
pittiGood morning04:20
pittiTheMuso: hm, so that new dependency didn't go so well, bug 82875904:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 828759 in ubuntu-meta "package ubuntu-desktop 1.240 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82875904:21
pittiTheMuso: but at least that explains why it wasn't installed before04:21
TheMusopitti: I don't understand what the problem is in that bug.04:21
TheMusoYes it does.04:22
micahgpitti: seems to be having mirror issues04:24
micahgor rather cache issues04:26
pittiTheMuso: apparently a natty install has some old at-spi 1 packages available which don't want to be removed or something like that?04:28
pittimicahg: I don't think so; it's got 4 dupes, and the at-spi-2 packages didn't change in weeks04:29
TheMusopitti: Grrr I'll try updating the at-spi stack in a chroot. There should not be a problem.04:29
pittishould be relatively easy to reproduce in a natty chroot04:30
pittiI can see to investigating this in the next days04:30
pitti(unless someone beats me to it)04:30
TheMusoI'm on it now.04:35
TheMusopitti: hrm I can't reproduce it in a chroot at least.05:28
jbichaTheMuso: what if you have some app installed that depends on at-spi, like gok for instance05:29
TheMusojbicha: Good point let me try that.05:29
pittiTheMuso: as long as there are still rdepends of at-spi, does at-spi2-core really need to conflict to it?06:03
TheMusopitti: Yes, because you can't run at-spi and at-spi2 at the same time.06:09
TheMusoat-spi uses CORBA, at-spi2 uses dbus.06:09
TheMusoBoth are daemons.06:09
pittido they bite each other?06:09
TheMusoNot that I know of.06:10
pittithere are only some 3 or 4 rdepends of at-spi left, perhaps it's actually easier to migrate them06:11
TheMusoWell java-atk-wrapper which replaces java-access-bridge is sitting in NEW afaik, I think dasher has some changes in git to work with at-spi2 but not 100% sure.06:12
TheMusoGok can probably be removed, as its deprecated upstream.06:12
TheMusojbicha: gok just gets removed normally.06:14
jbichawhy does pitivi fail to build? gnome-doc-utils is installed but the configuration test fails06:14
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
Sweetsharkjbicha: 3.4.1, but I will update to 3.4.2. Once a 3.4 package is in there it is not that much of an issue anymore.06:42
SweetsharkMorning desktoppers!06:43
jbichaSweetshark: good morning06:43
Sweetsharkpitti: Could you help me along with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/828724?06:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 828724 in libreoffice "[FFE] LibreOffice 3.4 for Oneiric" [Undecided,New]06:45
chrisccoulson_is anybody up for testing the new firefox apport hook before i upload it?07:26
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
jbichachrisccoulson: when does the apport hook happen? I thought the Mozilla's breakpad or whatever handled crashes?07:44
chrisccoulsonjbicha, yeah, but we still have a hook for other bug reports07:44
chrisccoulsonhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/669820/ is what i'm going to upload07:44
jbichaI saw the sample bug report yesterday, but Firefox doesn't even have LPI, does it?07:45
jbichaoh, nm I was using the mini toolbar instead07:46
mvopitti: good morning! the "do not mix static and dynamic bindings", does this apply for gmenu as well? i.e. will I run into problems when I use the dynamic gmenu bindings with static gtk2?07:46
chrisccoulsonjbicha, yeah, it's had it for ages07:49
chrisccoulsonwe already have an apport hook, but it's not all that useful07:49
chrisccoulsononce the new one is in, i'm going to start automatically closing the bugs that are submitted via the launchpad interface07:49
chrisccoulsonbecause the quality of most of those is just shockingly appalling07:49
chrisccoulsonand the new hook answers most of the questions we'd normally ask in that case07:50
jbichaare there privacy concerns with all of the data in the new apport hook?07:50
chrisccoulsonjbicha, no07:50
jbichaare some about:config preferences private?07:50
chrisccoulsonjbicha, there is a whitelist for those07:50
jbichaoh ok, thanks07:50
chrisccoulsoneverything in there is what upstream put in about:support already07:50
chrisccoulsonthe new hook answers the question in bug 827848 too, which seems to be quite common now07:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 827848 in firefox "firefox 6 , ubuntu 11.04 64 bit ATI proprietary driver" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82784807:52
seb128hey desktopers08:03
chrisccoulsongood morning seb12808:05
RAOFHey seb128!08:05
seb128hey chrisccoulson, RAOF, how are you?08:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm good thanks08:05
chrisccoulsonhow are you?08:06
RAOFI'm tired.  But at 6pm on Friday, so that doesn't count :)08:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, you just volunteered to be a guinea pig ;)08:06
seb128no I didn't?08:07
seb128I'm fine thanks08:07
seb128RAOF: yeah, you should call it a week ;-)08:07
RAOF*And* I've got a compiz with alt-tab that (a) doesn't leak like a seive, (b) doesn't crash, no matter how hard I abuse it, and (c) doesn't cause videos to stutter when it comes up.08:07
seb128it's beer time08:07
chrisccoulsonseb128, can you copy http://paste.ubuntu.com/669820/ to /usr/share/apport/package-hooks/firefox.py and try to report a firefox bug? :)08:07
seb128RAOF: your doing or the update from yesterday?08:08
chrisccoulsoni want to make sure it works on at least one other persons system really08:08
pittihey mvo08:08
pittimvo: hmm, I'm not entirely sure08:08
pittimvo: but doesn't the current s-c use dynamic gmenu already?08:08
RAOFseb128: I've been guiniepigging for DBO.08:08
seb128hey pitti mvo08:09
pittimvo: eek, current s-c indeed fails to start right now with the new pygobject :/08:09
pittihey seb12808:09
seb128RAOF: I got the new unity in the ubuntu-desktop ppa btw08:09
pittiseb128: hm, the new unity doesn't feeel and look any different than the one currently in oneiric08:09
RAOFHow new?  Trunk, as of 3 hours ago?08:09
pittiit crashes about as often, dash is the same, etc.08:09
RAOFBecause that's when the fixes landed.08:09
pittiand it still messes up teh screen on popup windows sometimes08:10
seb128RAOF: no, tarball from yesterday afternoon08:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - you get that too?08:10
mvopitti: ok, I can fix this by using the old gmenu for now, not ideal that08:10
pittichrisccoulson: usually the apport-gtk ones; sometimes the bottom half of the buttons is broken08:10
seb128RAOF: but I can backport some extra commits when I upload to oneiric08:10
pittichrisccoulson: and sometimes I have a ghost window which doesn't go away08:10
RAOFseb128: Yeah, you might want to distropatch a couple of these commits.08:10
pittimvo: hm, that's NBS :/08:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - i get a ghost window on one part of the screen, and it's frame on another part of the screen08:10
chrisccoulsonquite frequently with apport-gtk too08:11
chrisccoulsonbut someone reported the same bug with thunderbird yesterday too08:11
mvopitti: oh, well08:11
pittimvo: bug 829186 is the tracking bug for remaining issues, perhaps we should add s-c there for the time being08:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 829186 in update-manager "Mixes static and GI library bindings" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82918608:11
chrisccoulsoni'm glad i'm not going insane08:11
* mvo scratches head08:11
seb128pitti, not a real surprise it's not really different, there was like 15 commits in a week, most of those being segfault or leak fixes08:11
pittimvo: if we don't sort it out, I guess we'll stay at 2.28 for oneiric, until we do the full switch in p?08:11
chrisccoulsoni'm quite happy with unity-2d, and the dash isn't really laggy (even with the blur) :)08:11
pittichrisccoulson: it seems compiz tries to do some magic for popup windows or so?08:12
seb128the ppa version is much better dash performance wise with the blur on08:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - i thought that, but someone got a similar bug with the main thunderbird window too08:12
RAOFI'm much more happy with unity now that I've discovered alt+`08:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - bug 82898008:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 828980 in compiz "Window contents outside of boundary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82898008:12
seb128RAOF: is that to cycle between instances of a same application?08:12
mvopitti: what options do we have to sort it out? remove the gmenu functionatlity from gtk2 I guess?08:13
RAOFseb128: Yeah.  alt-tab to the group, then alt+` to get the expanded view.08:13
pittimvo: or stay at 2.2808:13
pittimvo: hm, I wonder if the current crash is really due to gmenu, though08:13
pittimvo:   File "/home/martin/upstream/software-center/softwarecenter/backend/weblive.py", line 25, in <module>08:14
pitti    from gi.repository import GObject08:14
pittimvo: it crashes there ^08:14
RAOFseb128: Because I'm not fastidious about keeping workspaces task-focused I think this will end up making alt-tab more useful for me.08:14
pittibut software-center should use gobject, right?08:14
pittinot GI08:14
pittimvo: give me five minutes to look at this crash08:14
mvopitti: well, this is the ui indepedant part, it needs to select dynamically as well08:14
pittimvo: right, and in a few more places; walking through them08:15
rodrigo_I got an answer from cjwatson about adding g-c-m to the desktop set, where he says it should be added to a seed, can someone please do that?08:15
rodrigo_ditto for gnome-contacts08:15
seb128RAOF: yeah, the new design seem to be optimized for people not using workspaces08:15
mvoI wonder if it would actually be less work to simply split trunk into gtk2/gtk3 :/08:15
seb128rodrigo_, hey08:16
rodrigo_hey seb12808:16
pittimvo: confirmed, you can't import GMenu and gobject08:16
pittipretty much every GIR includes GObject08:16
seb128rodrigo_, ken uploaded gnome-contacts, do you know if there is a ffe bug?08:16
mvopitti: thanks08:16
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, no08:16
rodrigo_I don't see the upload08:16
pittimvo: gmenu and GObject works, though, but that doesn't help us08:16
RAOFseb128: And I'm pretty sure that most people don't use workspaces a lot, so that seems like a reasonable thing ;)08:16
seb128rodrigo_, well to see those I think they should be promoted, what you need there is to apply for motu08:16
seb128RAOF: yeah, it just screw us old school users :p08:16
seb128rodrigo_, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue08:17
seb128rodrigo_, it's in there08:17
seb128rodrigo_, i.e it got uploaded08:17
seb128it just needs a ffe and an archive admin review08:17
pittimvo: voila!08:19
pittimvo: so, right-clicking in the left list still causes exceptions, presumably due to gmenu08:20
pittiotherwise it works now08:20
mvoprogress :)08:21
pittimvo: pushed to lp:~pitti/software-center/gi-fixes again08:22
pittimvo: the other option is to package the old gnome-menus again in a separate source pacakge, to get python-gmenu back08:23
rodrigo_seb128,  FFE bug filed for gnome-contacts in LP, right?08:23
pittimvo: we actually discussed that when we updated the package08:23
seb128rodrigo_, correct08:23
pittibut thought we'd try updateing the rdepends first08:23
rodrigo_because it seems no bugs can be added to g-c in LP08:23
seb128rodrigo_, yeah, can't before the upload is accepted, the source doesn't exist yet08:24
seb128rodrigo_, open it without a component, i.e against ubuntu08:24
pittimvo: pushed a followup fix to unbreak the "Chronik"08:25
Sweetsharkpitti: could you just guve me a short confirmation that bug 828724 is fine from our side (e.g. only waiting for the ok from release team)?08:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 828724 in libreoffice "[FFE] LibreOffice 3.4 for Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82872408:25
pittimvo: could you give this a try?08:25
mvopitti: sure, thanks. hold on a minute08:25
pittimvo: so, right-clicking in the left list still causes exceptions, presumably due to gmenuhttps://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/software-center/gi-fixes/+merge/7215208:26
pittiSweetshark: acked08:27
rodrigo_seb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/829246 <- is this ok, or does it need more info?08:28
ubot2Ubuntu bug 829246 in ubuntu "[FFE] Include gnome-contacts" [Undecided,New]08:28
seb128pitti, ^08:28
seb128rodrigo_, I don't do ffe approvals, let's check with pitti08:29
rodrigo_ok, pitti ^08:29
pittirodrigo_: that's for inclusion into universe for now, right?08:29
mvopitti: works for me now, where exactly do I need to right click to crash it? that seems to be ok for me, but let me double check if I have all the ppa updates08:29
seb128pitti, yeah, one step at the time, let's get it in the archive to start08:29
pittiI wouldn't mind at all seeing it in the desktop CD, but that requires MIR first, etc., so I can't approve that yet08:29
rodrigo_pitti: seb128 mentioned adding it to the CD, as it's small, but yes, universe for now is ok08:30
pittimvo: right, that was fixed by my second commit08:30
mvopitti: aha, cool :)08:30
pittimvo: I don't actually know where the GMenu functionality is used08:30
seb128pitti, I want it in an tested first while we deal with mir etc08:30
mvopitti: and software-center-gtk3 starts now too with the latest update!08:30
mvonice work08:30
pittirodrigo_: acked08:31
rodrigo_pitti, danke08:31
seb128pitti, do you feel like doing the NEW review as well? ;-)08:34
pittiseb128: yes, I said so in the FFE08:34
seb128if not I will do it a bit later once I'm done with the unity updates08:34
seb128ok, great08:34
pittirodrigo_: is it uploaded already?08:34
rodrigo_pitti, it's in the queue08:46
pittiseb128: do I see that right, just gnome-utils and gnome-screensaver left for 3.1.5?08:46
seb128pitti, gnome-utils is done, seems I forgot to upload08:47
pittiand yelp-xsl for 3.1.4?08:47
seb128yelp-xsl is to sponsor08:47
pittiI do the first prep for weekly status/RC bug review, then I can help out with sponsoring if required08:47
seb128pitti, see "updates to claim" on http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/oneiric-desktop08:47
seb128pitti, still a bunch to do08:48
mvopitti: something else changed with the PPA too, Gdk.parse_color() used to return (success, color) and now its just a Gdk.Color() or None08:49
pittimvo: ah, I guess someone added an override08:50
mvopitti: ok, so its safe to update all code for this?08:50
pittimvo: wasn't that a case which even the two of us discussed some days/weeks ago?08:50
mvoI don't think so (at least I don't remember :)08:50
pittiI remember that we had some function which returned (success, bla, bla)08:50
mvoI think that was gio releated08:50
pittiand in the non-success case the return values were invalid and caused segfaults08:50
pittimvo: aah, it was Gtk.TextIter08:51
mvoaha, indeed08:51
pittimvo: looks like the very same problem08:51
pittimvo: hm, no override for that one08:51
mvogio load_contents_async now also returns (res, content) instead of content or None08:52
pittihm, there is no Gdk.parse_color()..08:52
mvothat is not what the old static api did08:52
mvopitti: sorry, Gdk.color_parse()08:53
pittimvo: yes, there's an override08:53
mvopython -c 'from gi.repository import Gdk; print Gdk.color_parse("red")'08:53
mvo(True, <Gdk.Color(red=65535, green=0, blue=0)>)08:53
mvoand now just the color08:53
mvoso thats a new one in the PPA version onyl? honestly I think we should get it in if for nothing else then to provide a somewhat stable API08:54
pittimvo: http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/?id=5b1c87508:54
pittimvo: it actually restores compatibility with pygtk08:54
mvoI mean, if people port there stuff on oneiric and it will no longer work on P that will not look good on us08:54
mvoright, its great to get it :)08:54
mvocould we get the same for the async content loading in gio :) ?08:55
pittimvo: 3 down, 1 to check, 1 to go on bug 829186 :)08:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 829186 in update-manager "Mixes static and GI library bindings" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82918608:55
pittimvo: I'm happy to fix that, can you please report a bug upstream about it?08:55
mvopitti: oh, what is missing in u-m ?08:55
pittimvo: it's fix committed, I counted that as "done"08:55
pittiit's not uploaded yet, though, thus "committed", not "released"08:56
mvooh, ok. sorry, I can upload that now08:56
pittinot that urgent08:56
mvopitti: gnome bug #656872 but feel free to set to wontfix as the old API is not that great either, the len of the content is not that useful09:09
ubot2Gnome bug 656872 in gio "gio load_contents_finished return values changed" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65687209:09
seb128pitti, I closed again bug #81185209:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 811852 in indicator-session "Top-right bar shows "nvalid UTF-8]"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81185209:10
seb128pitti, the remaining issues are unity-greeter ones and the upload I just did should set the greeter mode flag correctly for the the indicators to use09:10
pittiseb128: ok09:11
seb128pitti, if you still have an issue please do an "also affect unity-greeter" or open a new bug against it09:11
pittimvo: hm, in that case we should prefer original C API over the pygtk API, I think09:11
pittiseb128: ok, will do; thanks!09:11
seb128yw ;-)09:11
seb128pitti, so my "most used applications are on the dash screen" is a race bug, it's not supposed to happen09:12
mvopitti: yeah, thats fine, just close it then09:12
seb128checke with neil09:12
seb128chrisccoulson, wb09:15
seb128chrisccoulson, you hook is working fine09:15
chrisccoulsonseb128, excellent, thanks09:15
seb128it's collecting infos about my printer on 3 pages for some reasons09:15
seb128but it's working fine ;-)09:16
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i might add those to the blacklist09:16
chrisccoulsonthey're also added to the about:support page too09:16
seb128chrisccoulson, ok09:16
chrisccoulson(i use the same whitelist and blacklist as upstream for those)09:16
seb128chrisccoulson, does it tell you to go away if you tweaked stupid options? ;-)09:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, it stops you from reporting a bug if you've upgraded firefox but not restarted the current instance09:17
chrisccoulsonand it adds an extra field to the bug if you force layers acceleration on too09:18
chrisccoulson(which seems to be getting more common)09:18
pittimvo: responded09:18
pittirodrigo_: can you please fix debian/copyright to say GPL-2+? that's what the upstream sources say09:28
mvoseb128: what are the chances for bug #828680 - was something like that ever discussed with gtk upstream09:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 828680 in software-center "In "History" screen, Left, Right, and Space keys don't work" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82868009:29
rodrigo_pitti, in gnome-contacts?09:29
pittirodrigo_: yes09:29
pittirodrigo_: looks fine otherwise; rejected, please upload with the same version number09:29
seb128pitti, he will need sponsoring, ken uploaded the one from yesterday since rodrigo_ is not motu yet09:30
rodrigo_pitti, yes, no permissions, I'll push to the branch and let you do the upload09:31
pittirodrigo_: ah, ok09:31
pittirodrigo_: where's the branch?09:31
rodrigo_pitti, pushed now to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-contacts/ubuntu09:32
seb128mvo, hum09:35
seb128mvo, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10589509:36
ubot2Gnome bug 105895 in GtkTreeView "Please add common keybindings for the TreeView" [Enhancement,Reopened]09:36
rodrigo_need to run some errands, bbiab09:37
mvoseb128: thanks!09:37
davmor2meh flash is broken on oneiric 64bit this morning :(09:41
pittihm, works here09:46
pittidavmor2: but it's a bit fiddly indeed09:46
pittiwith the new multiarch setup09:47
pittichrisccoulson: ^ btw, the plugin finder should probably be taught how to install that properly?09:47
pittidavmor2: do you have multi-arch enabled?09:47
davmor2pitti: might be nsplugin at fault I'm just copying over the logs09:48
davmor2pitti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/669917/09:49
pittimvo: eww - http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/oneiric/ubuntu/20110819.1/livecd-20110819.1-i386.out09:49
pittimvo: apparently update-apt-xapian-index is missing a python-gmenu depends? or can we port it to GMenu?09:50
* pitti purges it locally and investigates09:50
pittimvo: oh, this is actually using s-c code?09:50
pittimvo: ah, seems in trunk you already killed it?09:52
pittimvo: can we upload trunk to unbreak CD builds?09:52
chrisccoulsonpitti - the plugin finder just needs the right metadata in the control file09:53
chrisccoulsonalthough, it won't work yet in oneiric, as it requires the server to be updated (and only asac has access to that still) ;)09:53
* desrt yawns09:54
pittihey desrt09:54
desrtgood morning, all09:54
chrisccoulsonhi desrt09:55
desrtchrisccoulson, pitti; hihi09:55
* desrt , after a few months of saying "why would i want to do that?", just installed firefox on his nexus s. wow.09:56
mvopitti: yeah, its ready09:56
pittimvo: just did an u-a-x-i run with trunk, runs fine09:56
chrisccoulsondesrt, do you find it quite slow?09:56
chrisccoulsoni use it on my desire because of the bookmarks sync09:57
chrisccoulsonbut it's still much slower than the stock browser :(09:57
desrtchrisccoulson: no.. i find it pretty much the same speed as the built-in browser09:57
desrtchrisccoulson: but the feature set is rocking my world09:57
mvopitti: I was preparing a upload anyway, but what should we do with the static gmenu now? mixing bindings and stay with pygojbect 2.28? or add a new source package for the old python-gmenu and keep the dependency? do we have more options?09:57
desrtthe tabs concept is really sweet09:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's pretty nice09:57
desrti have it set as the browser that gets launched from my homescreen09:58
pittimvo: I don't see more options, aside from stopp using it completely, of course09:58
desrti only wish i could change the icon :)09:58
chrisccoulsonand having all my data sync with is pretty neat too. it's quite freaky to get all the history from my laptop appearing on my phone ;)09:58
pittimvo: I'd slightly prefer bringing back python-gmenu, though; WDYT?09:58
mvopitti: yeah, I agree09:58
jbichamvo: when I start Update Manager with no updates to install, it crashes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/669930/09:58
desrtchrisccoulson: ya... i'm considering setting that up, but i'm a bit scared :)09:58
mvopitti: I will upload the fix now09:59
pittimvo: there's quite a few rdepends on libgnome-menu2 anwyay09:59
mvojbicha: ups, should be fixed in trunk09:59
jbichamvo: cool, thanks09:59
asacchrisccoulson: cant you file an RT to get access?09:59
chrisccoulsonasac - sure, can do10:00
mvojbicha: if you have a moment it would be nice if you could "bzr branch lp:update-manager ; cd update-manager; ./update-manager" to double check that the fix is good10:00
chrisccoulsonis universe enabled on default installs btw?10:00
chrisccoulsonit's been so long since i did a fresh install on this machine ;)10:00
chrisccoulsonmvo - thanks10:01
jbichamvo: yes, that seems to work10:01
jbichamvo: clicking Settings in Update Manager still uses gksu instead of pkexec10:05
mvojbicha: oh, thanks, let me fix that as well10:05
seb128isn't software-properties running as a simple user nowadays?10:05
jbichayes, software-properties doesn't need root to open, just to change certain settings10:07
Sweetsharkanyone having an idea why dch ignored my DEBFULLNAME="foo" in ~/.devscripts?10:14
LaneySweetshark: that is an environment variable10:15
SweetsharkLaney: well, thats what I tried before :/10:16
Laneydo you have $DEBEMAIL set?10:17
Laneylaney@raleigh> echo $DEBFULLNAME - $DEBEMAIL                                                                               ~10:17
LaneyIain Lane - laney@debian.org10:17
xclaesseis it known that gnome-shell won't start with oneiric?10:21
xclaessewhen selecting the GNOME session10:21
xclaesseI have to open a terminal and start  it with GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/usr/lib/girepository-1.0/ gnome-shell --replace10:22
xclaesseotherwise it does not find Clutter typelib10:22
SweetsharkLaney: hmm, picked a fresh shell, now it seems to work, thanks10:24
Laneynp (put it in your .bashrc or similar) :-)10:24
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
xclaesseseems libgck-1-dev is missing dep on libgck-1-dev11:02
seb128xclaesse, on itself?11:02
xclaessesorry, on libp11-kit-dev11:03
xclaessebuilding empathy, it says: Package 'p11-kit-1', required by 'gck-1', not found11:03
xclaessethat's msg from pkg-config11:03
xclaesseI have libgck-1-dev but that did not pull libp11-kit-1-dev11:04
xclaesseinstalling manually fix that11:04
seb128chrisccoulson, ^11:04
seb128xclaesse, thanks11:04
chrisccoulsonah, yeah, i must have missed that off11:04
chrisccoulsoni'll fix that11:04
xclaessecool :)11:05
xclaesseif someone could also upload tp-glib 0.15.5 to oneiric that would make me happy :)11:05
chrisccoulsonmvo - when i query the origins of a package via python-apt, where does the "origin" string come from? eg, will the origin for packages from the firefox-aurora PPA always be "LP-PPA-ubuntu-mozilla-daily-firefox-aurora"?12:02
mvochrisccoulson: from the Release file on the server12:03
chrisccoulsonmvo - thanks. and i guess that's not going to change?12:03
mvowell, unless soyuz changes, it does not12:03
mvobut the format is not ideal in many ways12:03
mvoas there is no way to figure out what part of the LP string belongs to the user and what to the ppaname12:04
mvoso I would really love to see this changed12:04
mvointo something like LP-PPA-ubuntu-mozilla__daily-firefox-aurora or somesuch12:04
chrisccoulsonah, i see12:05
chrisccoulsoni think this is good enough for now. i want to ship a file in /etc/apport/native-origins.d to allow people to create firefox bug reports from these PPA's12:05
chrisccoulsonand it seems to depend on this string12:06
chrisccoulsonif my understanding is correct ;)12:06
chrisccoulsonah, that works :)12:07
xclaesseE: Build-Depends dependency for gnome-shell cannot be satisfied because candidate version of package libgjs-dev can't satisfy version requirements12:10
xclaessewhen doing sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-shell in oneiric12:10
xclaesseseb128, ^12:10
xclaesseis that known issue?12:10
seb128xclaesse, no12:11
seb128xclaesse, what does apt-get install libgjs-dev says?12:11
xclaesseit install version 1.29.0 just fine12:12
xclaessehow do I check what's the build-dep version gnome-shell wants?12:13
seb128it's going to be 1.29.612:13
seb128wonder why you don't get that one12:13
seb128what mirror do you use?12:13
xclaesseseb128, I'm using http://archive.ubuntu.com12:14
xclaessedid update a few hours ago, let's try again12:14
seb128xclaesse, weird, the current version is 1.29.16-0ubuntu2 and it's available for 2 days12:15
* rodrigo_ lunch12:15
geserxclaesse: apt-cache showsrc gnome-shell12:15
geserxclaesse: how do you try to build it? pbuilder or on your normal system?12:16
seb128xclaesse, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/gjs/12:16
seb128it has 1.29.16-0ubuntu2 for i386 and amd6412:16
seb128what arch do you use?12:16
xclaesseseb128, hmmm now gjs is in the list of "The following packages have been kept back"12:16
xclaesse  Installed: 1.29.0-1ubuntu112:17
xclaesse  Candidate: 1.29.16-0ubuntu212:17
seb128well, apt-get install should pick the current version12:17
seb128did you use apt pinning or something?12:17
seb128upgrade might keep things on old, but install should12:17
xclaesseseb128, sudo apt-get install libgjs-dev  wants to remove gnome-shell...12:17
seb128xclaesse, what architecture?12:18
seb128it has been rebuilt for the new libgjs12:19
seb128do you use a ppa version newer than oneiric?12:19
seb128or a local build?12:19
seb128dpkg -l | grep gnome-shell?12:19
xclaesseactually I also have an update of gnome-shell12:19
xclaesseinstalling it wants to remove libgjs0b12:20
seb128well, they should upgrade together rather than uninstall anything12:20
seb128xclaesse, that's fine, there was an abi break, it was rename libgjs0c12:20
seb128so the "b" version is replaced by "c"12:21
xclaesseok, that fixed my problem :)12:23
xclaesseweird that "apt-get upgrade" does not do that correctly12:23
seb128xclaesse, upgrade is not meant to uninstall anything or do transitions12:24
seb128xclaesse, that's why we have dist-upgrade12:24
xclaesseyeah but dist-upgrade wants to remove the world those days :(12:24
seb128xclaesse, upgrade is "do safe update, keep disruptive things on old"12:24
xclaesseincluding ubuntu-desktop12:24
seb128xclaesse, that shouldn't happen, what does it want to uninstall? can you pastebin it?12:24
seb128xclaesse, it's not "the world" ;-)12:25
xclaesseunity seems in the middle of updates12:26
seb128xclaesse, going to be fixed in the next 2 hours12:26
seb128there is a new unity and unity-2d needs to build still12:26
xclaesseseb128, yeah, was much more some time ago, with all of evolution12:26
pittiseb128: any chance the new unity will fix the horribly broken alt-tabber? or was this backed out again?12:26
xclaesseseb128, anyway, I have want I needed. Thanks for your support :)12:27
seb128pitti, what do you consider "broken" in it?12:27
seb128xclaesse, you're welcome ;-)12:27
pittierm, does that work for you?12:27
seb128pitti, for some definition of work12:27
seb128pitti, it takes 3 seconds to display12:27
pittiseb128: it's a colorful wide switcher with icons, with a semi-transparent higher window of miniature windows on top12:27
pittiand with each alt-tab they both move12:27
pittiseems liek the one on top is the original one, and the one beneath it is new12:28
pittiand using it causes all terminals (except one in some cases) to be minimized12:28
seb128pitti, oh, that's compiz gconf not handling profile updates, you get both switchers activated in your compiz profile12:28
seb128pitti, use ccsm to disable the old one12:28
pittierm, no12:28
seb128(easier that unity --reset and drop your keybindings etc)12:28
pittithat certainly needs to happen automatically?12:28
seb128pitti, yeah, it's on didrocks' list12:29
pittican we disable the original switcher to avoid that?12:29
seb128pitti, still part of the compiz update we wait for 3 weeks12:29
pittior rename it perhaps?12:29
xclaesseseb128, ah, clutter and tp-glib are too old to build gnome-shell master :(12:29
seb128xclaesse, that's being worked12:29
xclaesseRequested 'clutter-x11-1.0 >= 1.7.5' but version of Clutter is 1.6.1612:29
xclaesseRequested 'clutter-glx-1.0 >= 1.7.5' but version of Clutter is 1.6.1612:29
xclaesseRequested 'telepathy-glib >= 0.15.5' but version of Telepathy-GLib is
pittiseb128: ah, so it's on the list? I'm afraid that everyone does that now, and then we forget about it12:29
xclaesseseb128, cool :)12:29
seb128pitti, yeah, didrocks has it high on this to fix list12:29
seb128pitti, he was pondering doing a profile reset on upgrade or just hack the alt-tab thing12:30
seb128pitti, but he's pretty aware of it12:30
pittiI'd rather replace/disable the old launcher than doing a profile reset12:30
pittithe latter wreaks havoc with shared home dirs12:30
seb128pitti, right, it's just that we don't have any good way to tweak user gconf profiles on upgrade12:31
seb128it needs to be hacked from compiz code12:31
pittiis that "static application switcher"?12:31
seb128didrocks hopped that the compiz on gsettings work would land this cycle12:31
pittiI never deliberately configured that12:31
seb128but that turned to be another dx fail12:31
seb128pitti, yes12:32
seb128pitti, no you didn't but compiz copy the default config as an user config on first start12:32
seb128pitti, it doesn't do the "use system default by default"12:32
seb128really looking to have the gsettings backend12:33
seb128but that's going to be for next cycle12:33
pittihmm -- now I see what other people complained about the new one -- it doesn't switch between terminals :)12:33
seb128pitti, you need to arrow down on an application icon to have the instances of the software12:33
seb128or use alt-~12:33
seb128not sure if that's trunk only or in that tarball though12:34
seb128RAOF mentioned it earlier12:34
seb128that's going to be "cycle between instance of the selected application"12:34
pittioh, that works, but is more advanced keyboard virtuoseness to press 4 keys at the same time12:34
seb128yeah, I raised the issue12:34
seb128pitti, they are going to try a "pause" behaviour12:35
pitti(and absolutely undiscoverable, too, but oh well..)12:35
seb128if you stop for $delay on an icon it will do the arrow down for you12:35
seb128then alt-tab will switch in the instances and when it goes to end of that list back the primary list12:35
seb128that might work well12:35
chrisccoulsoni quite like the look of the new switcher12:36
chrisccoulsoni wish the metacity one would use icons rather than thumbnails too12:36
seb128the look is nice, the usability is not (yet)12:36
seb128not speaking about how slow it is on my intel box12:36
chrisccoulsonthat's why i'm on 2d right now ;)12:37
pittimeh, and it still minimizes stuff, and then doesn't show the minimized programs12:37
seb128well the dash blur slowness issue got fixed at least12:37
chrisccoulsondid it? oh, i've not tried it for a week12:37
seb128pitti, if you have bugs please raise them to DBO12:37
pittihow again is this better than the old switcher?12:37
chrisccoulsoni should upgrade and try again12:37
seb128bah, xchat-gnome indicator being retarded, restart xchat12:38
seb128the indicator is buggy with xchat-gnome still, got things to turn blue you can't clear if you close the query12:40
alex3fmvo, thanks for the merge. I know about the performance issue, I'm going to work on that, as well as the FIXMEs in the code13:06
mvoalex3f: thanks! I'm not 100% sure what the best solution is, caching the results, maybe having a query about all installed pkgs at startup or a OOB fastpath to query if a pkg is installed or not via librpm13:08
mvoalex3f: but its actually quite nice, I'm impressed13:08
alex3fwhat is OOB?13:09
alex3fthank you :-)13:09
mvoit brought down the test coverage quite a bit though :/13:09
mvoso more tests please ;)13:10
alex3fquery all is an option, since from what I've seen, PK is designed for working with many packages at once13:10
alex3fon my TODO13:10
mvogreat, query-all-installed and just cache the package names should be fine then13:10
alex3fyep, unfortunately, update-software-center with PK takes forever13:11
alex3fhow do you run pyflakes?13:12
alex3fand also, what gives the test coverage?13:13
seb128kenvandine, mterry_, chrisccoulson: hey, how busy are you guys?13:13
mterry_seb128, I can help.  Just doing lightdm stuff13:14
seb128ok, so we have13:15
seb128- some updates left to do (see the etherpad)13:15
seb128- the new clutter version and cogl (new source) to sponsor, work from ricotz13:15
seb128- some https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3 work items left13:16
chrisccoulsonseb128, what are we doing about the top panel in gnome-screensaver? should we just hide it?13:16
seb128- some sponsoring on the etherpad as well13:16
seb128kenvandine, mterry_, chrisccoulson: it would be nice if you could help to do a push to get over those today so we can start focussing on bug fix next week13:17
seb128chrisccoulson, seem safe at this point yes13:17
seb128chrisccoulson, want to do that, the gnome-screensaver update and look at the g-s-d power notification to use notify-osd?13:17
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, that's fine13:17
seb128chrisccoulson, great13:18
pittiseb128: want me to do some sponsoring?13:18
pittiI've looked at jockey way too long today anyway13:18
seb128pitti, if you want to please do13:18
pitti(still need to display the new -updates nvidia/fglrx handlers)13:18
seb128if we could do a team effort to go over the things I listed today we would be in good shape to focus on bug fixing starting next week13:18
seb128it's about time13:18
pittigrabbed two from the pad, to start13:19
seb128pitti, danke13:19
kenvandineseb128, i can try to pick up something easy that i can do while i work on other stuff, i leave for vacation in 2 weeks... so want to finish stuff up13:19
seb128kenvandine, telepathy-glib update? debian did it, it's probably just reapplying our small diff over13:20
kenvandineand i am hacking on tp stuff right now :)13:20
nessitahello everyone!!!13:21
seb128hey nessita! how are you?13:21
kenvandinehey nessita13:21
pittihey nessita, how are you?13:21
seb128nessita, good to see you, it has been a while ;-)13:21
nessitapitti: I'm evaluating the issue with the Soup import13:21
pittinessita: oh, you are fast!13:21
pittinessita: I was about to ask what kind of bribe you need13:21
nessitaseb128, kenvandine, pitti: hello! I'm missing you a lot13:21
seb128mterry_, want to do the cogl review,sponsoring and clutter update?13:21
nessitapitti: well, icecream for sure :-D13:21
pittinessita: were you on holidays? haven't seen you for a while13:21
mterry_seb128, sure13:22
pittinessita: icecream sounds great13:22
seb128mterry_, thanks!13:22
pittinessita: and will be appropriate in Orlando, too!13:22
nessitapitti: nopes, I'm drawing daily in the sadness of porting the Ubuntu One Control Panel to QT and Windows13:22
nessitapitti: that's why I haven't been so involved with ubuntu lately13:22
pittinessita: QML, or "real" Qt?13:23
seb128mterry_, bug #828605 and bug #82860813:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 828605 in ubuntu "[FFe] [needs-packaging] cogl" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82860513:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 828608 in clutter-1.0 "[FFE] clutter 1.7 series" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82860813:23
pittinessita: QML is actually quite fun13:23
nessitaseb128: I still owe you the GTK+3 port...13:23
pittinessita: actually, porting this to GTK3 would fix the static vs. GI conflict as well, and keep Soup alive13:23
nessitapitti: the real QT. Is fun, but I would like to be improving the ubuntu control panel as well, which at the moment, I can't do due to lack of time13:23
pittinessita: but I haven't investigated yet how much effort it is13:24
seb128nessita, indeed ;-)13:24
nessitapitti: I haven't either, but I'm *guessing* is just changing some imports...13:24
pittinessita: no, it's not13:24
pittinessita: but if you actually consider this, I could actually give a hand there13:24
seb128pitti, ^ the 2 bugs I just pointed to mterry, do you think you can ffe accept them?13:24
nessitapitti: how much time do we have to solve the Soup issue?13:25
pittinessita: it's a bit urgent, we need to get all this settled by beta-1; does "a week" sound crazy?13:25
nessitapitti: yes, but it's much better than saying "today" :-D13:26
nessitapitti: can we have a talk about this next week, say on Wed?13:26
pittiseb128: cogl approved, that's easy; clutter, hard to decide without knowing more, I'll ask on the bug13:26
pittinessita: sure13:26
seb128pitti, well, technically it has a standing GNOME ffe13:26
pittinessita: in the meantime, I could play with a GTK3 port?13:26
pittiseb128: ah, clutter is part of gnome?13:26
seb128pitti, it's required at least if we want to update gnome-shell from 3.1.3 to 3.1.413:26
seb128pitti, yes13:26
nessitapitti: YES PLEASE (you just are doing this so *I* owe *you* some icecream)13:27
pittiseb128: acked13:29
seb128pitti, danke13:31
ricotzseb128, pitti, shall i upload the packages somewhere for sponsoring?13:34
pittiricotz: clutter 1.7/cogl? sure13:34
seb128ricotz, talk to mterry_, he said he would review it13:35
seb128ricotz, I pointed to the debian svn in the bugs13:35
ricotzpitti, yes13:35
ricotzseb128, ok13:35
seb128but something to dget might be easier13:35
ricotzseb128, mterry_ http://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/clutter/13:35
pittiricotz: I'm fine with sponsoring from debian svn, if it's there13:35
ricotzno sure about the versioning convention in this case13:35
pittiricotz: can't we just sync?13:36
ricotzpitti, it isnt released yet13:36
pittiricotz: looks fine, I'll sponsor from your people page13:36
ricotzpitti, thanks13:36
ricotzpitti, it will probably fail to build for armel though13:37
seb128pitti, check with mterry_, he said he would do the sponsoring13:37
seb128i.e you guys don't duplicate work please ;-)13:37
mterry_pitti, I can do it unless you've got a jonesin'13:37
seb128cyphermox, hey13:41
seb128cyphermox, how busy are you? ;-)13:41
pittimterry_: ok, please go ahead then13:42
pitticurrently sponsoring some other bits13:42
seb128chrisccoulson, can you do that while you are on gnome-screensaver13:44
seb128"- should clean its .menu conffile on upgrade"13:44
seb128chrisccoulson, /etc/xdg/menus/gnome-screensavers.menu got dropped in GNOME3, it should be maintainer script cleaned on upgrade13:44
DBOpitti, you know I do read what you say...13:44
DBOseb128, can you check the perf of switcher in trunk now13:45
pittiDBO: good morning13:45
DBOI think its fixed for realz13:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, can do13:45
seb128chrisccoulson, excellent, thanks13:45
pittiDBO: heh, I know, yes :)13:45
seb128DBO, howdy, can do!13:45
seb128DBO: unity,nux,both?13:45
DBOseb128, unity13:46
seb128DBO, on it13:46
DBOpitti, can you explain to me what you dont like?13:46
seb128DBO: just curious but how did you fix or workaround it?13:46
DBOseb128, I am avoiding paying the texture creation cost after the first alt-tab start13:46
pittiDBO: (1) doesn't show individual terminals, just a single icon for it13:47
DBOseb128, so it will still be slow on your system the first time13:47
DBOpitti, press down13:47
pittiDBO: (2) shows a lot of apps which aren't in my workspace13:47
pittiDBO: (3) appears below the ordinary compiz switcher13:47
kenvandinethat is a bug :)13:47
DBOpitti, your settings are screwed up too, run unity --reset13:47
pittiI just ran unity --reset some weeks ago13:48
seb128DBO: it would be nice to have a ccsm option to work by workspace13:48
pittiDBO: seb128 says that compiz copies the settings into the user home, instead of falling back to system settings when the user has no explicit configuration; so that would happen for everyone13:48
DBOpitti, yeah well, if the normal compiz switcher is showing your settings are screwed up :)13:48
seb128i.e list only things in your current workspace13:48
pittiDBO: then they will for everyone who upgrades from natty13:48
DBOseb128, Im not exactly sure how that would work but I can try13:49
DBOpitti, the solution for that is being worked on13:49
DBOpitti, though frankly, thats what you guys are supposed to help us with13:49
pittiDBO: yes, we already discussed it, it's on didier's list13:50
pittiDBO: so, ignore (3) for now13:50
pittiDBO: but you asked me what I don't like, and that's one of the things13:50
DBOpitti, yes but thats the kind of complaint I expect out of an uninformed user, not you :/13:51
pittiDBO: the real solution for (3) would probably be to just completely replace the compiz one; fiddling around with the user's gconf settings on upgrade will break shared homedirs13:51
pittiDBO: sorry, but "press cursor down" is not exactly obvious; I admit I'm an uninformed user in that case13:51
DBOpitti, you can also press alt+` (key above tab) once the switcher is open13:52
DBOthat will cycle windows too13:52
pittibut even with that, it now takes ten times as long to switch between windows13:52
DBOhow so?13:52
pittibecause I need to go through apps not on my workspace, then do the cursor down exercise, and then find my window there13:53
TrewasDBO: by the way ` is not nowhere near tab in many keyboard layouts and additionally it is a dead key in fin/swe layout so alt+` cannot be used at all13:53
seb128DBO: the new switcher has just been optimized for people using one workspace with one instance of their applications13:53
DBOpitti, if its the last focused window of course you can just press alt-tab quickly, but yes I see your point13:53
pittiAlt+` -> is that in trunk only?13:53
seb128DBO: not your fault, it's a design thing13:54
DBOpitti, or yesterdays release13:54
pittihm, I'm running that13:54
DBOpitti, make sure you do alt-tab, then press alt-` on the tile you want to see windows in13:54
pittiwhat I did notice is that alt+up now stopped working in my IRC client, might that be related?13:54
DBOthere is a fix for that in trunk13:55
pittiah, cool13:55
DBOseb128, didn't the switcher come configured previously to show windows on all desktops?13:55
DBOI thought that was the default13:55
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
seb128we never had any switcher doing that13:56
DBOmine did13:56
seb128DBO: we being ubuntu13:56
seb128you might have had your own hacked one ;-)13:56
DBOthe static application switcher has an option for that13:56
DBObut okay13:56
DBOseb128, so we are past FF by a lot now13:57
DBOI can add the option13:57
DBObut I wont do it if its just going to get kicked13:57
seb128pitti, ^ do you think it's going to be an ok ffe?13:57
seb128DBO: if it lands for next week tarball I would tend to say it should be ok, but pitti should should confirm13:57
pittiseb128: presumably yes, but as it'll be pretty much undiscoverable, I don't think it's important to have13:57
seb128pitti, quite some users use ccsm, especially the sort of power users who use workspaces and will be annoyed by it13:58
seb128i.e you or me ;-)13:58
pittiI'd rather concentrate on making it discoverable how to select between instances of an app13:58
=== mterry_ is now known as mterry
DBOhow would I expose that short of Clippy?13:58
pittiseb128: we configure 4 workspaces by default, or did we stop doing so?13:59
seb128pitti, we still do yes13:59
pittiDBO: perhaps there could be an icon with a down arrow key beneath icons with multiple instances?14:00
seb128still 2 hangs alt-tab is an usability disaster14:01
pittior it shuold just display all instances, with the ones on other work spaces at the end?14:01
DBOseb128, you know about the one hand solution I have right?14:01
DBOpitti, also there is a "timer" method in ccsm that design is going to test14:02
DBOwhere simply waiting on a tile for 1.5 seconds causes it to show the windows14:02
seb128DBO, still requires thinking and dexterity ;-)14:02
pittithat seems tricky to me14:02
pittiif it's too short (0.3 seconds) it's confusing, and if it's too long (> 0.5 seconds), it's again undiscoverable14:03
seb128if there is less than 5 things open a workspace it should just display a flat list including instances imho14:03
seb128that optimization is good when you get 15 things open14:03
seb128not when you got 514:04
DBOpitti, less than 1.0s and you trigger it by mistake constantly14:04
pittiyou really wait a second on each icon when tabbing through?14:05
DBOseb128, interestingly, for me doing "per workspace" is useless. I only ever have 1 or 2 windows on a workspace and they never overlap14:05
pittiI get through about 4 icons/sec14:05
DBOpitti, when visually scrubbing for the icon I want, yes14:05
pittifor cross-workspace I usually use windows+number14:05
DBOor when I go "wait where was I going...."14:05
seb128DBO: I tend to have between 3 and 5 things by workspace14:05
DBOyou know, like when you walk into a room and forget why14:05
pittiand usually not even that, I just use ctrl+alt+N14:05
seb128DBO: but often including one taking the screen, i.e irc or webbrowser or email14:05
DBOseb128, how can you live that way...14:06
DBOseb128, windows aren't supposed to touch, it's just the natural order of things14:06
seb128well I'm on my work workspace I've IRC, a command line and webbrowser14:06
DBOseb128, you are working on testing this perf thing for me right?14:06
seb128DBO: yes, unity still building14:07
pittiDBO: people have different habits -- I still wonder how people can live without FFM and with a dark theme14:07
DBOpitti, do you like *anything* about the new launcher?14:07
seb128DBO: going to cpp was not the best move for build time :p14:07
DBOseb128, get an i714:07
pittiDBO: the colors are more unity-ish14:07
seb128DBO: I've an i5, not great but good enough ;-)14:07
DBOpitti, the animations are nice I think...14:07
DBO(damnit compliment my animations)14:07
seb128what animation?14:08
pittiwhich animation?14:08
DBOyou never overloaded the switcher?14:08
DBOopen tons of applications14:08
DBOso there are too many to fit on your screen14:08
pittiwhen I alt+tab, it instantly appears, and alt+tabing further it changes to the next icon without animation14:08
pittishould there be one?14:08
pittiDBO: no, I use workspaces :)14:08
seb128DBO: same here14:08
chrisccoulsoni've seen the animation ;)14:08
DBOpitti, it shows everything on all workspaces14:08
seb128I never get over 5 things on a workspace14:08
pittimy work ws only has terminals14:08
pittiws2 is browser14:08
pittiws3 is communication: email, empathy, skype, etc.14:09
DBOpitti, yeah but do it, you should at least see what we're shipping14:09
pittiand ws4 is free, usually for my VMs14:09
seb128well still I don't use enough to go over the list14:09
DBOseb128, I know, I tried to fit as many in there as possible before it overflows14:09
pittiDBO: well, I have tons of terminals but they aren't being displayed any more :)14:09
DBObut you guys *should* be testing it overflowed too14:09
DBOotherwise you dont know what you are shipping really14:09
DBOpitti, different applications14:09
pittiwow, overflowing? that would require some 40 apps?14:10
DBOthe switcher?14:10
seb128pitti, it requires the alt-tab bar to go over the screen14:10
DBOit should require 10?14:10
seb128on my 22" screen that's a challenge14:10
seb128I ran everything in my launcher and it still doesn't overflow14:10
seb128going to the dash to find something else I can run14:10
pittidarn, seems the new unity once again broke the windows+N shortcuts14:10
DBOworks here14:11
seb128DBO: the folding is quite nice indeed14:11
DBOseb128, when you perf test14:11
DBOyou need to be testing that animation too14:11
seb128DBO: imho you shouldn't take over 60% of the screen14:11
pittiah, these animations14:11
dobeyseb128: how many pixels?14:11
seb128dobey, 192014:12
DBOseb128, I am working on making it so it wont take more than a certain *physical* size14:12
pittiDBO: do you get the rather irritating bug that sometimes, selecting an app in the switcher minimizes all, or a lot of windows?14:12
dobeyi have 2048 wide14:12
DBOsince thats the annoying thing14:12
seb128pitti, you pick the "show desktop" entry?14:12
DBOpitti, the show desktop entry, design made me add that...14:12
pitticould be14:13
pittiwhen I saw it I still had both of the switchers overlayed, and used the "top" one14:13
DBOyeah thats why14:13
pitticould be that the bottom one landed at the 'show desktop' then14:13
DBOyou... used it like that and thought "yeah this is fine for me to use"?14:13
pittibut as the windows shortcuts don't work any more (win+d) that might actually be helpful :)14:13
pittiDBO: no, I used it like that and thought "this looks so broken, it can't possibly go unnoticed and will be fixed"14:14
DBOpitti, something is wrong with your system14:14
DBOthe windows shortcuts work fine here14:14
DBOseb128, can you confirm?14:14
pittiwell, unity just crashes every 20 mins, perhaps that just took something with it14:14
pittiprobably need to restart my session or so14:14
DBOare you getting traces?14:14
seb128DBO, pitti: works for me14:14
seb128DBO: yeah, unity built!14:15
DBOseb128, wewt14:15
pittiDBO: I get crash reports, yes14:17
DBOif you are crashing that much14:17
seb128DBO, still slow...14:17
DBOit would be more helpful to have you running in gdb14:17
DBOseb128, after the first time?14:17
seb128DBO: yes14:17
DBOfor realz?14:18
seb128no ;-)14:18
DBOIm so confused14:18
seb128DBO: works great, I was teasing you14:18
DBOyou're crushing my dreams!!!14:18
* DBO dies in fire14:18
pittiDBO: bug 825587 mostly14:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 825587 in nux "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in SimpleLauncherIcon::ReloadIcon()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82558714:18
DBOthanks seb12814:18
DBOpitti, looking now14:18
seb128waouh, an alt-tab I can use again!14:18
seb128DBO: you won $drink for next UDS14:18
DBOyou got me good man14:19
DBOthat was an emotional rollercoaster for sure14:19
pitti(FTR, I have 4.8.2-0ubuntu1~build1, so the "fix released" might have been premature, or it really needs a fix in nux, too)14:19
seb128pitti, what bug?14:19
seb128sorry lost the backlog when I restarted unity14:19
pittiseb128: above, bug 82558714:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 825587 in nux "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in SimpleLauncherIcon::ReloadIcon()" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82558714:20
seb128pitti, it's fixed in trunk14:20
seb128there was a second bug, jibel gave a stacktrace to njpatel earlier and he fixed it14:20
seb128pitti, it's bug #74165214:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 741652 in unity "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in SimpleLauncherIcon::OnIconThemeChanged()" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74165214:20
seb128pitti, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/77587429/compiz_segv_SimpleLauncherIcon_unity_4.8.0-0ubuntu3.trace14:21
DBOseb128, also, the run away GEM object leak should be fixed :)14:22
seb128DBO: you rock sir!14:22
pittiseb128: grabbing gnome-color-manager14:23
seb128pitti, danke14:23
DBOseb128, is the perf good while its folding too?14:25
seb128DBO: yes14:27
DBO:) excellent14:27
seb128DBO: you didn't have the delay thing yet, right?14:28
seb128have -> add14:28
DBOfor what?14:29
DBOthere is a checkbox in CCSM to test it out14:29
DBOits being user tested today14:29
seb128DBO: you got a typo14:33
chrisccoulsongah, i wish my laptop was usable whilst buiding firefox14:33
seb128"Go right in the swithcer"14:33
seb128DBO, ^14:33
DBOseb128, excellent14:34
DBOwill fix14:34
seb128DBO, thanks14:34
DBOseb128, fixed14:35
seb128DBO: you made my day14:35
seb128love the delay thing as well14:35
DBOoh damnit14:35
DBOsomeone pushed at the same time14:35
mterryricotz, cogl_gl_error_to_string is in the .symbols file but seemingly shouldn't be?14:35
DBOthere we go, fixed14:36
janimoanyone knows if Thomas Thurman is around?14:38
seb128DBO: I found a bug14:39
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm down to my last 400MB of disk space14:39
janimo does not appear online as marnanel14:39
seb128DBO: it acts like if it was going to display a preview for minimized things but it doesn't, it just displays empty space14:39
DBOseb128, thats known, compiz has support for previews of active windows14:40
DBOpreviews of minimized windows14:40
DBOits currently got a showstopper bug (smallish)14:40
DBOso we are going to fix that first14:40
DBOthen turn that on14:40
DBOand all will be happy14:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, is there a bug about lightdm starting gvfsd? i guess that's not intentional is it?14:42
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure if there is a bug, I mentioned it by email to mterry and robert_ancell this week, it's gvfsd, gconfd and notify-osd14:43
pittiand session/sound/etc. indicators as well?14:43
seb128chrisccoulson, would be worth checking if that's the case with today updates14:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, i think it needs to set a magic environment variable to stop gvfsd being started14:43
seb128chrisccoulson, I think mterry said it was due to the indicators14:43
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, that's possible14:43
seb128pitti, those should be displayed, they are part of the design14:43
pittierm, what? as session indicator, what for?14:44
pittithat's why we have the user selector in the main window?14:44
seb128chrisccoulson, the indicators have a greeter mode though which hides some feature and the unity-greeter update today use it14:44
seb128pitti, to be able to shutdown, suspend or restart?14:44
pittiseb128: ah, sorry; the one with the user switcher14:44
alex3fmvo, please check my backend-refactor import fix, before doing a release, if you plan so14:45
seb128pitti, it's not there anymore for me14:45
mterryseb128, yeah.14:45
pittiseb128: was still here this morning, maybe today's updates fixed it again; great14:45
mterryseb128, starting indicators pulls in gconf if they use it, as well as any services they start over dbus.  For example, the fix to the 'lock screen when suspended' bug was to have indicator-session stop talking to gnome-screensaver and starting it14:45
seb128pitti, it's part of the unity-greeter update to set the greeter mode for indicators14:45
mvoalex3f: sure thing14:46
seb128pitti, works on my nb at least14:46
seb128pitti, I got the indicators menu simplified and the user switching one hidden14:46
seb128mterry, ok14:47
mterryseb128, so we just need to find who is starting gvfsd (for example) and make them stop it in greeter mode.  A bit of hunting needs to happen is all14:47
seb128mterry, great14:48
chrisccoulsonseb128, ah, i think lightdm needs to set GIO_USE_VFS=local if it doesn't already14:48
seb128chrisccoulson, ^14:48
chrisccoulsoni should update though ;)14:48
seb128mterry, ^ GIO_USE_VFS=local14:48
chrisccoulsonthat should stop anything in the greeter session from starting it in the first place14:49
mterryah fancy14:49
pittihello skaet, how are you?14:57
pittioh, just netsplit bouncing again, I figure14:58
chrisccoulsonfantastic, xorg crashed 50 minutes in to linking firefox14:58
chrisccoulsonwasting nearly a whole hour :(14:59
seb128chrisccoulson, use screen!14:59
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, i wish i had done now14:59
seb128chrisccoulson, forget about firefox and do the gnome-screensaver and g-s-d work you signed for ;-)15:00
seb128you will see it's nice to have packages easy to build :p15:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, i was trying to do those in parallel15:00
chrisccoulsonunfortunately, it takes my laptop nearly half a minute to do basic things like switching a window whilst firefox is building15:01
chrisccoulsonso it's pretty difficult to do anything in parallel ;)15:01
chrisccoulsonseb128, do you use screen in gnome-terminal?15:05
seb128chrisccoulson, didn't use screen for a while but I used it before, why?15:06
* ricotz thinks byobu is nice15:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, there's no way to scroll is there?15:07
chrisccoulsonthat's why i stopped using it before15:07
chrisccoulsonalthough i use it when i'm on a vt still15:07
seb128chrisccoulson, http://www.linuxscrew.com/2008/11/14/faq-how-to-scrollback-in-gnu-screen/15:10
seb128that seems to work15:10
kenvandineseems like the evolution alarm notifier just started working again...15:11
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks, will give that a try15:11
kenvandinerebooted and getting notifications from 200815:11
kenvandineand it made me discover a bug in gwibber... the service got a traceback because notify-osd is getting spammed :)15:12
kenvandineyep, it means google calendars are working again in evo :-D15:13
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm determined to get this new firefox beta uploaded before the weekend!15:18
cyphermoxseb128: got a few things, what's up?15:19
seb128cyphermox, hey, just wondering if you had time for some updates and a ftbfs15:21
cyphermoxI'll pick the ones I can, which ftbfs?15:21
cyphermox(e.g. upload when wifi doesn't suck)15:21
seb128cyphermox, can you take the gmime one, gtkhtml and look at the totem build failure (seems to be due to the libgdata update)15:21
seb128cyphermox, they all should be small15:22
seb128cyphermox, thanks, I note you on the wiki for the 2 updates then ;-)15:22
cyphermoxok, I was about to do it, but if you can I may still be able to catch breakfast ;)15:22
seb128cyphermox, enjoy breakfast15:23
seb128cyphermox, see you15:23
cyphermoxyup, bbl15:23
cyphermoxhuh, is it totem failing or something else, /totem doesn't return anything on the ftbfs page15:25
ricotzmterry, i have updated the symbols15:32
mterryricotz, then it's fine, that was the only oddity I saw15:32
ricotzmterry, good, might be caused by building against nvidia locally instead of in a chroot15:34
pittiseb128: FTR, gnome-color-management branch is broken, and got held up by the release team meeting15:44
* pitti tries to untangle it15:44
pittiscrew you, bzr with preapplied patches15:46
pittiuploaded the traditional way15:46
seb128pitti, yeah, maybe just copy the debian dir15:47
tseliotpitti, RAOF: I can't really reupload nvidia-96 in natty proposed with revision -0ubuntu1~natty1 because the archive will complain about the original tarball. Shall I upload ~natty3?16:04
pittitseliot: what's wrong with the original tarball?16:07
tseliotpitti: "Rejected: File nvidia-graphics-drivers-96_96.43.20.orig.tar.gz already exists in Primary Archive for Ubuntu, but uploaded version has different contents"16:07
pittitseliot: well, then get the one from the archive?16:08
tseliotpitti: but I don't recall ever recreating the tarball16:08
seb128ok, another unity round of bug fixes backported to oneiric16:08
tseliotpitti: how?16:08
pittitseliot: apt-get source?16:08
seb128improved alt-tab performance, the "display subcategories on delay is in ccsm", improved dnd behaviour, one segfault fixed, and the dash select text by default so you can open and type16:09
tseliotpitti: ok, let me see if it works16:09
seb128that should be all for this week for unity16:09
pittitseliot: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/nvidia-graphics-drivers-96_96.43.20.orig.tar.gz16:09
tseliotpitti: it insists in wanting to upload also the tarball (even when building only with -S)16:18
ricotztseliot, build it with "-S -sd"?16:18
tseliotricotz: ah, I didn't know "-sd"16:19
ricotzpitti, do you think the new pygobject packages could work on natty without breaking anything?16:20
ricotztseliot, ;) -- also "pull-lp-source" is useful16:21
tseliotricotz: ah, this one would sure be useful too, thanks16:21
pittiricotz: if you also use the new g-i; but I suppose you'll need to rebuild te source16:22
pittitseliot: -sd, yes; but that's just saving uplaod bandwidth16:23
tseliotpitti: which wouldn't be such a bad idea in my case ;)16:23
ricotzpitti, yeah, i meant the source package, so it would be rebuilt16:23
pittigood night everyone!16:29
pittihave a nice weekend16:29
seb128'night pitti, have a nice w.e16:29
dupondjeAdwaita broken or ?16:48
dupondjedunno whats wrong with it16:48
seb128seems to work there16:52
dupondjeIt looks like http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=194014&d=1307041720 here :s16:53
dobeymvo: around?17:34
chrisccoulsonseb128, what's the proper way for an application to check it's running under unity?17:36
ricotzchrisccoulson, hello, i hope you are uploading thunderbird 6.0 final to oneiric soon ;)17:37
chrisccoulsonricotz, probably not. it's the same as what's already in oneiric ;)17:38
chrisccoulson(just the package version is different)17:38
ricotzoh, really17:38
seb128chrisccoulson, didrocks made nautilus check if com.canonical.Unity.Debug.Introspection has an owner on the bus17:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks17:39
seb128chrisccoulson, you can look at the nautilus patches if you want to copy his code17:39
ricotzchrisccoulson, i must admit i am pretty lost in this mercurial repos of mozilla :\17:39
chrisccoulsonricotz, http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/comm-release/graph will show that there were no code changes between final beta and release17:40
chrisccoulsonricotz, and also http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-release/graph17:41
chrisccoulson(there were 2 commits between beta and release there, but those were specific to firefox mobile)17:41
chrisccoulsonricotz, i'll be uploading the first 7.0 beta soon though ;)17:42
chrisccoulson(like i just did already for firefox)17:42
ricotzchrisccoulson, thanks, i will bookmark these ;)17:42
ricotzchrisccoulson, alright, i hope it doenst turn out as a shredder :P17:43
chrisccoulsoni just really hope they stick to the dates in https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar ;)17:44
chrisccoulsonalthough, they've been spot on every time so far with the new release schedule17:44
chrisccoulson7.0 release for ffox and tbird is 2 days before final freeze ;)17:44
ricotzright, this is a thight schedule17:45
chrisccoulsonricotz - the choices are to keep on the beta channel, which will be RC quality by oneiric beta 2 and will mean minimal changes between then and final freeze, or stick with 6.0 and then update to the final 7.0 release 2 days before final freeze17:47
chrisccoulsonor release with 6.0 (which will have publicised security issues by oneiric release day) and ship 7.0 as a security update on the day of release17:48
chrisccoulsonall the options suck really ;)17:48
ricotzit the right way to go for sure17:48
cyphermoxseb128: about totem? where is it broken? the release in lp is built, and there is no entry in the ftbfs page17:48
seb128cyphermox, bug #82942717:49
ubot2Launchpad bug 829427 in totem "totem version 3.0.1-0ubuntu3 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82942717:49
cyphermoxah, thanks17:49
ricotzchrisccoulson, i am just a bit more worried about using thunderbird in these "earlier" stages ;) -- firefox crashes arent so bad than thunderbird :P17:49
chrisccoulsonricotz, i wouldn't worry too much. the beta channel is pretty close to RC quality already17:51
chrisccoulsonthe changes between now and release will only be for blocker bugs, regressions or anything which has a safe fix17:52
chrisccoulsonie, a bit like our SRU policy ;)17:52
chrisccoulsonaurora is where the stabilisation happens17:52
dobeyoh nice. blue triangle in the corner. and i click on it, and what happens? i get the main dash thing with the "search for something"17:52
ricotzchrisccoulson, alright :) -- hopefully the addons are catching up fast17:53
cyphermoxhrm, seems gmime2.4 is not in the desktop package set17:53
dobeyis there supposed to be a battery indicator in oneiric?17:58
dobeybecause i don't see one17:59
cyphermoxcould someone review/upload my changes to gmime in the team branch?17:59
cyphermoxdobey: there should be yes17:59
dobeyi wonder where it is then :(17:59
cyphermoxI assume this may have been broken yesterday, if you don't see it, because I got mine ;)17:59
cyphermoxdobey: indicator-power installed?18:00
dobeycyphermox: well i haven't seen it for a long time now; there are lots of updates currently installing, so maybe it's fixed now18:00
ubot2Ubuntu bug 828543 in gnome-themes-standard "Adwaita window decoration broken in gnome-shell" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:16
dupondjecould someone check ?18:16
dupondje-<constant name="C_title_focused_hilight" value="gtk:base[NORMAL]" />18:20
dupondje+<constant name="C_title_focused_hilight" value="gtk:custom(wm_title_highlight,gtk:base[NORMAL])" />18:20
mvohey dobey18:25
dobeymvo: hey. did you look at distutilsextra.auto any more? or should i try to dig into it?18:26
dupondjeAre we going to upgrade mutter these days ?18:29
mvodobey: I didn't sorry, its a bit crazy here currently :( did pitti had a idea why the auto stuff did that? afaik he wrote it18:31
dupondjebigon: Could you upgrade mutter to latest version?18:32
dobeymvo: haven't discussed it with him. i'll dig, or bug him, thanks.18:33
mvodobey: do you have the build failure log handy ? I can quickly check again18:37
mvo(and sorry for not getting to this)18:37
dobeymvo: no, i changed it to override the python calls by using xvfb-run, but now xvfb-run fails if you do it more than once in the build, for some reason :-/18:38
dobeybut i will have one soon18:38
dobeyhrmm, indicator-power wasn't installed; wonder why19:06
dobeyomg, why is bug #507062 not critical? it has an insane number of dups19:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 507062 in xlibs "synaptic assert failure: synaptic: ../../src/xcb_io.c:385: _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50706219:11
dobeyand the new "system indicator" icon makes me feel like i'm in KDE19:12
dobeymvo, pitti_: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/python-distutils-extra/auto-nodisplay/+merge/7224819:34
mvodobey: that looks good to me19:50
dobeymvo: cool19:54
=== ryu is now known as Guest75910
dupondjenew version of clutter and mutter needed :D20:56
dupondjejbicha: after clutter 1.7 is in, mutter needs upgrade to 1.0.14 also20:57
dupondje3.1.4* :)20:58
jbichadupondje: yes, it's being worked on, I expect it'll be done by next week21:18
jbichait's the weekend now! so not as much happens21:19
jbichait's basically always been the plan for all of Gnome 3.2 to be in the Oneiric repositories, which includes mutter and GNOME Shell21:20
dupondjecause adwaita is badly broken now :p21:23
dupondjegood ricotz has a ppa :D21:23
* ricotz knows he has21:26
dupondjeit has a nice working mutter version :D21:26
jbichayes we know about the issues21:27
cyphermoxtrying to fix the totem ftbfs... anyone can tell me if totem currently works properly to fetch and play youtube videos?22:36
cyphermox(here the original version in oneiric doesn't work, but I suspect it's due to the network here)22:37
Nafallodear banshee... when I try and preview stuff on U1MS, you are not supposed to play random tracks from my hard drive!22:46
stgrabercyphermox: I can get the thumbnails just fine but it's complaining that I'm missing something to access the stream22:57
cyphermoxstgraber: thanks. that's exactly what I get, I think the network is blocking us; I'll try once I'm back to my room, and if it doesn't work I'll just upload, I'm confident enough the fix is good22:59
cyphermoxwow too many commas in that sentence ;)23:00
stgrabercyphermox: hmm, indeed. The conference wireless is the problem. I just retried using my VPN and it works great23:05
stgraberprompted for codecs, installed them and started playing the video just fine23:05
cyphermoxawesome, thanks for checking. we can try an updated package later maybe23:05
stgraberI guess I'll be going for beer and snacks at the party tonight, then sleep a bit before the flight tomorrow morning. I guess we can try it at the airport :)23:06
cyphermoxwhatever works :)23:14

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