
jamesbvHey, I'm kinda new here and I'm having problems with Unity.03:19
holsteinjamesbv: hello03:19
holsteinGuest34568: oh... i see you are having network problems too :/03:22
=== Guest34568 is now known as magicjamesv
philipballewholstein, congrats!!!03:24
holsteinphilipballew: :)03:24
philipballewmagicjamesv, how goes it?03:25
philipballewdid they teach you the secret handshake holstein :)03:25
magicjamesvIt's pretty good, but my Unity panel and launcher are gone!03:25
holsteinphilipballew: lol03:26
philipballewwhat did you do when it went away?03:26
magicjamesvI think it was after I was messing with the settings in the CompizConfig03:26
magicjamesvbut I reset those to their defaults...03:27
philipballewcan you you a terminal03:27
holsteinmagicjamesv: you can try making a new user temporarily, and logging in03:27
magicjamesvand I can use it in Ubuntu Classic03:27
holsteinthat'll help you narrow down the issue a bit03:27
magicjamesvI'll try that...03:28
philipballew"unity -reset" or something like that resets unity to its default settings03:28
philipballewhow did the meeting go holstein03:29
magicjamesvyeah, I've tried unity -reset03:29
holsteinphilipballew: well... someone wasnt there, so darcy casselman and i just did our thing03:30
philipballewi figured.but you gotta get your bases covered03:30
holsteinnow... im legit :)03:30
philipballewTo legit to quit!03:30
philipballewi was gonna ask holstein is ubuntu studio gonna switch to xfce soon?03:31
holsteinthis cycle03:31
holsteinhoping to be stable for 12.04 (lts)03:32
magicjamesvWoah! It works for the new user!03:32
philipballewhow is the testing going?03:32
philipballewmagicjamesv, thats good to hear03:32
holsteinmagicjamesv: interesting... so, there should be somthing in your /home directory you can trash, and it'll respawn03:32
magicjamesvok, is dig around...03:32
holsteini would carefully move out unity named directories, and save them just in case03:32
philipballewill took to. i have unity goin now03:33
bioterrorholstein, you take xubuntu and you install some graphics, sound and video editing software. you have new studio with xfce4 ;)03:33
holsteinmagicjamesv: in dont have a test case running to help poke around right now :/03:33
holsteinbut, hopefully its obvious03:33
holsteinbioterror: dont think thats not on the table ;)03:33
holsteinits been really great watching the xubuntu team too03:34
holsteinthose folks work hard, and have a great product because of it03:34
philipballewholstein, what if magicjamesv just pastbins the output of ls -a03:34
holsteinphilipballew: sure.. if you know what to look for...03:34
philipballewi have a .compez03:35
holsteinmagicjamesv: it could be that... one of the compiz ones03:35
holsteinif you said you were messing around in there anyways...03:35
magicjamesvok, I'll be right back03:37
magicjamesvok, I'm back03:39
magicjamesvwell, I moved the contents of the .compiz/session folder to a folder on my desktop, but it didn't make any difference. I tried resetting unity but it did the same thing03:41
holsteinmagicjamesv: its gotta be one of those UI related directories... or at least thats what i would expect03:42
magicjamesvok, I'll keep poking around...03:42
philipballewid assume to. if unity -reset did not work id think its a compez setting. also you may just not have all the right settings03:43
philipballewoh ..03:43
philipballew id assume to. if unity -reset did not work id think its a compez setting. also you may just not have all the right settings  magicjamesv03:44
philipballewlike you might have something not clicked like it should03:45
magicjamesvoh hey daraeman!03:45
* daraeman_ wonders who this is03:46
philipballewmagicjamesv, some people might not like it when you talk to them like that03:47
magicjamesvGuess what!03:51
holsteinmagicjamesv: what was it?03:51
philipballewlet me guess03:51
philipballewyou fixed it :)03:51
magicjamesv"Ubuntu Unity Plugin" was unchecked in Compiz!03:52
holsteinthats good to know... i didnt even know about that checkbox...03:52
philipballewits all good :)03:52
magicjamesvbut I learned a lot along the way!03:52
* philipballew hopes he had fun to03:53
philipballewmagicjamesv, how goes it?03:54
magicjamesvIt's working perfect now03:54
philipballewNICE!!! is there anything you'd like to do with it?03:55
magicjamesvWith Unity?03:55
philipballewif you want something to mess with try this https://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/03:56
philipballewor ubuntu in general03:56
* philipballew expects him to break unity soon if he follows the guide03:57
urlin2uthe cube is easy, just be ready for the desktop to go hogwild while seting it up.03:59
magicjamesvYeah, I have no desire to use that cube thing03:59
philipballewyour missin out!04:00
philipballewwell maybe not...04:00
magicjamesvIsn't it just a workspace switcher?04:01
X-Hunterhey guys04:01
philipballewbasically. the unity workspace switcher is pretty nice04:01
X-Hunteri have a few questions about terminals04:02
philipballew11.10 has unity and its much better to magicjamesv04:02
philipballewX-Hunter, go for it04:02
magicjamesvyeah, I haven't ever used more than on workspace so far though...04:02
X-Hunterterminals vs shells? whats the diff?04:02
X-Hunterwhat does "sudo" at the beginning of a line mean?04:03
CrOnOs2000i must say i did not like unity maybe when is more mature chaged from lucid today04:03
philipballewsudo gives you root status04:04
CrOnOs2000sudo is run the next comand as super user (root)04:04
Singham<X-Hunter> : sudo reffers to administrator privilages04:04
X-Hunterbut cant u just put in su for superuser?04:04
CrOnOs2000yes su root04:04
X-Hunterso by putting in su, i dont need any sudos until i have a new terminal window?04:05
CrOnOs2000you can use sudo -i for a root terminal04:05
philipballewmagicjamesv, it helps if like you have mutiple apps open. not as much on a unity ui04:06
CrOnOs2000until you use exit or close the terminal will remain as root use04:06
X-Hunterthx, i dont feel like a (huge) noob anymore!!!!!!!04:06
stlsaintX-Hunter: understand that when you invoke a root terminal you will not be prompted to verify any modifications you do!04:06
X-Huntergood to know04:06
stlsaintX-Hunter: a root terminal has fatal consequences to a system04:06
Singham<X-Hunter> : try "man sudo" for more information04:07
X-Huntercool, cool04:07
magicjamesvphilipballew, yeah, I'm not much of a multitasker yet. Also, my machine can't support more that a few programs running at the same time04:07
X-Hunteris a gui or a terminal better for file management04:08
philipballewmagicjamesv, how much ram you got?04:08
magicjamesvX-Hunter, I'm a noob too!!04:08
stlsaintX-Hunter: this is up to you04:08
magicjamesvphilipballew 2 gigs04:09
stlsaintX-Hunter: there is no "better" for file management04:09
X-Hunterheh heh go fig04:09
X-Hunterg2g thx 4 all of ur help!!!!!04:09
magicjamesvthis is pretty cool. I think I'll be using A LOT more often now04:10
philipballewmagicjamesv, its the quickest way to get help usually04:11
magicjamesvyeah, are there usually people on here?04:11
philipballewmost always. sometimes it gets slow at like 4 in the morning. but other then that people are always on04:12
philipballewfeel free to stay. even help04:12
philipballewJoin the community!04:13
magicjamesvok, is it usually the same group of people?04:13
philipballewusually. you'll get to know the regulars on here.04:14
magicjamesvfun stuff04:14
philipballewis ubuntu running well overall as a whole?04:14
magicjamesvyeah, but it's still missing all that Adobe software...04:16
philipballewcs5 and stuff?04:16
magicjamesvCS5.5 and stuff!04:16
CrOnOs2000lol why i use dreamweaver on wine04:17
philipballewCrOnOs2000, i hear that runs well04:17
magicjamesvAdobe needs to get their stuff together and release CS6 on Linux04:17
CrOnOs2000it does im installing edge now from adobe04:17
magicjamesvyeah, maybe dreamweaver and Illustrator, but not Advanced film production/visual effects programs like After effects and Premiere Pro04:18
bodhizazenCrOnOs2000, I am old school, if you are going to do web pages, learn html and css and use vim =)04:18
philipballewmagicjamesv, its like linux has a small market they say but if they ran cs5 more people who just need a comp for adobe stuff would use ubuntu04:19
philipballewvi is nice with html. its a good way to learn ot bod04:19
philipballewbodhizazen, ^04:19
CrOnOs2000well i only make personal and family web so i see no point on be and expert on that :D04:19
bodhizazenno way, vim + zenburn FTW04:20
magicjamesvAs soon as I can (smoothly) run After Effects on Ubuntu, I'll completely drop Windows04:20
CrOnOs2000well you can always use a VM and run your programs04:21
bodhizazenWhat is After Effects ?04:21
CrOnOs2000vmware is exelent04:21
bodhizazensounds like a medical procedure gone bad04:21
bodhizazenvmware - eww ...04:22
magicjamesvI haven't tried VM yet, doesn't it really slow things down though?04:22
bodhizazenKVM + spice04:22
anonmagicjamesv: adobe wont make those products available for *nix anytime soon04:23
anonmarket share bs04:23
philipballewmagicjamesv, it really depends on your system04:23
bodhizazenmagicjamesv, not at all =)04:23
CrOnOs2000not realy on my p4 intel windows run almost the same04:23
bodhizazendepends on if you have the hardware (KVM)04:23
magicjamesvbodhizazen, After Effects is Adobe's advanced Visual Effects/Compositing/Motion Graphics program04:24
philipballewbodhizazen, you run kvm?04:25
bodhizazenyes philipballew04:26
bodhizazenspice is very nice, you will enjoy it once it migrates from Fedora into Ubuntu04:26
philipballewmagicjamesv, if you wanna run adobe products id look into wine or crossover04:27
bodhizazenThe spice server gives very nice resolution, up to 1920x1200, combined with a VNC server + speed + copy paste from guest to host04:27
bodhizazenI connect to the spice server and can copy-past over the VNC client04:28
bodhizazenfast enough to play music04:28
bodhizazenBut the version in the ubuntu ppa is err a first step in the right direction04:28
bodhizazenCurrently I am connecting to 4 spice clients - oneric, fedora, scientific, and backtrack04:29
* bodhizazen is a VM addict04:31
magicjamesvI'll try AE CS4 with Wine tomorrow, goodbye!04:31
stlsaintbodhizazen: arent we all?! Sup man04:54
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PauliaxCronos2000 i solved my problem but sill thank you22:30
philipballewhe appears to be gone Pauliax22:30
Pauliaxthen thants for you all :)22:32
Pauliaxsorry for my english22:32
philipballewits all good Pauliax :)22:32
Pauliaxwhy chood you use #ubuntu main channel? maybe they call you dick?23:24
Pauliaxstill at leats on this channel people helped me, on other called me dick o_023:27
ubot2Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:30
Pauliaxsorry? just a citate23:31
Pauliax#ubuntu wortless channel, dont waste your ther23:34
Pauliaxi really dont understant if they say its oficial, and when you go there they call you d**k, and got banned, and there in #ubuntu-beginers you got support!23:38
pleia2Pauliax: here is really not the place to insult other channels23:46
geirhaPauliax: The guy who called you that were also banned. You were banned since you cursed after you were warned about not cursing.23:46
pleia2if you have a problem with #ubuntu you should report it to the IRC Council: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil23:46
Pauliaxthank you! this channel is mutvh better23:50
Pauliaxoh realy sorry, for my language!23:54

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