
* cyphermox hands a beer to dscassel00:27
dscasselThanks, cyphermox00:29
billybigriggers everyone tonight, idle as per usual?02:24
dscasselbillybigrigger: Yup, pretty much. :)03:32
billybigriggerdscassel, sup man, long time no see03:33
dscasselHey, billybigrigger.  Not much.03:34
dscasselI did get my Ubuntu membership tonight... :D03:34
billybigriggernice! good job bud!03:35
billybigrigger3 cheers for dscassel! hip hip horray! :P03:35
billybigriggerwish i could say the same, i've lost way too much involvement in it though :(03:35
billybigriggerbut fuck looking at .10 alpha 3 so far, my good this is the worst alpha i've seen, ever i think :(03:36
dscasselYeah, I haven't had a lot of luck myself.03:37
billybigriggerdesktop with nvidia, or laptop with ati, both are just crashing left right and center!03:38
billybigriggeri just found 2 cherries that look like a nut sack03:39
billybigriggera mutant cherry haha that made my day :P03:39
dscasselHeh. :)03:40
billybigriggeris it just me or did -ca and +1 always seem a bit more lively?03:42
dscasselYou mean a couple years ago?03:51
dscasselIt's been kinda like this for a while.03:52
billybigriggerthats sad really03:52
dscasselI only really started idling in here last year.03:52
billybigriggeridling must be the cool thing to do lately eh? :P03:53
dscasselI've tried to get a few Ubuntu people here in town on the channel, but so fare it's just me, Bob and txwikinger regularly.03:53
dscassel(which, really, is the core of the local Ubuntu group, really)03:54
billybigriggerwell i think the numbers are up from last time i visited here regularly, it was around 19-21, now its up to almost 30 :P03:54
dscasselWe do get some okay numbers out for meetings, but that's because I poke everybody first.03:55
dscasselThere's probably more we could do to drum up interest. I have my hands full with other projects...03:59
IdleOnedscassel: congrats on getting membership ;012:48
dscasselThanks, IdleOne :D13:23
IdleOnenext question, why are you not wearing your cloak?13:24
dscasselIRC confuses and perplexes me.13:24
dscasselAlso, lazy. :D13:24
IdleOnejoin #ubuntu-irc , link to your LP page and ask nicely to be granted your ubuntu cloak13:25
IdleOneeverythiung else will be automagic when you identify to nickserv13:25
dscasselOkay, cool.13:26
BluesKajor #freenode13:38
IdleOneno, #ubuntu-irc a GC has to ask staff to enable it.13:52
IdleOneif you ask in # freenode they will send you to #ubuntu-irc13:52
BluesKajreally IdleOne , must be a change since I cloaked13:55
IdleOneyou don't an @ubuntu/member cloak13:56
IdleOneah, but you joined just after I congratulated dscassel on getting ubuntu membership. so yeah, you would be right about asking in #freenode for an unaffiliated cloak.13:57
IdleOneproject cloaks requires a Group Contact to approve it.13:58
* BluesKaj has no desire to be a member ...been thru the membership trip with other organizations in my working life13:59
dscasselBluesKaj: I was like "Meh, I don't need to bother" for a long time...14:11
dscasselBut getting on the Planet means having a voice in the community. And being a member gives a bit of added legitimacy (things like business cards) outside the community.14:11
BluesKajdscassel, I'm old and retired , so my ambition in certain areas is retired as well :)14:12
dscasselFair enough. :)14:15
dscasselI'm planning on talking at FSOSS in October and wanted to be able to hand out business cards as LoCo Contact.14:17
BluesKajdscassel, is you membership official now ?14:17
dscasselAnd aside from txwikinger, nobody's talking about the stuff going on around here on the planet.14:17
dscasselYup. :)14:17
BluesKajcool, congratulations ! :)14:18
dscasselThanks. :)14:18
BluesKajwe need more canucks there14:19
dscasselYeah. :D14:19
bregmaBluesKaj, all the cool kids are trying Ubuntu membership14:22
bregmajust try it once14:22
bregmayou could quit any time14:22
txwikingerWhat's going on on the planet?14:23
* txwikinger wonders if he should blog about dscassel's Ubuntu membership14:23
BluesKajI'm not a cool kid , just an old guy who plays the odd gig , now and then14:23
txwikingerbregma: I have Ubuntu and Kubuntu membership for years14:24
dscasseltxwikinger: Not much is going on, except I'm going to be joining.14:33
dscasselThey're using bzr to set it up now.  Cool. :D14:34
dscasselAnd I'm glad they don't ask for a disembodied and drop-shadowed head anymore.14:35
txwikingerdscassel: joining what?14:40
txwikingerI never submitted any head14:40
txwikingerAh the planet14:40
* txwikinger needs something to wake him up. Worked to long into the night again14:41
dscasselWhere's genii-around when you need him...14:42
dscassel(he has coffee. :)14:42
* txwikinger does not drink any coffee -> dscassel14:55
IdleOnegenii has that too14:59
txwikingerscotch? Well, I can get that from Riddell anyday ;)15:25
* txwikinger wonders if scotch is really so efficient in waking him up. Might have the opposite effect15:34
willwhtxwikinger: speaking as a Scot - no, it's terrible for waking you up in the morning16:24
=== khoover_ is now known as khoover
khooveranyone here use chatzilla, and found that the latest firefox update broke it?22:14
willwhkhoover: can't say I do.23:45

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