to send to canonical-bazaar?05:15
james_wpoolie, if you did, it's bouncing05:21
james_win fact, that's not conditional :-)05:21
james_wit is bouncing05:21
james_w"Relay access denied" from smtp.external05:22
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pooliehi james_w; i did06:07
poolieshall i set it back to you?06:07
pooliei've donethat06:17
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vilahi all !07:06
vilagood evening poolie07:06
vilacompiz: I don't what you're doing but t 2.5GB (3.7GB virtual), you're overdoing it07:07
vilaI almost rebooted...07:07
blackarchonthis wouldn't happen with KDE!07:09
vilafamous last words ?07:10
blackarchonI call it the eternal truth!07:11
AfCKDE or GNOME3, works for me!07:13
AfC[I can't believe I just wrote that]07:13
* gour stays with xfce07:15
bairuii just switched to xfce about a week or so ago07:16
bairuifrom awesome. I *liked* awesome... I just wanted to play with something shiny for a while.07:16
jamvila: unity --replace &;  Should fix it, I think.07:16
jamThere are some memory leaks in compiz wrt app indicators07:17
jambug #77971707:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 779717 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "indicator-multiload causes a memory leak in compiz when run under unity" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77971707:17
gouri'm just not sure i will be able to stay on freebsd seeing that DEs are becoming more & more linux-only07:18
vilajam: yeah, thanks, I've seen some earlier bugs and thought the issue was fixed...07:18
vilafullermd: ^ Imminent death of FreeBSD predicted ;)07:19
vilavila: stop it ! Enough noise already !07:20
AfCReplace Unity. Yes, that's an excellent idea.07:20
zzzHi, is there any possibility to see the actual branches? Like git branch -a in git?07:29
blackarchon'bzr branches' has just made it into trunk07:30
vilazzz: a bit more context may help answer your question07:34
vilazzz: branches map to directories by default07:34
AfCzzz: ie http://research.operationaldynamics.com/bzr/quill/ ; lots of Branches there; 'mainline' only one with a Working Tree in it.07:36
gouri like that hg doen't have 'main' line...but, well07:37
gourfor me, greater problem is lp' lack of wiki & private repos (in comparison with bb)07:38
vilajelmer_: what's the status of bzr-svn with respect to bzr-2.4.0 ?07:42
vilajelmer_: no pressure intended et al, but, you know.. ;)07:42
vilajam: regarding bug #614713, you said 'reasonable to backport', how far should I target ? 2.0 ?07:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 614713 in Bazaar "selftests fail assertActivitiesMatch for pycurl compiled against openssl" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61471307:50
pooliehi there vila, all08:27
vilajml: I've got a magic guesser but you won't be able to use it :) Good one ! (Joke aside, kudos for the neat pkgme-binary, that's the kind of magic I *love* !)08:28
vilahey poolie !08:28
vilapoolie: I've run selftest -Econfig_stats | subunit-sum on bzr.dev.revnos[5982:6082] and your fdatasync raise interesting numbers08:30
vilas/sync/& stuff/08:30
vilasince you cache the config we get a preview of what read/write once will achieve08:31
vilalist all the planned dates for the releases08:48
jmlvila: thanks :)09:06
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pooliejam, hi?09:50
pooliejml, hi09:50
vilaRiddell: hey PP, can I ask for some reviews ? :D09:52
vilajam, jelmer, Riddell : ping10:53
vilaha ! Someone ! :D10:54
jelmeruhoh, what did I volunteer for ? ;-)10:54
vilajelmer: how's going :)10:54
vilaoh, nothing, just wanted to know are you were going on with bzr-svn and if you needed help there10:54
jelmervila: alright so far, still working on tests10:56
vila\\o o// rock&roll !10:56
jelmervila: :)11:05
vilaIf our beloved PP can shime in now... that would be so great ;)11:07
vilawow, almost felt into the 'pqm-is-broken' trap :) The progress does *not* work for 2.0 ...11:57
vilaohhh, and we run the test suite twice with [ascii] :)11:57
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vilaRiddell: Ping13:02
briandealwisjelmer: I have a local git repo.  With latest bzr.dev and bzr-git at tip, should I be able to use file:.../git-repo,branch=XXX to reference a particular git branch?13:32
jelmerbriandealwis, yep13:32
briandealwisjelmer: I'm getting an error: "Not a branch: "/Users/bsd/Manumitting/Projects/e4/platform-ui-git": location is a repository.13:33
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briandealwisjelmer: but branching without ",branch=XXX" works fine13:34
jelmerbriandealwis, what does "BZR_DISABLE_PLUGINS=bzrtools bzr branches ../git-repo" say?13:34
briandealwisjelmer: no change13:36
briandealwisjelmer: sorry — I didn't fully read your message13:37
briandealwisjelmer: it just spits out 'master'13:37
jelmerbriandealwis: does that match the output of "git branch" in that repo?13:38
briandealwisjelmer: yes — good catch.  Sorry for the confusion.13:38
briandealwisjelmer: do you think specifying 'origin/XXX' will work?  (There's a pile of origin/ branches listed with 'git branch -a'13:39
jelmerbriandealwis, that should work, but you have to urlescape the / to prevent it from being interpreted as a path separator13:40
jelmerI realize that's not a very nice syntax, but it's a start13:40
briandealwisit makes complete sense13:40
briandealwis…though unfortunately origin%2Fxxx doesn't work — same location-is-a-repository13:41
jelmeractually, it needs to be13:42
briandealwisnifty — but now I get a "ValueError: unable to map ref refs/remotes/origin/R4_development back to branch name".  Strangely there's only HEAD under .git/refs/remotes/origin/13:44
briandealwisI wodner where 'git branch -a' gets its info from then?13:44
jelmerbriandealwis: ah, argh13:45
jelmerbriandealwis: yeah, remotes are still problematic - can you file a bug?13:45
jelmerbriandealwis, git branch -a gets them from the packed refs file, which bzr-git will also be looking in13:46
briandealwisThis is all great stuff, jelmer.13:47
jelmerbriandealwis: now if only it actually worked.. :)13:47
briandealwisjelmer:  filed as bug 82948113:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 829481 in Bazaar Git Plugin "cannot reference a remote branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82948113:53
jelmerbriandealwis, thanks!13:53
briandealwisjelmer: it's working great once I establish a local tracking branch13:54
briandealwisjelmer: the fix to bzr-git for avoiding rebuilding the git-map cache no longer triggers a rebuild.  thanks for that too!14:03
vilajelmer: thanks for the review !14:09
vilaeverybody: just thanks jelmer will you, it's just this time of day ;)14:09
jelmerbriandealwis: great, thanks for confirming :)14:12
jelmervila: hehe :)14:12
vilajelmer: any news from Riddell ?14:16
jelmervila, haven't heard from him14:24
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vilala la la, finally a trick to use pdb for blackbox tests \o/14:49
jelmervila: ooh?14:52
vilaI thought it was possible for... a long time, never tried. Stupid vila14:53
vilajelmer: and now https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/debug-blackbox-tests/+merge/7219515:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 72195 in linux-source-2.6.17 (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Edgy don't power off after shutdown" [Undecided,Won't fix]15:04
vilagreat, merge proposals and bug numbers overlap... endless fun15:07
jelmervila: it'd be great if BZR_TEST_PDB could support that too15:17
fullermdvila: Onoes!  BSD is dying again??   :(15:17
vilafullermd: hehe, wow, you've been away for long ;)15:18
* vila just can't remember about BZR_TEST_PDB... time for some grepping15:19
jelmerfullermd, it's true, netcraft confirms it!15:19
fullermdOh, I was worried for a second.  It's not REALLY official 'till it's on Wikipedia.15:20
vilajelmer: doesn't it work already ?15:21
* vila tests15:21
jelmervila: I'm not sure actually.. I just figured it wouldn't15:22
vilait seems to work but I'm not that familiar with post-mortem debug15:22
vilaand before fullermd jumps his gun, yes, I prefer live debug ;)15:23
fullermdEw.  Live bugs are creepy.15:23
jelmerfullermd: You have entomophobia and still manage to be a programmer?15:24
vilajelmer: right, looking at the implementation it's called far after stdin/stdout have been restored so N/A ?15:24
fullermdWell, it would be a problem if I were a _bad_ programmer.  Just gives me another reason to maintain my wonted perfection, see.15:24
vilafullermd: it's an acquired taste, I love bugs at breakfast15:25
jelmerheh, fair enough15:25
jelmervila: that's a good point; so this means I should be using "from bzrlib import debug; debug.set_trace()" rather than importing from pdb?15:26
vilajelmer: yes15:26
vilawell, at least with the proposed patch15:26
vilathere may be a way to override the pdb.Pdb class directly, but I went with the simplest dirst15:27
jelmervila: this seems reasonable too15:28
vilathinking about it, may be I should just define set_trace in bzrlib including the pdb import... so we can just say bzrlib.debug()15:29
vilajelmer: love/hate ?15:30
jelmervila: in debug makes more sense to me15:30
jelmerand easier to find15:30
jelmerif we really care about not having to type that many characters, we should have ./bzr override pdb.Pdb15:30
vilaon the other hand overiiding pdb.Pdb may be seen dev-hostile in same cases, bah, let's see what reviewers think, thanks for your feedback15:32
lamalexhi bzr, i'm trying to set up daily builds for the unity team. working on nux and when i run my recipe i get an error i dont understand, bzr: ERROR: No such tag: upstream-1.2.0t hooks - Stage 5/515:33
jelmerlamalex, hi15:33
vilaI like the existing ability to do self.debug() in tests (which triggered my typo above: bzrlib.debug())15:33
lamalexhello jelmer15:33
jelmerlamalex, it sounds like you're trying to build a non-native package but do not have a tag for the upstream tarball15:33
jelmerlamalex, since launchpad itself does not (yet) support non-native packages in recipes, I would recommend building with --allow-fallback-to-native15:34
fullermdSounds like a double error actually, with it not clearing the line before giving the error.15:34
lamalexjelmer, what's a native vs non-native package? (i'm not a packager..)15:34
lamalexit's all C++ code..15:34
jelmerlamalex: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq#What_is_the_difference_between_a_native_Debian_package_and_a_non-native_package.3F15:35
jelmerlamalex, in contrast to the answer on that FAQ, native packages often make more sense for daily builds15:36
jelmerlamalex: as upstream is going to change for each new upload, so there isn't much benefit in trying to reuse tarballs15:36
lamalexmakes sense15:37
* lamalex tries that flag15:37
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jmlmgz: I'm probably going to have some time for testtools hacking on the weekend. Am looking forward to seeing your stuff on assertThat.19:03
jmlmgz: I don't want to nag. I very, very much appreciate your contributions. But I also want to release.19:03
* jml goes19:04
jelmermaxb, btw, I did a subvertpy release19:05
jelmerjml: have a good weekend :)19:05
etenilHi there19:13
etenilI'm working with the bzrlib, and I'm trying to make a formatter that turns a log into HTML, but the formatters seem to only be able to output to files (from the API anyway) and I'd need the output into a variable. Could someone help me?19:15
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mgzblast, missed jml20:09
Riddellgood evening20:26
Riddellsorry vila, I had a day off today20:27
Riddellare reviews still needed?20:27
jelmer'evening Riddell20:28
jelmerI think there's still two open MPs20:28
GRiDhi Riddell  and/or jelmer, i'm waiting for proposal 70691. here if you want to talk about it.20:35
RiddellGRiD: got the full URL?20:35
GRiDactually, i'm here as long as the approaching thunderstorm doesn't take out my power.20:36
jelmerg'evening GRiD20:36
GRiDhowdy :)20:37
GRiDre: this proposal, i was thinking that if my final comment makes sense, i should probably make that functionality more explicit in the docs, and add a test for it20:38
RiddellGRiD: yes, I was just going to say that20:39
GRiDok i'll add that, shouldn't take long.20:39
Riddell"add.maximum_file_size" why the dot in there?  bzr config options mostly don't use dots but some do and I'm not sure why20:39
GRiDif you look up in the comments a bit, that was one of the original suggestions from martin20:41
GRiDit seems that's a convention that's trying to be adopted20:41
jelmerGRiD: I think this all looks ready to land20:46
GRiDawesome. let me just push these final doc changes and test20:47
jelmerGRiD, can you also add another newline above AddWithSkipLargeAction ?20:48
GRiDwell now you're asking for a lot20:50
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GRiD:) ok just pushed21:02
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RiddellGRiD: lovely, approved, shall I sent it to PQM?21:11
GRiDvery cool. uh, i don't know the next step, this is my first patch :)21:12
Riddella good first patch :)21:17
Riddellnext step is to ask the patch pilot (moi) to send it to PQM which is the programme that runs the test suite then merges it if it all works21:17
Riddellunfortunately pqm doesn't seem to want to work tonight "httplib2.ServerNotFoundError: Unable to find the server at api.launchpad.net"21:17
Riddellah here we go21:18
RiddellGRiD: actually, could you add a release note too?21:19
Riddellneeds an entry in doc/en/release-notes/bzr-2.5.txt21:19
teratornhi, I'm trying to 'bzr merge', but bzr is failing to work because it complains about outstanding changes in the working directory. Which there are none, only the mistaken perception of changes; a bunch of files that have modes +x instead of -x presumably because this is on a Windows file system... how can I get unstuck?21:19
Riddellteratorn: does running bzr commit help ?21:20
jelmerteratorn: bzr revert should reset the entire tree, including the permission bits21:20
Riddellthat's a better idea21:20
teratornlets see21:21
teratornI guess that works.... but how would it have gotten screwed up in the first place?21:21
jelmerteratorn: was there perhaps another branch you pulled in (and then reverted?) that touched the permissions bits?21:22
teratornjelmer: I don't think so *shrug*21:27
teratornbtw, is there a fast-export/fast-import tool for bzr?21:28
jelmerteratorn, yep, there is a fastimport plugin21:30
teratornyeah - I'm just checking it out now21:31
jelmerteratorn, I'm not sure what else could have caused the permission bits, I don't have a lot of experience using bzr on windows21:31
GRiDRiddell, ok thanks. I'll add the note21:31
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GRiDRiddell, pushed, please take a look. tried to follow the existing format.21:45
RiddellGRiD: lovely, sent, it's in the queue at http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/21:54
GRiDgreat thanks :)21:54
GRiDi guess i should close the associated bug21:55
GRiDRiddell, shows a conflict in the release notes. do I have to do something?22:14
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Riddelluh oh22:15
RiddellGRiD: merge in trunk and I'll send it again22:16
elmodoes no one else find the bzr completions in zsh slow to the point of unusability ?22:18
Riddellthey're slow to the point of unusability on bash too22:19
elmoRiddell: really?  bash works ok for me22:19
elmoI finally got annoyed enough to try bash22:20
elmoand was horrified to find it works there22:20
mgzelmo: have you seen contrib/zsh/README ?22:24
mgzmy understanding is the new bash-completion plugin uses a more sensible method22:24
mgzit's certainly fast on my ancient laptop22:25
GRiDRiddell, ok i think i've merged ok22:26
elmomgz: hmm, I hadn't thanks22:26
mgzGRiD: about your earlier question, unexpected merge conflicts are one reason I superstitiously wait for the pqm run to complete successfully before marking the bug fixed :)22:28
mgzso, elmo, I think `bzr shell-complete` is just slow, and zsh uses it while bash-completion doesn't.22:29
GRiDmgz, agreed, i actually did wait ... :)22:30
bairuielmo: did you find the problem? I think my bzr zsh setup is woeful too. :-(23:08
elmobairui: I'm sure what mgz said is likely the problem - unfortunately I don't know enough zsh to be able to use the information to fix it23:09
bairuiok, but I don't even understand what he said - where is contrib/zsh/README ? whose contrib is that? bzr's? where is that? I did a locate and came up dry... :-?23:10
bairuioops... I didn't read his final word on the matter. :)23:13
fullermdYes, it's right in the bzr tree.23:15
bairuiyou guys *have* a bzr tree :)23:15
fullermdWe what?  Of course not.  What kind of nerds do you take us for?23:16
bairuiheh - it's just that at this party... I'm a lesser nerd :-/23:16
fullermdIn my youth, I tried that once.  It was an embarassing failure.23:16
fullermdNow I just strive instead to be _massively_ more nerdy than anyone else.  That way, any references or jokes I make are so far out nobody even notices that I tried, so the end result is that I seem more normal.23:17
fullermd...  that's my theory, anyway.23:17
bairuigood blending strategy - at nerd parties23:19
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fullermdThere's...  some other kind?23:21
bairuiheh - no. not fun ones, anyway.23:22
bairuiso, without being able to read said README, what are my zsh bzr completion options? suck it up and wait? or is there a super-magic fix? or... use bash? :-(23:22
fullermdYou can just read the README online y'know   ;p23:23
bairuithanks, fullermd :D23:24
fullermdIt's even more fun that way too, 'cuz it looks like loggerhead is trying to syntax highlight the README as if it were python...23:24
bairuiyes... a bit unfortunate.23:25
fullermdOf course, the Right Answer is obviously to just use tcsh, like all smart attractive people do.23:25
bairuiso, fullermd, you're on zsh too, eh?23:25
* fullermd looks around for a stick.23:26
bairuiheh :D23:26
fullermdI had a professor once who kept a 2x4 by his desk, with "Board Of Education" stenciled on it.23:26
fullermdHe threatened to use it with some regularity.23:26
bairuithe Clue Stick!23:27
bairuiwe had a senior at uni with a wiffle (sp?) bat that he'd wield in the labs. It was his Clue Stick23:27
idnaris there an easy way to reorder pipes?23:58

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