
jakempI am trying to run the wayland compositor, but I get this error: failed to load module: /lib/wayland/x11-backend.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory00:20
jakempusing libwayland from the repos00:20
i_is_broke thinking about updating to 11.10 is it close to being stable? and what should i look for as issues running an amd quad core with 4 gig of ram and nvidia gt 240 vid.01:38
urlin2ui_is_broke, still in deve;opment don't as a main OS.01:38
urlin2uhere is the release schedule https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule01:40
i_is_brokeurlin2u, thank you,  and i know that its still in development. thats why i asked. and yes this is my main os.01:42
i_is_brokehows it do with vm?01:42
leni_is_broke, As we've been discussing, if you use KDE, one of your processors with get pinned at 100% usage when system is otherwise idle.  So, yes, there are  some issues you probably don't want to deal with.01:43
urlin2unot sure really, I use vbox, unity may or may not run in a virtual.01:43
IdleOnei_is_broke: thing is that it can be rock solid right now and in an hour be broken beyond repair01:43
i_is_brokehaha, IdleOne i know i have had it happen before. so thanks. ill just hold off. i dont need one of my processors pegged like that.01:44
lenOf course, if you get it in a "rock solid" state, you can always hold off on updates until the beta release01:44
urlin2uor clone it and let it update01:45
i_is_brokei might split the hard drive and run a seperate install on it.01:45
i_is_brokei can always include my home folder.01:45
lenI have a notebook that is running without issues right now, and prob won't update til beta because it would get screwed up by some of the recent changes01:45
i_is_brokei dont even want to ask how it plays with ati. i know im not switching the laptop yet.01:46
lenI was wondering about that.  Have several ati machines, but didn't attempt because I didn't want to deal with the normal fglrx issues01:47
i_is_brokei wished ati would get their crap together i do like there cards.01:48
lenMain reason I switched was because I was having some issues with kwin, and heard that their was a major code cleanup of kwin in kde 4.7.  It seems to be true, 'cause I'm not having any kwin issues now.01:49
i_is_brokebut ok, guys and galls. thanks for the 411.01:50
lenoops, I mean "there" :(  My fingers made an idiot of me in irc01:51
lenum, make :)01:51
lenSo, do a ton of people usually jump into ubuntu+1 at beta?01:53
IdleOnethe combined weight must add up to a ton01:54
lenSo either a lot of really skinny people, or just a couple mobidly obese users01:55
billybigriggerhey all01:56
lenbillybigrigger, You have ubuntu on a notebook in your cab with you?01:59
billybigriggermy cab?01:59
lenYou a truck driver?02:00
billybigriggerna bud, i'm not a trucker, by bigrigger i'm referring to oil field rigs...02:00
lenAh, OK.02:00
billybigriggerbut i have had my ubuntu laptop mounted in my pickup :P02:00
lenWhat kind of mount?02:01
IdleOneshotgun mount02:01
lenKind of like the cops have in their cars?02:01
billybigriggeryeah exactly02:02
billybigriggerbut now we have  a bunch of stupid driving laws that ban them, along with cell phones, and eating etc etc etc02:02
billybigriggeranyone aware of a more HDTV friendly ubuntu flavor?02:04
billybigriggerplane jane ubuntu doesn't gel well with an hdtv02:04
lenOne the otherhand, I see all kind of people doing all kinds of shit in their car that would surely run you over without even noticing if you crossed their path, because from looking at them you can tell they damn sure aren't watching the road.02:04
IdleOnemythbuntu  maybe02:04
billybigriggerill give it a go, i don't really need a media center, but if it is more user friendly than this it might be worth it02:05
billybigriggeris there an A3 for myth yet?02:05
lenI have two mythbuntu boxes hooked to hdtvs02:05
billybigriggerhow is myth for everyday use? ie browsing, irc, email etc etc02:06
billybigriggeri know it's a great media center, but i need something suited for everyday use02:06
IdleOnebillybigrigger: never tried it myself but I assume it does everything Ubuntu does + all the media stuff02:06
billybigriggerIdleOne, i would assume so too02:06
lenWell, if you close the mythfrontend, its pretty much ubuntu with xfce desktop02:06
billybigriggeryeah so it will be the same thing i'm staring at right now02:07
lenYou're using xfce?02:07
billybigriggertiny ass icons, with a tiny ass titlebar and will have the same overscan problems associated with an hdtv02:07
lenYou can always install another de on mythbuntu if you like02:07
billybigriggerit's not the problem of any de02:08
lenare you using ati?02:08
billybigriggernvidia on this desktop, ati on my laptop02:08
lenyou need to change the overscan setting if you are02:08
billybigriggermy monitor shit the bed, so i'm stuck using my 52" hdtv as a monitor, and it's effin hell02:08
billybigriggeri have played with overscan in nvidia settings02:10
lenboth my myth boxes us integrated ati, and both needed to be adjusted to fit the hdtv02:10
billybigriggerubuntu needs to create some sort of configuration for hdtvs, that makes the left launcher, and title bars easier to read with hdtv02:10
lenThere as a default 15% under or overscan  (don't remember) that needed to be set to zero.02:10
billybigriggerupdates are done, lets see if anything is borked today :) brb need a restart02:11
lenThis was purely an ati fglrx driver issue02:11
lenI had a mtyh box hooked up once too and seem to remember having to mess around with the nvidia driver too, but that was with a standard tv02:12
billybigriggerwow, .10 is a mess right now haha02:18
billybigriggernow i remember why 10.10 was my last time playing with alpha's :)02:18
billybigriggeror maybe it was 10.0402:18
billybigriggeranyone here testing the compiz pre-release?02:21
billybigriggerhow do i add an http link to the left launcher?02:36
kyubutsuIdleOne: qdbus is under control after install of qt4-dev-tools03:50
kyubutsuthe new thing of the hour is kded403:51
kyubutsuhm, muon is coming up with new dbus and akonadi updates...03:55
* kyubutsu braces for impact03:55
JontheEchidnathe akonadi one is a no-change rebuild, so no worries there03:56
* kyubutsu hits 'apply changes'03:57
billybigriggerwhere is mozilla's plugin directory?03:58
billybigriggerie for libflashplayer.so03:58
billybigriggerit's in /usr/lib right? not the one in my home dir?03:59
JontheEchidnaI think it's at /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so03:59
kyubutsuconversely, you could grep for it03:59
kyubutsuyou might be surprised to find more than one libflashplayer.so too04:00
JontheEchidnarunning locate libflashplayer.so is also an option04:01
micahgbillybigrigger: either can be used actually, the one in the home dir will override the system one04:02
urlin2ubillybigrigger, in addons04:03
* micahg wonders why kubuntu has so much trouble with flashplugin-installer04:04
kyubutsu_kdelog out failed with blank screen04:13
kyubutsu_kdekded4 still at 50%04:13
kyubutsu_kdeakonadi agent launcher did not crash this time, cool04:20
lenYou don't need qt4-dev-tools anymore, btw. qdbus was split off into its own package and libqt4-dbus was given its a dep on it. Makes sense, since you shouldn't need to install dev packages for normal operation.04:31
kyubutsu_kdeno dbus crash after removing qt4-dev-tools. but akonadi agent did it again04:56
kyubutsu_kdeit's a minor bug, compared to what kded4 is doing04:57
kyubutsu_kdealso, lost desktop effects. apparently "opengl crashed kwin (...) most likely due to driver bug."05:00
kyubutsu_kdeam using gallium though05:01
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=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
Peddyhello all, my qt apps don't match the gnome 3 theme, is this a known problem?09:44
jbichaPeddy: yes, all the work done to make qt & gtk play nice together needs to be ported to gtk310:00
Peddyjbicha, thanks for the info. I'm loving it so far, I got the Adwaita theme from yesterday working (there is a bug report too)10:01
jbichaPeddy: yes, and I finally figured out what caused that bug10:02
Peddyjbicha, are you a wizard? I just downgraded for the time being10:08
Peddytell me the secret of the bug10:11
bullgard4_[GNOME 3] How can Idelete permanently all games? After the recent automatic upgrade all games re-appered.10:11
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urlin2ubullgard4, in synaptic10:15
urlin2upurge them10:16
bullgard4_urlin2u: I did purge them in Synaptic.10:16
ebischoffMessage starting this morning on KDE login: xmessage -geometry 500x100 Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?10:16
ebischoffand there is no qdbus executable10:16
urlin2ubullgard4, probably being in development is just don't care. ;-)10:17
ebischoffdid it move to some other package? apt-cache search does not help10:17
bullgard4_urlin2u: (*smile*)10:17
ebischoffnatty manpage says that qdbus is Provided by: libqt4-dbus_4.7.2-0ubuntu5_i38610:19
ebischoff# dpkg -L libqt4-dbus | grep qdbus => no result on oneiric10:20
ebischoff$ dpkg -L libqt4-dbus | grep qdbus10:20
ebischoff=> on natty10:20
ebischoffok, who broke this ? ;-)10:20
drussellanyone here use xchat?10:30
drussellI could do with someone confirming https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xchat/+bug/82765710:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 827657 in xchat (Ubuntu) "Right clicking on a url in xchat and clicking "open link in browser" does not work" [Undecided,New]10:31
urlin2uworks on mine10:35
urlin2udrussell, you have preferred applications set10:35
drussellurlin2u: hmm I do indeed10:35
drussellurlin2u: x-www-browser                  manual   /usr/bin/firefox10:37
urlin2uI'm not in oneiric now but isn't it a drop down choice.10:38
drussellurlin2u: system settings > system info > web browser is set to firefox10:39
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drussellurlin2u: the previous output is from the update-alternatives command10:40
drussellurlin2u: if you could try it in oneiric when you next get a chance I'd much appreciate it10:41
drussellurlin2u: it certainly worked in maverick/natty10:41
urlin2ucan you copy link and pastein browser?10:42
drussellurlin2u: yup that works fine10:42
ebischoffall : no one seen the problem with disappeared /usr/bin/qdbus ?10:42
urlin2u\let me look haold on10:42
jtaylorqdbus was moved to a different package I think10:43
drussellebischoff: ~$ ll /usr/bin/qdbus10:43
drussell-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 60K 2011-08-17 23:11 /usr/bin/qdbus*10:43
jtaylorI recall something about it from a recent changelog10:43
ebischoffdrussel : on oneiric, and with all recent updates ?10:43
ebischoffjtaylor : yes, that's probably the explanation. Any idea about which package ?10:44
* jtaylor updating his index10:44
drussell$ apt-file search /usr/bin/qdbus10:44
drusselllibqt4-dbus: /usr/bin/qdbus10:44
ebischoff[12:20] <ebischoff> # dpkg -L libqt4-dbus | grep qdbus => no result on oneiric10:45
jtaylorqt4-x11 (4:4.7.3-4ubuntu6) oneiric; urgency=low10:46
jtaylor  * Break qdbus out into a separate 'qdbus' package and make it a dependency10:46
jtaylor    of libqt4-dbus, because some things will use this at runtime.10:46
drussellyeah sorry updated indexes and how it's qdbus: /usr/bin/qdbus10:46
jtaylordpkg -L qdbus | grep bin/qdbus10:46
drussellas jtaylor said10:46
drussellwb urlin2u10:49
jtayloranyone here using opera and ahs problems with flash?10:50
urlin2udesktop has gone south on me in oneiric, must have been last update lol10:50
drussellurlin2u: lol oh dear10:50
drussellurlin2u: when did you last update?10:50
urlin2uoh well no biggie10:50
jtayloras long as a shells working, who needs a desktop ;)10:51
urlin2utoday I think maybe yesterday for sure, I have compiz running the cube so I have tweaked it a bit10:51
drussellurlin2u: my desktop is fully updated oneiric currently and it's all mostly working (apart from the bugs I've filed ;o)10:51
ebischoff# dpkg -l qdbus10:51
ebischoffAucun paquet ne correspond à qdbus.10:51
ebischoffroot@mac:/home/eric# apt-get install qdbus10:51
ebischoffReading package lists... Done10:51
ebischoffBuilding dependency tree10:51
ebischoffReading state information... Done10:51
ebischoffE: Unable to locate package qdbus10:51
drussellebischoff: try an apt-get update first?10:52
ebischoffyes i did10:52
drussellebischoff: hmm I can't explain that then :o/10:52
urlin2udrussell, I just installed it a update,still a bit buggy on my computer, after years of messing with OS's I just use one that works most of the time.10:52
ebischoffan explanation could be something wrong in the sources.list :-(10:53
jtaylorebischoff: which version is your libqt4-dbus?10:53
ebischoffii  libqt4-dbus               4:4.7.3-4ubuntu5          Qt 4 D-Bus module10:53
drussellurlin2u: yeah I know what you mean, I don't usually update this early...10:53
urlin2uebischoff, look in synaptic to see if its even there.10:53
jtaylor4:4.7.3-4ubuntu6 is the newest10:53
jtaylorwith the qdbus split10:53
dabukalamI'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop on a minimal oneiric, and I'm getting an error (ubuntu-desktop has unmet dependencies: Depends: gnome-session but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity-2d but it is not going to be installed E:Broken Packages)10:53
ebischoffoh oh, that looks like the German repositories (which i use) are out of date10:54
jtaylorebischoff: maybe your mirror is behind10:54
ebischoffso i only have to wait for their resync10:54
jtaylorebischoff: de.archive is broken recently10:54
urlin2udrussell, I install from the beginning usually, but since natty to many bugs while desktops are changing.10:54
ebischoffokay, everything is explained. thank you everyone10:54
ebischoff(any good archive to advice me ?)10:54
jtaylorchange mirror :)10:55
ebischoffyes, to which one ?10:55
jtaylorsynaptic has a tool to find the best10:55
ebischoff<coward>uh, i don't know synaptic</coward>10:55
drussellebischoff: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html10:56
drussellebischoff: slightly outdated but principles are the same10:56
jtaylorsynaptic -> repositories -> other -> select best mirror10:57
ebischoffouch, synaptic depends on one zillion GNOME dependancies... won't install them just for that test. But thanks everyone nevertheless. As said before, a simple solution is to wait. Another is to test repositories at random too ;-).10:59
ebischoffFound a repository with qdbus in it11:02
drussellstrange, I kind of expected there to be an apt- which had that functionality11:02
drussellyum has yum-fastestmirror11:02
drussellbut there doesn't appear to be a similar thing for apt11:03
ebischoff<troll>"yum" and "fast" in the same sentence ?</troll>11:03
ebischoffalso, what i needed was the most up to date repository, not the fastest11:04
ebischoffso it might be i would not have gotten the correct answer11:05
ebischoffok, it worked, i'm logged in, thanks everyone !11:05
ebischoff(the only problem left i have with oneiric is that when i run mac os in virtualbox, the sound from itunes is a bit scratchy.... as you can see it's really no showstopper - lol)11:07
drussellebischoff: ;o)11:11
dabukalamPippi_Longstock: actually it's alpha11:12
dabukalamI'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop on a minimal oneiric, and I'm getting an error (ubuntu-desktop has unmet dependencies: Depends: gnome-session but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity-2d but it is not going to be installed E:Broken Packages)11:12
ebischoffok, thanks again everyone, and keep up with the good work. goodbye11:15
BluesKajthis kded4 issue is slowing my pc down terribly ...it's not sota but this is becoming very annoying ...even webpages loading are affected now11:30
yofeldowngrade libntrack0 and ntrack-module-libnl-011:31
yofelbug 82696911:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 826969 in ntrack (Ubuntu) "Latest ntrack update in Oneiric causes kded4 to spin the CPU" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82696911:31
BluesKajok yofel , how to downgrade , just remove , and is there a fallback version ?11:45
BluesKajor ?11:45
yofelwell, 011-1ubuntu2 was the last one, if you don't have that fetching 011-1ubuntu1.1 from natty-updates will work11:46
BluesKajyofel, I got busy with other stuff , any "how to's " downgrade ntrack ? Looks like trying to remove it will take most of the kubuntu desktop with it.13:12
yofelI would fetch the natty debs from p.u.c and dpkg -i them13:16
drussellBluesKaj: you could force a version by using sudo apt-get install ntrack=versionnumber13:16
drussellBluesKaj: if it's still in the repos13:16
BluesKajyofel , p.u.c ?13:32
yofelBluesKaj: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/libntrack0 http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/ntrack-module-libnl-013:34
yofelor wait a bit, fix was uploaded13:34
BluesKajok yofel thanks , I'll wait13:35
coz_hey guys14:50
charlie-tcaNo mouse or keyboard today when booting Xubuntu Oneiric after running updates. Any ideas how to make it work again?15:04
BluesKajok ntrack bug updated/ upgraded and fixed ...poor old pc was geting hot ... cpu load back to normal now15:53
mikebeechamhey guys...is it worth upgrading to 11.10 yet?16:11
charlie-tcaDepends on what that means. It is always worth testing to report as many of the bugs as possible early enough to get them fixed before release.16:13
escottmikebeecham, depends on if you have a good reason to upgrade. it seems reasonably stable, but there are plenty of bugs16:13
charlie-tcaIt is not worth upgrading if you need a stable system16:13
charlie-tcatook me an hour today to get things to work again after the updates16:14
PiciI didn't even bother to update today, too many packages that would have been left hanging.16:16
mikebeechamwell I dont NEED a stable system, but I guess it depends on the kind of things that are likely to go wrong16:16
charlie-tcaI managed to ssh in, run updates again, run clean, run some other crap, then reboot and get it to work again16:16
charlie-tcaMine started all the way to lightdm, then I had no mouse or keyboard16:17
charlie-tcaseveral reports the last two days of X not starting16:17
PiciI also have rebooted in... 2 weeks, and I'm afraid to.16:17
escottmikebeecham, be prepared to check in here often i guess16:17
Picier, haven't.16:17
charlie-tcaI can go a day or two, sometimes a week before I reboot and fight with it again16:17
BluesKajfor those who use kde, the kded4 the ntrack bug "fix is in the mix" /repositories16:22
BluesKajI update/upgrade/dist-upgrade everyday... I have a life but it's a bit slow lately :)16:24
Ian_Cornei want my weather back in the time and date thingy16:24
dsathei want my wireless broadband recogonised again16:29
dsatheor i will have no choice but to bid adeau to ubuntu16:29
BluesKajdsathe,  which chip /module16:29
dsathetata photon plus16:30
dsatheid 144616:30
BluesKajdsathe, sorry never heard of it ...new to me , but if NM doesn't work for you maybe wicd will16:31
dsathelemme try that16:32
dsathewvdial dint recogonise it though16:32
BluesKajwvdial is new to me as well ...I don't get around much16:33
dsathe arch is seeming tempting now16:34
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dsathe2-3 packages i rely on may not work on arch so hesitant to switch16:35
* BluesKaj shrugs , well, whatever16:35
dsatheill try a fresh install over the weekend, of oneric16:36
dsathethen letsee16:36
dsathelove the universe repo too much16:36
dsathen ppa's ocourse :)16:36
BluesKajdsathe, this is alpha phase 3 afterall ..gotta expect bugs , even tho they're annoying16:37
dsathethats the fun16:37
dsatheoh arch has plenty more16:37
dsatherooling rel16:37
dsatheneed my datd card back n i am set ;)16:38
BluesKajarch , not my cuppa tea ... I don't like hair shirts16:38
tab1293anyone know where i can find the realtek drivers for the RTL8188CE chipset for kernel 3.0?18:04
BluesKajtab1293, http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=48&PFid=48&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false&Downloads=true#RTL8188CE18:11
dupondjeWindow manager warning: Failed to load theme "Adwaita": Line 119 character 50: Did not understand color component "custom(wm_title_highlight,gtk:base" in color specification18:13
dupondjemmmm ...18:13
tab1293BluesKaj: im pretty sure i tried to compile that driver and it didnt work on 3.018:13
BluesKajtab1293, yeah , I was afraid that it wouldn't run ..pretty old kernel ...dunno if there anu upgrades18:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 828543 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Adwaita window decoration broken in gnome-shell" [Medium,Triaged]18:15
tab1293https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=46797 i compiled that driver in the comments that says it was patched but my wireless still seems to be very iffy18:16
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rohdefhas libXss somehow been removed from ia32-libs version 20090808ubuntu15?18:41
rohdefI can see it has, what do I do when Skype refuses to start with the message: skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:45
rohdefand when I force it to look at the x86_64 path it says: skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:45
escottrohdef, ia32-libs is on its way out in favor of multiarch18:51
rohdefok, what do I need to install to fix this?18:51
rohdefno says in the description that I won't need it18:52
escottrohdef, the package you want is libxss1:i38618:52
escottrohdef, nevermind sorry thats the 64bit one18:53
rohdefah ok18:53
escottrohdef, multiarch should allow you to install the libxss1 386 version. check the multiarch wiki page18:54
rohdefI'll try because downgrading ia32 is only a very temporary solution18:55
BluesKajwell now , looks like there's a problem with flash on chromium , latest is enabled etc but the,  /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so , segfaults ...anyone else seeing this happen ?18:55
rohdefthe wikis I found so far doesn't tell anything about how I actually use it19:00
rohdefa lot of rationale and explaining how it's (all sounds quite good, but not what I need)19:00
rohdefah found something19:01
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rohdefok apart from I can't see how I see the difference between 32bit and 64bit packages in aptitude it looks really neat compared to the ia32 solution19:07
osrcrockshello everybody ... can one discuss issues with updates in this channel?19:17
rwwosrcrocks: updates to Ubuntu oneiric?19:18
osrcrocksregarding Oneiric, yes19:18
rwwosrcrocks: yes19:18
osrcrocksthanks .... after updates today,  lightdm and/or gnome-session has problems19:18
osrcrocksit's not related to the glib2  issue ... I downgraded glib2 just in case .... still cannot get to the lightdm login19:19
osrcrocksI can use recovery mode and do a "startx" ... but that is not ideal19:21
osrcrockscould it be related to the recent libpam upgrades?19:21
osrcrocksany suggestions?19:22
h00kbah, when is art goong to drop for oneiric :(19:24
osrcrocksspecifically, boot stalls after "checking for battery ... OK"19:28
rwwh00k: right before UI freeze! :D19:28
rohdefbut damn it's messy when doing manual searches for everything. But ok all manual library work tends to become messy19:28
h00krww: I know, I know...bah!19:28
h00kI'd just like to know what the wallpaper pack will be.19:29
h00kYou know, the important things.19:29
rwwpictures of ocelots that are asleep19:29
rww11.1 ocelots19:29
* h00k gives rww an additional zero19:29
* rww gives h00k an additional zero19:30
h00k/nick h000k19:31
BluesKajtried a purge then reinstall flashplugin-installer due to segfault with , /var/lib/flashplugin-installer/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so", the reultant > nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"19:31
IAmNotThatGuyosrcrocks, ctrl + alt + F1 and typing sudo restart lightdm in the terminal?19:32
osrcrocksIAmNotThatGuy: I will try it again, thanks19:32
BluesKajnspluginwrapper update is still bieng held back , but it's obviously needed19:34
BUGabundocharlie-tca: thanks for the lightdm tip yesterday, but I still don't have a working login system :(20:16
charlie-tcaTook me an hour to get logged in today20:17
charlie-tcashouldn't have restarted after updating, I guess20:18
BUGabundocharlie-tca: : startx20:21
BUGabundofree of charge20:21
BUGabundooh wait20:21
BUGabundoits Friday20:21
charlie-tcaHave to get to a tty to use it20:21
BUGabundoI better NOT do upgrades20:21
charlie-tcaSystem was hanging long before that point, when it did go to lightdm, it was no keyboard or mouse time20:22
BUGabundohumm uogrades seem safe20:22
charlie-tcaaint restarting again today20:22
h00kSo, the Skype is failing for me: skype: error while loading shared libraries: libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:32
h00kI thought that was maybe part of ia32-libs, but that's installed20:32
h00kI'm running 64bit.20:32
rwwh00k: scroll up to rohdef's conversation earlier about it20:42
BluesKajanyone else have flash segfaults ?20:44
BUGabundobut I have with CIFS20:46
BUGabundoreported yesterdat20:46
GTRsdkhas a package replaced xulrunner-dev?20:49
h00krww: Yeah, I see that, but I didn't see a solution, but I can reread later when I get more of a chance to pay attention to it.20:49
jtaylorh00k: you need to install a bunch of i386 libs20:58
jtaylorlibqtgui4:i386 libqt4-dbus:i386 libxss1:i386 on my system20:58
GTRsdkh00k: amd64 and oneiric?20:58
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
lenIs anyone else having the KDE Printer applet crash on startup?21:05
h00kGTRsdk: yep21:08
MachtinBluesKaj: anything new on the kdeinit?22:07
gr8QI need to update my wine git tree How to update it?22:45
Ian_Cornegit update22:46
Ian_Cornei think22:46
gr8Qgit: 'update' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.22:47
Ian_Cornegit pull22:47
gr8Qit said already up to date ?22:48
Ian_Corneit's git pull :)22:48
Ian_Cornegah, i'm bad at git sec :p22:48
gr8Qthis is my version wine-1.3.14-3-g2da0a9c and want to go higher version22:49
=== Andre_Go` is now known as Andre_Gondim
BUGabundoin the mist of the night, I leave no trail. only one waits me, my beloved feather pillow23:08
Ian_Cornegoodnight bullgard423:14

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