
* yofel does one last attempt in rebuilding kde-runtime00:02
cyphermoxyofel, I want to help but am a bit stuck with low bandwidth and low battery now, which I can fix in a few minutes hopefully00:06
yofelah, well, we have kded4 stuck with 100% CPU in oneiric after login, and trying to start it after killing it gives:00:07
yofelkded4: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ntrack/modules/ntrack-libnl3.so: undefined symbol: ntrack_list_insert_sorted00:07
cyphermoxI have kubuntu installed on this system so it should be fairly easy to reproduce00:08
cyphermoxd'oh, I had dbus not want to start...00:28
cyphermoxyofel: so, where are you at with debugging this, and where can I help?00:30
yofelabout what I said, kded4 is stuck with 100% CPU at login. Attaching gdb to it yields http://paste.kde.org/111499. Trying to restart it so I can debug it fails with the mentioned symbol error00:32
yofeland 'nm -DC /usr/lib/ntrack/modules/ntrack-libnl3.so' gives                  U ntrack_list_insert_sorted00:32
yofelfor that symbol00:32
cyphermoxwell, the fact that the symbol is undefined there may be normal, given that this is a module to ntrack, the symbol would be in /usr/lib/libntrack.so.000:36
cyphermoxchecking your paste now00:37
danttihey guys :P I have just run mkfs.ext4 instead of fsck.ext :P now, on reiserfs when I did this (no it's not that common), I ran a reiser tool --rebuild-tree, with ext4 I have no idea what's best.. someone has an advice?00:38
danttibtw mkfs should ask me if I really want to do that...00:39
* yofel is off to bed, good night00:44
=== bcooksley is now known as bcooksley-away
ScottKcyphermox: If your dbus won't start in KDE, make sure you have the latest qt4-x11 and qdbus is installed.01:37
ScottKdantti: My first advice is if you're on ReiserFS, get off of it.  It's unmaintained for a really long time.01:38
danttiScottK: I wish I was on it... last time I did that it restored everything very easily...01:38
ScottKI'm not saying the design is bad, but bit rotting file systems are not a good thing.01:39
danttireiserfs something --rebuild-tree :P01:39
danttibut now I'm on ext4..01:39
danttithere is the TestDisk tool I'm looking at..01:40
danttibut the problem is that I can't dd my file system (2TB), I have a small 250gb which could receive the files.. 01:40
ScottKDunno about that then.01:48
dantti... I changed the ext superblock.. let's hope I won't loose more stuff :P01:50
darkwingduckweeeeee thsi is fun03:55
JontheEchidnaname in lower caps!03:56
darkwingduckokay, running dist-upgrade on oneiric alpha 1 takes me places. It will go to the login but once I start a profile. It tells me "Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?"03:57
darkwingduckdamn netbook03:57
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JontheEchidnadarkwingduck: dist-upgrading should fix it03:57
=== Darkwingduck is now known as DarkwingDuck
JontheEchidnaor just manually install qdbus03:57
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: it happened when I dist-upgraded03:57
JontheEchidnaI dunno what to tell you then. That should be the fix and it has worked for people. :(03:58
DarkwingDuckYeah, trust my lappy to be the only one out there. LOL03:59
DarkwingDuckJontheEchidna: You going to be in Orlando in Oct?03:59
JontheEchidnanah, got skool then03:59
JontheEchidnaI can only ever make it to the ones in may because of that04:00
DarkwingDuckI'll try to make it in may04:00
DarkwingDuckI don't want to have to do the remote thing again.04:00
JontheEchidnait's not so bad remoting on the non-overseas ones04:00
DarkwingDuckYeah, for me it started at midnight04:01
DarkwingDuckThat was one LOOOOOOONG week04:01
DarkwingDuckhmmm, dist-upgraded again...04:02
JontheEchidnaI find that I don't get jetlagged, if I just don't sleep on the first day until it's bedtime locally04:02
DarkwingDuckThere was 41 packages that it didn't upgrade the first time.04:02
* DarkwingDuck ponders04:02
JontheEchidnaprolly needed to refresh the sources list again or something04:02
DarkwingDuckWho knwos.04:02
DarkwingDuckIt's my laptop so, it's bound to have stange issues04:02
valoriethis lappy upgraded to KDE 4.7 with no problem04:10
valoriebut my little netbook - plasma has to be started by hand04:10
valorieevery time04:10
valorievery strange04:10
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DarkwingDuckyay back04:10
DarkwingDuckand it works now04:11
DarkwingDuckmy netbook is so on it's last legs...04:11
DarkwingDuckAnd I'm not looking forward to lugging this thinkpad around UDS04:11
DarkwingDuckScottK: you still up by any off chance?04:35
DarkwingDuckI have an interesting issue04:40
DarkwingDuckWith my server.04:40
DarkwingDuckIt wont get past GRUB, black screen then my moniter goes to sleep. However, if I boot into recovery then resume normal boot then it works.04:41
valorieDarkwingDuck: have you done a repair of grub or grub2?04:48
* valorie had grub problems once too04:48
Quintasan_Good morning06:04
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QuintasanScottK: https://code.launchpad.net/~quintasan/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/+merge/7214106:47
QuintasanThat should do the trick06:48
QuintasanI removed my previous branch and added everthing in one commit06:48
bulldog98_ulmlogger: it made plasma-desktop start08:08
ulmloggerbulldog98_: then you are using it wrong :P08:44
ulmlogger>>> grep Hidden *08:45
ulmloggerof course if your .kde overrides this there wont be much goodness coming out of it08:45
Quintasanbambee: type "ericm"09:35
* Quintasan wants to test highlight09:35
Quintasandoesnt work09:35
QuintasanI can't stop laughing at this09:52
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mfraz74Any ideas why plasma-widget-quickaccess is now in Universe?11:34
mfraz74reference bug 80596011:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 805960 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "quickaccess widget not found" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80596011:36
debfxmfraz74: we don't install it anymore by default11:42
mfraz74debfx: but there is a big red/white x icon where it used to be11:43
debfxmfraz74: yes, ulmlogger was just too lazy to upload the fix11:44
mfraz74what is the progress on digikam2?11:45
debfxit looks like 90% of the kubuntu developers have discovered their love for tablets and thus spend their time on getting plasma active to work on kubuntu11:48
yofelmfraz74: fails to build for me, and _Groo_ still hasn't published what he has11:48
debfxwhich obviously leave not much time for anything else11:48
debfxyay, I have a fix for the "kded4 eats your cpu" issue11:51
* yofel hugs debfx11:51
mfraz74any idea why Firefox doesn't have the kde look?11:53
yofelah, then I'm not the only one at least that oxygen-gtk doesn't work for anymore since like yesterday11:54
mfraz74thought it might be something like that11:55
mfraz74another thing, amarok keeps asking me to install the same extra packages11:55
rbelemQuintasan, morning :-)11:57
debfxkde-workspace has a bad way to detect if gtk2-engines-oxygen is installed that breaks for multiarched packages12:01
debfxI'm working on a fix for that12:02
Quintasanrbelem: You call that morning? I'm up since 7 in the morning :D12:04
Quintasandebfx: You're serious?!12:05
QuintasanWhat's the cause? ntrack?12:05
rbelemQuintasan, :-D12:05
debfxbug #75055412:05
QuintasanEhh, curses12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 750554 in ntrack (Ubuntu) "0.14: nl modules are not linked with libntrack even if they use symbols from it" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75055412:06
rbelemQuintasan, i almost did not sleep12:06
rbelemQuintasan, my son got a flu12:06
QuintasanOh :<12:06
rbelemQuintasan, but he is ok now :-)12:06
Quintasanrbelem: Did you try curing him with Kubuntu Active? ;)12:07
Quintasan9 out of 10 patients have recovered after playing with Kubuntu Active12:07
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rbelemQuintasan, :-D i put an ubuntu tshirt on him and he started to feel better12:08
Quintasanrbelem: About plasma magic, I think ScottK approved  FFe's and we should have them uploaded soon12:08
rbelemQuintasan, probably the kubuntu active will heal him completely12:08
rbelemQuintasan, awesome!12:08
* rbelem hugs Quintasan 12:08
QuintasanScottK: Who is the most appropriate person to upload?12:09
* Quintasan need to get a long labcoat12:09
* rbelem starts to dance waltz with Quintasan 12:10
QuintasanYou'd better stop, I'm not sure when we get it uploaded :P12:10
rbelemkk :-D12:11
Quintasans-l-c and plasma-mobile have to be uploaded, right?12:11
rbelemQuintasan, yup12:11
Quintasanalso ulmlogger is supposed to fix some patch in workspace so we can upload it with my KWin GLES branch12:11
rbelemthen i will test that on aRRRRRRRM12:12
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QuintasanDo you have enough rum to handle ARM?12:14
rbelemQuintasan, not currently, but i will run for a rum :-D12:15
rbelemQuintasan, brrrrin' me some rum12:17
Quintasan>implying I have enough money to buy rum for myself12:18
rbelemQuintasan, :-D12:18
rbelemQuintasan, i just installed the filters pkg12:18
QuintasanWhat's that?12:19
rbelemQuintasan, it has the pirate filter 12:19
ScottKQuintasan: !me since I need to do the New review.  I think it's fine, however.12:20
ScottKQuintasan: I'm still waiting for some convincing or a separate binary approach for -runtime as it's scaring me.12:20
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QuintasanScottK: ulmlogger did not convince you?12:26
ScottKI think he convinced me we needed separate binaries although that may not have been his intent.12:27
ScottKThat was about the time we noticed you were expert at coaxing double builds out of KDE packages.12:27
QuintasanYeah, I just remembered that myself.12:27
QuintasanUnfortunately for him I'm a bit busy since we're moving stuff around the house12:28
Quintasan>aseigo: in Hong Konq12:29
QuintasanWell played sir, well played.12:29
* ScottK has been busy with NBS and fixing stuff.12:29
ScottKKDE NBS is ~half what it was before yesterday.12:29
ScottK(as an added bonus, kdelibs is gone finally)12:30
ScottKNot Built from Source12:30
ScottKAll that stuff needs to be updated or removed before release.12:30
QuintasanI see12:31
* Quintasan goes out to look for labcoats12:36
debfxScottK: could you sponsor an ntrack upload: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Qs6J3znB12:49
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ScottKdebfx: I can.13:12
ScottKdebfx: Does this same problem exist in natty?13:13
debfxScottK: nope, it has only been broken since the last upload13:14
ScottKOK.  I have an intermittent process going to 100% CPU and staying there problem on natty that I want to blame on ntrack.13:15
ScottK(on natty)13:15
debfxwhich process?13:22
ScottKIt varies.13:27
ScottKIt seems to only be ones that use the network though.13:27
ScottKdebfx: I'm a bit confused about ntrack only being broken since the last upload.  The bug you're fixing in debian/changelog was filed well before the current package?13:28
debfxScottK: the bug was filed against the upstream project13:31
ScottKdebfx: OK.  I just uploaded it.  Thanks for fixing.13:31
_Groo_hi/2 all14:22
_Groo_guys when i get a dh_auto_build: error: unable to chdir to obj-x86_64-linux-gnu in debuild, what should i do? cant figure this one out14:22
yofel_Groo_: a) where's digikam b) does digikam build in oneiric for you c) can you give the full build log for your failure?14:27
_Groo_yofel: a) i have been very busy this week, i have the package, if you want i can send you the debian.tar.gz b) didnt tested in oneiric but should work c) wheres does debuild puts the build log?14:28
_Groo_yofel: more about a) since today is friday ill be able to upload to my ppa tonight.. i couldnt all week :( have come home very late and tired14:29
yofel_Groo_: a) I do need it rather fast though b) digikam builds in natty but NOT in oneiric for me c) nowhere unless you redirect stdout and stderr to a logfile yourself14:29
_Groo_yofel: i know about feature freeze, ill be on tonight, what time is it over there?14:30
_Groo_yofel: c) i recloned the git dir and it worked now.. something in old git poluted debui;d.. i need to find out what it was.. it happens ocasionally wiht git... 14:30
_Groo_yofel: still have the old git14:30
yofelwell, feature freeze is already past, so a few hours don't matter, but I need a package for oneiric14:31
_Groo_yofel: i asked the time to see if youll be on when im at home14:33
_Groo_yofel: can i see the buildlog of the failed oneiric?14:33
yofelthis is still a local build - http://paste.kde.org/11178714:34
_Groo_did you build kipi-plugins too? or just digikam2?14:34
yofelthat's digikam as it's shipped in the tar14:34
yofelso with kipi14:35
_Groo_the bin file might call itself digikam, but its really digikam2 :D14:35
yofelodd is that it already links with '-L/usr/lib -lgphoto2_port -L/usr/lib -lgphoto2 -lgphoto2_port -lm' so I have no idea what's wrong14:35
yofelwell, the name doesn't really matter14:36
_Groo_yofel: did you see this? http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?set=custom&viewmonth=200902&viewday=&forum_name=gphoto-devel&style=nested&max_rows=75&submit=Change+View14:37
_Groo_what gcc is oneiric?14:37
_Groo_yofel: you used new kipi-plugins right?14:37
_Groo_yofel: kipi-plugins2                                                        2.0.0-2~padoka114:38
yofel_Groo_: no, I used the kipi plugins that are inside the digikam tarball since I couldn't find a kipi-plugins 2 tar14:38
_Groo_yofel: hmm14:38
_Groo_yofel: its in their site too14:38
_Groo_yofel: sec14:38
yofelgphoto isn't part of kipi-plugins anyway14:39
yofeland it's not the kipi plugins that fail, it's digikam itself14:39
yofelkipi-plugins build fine14:39
yofel_Groo_: no it's not, http://sourceforge.net/projects/kipi/files/ only shows 1.9.014:40
_Groo_yofel: i know14:40
_Groo_yofel: the problem is, and you can checlk google, wrong kipi makes strange compilation errors in digikam, sometimes in unrelated dependencies, like gphoto, you can find a bunch of those in google14:41
_Groo_yofel: anyway14:41
_Groo_yofel: its a very strange compile error indeed14:41
_Groo_yofel: what version is gcc in oneiric?14:41
_Groo_yofel: it might be a matter of chaning float* to float or vice-versa14:42
yofelgcc 4.6 with the restrictive linking setting we had during natty devel14:42
_Groo_yofel: did you bugged the digikam guys? :D14:42
QuintasanDSO MAGIC14:42
yofel_Groo_: not yet14:42
_Groo_yofel: i know this is stupid.. but.. dit you tried to recompile again? :D14:43
yofel_Groo_: do you know what a DSO error is?14:43
shadeslayeri heard DSO and Magic in the same line14:43
QuintasanYou did14:44
shadeslayeryou just broke something somewhere14:44
shadeslayerand ffs ... kdeinit4 is consuming a entire core again -.-14:44
Quintasanbugged PC is bugged14:44
yofelshadeslayer: debfs fixed that, wait for the ntrack update14:44
* shadeslayer spanks kdeinit4 for wasting CPU cycles14:44
Quintasankudos for debfx14:45
shadeslayeryofel: but ... i don't have ntrack installed14:45
* Quintasan orders cookies for debfx14:45
yofelshadeslayer: you do have libntrack0 installed14:45
shadeslayeror i think i don't14:45
_Groo_yofel: OFC :P14:45
shadeslayerah 14:45
_Groo_yofel: im stupid but not that stupid14:45
yofel_Groo_: good, then don't ask me such questions, I've had that error since berlin :P14:45
* Quintasan hides14:46
_Groo_yofel: and yet you didnt bugged the digikam guys XD14:46
shadeslayeroh yes we do14:46
_Groo_yofel: thats why ppl consider me "the most annoying packager ever"14:46
_Groo_yofel: i bug the developers :D14:46
yofel_Groo_: I tried fixing this myself, but this is lacking any sense by now so I'll probably bug them if nobody here has an idea14:47
_Groo_yofel: fixing myself without upstream with custom patches... dont forget to mention that to them.. they will love ya :P14:48
_Groo_yofel: im kidding btw :D14:48
_Groo_yofel: stupid question, did you tried in ppa? or just locally?14:49
yofelthis is a local build, I have no packaging yet14:49
_Groo_yofel: is gphoto exactly the same version an in ppa oneiric?14:49
_Groo_yofel: i mean your local is pure oneiric from upstream?14:49
yofelppa? this is the archive version14:50
_Groo_yofel: i mean for environment building purposes14:50
yofelit's the version from the archive14:50
_Groo_yofel: can i see your debian/rules?15:01
yofel_Groo_: I said there is no packaging. This is 'mkdir build, cd build, cmake .., make -j9'15:01
_Groo_yofel: ah15:01
_Groo_yofel: what are you passing to cmake?15:01
_Groo_yofel: can you try -DKFACE_EXTERNAL_FINDOPENCV=ON -DQT_QTSCRIPT_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/libQtScript.so15:02
_Groo_opencv is not obligatory15:03
_Groo_but wont hurt15:03
yofelsure, although /usr/lib/libQtScript.so doesn't exist in oneiric (multiarch)15:03
_Groo_yofel: oO15:03
_Groo_yofel: is there an equivalent?15:03
yofel_Groo_: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQtScript.so15:03
yofelas I said, multiarch15:03
_Groo_yofel: try that one15:03
yofelI don't see what qtscript has to do with it though15:04
_Groo_yofel: same.. but stranger bugs needs strange solutions :D15:04
_Groo_yofel: should be fun to try ;)15:04
yofelCMake Warning:15:05
yofel  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:15:05
_Groo_yofel: impossible im using it here15:05
yofel_Groo_: what version are you trying to build?15:05
_Groo_yofel: 2.0.0 final15:07
_Groo_we have GHOTO2CONFIG_EXECUTABLE         */usr/bin/gphoto2-config                                                                                                                                                  GHOTO2PORTCONFIG_EXECUTABLE     */usr/bin/gphoto2-port-config15:07
_Groo_and you can always try WITH_Gphoto2=off to see if at leasts it compiles fine15:07
_Groo_one step at a time15:08
shadeslayerso when does debfx's fix get into the archives?15:17
_Groo_yofel: did it work?15:17
yofelshadeslayer: ask the archive scripts https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ntrack/014+bzr312-0ubuntu215:18
shadeslayeri'll just download the lib15:18
_Groo_to get tomahawk into oneiric i need to separate the beast into several files (lib, dev, etc) and package jreen and the likes?15:19
_Groo_or i can just go by with one package? :D15:20
_Groo_like in my ppa :D15:20
_Groo_shadeslayer: argh15:20
shadeslayernope, that won't work15:20
yofel_Groo_: I'm working on tomahawk for oneiric15:20
_Groo_shadeslayer: ok this weekend ill do it15:20
shadeslayer^^ :P15:20
_Groo_yofel: ah ok.. be my guest15:20
Quintasan_Groo_,yofel: Cut it please, do we really have to get tomahawk into ARCHIVE?15:20
_Groo_yofel: i rather prefer a oficial minion15:20
shadeslayerany work for me btw?15:20
yofelQuintasan: ask ulmlogger15:20
yofel_Groo_: well, that did build as expected...15:21
_Groo_shadeslayer: you are the muon developer arent you?15:21
shadeslayerthats JontheEchidna15:21
_Groo_i always confuse everyone in here :P15:21
_Groo_shadeslayer: ah yeah ... like i said :P15:21
_Groo_potatoes tomatoes15:22
_Groo_JontheEchidna: PING a BIG ONE15:22
shadeslayeri'm just the guy who's very lazy and does nothing :P15:22
yofel_Groo_: I would appreciate it though if you want to do the copyright file for tomahawk if you really want to do something :PP15:22
_Groo_yofel: whats missing?15:23
yofel_Groo_: uh... your packaging had no copyright file?15:23
ulmloggershadeslayer: see topic15:24
shadeslayerwell, thats there15:24
_Groo_yofel: yeah i forgot15:24
_Groo_yofel: they are doing a 0.2.2 this weekend, ill update it then15:24
yofel_Groo_: I'll try to fix the rest of the packaging then until then15:25
_Groo_yofel: sure... did you decided how you gonna treat the third party libs?15:25
mfraz74Is anyone else seeing Amarok constantly asking to install packages?15:26
yofelnot yet15:26
Quintasanulmlogger: What yofel said, do we have to put tomahawk in archive?15:27
ulmloggerno we do not have to15:28
ulmloggerwe could15:28
ulmloggercertainly not much of gain right nwo15:29
ulmloggerproviding a PPA seems more important considering the age of the project15:29
shadeslayer"* Dialogues within dialogues not ideal."15:29
shadeslayerlul :P15:29
Quintasanulmlogger: That's what I was going to suggest taking "I'm strongly opposed to putting that into archive" stance15:30
Quintasanyofel, _Groo_: Well, as you see, ulmlogger thinks we can put it into PPA for now and I was going to suggest the same15:32
mfraz74Noticed my netbook was running sluggishly this morning, turns out kded4  was using 100% of the CPU.15:33
QuintasanIt's 0.2, nowhere near being feature-complete and stable15:33
Quintasanmfraz74: Oh this, should be fixed soon15:33
Quintasankudos to debfx15:33
mfraz74Quintasan: Thanks, I was going to raise a bug report15:33
_Groo_it already has a oficial ppa, my own15:34
Quintasanbug #75055415:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 750554 in ntrack "0.14: nl modules are not linked with libntrack even if they use symbols from it" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75055415:34
Quintasanmfraz74: ^15:34
_Groo_and this weekend im gonna upload the oneiric build15:34
Quintasanulmlogger: Can you convince ScottK to upload kde-runtime?15:34
Quintasanif not then we could possibly make shadeslayer do the required changes 15:37
QuintasanScottK: Did you look at my merge request?15:38
ulmloggerQuintasan: didnt you make a multibuild?15:39
Quintasanulmlogger: multibuild of what?15:39
ulmlogger_Groo_: your ppa != official ppa15:39
ulmloggerQuintasan: runtime15:39
ulmloggerone activitymanager with patches and one without15:40
_Groo_ulmlogger: yes it is... look at gettomahawk.com15:40
_Groo_ulmlogger: if you mean, to make a new oficial tomahawk ppa, sure...15:40
Quintasanulmlogger: No I did not since I'm busy with moving furniture and tons of books around the house ATM15:40
_Groo_ulmlogger: i dont mind :D15:40
ulmloggerQuintasan: well, I also do not feel comfortable uploading runtime as it is15:40
ulmloggerI mean, breakage if discovered is easily reverted15:40
ulmloggerbut that of course requires a considerable amount of testing15:41
Quintasanshadeslayer: http://paste.kde.org/11182915:42
_Groo_ulmlogger: why did you say my ppa is not oficial? do you know anything i dont? oO15:42
Quintasanshadeslayer: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-runtime15:42
Quintasanshadeslayer: Now you have something to do :P15:42
shadeslayerno, now i have too much stuff to do :P15:43
_Groo_shadeslayer: lol15:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: Well, we are past feature freeze and we need it like NOW15:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: And I'm forced to go AFK by superior forces15:44
_Groo_shadeslayer: tell him, show me the money! speed = $$$15:44
shadeslayerffffffuuuuuuu ets15:44
Quintasanshadeslayer: If you are looking for examples of double building see kde-workspace (bzr) or quassel15:45
* Quintasan is back to moving stuff15:46
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
ScottKQuintasan: I looked at the workspace one.  Seems fine.16:12
=== ximion is now known as ximion1
cyphermoxyofel, ScottK: I spent a few hours last night tracking down why kded4 is running at 100% cpu but not really succeeding at making much sense of it; IIRC it's just trying to poll file descriptors and something answers EAGAIN16:22
ScottKcyphermox: I just uploaded an ntrack fix for debfx that relateds.16:22
ScottKYou'd need to ask him if that's a complete solution though.16:23
cyphermoxaye, seems reasonable, I guess16:24
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* bambee has nothing to do... :P16:56
shadeslayerbambee: /topic xD16:58
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ping16:58
=== ximion is now known as ximion1
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
shadeslayerrbelem: i'd like to discuss https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-filesharing17:12
shadeslayerwhen you're free17:12
rbelemshadeslayer, i think that we will postpone in favor of places view work17:13
shadeslayerplaces view work?17:13
rbelemshadeslayer, kdelibs/kfile/kfileplacesview.cpp17:14
rbelemshadeslayer, afiestas asked me to focus on this now. he thinks it has a higher priority17:15
* shadeslayer looks17:17
afiestasrbelem: hey I'm not your boss or anything...17:23
afiestasdo as you please man xD17:23
afiestasbut yes, placesview is more important imho17:23
rbelemafiestas, but you are my master17:23
* rbelem waves at afiestas 17:24
rbelemagateau didn't want to be my master17:24
rbelemafiestas, now you are :-D17:25
* rbelem pokes afiestas 17:26
* rbelem pokes afiestas again17:27
* rbelem pokes afiestas one more time17:28
* bambee gives some help to rbelem and pokes afiestas again :P17:30
* shadeslayer gives rbelem the fluffy poking stick17:31
shadeslayerjust keep it away from ulmlogger17:31
rbelemthanks bambee, shadeslayer 17:31
shadeslayerit does funny things around him :P17:31
rbelemyou are so kind17:32
afiestasrbelem: xD... 17:38
rbelemafiestas, i thought that you didn't want to be my master17:39
afiestasrbelem: shut up and keep hacking on placesview17:48
afiestasI want results by the end of the next week17:48
afiestasand btw, you promess me a screenshot, where is it?17:48
afiestasI want it NOW !17:48
afiestasrbelem: I can be a very very bad master :D17:48
rbelemafiestas, yes sir!17:50
rbelemafiestas, i could not send because my son got a flu yesterday17:50
rbelemafiestas, today i will send it, sir :-D17:51
afiestasrbelem: that's not an excuse17:55
afiestassleep less, work harder, take drugs I don't care17:55
afiestasbut I want my screenshot today17:55
afiestasbleh, is not even funny say those things17:56
afiestasso I'm going to stop :p17:56
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debfxScottK: would you grant a FFe for converting plasma-widget-message-indicator from cdbs to dh(1)?19:27
ScottKdebfx: Yes.19:27
ScottKJust put the debdiff and a build log in the bug and it's no problem.19:27
jjesseDarkwingDuck you around?  manage-applications needs a complete re-write for muon i think19:28
debfxok, thanks. I hope it's one of the last packages that use cdbs with pkg-kde-tools19:28
jjesseDarkwingDuck i committed a copule of changes but more need to be done19:28
bulldog98_ulmlogger: what do you think about an updated ninja pbuilder site?19:45
Quintasanbulldog98_: ulmlogger probably likes the idea19:52
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bulldog98Quintasan: I’ll test my pbuilder config and then I may edit the site19:52
bulldog98ulmlogger: your settings look fine20:04
bulldog98is it possible to source an other pbuilderrc within an pbuilderrc?20:08
QuintasanNot really20:08
QuintasanJust copy paste the contents?20:09
bulldog98Quintasan: I would like to ship an pbuilderrc and just have the user to configure some simple things20:09
Quintasanbulldog98: Use comments inside the config then20:13
bulldog98Quintasan: still it would be cool if the dev wouldn’t have to change the file, if we invent better stuff20:13
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debfxScottK: FFe waiting for your approval: bug #82976821:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 829768 in plasma-widget-message-indicator (Ubuntu) "FFe: convert from cdbs to dh(1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82976821:02
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yofeldoes anyone have any news on that printer applet crash btw.?21:08
debfxyofel: does it still crash?21:12
debfxI thought the python-qt4 and/or sip4 updates fixed those21:12
yofelI got a crash today at login, and someone else just said in +1 that it crashed21:12
debfxdo you have the latest versions of those installed?21:13
yofelhm, not the latest upload of sip, let's see if it helps21:15
debfxmaybe python-qt4 needs to be rebuilt with the latest sip421:18
yofelscott uploaded a pyqt build a while ago21:19
yofelcrash, let's see if the pyqt rebuild helps once it arrives here21:23
debfxdoes this look sane? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-workspace/revision/55121:23
debfxI'm open to suggestions for a better check21:23
yofelhm, should work21:27
debfxa dpkg-query --is-package-installed switch would be nice ...21:29
yofelI didn't even know you could use dpkg-query for that, I would've used something crazy like 'dpkg -l gtk2-engines-oxygen | tail -n 1 | grep -q ^ii'21:30
yofelnot even sure if that has a potential to break21:30
bulldog98_yofel: +1 crash21:31
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
* sheytan wonders where apachelogger is21:31
yofelsheytan: you're looking for ulmlogger21:31
bulldog98yofel: you where faster21:32
sheytanyofel yep :D21:32
sheytanulmlogger: ping ping pong21:32
yofelah, looking at dpkg-query manpage my command would fail as soon as you hold the package -.-21:32
debfxoh great, the manpage says that Status is an internal field21:37
JontheEchidnaGroo still here?21:52
JontheEchidnaguess not21:52
JontheEchidna!seen _Groo_21:52
ubottuI have no seen command21:52
JontheEchidna~seen _Groo_21:52
kubotu_Groo_ was last seen 2 hours, 57 minutes and 42 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Quit: Page closed)21:52
sheytanDroidulmlogger: Google for safari top sites. i. want recently played in dragon3 that way. what ya think?22:07
ulmloggerI do not think it makes sense22:10
sheytanDroidulmlogger i only mean the layout of previews22:10
ulmloggeryou mean the curving?22:11
ulmloggerdefinitely not with live playbacks22:11
ulmloggeralso I think it rather makes no sense because we have text next to it22:11
sheytanDroidtech. issue?22:11
ulmloggerwhich puts off the enitre visual balance22:11
JontheEchidnaThe last vestiges of KDE3 were removed from the archive today.22:12
sheytanDroidatleast reflection for what weve got now?22:12
ulmloggerbecause you can scroll22:12
ulmloggerplus reflection with blur and transparency of multiple videos is unbarable of hardware right now22:13
ulmloggeryou'd kill a top notch system with that22:13
sheytanDroidi redid the artwork mostly22:14
ulmloggerplease send22:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
sheytanDroidcant today. will finish it tomorrw then sent :)22:14
sheytanDroidplus im working on the whole UI still. 22:15
sheytanDroidok. talk to ya tomorrow.  bye :)22:16
bambeeCould someone update kde-l10n in main, please ?22:17
skreech_Ubuntu is going Systemd ?22:18
skreech_JontheEchidna: \o/22:18
skreech_JontheEchidna: Notify the Trinity?22:18
JontheEchidnathey probably already provide the whole kde3 stack separately now22:18
* bulldog98 got contour running on the ExoPc with Kubuntu22:24
bulldog98ulmlogger: have you uploaded the settings to archive?22:31
JontheEchidnaI'm thinking of skipping Muon Suite's codename down to 'O' and go with Omniscient Ood22:35
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: btw, if a Russian says that Muon "is suitable thing", is that as the best compliment I could expect to get? :P22:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Did he say that in Russian?22:38
JontheEchidnaor that's what the Google tells me22:39
Quintasancopypasta that22:39
yofelskreech_: systemd was postponed till after LTS at least, we'll know for UDS-Q22:39
Sputulmlogger: still in Ulm?22:39
* Quintasan wonders why we didn't backport the Activators fix22:39
yofelwhat activators fix?22:40
JontheEchidnaгодная вещь22:40
JontheEchidnaThey should have named systemd InitKit22:41
QuintasanJontheEchidna: That's not really the best you could possibly get but it's quite near22:41
JontheEchidnafrom a Russian anyway22:41
JontheEchidnawhat does that patch do?22:42
Quintasanyofel JontheEchidna http://santyago.pl/media/zoom/publish/2011/08/kde47-bugaktywator.png22:42
QuintasanSee this22:42
yofelQuintasan: feel free to do so - it is annyoing if it fixes the issue I'm thinking of22:42
Quintasantry selecting that option on your installation22:43
yofelQuintasan: I'm using that since 4.622:43
QuintasanIt does work?22:43
yofelin 4.6 sure, in 4.7...22:43
* Quintasan backports22:43
yofela) breaks horribly when switching activities b) if you close an app it doesn't necessarily create a launcher22:44
QuintasanI noticed b)22:44
yofelthey are shown on login, and the launcher vanishes when you start an app, but it doesn't come back when you close it22:45
yofelfun, firefox 7 beta1 in oneiric22:49
yofelkde bug 26248722:50
ubottuKDE bug 262487 in widget-taskbar "launcher support in taskbar: launcher does not appear immediately" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26248722:50
yofelQuintasan: 75a87c1f1d15b25b42f9a7ba8333bc7ab036e58e should fix b) if I understand the bug right22:51
QuintasanHmm, the patch I got is a little bit longer22:52
QuintasanIT possibly unbreaks activities too22:52
QuintasanLet me test22:52
yofelebfd002f5481c744a9078dd0baf591b3ad1ebf43 and b1ba1ec59b98971ab9bc8078cc5c31684335ce32 seem to be the activities fixes22:53
yofele3851ca9dbc417139a9107a6f18fcacd7f0fec0d too22:54
yofelkde bug 26491422:54
ubottuKDE bug 264914 in widget-taskbar "Launcher appears when application is running after switching virtual desktops or activity" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26491422:54
yofelQuintasan: yep, your patch has all 4 commits22:57
* Quintasan thanks Korneliusz for putting that together22:57
Quintasanyofel: Was it workspace that can break NM in natty?22:59
yofelyes - rather than backporting take the natty packge and add the patch. Easier23:00
JontheEchidnaIs this multiarch breakage? (local build)23:00
JontheEchidnamake[2]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/libQtTest.so', needed by `installer/muon-installer'.  Stop.23:00
yofelJontheEchidna: something has libQtTest hardcoded I guess23:00
yofelqzeitgeist was the last one I can think of23:00
JontheEchidnaI do link against that23:01
yofeldebfx: did you fix qzeitgeist?23:01
yofelif yes: how?23:01
debfxyofel: no, why would it need fixing?23:02
debfxJontheEchidna: you probably need to run make distclean so cmake picks up the new libQtTest path23:03
yofeldebfx: the qt lib locations in the cmake config file?23:03
yofelor do they really have to be in there?23:03
debfxI don't think cmake hardcodes the qt lib path23:04
yofeldebfx: /usr/share/qzeitgeist/cmake/QZeitgeistExport-noconfig.cmake has them hardcoded23:05
debfxoh right, forgot about that23:05
yofelso either we figure out how to remove that or qzeitgeist needs a rebuild at least23:06
Quintasanyofel: Turns out, I did add fix_launcher_not_appearing.diff but that doesnt work for some reason23:08
yofelhm... give me a few minutes and I'll try it23:08
QuintasanScrew it, I'm removing it and adding that one23:09
QuintasanFixes more things at once23:09
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
Daskreechyofel: but they are moving to it?23:12
yofelDaskreech: systemd? I know there was some talk on it, but there's no intention to move until the next LTS is out, so nothing new for now23:13
yofelif they're moving23:13
* Quintasan doesn't care as long as it boots23:14
DaskreechQuintasan: GNOME OS? :023:14
* yofel would like for mountall to become unbroken at some point...23:14
Quintasandh_auto_build '--buildsystem=kde' --parallel  23:15
Quintasan        cd obj-x86_64-linux-gnu23:15
Quintasan        make -j1223:15
QuintasanHow many -j's should I actually use?23:17
* Quintasan heard it's 1,5x cores23:18
Quintasanor 2x cores23:18
yofelwell, not really, usually there's no point in using more than cores+1 jobs23:20
yofelif you using icecc it only distributes CORES jobs to every system in the grid23:20
* Quintasan has a one-core 64bit box next to him23:22
QuintasanI wonder if I should bother23:22
yofelprobably not worth it, unless you're really rebuilding stuff a lot.23:23
yofelactually, then ccache would save more time23:23
Quintasanyofel: http://paste.kde.org/11205723:24
yofelhm, most of that is toochain stuff, but that added symbol and the taskmanager stuff at the bottom are odd...23:26
yofelor that's toolchain too...23:26
* Quintasan installs and relogs23:28
QuintasanIT'S ALIVE23:31
Quintasanyofel: The activity switching is working too23:32
Quintasanuploading to backports23:32
yofel \o/23:32
Quintasan4.7.1 is supposed to fix it23:33
QuintasanWe will get rejects then :P23:33
yofelit is, the commits are in the 4.7 branch23:33
* Quintasan goes to bed23:33
QuintasanGood night23:33
yofelQuintasan: did you put that into natty only?23:34
QuintasanFor now, yes23:34
Quintasanoneyerick need that too?23:34
yofelwell yes, although with 4.7.1 like 2 weeks away I'm not sure if it's worth it23:34
QuintasanSame here23:34
QuintasanIf for some reason it won't fix that we will put it ASAP23:35
* Quintasan jots down to test it23:35
yofeluh, if it doesn't Dirk has broken scripts again ^^23:35
Quintasanulmlogger: IIRC you were to fix some kcm related patch, let me know when you are done23:36
* Quintasan goes to bed for sure23:36
QuintasanGood night :P23:36
Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/112063/23:56

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