
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
cjohnstonmhall119_: nigelb we are getting more memory errors now14:15
mhall119cjohnston: I saw the email :(14:20
dakermemory issues miam miam ツ14:53
mhall119nigelb: are you around today?14:56
=== yaili__ is now known as yaili
nigelbmhall119: yeah15:20
nigelbcjohnston: saw :/15:20
nigelbmhall119: btw, I think its about time we put some caching work into LD.15:21
nigelb(I'm willing to put some work into it too)15:21
mhall119nigelb: +1, but not today15:27
nigelbmhall119: sure, I was remarking in general. I just realized that. Like the teams page for instance can be cached for at least 15 minutes15:28
mhall119definitely, the teams page is the perfect candidate for caching, and would make a huge improvement15:29
mhall119nigelb: have you tried the django debug toolbar?15:30
mhall119I just got it working on readfeeder this week, and it's pretty slick15:30
mhall119tells you stuff like the # of db querys and time spent on them for any page you're viewing15:31
nigelbmhall119: I've always had it on :)15:31
mhall119heh, nevermind then15:31
dakernigelb, why 15mins ? why not 1 week ?15:48
=== daker is now known as daker_
nigelbdaker: well, because when a team is added, we don't want them waiting a week to show up15:51
nigelbupto 1 hour is fine15:51
nigelbbeyond that, it gets stale15:51
nigelbmhall119: what's the best way to code up a person picker than can be shared across summit?17:13
mhall119probably make an API based on the ones in loco_directory/service, and call it with jquery17:13
nigelbmhall119: well, I'll be calling LP directly.17:15
nigelbooh, so build something in js entirely?17:15
nigelbcjohnston: poke17:46
dakernigelb, where are you going to use this person picker ?18:04
nigelbdaker: community sites. Or at least that's the plan. I dont' think I know enough JS.18:06
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
dakersomeone have to tell me how to run summit :)18:28
nigelbdaker: summit.rtfd.org has everything you need to know18:30
dakerah yes18:30
dakernigelb, how to get live data ?18:35
mhall119you don't18:35
dakeri need to create them ?18:35
mhall119yes, unfortunately that's the only way18:35
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
dakernigelb, mhall119  http://vimeo.com/2748758718:50
nigelbyaili :)18:51

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