
lfaraonepersia: ping00:29
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dholbachgood morning07:09
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iulianMorning dholbach.07:42
dholbachhey iulian07:42
Laneybdrung: can the native sync branch be merged now?10:04
Laneybdrung: also, please vote on the dmb applicants10:04
bdrungLaney: i came back from vacation yesterday. i will have a look at both.10:06
Laneyah ok, thought you were back for some days now since you've been commenting before10:06
bdrungLaney: since monday i had internet access10:10
Laneyi see10:11
Laneyhope you had a nice time!10:11
bdrungLaney: yes (but it was too short) :)10:17
hakermaniatumbleweed, wow! What is this MemoServ thing? Thanks for the link!!! How can you leave a message to someone who's logged off?10:29
StevenKhakermania: Send it a privmsg of 'help'10:30
hakermaniaStevenK, I see. Thanks10:32
hakermaniatumbleweed, I have a hard time explaining to ##c++ and #qt folks what's going on with PREFIX. Do you know any direct way to use it inside my program? cout << "PREFIX" outputs 'PREFIX' but cout << PREFIX gives: /usr/local: was not declared in this scope10:54
jtayloryou could use a higher level buildsystem like autotools, cmake or scons, it does all for you10:58
hakermaniajtaylor, I don't know if you know what i'm talking about10:59
jtaylorI did not read your message properly :/10:59
jtaylorthe PREFIX macro should be a const string11:00
hakermaniajtaylor, compiler or something provides my code with the variable PREFIX. PREFIX will be /usr/local if the program is installed by source and /usr if installed by DEB.11:00
jtaylorit seems it is unquoted11:00
hakermaniajtaylor, Yes, exactly!11:00
hakermaniaBut I have declared it as: DEFINES +="PREFIX=\"/usr/local\""11:01
hakermaniaSo I don't know what to do or what to say (LOL)11:01
jtaylorin a makefile?11:02
hakermaniajtalor, in the project file I have the Definition11:03
hakermaniajtaylor, in the Makefile, after the definition, it looks like: DEFINES = -DPREFIX="/usr/local" -DQT_NO_DEBUG etc11:04
jtaylorhow is DEFINES used?11:05
hakermaniajtaylor, to define something :P I asked yesterday tumbleweed about the Makefile's condition (DEFINES = -DPREFIX="/usr/local"), i mean if it is what I should achieve, and he said that yes, it's ok11:06
hakermaniaAnd yes, it seems that it is because inside my code I see that PREFIX contains /usr/local, despite the fact that I cannot use it11:06
jtayloryou can indirect it thorough another macro to quote it, but thats more a workaround11:07
jtaylorthere must be a proper way to do it, but I don't know qmake11:07
jtaylormaybe drop the quotes around the PREFIX11:09
hakermaniajtaylor, you mean DEFINES +=PREFIX=\"/usr/local\"  ?11:21
hakermaniaI bet that tumbleweed knows but enjoys seeing me try :P11:22
jtaylorin cmake its just -DMACRO="value"11:24
hakermaniajtaylor, and then it's just a const string?11:24
geseryou might perhaps need -DPREFIX="\"/usr/local\"" if the inner quotes should stay11:29
hakermaniageser, I used DEFINES +="PREFIX=\"\"/usr/local\"\"" and the Makefile *successfully* gave -DPREFIX=""/usr/local"" but again the same error :(11:36
jtaylormaybe DEFINES +="PREFIX=\"\\\"/usr/local\\\"\""11:37
hakermaniajtaylor, GODLIKE11:38
hakermaniahow did you know?11:38
jtayloryou need to escape quotes for gcc11:39
jtaylorquite weird qmake does not handle if for you like cmake11:40
hakermaniajtaylor, tumbleweed does not seem to be around. In my project file I've tell the program to move the files manually to /usr/share, should I tell it to move them to $PREFIX/share?11:55
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Ngthat is me12:19
tumbleweedhakermania: no, I don't know the details of how to actually achive most of this (but I could work it out if I needed to, I assume). I have no qmake experience.12:38
tumbleweedand yes, you learn more when you have to work things out yourself :)12:39
hakermaniatumbleweed, I know that you learn more when you figure out things yourself. Something last about the PREFIX, I use it so as to actually move the files to /usr/(local/)share, so i assume that I should use the PREFIX so as to move the files to the correct directory.12:57
hakermaniaI do this in my wallch.pro file while I could do this in the debian/install file. But I don't know how to use PREFIX there. PREFIX could be a variable inside the project file but this variable will be changed by dh!12:58
hakermaniawill *not* be changed by dh12:59
hakermaniaso it will always be /usr/local12:59
hakermaniaOh, found it I think!12:59
hakermaniatumbleweed, is this the correct way to do it: PREFIX = /usr/local13:00
hakermaniaDEFINES += "PREFIX=\\\"$$PREFIX\\\""13:00
hakermaniaerr and sorry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670065/13:00
hakermaniaI mean by doing so inside the project file will dh be able to change it back to /usr/share?13:01
tumbleweedhakermania: that sounds about right13:29
hakermaniatumbleweed, about=right?13:31
Laneytry it?13:32
hakermaniaLaney, :)13:33
hakermaniai will try it when i'm back cause i have a lesson ._.13:53
cjwatsonlfaraone: any chance of uploading http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=633904 ?  it would be good to just sync it from unstable rather than needing to do an Ubuntu-specific upload14:22
ubottuDebian bug 633904 in imageshack-uploader "Please patch imageshack-uploader to build correctly with libav 0.7 (experimental)" [Wishlist,Open]14:22
cjwatsonow, working on libav transitions is hard work14:25
Laneyare there large api changes?14:27
cjwatsonlots of small ones14:36
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lfaraonecjwatson: sure.14:55
lfaraonewow, I must have a very expansive definition of "two days"14:55
tumbleweedyou wouldn't be the first person to do that :)14:56
Laneyyou never said they were earth days ;-)14:57
manu-tmHello, I just uploaded package News-RSS-Ticker on revu and am waiting for someone up to review it: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/news. Thanks! ;)15:14
debfxwhat's the best way to check if a package is installed in a shell script?15:37
jtaylordpkg -l package | grep -E "^ii.*package" maybe15:53
debfxcurrently I have: dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' $PKG | grep -q '^install'15:56
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hakermaniatumbleweed, jtaylor, any possible reasons for this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670346/ ? Also why does it sends them to /usr/local/share while I've run 'debuild' and there were supposed to go to /usr/share?20:21
tumbleweedhakermania: those errors are because they are going to /usr/local. As to why, I'd need the source package20:27
hakermaniatumbleweed, would you like to send it to you?20:47
hakermaniatumbleweed, I am quite sure that this is happening because inside the project file, PREFIX is a set variable which apparently dh cannot change.20:48
tumbleweedhakermania: there must be a way to do a variable with can be provided on the command ine20:49
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hakermaniatumbleweed, can you tell me exactly what is my need so as to have the necessary information so as to search it on the web?20:59
hakermaniai.e. you need a variable editable by dh, or you need X or Y21:00
hakermaniaBecause, to be honest, I don't know what I'm trying to achive... A PREFIX variable accessible by the code [OK] editable by dh [(EPIC) FAIL]21:01
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tumbleweedhakermania: I don't know what you are asking, but I read a little qmake documentation and discovered isEmpty. try this: isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = /usr/local }21:05
jtaylorisn't prefix built into qmake?21:08
jtaylorI never used it, but it seems like a pretty standard thing that should just work out of the box on anything above plain makefiles21:08
tumbleweedthat's what I was expecting, but I can't see anything. Ask some qt people :)21:08
hakermaniajtaylor, tumbleweed, can you make me understand the nature of the problem? What's the problem here? As far as I have understood the problem is that dh cannot edit PREFIX variable so as to change it to /usr instead of the default /usr/local21:23
jtayloryour file should allow PREFIX to be overriden by commandline21:23
jtaylorsearch for other qmake projects and see how they do it21:24
hakermaniajtaylor, i'll have a look at clementine21:24
hakermaniaunlucky, it uses cmake21:25
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hakermaniajtaylor, how would I describe what I want to do? i want qmake set a commandline PREFIX as cmake does so annoyingly easily?21:51
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hakermaniaGood Night22:22

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