
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Aug 19 00:00:09 2011 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.00:00
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.00:00
pleia2Hello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the Americas meeting for August 18th 2011.  The wiki page for the Review Board is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas00:00
pleia2The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).00:01
pleia2Each applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.00:01
pleia2During this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.00:01
pleia2When the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)00:01
pleia2Now, with any further ado, lets get started with the first applicant...00:01
pleia2looks like tenach isn't here00:01
pleia2[TOPIC] dscassel membership00:02
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meetingologyTOPIC: dscassel membership00:02
dscasselHi. :)00:02
dscasselSo I'm Darcy.  I'm the LoCo contact for Ubuntu Canada.00:03
pleia2dscassel: please introduce yourself and provide a link to your wiki :)00:03
dscasselWiki page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/dscassel00:03
beunoLoCo contact, fancy!00:03
cyphermoxdoing a great job at it too.00:04
dscasselI started out running release parties in my town, then formed a group locally.00:04
dscasselThanks. :)00:04
dscasselThen I decided to revive the Ubuntu Canada LoCo which had been dormant a couple years.00:04
beunoCUSTOM CAKES!00:05
dscasselSince then I've been continuing to do local stuff and trying to encourage other Canadian cities to join the fun.00:05
dscasselYes! :D00:05
dscasselMy friend Holly does the decarating.  She's a pretty fantastic artist. :)00:05
beunoand an endorsment from Corey, hard to beat that00:06
dscasselAnyway, I've taken up chairing the ubuntu-ca IRC meetings, and I'm slowly getting out and meeting Ubuntu people in Ontario.00:06
dscasselbeuno: I think he was happy someone finally took the LoCo off his hands. :)00:06
dscasselHe hadn't had time to do anything for a while, so I approached him about taking over.00:07
pleia2such a complete wiki! and love to see such great testimonials :)00:08
dscasselThanks, pleia2 :)00:08
dscasselI've been through LoCo reapprovals, so I have a pretty good idea what goes over well. :)00:09
beunodscassel, what's it like being the LoCo contact?00:10
dscasselbeuno: It's certainly interesting.00:10
dscasselMost of the job involves motivating (or trying to motivate) other people remotely.00:11
beuno"the airpplane just lost an engine" interesting?  :)00:11
dscasselAnd that's hard.00:11
dscasselI can keep running cool events and stuff in town fine, and that's great.00:11
dscasselI think most LoCos run like that anyway.00:11
dscasselBut to be Ubuntu Canada, it really ought to be more than just me here in Waterloo.00:12
dscasselI've had some success encouraging things in Toronto.  But a big part of that is Toronto is an hour down the road.00:12
* beuno nods00:13
pleia2[VOTE] dscassel membership00:13
meetingologyPlease vote on: dscassel membership00:13
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)00:13
meetingology+1 received from pleia200:13
meetingology+1 received from cyphermox00:13
meetingology+1 received from beuno00:13
meetingology+1 received from Pendulum00:13
meetingologyVoting ended on: dscassel membership00:14
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:000:14
meetingologyMotion carried00:14
pleia2congrats and welcome dscassel :)00:14
dscasselThanks, all. :D00:14
holsteindscassel: w00t!00:14
pleia2[TOPIC] holstein membership00:15
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meetingologyTOPIC: holstein membership00:15
holsteinhello all... this is my page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/holstein#About_Me00:15
holsteinim a musician in asheville north carolina, in akgraner 's neck of the woods00:15
holsteini organize the local LUG meetings http://www.wnclug.info/00:16
holsteinwe try and *not* have an ubuntu users group, since it was alreay in place before i got there, but we do lots of ubuntu showcases00:16
pleia2yeah, I ran the LUG in Philly for a while, the Ubuntu volunteers were great for doing presentations and events at and with the LUG :) great way to work together00:17
holsteinour NC loco is a bit down at the moment, and in transition, but there are 4 or 5 or us that our going to bring it back hopefully this fall00:17
holsteinpleia2: akgraner has presented a few times :)00:18
pleia2what kind of work do you do for ubuntu studio? (I'm familiar with your UWN and tireless #ubuntu-beginners support work :))00:18
holsteini am active, and probably mostly focuses on ubuntustudio right now00:18
holsteinits mostly trying to drum up help00:18
holsteinim probably never going to be a coding contributor, which is unfortunate, since thats what we really need00:19
holsteinbut, i am helping with documenation, running meetings.. whatever scott lavendar needs help with00:19
holsteinthese are exciting times (potentially) for that team00:20
holsteinlots of new software coming in... ardour3, switching to XFCE00:20
holsteinwe'll see...00:20
pleia2I have to admit that I'm pleased about the switch to XFCE (my love!) :)00:20
holsteinyeah, the xubuntu team is just awesome00:20
pleia2[VOTE] holstein membership00:20
meetingologyPlease vote on: holstein membership00:20
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)00:20
meetingology+1 received from pleia200:20
meetingology+1 received from beuno00:21
meetingology+1 received from Pendulum00:21
beunostgraber, you with cyphermox?00:21
beunocan you channel his vote?00:21
pleia2(cyphermox had his battery die on him, doh!)00:22
stgraberhe's supposde to appear soon. Was going to his roomfor power00:22
beunoholstein, you're 3/4, so you're technically in  ;)00:22
beunolets give him a bit, though00:22
dscasselCongrats, holstein :)00:23
beunoplus, who could vote against someone in the front lines, helping begginners?00:23
holsteini enjoy it00:23
akgranerholstein, rocks! (sorry just had to say so)00:23
pleia2thanks akgraner :)00:23
holsteinakgraner: thanks :)00:23
holsteini wouldnt be here without akgraner 's help, thats for sure00:24
stgraberhmm, I guess I could vote too if that helps on that one. I read the wikipage and I'm part of the EMEA membership board.00:25
akgraner:-) you're welcome!  You do a lot for the team and I am excited to see all the areas you are contributing too..00:25
beunostgraber, that works00:25
pleia2wb cyphermox00:26
cyphermoxI was +1 ;)00:26
stgraber+1 then (just to make sure you have enough of them :))00:26
meetingology+1 received from cyphermox00:26
meetingologyVoting ended on: holstein membership00:26
meetingologyVotes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:000:26
meetingologyMotion carried00:26
* holstein high-fives dscassel ... thanks everybody!00:26
charlie-tcaCongratulations, holstein00:26
pleia2congrats holstein :)00:26
akgranerCongrats holstein! \o/00:26
akgranerand you too dscassel !00:26
cyphermoxcongrats holstein and dscassel00:26
dscasselOh, and thanks, cyphermox, for encouraging me to finally get out and do this. :)00:27
pleia2thanks for coming to the meeting everyone00:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology is the new Mootbot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot
meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Aug 19 00:27:16 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot . (v 0.1.4)00:27
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-08-19-00.00.moin.txt00:27
charlie-tcaCongratulations, dscassel00:27
beunocongrats holstein, dscassel!00:27
dscasselAwesome. Thanks again, folks.00:27
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=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
=== Mkaysi is now known as Mkaysi|AFK
=== Mkaysi|AFK is now known as Mkaysi
=== med_out is now known as medberry
* pitti waves hello14:57
skaethiya pitti.14:58
jibelHey all :)14:58
* skaet is on a hotel connection. Is there a volunteer to continue the round table if I drop off again?14:58
skaethiya jibel:)14:58
* skaet looks around and doesn't see the crowd pushing forward to volunteer....15:00
skaetoh well,  time to start15:00
meetingologyMeeting started Fri Aug 19 15:01:01 2011 UTC.  The chair is skaet. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:01
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.15:01
skaethmm... just had a cut paste failure.   Will recreate and paste at end of meeting.15:01
* stgraber waves15:02
skaetbasically concern right now on the number of regression bugs as critical/high at this stage.15:03
skaetbut ... more later15:03
skaetany questions/issues before starting in to round table?15:03
* NCommander arrives (sorry Im late)15:03
skaet[TOPIC] Hardware Certification team update - mlegris15:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Hardware Certification team update - mlegris
meetingologyTOPIC: Hardware Certification team update - mlegris15:03
skaetor brendand?15:04
mlegris[Week 33 Testing Report]15:04
* hggdh waves15:04
mlegrisA3 Testing finished on Wednesday, finished ~140 systems15:04
mlegris[link] http://people.canonical.com/~hwcert/oneiric-testing/oneiric_alpha3.html15:04
mlegris* 37 Oneiric related bugs reported15:05
mlegris* 25 are HW specific  15:05
mlegris* 17 Checkbox bugs reported15:05
mlegris(oneiric caused some havoc with our testing suite)15:05
mlegrisNext week will be the normal weekly testing15:06
skaetThanks mlegris!15:06
skaetAre there some bugs you consider blockers for B1 that you want extra focus on?15:07
mlegrismost of the hw bugs are blockers for us15:08
mlegrisvanhoof has been doing a great job looking into those15:08
mlegrisfyi: bugs with blocks-hwcert are our high priority bugs15:09
skaetmlegris,  thanks.   I'll follow up early next week on some of the specifics then.15:09
mlegrisgreat, thanks!15:09
skaetany other questions?15:09
skaet[TOPIC] Security team update - jdstrand15:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Security team update - jdstrand
meetingologyTOPIC: Security team update - jdstrand15:10
jdstrandhello :)15:10
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric15:11
jdstrand[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-security.html15:11
jdstrandWe are back on track for our assigned work items in our blueprints as can be seen in our trend line. Most of the remaining work items are either not tied to the release or are bug fixes.15:11
jdstrandOne notable exception is apparmor mediation of dbus. As mentioned in #ubuntu-release a while ago, we are hoping to have a tech preview available for Oneiric that defaults to off (ie, dbus meditation is turned off by default and it behaves like normal).15:11
jdstrandWork is ongoing, but this may slip, at which point we should have something when 'P' opens.15:11
jdstrandLooking at the list of oneiric bugs, I don't see anything else worth highlighting.15:11
skaetThanks jdstrand!  any questions?15:12
skaet[TOPIC] Kernel team update - ogasawara15:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel team update - ogasawara
meetingologyTOPIC: Kernel team update - ogasawara15:12
ogasawaraOverall status is reported at the first link below.  Burn down for Oneiric Beta-1 is at the second link below.  Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:15:12
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric15:12
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html15:12
ogasawara[LINK] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/group/topic-oneiric-kernel-tasks.html15:12
ogasawaraLast week we uploaded the Ubuntu 3.0.0-8.11 kernel which was rebased onto upstream stable v3.0.1.  Since then upstream stable v3.0.2 and v3.0.3 have released.  We've rebased and plan to upload today.  We intend this to be our final upload prior to Beta-1.  We are currently trending slightly above our Beta-1 burndown chart but are below overall.  The remaining work items are not release critical.15:12
ogasawaraOf the bugs called out on the agenda against the kernel, status is as follows:15:12
ogasawara#542660: looks to be related to EFI boot not loading the video bios into ram.15:13
ogasawara#557261: updated logs attached, investigation ongoing.15:13
ogasawara#708286: assigned to kernel dev, awaiting feedback for test kernel.15:13
ogasawara#754711: on a 3.0 oneiric kernel, system now suspends but doesn't resume.  systemtap debug scripts to help investigate are being worked on for Oneiric, see 815944 (systemtap fix recently posted upstream).15:13
ogasawara#758486: updated debug information attached, investigation ongoing.15:13
ogasawara#760131: partly fixed in Oneiric and soon natty, more analysis ongoing upstream.15:13
ogasawara#784937: Fix Committed.15:13
ogasawara#790712: the order 5 allocation seems to be bogus and non-fatal; further investigation ongoing.15:13
ogasawara#791850: Fix Committed.15:13
ogasawara#793486: the requested debug info has been attached, likely going to require a bisect.15:13
skaetThanks ogasawara!   Nice seeing those fix committeds :)15:13
skaet[TOPIC] Foundations team update - cjwatson15:14
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meetingologyTOPIC: Foundations team update - cjwatson15:14
cjwatsonEvan landed his Ubiquity FFe; now using PyGI and GTK+ 3.15:14
cjwatsonCode to switch over to new reduced DVD images committed, but I haven't quite got a successful build out of it yet due to archive inconsistency.15:14
cjwatsonWorking on testing and client-side scripting for new native source sync facility in Launchpad; review is nearly complete and this should be available to developers soon.15:14
cjwatsonMuch work on trying to sort out component-mismatches and NBS.  component-mismatches is looking rather better now (thanks doko and others!), but NBS is still a swamp (and many of these correspond to build failures).  Please help if you can.15:15
cjwatsonMultiarch turned on by default on amd64 upgrades, and ia32-libs cut down quite a bit.  Steve plans to remove it entirely at the start of the P cycle.  \o/15:15
cjwatsonBugs: Still a bit of a swamp, but we should be able to make more progress now that the giant ubiquity update has landed (most of the milestoned bugs are installer problems of one kind or another).15:15
cjwatson * 597673: Started work on constructing a suitable test environment.15:15
cjwatson * 702283: This may or may not happen - it's Medium, and a lot of hard work.15:15
cjwatsonOthers are queued; I think we should be able to address at least the High ones (745960, 819624, 820514) by beta freeze.  756147 is not ours, as noted in the bug (although I've retried the build anyway since doko said it should be fixed with the current toolchain).15:15
skaetThanks cjwatson!15:15
skaetany one have specific questions?15:16
* skaet just cross checked and spotted her answer in status :)15:17
dokofiled ~80 ftbfs reports for main15:17
dokouniverse rebuild is still running15:17
skaetdoko - what was the change that triggered the ~80ftbfs15:17
dokoskaet, nothing particular15:18
ogra_wow, why does that differ so much from http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/15:18
ogra_(has only 16 packages failing for main)15:18
dokowe just didn't upload everything in oneiric15:18
dokothanks to wgrant to adding bug numbers to this page15:18
skaetdoko,  when I looked last night it was down in the 20s...15:18
dokoskaet, well, the rebuild is running, it was then just one day building ...15:19
skaetdoko,  ok,  will see where things are on monday then.15:20
dokocurrently we have around ~10 universe builds running/hour15:21
skaetok,  I'll just add a request to each of the teams to have a look at the ftbfs list and help clean up the packages they're tracking.15:22
skaet[TOPIC] ARM team update - NCommander or ogra15:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM team update - NCommander or ogra
meetingologyTOPIC: ARM team update - NCommander or ogra15:23
ogra_= Full Status is at: =15:23
ogra_= Summary =15:23
ogra_ - TI/linaro rework of u-boot to not need a separate x-loader package anymore is ongoing, FFe requests and adjustment of the image builders ahead !15:23
ogra_ - Cleanup of jasper is still ongoing15:23
ogra_ - AC100 image implementation is in its last stages15:23
ogra_ - mx5 livefs builds should work, now that the kernel package is in the archive. debian-cd changes pending15:23
ogra_ - fixup work on armel server to make LXC work flawless has been done last week15:23
ogra_ - constant server QA testing is ongoing15:23
ogra_= Image Status =15:23
ogra_ - Desktop images don't build due to software-center python issues (affects all arches apparently)15:23
ogra_ - Server images build and install fine15:23
ogra_ - Netboot images work fine15:24
ogra_= Specs =15:24
ogra_ - Entire http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html15:24
ogra_ - B1 http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html15:24
ogra_voila :)15:24
cjwatsonthat software-center issue is fixed FYI15:24
skaetThanks ogra_!15:24
ogra_yeah, i thought so15:24
skaetwhat's the outlook for seeing the mx5 images start to show up in the dailies?15:24
ogra_during next week i'd say, the kernel enetered the archive yesterday15:25
ogra_livecd-rootfs should have all bits, so only cdimage/debian-cd changes are pending15:25
skaetogra_, coolio.   Looking forward to seeing it.  :)15:25
skaetany other questions?15:26
skaet[TOPIC] Linaro update - rsalveti or fabo15:26
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Linaro update - rsalveti or fabo
meetingologyTOPIC: Linaro update - rsalveti or fabo15:26
fabo* OpenGL ES support for Unity 3D on Oneiric is waiting code review (requires a FFe) * Nux: https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-graphics-wg/nux/nux-gles2/+merge/70279 * Compiz: http://git.compiz.org/compiz/core/log/?h=gles15:26
fabo* x-loader replacement with U-Boot SPL on-going Linaro 11.08 release15:27
fabo* Linaro GCC 4.6 and 4.5 2011.08 released * 4.6 fixes: bug 736007, bug 809768, bug 815777  * 4.5 fixes: bug 736007, bug 809768, bug 81543515:27
fabo* Michael Hope has commented on bug 775849. It's low priority on his list and should be re-assigned (as we agreed at last meeting).15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 736007 in Linaro GCC "[armel] ICE immed_double_const at emit-rtl.c (-mfpu=neon -g)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73600715:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 809768 in Linaro GCC "Linaro GCC 4.6-2011.06-0 gets ICE when compiling bionic's libm" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80976815:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 815777 in Linaro GCC "gcc-linaro 4.6-2011.07 packaging is broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81577715:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775849 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "[armel] eglibc test regressions on armel in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77584915:27
skaetThanks fabo!   Will look into the 775849 bug and follow up offline.15:29
skaet[TOPIC] Ubuntu One Team -  Chipaca or joshuahoover15:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu One Team - Chipaca or joshuahoover
meetingologyTOPIC: Ubuntu One Team -  Chipaca or joshuahoover15:29
skaethmm... neither is around,  so before we move onto the desktops,  would like to get QA's report15:30
skaet[TOPIC] QA team update -  jibel15:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA team update - jibel
meetingologyTOPIC: QA team update -  jibel15:31
jibel* Automated Testing progress15:31
jibel  * New tests added to daily tests :15:31
jibel    * Alternate LVM and encrypted home15:31
jibel    * Desktop encrypted home and live session15:31
jibel* Bug activity15:31
jibel Top 5 packages with most opened bugs reported during last week (over a total of 397 unique reports (no dups))15:31
jibelunity: 54(13.60%)15:31
jibellinux: 24(6.05%)15:31
jibelcompiz: 16(4.03%)15:31
jibelnautilus: 14(3.53%)15:31
jibelsoftware-center: 13(3.27%)15:32
jibel* 36 reports are regressions (9% (+2%) of the bugs reported over last week)15:32
jibel* Top 3: unity (22), compiz (3), nautilus (2)15:32
jibel* Packages with High/Critical bugs opened and reported this week:15:32
jibelunity (10), nux (2) and ubuntu-meta (1 critical)15:32
jibel* Top 3 crashers of the week are:15:32
jibelunity: 12 (22% of the bugs reported against this package)15:32
jibelsoftware-center: 12 ( 93% )15:32
jibelcompiz: 10 (63%)15:32
jibel* Top 3 packages that need triage (based on the number of untouched reports)15:33
jibelunity:    23/54 (42.6%)15:33
jibelcompiz:   13/16 (81.3%)15:33
jibelunity-2d:  9/11 (81.9%)15:33
* jibel has nothing against unity :)15:33
pittino, but it has a lot against us these days :/15:33
jibelthat's all from qa15:33
jibelany question ?15:34
jibelor comment15:34
skaetthanks jibel!  good data.15:34
skaetI'm worried about the #of critical/high regressions I was seeing yesterday too.15:34
* skaet looks around for questions...15:35
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Team update - pitti15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Team update - pitti
meetingologyTOPIC: Desktop Team update - pitti15:35
pittiGNOME 3.1.5 mostly landed except for three remaining packages.15:35
pittiLanded some high-urgency fixes in unity which cause a lot of crashes and other grief on Friday.15:35
pittiWe currently have a harder decision to make about whether or not to update pygobject to 2.90 (i. e. future 3.0). See bug 828751 for details and pro/con.15:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 828751 in pygobject (Ubuntu) "[FFE] update pygobject to 2.90.1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82875115:35
pittipygobject to 2.90 (i. e. future 3.0). See bug 828751 for details and pro/con.15:36
pittiLots of bug fixing this week.15:36
pittiStill swamped by too many "last mile" work items for 90% done specs, and a large bug backlog.15:36
pittiRC bug status: on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs as usual15:36
pittinothing earthshattering there, biggest issue for derivatives is bug 789333, which just started being worked on15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789333 in policykit-1-gnome (Ubuntu Oneiric) "users-admin crashes on start because of mixed GTK2 and 3 symbols" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78933315:36
pittiother than that we have lots of non-RC bugs which in sum spoil the experience, but that's not a good matter to track here15:36
skaetThanks pitti!15:36
skaetwill work with you off line to prune down the list.15:36
skaetand thanks to robert ansell,  for fixing alot of the lightdm bugs,  that should unblock some of the other teams.15:37
skaet[TOPIC] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth
meetingologyTOPIC: Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth15:38
pittiecryptfs started working agian today15:38
dbarththe report as usual https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/OneiricReleaseStatus15:39
dbarth- a new weekly release of unity, with IM support and lots of bug fixes15:40
dbarth(including some out of release fixed since this morning)15:40
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursula
dbarth- alt-tab fixes as well, to make it more usable15:40
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=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
dbarth('xcept on my machine which is running devl, so bear with me)15:41
dbartha good series of indicator updates, the front is stable there now15:41
dbarthunity-2d missed the weekly upload, but Florian is working with seb128 now; catching up with missing views15:42
dbarthcompiz: reshuffle of the branches to realign upstream with what's in oneiric15:43
dbarththe uwd rewrite branch is tracked independently now15:43
dbarthlast : CJK status15:43
dbarththe xapian patch is now well tested by OEM15:44
dbarthand ibus support is mostly there, with IM support first this week, and multicontext ie ibus next week now15:44
skaetthanks dbarth!15:44
dbarth(sorry that was a bit slow)15:44
skaetwhen will the next drop be?  (wednesday?)15:45
skaethmm..  will move on then and follow up with him offline.15:47
dbarthskaet: thursday?15:47
dbarthwhy wednesday? am i missing a milestone?15:47
skaetdbarth, plan was for the drops to land on wednesday.15:48
skaetwe'll be entering beta freeze on tuesday15:48
dbarthwhen approaching milestones15:48
skaetyeah beta 1 is sept 1.   so its approaching.15:49
dbarthuh, right, ok15:49
skaetgo jibel15:49
jibeldbarth, on DX team's bugs on radar list, I see no reference to 'video corruption' issues15:49
jibelthere are many convergent reports showing problems there15:49
jibelWhat's the status (unless it's on another team's hands) ?15:50
dbarthi have no status update on it yet; jay is investigating it, but it's mostly at the driver level15:50
jibeldo you expect improvements/fixes before B1 ?15:51
pittijibel: for the corrupted popup windows? or still with external screens?15:51
dbarthah that's different15:51
dbarththe corrupted popups are fixed15:52
dbarthor have a fix15:52
pittiah, great; they are quite irritating15:52
dbarththe video issues are more related to fglrx problems15:52
jibelpitti, external (e.g bug 824099) and screen corruption on fglrx15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 824099 in compiz (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[~30 systems] Plugging in external monitor to VGA port makes both displays corrupted with thick slanted lines" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82409915:52
dbarthyes, i'm aware of this one15:54
dbarthbut we don't have an answer at this point15:54
jibelok, thanks15:54
skaetok,   not seeing any other questions,  so moving on.15:56
skaet[TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK15:56
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meetingologyTOPIC: Kubuntu Team update - ScottK15:56
skaethmm... no ScottK around I guess..   anyone else from Kubuntu?15:57
skaet[TOPIC] Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage15:57
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meetingologyTOPIC: Edubuntu Team update - stgraber or highvoltage15:57
stgraberhey everyone!15:57
stgraberok, so really not that much on the Edubuntu side, mostly because highvoltage is quite busy and I've been traveling lately.15:58
stgraberour images build fine which is always nice to have15:58
stgraberI'm hoping to get the initial work done on LTSP live next week so we can file the FFe and solve our last big bug15:58
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Davieystgraber: do you have any work involved in the ubiquity transition?15:59
DavieyThe pygi changes?15:59
stgraberwe also have a small problem with some of the tools we ship no longer working with gnome3 that we'll probably have to drop15:59
stgraberDaviey: I haven't looked at it yet, but we don't use custom widgets or simular for our steps, so if we need to port them to gi, it should be fairly easy15:59
stgraberso it's pretty likely we'll be dropping sabayon, pessulus and nanny this cycle16:00
stgraberjust need to review them once more but last we checked they weren't gnome3/dconf aware16:00
stgraberand the Edubuntu team won't have the time to port them all (especially as we aren't the upstream for these, gnome is)16:00
stgraberI guess that's all for Edubuntu16:01
stgraberany question?16:01
skaetThanks stgraber!16:01
* skaet not seeing further questions so moving on...16:02
skaet[TOPIC] Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca16:02
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meetingologyTOPIC: Xubuntu Team update - charlie-tca16:02
charlie-tcaI apologize, I am not ready today. I just got the computer up16:02
charlie-tcalightdm bugs are fixed and it is working16:02
charlie-tcawill update the agenda to reflect after the meeting16:03
skaetthanks charlie-tca!   appreciate you updating the agenda after the meeting.   It helps.  :)16:03
skaetany specific questions?16:03
skaet[TOPIC] Lubuntu Team update - gilir16:03
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meetingologyTOPIC: Lubuntu Team update - gilir16:03
gilirhi :)16:04
gilirNot much to report this week16:04
gilirWe focused on merging bugfix releases/revisions from Debian, and updating bugfix releases from upstream.16:04
gilirWorking on lightdm switch by default, configuration is working (setting session and greeter by default), but still crashing on upgrade (maybe relative to bug #829514))16:04
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 829514 could not be found16:04
gilirFor next week:16:04
gilir- The new theme should be uploaded, + some community wallpapers16:05
gilir- Finishing merging bugfix releases/revisions from upstream and Debian16:05
gilir- Re-enable lightdm by default on daily, test and decide before the freeze if we keep it16:05
skaetThanks gilir,  I don't have that bug on my list.  Is the number accurate?16:05
* skaet sees lauchpad can't find it either ;)16:06
gilirI just reported it recently, and still private for retracing16:06
skaetgilir,  coolio.   Thanks!16:06
skaetany questions?16:07
jibelgilir, you'll wait for a while, there's no retracer16:07
gilirjibel, ok thanks :)16:08
skaet[TOPIC] MOTU team update - tumbleweed16:08
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meetingologyTOPIC: MOTU team update - tumbleweed16:08
tumbleweedSince freeze, people have been concentrating on FTBFS \o/16:08
tumbleweedhttp://corelli.tumbleweed.org.za/ubuntu-qa/qa-ftbfs/oneiric-historical.html (I really must get that in good shape for ubuntuwire...)16:08
tumbleweedI suspect we'll see many more in doko's rebuild16:08
tumbleweedStill lots of NBS/transition work to do too16:08
* skaet nods16:09
tumbleweedNo sign of the eclipse FFe that micahg mentioned, yet16:09
tumbleweedI tried to politely enforce FFes for the dh_python2 transitions, but that hasn't achieved much. One incomplete FFe, and a response of ~ "I'd like to do these without bureaucracy, please" :/16:09
tumbleweedthat's all from me16:09
skaetthanks tumbleweed!   can you send me more details offline about the FFe?16:10
skaetany other questions?16:11
skaet[TOPIC] Server team update - Daviey16:11
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meetingologyTOPIC: Server team update - Daviey16:11
DavieyHi, things are looking pretty good!16:11
DavieySince the last meeting, lots of openstack and it's depends have entered main.  There are a few issues blocking swift/glance promotion, but these have been identified and on target to be resolved.16:11
Davieypython-carrot promotion is currently on hold, as we are hoping to replace it with python-kombu which is requiring ongoing work in upstream.16:11
DavieyWe also have an initial armel cloud image, which is undergoing testing (HINT: it doesn't yet work)..  but it is there, and a reproducible build (added complexity).16:11
Davieyeucalyptus (now universe) is currently in a poor state, with nobody seemingly actively working on it.  Upgrade path from natty is currently concerning.16:11
DavieyBugs we are currently tracking for Oneiric release. (Including FFe's, FTBFS's, MIR's and general bugs)16:11
DavieyBurndown overview looks a little off par, but i believe it became out of date this week - we are working to fix the status now.16:12
Daviey(As ever, if there are any I am not tracking, please raise them either now or as soon as possible).16:12
DavieyThere are still some FFe bugs which need raising, and they are being addresses as soon as possible.16:12
skaetThanks Daviey!    Will look into those links a bit more after the meeting.16:12
skaetanyone have questions right now for Daviey?16:13
tumbleweedDaviey: any response with getting kombu in thorugh debian?16:13
Davieytumbleweed: That is entirely blocked on ampqlib >1.0 which is a depends16:14
tumbleweedah, right16:14
DavieyThat needs resolving in Ubuntu & Debian before that can happen.16:14
ScottKskaet: Here now.16:14
Davieytumbleweed: Don't worry, we will push back :)16:14
skaetScottK,  coolio.  ok, will have you go next before we wrap up.16:15
tumbleweedDaviey: I promised to help out on the debian side in the FFe bug, but just hadn't seen any activity16:15
Davieytumbleweed: Yeah, wanted to get the the depends resolved first.16:15
Davieytumbleweed: Appreciate your offer to help.. will keep you posted!16:16
tumbleweednp, thanks16:16
skaet[TOPIC] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:16
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meetingologyTOPIC: Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:16
ScottKCurrently working through FTBFS from the rebuild test and looking at how much plasma-active work it's reasonable to land post FF.16:17
ScottKI expect a couple of FFes for that resolved in the next few days.16:17
ScottKNo major issues to report.16:18
skaetThanks ScottK!16:18
skaetThere are some bugs from the A3 ISO testing that are still marked as new with no priority set.   Have the ones on the agenda been looked at?16:19
Davieybug 82038416:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820384 in akonadi (Ubuntu) "akonadi_agent_launcher crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82038416:21
skaetBug 82059116:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820591 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Logging out of the live session of kubuntu prompts to "abort active sessions"" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82059116:21
skaet^^ has a kde_workspace task that is the one I'm wondering about.16:22
* ScottK looks16:23
skaetScottK,  thanks.   we can follow up after the meeting then.16:24
ScottKskaet: As it says in the bug, I think the question is if Ubiquity can do anything.16:24
ScottKFrom a KDE perspective it's working as designed.16:24
skaet[TOPIC] Any other business?  - all16:24
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meetingologyTOPIC: Any other business?  - all16:24
skaetEvents approaching:16:24
skaetBetaFreeze: Aug 25, 2011 at 2100 UTC.16:24
skaetUserInterfaceFreeze: August 25, 2011 at 2100 UTC.16:24
skaetBeta 1: Sept 1, 2011.16:24
skaetanyone else?16:25
skaetgo micahg16:25
micahgjust wanted to say, that eclipse is currently broken, so it'll probably be after beta1 before it's ready16:26
skaetthanks for flagging micahg,  release note time then it seems.16:26
skaetanyone else?16:27
micahgwell, I mean 3.7 is broken, idk about 3.5 in oneiric16:27
skaetah,  didn't understand the context.  Thanks for clarifying.16:27
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meetingologyMeeting ended Fri Aug 19 16:27:56 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot . (v 0.1.4)16:27
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-08-19-15.01.moin.txt16:27
skaetThanks mlegris, jdstrand, ogasawara, cjwatson, ogra_, fabo, pitti, dbarth, stgraber, Daviey, tumbleweed, gilir, charlie-tca, ScottK, micahg16:28
stgraberthanks skaet16:28
pittithanks all16:28
skaetthanks jibel16:28
jdstrandthanks skaet16:28
jibelthanks skaet16:28
charlie-tcaThanks, skaet16:29
ScottKtumbleweed: re dh_python2 transitions, I think we need a mail to u-d-a saying toolchain redesign (e.g. dh_python2 or cdbs -> dh) changes should have FFe.16:36
tumbleweedScottK: yeah, agreed16:37
ScottKCare to write it?16:37
tumbleweedheh, sure16:37
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