
dholbachgood morning07:09
dholbachif you ever need a shorter url for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ try ubuntusucks.com07:19
dholbachI wonder who has too much time to set up URLs like that07:19
czajkowskidholbach: people who are bitter and childish08:12
dholbachyeah, whatever :)08:12
huatshello !08:31
kim0chrome seriously needs to go on a diet, it eats 3.5G of RAM for no reason08:36
czajkowskiI'm running tweet deck in chrome and from time to time that spikes to 110 %08:53
kim0yeah, it's fast n all, but needs tons of ram08:59
czajkowskiyes, but it is fast08:59
czajkowskiand if you're having a conversation with someone, it does work08:59
czajkowskibut I've not had gwibber working in about 3 weeks on this machine, Natty.08:59
czajkowskiI also hate the 5 min refreshes09:00
akgranerdholbach, that url is hilarious!  Haters make you famous! :-)09:09
nigelbdholbach: hehe, we should link it everywhere! :-P09:30
nigelbdholbach: y'know, its owned by Canonical ;)09:31
nigelbakgraner: ^09:31
nigelbubuntusucks.com domain that is :P09:31
akgranerThat makes it even funnier...09:31
nigelbhaha, yes09:32
nigelbI like companies that want to make fun of themselves just for laughs :)09:32
dholbachnigelb, it seems adding an index for the fields we mentioned yesterday makes the thing slower(?)09:33
nigelbdholbach: didn't get a chance. I crashed last night since I had a bad day.09:33
nigelbI'll try tonight09:33
akgranernigelb, you can't have bad days! ;-P09:33
dholbach15m22s (with indexes) vs 5m37s (unmodified trunk)09:33
dholbachwhich is really weird09:33
dholbachfor 10k wgets of '/'09:34
nigelbdholbach: okay, it is :|09:34
dholbachI'll ask somebody for help with this09:34
nigelbdholbach: okay, it might be stupid question, but did you verify that indexes were done inside postfix?09:34
dholbachthe caching seems to make sense in any case09:34
nigelbyeah, we need someone who rocks with postfix, I hardly know that beast09:34
nigelbif you can grab stub or jtv, they could throw better light09:34
nigelbakgraner: there are days... :)09:35
akgraner:-)  I know  - I jest...perhaps a bit too much...09:35
dholbachnigelb, let me try from scratch again09:36
nigelbdholbach: hehe :)09:37
nigelbok, back to work. sort of sprinting at work today09:37
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dholbachnigelb, ok, I was doing it wrong, I guess10:39
dholbach9m → 1m30s10:39
nigelbdholbach: w00t!10:41
nigelbdholbach: also earlier, I meant postgres, not postfix :P10:41
dholbachyeah, I thought so :)10:41
nigelbI've been configuring postfix all day at work :D10:41
dholbachyeah, it messes with your brain :)10:41
dholbachso if we play around with both branches a bit, I guess that should help a lot10:42
nigelbdholbach: I think we should also cache that anyway. Since we don't want the '/' to take a lot of time10:42
nigelbcan we have memcached on that machine? If so it'll be better than locmem10:42
dholbachI have no idea10:42
dholbachthat's a question for #is10:42
jussihello germany!11:21
nigelbjussi: conf?11:21
jussinigelb: sort of...11:21
jussiIm here for field testing, but goign to froscon also11:22
nigelbnice :)11:22
nigelbI'm jealous how you guys in europe can jsut get on a flight and go to another country :)11:23
paultagcan do that in America as well11:23
paultagit's the return trip that sucks11:23
* nigelb waves to paultag 11:24
paultaghowdy nigelb11:24
* AlanBell is in another country11:24
nigelbAlanBell: oooh, where?11:24
paultagnigelb: oh hey, did I tell you?11:24
nigelbpaultag: tell me what?11:24
paultag<--- paultag@fluxbox.org -- nigelb  :)11:24
nigelbpaultag: \o/11:24
nigelbpaultag: Congrats!11:25
paultagnext step: post to the GNOME mailing lists11:25
paultagnigelb: thanks :)11:25
nigelbThe last few days have sucked.11:25
nigelbI've not written much code :(11:25
paultagnigelb: too bad :(11:26
* mhall119 hates brighthouse13:02
mhall119nigelb: how would memcached be better than locmem?13:03
nigelbmhall119: I was told locmem is not really production ready13:28
nigelbmhall119_: are you the real mhall? :)13:30
mhall119no, I'm fake13:38
nigelbaha, you're back :)13:39
nigelbmhall119: there's two of you here13:39
mhall119locmem just stores it in the python interpreter's global memory, IIRC13:39
mhall119nigelb: yeah, Brighthouse keeps losing my connection13:39
nigelbmhall119: Ah. Time for new ISP?13:40
mhall119locmem isn't good if you're using multiple appservers, since it can't share13:40
mhall119nigelb: my only other option is worse, Verizon13:40
nigelbmhall119: oh :/13:41
nigelbmhall119: So I asked around and I was told locmem should be avoided in favor of memcached.13:42
jcastromhall119: are you the real mhall?14:30
jcastrosponsorship suggestions are broken on summit btw14:31
mhall119jcastro: did you file a detailed bug for us?14:31
jcastroI can though14:31
mhall119I don't think we've touched any of that, and we haven't deployed anything recently14:31
mhall119so it could be that summit lost data during the moves, just like loco-directory did14:32
mhall119which would be..... bad14:32
ubot2Ubuntu bug 829529 in summit "Submitting someone for sponsorships doesn't work" [Undecided,New]14:32
jcastrothe names in the there look normal14:33
jcastroeverything appears fine14:33
jcastroother than that not working14:33
mhall119jcastro: hmmm, it's erroring on launchpad api calls to lookup the user14:34
mhall119I bet it's caused by a username change in LP14:34
paultagOh LP! I have cookies in the oven!15:05
cjohnstoni want cookies15:07
nigelbmhall119: can you get me the traceback for the error jcastro saw?15:22
nigelb(after removing private username etc)15:23
jcastrohey so it's not an "error" per say15:23
jcastroit's just it doesn't have error handling when a launchpad name doesn't exist15:23
nigelbah, fix0ring15:23
jcastroIt just needs to go "this name doesn't exist"15:23
nigelbthat's the kind of fixings we've been doing lately15:23
nigelbsure, on it!15:23
jcastrofor bonus points put a link to the people search thing in LP15:23
jcastroso the person at least has a way to quickly do a lookup in launchpad15:24
nigelbactually, we should give you a lookup thingy15:24
jcastrowhich will then take them 4 hours to figure out, but that's not our problem. :)15:24
nigelblaunchpad should have an anon API for that.15:24
nigelbon it!15:24
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nigelbmhall119: do you want an MP against summit trunk or stable for this fix?15:53
nigelbI have a fix that throws a validation error.15:53
jonohey all15:56
nigelbhello jono15:56
jonohowdy nigelb15:57
* jono is a little hungover15:57
nigelbNow I know how a sprint feels15:58
jononigelb, oh, no sprint here, my pal is visiting15:58
jonoso last night we went out15:58
nigelbToday, I was pretty much in a room with a colleague working through my task list.15:58
nigelbso. Exhausted :)15:58
nigelbjono: fun! jfo?15:58
jonoI can imagine!15:58
jonodpm, about set?15:58
dholbachjono, I feel your pain - I had alcohol-unrelated headache today15:58
jonodholbach, ugh15:58
dholbachbut it's much better now :)15:58
jonoahhh cool :-)15:59
jononigelb, nope, it was Aq15:59
dpmhey jono, yep!15:59
jonoaq is here for a week with his daughter15:59
nigelbjono: oooh,yeah, I read about it on twitter!15:59
jonoand tonight we are going to do some grilling15:59
nigelbI expect loud noised british accents :P15:59
nigelband lots of drinking15:59
jonodpm, can we do skype?16:01
jonono webcam today16:01
dpmjono, sure16:02
* dpm wonders if this has anything to do with an epic night out drinking with aq16:02
jonodpm, nothing16:03
jonomy webcam is in his room16:03
czajkowskijono: I won't be online next week for conf call16:05
paultagczajkowski: I can take it if it's not during work hours16:07
dholbachnigelb, I'm currently playing around with the harvest improvements again16:09
dholbachdid you have a chance to play around with them?16:09
nigelbdholbach: sure, after I close of this summit bug jcastro logged.16:09
dholbachah great16:09
jcastrojono: !16:13
jcastrojono: intel blur bug is fixed and was just uploaded16:13
jcastroit's FAST now.16:13
jonojcastro, woo!16:13
dholbachmhall119: did the stuff in pad.lv/mps/harvest look like a generally good approach to you (I might have missed your comments earlier)16:13
jcastrojono: so I guess when you come back from lunch it should be built and published16:13
jonojcastro, nice!16:14
popeyanyone got any idea what it's called when you register a xxx://foo url so when someone clicks a link like that (like itunes itms://) it kicks off a desktop app?16:14
popeyand where I might find sample code to do it?16:14
jcastropopey: GNOME does this afaik16:14
jcastrothe apps don't16:14
popeysure, but you call gnome to do it from the app?16:14
dholbachpopey, seb128 should know - it's something to do with mime types16:14
popeyat install16:14
popeyahhh, mimes, yes16:15
jcastropopey: there's some mime thing16:15
dholbachI did it once, but forget again16:15
popeyoh hang on, doesn't u1ms do it with u1ms:// links?16:15
nigelbpopey: look at how apturl works?16:15
popeyahhh, also good16:15
jcastro"I have a blah:///" "ok, let me look it up, ok, launch this app."16:15
popeyyeah, that kind of thing jcastro16:15
nigelbpopey: don't you love us? :)16:15
popeyknew you lot would know16:15
czajkowskipaultag: it's at 9pm UTC16:15
dholbachnigelb, I tried it on a beefier machine which was almost idle, there the indexes almost had no impact (I think we should still get them in though, because they'll make all the other queries for active opportunities faster), the caching still did have an impact of around a third less time16:17
nigelbdholbach: Yeah, we should get both in.  If I new more about indexing, we could have looked at what more fields need indexing16:18
nigelbdholbach: I think some of the LP folks can help there, or ISD if they have free time ;)16:18
dholbachas far as I can see these should be the most important ones for now16:18
paultagczajkowski: might be fine, which day?16:18
nigelbdholbach: I agree :)16:19
dholbachnigelb, the last_updated one is important because harvest will only show opportunities as 'active' if the last_updated timestamp of the opportunity matches the one of opportunity list (it doesn't delete data)16:19
nigelbdholbach: oooh! that should give us huge gains over time16:20
dholbachthat gives us an additional JOIN for queries, but it allows us to have stats at some stage (how many opportunities were closed at which time, etc.)16:20
nigelbdholbach: we should run a cron to delete data btw, if the bug is fixed or something like that.16:20
nigelbah, the stats16:20
nigelbok, don't delete, but move eit off to an archive table so the joins are faster, maybe?16:20
dholbachopportunity data is not that much of a deal I think16:20
dholbachat some stage maybe, yes16:21
nigelbthe indexing should help us significantly, lets see if it degrades further later on16:21
popeylooks like that does the registration?16:22
nigelbyeah :)16:22
nigelbwhy not ping mvo for confirmation?16:22
popeynah, I'll have a play :D16:22
nigelbheh :)16:23
nigelbmhall119: do you want to do a summit release today?16:24
nigelbJust to impress jcastro really :P16:25
nigelbjust realized I have to attend a wedding tomorrow.16:33
nigelbDrat, not even a clean shirt around16:33
paultagnigelb: who needs a shirt at a wedding?16:34
popeyHey, I can iron that for you16:34
nigelbpaultag: :/16:34
popeyI have another question for you nigelb :D16:35
popeyis there some sample code I could look at that would go on a website and (in python) would do the openID logon dance?16:36
nigelbpopey: yes16:36
nigelbpopey: both summit and loco-directory have the openID dance bit16:36
popeysomething smaller? :D16:36
popeyand perhaps not django ☺16:36
nigelbThere is a site I know that does stuff in Flask, but its an openID consumer and oauth provider so it might be slightly tricky16:37
mhall119nigelb: there will be no deploying summit until I've recovered all the data16:37
popeyI want to make a site that uses launchpad for auth16:37
popeyor ubuntu SSO whatever it's called16:37
nigelbpopey: and not using django? ;)16:38
nigelbmhall119: ouch, okay.16:38
popeywell, I could use django16:38
popeythat would mean.. learning django16:38
nigelbI'm not sure if we have something around with open source that uses something other than django with open id.16:39
popeyok, django it is then16:40
popeyit's a very simple app so I could probably figure it out16:40
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day16:40
dholbachhave a great WE!16:40
popeysomething lik ethat?16:40
nigelbg'nite dholbach16:40
popeyyou too dholbach16:40
nigelbpopey: yeah16:40
nigelbpopey: I was looking for that :)16:41
popeyfound it via james h' blog16:41
nigelbmhall119: need help with data recovery?16:41
popeyI am pretty much throwing this together16:41
popeybe faster for me to just pay someone else to do it :D16:42
nigelbProbably, yeah ;)16:42
* popey considers this16:42
* nigelb notes there's AlanBell and libertus :D16:42
czajkowskipaultag: wednesday16:44
AlanBellnot quite our thing16:44
AlanBello/ czajkowski16:45
czajkowskiAlanBell: ello16:45
nigelbpopey: depending on what you're trying to do I might be able to help16:45
* AlanBell has just come back from rockpool fishing16:47
czajkowskiAlanBell: in -ie or -uk ?16:47
nigelbprobably ie16:48
nigelbhe was in ie in the morning at least16:48
AlanBellI should go join the local loco team channel16:48
nigelboh dear.16:48
nigelbI just thought "there was somer really good documentation to do $foo somwhere"16:48
czajkowskiindeed we're nice16:48
nigelbI *wrote* those docs. Sigh.16:49
doctormopleia2 7 nigelb: Thoughts on the draft2 of this: http://imagebin.org/16870217:00
nigelbdoctormo: are those pins?17:01
doctormonigelb: You mean badges?17:01
dpmok, I'm finally heading for the weekend. Have a good one everyone!17:03
popeyi like that doctormo17:04
doctormonigelb: It's actually a poster/sticker for Vancouver LoCo, we've been collaborating.17:05
doctormoHey popey, have a good time at OggCamp/17:06
nigelbdoctormo: Nice job :)17:06
nigelbdoctormo: did you see AlanBell's pyrokinetics' video from oggcamp? ;)17:06
doctormoNo, do you have a link?17:07
nigelbdoctormo: https://plus.google.com/109175303602657131317/posts/SjwA3kCHD1S17:09
nigelbjcastro: how much do you love me? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/summit/validate-lp-name/+merge/7222917:16
jcastroI LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.17:16
paultagnigelb: that's not how you say it :)17:16
jcastroJust kidding, I love you an above average amount.17:16
paultagnigelb: say:17:16
paultagjcastro: who's your daddy?17:17
paultagnigelb: try it!17:17
nigelbno thanks :)17:17
paultagnigelb: dude! Try it!17:17
nigelbdoctormo: aq lighting his cigarette with that is pretty much my most favorite scene on that17:21
doctormonigelb: Yeah, thanks for the link :-)17:22
nigelbnp :)17:23
jcastrohey nigelb17:38
nigelbjcastro: hi17:39
jcastrodo you see those keycap CSS things?17:40
jcastrocan we have that in light-themes?17:40
jcastroso I can move that page to unity.ubuntu.com?17:40
nigelblet me try17:40
jcastrono rush17:40
jcastroI can't get to it for a while anyway17:40
jcastroI just think it'd be useful for documenting things to have keycap CSS17:41
nigelbsure, I'll try to get it done this weekend, doing it should be trivial, testing, not so trivial ;)17:41
nigelbjcastro: \o/ https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/ubuntu-community-webthemes/kbd-style/+merge/7223817:54
paultagnigelb: "who's your daddy"17:54
paultagnigelb: just say it17:54
nigelbNO WAY I'm saying that :D17:55
paultagit's not rude17:55
paultagnigelb: why?17:55
nigelbpaultag: I think I might say it when I give YOU an MP :)17:56
paultagnigelb: that's fine :)17:56
paultagnigelb: send me code and you can call me papa smurf17:56
nigelbokay, time to get to my to-do list17:57
doctormonigelb: Why would you give paultag a Member of Parliament?18:00
paultagdoctormo: ha! Jokes.18:03
doctormopaultag: Where are you? I need you here with me, setting up LoCo events.18:04
paultagdoctormo: I'm @ BC right now, my weekend's slamed. When do you want to plot?18:04
doctormoI'll be at PiCon next weekend, perhaps sometime after?18:04
paultagdoctormo: roger that. Shal we plot over tea?18:05
doctormoIndeed we shall my good fellow.18:05
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popeyuntil /4018:36
popeyyes doctormo it was great :D18:36
doctormopopey: Did you get to meet Andrew Bates?18:37
popeyis he the guy with the Back to the future hat?18:37
popeyaudio nerd from liverpool?18:37
doctormopopey: Sort of from Liverpool, from Widnes actually. Good friend of mine, was until I alienated him with too much foss.18:43
doctormopopey: So imagine by shock when I hear his voice on your podcast. Disbelief. I think he went with another fella down there.18:44
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