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doko_Subscribe somebody else ... ev ... Please enter at least three characters ... this is INSANE!07:01
dieckdoko_: you want to subscribe someone with a 2-char-username?07:11
doko_dieck, yes, I tried :-/07:11
wgrantdoko: It's misguided and not ideal, but it's been that way for more than two years and this is only the second time I've seen someone complain about it. You can work around it by using the non-AJAX form.07:15
doko_wgrant, non-AJAX?07:32
wgrantdoko_: Middle click on the link, or right click and open link in a new tab.07:33
doko_wgrant, ok thanks, a bit handicapped with midle-click on a MacBook07:34
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mvois it just me or is LP currently timing out really often? I got three timeouts in the last ~30min or so doing bug triage/reassign work on software-center09:48
jtvcjwatson: where do you get the installer translations from again?  Not from Launchpad, right?10:32
gumarajtv: Hi10:34
jtvhi gumara10:34
gumaraJust ask Colin ?10:34
gumarajtv: No Colin here?10:36
jtvgumara: I guess not.10:36
jtvdpm: maybe you can help with this.  I forgot how/where the installer's translations are gathered.10:44
dpmjtv, they are distributed in the 5 top templates there: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+lang/ca10:45
dpmthe main ones are debian-installer and ubiquity-debconf (graphical installer)10:46
jtvWhat I mean is, do we use the translations from there to put on the CD?  IIRC there was some unusual process.10:46
gumaradpm: Hi, I have some problem with translation in installer.10:52
dpmjtv, the translations cannot be used in langpacks, so the developers export them and commit them in the code directly10:53
dpmthe other unusual bit is debian-installer10:53
jtvdpm: I'm asking because gumara ^^ is having some trouble with a translation fix from May that hasn't worked its way into alpha3.10:53
cjwatsonjtv: most installer translations need to happen in Debiain10:54
dpmjtv, gumara got his/her question answered on #ubuntu-translators10:54
cjwatsoner, Debian10:54
jtvAh, thanks.10:55
gumaraTrouble is this one https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity-debconf/th/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=Something10:55
cjwatsonOK, Ubuntu-specific strings are an exception10:55
cjwatsonprobably just a matter of doing a fresh manual export10:55
cjwatsonI'll have a look10:55
cjwatsonand yes, those *do* come from Launchpad, just not automatically10:56
jtvIt looks like a fairly important fix.  The previous translation seems very wrong.10:56
dokoassume I have a bug_target object. How can I find out the associated series?11:12
cjwatsongumara,jtv: ubiquity 2.7.16 will have the updated translation.  Thanks for the note.11:16
jtvthanks cjwatson!11:20
geserdoko: isn't the bug_target the distro series itself?11:22
dokogeser: no11:23
dokoXXX https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/+source/rootskel https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/oneiric11:23
dokoXXX https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/rootskel https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/ubuntu/oneiric11:23
dokofirst is the bug_target, second the series11:23
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sorendoko: Well, if the bug target doesn't have a distroseries attribute (ie if the bug task isn't targeted), you can go through .distribution.current_series.11:27
geserdoko: is that from existing bugs?11:28
dokogeser, existing bugs? no, creating them11:30
dokoit looks like the bug_nomination has a distroseries link11:30
geserdoko: depending on what you want to file the bug on you need different bug_targets: you first example if you only want to file it against the "rootskel" source package and the second one if you want to file it "rootskel" and nominate for Oneiric11:33
dokogeser: right, I want it for the distroseries11:34
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geserdoko: lp.distributions['ubuntu'].getSeries(name_or_version='oneiric') to get a distro_series object and on it use getSourcePackage(name='rootskel') and use this object as bug_target for your new bug11:40
dokogeser: trying to fix http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~linaro-infrastructure/svammel/trunk/view/head:/bug_reporting.py11:43
geserdoko: what is not working?11:50
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA uploads are working, it just looks bad: https://launchpad.net/bugs/798957 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: adeuring | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
apware we aware that PPA builds at least are dying and droping to CHROOTWAIT.  Looks to be glibc detecting memory corruption in sudo12:17
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xaprbI have done "bzr branch" to get a working copy.  How can I change it to a newer branch that exists on launchpad?  I just threw away and re-branched, but it seems there must be a better way.14:25
deryckadeuring, I'll take IRC now.14:36
adeuringderyck: thanks!14:36
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA uploads are working, it just looks bad: https://launchpad.net/bugs/798957 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: deryck | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
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CarlFKhow do I search for a PPA for alsa? I want to try alsa 1.0.24 on 11.0415:12
deryckCarlFK, I usually type "alsa ppa" into our search on launchpad.net or into Google....15:18
bigjoolsit's even linked from the front page15:18
deryckCarlFK, however, I'm on 11.04 and I have alsa-base at 1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu1.  Is this what you want?15:18
CarlFKthere is a front page? :)15:19
CarlFKderyck: yes... I think...15:19
deryckyeah, seriously, bigjools, we have a front page? ;)15:19
CarlFKtest box, will re-install os once I am done hacking it to pieces15:19
bigjoolson the /ubuntu/+source/<package> pages it also links to PPAs containing that source15:20
bigjoolsderyck: fancy that :)15:20
deryckCarlFK, FWIW, I don't think you need to reinstall the whole OS to get the right alsa. ;)15:21
deryckbut obviously, that's not a Launchpad problem. :)  Good luck with it!15:21
CarlFKhuh... Installed: 1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu115:22
CarlFKbigjools: thanks for the url15:22
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ahasenackfor this url: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/annotate/head:/tools/write-mime-multipart (repeatable)17:44
deryckahasenack, ok, will have to wait for the OOPS to appear and then will take a closer look.17:45
ahasenackderyck: ok17:46
deryckabentley, handing off to you now.17:47
abentleyderyck: ack.17:47
=== deryck changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA uploads are working, it just looks bad: https://launchpad.net/bugs/798957 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: abentley | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
kamalhi LP people ...  I've been consistently getting "Timeout error" from LP for the past 3 days in these two (unrelated) situations:17:55
kamal1. when I try to edit one of my PPA's description text https://launchpad.net/~kamalmostafa/+archive/linux-kamal-mjgbacklight17:55
kamal2. when I try to view https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+bug/80795017:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 807950 in zeitgeist (Ubuntu Oneiric) "zeitgeist-daemon crashed with LookupError in remove_from_connection(): <_zeitgeist.engine.remote.RemoteInterface at /org/gnome/zeitgeist/log/activity at 0xb74ee2cc> is not exported at a location matching (None,None)" [High,Triaged]17:56
kamalregarding (1.) ...  I can successfully edit one of my other PPA's description texts.  weird.17:59
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abentleykamal: We treat timeouts seriously.  Please file a bug.18:29
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GTRsdkcan an administrator cancel a ppa build for me?20:31
GTRsdkI need this build canceled: https://launchpad.net/~gtrsdk/+archive/libreofficebuilds/+build/273203820:31
GTRsdklamont: can you cancel that build for me please?20:32
GTRsdkI think a recent upload will cancel it20:33
marsabentley, around?20:48
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abentleymars: Hi.20:59
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: PPA uploads are working, it just looks bad: https://launchpad.net/bugs/798957 | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
slangasekhi, can someone here explain to me how permissions to see private bugs are meant to work?21:02
slangasekI've recently filed a couple of bugs against the update-manager package in Ubuntu that were filed as 'private' due to a bug somewhere else, and mvo wasn't able to see them21:03
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bachi slangasek21:06
slangasekbac: hi there21:06
bacslangasek: private bugs are visible to members of the team assigned to be the bug supervisor21:06
bacand to anyone directly subscribed to the bug21:06
slangasekand in the distro, bug supervisors are done on per-package basis, or at the distro level?21:06
bacslangasek: er, distro i believe21:07
bacslangasek: but if you can see the bug, then all you need to do is subscribe mvo21:07
slangasekright, but that's not the point :)21:07
slangasekthe point is that the only people who are in a position to fix the bug aren't seeing it21:07
slangasekso we have something misconfigured21:07
bacah, ok21:08
nigelbwoah, just got OOPS-2057AT17021:08
baclet me look21:08
* nigelb hasn't seen LP timeoout in a while21:08
bacslangasek: so are those people in ~ubuntu-bugs?21:11
slangasekbac: yes, by way of ubuntu-core-dev21:12
GTRsdkis it possible to have launchpad build packages in a PPA for Debian?\21:12
nigelbok, interesting. so apport retracer serivice is what's letting me see private bugs.21:12
nigelb(it subscribes crash bug triagers)21:12
bacslangasek: could you file a bug with and example private bug and affected person?21:14
slangasekbac: when we were discussing this on #ubuntu-release, kirkland pointed out a related issue, which is that the bug supervisor for the 'qemu' project in LP, which uses LP bugs, was not receiving any notification of bugs flagged security/private21:14
slangasekbac: would you like me to switch one of my existing bugs back?21:14
bacyou mean back to private?21:15
nigelb"Security-related bugs are by default private (visible only to their direct subscribers)"21:15
nigelband the direct subscribers is only the security contact.21:15
slangasekbac: yes21:15
bacslangasek: well, not if it is going to impede your real work21:16
slangasekbac: it won't, now that I've talked to him out of band he already has the info on the bugs :)21:16
bacok, sure then21:16
bacthanks and we'll look at it monday21:16
slangasekbac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/828162; lp id mvo could not see it21:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 828162 in update-manager (Ubuntu Oneiric) "update-manager crashed with Package [u'nspluginviewer'] isn't available in _run()" [High,Triaged]21:17
slangasekmvo: ^^ can you confirm you're blocked out of this bug again?21:17
mvobac: I can not see this one21:17
bacbut it is currently public21:17
mvobac: and I maintain update-manager in ubuntu  (my name is in the Maintainer field of the package)21:17
mvoeh, sorry, I couldn't see it before slangasek made it public21:18
slangasekbac: hah! well, LP *told* me I'd made it private again...21:18
slangasekright, so, I'm getting timeouts trying to mark the bug private ;)21:19
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mvoaha, I got timeouts a lot today/prev day21:21
mvoanyway, I call it a day now21:24
slangasekbac: ok, since the timeout blocks me from switching this bug back to private, and the ajax interface doesn't give me any OOPS to look at... where's the best place for me to file a test bug?  staging?21:29
bacslangasek: yes, but it is even more susceptible to time outs21:30
slangasekphooey, why does staging want me to log in with a password21:31
slangasekhah, and it's trying to insist that I change my password... pass.21:32
bacslangasek:  OOPS-2057D16721:32
slangasekoh, now I'm in21:32
slangasekbac: "Your search: 2057D167 didn't match any oops.21:34
bacslangasek: yeah, it isn't processed yet21:34
bacslangasek: i turned off javascript and got a real page in order to generate that21:34
bacslangasek: i need to run, though.  i'll look for your bug on monday.21:34
slangasekunderstood, thanks :)21:35
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 824938 not found21:35
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