
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
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sven_oostenbrinkHow can I see what display driver is currently used by Xorg?02:54
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Terbaddo_Why does smooth tasks crash, when I close an active launcher ?03:08
viper1833how do I install and configure screensavers on kubuntu 11.0403:09
Guest35948I cannot delete a file on my PC03:14
Guest35948can anyone help me?03:14
Terbaddo_@ Guest35948 rm -rf file ?03:16
Terbaddo_* rm -f file03:16
Guest35948is a movie file, I downloaded that with Jdownloader, I copy that to another folder03:19
Guest35948and I want to delete it, but03:19
Guest35948it says that doesn't not exist03:19
Terbaddo_Why does smooth tasks crash, when I close an active launcher ?03:29
LINKSWORD2Hello, all.04:59
jschall_ok, so i have a high res laptop screen and a low res projector and i'd like to clone the laptop screen to the projector by scaling it down to the resolution of the projector. Failing that, I'm fine with having the laptop screen resolution drop to the projector resolution, but it needs to be easy to switch (my mother needs to be able to do it).05:27
kuuhmuhi i want to help . i use x chat to chat in irc but it can't login any sever it shown  "nick name is ready in use 'nick' try other nickname" wen i try it not happen.05:56
Unit193kuuhmu: Just what it says, the nick is registered by another person05:58
jmichaelxi just installed lirc, in order to configure some buttons on my pc remote. however, installing lirc caused my working remote to quit working. i purged lirc, but remote still does not work... any suggestions?06:00
Unit193Check battery?06:01
jmichaelxUnit193: it isn't the battery...06:01
jmichaelxthis has to do with lirc06:01
Unit193You may have better luck in #lirc (18 nicks in there)06:04
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jmichaelxok, i figured it out. installing freaking lirc added several modules (one of which i need) to a blacklist. purging lirc (naturally) did NOT purge all the lirc config files. i commented out the blacklist, modprobed the module, and remote is working again.06:17
jmichaelxsort of ridiculous, but oh well....06:19
krisei need some help07:24
krisei get the error code when tryng to install-uninstall programs07:24
kriseYou have failed to provide correct authentication.07:25
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings.07:25
kriseNeed help please07:25
kriseit happend after i tryed to install wine07:25
krisesomeone must be here smarter than me07:28
Mamarokkrise: just be patient, as soon as somebody knows you will get an answer07:30
krisethank u07:30
well_laid_lawnwhat was the question ;P07:33
krisei get the error code when tryng to install-uninstall programs07:34
krisethe error says07:34
kriseYou have failed to provide correct authentication.07:34
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings07:34
kriseit worked finebefore, i just tryed to install wine and after that it happend07:35
krisewine did not install correctly eader07:35
kriseso im tryng to remove it07:36
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kriseif anyone thinks i can get help help here say heypaaa07:57
rwwkrise: you might want to try /join #ubuntu and see if they can help07:58
LINKSWORD2.... Grr. Amarok still crashes, even after running the debug command through the Konsole terminal.08:23
LINKSWORD2Ahoy there! Anybody in here that can help? lol08:27
dkdI'm inviting all for Alchemy logical game the beta testing, unlock the elements one by one, and when you will unlock all , add an unique element http://alchemy.h19.ru/08:29
well_laid_lawnI think there is a #amarok channel08:30
well_laid_lawnLINKSWORD2: ^^08:30
LINKSWORD2There is?08:30
well_laid_lawn122 ppl there08:30
LINKSWORD2I'm not getting any results...08:33
kriserww hard to get help there, im running kde08:37
well_laid_lawnit's irc LINKSWORD2 you have to be patient...08:37
LINKSWORD2It's the middle of the night, man.08:38
LINKSWORD2During the day, I'd probably get a pretty fast response.08:39
LINKSWORD2But at night, the people that are actually still awake probably aren't on top of the world.08:39
kriseok kubuntu lovers08:39
LINKSWORD2And the rest of them are idle accounts while their owners are asleep. :P08:39
kriseback here to get some help08:39
* LINKSWORD2 cracks knuckles.*08:40
LINKSWORD2Let's have some fun....08:40
LINKSWORD2krise, whatchya got, mate?08:40
kriseHere is my problem-when im tryng to install-uninstall programs i get ERROR message-You have failed to provide correct authentication.08:40
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings.08:40
well_laid_lawnLINKSWORD2: did the debug command give a clue ?08:40
krisekubuntu 11.04 kde08:40
kriselinksword2 can u help me?08:41
LINKSWORD2krise, attempt to run your install or uninstall through the Konsole terminal.08:41
well_laid_lawnkrise: it is a permission issue do you have admin rights?08:41
kriseyes i have08:41
LINKSWORD2Then please copy the return text and put it into pastbin08:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:42
kriseno im tryng to install via kpackage kit08:42
well_laid_lawnyou need to check them, like the error said08:42
well_laid_lawn*the admin rights08:42
LINKSWORD2well_laid_lawn: I'll run the terminal again and get the readout, the same as I told krise to do.08:42
LINKSWORD2I'll be back in a minute or two with the results.08:42
krisewell_laid_lawn in terminal when i runn update command it works08:42
well_laid_lawnI was going to suggest that as a test08:43
kriseso masterbrains :) how can we fix this problem08:44
well_laid_lawnkrise: you'll need to check how kde sees your rights then08:44
krisewell_laid_lawn how can i doo that08:44
kriseim newbe, ba patient :)08:44
well_laid_lawnI don't have a kde box here atm - it'll be in the menu under system settings or something08:45
well_laid_lawnnormally as users and groups08:46
LINKSWORD2well_laid_lawn: Seems that the debug sequence hasn't come up with any conclusive results....08:48
LINKSWORD2However, even after a couple minutes, it's apparently still running command in groups.08:49
well_laid_lawntry this for a clue - http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=115&t=83663&start=1008:50
krisewell_laid_lawn i dont know what to look there ?08:51
well_laid_lawnI googled amarok crash and there was a few results..08:51
krisebehind root username is a lock08:51
well_laid_lawnI'd try another player until it's fixed LINKSWORD208:51
well_laid_lawnkrise: there is no root user in kubuntu08:52
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:52
krisewell_laid_lawn ok i find it, i have admin privileges08:54
geekosopherit seems ubottu is inspired by hollywood movies08:55
well_laid_lawnkrise: check in kpackagekit then - try an update08:55
krisewell_laid_lawn same problem with same error message08:56
krisewhen tryng to update in kpackage08:57
well_laid_lawnkrise: dunno what to say except stick to the commandline08:57
krisecant even put my password in08:57
well_laid_lawnyou can still search in kapckagekit?08:57
krisewell_laid_lawn yes i can08:58
well_laid_lawnso it never even asks for a password?08:58
krisenope, soon as i hit aplly it runs something and than gives me error08:58
well_laid_lawnit should ask for a password at startup or sometime08:59
kriseyes it did before08:59
LINKSWORD2Sounds like a problem with the KDE Wallet Manager.08:59
LINKSWORD2Go into the system control panel and check it.09:00
kriseafter unsucsessful wine installation its messed up09:00
LINKSWORD2*Shoots WINE.*09:00
* well_laid_lawn had wine once09:01
krisei dont know what to check there09:04
kriseeverywhere is always allow09:05
LINKSWORD2I'm signing off. I've gotta hit the pillow.09:05
krisehow can u sleep well when your brother needs help09:07
kriseanybody wants google + invite ?09:09
kriseis there any brave ones who like to help me out?09:32
Quintasankrise: Just ask your question, if someone knows they might help09:35
kriserunning kubuntu 11.0409:36
krisewhen im tryng to install-uninstall programs via kpackage it gives me a error09:37
kriseYou have failed to provide correct authentication.09:37
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings.09:37
kriseit comes up right before i can put in my password09:37
kriseupdate command works in terminal09:38
well_laid_lawndoes kpackagekit have a group you need to be in or something like that?09:38
kriseno i dont think so09:39
QuintasanUrgh, KPackageKit09:41
Quintasankrise: Did you try Muon?09:41
bigbrovarwell_laid_lawn: packagekit uses policykit for authentication, by default every user who is in the admin group is alliowed  to run a process that relies on policykit. if you are using the user created while installing the laptop. then that user is automatically added as a member of the admin group. if that user was manually created you need to specifically add the user to the admin group09:41
kriseQuintasan whats that09:41
Quintasankrise: The default package manager in Oneiric09:41
Quintasansudo apt-get install muon09:42
krisebigbrovar this problem started this morning, before i had no problems09:42
bigbrovarQuintasan: kpackagekit actually whats well for me no problems, if he is having authentication problems then its mostly a policykit issue which might also affect muon since that too is based on policykit09:42
QuintasanWell, technically that's right09:42
QuintasanBut sometimes KPackageKit expresses wildly unpreditctable behavior09:43
kriseill try muon09:45
well_laid_lawnbigbrovar: it was krise with the permission problem :)09:46
bigbrovaris anyone running kde/pim 4.7 on kubuntu 11.04? I find that sometimes akonadi just refuses to sync my mails. like the imap idle stops working and I have to manually initiate the fetch main command. this usually happens when I have a disconnection. The only way to get it back to syncing would be to restart akonadi (or in some cases restart) anyone experience this before09:46
kriseyes that was me09:46
bigbrovarwell_laid_lawn: oppss sorry :p09:46
well_laid_lawnnp :)09:46
krisebigbrovar can u give me advice?09:47
bigbrovarkrise: try muon and see if that works, if it doesn't then its most likely a policykit issue. if it does then its a packagekit problem09:48
kriseis muon ok for kde?09:48
osinclairkrise: there is a ppa for muon, search for that09:49
osinclairI am on version 1.2 or something and it is good, install also muon-installer for a nice gui09:50
bigbrovarkrise: yep and it would be the default package manager for Kubuntu 11.1009:50
krisesame problem with muon09:50
krisecan not install anyting09:51
bigbrovarkrise: then its a policykit issue (not that I know how to solve it)  what is the error again? can u post a screenshot?09:51
krisei installed muon via terminal09:51
kriseone sec09:51
kriseThis operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided09:52
bigbrovarkrise: have u tried rebooting?09:53
krisedont remember09:53
kriseill be back09:53
krisesorry guys- restart fixed everything09:58
krisethanks for muon do09:58
krisehow can i get my laptop mousepad right click work?10:00
kriseHP Probook 452010:00
bigbrovarkrise: yep problem some problems with policykit process failing.  its funny how many problems can be solved by restart.10:00
bigbrovarkrise: u are in luck I use a probook 4420 and solved the clickpad issue with this post http://bigbrovar.aoizora.org/index.php/2011/05/24/better-clickpad-support-for-ubuntu-11-04/10:01
bigbrovarfollowing that would allow you to right click and also get multitouch working. although click to drag support is still missing. I am suppose to update the post on how to get the LED working for enabling and disabling the clickpad10:02
kriseill try that10:03
* bigbrovar I actually came here to seek consel on why sometimes kmail2 push email stops working in kdepim 4.7 .. doesn't happen all the time but I have observed that when I experience a break in connection. push email stops working and I would have to manually check my emails does anyone experience this?10:05
bigbrovar I actually came here to seek consel on why sometimes kmail2 push email stops working in kdepim 4.7 .. doesn't happen all the time but I have observed that when I experience a break in connection. push email stops working and I would have to manually check my emails does anyone experience this?10:05
szal!repeat | bigbrovar10:06
ubottubigbrovar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.10:06
krisesh: dpkg-source: not found10:06
kriseUnpack command 'dpkg-source -x xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu12.1.dsc' failed.10:06
kriseCheck if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.10:06
kriseE: Child process failed10:06
krisei think im in trouble10:07
szalkrise: is it installed?10:07
bigbrovarkrise: I have never had that issue before. what version of Kubuntu are u running?10:07
szalkrise: read your output again..10:08
krisewith latest update10:08
kriseim not werry good in english, i might not understand everything10:08
bigbrovarkrise: I have not had the error before nor has anyone who posted feedbacks to the post. you have to read the instructions very carefully and follow it to the T, make sure you cross check the commands10:08
krisecan i let u in to my comp so u can doo it?10:09
kriseill trust u10:09
szalkrise: if you can chat here you can also read what messages you get -> [12:06:38] <krise> Check if the 'dpkg-dev' package is installed.10:10
bigbrovarkrise: err nope, am sure you can do this. just follow the instruction10:10
kriseok, will sow long it takes10:10
bigbrovarkrise: first of try running this sudo apt-get update10:11
osinclairbigrovar: you say click-drag does not work, for me it does "oob", a very light/fast click, hold down and drag10:11
osinclairbigrovar: sort of difficult to explain but works..10:12
krisebigbrovar update done10:12
osinclairmake that a "double-tap" and hold down on the second10:12
bigbrovarosinclair: yeah that one works, but not the holding the left click button and draging :)10:13
bigbrovarkrise: ok lets do this together10:13
osinclairbigrovar: yes I know.. hate the clickpad and long for good old separate buttons mysefl10:14
kriseim ready10:14
bigbrovarhave u ran sudo apt-get update and has the process completed?10:14
osinclairthat does not go ape if you put two fingers down at the same time...10:14
bigbrovarosinclair: same here, it was synatpic lame attempt at copying the apple trackpad10:14
bigbrovarkrise: ok next u need to create a directory in ur desktop named build you can do that with this command10:15
osinclairlet me not interrupt, help krise through this10:15
bigbrovar    mkdir $HOME/Desktop/build10:15
krisethat means folder named build ?10:16
bigbrovarjust copy and past the command :)10:16
bigbrovarnow u would need to move into that folder u just created with this command10:17
bigbrovarcd $HOME/Desktop/build10:17
bigbrovarnext you need to download the package that would be compiled for the right click to work do that with this command10:18
bigbrovar wget http://david.hardeman.nu/synaptics-suse-patches.tar.bz210:19
krisenow i doo this next command yes10:20
kriseapt-get source xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:20
krisesay yes, i hit enter10:20
bigbrovarkrise: now in other to download the source for the synatic driver and u do that with this10:21
bigbrovar apt-get source xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:21
bigbrovarok the next series of command should add the patch we downloaded earler to the synaptic package and then we can build it just follow the command one after the other10:23
bigbrovarcd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics*10:23
kriserise@krise-HP-ProBook-4520s:~/Desktop/build$ cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics*10:24
krisebash: cd: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu12.1.diff.gz: Not a directory10:24
kriseis that ok?10:24
bigbrovarnope that is not ok10:24
bigbrovarwhat is the output of this command pwd10:24
bigbrovarand also this one ls10:24
krisedont understand10:25
bigbrovarpost me the output of this command what is displayed when u run this command10:25
krisei just entered firs command10:25
krisecd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics*10:26
kriseand than it says10:26
krisebash: cd: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu12.1.diff.gz: Not a directory10:26
kriseshould i continue with other commands?10:27
krisesd debian10:27
bigbrovardo this cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a10:27
bigbrovarcd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a10:28
bigbrovarand after do this10:28
bigbrovarand post me the output of the last command (i.e the pwd command)10:28
krisebash: cd: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a: No such file or directory10:28
bigbrovarwhat is the output of the pwd command10:29
bigbrovarrun pwd10:29
bigbrovarand post me the output of that10:29
krisekrise@krise-HP-ProBook-4520s:~/Desktop/build$ cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a10:29
krisebash: cd: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a: No such file or directory10:29
krisekrise@krise-HP-ProBook-4520s:~/Desktop/build$ pwd10:29
FloodBotK1krise: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:29
bigbrovarkrise: do u know how to use pastebin?10:29
bigbrovarok next output should be posted there ok?10:30
bigbrovaranyway can u pastebin the output of this command ls10:30
bigbrovarpastebin the output of that10:30
bigbrovarok do this tar xzvf xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a.orig.tar.gz10:32
bigbrovar tar xzvf xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a.orig.tar.gz10:32
bigbrovartell me what happens when u do that10:32
bigbrovarthen run this  cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a10:33
bigbrovargood run this10:33
bigbrovar cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a10:33
bigbrovarkrise: done?10:34
bigbrovarkrise: can u run an ls again and pastebin the output?10:35
kriseok, hold on10:36
krisesame thing10:36
bigbrovarkrise: weird. ok lets do this again take it from the start ok?10:40
krisenice and easy10:40
bigbrovarI need u to delete everything inside the build folder10:40
bigbrovarlet me know when u have done that10:41
bigbrovarjust to be sure post me an ls10:43
bigbrovarpastebin the output of ls10:43
kriseit give me nothing10:44
bigbrovarnow run this wget http://david.hardeman.nu/synaptics-suse-patches.tar.bz210:45
bigbrovarafter every command I give u run an ls command and pastebin the output of that ls command10:45
bigbrovarthat way I follow the progress of which command carefully10:45
osinclairbigrovar: what changes after applying the patch(es) compared to "normal" 11.0410:46
bigbrovarnext apt-get source xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:47
krisethere was some problem10:49
bigbrovarwhat was the problem10:49
kriseafter command http://paste.ubuntu.com/669978/10:50
bigbrovarsudo apt-get install dpkg-dev10:51
bigbrovarrun that10:51
bigbrovarsudo apt-get install dpkg-dev10:52
bigbrovaru ran http://paste.ubuntu.com/669978/sudo10:53
krisei need to restart to complete update10:54
bigbrovarit said that?10:54
bigbrovaram not sure that is necessary10:54
kriselets try to continue10:54
bigbrovarjust delete the files in the build folder again and lets start again10:55
bigbrovarI dont want to leave room for errors :)10:55
kriseme eader10:55
bigbrovarwget http://david.hardeman.nu/synaptics-suse-patches.tar.bz210:55
krisehope u can make it work10:55
krisedont know how to thank u than10:56
bigbrovarlet me know when that works10:56
bigbrovar apt-get source xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:56
bigbrovarlet me know if there is any error this time or if it ran fine10:57
kriselooks ok10:57
krisewant paste?10:57
bigbrovarlets hope the worst is behind us10:59
krisei hope so10:59
bigbrovarcd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics*11:00
bigbrovarrun that11:00
bigbrovarcd debian11:01
bigbrovarafter that cd patches11:01
bigbrovarwhen done pastbin the output of11:01
bigbrovarso I know the 2 commands ran well '11:02
krisedamn im starting to belive i can get it work11:02
bigbrovarnow run this11:02
bigbrovarjust copy and paste the command11:02
bigbrovartar xfvj ../../../synaptics-suse-patches.tar.bz211:03
bigbrovarls -1 2*.patch >> series11:05
bigbrovarrun that11:05
bigbrovarnow do this11:05
bigbrovarcd ../..11:05
bigbrovarnow run this11:07
bigbrovar    sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-input-synaptics11:07
kriseinstalling, why cant this stuff work out of box?11:08
bigbrovarkrise: well the clickpad driver was not released for linux so the linux people have to reverse engineer the process11:09
bigbrovaranyway back to biz11:09
bigbrovardpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot11:10
=== jorge is now known as asdad2
bigbrovarsudo dpkg -i ../xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1*.deb11:11
bigbrovarsudo dpkg -i ../xserver-xorg-input-synaptics-dev*11:11
bigbrovarguess u are good to go11:12
bigbrovarquite tip11:12
bigbrovarmake sure u dont upgrade the xserver-xorg-input-synaptics package11:13
bigbrovarpacakgekit would ask u to upgrade that package just ignore it11:13
bigbrovarupgrading means u have to go through the same process all over again11:13
kriseok i have to make a note and keep my eye on it11:14
bigbrovarnow say a lil prayer and reboot11:14
bigbrovaryeah and if u have aptitude u can always do an aptitude hold xserver-xorg-input-synaptic11:14
krisebigbrovar i dont know how to thank u11:17
kriseu spent a lot of time11:17
kriseit works11:18
kriseits time to go to beach now11:18
bigbrovarkrise: u welcome . glad it worked11:18
benonsoftwareBluesKaj: Hello11:19
bigbrovarkrise: I knew u could do it :)11:19
BluesKajhi benonsoftware, bigbrovar11:19
krisei really prichiate11:19
krisenex time i need help how to install tar.gz files11:20
krisebut not today11:20
krisetime to grab a beer and start weekend11:20
krisethanks again11:21
krisec ya11:21
xiaobaoare there any softwares which could be used in Kubuntu with vedio chat function12:05
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ioniteOn some occasions I get stuck @ my login in screen till I click or hit enter.  Only then my desktop will show up.  Why is it so/13:25
ionitewhy do my firefox becomes so laggy when i'm typing web addresses?  there's always like a 2 second delay. how can i solve this?13:33
szalionite: observation here: don't start programs by click until the desktop has fully loaded; starting programs earlier may result in increased CPU usage13:34
ioniteszal: didnt start any programs becz i'm stuck @ the splash screen. now my bigger problem is strange lag & weird character appearing even w/o typing.13:36
ioniteszal: do u know why is firefox so laggy? how can i increase my diskcache?13:44
BluesKajionite, check your system monitor.maybe some process is hogging resources13:44
ioniteBluesKaj: how do i check and know which is hogging and which isn ot?13:45
BluesKajionite, , kmenu>apps>system>system monitor13:46
ioniteBluesKaj: i know. but it doesn't shows anything hogging? but even text typing in my firefox suffers 2 seconds delay13:46
ioniteBluesKaj: most of the time is 1 second delays but some occasions is 2 seconds delay13:47
BluesKajionite, try another browser to see if it lags13:48
ioniteBluesKaj: what's ur recommendations?13:50
ioniteBluesKaj: is it better than Firefox?13:51
avihayI've noticed that lag too, I think it's something to do with the newer firefox, wasn't that bad with FF 3.6. probably can't be fixed without programming or disableing some of the (awsome?)bar's features13:51
BluesKajthat's a matter of taste and opinion , but chromium is lighter but less configurable in some ways13:52
avihayionite: depends on what you consider better13:52
ioniteavihay: u face the same prob too? i used Firefox because i can access internet banking.13:52
avihayI don't agree with lighter, I'll give it faster13:53
ioniteavihay: better meaning no lag and smooth web browsing.13:53
ioniteavihay: i tried rekonq and i don't quite like it though it's quite fast.13:53
ioniteavihay: now that i have firefox installed how do i install chrome? and how do i remove firefox?13:53
* BluesKaj accesses internet banking with chromium , but this is Canada ...banks here are slighty more software progressive13:53
avihaywell, chrome is faster, and more secure then Firefox without the script-block plug-in, but it's a memory hog13:53
avihayand I recomend you use chromioum instead of chrome, both of you13:54
ioniteavihay: chrome is a memory hog? but what's causing the lag in firefox? what's the difference? chrome and chromium?13:54
avihayheck, everyone should probably prefer chromium over chrome13:54
BluesKajavihay, read my post above13:54
* szal hasn't noticed any lag w/ FFox yet (6 running here)13:55
avihaythe difference between chrome and chromioum is in how much data is being sent to "big brother", and while "that's a matter of taste and opinion", I think it applies to most13:56
avihayszal: try using the bar to look for somth in your history, type three letters, and see if Firefox sorta hangs when you browse the result list13:57
ioniteavihay: BluesKaj szal my problem is that the web address field doesnt display the text as fast as i type. there's a 1 second delay and when i type fast it's a lot of text delay.13:57
avihaythat too13:59
szalavihay: no, it doesn't14:00
avihayit's tolerate-able for me since I rarely type in addresses, though the amount of tabs I have open is kinda absurd14:00
BluesKaj yes ionite we know , have you tried chromium yet14:00
avihaywell, it could be a plugin that's slowing it down, I guess14:00
BluesKajFF plugins slow you down ? how can that be ? :)14:01
ioniteBluesKaj: installing now.14:02
ioniteBluesKaj: i've got no FF plugins @ all.14:02
ioniteshould i upgrade to KDE 4.7? what would happen to software compatibility?14:03
BluesKajavihay, I meant chromium-browser14:03
ioniteif i were to upgrade to 4.7 would my current settings and files be disturbed? WINE HQ? any programs would suffer?14:04
BluesKajionite, no idea about wine ...maybe others do14:05
avihaywell, my kmixer settings got crazy after the upgrade, but the performance gain from upgrading was well worth it.14:06
BluesKajjust fix them in alsamixer , kmix is just a gui for it14:06
avihaywell, actually, except from the master channel changing, the other issue was the vol up/down shortcut not working and that was cause some other program hijacked them and it took me a while to figure it out14:08
ioniteBluesKaj: i'm using chrome now. it's lightnining fast14:11
ioniteavihay: i'm using Chrome now. the difference is significant from FF. i guess it really depends on preference and systems?14:14
BluesKajavihay, pulseaudio is default now , but I rid my setup of it as soon as i can ...IMO it's useless for integrated soundcards besides being buggy14:14
=== hacked is now known as vinces
avihayI actually wanted to use my phone/computer as a blutooth headset for my computer/phone, didn't have much luck though, and yes, so far, pulseaudio has been more of a curse then a blessing. I wanted per-ap volume control... but I find myself not really using it14:23
ioniteBluesKaj: i just suffered a shortcircuit on my netbook due to power failure. now my netbook can't book!!14:26
aleksandrчто сдесь14:26
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:26
BluesKaj shortcircuit? how do you know ?14:27
ioniteBluesKaj: i saw the entire net book power adapter unplug my accident before my eyes.14:27
ioniteBluesKaj: *accident14:27
avihayionite: chrome is fast, I agree. as I believe in browser separation as a security measure, I use it too, but it has alot of shortcomings that prevents me from using it for serious browsing14:28
ioniteBluesKaj: now it's stuck a black screen. with only this cursor blinking _14:29
BluesKajthat's not real serious , ionite14:29
avihayerm, I mean using  chromioum*14:29
ioniteBluesKaj: and i can't do anything about it.14:29
BluesKaj avihay like ?14:29
ioniteavihay: what do u mean serious browsing? now i've got a bigger problem. my ubuntu can't boot @ DOS mode14:29
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ioniteBluesKaj: what should i do?14:31
ionitei'm stuck @ a black screen with only a blinking cursor _14:31
BluesKajavihay, theonly thing bothersome about chromium is it's poor integration with kde/gtk fonts ...I use a large monitor and the fonts on the toolbars and bookmarks bar are un configurable14:31
avihaymemory management, multiple tab management, and tab restore, and while there might be plugins to fix the latter two, I believe the first is more then enough not to pick it, though the Miku Hatsune skin is to die for!!! kyaaa, so cute!14:32
ioniteBluesKaj: any idea how i can restore back my KDE from a power failer?14:33
BluesKajleave the power off for at least 30 secs , the try to boot14:34
ioniteBluesKaj: i'm trying now. what should i do if its still stuck at the blinking cursor _ black screen?14:36
avihayionite: can you get to one of the ttys?14:39
ioniteBluesKaj: i'm still stuck at the blinking cursor _ after 30 seconds14:40
ioniteavihay: what do u mean TTYS?14:40
ioniteKubuntu can14:41
avihayI mean text interface thingy virtual text terminal, whatchamacallit14:41
ioniteavihay: nothing i'm only at the black screen with this single _14:41
ioniteavihay: nothing else after a power failure. frustrating.14:42
Terbaddo_Can anyone help me about Smooth Tasks ?14:42
BluesKajionite, ok reboot , hold down the shift key right after the bios screen appears , to see if you can get to the grub menu .14:42
ioniteBluesKaj: I tried that too but it can't work.14:43
ioniteBluesKaj:  alright i realized now what's wrong. i got my mp3 player USB plugged in and my primary boot was by USB. lolx14:43
BluesKajdoes your laptop have a cdrom drive ?14:44
ioniteBluesKaj: scared the heart out of me.14:44
avihayanyone knows what TTY stands for?14:45
avihayTerbaddo_: thanks14:46
avihaythough I feel a bit sorry that I asked14:46
ioniteavihay: in my country TTYL means Talk To You Later in text messaging shortforms.14:46
ioniteavihay: thanks for ur help. i'm sticking to chrome for now. the only problem with Open source is that u gotta trial and error to find out what's the best for u.14:47
avihayionite: I think it's more of a language/social thing then country related14:47
ioniteavihay: lolx. gtg . thanks for all ur help. gd night. time to sleep.14:48
avihayI didn't do anything :-<   night14:48
=== ZandreBran is now known as ZandreBran_afk
noaXessupgraded a machine from 10.04, 10.10 to 11.04..16:06
noaXessall is fine.. :) but.. sound level.. on each reboot it is back to 12%.. instead of that level i set it up while working on machine..16:06
noaXessany hint?..16:06
alcomwho can help me ?16:10
alcomi have problem16:10
alcomwith my kubuntu16:10
alcommy system can not detect usb flashdisk16:10
alcomhow to repair it ?16:11
fayaztried with another os?16:11
alcomat another os can detected16:12
alcomi use vandisk16:12
alcomcan not detected16:12
alcombut i  use toshiba flash disk can detected16:13
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fayazalcom: so disk a is getting detected and disk b isn't?16:15
alcomwhen i connect to toshiba flashdisk my system can detected, but when i use vandisk my usb cannot detected, but when vandisk to connect to windows xp it is detected16:18
alcomwhat the name of visual c++ program for ubuntu ?16:24
alcomi need it16:24
BluesKajalcom, vdk216:26
noaXesshey BluesKaj16:28
BluesKajhi noaXess16:28
noaXesswasup?.. hot?16:28
BluesKajnot much atm16:29
BluesKaj!pm | alcom16:31
ubottualcom: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:31
alcomok thanks for your suggestion16:33
noaXessany idea.. about above problem?16:34
noaXessall is fine.. :) but.. sound level.. on each reboot it is back to 12%.. instead of that level i set it up while working on machine..16:34
noaXessand other question.. have a system with two users.. one user can play audio cd's in amarok the other not.. the other don't see the audio cd as a local colleciton..16:36
noaXessi added the other user to adm and admin groupp.. no change16:36
mfraz74do they need to be added to the audio group?16:37
noaXessmfraz74: both are in the audio and cdrom group16:38
alcomi have installed vdk but it is not show yet on program menu, where is it ?16:42
duckx0rHow can I get kate sessions to restore correctly? I have "load last used session" selected and every time it starts up a new session. This behavior is the same on two separate computers.16:44
alcomhow to start vdk2 ?16:46
BluesKajalcom, alt+f2 , type vdk217:07
=== ripley is now known as Guest20798
LINKSWORD2Hey everybody. If I have Muon installed, can I remove KPackageKit, or set Muon up as the system's default package manager?17:58
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:38
=== nosrepa is now known as aperson
=== fitoria_ is now known as fitoria
LINKSWORD2Some of you might know about my pre-existing problem with Amarok. Should I wait for an updated version?19:01
LINKSWORD2Or perhaps reinstall my system and see if updating from there yields a stable result?19:01
DarthFrogTry booting from the LiveCD and see if it works there?  If not, re-installing won't do anything.19:04
LINKSWORD2DarthFrog: I don't have a CD burner. My LiveCD is from version 10.04.19:07
James147LINKSWORD2: you can create a liveusb instead19:08
rekcuFniarBfind ~/.kde -iname "*amarok*" -exec rm -rf {} \;19:08
James147LINKSWORD2: also, testing a new user account might also help19:08
LINKSWORD2rekcuFniarB: How would I find that?19:09
James147rekcuFniarB: ^^ rm is not a good idea, mving the configs so that they can be restored is bettter19:09
James147LINKSWORD2: best thing to do is create a new user and see if it works for them, if it does then its a config problem in you home directory and renaming/deleting the right configs should solve it19:10
LINKSWORD2OK, normally I'm a complete nerd and I'd be in step with you guys on that.19:10
LINKSWORD2But I think this time, you lost me.19:10
rekcuFniarBLINKSWORD2: it's a command line19:10
LINKSWORD2Also, James147 the system I'm running is old enough that I don't think it can boot to USB.19:11
James147LINKSWORD2: how old? computer have been able to boot from usb for a long time :)19:11
LINKSWORD2A Compaq from the stone age. It came out with WME on it.19:12
James147(either way, the new user will be easier and rule out the user configs)19:12
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=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
LINKSWORD2Hmm.... It looks like it's a config problem.19:52
LINKSWORD2It's hard to tell for sure, however, because I can't access the music from the other account.19:53
LINKSWORD2... I don't mean to sound impatient, but I would figure I'd get some kind of response....20:09
OerHeks'sounds' normal, music from an other account that is not accessible20:10
OerHeksi see no question in you comments, LINKSWORD220:11
LINKSWORD2OK, perhaps I should elaborate.20:12
LINKSWORD2I'm having problems with Amarok crashing when I open an MP3 file from my directory "Music" folder.20:13
LINKSWORD2I've purged, re-installed, cleared files, etc.20:13
LINKSWORD2I've also created a "dummy" account to see if the problem is dependent on user config files.20:14
LINKSWORD2However, I can't determine for sure, because I can't access my music from the dummy account.20:14
LINKSWORD2I'm seriously considering copying my home directory and all sub-folders and files to an external drive, and starting over with a clean install of Kubuntu.20:16
LINKSWORD2Unless I can resolve these config issues. And I suppose that's where I must ask, OerHeks, if you would help me?20:21
OerHeksah, i gave you my solution, last time, to delete the amarok folder, wich was not the solution for you.20:23
OerHeksi have no idea how to fix that.20:23
LINKSWORD2Would you advise copying the home directory to an external and starting with a fresh install?20:25
oldos2erIs everyone asleep?20:36
OerHeksit could solve this amarok issue, i 'm not sure what causes this error. since the delete i didn't have any errors. but if you want to play music from other accounts, i suggest put the music in a shared folder under /var/ ?20:37
OerHeksoldos2er, maybe, it is 22:37 over here ..20:38
oldos2erOk.  :)20:38
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LINKSWORD2I suppose this means I'll be back in an hour or so.20:56
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=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
excognachi all. booted today for the third time as usually and received a notification about No touchpad found. this is an acer aspire 5750 laptop. Why could this problem occur?21:46
excognacAnd it actually doesn't work, an external mouse is connected for ages21:46
excognacbefore the touchpad functioned normally, even it was rarely used21:47
well_laid_lawnif you boot without the external mouse connected I bet it'll work22:00
excognacok will try. the strange thing i always used the system like this, so why and how could this happen?22:05
skreech_excognac: synaptics updated?22:14
excognacyes just had a sudo apt-get...22:14
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mudassarHello people please help ==> Unable to negotiate a key exchange method22:27
mudassarany body ?22:31
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