
cykrosahh, good. that didn't work.00:00
com64When I try to cd to ~/.gvfs I get "Transport endpoint is not connected"00:00
Jordan_Ucykros: What is the output of "groups"?00:02
zykotick9cykros, you are aware you need to log out / back in to update group membership right?00:02
anonhow can I update repositories from ftp server00:04
anonit uses http://ftp.*00:05
cykroswell, i am now, but either way zykotick9, it didn't work00:05
Dr_Willisthats still using http even if its name is ftp.  Unless you are just pasteing the url   you used. :)00:05
cykrosJordan_U: adm cdrom plugdev admin along with the group named after the user itself00:05
Daghdhawell i have the NFS share mounting now, from the other machine. But when i try and access it it says 'access denied'00:05
zykotick9cykros, can you give reply to Jordan_U's question00:05
zykotick9cykros, sorry, you just did ;)00:06
cykroswhereas my primary user has this: adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare cykros00:06
Jordan_Ucykros: You're missing "audio".00:06
cykrosJordan_U: see, my primary user doesn't have audio either.00:07
cykrosand i've already tried audio.00:07
cykrosoh, to clarify, my primary user HAS audio, but is not in the audio group.00:07
cykrosthe only ones in the audio group are pulse, and subsonic.00:07
cykrossubsonic being the multimedia daemon/program00:08
Jordan_Ucykros: Your user should be in the audio group by default, can you think of why you aren't in the audio group?00:08
cykrosalso, from my reading, it seemed that audio is a group for users to be able to access the soundcard when not logged in.00:08
cykrosJordan_U: when i created the account at installation, it was not selected00:09
cykrosperhaps it matters that this is ubuntu 11.04?00:09
cykrosidk if anything's changed along the way00:09
cykroswell, as far as this goes.00:09
cykrosthings change...too fast.00:09
Jordan_Ucykros: Have you tried muting then unmuting the volume as the new user?00:09
cykrostrying again, just to make sure00:10
cykrosno dice though00:10
CiausCheatEngine: hey dip shit00:11
bazhangCiaus, no cursing00:12
Ogi0nhey guys I got a question, I put password on the bios so everytime it reboot I have to type it in, now the thing is- it makes this weird beep sound, how do I turn off that annoying beep?00:12
Jordan_UCiaus: That type of language and abuse is not acceptable here.00:12
cykrosOgi0n: open you case and disconnect your computer speaker.00:12
Jordan_U!guidelines | Ciaus00:12
ubottuCiaus: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:12
cykrosit's a small little speaker that connects through, what do we call that thing, a jumper?00:12
Ogi0ncykros: its a laptop actually00:12
Dr_Willismost of those speakers are built into the MB these days00:12
cykrosother than that though, from what i understand, that's a pretty hardwired beep.00:12
cykrosunfortunately, the answer is still the same :-/00:13
Dr_Willisopen it up. hot glue on the speaker. :)00:13
Ogi0ncykros: awww00:13
Jordan_UCiaus: If you would like to be unmuted please join #ubuntu-ops.00:13
cykrosi mean, or write new firmware for your bios?00:13
cykroshope you know ASM...00:13
Dr_Willisits beeping to tell you to enter the password. :)00:13
cykrosyea, it sucks. one of the many problems with laptops00:13
Ogi0nstupid beep, i got both the boot lock up and the set up thing lock up, i guess ill just do the set up thing lock oh well lol00:14
Ogi0nthnx tho00:14
DaghdhaDo you always need a mountpoint dir if you want to share a filder with NFS?00:14
Dr_Willisnot d sure why you need so many locks00:14
Ogi0nlol just experimenting that's all00:14
cykroswell, on the laptop at least that lock does something. a desktop is really easy to get around a bios password00:14
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  you mount a nfs share to a dir..   same as you mount anyhing else.00:14
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo Daghdha read this?00:14
cykrosjust open the case, remove the battery for a minute or two, and put it back in00:14
anonI have an issue: it seems the my laptop fan is running at full speed00:14
cykroscmos wiped.00:14
DaghdhaDr_Willis: I want to share it00:15
anonit's making a lot of noise, how can I control thid00:15
com64cykros, isn't it the same with most laptops?00:15
cykrosanon: um...you don't want to slow your fan down. you could perhaps look into a better cooling system.00:15
Ogi0ncykros: oooh, i didnt know that trick thnx for pointing that out, i was gonna do the same for my desktop00:15
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  when you say 'share' you mean share via NFS or Samba? NFS is shareing a dir.. that then gets mounted to a remote box's somwehere..00:15
cykroscom64: sure, but opening a laptop case sucks.00:15
zykotick9cykros, removing the batter won't clear the password.  If that's what you're suggesting.  Ogi0n00:15
anoncykros: im just comparing with Win00:15
com64with mine, only keyboard removal is needed00:15
anonit makes less noise00:15
cykrosa desktop case is often a push button, or a few screws you can turn by hand00:15
com64which is three screws00:15
cykroswell, you got a nice case i guess. i've only really dealt with dell or mac cases00:16
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  clarify a bit more i think.00:16
cykroswhich i know are worse than most.00:16
DaghdhaDr_Willis: so if i have /mnt/downloads wich is a disk. And i want to make that available as NFS share so i can use it from another location00:16
Ogi0nzykotick9  oic00:16
com64there's a way to reset cmos by shorting a couple of connections on the cmos ic iirc00:16
tazthaspazhey i am writing a paper for school and a just started using libre office. the paper is pretty long. i wrote it all out and when i went to print it it printed like crap so a realized that the paper dementions were wrong so i changed them but now it has cut off everything out side of those dementions instead of adding a new page any help?00:16
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  you define/export the 'share'  on the server,  the client then mounts the share to some directory.00:17
Daghdhaok so i need no entries in fstab for NFS to export it00:17
cykrostazthaspaz: copy your text, paste it into a text file, save to a usb stick, and go edit it in a word processor you know how to use. then learn to use libre office when you have time and don't have such a major item on the line.00:17
cykrosif you can't do that...idk, try copying your text into google docs?00:17
zykotick9Daghdha, /etc/exports define the NFS shares00:17
cykrosand figure it out from there.00:17
cykrosterm papers is no time to be learning new software, heh00:18
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  its ecported from /etc/exports .. like the docs say. the REMOTE box then has a fstab entry to mount the exported share00:18
cykrosi'd consider helping you figure it out, but it'd be way too slow, and you're doing a term paper.00:18
Daghdhaok i made entries there.00:18
tazthaspazim not doing an actual paper its a list of vocabulary words. . . i am in 8th grade00:19
cykrosoh, heh00:19
zykotick9tazthaspaz, #libreoffice may be more help for you00:19
Dr_WillisNFSv4 server  seems to have a lot of neat/new features :) not used that yet.00:19
cykroswell then. unfortunately, i'm not really a libre office  person00:19
cykrosi was just chastising you. but you're in 8th grade. yea, check out #libreoffice00:19
tazthaspazk thanks00:19
cykros...i've just far too often seen college students do that kind of thing. heh. it's a nightmare.00:20
DaghdhaDr_Willis ok it says it's exported using exportfs command00:20
Dr_WillisBeen ages since i last used nfs. :)  at least 2 yrs.00:20
DaghdhaMounted on remote..dir n:00:21
DaghdhaSays access denied00:21
com64What does "Transport endpoint is not connected" mean?00:21
Dr_Willissee who owns the exorted dir/mountpont now Daghdha.  what dir did you export?00:22
DaghdhaDr_Willis: In he idmapd.conf i entered my own user name as the nobody-user and nobody-group, will it then beme?00:22
DaghdhaDr_Willis /mnt/downloads00:22
Daghdhai own it00:22
Dr_Willisdouble check the permissions i guess. I normally just export /home/00:23
cykroswow...either things are being weirdly buggy right now, or 4 gb of ram isn't enough.00:23
cykrosand considering i'm only running a few terminals, vlc, and firefox, i think the former is the case.00:23
Dr_Willistheres never enough ram.00:23
cykrosthough, it is gnome. ick.00:23
cykrosyea, idk. i'm usually a fluxbox person. i think i may have two users logged in right now too00:24
cykrosand a few daemons running, though they all have low load.00:24
cykrostor relay never takes much in the way of resources...i have it throttled.00:24
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cykroswtf. i think you all can see why not getting sound on this new user is frustrating me.00:24
LABcrabThere's this PowerPoint in OO.o that forces itself to go fullscreen and does not want to be minimized or put in a window!  Is this a virus?00:26
DaghdhaDr_Willis: Is there any place where i can see maybe as who my other server is trying to access the share?00:26
bl4ckcomb`LABcrab, yes, you should reboot at least 3 times00:27
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  theres prob. some logs you can set the NFS server to  display or enable verbse logging.00:27
LABcrabbl4ckcomb__: There must be something that i'm doing wrong.  Or maybe the file's bad?00:28
Dr_WillisDaghdha:  i always add my users in the same order on my linux box's so they alway shave the same uid/gid. :) so ive rarely had an issue with the users00:28
Jordan_Ucykros: What do you see when you run "alsamixer" as the new user?00:28
cykrosi get the alsamixer configuration screen with sliders that i can play with. none are muted except for a line in and a few back mics.00:29
DaghdhaDo users need to be in some group to be able to use NFS maybe?00:29
Daghdhai feel like i'm 1 change away from success00:30
cykrosmost of the sliders are all the way up. lets see. master is, headphones is, pcm is, front is, front mi. is muted, but another one right next to it is up at 22, surround (which i don't have) is all the way up, as is center...00:30
cykroslfe is all the way up, line is muted, s/pdif just says "00", as does s/pdif D. read mic is muted00:31
cykrosand thats it. oh, it says card: HDA ATI SB and Chip: Realtek ALC892.00:31
Jordan_Ucykros: You have two sound cards?00:32
althairgausshi there00:32
cykrosthe other is only an HDMI card. though i guess my webcam technically may act somewhat like one for its mic.00:32
cykrosbut the one i listed is the main one that gets used by the primary user on a daily basis00:33
anon^_^Hi, over the past 3-4 weeks I've noticed some strange behavior in Firefox 3.6.1800:33
anon^_^if firefox is minimized to tray at random intervals the browser window pops up in screen00:33
anon^_^the error console doesn't appear to list what the cause is00:33
anon^_^noscript, adblockplus and betterprivacy addons are installed00:33
anon^_^anyone experience similar behavior recently?00:33
FloodBot1anon^_^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:33
[THC]AcidRainwhere is the file that controls if php returns any error messages or not?00:34
LABcrabRight now, i have an old computer that will only boot from floppy.  How do i install Ubuntu?00:34
Jordan_ULABcrab: What are the specs aside from only being able to boot from floppy?00:35
Daghdhanobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/sh   does that mean userid is 65534?00:36
Jordan_ULABcrab: And I assume it can boot fromm the internal hard drive as well, but you don't have a CDROM drive or the ability to boot from USB?00:36
cykrosJordan_U: at this point i think i'm scratching my hypothesis that this is a permissions thing and more a pulseaudio being weird thing.00:36
LABcrabJordan_U: It has DVD and CD drives and cannot boot from it.  800mhz / 512 MB RAM / little hard drive.00:37
cykrosnot that i know enough to determine that for sure. just a hunch.00:37
Jordan_Ucykros: Try asking in #pulseaudio00:37
cykrosaight, thanks00:37
chaospsychexcan someone help me extract something into a folder from the command line ?00:37
Jordan_Ucykros: You're welcome.00:37
Jordan_ULABcrab: Ubuntu no longer supports processors below i686. Do you know if you have an i686 processor?00:39
qinchaospsychex: Is it zip?00:39
LABcrabJordan_U: It is an AMD Duron.00:39
chaospsychexqin: tar.bz2 so what is that?00:39
csdserver'tar xjvf *.tar.bz2' to decompress00:40
DangerOnTheRangrchaospsychex: tar.bz2 is a file archiving format00:40
pooltablehelp downgrade firefox how to ???00:40
george_Are terminal type programs like mpd the only music players that can allow browsing by folder structure?00:41
csdserveri've never tried it on nix before, check it out00:41
qingeorge_: mocp (install as moc)00:41
csdserveri know it's highly customizable00:41
LABcrabJordan_U: x86.  Competed against Pentium III.00:41
csdserverfoobar2000 george_00:41
george_qin, isn't that a terminal program?00:42
qingeorge_: Yes, ncurces00:42
george_csdserver, linux native, foobar2000 is what I used to use on windows and loved it, I want a folder structure like foobar2000 had00:42
bsmartt`songbird also allows for it with an extension, however im not sure it runs natively?00:42
Daghdhadrwillis left?00:43
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rwwDaghdha: yes, about 10 minutes ago00:43
DaghdhaAw, he helped me so nice.00:43
DaghdhaWell it works :P cd N:00:44
csdserverif you feel like dealing with wine and troubleshooting all that goes along with it... although if wine can run my WoW at nearly the same optimal speeds, i don't see why a small program like foobar2000 would run into trouble.00:44
Daghdhamaybe the developers for a game do their best to comply to MS standards and requirements to get WIN logo certified to stick on their packaging. And foobar doesn't' give a F.00:45
=== lance_ is now known as Guest22431
Guest22431fresh install of 10.04, chrome freezes after a few pages, or during download...00:46
Jordan_ULABcrab: I think that's i686 but I'm not sure.00:46
winston_My audio has been giving me issues for a while now, if two things try to play a sound at the same time (Even rhythmbox and an alert sound on skype) the sound gets distorted and the tone drops. Anyone have a clue where I should start to troubleshoot this?00:47
LABcrabJordan_U: How do you boot from floppy?00:47
stealzI want to create a Lucid persistent bootable USB, can anyone recommend me a good guide?00:48
Jordan_ULABcrab: Is there an OS that runs on the internal HD currently?00:48
cykrosstealz: i think unetbootin may do that, though it may not go far enough back to do lucid00:48
coz_winston_,  I am not  up on all troubleshooting for audio..however  both the #pusleaudio and #alsa channels should be real helpful since they have the resources for it00:48
ubottuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone00:48
cykrosif so though, it will be your easiest option, so you may want to check it00:48
chaospsychexwhats the command to compile and use both cores of the cpu ?00:48
urlin2ustealz, unetbootin will do it.00:48
winston_coz_ Hey, thanks a bunch, that will probably be a better place. =D00:48
celeryman10.04, chrome freezes after a few pages, or during downloads.. have looked through google, and havent come across anything useful, any help would be appreciated00:49
stealzcykros, urlin2u: oh, I thought  unetbootin wouldnt create persistent usbs?00:49
stealzmore like a liveCD00:49
urlin2ustealz, or the startup disc creator, yeah it does now.00:49
anonI hear some noise from speakers in laptop00:49
stealzurlin2u, thank you00:49
coz_chaospsychex,   see if both are running with this command    cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l00:49
anonI mean headphones00:49
urlin2ustealz, np00:49
cykrosstealz: oh, wait, sorry, i got it wrong i believe00:49
coz_chaospsychex,  I think that is correct00:49
cykrosi heard persistant and thought it meant "unchanging", rather than allowing your changes to be persistant00:50
cykrosidk how to help you there though.00:50
Kamikazehey everyone, can somebody hint me which one of those i have to download for my OS? im running latest Ubuntu http://metasploit.com/download/00:50
chaospsychexcoz_: output was two! so when i do 'make' how do i enable compilation using both?00:51
Jordan_ULABcrab: I need to leave in 10 minutes. I can probably help you but you'll need to answer my questions quickly if possible.00:51
pooltablehelp downgrade firefox how to ???00:51
coz_chaospsychex,   mm  n ot exactly sure ,, since both are already running  but let me check00:51
Kamikazehey everyone, can somebody hint me which one of those i have to download for my OS? im running latest Ubuntu http://metasploit.com/download/00:52
urlin2uKamikaze, you running ubuntu 32 0r 64 bit00:52
coz_Kamikaze,   then download the 64 bit,,00:52
coz_chaospsychex,   is this amd or intel?00:52
urlin2uKamikaze, 64 bit linux if linux is the install00:53
Kamikazebut it offers "PGP" and "SHA1" so i dont know whats the difference00:53
chaospsychexcoz_ : amd00:53
Kamikazeurlin2u,  but it offers "PGP" and "SHA1" so i dont know whats the difference00:54
urlin2uKamikaze, those are hashes not th OS00:54
coz_chaospsychex,   ok I am not sure about this so instead of making you hold on while I search I am going to let someone more knowledgeable answer t his  so,, ask the question again and I will not responf to it00:54
Kamikazeurlin2u, i have downloaded "framework-4.0.0-linux-x64-full.run" will this work with my OS ?00:55
chaospsychexwhats the command to compile and use both cores of the cpu ?00:55
Jordan_ULABcrab: It is possible to install Ubuntu when you can only boot from a floppy disk, using Super GRUB2 Disk as a boot floppy, but how exactly you go about it will depend on your situation.00:55
urlin2uKamikaze, probably,  have never used it, are they apps or full oprating systems00:55
coz_Kamikaze,  I have not tired this , however,, the only way is to test it00:55
urlin2uKamikaze, with I nic like yours I'm surprised you asked. ;-)00:56
Kamikazecoz_,  urlin2u  the problem is that i double-click on file and it asks which program i wand to load it with? it doesn't automatically recognize that .run format, I'm about how to run/install it ?00:57
Kamikazelol )00:57
celerymancan anyone help me with google chrome freezing in 10.04?00:57
coz_Kamikaze,   right click the .run,, go to preferences and permission and make sure it is marked as executable00:57
rypervencheceleryman: Chrome or Chromium?00:57
celerymanchrome, from google.com/chrome00:57
coz_Kamikaze,  then  open a terminal  ,, cd to the location of that file,, then  ./nameof.run00:57
rypervencheceleryman: Try using chromium-browser from the repositories instead.00:58
Kamikazehow many nice guys ) thanks let me try it00:58
urlin2uKamikaze, hers the user guides from that page, I haven't used it so with out downloading, I would not know.00:58
Kamikazelets see how it works ) i wanna learn hardcore hacking ;)00:59
celerymanrypervenche, ill try it again, i normally have more problems with it than i do the other.. thanks though lets see what happens00:59
exutuxKamikaze: It can be more dangerous if don't know what you're doing...01:00
blockywhat would cause parted to be unable to read an ntfs partition01:00
Kamikazeexutux, therefore im here, to make sure what im doing :)01:00
exutuxKamikaze: and so install not full type01:00
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Kamikazeexutux, the full one isn't as good as half version ?01:01
exutuxKamikaze: I mean using metasploit... not dangerous for install it, but for exploit01:01
exutuxKamikaze: for full version you need databases and other stuff installed01:02
Kamikazeexutux, oh i got it thanks, now im gonna download the half one, i didn't know that it requires DB and stuff like that, thanks Sr01:02
jadoes it read other partitions?01:02
jablocky>does it read other partitions?01:03
exutuxKamikaze: read the manual before try it..ok? don't try experiment without know it01:03
blockyja, yea01:04
=== aekips is now known as remiz
Kamikazeexutux, if i knew where to read it, i'd )01:04
jablocky, is there other NTFS?01:04
exutuxKamikaze: there are a lot of guide's , google it01:05
Kamikazeexutux, im wondering, is full version does more than half version? i mean abilities, duties, privileges, advantages ?01:06
Daghdhacan you set niceness on a kernel module? (NFS in my case)01:07
Kamikazenice ) I wanna master this Ubuntu as soon as possible, what i should do ?( it badly turns me on )01:07
exutuxKamikaze: that it doesn't matter with Ubuntu or linux....01:07
DaghdhaCome to terms with the fact you are a massochist would be the 1st step.01:07
exutuxKamikaze: linux = hacker ? you wrong ;)01:08
Kamikazeexutux, ya i know but i dont handle any kind of Linux or Unix, I'm coming from Windows 701:08
rypervencheKamikaze: Then you had better start from the basics.01:09
wildbat!manual | Kamikaze01:09
ubottuKamikaze: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:09
philwongcan soeone plz give a good site where to download open source software for linux?01:09
Kamikazeexutux, really?) then how come REAL hackers using linux unix to hack ) are you hinting about Back|Track ;) ?01:09
philwongones that include RPM packages01:09
bazhang!repos > philwong01:09
ubottuphilwong, please see my private message01:09
Kamikazewildbat, thanks Sr :)01:09
corey_does anyone think ubuntu or linux is dying, just a random question..01:09
bazhangphilwong, this is the wrong distro channel for that01:10
aeon-ltdCorey: nope01:10
bazhangcorey_, #ubuntu-offtopic01:10
jablocky: maybe the best is to run 'chkdsk x: /f' under windows, X - partition letter01:10
corey_okay thank you01:10
philwongwhy is it offtopic?01:10
corey_its not but sorry anyway baz01:10
aeon-ltdphilwong: it's not support related01:10
bazhangphilwong, rpm is for suse fedora and the like01:10
philwongohh sorry01:10
exutuxKamikaze: good luck01:10
philwongfine then forget about rpm01:10
bazhangphilwong, ask your actual question01:11
philwongwhere can I just download open source software, I remember I came here once and someone recomended a good place01:11
urlin2ucorey_, more than half the servers on the web linux or unix basically the top super computers including the large hadron collider I doubt it01:11
edbianphilwong: source forge?01:11
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philwongthank you edbian01:11
bazhangurlin2u, lets keep this on topic please01:11
Kamikazeexutux, sad:( i turned it into executable, i ran it and now it says " This installer requires root privileges. Please become superuser before executing the installer" but this is my one and only account which is the root (01:11
edbianphilwong: sure01:11
urlin2ubazhang, no problem;-)01:12
ja<Kamikaze> 'sudo' before command?01:12
improveuponwould someone be willing to interpret some errors produced by rsync? if so, where should i paste them?01:12
bazhangcorey_  this is ubuntu support only , not chat about the state of linux01:12
Kamikazeja actually im not doing that through the terminal im trying to do that in graphics mode, because i dont know how to use terminal01:13
exutuxKamikaze: so how I said before you don't know what are you doing...so read and learn basic use about linux before, use that dagerous programs....dabgerous for you and for other people sometomes01:13
jaKamikaze> understood01:13
Kamikazethanks both of u ) seems i really should start from basic )01:14
rypervencheKamikaze: I can show you a good PDF for learning the terminal if you like.01:14
jaKamikaze: maybe F2> ''gksu COMMAND''01:14
centHOGGrypervenche: sure01:14
Kamikazerypervenche, would be amazing if u would )01:14
IdleOne!cli > Kamikaze01:15
ubottuKamikaze, please see my private message01:15
rypervenchecentHOGG: Kamikaze: http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php Then click on "Download it here".01:15
Kamikazethankss :)01:15
jaterminal worth to be learned ))  Yeah? I`m serious.01:15
jaGone away01:15
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fsdfdshi, i'm trying to use autocomplete with vim 7.2 and i placed the phpcomplete.vim script in .vim/autoload but it does not get loaded, also inside vim :scriptnames does not show it, what can it be?01:20
fsdfdsbut it loads ok a bunch of other plugins like fuzzysearch and snipmate01:21
fsdfdsanyone knows if it depends of anything?01:21
cnzI just installed the flash plugin yet when I go to a website with flash it still says i'm missing the plugin any ideas?01:25
techie66@ cnz what browser?01:25
alexleonhello ppl i cant use my laptop fn convination keys :(01:26
techie66@cnz you restarted firefox?01:26
urlin2ucnz, any addons like noscript01:26
cnzurlin2u: nope01:26
alexleonmm fn convination keys anyone?01:27
jayotterHow do I remove the annoying Ubuntu launcher on the left?01:27
cnztechie66: it's finally working01:27
cnztook about 10ff restarts lol01:27
bazhangjayotter, use classic01:27
bazhang!classic | jayotter01:28
ubottujayotter: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".01:28
techie66@cnz good to hear01:28
urlin2ucnz, the addon flash aid will remove the cruft and make sure it's all correct01:28
jayotterahh thank you. hold on01:28
urlin2ucnz, cool working01:28
stealzcnz, I recommend getting Flash-Aid (a Firefox plugin)01:28
stealzit will install everything you need and make flash work better overall01:29
megalomanI have a question. Can I separate workspaces across dual monitors so that switching windows leaves one static on a video or something like that?01:29
megalomanWould that be in ccsm?01:29
cnzurlin2u: yeah it's working now just took a few restarts01:29
cnzthanks gu ys01:29
urlin2umegaloman, you can drag from screen to screen01:30
stealzmegaloman: not sure what you are trying to archieve, can you explain better?01:30
stealzI've done quite a few tweaks on dual monitors01:30
megalomanurlin2u, I can have the two screens fine.01:30
jayotterThanks to who told me the tips :).01:30
megalomanI want to set one static so when I switch windows it stays in one workspace.01:31
centHOGGplay with it01:31
megalomanTo play a video while i still use all my virtual desktops.01:31
stealzaaah I see, so basically, one stays the same all the time, the workspaces only apply to the 2nd monitor01:31
stealzmegaloman,  I havent done this but sounds like a good idea01:32
megalomanRight. That would solve this. I'd like to be able to toggle focus ideally, but a static screen would work.01:32
techie66megaloman: I tried doing that a while ago and didn't get very far01:32
alexleonppl i cant use my laptop fn convination keys01:32
stealzmegaloman: what windowmanager are you using?01:32
jayotterHm... where is the guide I can learn the ocmmand lines?01:33
stealzI am on compiz, but you could try enabling always show on visible workspace on the panel tab if that works in unity01:33
centHOGGthis just in from HP.... "Drop Dead"01:33
megalomanI'll give that a shot.01:34
techie66alexleon: what exactly isn't working?01:34
stealzmegaloman: or try if you can find that option when right-clicking the titlebar (always show on visible workspace)01:34
stealzit will still switch both monitors, but your video will always be visible on one screen01:34
alexleontechie66 i want to turn on my wifi but the fn convination doesnt work01:36
alexleonu know fn + f1 f2 f3... any of thosework01:36
megalomanI don't get a menu when right clicking the titlebar, I'm looking it System Settings.01:36
megalomanOh. I didn't understand at first, you mean for the application.01:37
stealzmegaloman, I don't know how this works in unity, but wherever that application is shown (any taskbar or similar) you should get that menu01:37
techie66alexleon: the wifi thing often happens because your wifi module isn't loaded01:37
NighthwkCan anyone help with why when I transfer large files from my win7 machine to my ubuntu 11.04 via samba it crashes my ubuntu machine?01:38
techie66alexleon:  are the other FN keys supposed to change volume/brightness and such or something different01:38
alexleonyes techie66 the only think that works is the volume thats it nothin alse works01:39
alexleonbrighness doesnt work :(01:40
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techie66alexleon: depending on the laptop, sometimes special modules are available01:40
techie66..to enable these features01:40
alexleonwhere can i fid them01:41
Redb3ardwhat exactly does cat etc/passwd show me?01:41
nessonicHello, I installed ubuntu server on a desktop but am unable to install packages. However, I can ping my main desktop and google.com, etc. so I have internet connection01:41
centHOGGnessonic: sudo apt-get update01:41
techie66alexleon: google is your friend, they would already be on your computer, you just have to load them01:42
rwwRedb3ard: basic information about users on the system01:42
nessoniccentHOGG: it hangs on [Waiting for Headers]01:42
rwwRedb3ard: more info at 'man 5 passwd'01:42
alexleonima try01:42
stealzmegaloman, did you get it working?01:42
centHOGGi would try another pc to verify connectivity and to see if the mirror is up01:43
nessonicanother pc on the same connection?01:43
Redb3ardshould it be a lot of output or just the users on the system?01:43
nessonicI can download packages on this one01:43
dabbishHow do I unregister the sites framework in the django admin?01:44
megalomanHey thanks everybody. I got that working alright. Alt-space brings up that menu in unity if anyone else wants to know.01:46
dabbishnvm, found it01:47
dabbishoh shit, wrong channel. sorry01:47
alexleontechie66 can u check it out for me?01:48
techie66sure thing01:49
alexleonu think it could work?01:49
techie66alexleon: it sound like what you need01:51
techie66but thats an old post, it might be in the repositories now01:51
alexleonthx tech ima try01:52
alexleonhow do i check on the repositories01:52
techie66alexleon: sudo apt-get install fnfxd01:53
alexleonthx brb01:53
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alexleonit installed something i think01:54
alexleonbut the keys stil dont work01:54
techie66might need to reboot01:55
Tommyin wine, how can i remove an application that doesn't show up in the uninstall list01:56
pooltablehelp how to installed older firefox then not have ubuntu auto updafe?01:56
Tommywhen i go to the applications menu it shows up under wine applications, but i choose uninstall applications and it's nowhere to be found01:56
Tommyi uninstall wine, the application still doesn't go away01:56
alexleontechie66 ok brb :) take a look to this while im back http://pastebin.com/UsguscQq01:56
urlin2upooltable, install the FF go to synaptic and lockit.01:57
lionydaspooltable, your are in witch version of linux01:59
pooltablei want 5.001:59
urlin2upooltable, in synaptic to lock   is package-lock version.01:59
pooltableurlin2u how do i do that ?01:59
alexleonnop :(02:00
urlin2upooltable, do what?02:00
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pooltableurlin2u i wnat 5.002:00
Guest7785im trying to boot ubuntu feom a usb drive and i keep getting boot error, any idea how to fix it?02:01
pooltableurlin2u is package-lock version.?02:02
urlin2upooltable, you can lock any package, as far as downgrading I don't know.02:02
pooltableurlin2u ok what if i uninstalled it then man install it ?02:03
urlin2upooltable, as far as downgrading I don't know.02:04
alexleonughidk what to do :/02:04
urlin2uprobably your guess is as good as mine02:04
pooltableurlin2u i see02:04
fatih1993how can i go to c++ programming language's channel?02:04
urlin2upooltable, not a lot of difference between the to really 6 would be safer and run faster though.02:05
zykotick9pooltable, firefox 5 is no long supported, so probably not the best idea to be using it02:05
IdleOnefatih1993: /join #c++02:05
fatih1993IdleOne thanks02:05
pooltablezykotick9 ok whet oloder version is supported?02:05
pooltablezykotick9 3.6?02:06
zykotick9pooltable, anything from the Ubuntu repo will be supported, so 3.6 i guess02:06
pooltablezykotick9 how do i find out?02:06
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zykotick9pooltable, anything from the Ubuntu repo will be supported, what version does a regular "sudo apt-get install firefox" give you?  Whatever it is - supported02:07
techie66alexleon: it looks like toshiba acpi isn't loading on your laptop02:08
techie66alexleon:  I can't give specific advice but google helped me find this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/fnfx-giving-errors-please-help-348666/02:10
Fudgehi is there any dns updater tool for direct admin that someone knows of?02:10
Joe0006what is dns updater?02:10
Joe0006it means it updates the dns server list ?02:11
urlin2uJoe0006, do you have a support need?02:11
Fudgeyes for dynamic ip's updating a names etc02:11
Joe0006ok i want one too02:11
Joe0006i have a dns server at home02:11
* Fudge /ignores02:11
Joe0006but not on linux02:11
lionydasAn update client is a computer application or a feature in your router that keeps your hostname’s IP address up-to-date. The update client periodically checks your network’s IP address; if it sees that your IP address has changed, it sends (updates) the new IP address to your hostname in your Dyn account.02:11
IdleOneJoe0006: take a look at dyndns02:11
CheatEngineAnyone know of a program (other than shutter) which can take, and automatically upload screenshots?02:11
nessonicstupid question, but do I need two ethernet ports (two network cards) for my ubuntu server to work with internet?02:12
IdleOnenessonic: no02:13
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nessonicin what cases do you? I have two in this one (I've been told I needed two) but ifconfig isn't recognizing the 2nd one02:13
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Joe0006urlin2u you are free to help me ?02:15
CheatEnginenessonic: double check your drivers, thats what my problem was02:16
statimanyone thats good with making packages know which is right to get the init file behavior (/etc/init.d/mypackagename)? do i put mypackagename.init or mypackagename.init.d or simply init or init.d in my package?02:17
nessonicCheatEngine: I got it to work, though I'm not sure how...all I did was sudo nano into my sources.list to check it out, then next time I tried updating, it worked02:17
Quantum_IonDoes anyone have ffmpeg installed on their Ubuntu Linux system ?02:18
techie66its magical02:18
rypervencheffmpeg <302:18
wonder1I need help increasing the screen resolution in Ubuntu 11.04. Probably an Nvidia problem. I used to fix it in xorg.conf, but I understand that is depreciated? Anyone?02:20
Quantum_Iontechie66, Can you tell me what happens when you run this script on Ubuntu Linux - > ffmpeg -f alsa -itsoffset 00:00:02.000 -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -f x11grab -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print $2;}') -r 10 -i :0.0 -sameq -f mp4 -s wvga -y intro.mp402:20
techie66quantum_ion: it records your screen and scales it down02:23
Quantum_Iontechie66, It worked on your system ?02:23
dostreshello i have installed libpam 1.1.1-6.1 .....can you give me some hints on how to update it?02:24
newbie_any good mirrors for downloading ubuntu 11.04?02:24
Quantum_Iontechie66, thanks for testing it out for me02:24
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DesyncifyGot a problem  trying to install ubuntu from a flash drive, need some help plz02:24
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Quantum_Iontechie66, I am trying to record my screen activities for an educational Ubuntu Linux tutorial02:25
DesyncifyI downloaded 11.4 and 10.4, 32 bit, put them on a usb drive, rebooted my laptop and I get boot error every time02:25
techie66quantum:  whats it about?02:25
Desyncifyis it possible my comp won't install 32 bit? because 64 bit worked last night, but was having major lag issues so I deleted my partition, then when I rebooted I had to fix my MRB with an old windows 7 CD i had02:26
Quantum_Iontechie66, I am trying to show people how to install Oracle Java by making a video recording my screen activities using that FFMPEG command02:26
quizmehow do you check if you have a package installed ?02:26
edbianquizme: try to install it, see what happens02:27
edbianquizme: or aptitude show <packageName>02:27
techie66quantum: cool02:27
edbianquizme: Look at the package in synaptic if it has a green box it's installed02:27
newbie_<edbian> hello :)02:27
edbiannewbie_: hello02:27
Quantum_Iontechie66, That command will record all my screen activies step by step so they can follow along and I can post it to youtube02:27
urlin2unewbie_, no specfic mirrors are used do a browser or p2p download02:27
Quantum_Ioninstead of mp4 I might just output it to flv not sure yet02:28
wildbatDesyncify: if system run 64 it will run 32 .02:28
newbie_<edbian> <urlin2u> ok. i am trying to redownload 11.04.02:28
urlin2unewbie_, in windows ?02:28
edbiannewbie_: ok :)02:29
Desyncifythen something isn't going right, cause 64 worked last night, and now i just get boot error every time02:29
Quantum_IonDesyncify, Is your BIOS set to boot from USB ?02:29
Desyncifyyea, usb is set first02:29
wildbatDesyncify: are you booting to installed system or are you booting to the LIVECD or USB?02:29
newbie_<edbian> <urlin2u> the md5 and file size was wrong the last time i downloaded from the homepage.02:30
wildbatDesyncify: then rebuild the USB .02:30
Desyncifywildbat, i've rebuilt the usb like 5 times02:30
wildbatDesyncify: did you check the md5 against the ISO?02:30
Quantum_IonDesyncify, WOW02:30
kazzyQuantum_Ion: ogg theora seems to be a pretty popular video format in Linux, but seems to be relatively unheard of other places02:30
edbiannewbie_: yeah that was strange02:30
Desyncifywildbat, yea, done everything exactly as I did last night when I installed 64 bit02:31
wildbatDesyncify: if the downloaded ISO is bad it doesn't better how many time you rebuild it .02:31
newbie_<edbian> maybe this time it will work.02:31
Quantum_Ionkazzy, So true, however to post a video to youtube it has to be in MP4 or FLV format so that is why I was using FFMPEG to convert the video to FLV or MP402:31
wildbatDesyncify: try different method to build it then .02:31
Desyncifywildbat, aight I'll keep trying02:32
newbie_I am SO tired of MS. :)02:32
Quantum_Ionkazzy, I am pretty sure youtube doesn't support ogg02:32
wildbat!USB | Desyncify02:32
ubottuDesyncify: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:32
Quantum_Ionkazzy, I think I pulled a video off of you youtube using youtube-dl and I noticed it was in MP4 format02:33
kazzyQuantum_Ion: yeah, that's true02:33
Desyncifyubottu, thanks02:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:33
newbie_<edbian> what do you think of F15 as an alternative?02:33
newbie_*Fedora 1502:33
edbiannewbie_: I cannot endorse any distro for another person.  As long as it's linux I approve :)02:34
newbie_it is.02:34
Quantum_Ionkazzy, You can use this command to record your screen activies with Ubuntu Linux and make a tutorial using Ubuntu, it captures sound too - >  ffmpeg -f alsa -itsoffset 00:00:02.000 -ac 2 -i hw:0,0 -f x11grab -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print $2;}') -r 10 -i :0.0 -sameq -f mp4 -s wvga -y intro.mp402:34
urlin2u  newbie_ you know their channel?02:34
urlin2unewbie_, #fedora02:34
urlin2unewbie_, no problem .;-)02:35
Quantum_IonI just rebuilt also today that was my highlight for today02:35
Quantum_IonI mean ALSA02:35
anondo you know how can I decrypt my UBuntu system from livecd02:36
kazzyI hope for OSS support in Linux 4.x, since it isn't in 302:36
anonif something happens02:36
newbie_<urlin2u> i just need to wait a bit before downloading. right now, my d/l speed is about 8-25 kbps.02:36
kazzyBut then, of course, pulseaudio would cause problems02:36
urlin2unewbie_, bummer. ;-(02:36
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Singhamhi..does any one know where the CD/DVD Creator can be accessed from ? in ubuntu 10.04 it was in Applications -> Accessories02:37
newbie_<urlin2u> satellite internet.02:37
urlin2unewbie_, you using browser or torrent02:37
quizmewhat does "v" "c" and "p" mean when you do "aptitude search stuff" ?02:37
ogexhow to open GUI application on ubuntu with php02:37
rypervenchequizme: v = virtual, c = config, p = purged02:37
Quantum_Ionkazzy, I have never tried pulseaudio yet02:37
newbie_<urlin2u>  Firefox 502:37
firmanhi all02:37
urlin2uogex, aptitude -h02:37
kazzyQuantum_Ion: I believe it's still the default Ubuntu sound server02:38
anonUbuntu 11.04 alternate install uses LVM2 right02:38
urlin2unewbie_, if you have more problems try a torrent it can reread the download and make sur it is correct.02:38
Quantum_Ionkazzy, However I had to rebuild ALSA on my laptop because there was a problem with the default version of ALSA on my system it woould not recognize my microphone so I could not record sound using FFMPEG or AUDACITY02:38
newbie_ok. bittorrent?02:38
quizmerypervenche: what does that mean ?02:39
kazzyQuantum_Ion: is the laptop running ubuntu?02:39
urlin2unewbie_, use a torrent app like deluge and get the torrent info at ubuntu.02:39
quizmerypervenche: i wanna remove stuff02:39
anonnewbie_: what do you wanna do?02:39
Pippi_Longstockyou wanna remove what?02:40
newbie_replace xp with ubuntu.02:40
Quantum_Ionkazzy, Yes its a Gateway/Acer laptop it dual boots Win Vista/Ubuntu02:40
rypervenchequizme: v means it is not a real file, it is a virtual file. c means that the config files are still there, and p means that there is nothing on your system.02:40
rypervenchequizme: Download "deborphan" then run...02:40
newbie_<anon> ^^^02:40
quizmerypervenche: ok so i wanna remove the stuff marked as "c"02:40
anonnewbie_: first you need to download the Ubuntu image aka .iso go to www.ubuntu.com and download..02:41
rypervenchequizme: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude purge $(deborphan) && sudo aptitude autoclean && sudo aptitude purge '~c'02:41
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anonnewbie_: do you want Ubuntu Desktop 32bit or 64bit?02:41
Sna4x8Just upgraded to 11.04 from 10.04.  Firefox is now incredibly slow rendering javascript effects, particular $.animate().  Chrome is fine.  Any suggestions on getting firefox to operate like it did in 10.04?02:41
firmananyone know lmms? why it's not makes any sound on my computer02:41
newbie_<anon> i did that, using the link/button. but the md5 and file size was wrong. so i am trying again.02:41
anonnewbie_: yeah, thats why you should use bittorrent02:42
anonjust a second02:42
Quantum_IonI won't upgrade until the next LTS release I have no time to trouble shoot bugs and errors02:42
Quantum_IonWay too time consuming02:42
anonnewbie_: you want 11.04 right?02:42
anonnewbie_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent02:43
urlin2uSna4x8, have you run the update lately should be FF 6, fasterfox addon is nice02:43
quizmerypervenche: sudo apt-get install deborphan ?02:43
anonnewbie_: grab that .torrent and download using a bittorrent client02:43
wonder1I need help increasing the screen resolution in Ubuntu 11.04. Probably an Nvidia problem. I used to fix it in xorg.conf, but I understand that is depreciated?02:43
Sna4x8urlin2u: Yea, I'm fully up to date.  Running ff6.02:43
sven_oostenbrinkHow can I see what display driver is currently used by Xorg?02:43
rypervenchequizme: Yep02:44
newbie_<anon> ok.02:44
newbie_will that work on a dual core cpu?02:44
urlin2uwonder1, you looked in monitors already?02:44
anonyes ofc02:44
quizmerypervenche: okay, i'm going to take a leap of faith...02:44
anonnewbie_: yes02:44
Sna4x8urlin2i: Firefox has always been fairly slow rendering javascript on pages with shadows, but now.. it's completely intolerable. On my machine I can't render a slide effect in under 5 seconds.02:44
anonnewbie_: your cpu is 64bit02:44
Quantum_IonTry Google Chrome02:45
rypervencheChromium ftw!02:45
anonnewbie_: pentium or older is 32bit02:45
newbie_intel dg41wv motherboard.02:45
quizmei'm using a macbook air as a client to my ubuntu desktop02:46
quizmejust thot i'd let everybody know that02:46
newbie_i need to install bittorrent or deluge?02:46
quizmei set up a little LAN for myself today02:46
urlin2uSna4x8, mine runs as fast as chrome etc relatively, it is just knowing some tweaks I guess.02:46
Sna4x8urlin2u: tweaks?02:47
anonnewbie_: use Transmission bittorrent client.. or deluge..02:47
|Slacker|transmission rocks02:47
urlin2uSna4x8, addons basically turning off the ipv6...etc02:47
Sna4x8urlin2u: I have ipv6 disabled of course.  I'm not talking dns lag.02:47
newbie_<anon> got to d/l and install, then grab your link.02:47
Sna4x8http://sierrawildflowers.net/flower.php?flowerID=85 <-- That slide takes 5 seconds +.02:47
anonSna4x8: just reinstall firefox.. settings will be kept02:48
Sna4x8Chrome is smooth sliding.02:48
paijem-cantikanyone here experienced installing ubuntu server on ibm server x series ?02:48
paijem-cantikmy hardisk not detected ?02:48
rypervencheSna4x8: Get Chromium. It was instant for me.02:48
muktiHey, I'm having a problem in 10.04 where blank DVDs are not being detected02:48
wonder1urlin2u: system -> preferences -> monitors, yes. I've had this problem before and successfully fixed it in xorg.conf in etc/X11, but I can't find that file.02:48
rypervencheSna4x8: And I'm on an itty bitty EeePC.02:48
Sna4x8rypervenche: Yea, on chrome it's perfect.02:48
urlin2uSna4x8, your also not giving solid evidence so it is a opinion, use what you like otherwise this is a offtopic conversation.02:48
wonder1wonder1: 800x600 is the highest resolution available.02:48
newbie_<anon> does cd burn speed count?02:49
urlin2uwonder1, sounds like your missing a graphic driver.02:49
anonnewbie_: yes, it does. burn at lower speed possible02:49
Sna4x8urlin2u: I would prefer FireFox.  I like firebug.  I'm not sure what kind of evidence to provide.  I'm looking for a way to get firefox working better.02:49
anonand check md5 before burning02:49
wonder1urlin2u: How do I know / how can I fix ?02:49
neizSna4x8, did you develop that slideshow?02:50
anonnewbie_: forget that md5 part if you used bittorrent :p02:50
urlin2uwonder1, is it a netbook?02:50
muktiDoes anyone know why I cannot detect blank DVDs? I can detect a CD that has data on it. (and yes, it is a DVD drive)02:50
anonnewbie_: oh and dont upload stuff while you burn Ubuntu, it helps02:50
dimas_any nice application to play hacker in ubuntu?02:50
somsipdimas_: bash02:51
Sna4x8neiz: Why?  Something not working?=p02:51
anonsomsip: lol :D02:51
wonder1urlin2u: No, it's a desktop computer ~6 yrs old.02:51
dimas_somsip tell me about it02:51
anonSna4x8: try #firefox02:51
neizSna4x8, FF loaded it for me in about 2 seconds.  Also, using margin-left:-420px and similar cause some issues and should use floats and proper ways to position, which would load faster02:51
newbie_<anon> <urlin2u> thanks.02:51
urlin2uwonder1, in the terminal  lspci | grep VGA  will identify the card/chip02:51
anon!anyone | mukti02:51
somsipdimas_: man bash02:51
ubottumukti: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:51
urlin2unewbie_, no probs02:52
anondimas_: he means "the terminal" :P02:52
wonder1urlin2u: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2)02:52
muktiDoes anyone know why 10.04 wouldn't be recognizing blank DVDs?02:52
Sna4x8neiz: http://webdev.americasmart.com/ <-- that one has a bit different style for the positioning.02:52
urlin2uwonder1, look in additional drivers in the menu to see if any are available02:53
Sna4x8neiz: I wasn't talking the load time (the image preloading).  I'm talking the image slider when you click the arrows next to the flowers.  It's a half-second animation.02:53
muktiWhere would a dvd drive be located in the filesystem?02:53
wonder1urlin2u: "Experimental 3D support for NVIDIA cards" is "activated and currently in use"02:53
anonmukti: /media/02:54
anonmukti: the content I mean.. the drive at /dev/02:54
muktianon, would it be listed as "dvd" (light blue)?02:55
urlin2uwonder1, cool I see on the web with a quick look that, that card may have some problems, I think the original file mod is probably the answer; just getting help is needed. I'm not real familiar here.02:55
neizSna4x8, so much JS, Ajax, etc, simplicity = fast02:55
muktianon, would it be listed as "dvd" (light blue)???02:56
anonmukti: I see that too but I don't think so02:56
anonmukti: do you want to access the DVD contents02:56
muktianon, I want to burn ISOs that I have on my computer to DVDs, but the blank discs aren't being recognized...02:57
dimas_anon but what can i do if i have an ip and cant even ping it?...even i know the computer is on and connected to the internet?02:57
|Slacker|dimas_: firewall?02:57
dimas_i guess02:57
anondimas_: it's because the computer has a firewall02:57
anonblocking icmp02:57
rootbbchromium , firefox which is better for low memory notebook?02:57
anondimas_: you can use nmap -PN <ip> to find open ports02:58
|Slacker|rootbb: I use opera :p02:58
dimas_so is there anyway to pass throw the firewall?02:58
wonder1urlin2u: I should point out that I have used Ubuntu 8.04 on this computer before and had the same low resolution, but fixed it in xorg.conf, so the monitor is compatible with the graphics card, the problem for me is to find where to change the settings :-)02:58
|Slacker|rootbb: but I think midori is the best option02:58
anondimas_: lol, not easily thats why they exist02:58
dimas_anon i did try online port scan but nothing02:58
urlin2uwonder1, I know I don't know the method to getting that file loaded.02:58
anondimas_: anyway, thats offtopic #ubuntu-offtopic02:58
EgyParadoxdimas_: #Nmap02:58
muktidimas_ whats your problem? You have an IP but cant get on the internet?02:59
dimas_EgyParadox what is nmap?...command prompt?02:59
=== james is now known as Guest34568
EgyParadox!offtopic dimas_03:00
muktianon, I want to burn ISOs that I have on my computer to DVDs, but the blank discs aren't being recognized...03:00
wonder1urlin2u: OK. Thanks for trying to help. I'll try installing 10.04 instead.03:01
dimas_mukti disk must be damaged03:01
quizmehow do you upgrade the ubuntu version using apt-get?03:01
somsipquizme: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:01
EgyParadox!offtopic |dimas_03:02
ubottudimas_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:02
muktidimas_ It is successfully reccognized in other machines, just not my machine running 10.0403:02
urlin2uquizme, what are you trying to upload to?03:02
rootbbchromium , firefox which is better for low memory notebook?03:02
urlin2u!best | rootbb03:02
ubotturootbb: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:02
EgyParadoxquzme: do-release-upgrade will upgrade your current Ubuntu release to the next one03:02
dimas_quizme you need to go to the update manager and change the the parameters in the repositories03:02
=== sp0rk is now known as D
stealz_is there any way  to copy the current folder path in nautilus to clipboard?03:04
urlin2ustealz, any thing copied goes there write the paths and copy.03:05
NullEntityIs it possible to configure a WPA connection without the wpasupplicant package?03:06
stealz_urlin2u, ?03:06
stealz_urlin2u, What I want is somewhere to click, so afterwards I have /media/Windows/Users/stealz/AppDa..... as text in my clipboard03:06
cfeddestealz_: the current directory icon has a copy item in its right click menu.03:06
quizmedimas_ got it.. change Prome=normal right?03:06
urlin2ustealz_, sorry I was thinking clipit.03:06
|Slacker|NullEntity: I guess you can use NetworkManager03:07
stealz_cfedde, that will copy the directory, but I want to copy the TEXT so I can paste it in a launcher or script03:07
NullEntityHow would one do this?03:07
dimas_quizme that is right03:07
rootbbchromium , firefox which is better for low memory notebook?03:08
dimas_rootbb chromiun03:08
|Slacker|rootbb: opera03:09
rootbbis firefox a ram tiger?03:09
Nach0zfirefox has more power but will use more ram than chrome03:10
cire_help pls. when i run this they ask for my password but i cannot type it, it is frozen  sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/`lsb_release -cs`.list --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list; sudo apt-get -q update; sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring; sudo apt-get -q update03:10
urlin2urootbb, there about the same really try them out is the answer.03:10
rootbbbut opera is not available on debian or ubuntu...03:11
urlin2urootbb, opera is03:11
dimas_rootbb chromium is the best dude03:11
Nach0zrootbb: might be able to make one work using Wine03:11
|Slacker|rootbb: get it in the website03:11
Dark_Wolf_Alright... having some nasty audio problems. No matter what I do, the microphone connected to this computer plays through the speakers. Is there any way I can stop this?03:11
Der_Tiger<rootbb> is firefox a ram tiger?03:11
Der_TigerNo, an internet browser.03:11
Der_TigerFireFox RAM...   Not even catchy :/03:12
Dark_Wolf_If I mute the microphone volume in the Sound Preferences, the mic won't work on anything, but it's the only way I can stop it from playing through.03:12
newbie_<urlin2u> <anon> i think i better cancel the d/l thru bittorrent and wait a bit longer.03:14
newbie_for a faster connection.03:14
Joe0006i need help with firefox03:15
NullEntitySo can I configure WPA without wpasupplicant? I don't seem to have NetworkManager03:15
Joe0006anybody up to the challange?03:15
|Slacker|NullEntity: what version of ubuntu do you have?03:15
NullEntity|Slacker|: 11.04 Server03:16
urlin2uJoe0006, ask away if somebody knows you will get an answer.03:16
rypervencheNullEntity: Use wicd then.03:16
|Slacker|NullEntity: ps -A | grep NetworkManager03:16
|Slacker|is it there?03:16
rootbbI have a cheap mini notebook with wm8505 chips,128MB RAM, fluxbox x-window manager03:17
NullEntity|Slacker|: No03:17
newbie_<urlin2u> i'm not waiting 18 hours for 11.04.03:18
rootbbso I need a low memory suitable browser03:18
|Slacker|NullEntity: check whether /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf exists03:18
rypervencherootbb: links2 :P03:18
NullEntity|Slacker|: It doesn't03:18
|Slacker|NullEntity: apt-get --install NetworkManager then03:19
urlin2uurlin2u, okay the torrents have always been the same as a browser download for me.03:19
|Slacker|and be happy03:19
|Slacker|NullEntity: what about /etc/wpa_supplicant/03:19
NullEntitybut then I have to get an ethernet cable which defeats the purpose of the Wifi =(03:19
rootbbdillo must be suitable...03:19
|Slacker|does it exist?03:20
NullEntitywpa_supplicant is there03:20
NullEntity:D I lied03:20
|Slacker|check if wpa_supplicant.conf is there03:20
newbie_<urlin2u> my current d/l speed is 19.2 kbps.03:20
urlin2unewbie_, in?03:21
NullEntity|Slacker|: I lied again. It's a folder called wpa_supplicant, no .conf03:21
newbie_firefox 5, using bittorrent 7.203:22
|Slacker|NullEntity: wait03:22
urlin2unewbie_, you have had at least two failed downloads in the browser, a torrent can check the disc for the correct download, which makes more sense?03:22
newbie_satellite internet is slower than wi-fi.03:22
Gibbyi am running 10.04 as a xen guest.....how do i install a xen kernel in it?03:23
|Slacker|NullEntity: what happens if you run wpa_supplicant?03:23
newbie_i'm using the torrent.03:23
urlin2unewbie_, can you use wifi for the torrent03:23
NullEntity|Slacker|: I got output03:23
fowlis there an applet for switching users? i can't find the button in the menus anymore anybody know03:23
newbie_not atm. i'm over 30 miles from a wi-fi hotspot.03:24
|Slacker|NullEntity: what's the output?03:24
NullEntitythe usage and such03:24
anonnewbie_: download transmission...03:24
|Slacker|NullEntity: check if you have nm-applet03:24
urlin2unewbie_, well you can pause the download and restart, ethier option browser or torrent runs slow on the satelite.03:24
NullEntity|Slacker|: Nope03:25
newbie_doesn't have a windows version.03:25
anonnewbie_: wow, i thought they did lol03:25
|Slacker|NullEntity: so I guess you'll need to create a wpa_supplicant.conf03:25
anonnewbie_: use utorrent then.. or deluge03:25
|Slacker|NullEntity: what happens if you run wpa_cli03:25
rypervenchenewbie_: utorrent will work.03:25
NullEntity|Slacker|: That's installed03:26
urlin2urootbb, we don't really answer bset questions it is a personal opinion try all and see what suits you.03:26
ss0I have an asus laptop and can't disable the light sensor, can anyone help? the fixes from 10 don't seem to tranlate to natty03:26
newbie_<urlin2u> at about 2a.m., i can expect the d/l speed to increase to about 400 kbps.03:27
urlin2unewbie_, cool03:27
|Slacker|NullEntity: guess you'll have to create a /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf03:29
newbie_<urlin2u> that's to be expected when sharing b/w.03:29
anonis there any other way to restart networking without sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:30
newbie_<urlin2u> i have seen it as low as 8 kbps.03:30
anonsudo service networking restart doesnt work.03:30
|Slacker|NullEntity: i'm just thinking: can you detect the ap usign iwlist?03:30
Gibbyi am running 10.04 as a xen guest.....how do i install a xen kernel in it?03:32
NullEntity|Slacker|: Yeah, I can detect it03:32
|Slacker|NullEntity: then try iwconfig <your interface> ESSID "name"03:32
stealzI've added a script in /gnome2/nautilus scripts/ but it wont show up in the right-click menu03:33
|Slacker|NullEntity: and then wpa_passphrase Essid pass03:33
newbie_<urlin2u> update...i just checked the d/l folder on my comp. it has the iso in it, corrct file size and all.03:36
newbie_yet bittorrent says only 5% is d/l.03:37
YtseJamHi! all03:37
YtseJami am new here03:37
urlin2unewbie_, it will read that way with a torrent even before finishing, from properties, kf it is staill downloading it is not done.03:37
quizmehi YtseJam welcome03:37
urlin2unewbie_, even linux does no magic.03:38
newbie_hahaha :D03:38
YtseJami am with Ultimate Edition now, what a beautyfull is,i know Ubuntu,i worked a lot with,so i fund this i try it and WOW!03:39
bazhangYtseJam, ultimate is not supported here03:39
wildbat hmm ~ just a thought ~ is it possible for a suspend machine to wake himself up (by time maybe ) ?03:39
urlin2u!yay | YtseJam03:39
ubottuYtseJam: Glad you made it! :-)03:39
bazhang#ultimateedition YtseJam03:39
bazhangYtseJam, thats the channel ^03:40
YtseJamthere a server for Ultimate03:40
|Slacker|NullEntity: so...03:40
bazhangYtseJam, and its offtopic here03:40
ram0042im leaving03:41
YtseJamok but there is a server  on irc for ultimateedition03:41
ram0042did everybody get that?03:41
ram0042I'm going03:41
bazhangYtseJam, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please03:42
ram0042ok. here I go03:42
YtseJamok thanks03:42
qinram0042: Bye.03:42
ram0042by qin03:42
muktiHello, I cannot get my blank DVD to be recognized03:43
Gibbyany idea where to get a pvops kernel?03:44
K-Richhey all03:44
anonrequired kernel toshiba support not enabled.03:44
overrider_Does anyone know how many files i can have per directory? using 10.04 and ext4 , Wikipedia says 4 Billion, but is that for the FS as a whole or per Directory?03:47
newbie_if the md5's are matching, then the sha256's should match, right?03:48
qinGibby: Blind search: http://goo.gl/fJ5rQ03:49
anonnewbie_: you just need md5 to match lol now burn it at lowest speed NOW ;p03:49
wildbatnewbie_: should be ~ thou there is always a chance (SUPER SMALL) that don't03:49
Gibbyyep that is all i have found also, but that is for dom0, i want just for domU, something light and not bloated03:50
anondamn ballons in UBuntu I want to disable them03:50
anonvery annoying03:50
newbie_<anon> <wildbat> ok. cool.03:50
X-Hunterwhat up B)03:51
wildbatoverrider_: y you care :> it is more then you ever going to have so you don't need to worry :>03:51
newbie_<anon> is there a registry editor for that? disabling the ballons.03:52
X-Hunterdoes linux have a reg?03:52
anonnewbie_: gconf-editor03:52
anonit's not a registry like windows.. lol03:52
X-Hunteri figure03:52
newbie_oh. ok.03:52
NullEntitySo I tried this line: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -i eth0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and03:52
X-Hunterim one heck of a noob w/ lin03:52
NullEntityI'm getting spammed "Operation not supported"03:52
anonNullEntity: you want to connect using WPA? i have a config file that works.03:53
dabbishX-Hunter, I used to be too. Now I feel like a windows noob instead03:53
|Slacker|time to hit the hay03:53
|Slacker|bye people03:53
newbie_i've had fun with regedit in xp. :)03:53
fission6anyone use transmission as their torrent client03:53
X-Hunterthats good03:53
X-Hunteri suppose03:53
anonfission6: me03:53
dabbishlast windows I had was XP03:53
fission6anon where do the torrent files "live" i dont see them03:54
X-Hunteri mean, windows makes me >:-(03:54
urlin2ufission6, many do what's up.03:54
ParkerR~/Downloads/ most likely03:54
dabbishfission6, hell no03:54
newbie_best windows, i think.03:54
dabbishfission6, try deluge03:54
anonfission6: ~/.config/transmission/torrents03:54
X-Hunterthey made big improvements w/ wista03:54
fission6trying to understand where the .torrent files live,03:54
X-Huntervista i mean03:54
fission6anon how did you find that03:54
overrider_wildbat: im just wanting to make sure no additional limits apply on a per directory basis03:54
dabbishX-Hunter, sarcasm?03:54
bazhang!ot | X-Hunter03:54
ubottuX-Hunter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:54
anonfission6: I already knew it.03:55
X-Hunterso can i use the same guides for xubun as ubun03:55
anonfission6: you could find them.. go to PLaces > search for files03:55
newbie_<x-hunter> xp beats vista.03:55
anonfission6: than you you add search for hidden files03:55
bazhangnewbie_, this is ubuntu support only03:55
X-Hunterhave u even seen aero?03:56
fission6ph nice03:56
newbie_i know.03:56
fission6i am t hinking about building my own torrent tracker / indexer03:56
anonnewbie_: have you downloaded Natty already?03:56
bazhangnewbie_, chat is not here; #ubuntu-offtopic for that03:56
Singham<X-Hunter> : Rather join #Windows03:56
newbie_i'm replacing xp with ubuntu.03:56
X-Hunterok fine03:56
fission6anyone build a tracker or indexer?03:56
X-Hunterbut do ubun guides work with xubun?03:57
newbie_<anon> d/l in progress.03:57
anonnewbie_: ok03:57
X-Hunteri have no idea what channel to ask that on...03:57
NullEntityanon: Can you send me that config? Or Pastebin it or something?03:57
X-Hunternatty is good03:57
th0rX-Hunter: yes, for the most part ubuntu howtos and such will apply to xubuntu03:57
anonNullEntity: http://pastebin.com/f0E1V4E103:57
X-Huntercool, thx03:57
fission6ill take that as a nop03:58
anonNullEntity: chmod +x that file.. sudo ./config and after you connect run 'sudo dhclient wlan0'03:58
anonto get ip automatically03:58
newbie_<anon> progress update...d/l spd 90+ kbps. eta 2.5 hrs.03:59
X-Hunterwhats the deal with terminals?03:59
anonnewbie_: :(03:59
newbeiiiiiiiiiiii am the best newbeii04:00
anonX-Hunter: they are useful.04:00
NullEntityAnd for the PSK, I put the wpa_passphrase generated key, correct?04:00
X-Hunteris there a difference between termianals and shells?04:00
merlotterminals roxor!04:00
bazhangnewbeiiiiiiiiiii, ubuntu support question?04:00
anonX-Hunter: #ubuntu-beginners04:00
NullEntityanon: And for the PSK, I put the wpa_passphrase generated key, correct?04:00
X-Huntercool thx :)04:00
anonNullEntity: yes "between quotes"04:01
newbeiiiiiiiiiiiI am trying to run OMAP boot Procedure on Ubuntu04:01
newbeiiiiiiiiiiiI opened Terminal screen04:01
qinX-Hunter: shell run in terminal, man bash, man gnome-terminal04:01
newbeiiiiiiiiiiiand typed sudo omap3_usbload boot.bin04:01
segunda_horaI was able to open an ssh connection over the LAN but when I try over the internet the connection times out.04:01
newbeiiiiiiiiiiinothing happened04:01
newbie_<anon> i like this chat site, even if i can't follow half of it. :) lol04:01
qin!enter newbeiiiiiiiiiii More handsome nick could be usefull,04:02
ubottuqin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:02
anonnewbie_: this is an IRC channel for UBuntu support04:02
newbie_i know.04:02
bazhangnewbie_, this is NOT the chat channel04:02
newbeiiiiiiiiiiiAny help?04:03
anon#ubuntu-offtopic is THE chat channel04:03
=== newbeiiiiiiiiiii is now known as caylak
merlotcaylak: much better :D04:03
anoncaylak: whats your issue?04:03
segunda_horais there any way my ssh server was only configured for LAN access?04:05
alexleonis any diferent way to turn the wifi on of a laptop without the fn key? like on terminal or something?04:05
qinsegunda_hora: Rather not, did you forward port in router?04:06
caylakWhy i cant send to channel_04:06
dsnydersHi all!  In VI, how do I replace a found regex with itself?  Eg, %s/[a-z]9/[a-z]9_[a-z]9/ ?04:06
caylakAnyone wanna help me?04:06
segunda_horaqin: that's the problem, thanks04:06
urlin2ualexleon, have you no desktop?04:06
rwwcaylak: network and general IRC support to #freenode, please04:06
NullEntityanon: I set the config and then did dhclient wlan0, but it's still not associating04:06
urlin2ucaylak, you are04:07
qinalexleon: rfkill04:07
fission6dabbish, thanks for the deluge rec - do you have a rec for bittorrent tracker server software?04:07
anon!cn | yingouqlj04:07
ubottuyingouqlj: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:07
dsnydersyingouqlj, English only please04:07
caylakI need help about SUDO04:07
merlotdsnyders: maybe try #vim or #vi might have better luck04:07
caylaknot network problem04:07
edbiancaylak: what's the issue?04:07
anonNullEntity: does the SSID have spaces?04:07
urlin2ucaylak, what is the problem?04:07
caylakI am trying to run a simple command04:07
alexleonurlin my fn key convinations are not working04:07
caylaksudo omap3_usbload boot.bin04:07
NullEntityyeah, I used quotes in the config04:07
caylakbut it returns with command not found04:07
dsnydersmerlot, It would be the same problem... what is the regular expression?04:08
alexleondoes rfkill turn the wifi on?04:08
NullEntityanon: yeah, I used quotes in the config04:08
urlin2ucaylak, what are you trying to do?04:08
qinalexleon: man rfkill, soft yes, hard no04:08
=== avb_ is now known as avb_wkyhu
caylakI am trying to apply the procedure here http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Last_Resort_Emergency_BootLoader_Recovery04:08
caylakOMAP boot Procedure04:09
glisstechHi All!04:09
alexleonqin what umeano.O04:09
alexleonima put rfkill in a terminal04:09
alpicoladsnyders: %s/\([a-z]9\)/\1_\1/ should do what you want.04:09
ProphetZAieee, back to XP Home again. :P04:10
glisstechI have been trying to get some help with an issue that started on Monday after updates were applied to my natty installation04:10
urlin2ucaylak, did you download the app satans pilgrims04:10
dsnydersalpicola, that looks kind of familiar.  Let me give it a shot.04:10
glisstechI have a forum post here...but no one has responded so far :-! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182812404:10
qinalexleon: rfkill list | pastebinit ; and this make more sense04:10
urlin2ucaylak, sorry that s a bands name04:10
caylakI dont know what is satans pilgrims04:11
=== Guest83012 is now known as phlux
urlin2ucaylak, on the copy of my clipboard did you download the tar04:11
alexleonqin http://pastebin.com/yPDNx4gc04:11
caylakYes I have downloaded the TAR file04:11
ProphetZI can't get anything to be bootable from USB on this laptop. Is there a LiveCD that I can use to make a Live USB HDD partition or something?04:11
urlin2ucaylak, not sure other wise sorry04:12
qinalexleon: list?04:12
alexleonquin i think the wifi card of my laptop is working just i cant turn it on04:12
caylaki can see the file  over my desktop04:12
urlin2uProphetZ, how did you load the thumb?04:12
mkquistProphetZ: whats wrong?04:12
ProphetZNo thumb. CD and USB hard disk drive.04:13
dsnydersalpicola, I think I did something wrong.  It deleted the search string and left only an underscore.04:13
alexleonqin http://pastebin.com/LjzPztJe04:13
caylakI understand nothing about Ubuntu! This is really rubbish!04:13
urlin2uProphetZ, of download it from ubuntu04:13
mkquistProphetZ: how did anything get installed?04:13
qinalexleon: OK, "rfkill list" without the quotes.04:14
ProphetZI want to put Linux as a boot option with the laptop retaining Windows and the USB HDD carrying Linux on a 500gb partition.04:14
urlin2ucaylak, your trying to use a setup that is not used by many a 3rd party to run a 3rd party device.04:14
alexleonqin 0: phy0: Wireless LAN04:14
alexleonSoft blocked: no04:14
alexleonHard blocked: yes04:14
alpicoladsnyders: Did you remember to add the escaped parentheses to the front part of the regex?04:15
caylakurlin2u , yes I am trying to boot my smartphone again and i need to run this command in linux04:15
urlin2uProphetZ, here is alink, do you know hpw to do a custom install?04:15
ProphetZI have Windows XP Home installed by default, SP3 updated. I want ubuntu on another drive.04:15
Pippi_Longstocki am lying04:15
qinalexleon: Hard blocked is likely to be swith on fornt or side edge of laptop.04:15
mustardCUWhenever I run Ubuntu the fans on my computer don't run.  Anything I could do to change that?04:16
ProphetZThat's the one I have, urlin2u.04:16
dsnydersalpicola, I just figured that out.  I have my duplicated strings now.  Thanks a bunch.04:16
needhelp1is it possible to change my hostname on a perminate basis? its messing up my smb shared folders04:16
urlin2uProphetZ, burn the iso as a image on a cd.04:16
merlotPippi_Longstock: ?04:16
needhelp1i have two pcs running ubuntu with the same hostname04:16
ProphetZIt's on CD and that boots, until I try to install, then it hangs.04:16
maestrojedjust learning ubuntu. I have a program I installed to run in /user/local/bin/ I can run it from the CLI but I can't get to it via the GUI. It does not show up as an application. What am I doing wrong?04:17
urlin2uProphetZ, when does it hang?04:17
newbie_<urlin2u> eta 1 hr 34 m.04:17
urlin2unew001, cool.;-)04:17
urlin2unewbie_, cool ;-)04:17
mustardCUmaestrojed, make it an executable?  Right click on the file and they will be a check box to make it an executable.04:17
caylakProphetZ dont burn the CD. Really.04:17
needhelp1is it possible to change my hostname on a perminate basis? its messing up my smb shared folders? i have two pcs that have the same hostname running ubuntu04:18
merlotmaestrojed: is it a CLI application that your running? You'll have to startup a terminal first, or make shortcut to start up the terminal and then ran the cli app04:19
alexleonqin i couldnt find it i think the only way to turn it on with with the FN  + f8 keys04:19
ProphetZI can click Try and run in RAM, everything works. When I click Install, I get a spinning wheel of death.04:19
dsnydersneedhelp1, the hostname is stored in /etc/hostname.  Change one of them, and that should clear up your problem.04:19
needhelp1dsnyders, so, cat /ect/hostname ?04:19
needhelp1dsnyders, no .. vi /ect/hostname04:19
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.04:20
ProphetZcaylak, should I run as a Virtual CD? Then I can't restart...04:20
qinneedhelp1: Also /etc/hosts04:20
caylakdo not install ubuntu. I did it and regretfull04:21
urlin2uProphetZ, run in ram?04:21
bazhangcaylak, thats not helpful04:21
needhelp1so, can i change both /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname both to my new hostname ?04:21
dabbishfission6, what do you mean by bittorrent server software?04:21
qinalexleon: try rfkill unblock number_form_list04:21
maestrojedmerlot Its not a CLI application. When I run it , it loads the GUI App (however you phrase that)04:21
qinneedhelp1: Yes04:21
ProphetZurlin2u, or a local disk cache in free space, I'm not sure which it's doing. Ubuntu doesn't give much feedback during install!04:22
dsnydersneedhelp1, /etc/hostname contains the hostname.  /etc/hosts maps the local ip addresses to the hostname.04:22
qinneedhelp1: Make yourself a favour and save _old versions of files.04:22
alexleonqin Bogus unblock argument 'number_form_list'.04:22
urlin2uProphetZ, your making np sense.04:22
qinalexleon: rfkill list < will give you number04:22
chrome_is it normal that when I plug my monitor through the rgb cable, the fan of my laptop starts to work more.?04:22
needhelp1qin, cp /etc/hosts /hosts.bak ?04:23
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qinneedhelp1: sudo cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_edited_at_19_Aug_change_of_hostname04:24
ProphetZurlin2u, Ubuntu starts from CD and loads a startup menu into system memory. It then offers Try or Install. If I choose try it loads a temporary GUI which works, if I choose install it hangs.04:24
qinneedhelp1: Do not save random stuff in /, use ~ instead.04:24
urlin2uProphetZ, do you see a desktop is that a temporary gui?04:25
newbie_<urlin2u> can i delete xp and install 11.04 in it's place while installing?04:25
urlin2unewbie_, just choose the whole disc option.04:25
alexleonqin like rfkill unblock 0  ???04:26
urlin2uProphetZ, what is the ram amount and graphics card?04:26
qinalexleon: Yes, works?04:26
dsnydersnewbie_, Be aware, that that will wipe out EVERYTHING.  Back up anything you want to keep first.04:26
newbie_<dsnyders> ok.04:27
NullEntitytrying to use wpa_supplicant, but I'm getting spammed "Failed to initiate AP scan\n *stuff* Operation not supported"04:27
ProphetZarquonI can get the desktop when I choose Try.04:27
alexleonqin well when i do rfkill list it still says the same04:27
qinalexleon: What model is it?04:27
urlin2uProphetZarquon, what is the ram amount and graphics card? on the computer04:28
ProphetZarquonEesh: 256mb RAM and integrated video (shared RAM) on a Celeron 2.2ghz.04:29
alexleonqin toshiba satelite l755-s525804:29
qinalexleon: One sec...04:29
ProphetZarquonWhich is why I want Linux on it.04:29
alexleonqin i have surfed all the internet :S04:29
urlin2uProphetZarquon, open a terminal in Ubuntu and run this command  free -m and post this output04:29
konsumeralexleon, i know the feeling04:29
NullEntityWhat's up with this? My wpa_supplicant command doesn't seem to recognize the -w flag.04:30
konsumersuperior knowledge04:30
NullEntity-Bw f;ag*04:30
NullEntity-Bw flag*04:30
needhelp1ok so im attempting to save my changes in vim.tiny  shift + ZZ isnt working its saying the file is read only and to add a '!'  ?04:30
Nach0zQuestion for yall. in ubuntu 11.04, i installed Aptitude along with its suggested packages. is there anything i should expect to go wrong using aptitude instead of apt-get?04:31
alexleonkonsumer thats kind of u04:31
needhelp1e45 'readonly' option is set (add ! to overide)04:31
urlin2uNach0z, nope04:31
RandBrittainFor some reason every time I load Banshee, all my windows and the Unity dash start going mad until I reboot on Natty. Does anybody know what might cause that?04:32
bullgard4_Error message: "PM: Device 00:0b failed to suspend: error -62." How can I determine what device is meant by "device 00:0b"?04:33
xanguaProphetZarquon: if you have that resources you may want to try something lighter like xubuntu or lubuntu04:33
Nach0zxangua: question... i know what xubuntu is. what's lubuntu.04:34
xanguaNach0z: ven lighter thant xubuntu, uses lxde xubuntu.net04:34
xanguai mean lubuntu.net04:34
Nach0zah... i see. graci04:34
bazhangNach0z, lxde and openbox04:35
xanguai believe it was blackbox04:35
Nach0zdo lxde and openbox do the wireless stuff by themselves? last time i tried fluxbox or blackbox they had NO wireless anything in them04:35
newbie_can i expect a sharp learning curve using 11.04 vs. xp/04:35
edbiannewbie_: I don't think so04:36
urlin2unewbie_, probably, especially if used to windows.04:36
xanguaNach0z: because fluxbox and blackbx are just window manager04:36
bazhang!manual | newbie_ have a read04:36
ubottunewbie_ have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:36
bazhang!wiki > newbie_04:36
ubottunewbie_, please see my private message04:36
Nach0zxangua: .... so if i install lxde in my current ubuntu 11.04 desktop environment it should just be an alternative to Gnome right? like i'll still have wireless and everything since it's set up in ubuntu classic already?04:37
urlin2unewbie_, generally we advise to dualboot till your sure.04:37
edbianNach0z: yes04:37
bazhangNach0z, lubuntu-desktop package04:37
gatothallo all04:37
bullgard4_!ask | gatot04:38
ubottugatot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:38
newbie_<bazhang> thanks.04:38
qinalexleon: Btw, what is wrong with your Fn key?04:38
newbie_<urlin2u> ok.04:38
alexleonqin well the conbination doesnt work :S it works on windows 7 but not in ubuntu and i found something check it out http://forums.computers.toshiba-europe.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=54304&tstart=2&messageID=208084   :( i think i just cant use ubuntu in this laptop04:40
Nach0zkinda sucks that lxde doesn't just plug-and-play with ubuntu desktop the way xfce4 can... but it looks pretty dang good honestly04:40
linuxuz3rhey ho whats up yall04:41
gatotsory ser...04:41
needhelp1how do i restart my hostname04:41
alexleonif there was a way to turn the damn wifi on04:41
needhelp1changed it in both /hosts and /hostname04:41
linuxuz3rrestart your hostname?04:41
qinalexleon: Which comes to the question: did you check jockey-gtk for drivers?04:41
gatotI'm Not Understand Speeking English ..04:41
new001Does anyone know how I can transfer one entire object from one dictionary to another? I have dict1{'fruit1': 'apple', etc, etc} and I would like to transfer the entire object ('fruit1': 'apple') to another dictionary04:41
BILLYKANEalexleon,I had a toshiba Satellite L510 too04:41
linuxuz3rneedhelp1, reboot04:42
BILLYKANEwhat's your bios version?04:42
REK_007How to get my Huawei EC150 to work with Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS ?04:42
alexleonqin how do i do that?04:42
rwwgatot: language?04:42
urlin2ugatot, what is your native language?04:42
gatotI'm From Indonesian04:42
rwwgatot: you can /join #ubuntu-id, but it's small :(04:42
BILLYKANEthe fn f6/f7 and fan speed control  will work after suspend once04:43
alexleonbillykane where do i check my bios? and my toshiba is satelite l755-s525804:43
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urlin2ugatot, also #ubuntu-indonesia04:43
BILLYKANEalexleon,insyde bios had a bug under version 2.204:44
urlin2ugatot, other is #ubuntu-in04:44
BILLYKANEalexleon,goto the official website of toshiba to check whether there is an update04:45
newbie_how do i switch channels from here to #ubuntu-offtopic?04:45
BILLYKANEmy bios is 1.5,too...04:45
urlin2unewbie_, /join channel name04:46
hariomHi, I have installed postgres 8.4 server using Synaptic but I don't see its service in /etc/init.d ? How to start/stop/restart it ?04:46
hariomi am on 10.0404:46
newbie_ok. i'll be back to report success or failure of the d/l.04:46
alexleonBILLYKANE but i found that linux is not supported by toshiba :(04:47
aakashwhat is this man04:47
REK_007How to get my Huawei EC150 to work with Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS ?04:47
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urlin2uREK_007, does the stick show what does network manager see?04:51
REK_007urlin2u: nothing :/ but lsusb recognizes the devide04:51
REK_007device* and this stick works on my other PC running Ubuntu 11.0404:51
abuanyone can help me04:53
urlin2uREK_007, I see support up to 7.10 here. http://electronicsseeker.com/products/HUAWEI-EC150.html, but little else  there is a disc with linux driver supposedly04:53
REK_007yes there is a linux driver given but i follow the guide and face a lot of problems like file not found or path not present04:54
abumy ubantu 11.04 restarts again n again when i open media files04:54
REK_007urlin2u: it works on ubuntu 11.04 natively04:55
urlin2uREK_007, I suspect you need the driver to have it work, so I would go at that with questions.04:55
urlin2uREK_007, use natty then, I would.04:56
uRockREK_007, I missed your question, what hardware are you attempting?04:56
REK_007urlin2u: the procedure is based on fedora ..04:56
urlin2uREK_007, so why would you not just use 11.04?04:56
REK_007urlin2u: 11.04 breaks when i install gnome3 :(04:57
uRockIf you are willing to fight bugs, then maybe give 11.10 a try04:57
REK_007uRock: I have a EC150 modem which is not working04:57
white_magic[in live ubuntu 10.10] i tried making an image of an internal HDD onto an ext using 'sudo dd if=SRC of=/media/EXTERNAL_DRIVE/DEST_DIR/backup.img', but this only copied 105 MB.. that's >300gb uncopied04:58
urlin2uREK_007, the next release oneiric will be gnome3, but I suspect you know this.04:58
REK_007uRock: this modem works good on 11.x04:58
uRockREK_007, do you currently have an older version installed?04:58
REK_007urlin2u: well i will wait till it releases :) but untill then am not going to 11.04.04:58
REK_007uRock: yes am running 10.04.3 LTS04:59
urlin2uREK_007, maybe fedora is the answer.04:59
uRockREK_007, if yes, then maybe try installing linux-firmware-nonfree04:59
mneptokREK_007: enable backports and see if a kernel with native support for the Huawei device has been backported to that earlier release04:59
urlin2ugood idea04:59
REK_007mneptok: how to do that ?04:59
mneptokREK_007: enable the backports repo in /etcapt/sources.list04:59
REK_007the device reads up and mounts the read only memory05:00
mneptok /etc/apt/sourcves.list05:00
mneptokgah. canne type. too much booze at the LinuxCon VIP dinner :(05:00
urlin2u/etc/apt/sources.list REK_00705:00
REK_007urlin2u: what do i add to the source ?05:00
REK_007i know the file :P05:01
bullgard4_Error message: "PM: Device 00:0b failed to suspend: error -62." How can I determine what device is meant by "device 00:0b"?05:01
urlin2uREK_007,  it is there remove the #05:01
=== fr0sted-bnc is now known as fr0sted
mneptokREK_007: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports05:01
urlin2uREK_007, then run update upgrade05:01
mneptoksudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:02
REK_007ok mneptok thanks am doing the same05:02
mneptok(a new kernel is going to require a dist-upgrade)05:02
qinbullgard4_: lspci, lsusb, lswh ?05:03
gaurav_nattymy file is not getting executable after giving permission also "chmod u+x /media/enter/a/jd-gui" i am typing this but not getting permission05:04
uRockgaurav_natty, add sudo to the beginning of the command05:04
zykotick9gaurav_natty, if the file on a FAT/NTFS partition?  You can't apply POSIX permissions on MS partitions.05:05
REK_007mneptok: do i need a restart ?05:05
gaurav_nattyuRock, tried that also05:05
mneptokREK_007: if a new kernel was installed, yes05:05
mneptokgaurav_natty: what filesystem does that media use?05:05
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, ya the file is on NTFS partition , so what i have 2 do05:05
mneptokgaurav_natty: NTFS has no concept of Unix permissions05:06
zykotick9gaurav_natty, ? sorry i don't to MS stuff.05:06
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, what is POSIX05:06
zykotick9gaurav_natty, Linux/Unix "basically"05:06
mneptokgaurav_natty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/POSIX05:06
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, so what should i do for that05:07
mneptokzykotick9: FYI, BeOS was POSIX-compliant, but hardly a Unix derivative :)05:07
zykotick9gaurav_natty, ? "use a real file system?"05:07
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, thanks05:07
rwwWindows NT had a POSIX mode, didn't it ;)?05:07
zykotick9mneptok, I never played with BeOS - I guess i missed out there05:07
mneptokrww: yes, just like you can paint a rainbow on a garbage scow ;)05:08
rwwzykotick9: yes, you did :(05:08
gaurav_nattyMy ubuntu 11.04 is freaking me out , it is  Dam slow05:08
urlin2ugaurav_natty, what s the cpu and ram?05:09
gaurav_nattyurlin2u,  memory 2.9 2 processor core2duo 2.00ghz , disk available is 23.805:11
bullgard4_qin: Thank you.05:11
* mneptok smells Wubi05:11
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, why my system is getting very slow05:12
mneptokgaurav_natty: INSUFFICIENT DATA. ABORTING.05:13
urlin2ugaurav_natty, open a terminal and run free -m and post the answer05:13
dexter_eAnyone know about GIT hooks on Ubuntu ?05:13
dexter_eHow to check if a hook is running or how to run a hook05:13
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, output :    total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached05:14
gaurav_nattyMem:          2953       2872         80          0        224       172005:14
gaurav_natty-/+ buffers/cache:        928       202405:14
gaurav_nattySwap:         4761          0       476105:14
urlin2ugaurav_natty, your using al of the ram.05:15
mneptokurlin2u: not necessarily true05:15
NeoncamouflageIf I install Deluge and remove Transmission, will Deluge automatically take over as the primary torrent program or are there settings that need adjusted?05:15
zykotick9!atemyram | urlin2u05:15
ubottuurlin2u: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html05:15
urlin2ugaurav_natty, what is open right now05:16
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, i am not running any heavy weight application only . skype and transmission bhansee05:16
LasersNeoncamouflage: You can have many torrent clients as you want -- To make it a primary software for the said filetype, just right-click on a file and Properties. Change it from there.05:17
zykotick9urlin2u, gaurav_natty has 0 swap used - the memory is being used for cache see factoid link above for explanation05:17
Lasers!default | Neoncamouflage05:17
ubottuNeoncamouflage: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.05:17
urlin2uzykotick9, thanks I know that basically.05:17
JoeR2I have a fresh install over here and flash based video/games are real choppy and slow, I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras si aby advice?05:17
mneptokurlin2u: then why tell people "you're using all your RAM" when clearly that may very well NOT be the case?05:18
urlin2umnemoc, may very well NOT be the case? hmmmm look at what they are using.05:18
mneptokurlin2u: if 0 swap is used, there is no problem with free memory amounts.05:18
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, i don't understand plz help me05:18
ProphetZSooo... I was AFK (party tomorrow). What should I try?05:19
JoeR2I have a fresh install over here and flash based video/games are real choppy and slow, I did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras so any advice?05:19
NeoncamouflageGrazie Lasers05:19
zykotick9gaurav_natty, are you using Wubi (the Ubuntu install inside windows)?05:19
urlin2umnemoc, okay then feel free to help them. ;-)05:19
urlin2umneptok, okay then feel free to help them. ;-)05:19
mneptokurlin2u: i would, if there was any real data other than "my system is slow. help!"05:20
ProphetZStill can't get past clicking Install in the Ubuntu loader screen. I can click Try and Ubuntu loads from CD...05:20
mneptokProphetZ: run the media check on the CD from the initial boot screen05:20
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, no i am only using ubuntu05:20
urlin2umneptok, k05:20
zykotick9gaurav_natty, we (meaning the channel) need more info - was it always slow?  what's changed?05:21
JoeR2Anyone have any advice on this flash issue?05:22
mneptokJoeR2: are you running the x86-64 kernel?05:23
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, no it not always get slow only when i boot and get dam slow for 3 to 4 hours after that it not get fast but works fine05:23
JoeR2no, I'm on 3205:24
JoeR2mneptok - No this is x86 32 bit05:25
mneptokJoeR2: Flash on Linux is a known problem. it's nothing Adobe can fix easily, as a ton the the Flash base code is in x86-ASM. the only real answer is "we should all hope Flash dies a swift death." sorry not to have better news.05:25
zykotick9gaurav_natty, do you have some way of seeing your CPU usage, when it's slow?  From a command line you can use "top" to see a list of what's using your CPU.  If something is using a lot of CPU, and you can tell us what it is, perhaps someone could help.05:26
JoeR2then why did it matter if it was 32 or 64 bit?05:26
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, ya i will try now05:26
ProphetZ... I get Try and Install as my options. Can I check the media while running in the temporary environment?05:27
zykotick9Does flashplugin-nonfree on 64bit Ubuntu install the 64bit version of flash now?05:27
jschall_ok, so i have a high res laptop screen and a low res projector and i'd like to clone the laptop screen to the projector by scaling it down to the resolution of the projector. Failing that, I'm fine with having the laptop screen resolution drop to the projector resolution, but it needs to be easy to switch (my mother needs to be able to do it).05:27
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, desktopcouch-se  this application is using full memory now05:28
zykotick9gaurav_natty, most likely that's being used by gwibber - is it open?  do you use it?05:28
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, ya i use gwibber05:28
gulzarFailed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How to solve this?05:29
zykotick9gaurav_natty, well, if you quit gwibber does your system speed up?05:29
mneptokJoeR2: because Ubuntu does not ship the 64-bit Flash beta, but instead has 64-bit users use nspluginwrapper to shim the 32-bit version into the 64-bit environment. this further degrades performance, and can be fixed (somewhat) by installing a native 64-bit plugin.05:29
gaurav_nattyya its really getting on speed05:29
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, now its working fine is that problem with gwibber05:29
=== fr0sted is now known as fr0sted-bnc
zykotick9gaurav_natty, perhaps?  You tell me.05:30
ProphetZJschall, the laptop and projector will always be the same res in clone mode, but you could buy a scan converter for about $30 that will drop 1024x768 down to 800x600 or 640x480.05:30
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, my screenshot functionality is not working05:30
K-RichJoeR2, i've found this page to help alot with flash issues: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Browser_Plugins#Configuration05:30
K-Richmake that file and it should help05:30
urlin2ugaurav_natty, if you run this what is the answer  sysctl vm.swappiness05:31
zykotick9gaurav_natty, screenshot?  is this somehow related?05:31
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, 6005:31
ProphetZmneptok, maybe I'm NOT running the right Ubuntu CD. The only options I get during initial startup are Try and Install...05:31
urlin2ugaurav_natty, cool05:31
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, what happen ?05:31
urlin2ugaurav_natty, not sure really the others may know.05:32
zykotick9ProphetZ, if you select Try do you get to the desktop?  There is an Install option on the desktop as well.05:32
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, IT  not working now05:32
gulzargetting this when reloading updates --- Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How to solve this?05:33
ProphetZYes, I can get to the desktop just fine. I'll start that now. (It's slow)05:33
gaurav_nattymy screenshot is not working with print screen05:34
urlin2ugaurav_natty, use screenshot in dash05:35
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, how05:35
urlin2ugaurav_natty, applications box in left panel type screeshot, your using natty unity I assume05:36
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, from there its working05:37
billybigriggerdon't worry if your print screen key isn't working, alt-f2 to run a command never works on my computer either05:38
urlin2ugaurav_natty, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add05:38
[THC]AcidRaini have a regex question05:38
ProphetZEr, pressed down arrow during first Ubuntu load screen and got additional options! Selected check media (disk). <g>05:39
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, what should i paste05:39
urlin2ugaurav_natty, not related as suggested probably but you wanted tp show it.05:39
[THC]AcidRainlets say i have the word "how" i want to find this word in a sentence, and replace it with "" (nothing).  how would i write regex to find "how " replace with "", " how " replace with " ", and " how" replace with ""05:39
gaurav_nattyurlin2u, my screenshot is not workign with printscreen05:40
[THC]AcidRainmy main question is. what order do they have to be in for the sentence to still be built correctly?05:40
urlin2ugaurav_natty, not sure it is related.05:41
[THC]AcidRainactually that is the proper order.  but how i would write the regex is my now question05:41
SIFTU[THC]AcidRain: you should ask in #perl they are regex gurus05:42
[THC]AcidRainSIFTU, thx05:42
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ProphetZwtf screen is now off? PC is on... I had hit Test Media.05:44
gulzargetting this when reloading updates --- Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How to solve this?05:45
Itemhi all05:51
Itemwho can tell about win install ubuntu 11.04 ?05:52
ProphetZShall I start up without installing? The check disk returned errors in 1 file, couldn't see which. I've burned two discs, they tested OK in the burning process...05:53
mneptokProphetZ: yes, but did you check the MD5SUm of the actual ISO file?05:56
mneptokProphetZ: if the actual .iso file is corrupt, you can burn all the CDs you want. they'll burn fine, but still be coasters/05:56
gulzargetting this when reloading updates --- Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-amd64_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. How to solve this?05:56
anonanyone recommend an usb TDT capture card for Ubuntu?05:57
gaurav_nattyprintscreen is not working in ubuntu 11.0406:03
anongaurav_natty: it should. it works for me06:04
zykotick9anon, what is TDT?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TDT doesn't help.06:04
jmichaelxi just installed lirc, in order to configure some buttons on my pc remote. however, installing lirc caused my working remote to quit working. i purged lirc, but remote still does not work... any suggestions?06:05
anonzykotick9: dvb-t06:05
anondigital tv06:05
ewwwpeople im confuse, how will add another NIC in ubuntu? will it be automatically detected when inserted?06:06
zykotick9anon, ahhh, so like ATSC in North America - gotcha.06:07
zambaboohey guys where can i get the ubuntu source?06:10
gaurav_nattymine printscreen is not working in ubuntu 11.04 . any help06:11
tsimpsonzambaboo: any particular part, or just the whole thing?06:11
anongaurav_natty: check keyboard shortcuts06:12
anonsystem preferences06:12
zykotick9zambaboo, the source for what?  Ubuntu is make up of thousands of packages, each free one "should" have a source file somewhere.  What are you looking for?06:12
zambabootsimpson, i need to rebuild the netboot bit06:12
gaurav_nattyanon, checked06:12
adam_I just accidently deleted something with a root nautilus06:13
adam_and it was put in place by running apt-get install linux-source06:13
adam_I want to put it back06:13
adam_it's just the /usr/src/linux-source-$(uname -r)06:14
anonzykotick9: im thinking of buying a DVB usb stick and use it with Me TV06:14
tsimpsonzambaboo: you probably want to look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization then06:14
zykotick9anon, i had a Hauppauge 1600 which did ATSC, I can't imagine HD working will over USB though...  But I have no experience with DVB.  Best of luck.06:15
zambabootsimpson, i looked at them. i need to rebuild the damn thing to include a newer kernel and a very specific list of modules.06:15
zykotick9anon, s/will/well/06:15
anonzykotick9: just need one that supports mpeg4 h.26406:15
anonand compatible with ubuntu06:15
anonthe most important06:16
tsimpsonzambaboo: so? just put the newer kernel etc on the CD06:16
zambabootsimpson, what about the modules, i need a specifically limited list06:17
zambaboobasically i need to regenerate the initrd.gz with a limited listed of modules, for the netboot.06:17
anonzykotick9: http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_USB_Devices06:18
zambaboothere. As a shortcut, you can create a mini-ISO image, with only the netboot initrd on it.06:19
adam_hey, I deleted a folder from /usr/src06:19
adam_and I want to put it back06:19
adam_it's a linux-source folder06:19
don-ihow can i create a user where their home directory is a folder inside mine06:20
newbie_<anon> <urlin2u> download successful. md5 verified. :)06:20
stefan__Hello, can you give me the command, that lists the name and seriel number of my W-LAN device (and not thousends of other lines)?06:20
tsimpsonzambaboo: that's controlled from /etc/modules and /etc/initramfs-tools/modules iirc06:20
don-iive created the account, but when i log in via another tty it open into the / and i cant cd into that folder06:20
urlin2unewbie_, cool06:20
gaurav_nattyanyone can help me my printscreen is not working in ubuntu 11.0406:21
linuxuz3rdon-i, check your user settings06:21
zambabootsimpson, thats for building with mkinitramfs. the resulting image does not contain the installer bits.06:21
anonnewbie_: it took just a "few" hours06:21
skrapsdoes anyone here no how to build srpm on the ubuntu platform06:22
zambabooskraps, why....06:22
newbie_am downloading the manual now.06:22
bullgard4_How can I determine what section a certain program belongs to? For example, what package belongs the package »sudoku« to?06:22
zykotick9stefan_, you could try "lspci -nn|grep -i network" if it's PCI06:23
anonot: do u know a specific website to find firmware updates for a device. i cant find it in official website06:23
stefan__zykotick9, that's it06:23
zykotick9skraps, not really the best idea to mix packages from different distros, but check out if alien supports it somehow06:24
bullgard4_How can I determine what section a certain package belongs to? For example, what section belongs the package »sudoku« to?06:24
don-ilinuxuz3r, i got it work, at least while loggin into the machine. I changed the owner of the file and that ended up working..i can always sudo into it when i need..that actually works even better06:24
don-ilinuxuz3r, thanks06:24
zambabooskraps, best tell us why you're doing it so we can tell you where you're going wrong.06:24
gaurav_nattyzykotick9, any help regarding my printscreen problem06:24
linuxuz3rdon-i, no problema06:25
zykotick9gaurav_natty, nope, sorry06:25
skrapsI have a src rpm from a older package, I replaced the tar.gz file, and modifed the spec file to match. Now I don't know what todo to turn it into a SRPM so I can try to build it into a RPM06:25
zambabooskraps, but _why_ are you doing this?06:26
don-ianyone know where i can get glibc ? im trying to compile vsftpd, since the ubuntu repos dont have the recent version...but i get an error saying it cant find reference to crypt, which when i checked online was part of glibc or libcrypt, but i cant find where to get those libs06:26
linuxuz3rskraps, try checkinstall06:26
skrapsMy friend wants it done for his server, and I think it would be a good thing to know because RPM is a standard for redhat based systems06:27
zykotick9linuxuz3r, checkinstall is for DEBs no RPMs06:27
skrapsi use ubuntu, but his server is centos,06:27
=== Mud is now known as Guest88841
linuxuz3rskraps, try that06:28
zambabooskraps, a. you have _no_ idea what you're in for, take it from an rhca, b. dont build rpms on a .deb based system06:28
zykotick9linuxuz3r, oh, guess i was wrong, sorry.06:28
marlunIn many commands you use the double-dash symbol -- ...I would like to read more about it but I can't find where to read about it. The reason is I don't understand why it's used.06:28
rileypDoes irsend work with kernel 2.6.38-10-generic anda mceusb transciever? I cant get it working it was fine in lucid06:29
zambabooskraps, if anything, get on a redhat box an try rpmerizor06:29
linuxuz3rim back06:30
skrapszambaboo: ty06:30
zambabooyw. really man. rpm is complex as it is. do NOT do this on a debian derivative.06:30
rwwmarlun: -- is used if the option name is more than one letter. So you might have "foo --bar" and "foo -b". It's done that way because single-dash options can have arguments as so: "foo -bar" where -b is the option and 'ar' is the argument to it.06:31
rwwmarlun: (so without the --, -bar is ambiguous between a multi-character option named bar and a single-character option with an argument)06:32
marlunrww: Yes but sometimes it is used by itself like "foo --bar -- bar" as if it is some kinds of seperator.06:34
linuxuz3rhey guys06:34
rwwmarlun: In that sense, it means that everything following is an argument, not an option.06:35
rwwmarlun: even if it begins with -06:35
marlunrww: ah, that makes sense, thanks!06:36
glebihandon-i, I think you should install the "libcrypt-dev" package06:36
k-mandoes ubuntu use /etc/network/interfaces for configuring the network?06:37
k-manor is there some other fancy way of doing it?06:37
rwwk-man: by default, it uses NetworkManager. If you don't have NetworkManager running, you can use /etc/network/interfaces06:37
k-manrww, ah, I see, thanks06:37
linuxuz3rskraps, checkinstall is a program that monitors an installation procedure (such06:38
linuxuz3r       as  make install, install.sh ), and creates a standard package for your06:38
linuxuz3r       distribution (currently deb, rpm and tgz packages are  supported)  that06:38
linuxuz3r       you  can  install through your distribution's package management system06:38
linuxuz3r       (dpkg, rpm or installpkg).06:38
FloodBot1linuxuz3r: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:38
don-iglebihan, ill try it now, thanks06:39
glebihandon-i, let me know how it goes06:40
don-iglebihan, building now :) lets see06:40
don-iglebihan, nope :(06:40
glebihandon-i, same error ?06:40
don-isysdeputil.c:(.text+0xf7): undefined reference to `crypt'06:40
don-ii downloaded libxcrypt-dev06:41
don-imaybe libcrypto++ -dev ?06:41
bullgard4_!enter | don-i06:42
ubottudon-i: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:42
glebihandon-i, try the "libc6" package06:43
don-iglebihan, i already have it...libc6 and libc6-dev06:44
mintieI can't use Ubuntu Software Center to install anything new - it says there is a problem with aptdaemon. I have reported the problem but how do I fix it?06:44
mintieI want to install wine.06:44
urlin2umintie, what happens if you run sudo apt-get update in the terminal?06:47
glebihandon-i, where did you download the source for vsftpd from ?06:47
mintieurlin2u, it is updating. Cheers :P06:48
urlin2umintie, then run the upgrade06:48
hellothere007back again; anyone want to recommend me their favourite open-source rts game?... the one i found was :(06:48
johesthi there, can someone maybe inform about the difference between the desktop and the server kernel?06:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:50
Kamikazedoes anyone know the official IRC support server of Linux Mint? I need it for my laptop06:50
hellothere007Kamikaze: try http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/1206:51
hellothere007Kamikaze: look for section "B3"06:51
Kamikazethanks let me try it )06:51
don-iglebihan, any thoughts ?06:52
mintieurlin2u, i thought the update would work but aptd keeps crashing06:52
glebihandon-i, no, I think you should contact the author to report the problem (as suggested in the INSTALL file)06:53
urlin2umintie, can you pastebin the errors?06:53
don-iglebihan, ya i guess thats what I'll have to do06:53
don-iglebihan, thanks for your help06:53
glebihandon-i, you're welcome, sorry I couldn't be more useful06:53
hellothere007any good rts games for ubuntu?06:54
georgehello ubuntuers :)06:54
don-iglebihan, you were. its not me..its them :) thanks again06:54
ProphetZLOL, um what's the default password?06:54
georgehey a question...06:55
mintieurlin2u, http://paste.ubuntu.com/669803/06:55
georgeim on 10.04 and06:55
ProphetZOr username for that matter?06:55
zykotick9ProphetZ, IF you mean on the live cd try ubuntu/ubuntu or just ubuntu as user and blank p/w06:56
georgewhen i connect to wifi the icon looks disconnected but its not06:56
ProphetZDoh! Too many retries.06:57
jigalgood morning06:57
zykotick9ProphetZ, looks like it's ubuntu as user with no password06:58
jigalcan someone tell me how i can update firefox on ubuntu 10.04?06:58
urlin2umintie, first place I would look is synaptic-custom filters-broken packages, not sure if any will be there though06:59
zykotick9jigal, https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable?field.series_filter=lucid06:59
mintieurlin2u, how do I go about doing that?06:59
ProphetZI burned a new disc anyway. The last one reported "Errors in 1 files!" but didn't say which during the Media test.07:00
jigalzykotick9, can't i do it through apt-get07:00
urlin2umintie, go to applications in unity left bar if your using unity type synaptic and follow the trail as I gave07:00
zykotick9jigal, yes, once you've added that PPA07:00
zykotick9jigal, be aware the PPAs are 3rd party however07:00
k_szeHi guys.07:01
k_szeIf I execute a command that is immediately detached from the terminal, how do I catch the PID of the process into a variable? (e.g.: "pppd call ipaq &")07:01
k_szeI want to catch the PID so I can kill it anytime.07:02
zykotick9k_sze, can't you search for it?  "ps aux | grep pppd"07:02
ProphetZSorry for my repeated disconnects. I'm phoning this in by Yet Another Android IRC while I try to get my old lappy going on Ubuntu.07:03
k_szezykotick9: that doesn't look very script-friendly. :/07:03
urlin2uzykotick9, ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable  is the correct ppa07:03
jigalzykotick9, i added the ppa in my terminal07:03
zykotick9k_sze, script friendly, no.  Sorry07:03
jigalhow do i update?07:03
behranI have a default ubuntu 11.04 installation, wonder how i could change soundlevel from the commandline?07:03
ProphetZSitting on filesystem. squashfs... this and wubi took the longest last time.07:04
K-Richps aux | grep i[p]aq | awk '{print $2}'07:04
k_szezykotick9: and it's not safe if there are more processes from the same executable file already running.07:04
zykotick9urlin2u, is that a question or statement?  that is the link i sent to jigal07:04
urlin2uzykotick9, I guess thats what you put I think, sorry07:04
ProphetZNo errors found! Restarting... :D07:04
K-Richthat will give you the PID07:04
jigalzykotick9, i succeeded to add the ppa. now how can i upgrade?07:05
zykotick9jigal, "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get install firefox" should work07:05
ProphetZYarg! Why is the screen off? Not just blank, off...07:06
urlin2uzykotick9, they changed the ppa overnight I hadn't realized that.07:06
ribothey, where is the httpd error log07:06
k_szeK-Rich: that still does not guarantee that I'm getting the PID of the correct instance though, if there are multiple instances of the executable running, no?07:06
K-Richk_sze, hmmmm not sure with multiple instances07:07
isbrici got a little problem, got some ubuntu 10.04 server running openntpd, on reboot however openntpd doesnt start.07:07
ProphetZIt's stuck with the screen off...07:07
silareHow do I change nautilus's background colour so in root it's green instead of red?07:07
ProphetZSloooowwwwww old laptop.07:07
isbricthats due to the server not bringing up the interface fast enugh, i wonder if this is a common problem?07:08
amh345is there anyway to reset my ubuntu password without knowing what the current password is?07:08
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords07:08
k_szeK-Rich: seeing as how the PID is immediately printed to the terminal when I launch a detached process, there must be a way to catch it. :/07:08
don-ianyone here familiar with gpg ?07:08
rwwdon-i: best to ask your actual question and see07:09
ProphetZNice bot in here... I shouldn't be surprised.07:09
amh345that's all it takes to reset your p/w?  what the heck is the point in having one?07:09
don-iim looking at the vsftpd site, and there are 2 files, the main source in a .tar.gz and a .asc text file. It says to verify the signature to ensure authenticity07:10
don-iIve been reading this site http://www.bigpointyteeth.se/docs/vsftpd-openbsd-HOWTO.html  and they go over how to verify signatures, but what good does that really do ?07:10
rwwdon-i: none, if you don't have a reason to trust the keys creating the signatures07:10
gneralKernel 3, released?07:10
zykotick9don-i, may I ask why you don't just use the vsftp in ubuntu's repository?07:10
amh345another quick question.  is there a maximum length password?07:11
k_szeK-Rich: looks like there's a built-in variable for that: $!07:11
amh345somehow i changed my p/w last night.  i wrote it down and even copy pasted it into ubuntu. but now, it no worky.07:11
don-irww, but to ensure that the source is authenticate and 'trustworthy' why verify another file ? shouldnt there be a way to test the source to make sure it hasnt been tampered with ?07:11
zykotick9gneral, a while ago 3.0.3 is out07:11
don-izykotick9, its not update to date.07:12
ProphetZamh345 I never saw the point of OS passwords anyway. If an intruder has local access, you're already doomed.07:12
zykotick9don-i, that's NOT a real reason.  best of luck.07:12
Slartamh345: no computer is safe when you have unlimited physical access to it.. (or perhaps very few computers)07:12
don-izykotick9, though im using it now, i cant build the latest because im missing some libs. lol..thanks07:13
amh345is there a way to change root password while im logged in.  because im currently logged in at the moment via vnc.  for some reason my old pw worked with vnc. but not when authenticating in updates sudo/etc/07:13
ProphetZamh345, CAPS?07:13
ProphetZFn key...07:13
zykotick9amh345, did you change your hostname?07:13
amh345ProphetZ: no caps.  ive even typed it in a txt editor.07:13
fincanHi, I have a problem with ubuntu 11.04 btrfs installation, with btrfs root install now ubuntu boot process reached 80sec+, I read some bug report but could not find any solution. Any suggestion about this bug?07:13
rwwdon-i: foo.asc contains a detached signature of foo.tar.gz. During the signature verification process, gpg looks at the .asc file, the source tarball, and the relevant keys, and makes sure everything matches up. You thus get an assurance that the source tarball has not been modified since the key signed it, but not an assurance that the key that signed it is the actual developer. That's why the web of trust exists.07:13
amh345no, no hostname change.  i cant figure this out.07:13
amh345somehow i set a new password and confirmed it when it was wrong? wtd07:14
ProphetZOK! I'm at (a very slow) Ubuntu desktop. How do I make the empty partition on my USB hard disk drive bootable?07:14
don-irww, ah, i see, i didnt realize it checks the source as well. I just moved the source tar to another directory, and gpg couldnt verify. THAT makes sense now. thanks :)07:15
ProphetZI hope this isn't a stupid question, I've been through it several times and failed several different ways.07:16
ProphetZFrozen? No mouse movement...07:17
ProphetZIt was working for a moment.07:17
amh345does remoting in via vnc use the same password as my account?07:18
wh1zz0Hi guys.. Anyone know if compiz effects work on ubuntu 11.4 from VM?07:18
wh1zz0Cuz Im testing and trying to find out if it's working07:19
ProphetZYarg I hate the creepy screen off activity. It keeps freezing here and I never know how long to wait.07:20
ProphetZI selected Install Ubuntu from the startup screen this time...07:21
ProphetZAny way to see what it's doing right now? (Screen off, HDD and CD activity)07:22
urlin2uProphetZ, did you install to the usb external?07:22
chicorihi, I ve been given an ip:port to connect to the internet over a lan , where do i put that in?07:23
ProphetZAha! Here we go, no location choices yet urlin2u, I always get to Install and then it hangs with no messages onscreen.07:23
ProphetZBut now I have a new disc. :D07:23
urlin2uProphetZ, wasn't your ram low I don't reneber everybodies posts.07:24
ikoniachicori: in the proxy settings07:24
ProphetZ256mb. Yes very small, but system was using only 24 MB earlier.07:24
Morgzif you don't like unity, can u be rid of it easily?07:25
urlin2uProphetZ, what is the disc which distro?07:25
ikoniaMorgz: you can swap it to kde/xfce something like that07:25
ProphetZUbuntu 10.0407:25
urlin2uProphetZ, is it the alternative disc that is probably just to little ram.07:26
chicoriikonia, where are the proxy settings in ubuntu?07:26
linageeif I use alien to install the mysql server 5.5 RPMs into Ubuntu 11.04, will anything break? will I be able to upgrade when ubuntu finally gets mysql 5.5?07:26
don-iamh345, i believe its a seperate pass, when i vnc into my machine i use a different password07:26
herkupusProphetZ: 256 mb is definitely not enough ram for the desktop live cd07:26
ikoniachicori: I actually don't know in unity,07:26
chicoriikonia, using gnome07:26
chicorigot it anyway, thanks07:27
don-iamh345, to change root password, i believe its sudo passwd07:27
ProphetZherkupus, it says it is...07:27
linageeherkupus: why not? hah07:27
amh345sudo passwd is asking me for a password :(07:27
urlin2uProphetZ, low ram and external HD is a lot to overcome really.07:27
don-iamh345, are you an admin on machine ?07:27
herkupusProphetZ: "it"?07:27
linageeherkupus: I have booted linux with a GUI on 128MB ram. just use swap. (don't care about speed because its for a dedicated project. :) )07:27
makarafyi: i figured out why ubuntu wasn't saving my desktop resolution settings in xconf.07:27
don-iamh345, if you are an admin then enter your normal password07:27
herkupuslinagee: i am talking about the ubuntu desktop live cd, not any other distro07:28
ikoniaamh345: you should not use sudo passwd07:28
linageeherkupus: specifically.......... ok. :)07:28
ProphetZThe minimum specifications on the Ubuntu Download page. The alternative didn't actually seem to explain what the differences were, so I went vanilla.07:28
herkupuslinagee: and when doing an initial install from the live cd, you don't have swap07:29
ProphetZIt does have swap.07:29
linageeherkupus: don't use the desktop CD. use the server one. easy enough to turn on swap and then convert a server install to a desktop one.07:29
ikoniathe alternative install is a better option than the server one07:29
makarachanging the res by going 'system - preferences - monitors' will override x1107:29
ProphetZI can hear it swapping and it says 1058mb of free "unallocated" space on the Windows drive for swapping.07:30
amh345this is madness.  i tossed my only keyboard on the machine.. and the keyboard is glitchy.  hah07:30
herkupuslinagee: i know the server and alternate cd use fewer ram.07:30
ProphetZFound the bad key, amh345?07:31
amh345ProphetZ: nah. i dont know what the hell is going on :)07:31
ProphetZIf this doesn't work I will try alternative next.07:31
herkupuslinagee: i do net install by default (mini.iso)07:31
linageeProphetZ: a better question in, why so little ram? time to upgrade. :)07:31
etfbI've just discovered that my monitor should be able to display 1280x1024, but that option doesn't appear in the System Settings/Hardware/Monitors list of resolutions.  How do I add it?07:31
ProphetZI clicked English, now I've had a spinning wheel of death for about two minutes. Why wouldn't it warn of low memory?07:32
zagibuyou mean like all the other modern OS do?07:32
ikoniaProphetZ: because it's slow due to low memeory, not fatal07:32
ProphetZIt's a very old computer. I don't like to throw them out when nothing's broken.07:32
linageeProphetZ: if its an old computer, use a non-GUI linux install. it should work just fine.07:33
zagibuor use alternate and install a low-weight window manager07:33
billybigriggerwhat DE are you using on this old computer? please dont say gnome or kde?07:33
billybigriggerxfce or even lxde are great desktop environments for older hardware07:33
spo0kzgratz on the user name ^^07:34
herkupusxfce 4.x is bloated too. i'd go for fluxbox or icewm.07:34
linageezagibu: windows admin: "if it doesn't have a Next->Next->Next on the installer, how do I install it?" heh07:34
billybigriggerreally? havent tried xfce for a long time...sorry to hear that herkupus :(07:34
ikoniabillybigrigger: it's fine, not bloated at all07:35
ikoniabillybigrigger: people scream bloat for no reason.07:35
ProphetZLOL, well it ran XP Home just fine until Flash 10.3 and SP3 etc. I've got Tiny XP but I thought I'd go with a "legit" solution, since this PC is the sacrificial calf of our living room.07:35
billybigriggerprodriver, oh you'll be fine running xfce on it if you can run XP07:35
ikoniaProphetZ: at some point you have to accept that your hardware is not good enough to deal with modern computing needs, that is "broke" even if the hardware activly runs07:35
spo0kzyou could apply the "legit" in more ways then one if you ask me07:36
billybigriggerseriously give either xfce or lxde a try, that is if your afraid of the command line, and NEED a gui07:36
amh345so my only way to reset this pw is too reboot and go through the info on that link?07:36
amh345that link07:36
ikoniaamh345: what password have you lost07:36
amh345ikonia: i believe root07:36
ikoniaamh345: root has no password07:36
linageeikonia: by default. :P07:36
etfbProphetZ, modern computers have much bigger wires, so they can fit the modern, larger electrons. In the older, smaller-wired computers, those electrons often get stuck, which is why they run so slowly.07:36
ProphetZlinagee: It DOES have a Next Next Next, trouble is, it never finishes. I'd much rather have some feedback on screen so I know what's happening.07:36
amh345yeah. i set a root pw07:37
ikoniaetfb: please don't misslead people07:37
linageeProphetZ: switch to a console and see if there are kernel errors spewing out07:37
ProphetZI only chose Ubuntu because it ran so well on my other (less) old laptop.07:37
etfbikonia: I only mislead very very stupid people.07:37
ikoniaamh345: then you need to recover it from the recovery shell, however you should not set the root password if you don't know what you're doing, there is no reason to set it07:37
ikoniaetfb: don't try to mislead anyone please.07:37
linageeamh345: I am not saying you should set one. just saying that it just happens to be set up that way. :)07:38
etfbhush, ikonia.07:38
amh345ikonia: i cant figure out how this messed up. i had my old password working fine last night. then i updated and confirmed(no less) a pw i dont know07:38
amh345is there a char limit to passwords?07:38
DoggetRunning on 10.10 and cannot upgrade to 11.04 due to graphic issues. Any help more than welcome07:38
amh345yeah, this thing keeps asking me for a pw from my keyring. none of the pws are working07:39
ikoniaamh345: you need to boot from the recovery option and just do "passwd root" from the recovery shell07:39
ProphetZikonia, no way. I am never going to stop using my 8088XT. It's the perfect PC!07:39
ikoniaamh345: that will allow you to reset your root password07:39
ikoniaProphetZ: ok - then please stop complaining about it07:39
da4an1qu1anyone noticing issues using ftp to security.ubuntu.com07:40
linageeI wonder if I can get an X server running on my old Tandy 1000EX. :)07:40
da4an1qu1used to work, now it seems to be broken07:40
linageeI think it only had like 1MB of memory or something. I'd probably be lucky to get a linux CLI working. :)07:40
EkusheyProphetZ: 8088 is the perfect pc? what do you do with it?07:41
DoggetAny help with upgrading to 11.04 from 10.10 without having to rebuild everything is more than welcome :-)07:42
ProphetZLOL, ikonia, my 8088XT has no Video Graphics Adapter and runs about 12mhz. I only use it for retro decor.07:42
miikaelis it possible to reduce the time in grub to pick OS from 10 sec to 1 sec somehow?07:42
ikoniamiikael: surething, it's the timeout value in the grub.conf07:42
linageeProphetZ: door stop07:42
billybigriggerDogget, to upgrade, simply run 'update-manager -d' either in the run dialog or in a command line07:42
miikaelikonia: its located in /etc/?07:42
ikoniaProphetZ: this is a support channel, we can try to help you with issues,07:42
ikoniabillybigrigger: no !07:42
ikoniabillybigrigger: -d is "development" upgrade07:42
sunitI am trying to install j2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin and getting error error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:43
billybigriggerikonia, hah, shite i need to blink here a few times, i read 11.1007:43
linageeikonia: I think you don't mess with grub.conf in the latest version of things (grub2). you are supposed to mess with some other file that creates a grub.conf. (argh. I really don't like that.)07:43
ikoniabillybigrigger: control the language07:43
zagibuhuh, why does a java lib need c stuff?07:43
billybigriggerDogget, yeah don't do what i told you there, i completely MISREAD your question07:43
ikonialinagee: correct, in /etc/grub07:43
linageeikonia: that's it07:44
ikonialinagee: however that is the value you need to change in those files and run update-grub07:44
billybigriggerikonia, my bad :P07:44
linageeikonia: it pisses me off though. first learn the syntax of grub.conf, next they change it to be built from somewhere else. argh.07:44
Dogget@billy it's ok dude :-)07:44
miikaelikonia: i cannot locate "grub.conf" where is the file supposed to be?07:44
DoggetI can explain my issue if you wish07:44
ikonia!grub2 > miikael07:44
ubottumiikael, please see my private message07:44
ProphetZJeez, Linux always reminds me of the gaps between users and admins and developers. Although in this case my main complaint is that I can't see what's going on.07:44
billybigriggerDogget, go right ahead, no one can help you out if they don't know your trouble07:44
DoggetOk sure.07:45
ikoniaProphetZ: it's just slow because your machine is so poor spec07:45
ProphetZI was going to set up TinyMe, but that froze during Install too.07:45
linageeikonia: its like learn the format of XF86Config and then they just change that to some sort of autodetect magic as well. hah07:45
ikoniaProphetZ: you may have a hardware error too,07:45
da4an1qu1can anyone advise me where i report the fact that ftp is broken on security.ubuntu.com07:45
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billybigriggerda4an1qu1, no it's just you07:46
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, 230 Login successful.07:47
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, you know your supposed to login anonymously right?07:47
da4an1qu1yep, but you can't pull down a dir list07:47
ProphetZOK well I should probably join (poundsign)sleep soon. It'll be at the same spinning wheel of death when I get up tomorrow...07:47
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, well you didn't say that, i see that now07:47
miikaelikonia: all the diffrent grub files confuse me, which one should i edit to reduce the timeout?07:48
da4an1qu1aha. cheers. sorry, yep  i should have mentioned07:48
DoggetWell I used to have an 4850 ATi card which has now been replaced by a 6850. With the old 4850 I can install 11.04. If I try using the 6850 I can't get past the "install ubuntu" option then the screens blanks out and the pc hangs there, waiting for me to reboot it. Even if I manage to install 11.04 using the 4850 and then replace it with the 6850 I get the same blank screen and the pc hangs.07:48
ikoniamiikael: did you read the url ubottu sent you07:48
ikoniaDogget: how do you know the PC hangs ?07:48
YouSirOneHi what is up with security.ubuntu.com? Is it offline?07:49
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, even in passive mode there is no dir list07:49
DoggetI feel like Deckcard running after Roy Batty!07:49
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, file a bug i guess?07:49
ProphetZHey I have both those cards. I just unpacked them. An nVidia 6800 too.07:49
DoggetBecause it stays there, doesn't do anything...07:49
miikaelikonia: yeah but to be honest i didnt understand much of it07:49
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, or better yet contact the admin07:49
ikoniaDogget: that's not a hang07:49
DoggetNothing happens07:49
ikoniaDogget: that's a blank screen07:49
da4an1qu1billybigrigger, how do i do that?07:49
DoggetYes sir, I mentioned that, the screen blanks out07:49
da4an1qu1billybigbrigger, I mean how do i contact the admin?07:50
DoggetI cannot do or see anything, hence me rebooting it07:50
ikoniaDogget: yes, but it's not a hang - don't tell people it's a hang as that will confuse the issue07:50
ikoniada4an1qu1: sorting it now07:50
Doggetok ok I mean no harm!07:50
billybigriggerda4an1qu1, send a line to security AT ubuntu DOT COM07:51
da4an1qu1thank you billybigrigger and ikonia07:51
urlin2umiikael, you trying to change the grub time out?07:51
ProphetZI thought it was hanging too: couldn't get a console, nothing. Just screen totally off and hard drive buzzing away.07:51
DoggetI have the latest ati drivers running for my 6850 on 10.10, all is fine if that helps.07:52
miikaelurlin2u: yeah to 1 sec07:52
zagibuWell, old harddrive have trouble storing the larger electrons. They have much more mass, and slow the spin down, and sometimes even fall off...07:52
Kamikazesorry guys, what's the difference between KDE and Gnome ?07:52
zagibuGnome is better ;P07:52
DoggetI went the wubi route, cd boot route, upgrade toute, same issue all the way.07:52
urlin2umiikael, gksudo gedit  /etc/default/grub  change the grub time out07:52
ProphetZI pressed down, nada. Enter, seemingly nada, then eventually a console showed up and it finished booting into setup.07:53
zagibuKamikaze: they are two different desktop environements07:53
urlin2umiikael, looks like this GRUB_TIMEOUT=1007:53
zagibuthat means, how windows look, and what kind of preinstalled programs you have will be different07:53
billybigriggerKamikaze, check out their respective websites and make the choice for yourself, don't start that topic in here :)07:53
miikaelurlin2u: found it, thank you so much :) is it also possible to set a wallpaper as background? :)07:54
urlin2umiikael, not sure there.07:54
zagibunote that most programs run in both gnome or kde, so it's more a choice of taste, than of functionality07:54
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urlin2umiikael, also run sudo update-grub when you close that editsaved07:55
Guest95048hello eny body there07:55
ikoniaGuest95048: many people07:55
Guest95048but there is no one say hi for me07:56
ikoniaGuest95048: it's a busy channel for support discussion07:56
ProphetZDogget, mine spent about fifteen minutes on a black screen. (2.2ghz Celeron with only 256mb of RAM, I know it should be shot, but it was playing YouTube and Game Of Thrones last week and only Windows kludginess is making me want to try Linux on it.07:56
ikoniaGuest95048: if you need support, just ask a question about ubuntu07:56
Guest95048thank you07:57
DoggetWell I am running a quad core CPU, 4 gig of ram and running a 6850 so it shouldn't be the problem there Prophet :-)07:57
ikoniathe spec of your machine doesn't change your video cards compatability07:57
urlin2uProphetZ, if you bumped the ram up you would have no problems,  would max it out.07:57
pedro_I want to upgrade my pc and not whether to buy a new cpu or SSD, which would you recommend?07:57
DoggetI think it is down to the graphics not being recognized properly somehow on 11.0407:57
ProphetZBut I do wonder if sitting on the creepy black screen is pretty typical during install.07:58
billybigriggerpedro_, depends what you use the machine for07:58
ikoniaDogget: yes, some ati and nvidia cards have problems and either don't work or require specific boot options07:58
Guest95048in my computer the sound in unconnect in some time07:58
DoggetIt's starnge because it works perfectly on 10.1007:58
ikoniaDogget: not really, versions change07:58
zagibudefinately SSD07:58
pedro_billybigrigger: i use it for internet, games, documents07:58
Doggeteven before installing the Ati drivers, I can still install and launch ubuntu07:58
Guest95048and i most restart to fix proplem07:59
billybigriggerpedro_, well what cpu do you have now?07:59
pedro_intel E750007:59
krisehello my friends07:59
zagibugo with the SSD, you won't regret it07:59
krisei need some help07:59
billybigriggerpedro_, i'd probably go with a SSD then07:59
zagibua newer CPU will not help much at all07:59
zagibuan SSD will make a world of difference07:59
billybigriggerzagibu, if he's running a celeron it would07:59
DoggetThe only thing that I could try is use the alternate cd, without any graphical install to start with07:59
Kamikazebillybigrigger: if i knew where to read about them i would :)08:00
zagibufor internet and documents?08:00
DoggetBut man oh man, I don't want to lose my settings and all I have done in 10.1008:00
ikoniaDogget: that is one of the resolutions for the cards that have problems08:00
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ProphetZLOL, not putting an SSD in an eight (ten?) year old laptop. I've got four other machines sitting around, I just don't have an XP disk anymore so I was going to try Ubuntu.08:00
pedro_had thought about buying a intel core 2 quad Q840008:00
ikoniaDogget: are you trying to upgrade or install08:00
Kamikazezagibu: which one you would suggest Sr? which es prettier ?08:00
krisewhen im tryng to install-uninstall programs i get the error messege tht says You have failed to provide correct authentication.08:00
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings.08:00
DoggetAs I explained earlier, I have tried, wubi install, cd boot install and upgrade08:00
billybigriggerpedro_, i would personally upgrade the cpu first, then do the SSD later, when they are cheaper08:01
zagibuprettier? an SSD is an internal device that you'll never see after having installed08:01
ikoniaDogget: ok - so are you suggesting a re-install ?08:01
ikoniapedro_: you may want to take your hardware discussion to the channel ##hardware08:01
zagiburead some reviews on arstechnica and anandtech to make a choice08:01
DoggetDude I really don't want to unless there is something else someone can recommend08:01
ikoniaDogget: a re-install won't change anything if your card is a problem08:01
pedro_billybigrigger: yeah, ssd its so expensive now08:02
ace__hey... after installing ubuntu, grub took over the boot menu. can I return the windows one?08:02
ikoniapedro_: please take this discussion to ##hardware08:02
DoggetWhat about the alternate install based on graphics and skipping it until I grab the drivers?08:02
pedro_ikonia: k08:02
Doggetbased on text sorry08:02
ikoniaDogget: it will still end up with a black screen on first boot08:02
ProphetZOK I'm restarting an trying a lighter distro. Ubuntu alternative, TinyMe, Damn Small Linux? What should I use?08:02
urlin2uace__, you have a windows disc?08:02
billybigriggerpedro_, i still have a 9800gtx in my machine and still have old seagate platter hdd's, gaming is fine on my computer, you'll notice a difference with a quad core, wait for SSD's to lower in price08:03
ikoniaProphetZ: ask in ##linux08:03
DoggetNot sure what to do really08:03
ikoniabillybigrigger: stop the hardware discussion please.08:03
ikoniaDogget: there are bugs on launchpad.net that explain some of the problems with cards, work arounds and limitations08:03
billybigrigger10-4 rubber ducky, im off to sleep anywho, seems like you have yourself a handful in here ikonia :P08:03
ace__yes, I do08:04
ace__urlin2u: I have a disc08:04
urlin2uace__, okay windows wont boot ubuntu you will need like easybcd.08:04
ProphetZOK, ikonia.08:04
DoggetNot sure where to look at Ikonia08:04
ace__urlin2u: I already have that installed as well08:05
pedro_billybigrigger: i have Nvidia GTS 450, and games its a bit slow for me08:05
ikoniaDogget: search for bugs regarding your card on 11.0408:05
urlin2uace__, which windows release08:05
ProphetZHey th0r.08:05
ace__urlin2u: windows 7 ultimate08:05
urlin2uace__, boot the windows disc to the repair terminal and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr08:06
ace__urlin2u: ok, thanks08:07
urlin2uace__, no problem.08:07
DoggetAnybody running an 6850 ati and having issues running 11.04?08:07
ikoniaDogget: did you look for the bugs as I told you ?08:08
DoggetWhich ones?08:09
urlin2uace__, next time just install the bootloader grub to ubuntu, at the something else gui for where you want it.08:09
ikoniaDogget: the ones I just told you to search for a few minutes ago08:09
DoggetWell I am looking into that right now08:09
DThoughtHello everyone. I'm playing a game, and i want to play it in windowed-mode (so i can switch between virtual workspaces), but have the game take the maximum available space.08:09
ikoniaDogget: ok, so doing that before asking for help seems sensible08:09
DThoughtSometimes i manage to put the window's area ABOVE the unity(3d) topbar08:10
DThoughtother times that doesn't work.08:10
DThought(I'm running natty / 11.04)08:10
urlin2uDThought, double clicking a window top panel makes it look as if it is on top08:12
DoggetWell I asked for help because I am not aware of certain things, I am trying my way around Linux and encountering issues, it seems sensible enough to me.08:12
stevethepirateHi, my clementine won't play M4A files, despite me grabbing the gstreamer* plugins.08:13
krisedoes anybody want to help me a little?08:13
krisewhen im tryng to install-uninstall programs i get the error messege tht says You have failed to provide correct authentication.08:14
krisePlease check any passwords or account settings.08:14
ikoniakrise: how are you trying to uninstall programs ?08:14
krisevia kpackage kit08:14
urlin2ukrise, can you run a sudo apt-get update in a terminal and the password you enter is accepted08:14
krisehold on08:14
kriseyes it works08:15
urlin2ukrise what is a package that can't be removed?08:15
urlin2ukrise, and how have you been trying?08:16
kriseactualy terminal stopped at 99%08:17
urlin2uikonia, missed your same question carry on. ;-)08:17
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krisei tried to install wine08:17
kriseit did not install correctly and i tried tu uninstall it08:17
krisebut than i had this problem08:18
ProphetZI'm guessing I need to register to send to ##linux.08:18
ikoniaProphetZ: correct08:18
kriseterminal finished update, it ok08:18
urlin2ukrise, try to tab the nic first couple leters the hit tab then they know who your talking to and are informed your answering, shows red .08:19
senayarmm this morning the download speed for update is low :(08:19
urlin2usenayar, you can change the mirror if needed.08:20
senayarthe download is in progress08:20
urlin2ukrise, col thts it.;---)08:20
sav_Hello you lovely people!08:21
com64Hello lovely person!08:21
ProphetZHm, haven't used IRC in a while... SASL?08:21
sav_I have a question about clustering. This is the act of spreading work across connected computers, correct?08:21
ikoniasav_: it can be08:21
com64Goodbye, lovely person...08:21
urlin2ukrise, look in synaptic-custom filters-broken packages for wine.08:22
ProphetZI might as well be a grandmother trying to use my DVD remote on my satellite TV here.08:22
ProphetZI've never registered using SASL, only old Nickserv and that was a while ago...08:22
ProphetZOff to find help files I guess!08:22
sav_ikonia: And it makes processing time faster and more powerful, yes08:22
ikoniasav_: it depends on a lot of things.08:22
kriseurli2u how do i doo that? im newbe08:22
ikoniasav_: do you have a question relevant to ubuntu ?08:22
urlin2ukrise, you in unity?08:22
krisekubuntu 11.0408:23
sav_ikonia: My question is about clustering with ubuntu machines.08:23
sav_ikonia: I have no clue about where to start.08:23
urlin2ukrise, do you have a panel on the left of the screen?08:23
ikoniasav_: you shouldn't do it08:23
sav_ikonia: I shouldn't? Why not?08:23
ikoniasav_: because as a home user you will not see any benifits08:23
kriseurlin2u no i have panels on the bottom and on the left08:24
sav_ikonia: How can you say that?08:24
ikoniasav_: because it's the truth08:24
sav_ikonia: I have two weak computers. I would like to do something that requires a little more processing power than either of them have individually.08:24
urlin2ukrise, is the left panel hiding and showing periodically?08:24
sav_ikonia: Clustering would not help me?08:24
ikoniasav_: clustering will not allow that to happen08:24
kriseurlin2u yes08:25
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, does Ubuntu use the same audio player as Kubuntu? Amarok?08:25
sav_ikonia: Brief explanation?08:25
ikoniasav_: no08:25
MyrttiLINKSWORD2: no08:25
BosSkurt_kad [fred] gy08:25
MyrttiLINKSWORD2: not by default08:25
LINKSWORD2Shoot. Are any of you here familiar with Amarok?08:25
sav_ikonia: Er, long explanation?08:25
ikoniasav_: no08:25
wealthkde uses amarok by default08:25
urlin2ukrise, click the applications type insynatic, enter your password look for custom filters click the broken packages and see if wine is there to delete.08:25
urlin2ukrise, type synaptic08:26
sav_ikonia: Well, I've never known an ubuntu user to be unhelpful, but I suppose you have no obligation to me.08:26
sav_ikonia: fair enough08:26
ikoniasav_: I've helped you, I'm not being unhelpful08:26
ikoniasav_: if you don't understand clustering, there is no point going into the details of why it won't work08:26
zagibuyou can install amarok in ubuntu without problems08:26
sav_ikonia: You've said "no" a lot, which doesn't help me understand much08:27
sav_ikonia: and I asked so I could understand08:27
ikoniasav_: the interenet is full of information that is a good introduction08:27
ikoniasav_: fine ok08:27
LINKSWORD2*Head-desk.* lol08:27
ikoniasav_: what application do you want to cluster ?#08:27
sav_ikonia: I don't know.08:27
ikoniasav_: great start on research08:28
ikoniasav_: you have home user PC's ?08:28
LINKSWORD2Well, since my question seems specific to KDE, I'm going to have to go back to the Kubuntu chat.08:28
HyperbyteHi!  I have set up remote connections to my Ubuntu server using Xvnc launched via inetd, which opens an xdmcp session.  It works fine, but for some reason only one session is allowed at a time.  When there's a session open, any requests for new sessions get refused.  Could this be a limit imposed by xdmcp somehow?08:28
sav_ikonia: No need to be snippy. I just thought someone more experienced than I would be better able to give me a good start on the subject08:28
sav_ikonia: I'll dig deeper, I suppose08:28
ikoniasav_: do you have home user PC's ?08:29
silareHow do I change nautilus's background colour so in root it's green instead of red?08:29
sav_ikonia: I'm leaving, thanks anyway.08:29
richardjpricenewbie question, i just created a user for myself on a ubuntu server, but tab completion doesn't seem to be enabled for that user? how do i enable?08:29
ikoniasav_: fine, you ask for help moan that you don't get details I offer you the details and you're not interested08:29
zagiburichardjprice: are you sure it's not a permission problem?08:30
zagibudoes it not autocomplete things like ls and cd?08:30
richardjpricezagibu: i'll investigate08:30
sav_ikonia: Who's moaning? Like I said, I don't expect you to do anything. And clearly, you're not interested in helping me, and that's perfectly alright. So away I go.08:30
Hyperbyterichardjprice, see if   usermod -s /bin/bash <user>   fixes it08:30
richardjpricezagibu: no, doesn't autocomplete, even in my home dir08:30
kriseurlin2u can we have remote access ?08:30
urlin2ukrise, ?08:31
ikoniasav_: I've just offered to help you by starting to explain it08:31
krisewhen i type synapthic it only gives me touch pad manager08:31
kriseurlin2u when i type synapthic it only gives me touch pad manager08:31
richardjpriceHyperbyte: yes that fixed it, thank you for your help08:32
urlin2ukrise, wrong button it is in the left panel 2nd to bottom button, and synaptic08:32
Hyperbyterichardjprice, be sure to set a correct shell for users you add.  /bin/bash is the default08:32
sav_ikonia: Look, I'm not really interested in being bitched at, period. You've given me plenty of indication that I'm only bothering you, which I'm cool with. So leave it be.08:33
urlin2ukrise, hover the cursor over the buttons till you see applications08:33
ikoniasav_: fine, if you don't want the help,08:33
* IEF pokes Fugu 08:33
richardjpriceHyperbyte: thanks for the advice, will remember for next time08:33
sav_ikonia: Farewell, goodbye, sayonara. Have a wonderful day.08:33
Fuguhai IEF :)08:33
Hyperbytesav_, bye. :)08:33
Hyperbyterichardjprice, you're welcome. :)08:34
zagibudon't go sav_08:34
zagibusavvy sav, I love you, please don't go08:34
kriseurlin2u i have applications only in K meny, not on the left panel.On the left panel i have only my program buttons i put there08:34
mang0I've made my moniter as bright as it can be, but it's still fairly dark when playing minecraft. How do I lighten my moniter more, can I do it through ubuntu?08:35
dkdI'm inviting all for Alchemy logical game the beta testing, unlock the elements one by one, and when you will unlock all , add an unique element http://alchemy.h19.ru/08:35
urlin2ukrise, you runnig kde?08:35
mang0zagibu: * sav_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)08:35
urlin2ukrise, not familiar with kde08:35
Hyperbytemang0, see manpage for xrandr.  You can change gamma of your display with that probably.08:36
zagibumang0: I'm not sure, but can you adjust gamma settings in minecraft itself?08:36
rwwdkd: don't advertise in here, please08:36
kriseurlin2u i tried to get help in kubuntu chatroom, they sent me here08:36
mang0Hyperbyte, zagibu I just found out that /light in singleplayer commands makes it lighter. S'all good!08:36
krisewhat a helpful bros there08:36
HashNukehey all!08:37
zagibuyou could also use torches, you know :)08:37
urlin2ukrise, hmmm did they know you were using kde?08:37
com64I just installed dwm and xmonad, but when I chose either one from the login screen, then log on, I get an empty screen with nothing but my mouse pointer and the background picture.08:37
mang0zagibu: I'm doing a puzzle map :P08:37
HashNukeMy ubuntu is connecting to my wireless and I'm able to SSH into it from my other comp too. But it isn't connecting to the internet. pinging any server times-out.08:37
kriseurlin2u i think so yes08:38
HyperbyteHi!  I have set up remote connections to my Ubuntu server using Xvnc launched via inetd, which opens an xdmcp session.  It works fine, but for some reason only one session is allowed at a time.  When there's a session open, any requests for new sessions get refused.  Could this be a limit imposed by xdmcp somehow?08:38
zagibuHashNuke: probably set a wrong gateway08:38
urlin2ukrise, go back and make sure they do, is my advice. ;-)08:38
HashNukeah let me check08:38
kriseurlin2u ok thanks for your time08:39
zagiburoute should output your router's ip somewhere08:39
urlin2ukrise, no problem.08:39
nicheHey guys, I'm using 10.10 and was wondering if I am able to get that cool program search function like what is in 11.04 in the top-left of the desktop08:39
HashNukewhy are threads on the Ubuntu forums asking for login. The forum results were so handy. And now so useless.08:40
com64use google cache08:40
urlin2uHashNuke, new policy some links are old and not applicable at times be careful.08:40
ionutP where has moved the dbus interface org.freedesktop.hal?08:40
HashNukezagibu: here's my route http://pastie.org/2395733 I have which is my router's IP as my gateway.08:41
nicheurlin2u, you know what I'm talking about buddy? hehe08:41
urlin2uniche, the unity left panel?08:42
mang0niche: If you use the unity interface yes, but most user's don't like it08:42
HashNukeurlin2u: oh. but keeping that open would have made a lot of people's lives easier.08:42
nicheno, not unity.... so I think. You click some symbol I believe and you can type the program you are looking for08:43
nicheand it will pop up08:43
HashNukemang0: "but most user's don't like it" nice to know I have a lot of company. I stick to the Classic Desktop.08:43
urlin2uHashNuke, actually new users were using links that were not applicable the new policy is due to this, some don't look close enough to the date or instructions, it happens.08:43
zagibuyeah, that looks good08:43
mang0HashNuke: I stick to the classic too08:43
nicheYou can install unity on 10.10 Desktop version? I thought you only could on the Notebook08:43
zagibuhmmm, can you check the packets with wireshark, maybe?08:44
don-ianyone know what this guys solution was ? http://viki.brainsware.org/forum/thread/71  I seem to be having the same problem08:44
jigalhow do i install the latest jdk on ubuntu08:44
don-iI'm going to assume it has to do with rsa certificate for ftps08:44
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
fornicatorulimit is still 102408:45
urlin2uniche, dated in june use at your own decision here,. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/06/unity-finally-lands-in-ubuntu-1010.html08:45
zagibujigal: do an apt-get update, then apt-cache search openjdk08:45
urlin2uniche, decision=risk08:46
nicheurlin2u, thanks. Haha, why is that a risk? You can't get rid of it?08:46
nicheI installed 10.10 over 11.04 because of very poor performance. Thinking it may have been due to Unity so I don't think I'll take that risk08:47
HashNuke_zagibu: it magically starts to work again. no idea how.08:47
ProphetZCan I turn APIC on after install, or is that setting permanent?08:47
nicheAlthough I kind of liked Unity. Wonder if it will make a come back in the next version08:47
urlin2uniche, probably but I use unity, I liked maverick but didn't try to run unity, and there may be more updated information is all.08:47
=== HashNuke_ is now known as HashNuke
niche11.04 ran like a Ford Festiva, 10.10 runs like a Enzo Ferrari08:48
geekosopherniche: 10.10 or 11.10?08:50
jigalzagibu, tnd08:50
com64When I choose DWM when logging in, it doesn't seem to load and I get an empty screen with the default ubuntu backdrop and a mouse cursor.08:50
nichegeekosopher, 10.1008:50
nichegeekosopher, didn't know 11.10 was out08:50
linageeniche: .... its not october yet08:51
Dogget:Niche 11.04 doesn't run for me, but 10.10 sure runs damn fast :-)08:51
nicheHehe, shows what I know08:51
ace__so, is anyone esle here having trouble getting the rightclick button on their touchpad to work in ubuntu?08:51
nicheDogget, amen brother. Are you by chance running AMD / ATI?08:51
linageeniche: what is the number of the month of october?08:51
DoggetIndeed a 685008:51
nichelinagee, you shussle your bussle08:51
com64apparently it's 808:51
nicheYou jokesters08:51
linagee(last two of year).(month)08:51
ace__8? really?08:52
com64Last I checked.08:52
com64wait, using the wrong calendar.08:52
linageecom64: use a mayan end of the world calendar. :)08:52
* com64 stops being non-serious08:52
ace__ha! lol!08:52
oCeanlet's move on, please08:52
jigaldoes someone know how i can get the android sdk on ubuntu?08:53
com64linagee, maybe they read it upside-down... maybe the end of the world is in 210208:53
zagibuHashNuke: then it was maybe the switch who had to relearn the mac-addresses08:53
nichespeaking of Mayan calanders... I was just at chichen itza a couple months ago08:53
zagibushouldn't usually take so long, but who knows08:53
oCeancom64, niche enough already08:53
billybigriggerjigal, download it08:53
zagibuniche: how was mass tourism there?08:53
linageecom64: verisign will lose the .com TLD in 2012. what a fun year it will be.08:53
zagibudid you litter the scene a bit?08:53
nichezagibu, hot and sweaty08:54
oCeanzagibu: drop the offtopic discussion. Chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic08:54
ace__right click? ubuntu? anynone?08:54
oCeanace__: ask a real question08:54
com64ace, huh?08:54
ace__oCean: scroll up08:54
oCean!anyone | ace__08:54
ubottuace__: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:54
ProphetZHe asked has anyone had trouble with their right click08:54
zagibuit's probably a driver problem, ace08:54
nicheoCean, I want to create a program that calculates the mayan calander in real time and makes predictions08:55
com64anyway, neither DWM or xmonad work for me; after logging in I get an empty screen with a backdrop and a mouse cursor.08:55
nichecan you halp08:55
ProphetZPrediction: doom!08:55
oCeanProphetZ: stop the offtopic now08:55
ace__now ubottu is having a go at me :)08:55
linageeniche: hook up monkey end trails to the internet using an arduino. real time voodoo!08:55
nearstubottu: help08:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:55
oCeanniche: no, this is not a channel to provide help with programming, try #programming channel08:56
nearstubottu: wmii08:56
nicheoCean, do you wear a boe tie by chance?08:56
ace__ok , I'm  having trouble getting the rightclick button on my HP touchpad to work in ubuntu. any solutions?08:56
linageeace__: I have an HP and ubuntu and have never had that problem08:56
com64what happened to the ocean?08:56
mshadledoes anyone here use ksplice?08:57
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush_88
iivvoohi. on ubuntu 11.04 with gnome 2.x, when new windows are placed ("smart"?), sometimes the bottom of the window is below the bottom toolbar08:58
iivvooanyone know how to fix this?08:58
iivvooit gets annoying having to reposition my vim window each time :)08:58
ace__linagee: wll, I installed ubuntu a few days ago on my HP probook but every time I right clikc it behaves like a left click. even a fresh install didn't help08:58
ace__I tried wubi and full install... NOTHING08:59
G00053really nothing ?08:59
iivvooactually (just enabled autohide), it's actually partly offscreen08:59
ArneyMenu editor is not showing shorcuts that it ads. HELp please.09:00
ArneyI looked at xdg/menu files and .config/menu files, non of them contain the added shortcuts, but unity finds them!!09:00
linageeace__: does it do the same thing in knoppix, etc?09:01
ace__I haven't tried knoppix but I tried "open"suse and it worked fine09:01
bullgard4_How can I determine what section a certain package belongs to? For example, what section belongs the package »sudoku« to?09:01
urlin2uace__, are you geting the click right at the edge of the pad?09:02
nearstapt-cache show *package*09:02
nearstgudluck :)09:02
ace__urlin2u: I get the right clicik if I tap the edge of the pad but doing that is not the best for me. I wand the button to work09:03
nearsthi fornicator09:03
fornicatornearst: are you master of ulimit?09:03
oCeanbullgard4_: dpkg -S /path/to/program09:03
urlin2uace__, I think you have to adapt it sounds like it is working.09:03
nearstfornicator: not.. im only a doing support and help ppl here09:04
fornicatorhelp & support me pleas09:04
nearstubottu: ulimit09:04
fornicatori want to increase ulimit09:04
linageeace__: this may or may not work. try this: xmodmap -e "pointer = 2 1"09:04
nearstfornicator: what areu trying todo ?09:04
ace__urlin2u: you don't know how many times I have to tap that area before I get a response... the button way is much better09:04
urlin2ufornicator, change your nic you might get help this is a family friendly channel09:04
linageeace__: xmodmap -e "pointer = default"    <-- revert back if it doesn't work09:04
oCeanfornicator: ulimit for what?09:05
fornicatori did enter "* hard nofiles 10000" in /etc/security/limits.conf but still its 102409:05
fornicatoroCean: ulimit for files09:05
fornicatori need more sockets09:05
nearstfornicator: owh...more file desc09:05
linageeace__: anything?09:06
=== fornicator is now known as friendlyMan
oCeanfornicator: all you did was edit limits.conf? You also need to edit a pam configuration file.. common-session I think09:06
ace__linagee: the second one worked :) thanks09:06
ProphetZGrrr. Even with no apic and acpi off it still gets stuck right after hitting Install...09:07
linageeace__: cool. np. put that in a startup script somewhere and never worry about it again. :)09:07
linageeace__: (or create an icon if you're lazy and don't want to mess with startup scripts)09:07
ace__I prefer messing things up so I'll go with the startup script :)09:07
urlin2uProphetZ, so what does that tell you?09:08
linageeace__: btw, if you have a multi button mouse (like 5, etc) this is also how you can map anything to anything. :)09:08
nearstfriendlyMan: u need to check into the kernel09:08
ribothow can it be that mod_rewrite works from one browser on one computer and not from another browser on another computer?09:09
nearstfriendlyMan: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max for check your pc file max desc09:09
wolfricwhen trying to create a startup disk, it fails at the end with invalid version string "gnu/linux"09:09
ace__linagee: ok, I'll reserve that knowledge for when I get one... right now I  a regular one09:09
wolfrici'm using the ubuntu 11.04 64 bit09:09
urlin2uwolfric, check the md5sum of the ISO09:10
NrmHi everyone09:10
nearstwolfric: make sure md5sum is equal09:10
nearsthi Nrm09:10
nearstim still not test kernel 3, how it work09:10
linageewolfric: make sure the sha1sum is equal09:11
wolfricurlin2u: where are the md5 and sha1 sums show on ubuntu site?09:12
wolfric7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb0379  ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso09:12
wolfricf7b0d2b90fbd49794419338c2b9157c095b11bda  ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso09:12
oCean!hashes | wolfric09:12
ubottuwolfric: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.09:12
mshadleif anyone here uses ksplice, please let me know. i can't find any good info on it, besides the main site, and the main site doesn't work properly.09:13
mshadleby /msging me09:13
bullgard4_oCean: '~$ dpkg -S /usr/games/sudoku; sudoku: /usr/games/sudoku.' I infer that you did not give me a proper answer.09:13
=== marienz_ is now known as marienz
oCeanbullgard4_: no, it means that that file /usr/games/sudoku comes from the package "sudoku"  (the first word in the output)09:14
nearstbullgard4: apt-get install gnome-sudoku09:14
nearstbrb... knew kernel09:15
bullgard4_oCean: But I did not aks for a package but for a section.09:16
Arneywhere does unity get all of its shortcuts? I have a ton of trash shortcuts and they are not in the gnome menu system09:16
Nrm /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS09:16
wolfricso the md5 and sha are correct. now what09:16
oCeanbullgard4_: right, I'm sorry I misread your question. What kind of "section" are you referring to?09:17
oCeanbullgard4_: you mean 'main', 'universe' etc?09:17
eraggoam i only 1 who's computer is encoutering fishing attacks on ssh?09:17
th0reraggo: such attacks occur all the time. Move ssh off port 22 and they should just about disappear09:18
Nrmeraggo : you can use fail2ban too09:19
bullgard4_oCean: Ubuntu divides all packages that it odffers in "sections". You can find a button "Section" on the left-hand pane in Synaptic. For example a valid section is "Amateur Radio (universe)".09:19
eraggoah. Didnt thought about that... going to change it after getting to home09:19
Arneyhow can I list all the servers that are running on my system?09:19
oCeanbullgard4_: oh right. I'm not sure how to do that in terminal. But you can ask ubottu (here in irc) bye typing /msg ubottu !info sudoku09:19
bullgard4_oCean: This command provides the 'component' but not the 'section'.09:21
oCeanbullgard4_: ok, sorry. Than I don't know how to list what you need..09:22
NrmArney: You can try "netstat -antp" this will show you all the listening port on your host09:22
NrmArney: and the active connection09:23
eraggoNrm: how that fail2ban actually works?09:23
bullgard4_oCean: Ok. Thank you.09:23
ArneyNrm worked great.09:23
Nrmeraggo: fail2ban is a program that use iptables to block users that try too many times to log into your server09:23
Nrmeraggo: you just have to install it09:24
NrmArney: You're welcome ;-)09:24
eraggoNrm: and after installation it makes its magic in background?09:24
tutmeepis there a possibility to format an usb drive if fdisk tells me my drive's a read-only device and I won't be able to write the partition table?09:24
urlin2ututmeep, if you wipe the partition it should be good09:26
=== nick is now known as Guest54186
tutmeepurlin2u: I wouldn't know how. Neither fdisk nor gparted are able to wipe it.09:27
urlin2ututmeep, is it unmounted?09:28
tutmeepurlin2u: yes09:28
tutmeepurlin2u: I am only informed that it's a read-only file system and it's not possible to write on it.09:28
urlin2ututmeep, maybe it's toast you can try a force I guess.09:28
tutmeepurlin2u: how would i do that?09:29
urlin2ututmeep, mounted it wont wipe it oipen disk utility unmount and try then09:29
urlin2ututmeep, I have never used fdisk look at the helkp09:30
urlin2ututmeep, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tools-to-delete-files-securely-in-ubuntu-linux.html09:32
tutmeepurlin2u: I unmounted it via disk utility and then tried again via the command line, just to be sure. Still, gparted tells me it cannot write on a read-only device.09:32
llutztutmeep: has it a hardware write-protection?09:32
mactimesCould someone let me know how do I install the non-free codecs?09:33
urlin2ututmeep, look at the link, in gparted delete then wrote a new partition.09:33
oCeanbullgard4_: I think I found what you're after. It's through the dpkg-query command:   dpkg-query -W -f='${PackageSpec} ${Version}\t${Section}\n' sudoku09:33
zagibututmeep: maybe it's one of those drives that has two partitions, one with vendor-specific crap software that is read only, and one for the data?09:33
mactimesI'm running ubuntu 10.04 LTS09:33
tutmeepzagibu: exactly.09:33
Fudgehow do u scroll up a page etc in a console09:34
zagibuyou can always dd it with zeroes09:34
zagibuthen partition it09:34
urlin2umactimes, restricted extras in synaptic09:34
mactimesFudge shift+page up09:34
mactimesurlin2u I'll check that.  Thank you!09:34
oCeanmactimes: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras  see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:34
tutmeepllutz: I don't know if there is a hardware write protection. Is there any way I can check?09:34
Fudgethats what i thought but its not working09:34
mactimesoCean Thank you.09:34
urlin2umactimes, cool.09:34
llutztutmeep: is there any data you need on the drive? if NOT: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=109:35
tutmeepzagibu: I tried that one, but I'm only told it's not possible to write on the device.09:35
mactimesFudge Sure?  What console are you using?  Bare TTY?09:35
bullgard4_oCean: '~$ dpkg-query -W -f='${PackageSpec} ${Version}\t${Section}\n' sudoku; No packages found matching sudoku.' What should I substitute for '{PackageSpec}'?09:35
zagibututmeep: make sure to write to the device, not the partition, and unmount the partitions before09:35
Fudgemactimes  how can i tell, im using natty09:36
tutmeepllutz, zagibu: I get this error message: dd: opening `/dev/sdb': Read-only file system09:36
oCeanbullgard4_: I tried this, and this should be the actual command (no substitutions required). No packages found , normally means that the package 'sudoku' is not installed. Is it currently?09:36
llutztutmeep:is it a thumbdrive?  does it have a switch/slider/something for ro/rw? detach it, reattach, try again09:37
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
tutmeepllutz: no switch :(09:38
oCeanbullgard4_: you could try this with an other package you have installed? (pick any package from the output of dpkg -l)09:38
mactimesFudge Well, Shift+PGUP should work then.  Have you changed any shortcuts configuration?09:38
zagibuyou should also watch dmesg while attaching the drive09:38
urlin2udaserfost, what's up.09:39
zagibumaybe there will be hints09:39
mactimesurlin2u oCean Thank you.  That worked. ;-)09:39
dr3mrodoes any one knows if the power regression bug fixed on the 3.1 rc2  kernel???09:40
Fudgenah mactimes  dont think so09:40
tutmeepllutz: and retrying also didn't change anything.09:40
daserfostrlin2u: what's hot in ubuntu09:40
ikoniadr3mro: 3.1 kernel isn't in ubuntu yet so it's not really an ubuntu discussion09:41
oCeandaserfost: this is not really a discussion channel. Chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic09:41
daserfostjust kidding09:41
mactimesFudge Try closing that console and opening a new one.09:41
dr3mrono it's in kernel.ubuntu.com i am downloading it now ??09:41
dr3mroikonia, no it's in kernel.ubuntu.com i am downloading it now ??09:42
llutztutmeep: sudo hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb09:42
mactimesFudge Then try something like 'ls -l /etc'09:42
mactimesFudge Hold down SHIFT and tap PAGE UP09:42
mactimesFudge Are you using a notebook or something like that?09:42
mactimesFudge If so, check if you don't have a 'Fn' or 'Function' key on that.09:43
Fudgenah its a desktop09:43
mactimesFudge If so, probably you have to hold down SHIFT and Fn, then tap PAGE UP09:43
Fudgei use speakup tts but that is not conflicting with the keybinds09:43
Fudgenot to worry its not biggy09:43
com64I seem to be having a little trouble. Nothing shows up in my home folder in ubuntu 11.04's file manager except for one file (.xsession-errors)09:43
ikoniadr3mro: it's not in an official release.09:44
Fudgecom64  check hidden files but sounds bad09:44
mactimesFudge Oh, so I don't know what I could be.  Sorry. =/09:44
com64Fudge: did.09:44
Fudgenp mactimes  thanx09:44
mactimesFudge You're welcome.09:44
com64though, I can access any subdirectory by specifying the location int he location bar09:44
zagibucom64: what does pwd say in your home folder?09:44
Fudgeif youre in gnome it seems unlikely that is the only file09:44
com64well, it is.09:44
com64one sec, opening a new tab in guake...09:45
Fudgetry to reset your folder views, nautilus com64  ?09:45
com64pwd says /home/daniel09:45
com64how do I reset my folder views?09:45
zagibuif you don't see the files, but can switch into subdirs, the execute flag on your dir permission is missing, IIRC09:45
com64ah, it's working now after pressing F5. For some reason, f5 wasn't working before.09:46
com64or even switching back into the home folder.09:46
zagibuyeah, those pesky  caches09:46
bullgard4_oCean: I made a mistake. I entered this command in a computer where the package sudoku was not installed. --  My apologies. --  Thank you very much for your help.09:47
tutmeepllutz: your command seems to work, but when i remount the drive manually, it's still read-only09:47
llutztutmeep: why do you mount it, if you want to partition it?09:48
oCeanbullgard4_: np, and welcome.09:48
tutmeepllutz: i mounted it to see if it was still read-only.09:49
danielWhenever I reboot, I can't access my home folder directly in any file manager unless I run "fusermount -u ~/.gvfs09:50
tutmeepllutz: also, I still cannot partition it, regardless if it's mounted or not.09:50
llutztutmeep:umount it, " sudo hdparm -r0 /dev/sdb" and "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1"   then "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb" to create new partitions09:50
tutmeepllutz: tried that, but I still only get the message that it's a read-only device09:50
llutztutmeep: odd, now ideas left here, sry09:51
danielhm... I can't change my nick in irssi...09:51
danielah nvm09:51
=== daniel is now known as com64
tutmeepllutz: i guess there is some hidden hardware switch or something.09:52
tutmeepStill, thank you for your help llutz, urlin2u and zagibu09:52
llutztutmeep: maybe, get a (working) new usb-device09:52
tutmeepllutz: will have to.09:53
ranjanHi All, i have a hp dv4 laptop purchased just 2 days before, i installed Natty and unfortunately the touchpad is not working, where as a usb mouse connected is working without any problem. Any help??09:55
urlin2u  ranjan try holding down the fn key and tapping f709:55
ranjanurlin2u, no :( its not working09:56
ranjanurlin2u, any other method?09:57
Nrmranjan: have you tried the configuration menu gnome-mouse-properties ?09:57
ranjanNrm, no i havent, what are the changes that is to be done there?09:58
Nrmranjan: On laptop, it may have a specific configuration for laptop like activate touchpad09:59
ranjanNrm, there the touchpad tab is missing09:59
=== daserfost is now known as segfault
Nrmranjan: arf, sorry09:59
urlin2uranjan, any switches you haven't found near the pad?09:59
=== segfault is now known as Guest30345
ranjanNrm, the touchpad tab came back10:00
ranjanNrm, actually i followed some instructions to create a file in /etc/modprobe.d10:01
Nrmranjan: have you installed gpointing-device-settings ?10:01
ranjanNrm, no10:01
ranjanNrm, let me try that10:01
=== Guest30345 is now known as deltafost
ranjanurlin2u, there are no switches10:03
ranjanurlin2u, there is a small square at the top left corner which i heard that is used to toggle touchpad, but its also not working10:03
=== deltafost is now known as deltafoss
firestormoooHey, is this the place for an ubuntu newbie to get some desperately needed help?10:05
kms11 /msg nickserv register aqua jack@hotmail.com10:05
skrapshey what kinda regex does rubular.com use?10:06
babilenkms11: Never do anything like that within a channel -- /query nickserv -- Otherwise the whole world knows your password.10:06
babilenfirestormooo: yes10:06
NrmI'm sorry ranjan I have to go. Have a good luck :D10:07
urlin2uranjan, page 8  http://h10032.www1.hp.com/ctg/Manual/c01597750.pdf10:07
ranjanNrm, thank you. let me try10:07
com64I tried to install DWM (dynamic window manager), but when I log in, I'm stuck at a screen with my mouse cursor and the default ubuntu backdrop, so evidently, it didn't load properly.10:07
skrapshey what kinda regex does rubular.com use?10:08
somsipcom64: if dwm is anything like awesome, that's what you get. Have you tried using the hot key to open a terminal?10:08
cjs_firestormooo: Yes.10:09
rileypdoes Irsend work with kernel 2.6.38-10-generic anda mceusb transciever? I cant get it working it was fine in lucid10:09
cjs_(Oops...missed that in the scrollback.)10:09
com64somsip: what's the hotkey?10:09
somsipcom64: in awesome is mod4 + Enter, but maybe DWM is different.10:09
com64I'll go look it up.10:10
com64I wonder if there's a way to have no backdrop, just a solid black colour...10:10
bannikhello I got a problem with system monitor, everytime I start it it loads then just disappears - need help figuring out whats wrong, new at this10:11
somsipcom64: it's likely, from whatever config file DWM uses. I'd suggest customising of that might come after you make sure it's working and can do the basic functions10:11
ranjanurlin2u, :( that feature is not working10:11
wildbatbannik: try start in terminal see if there is error msg10:11
ranjanurlin2u, even i installed the gpointing-device-settings10:11
bannikwildbat: whats the command for it??10:12
ranjanurlin2u, its all ok all the settings are to disable the touchpad10:12
wildbatbannik: gnome-system-monitor10:12
urlin2uranjan, the button does not work?10:12
urlin2uon off10:12
ranjanurlin2u, its not a button, its also a touchpad10:12
firestormoooI'm trying to get a program to compile from source; I new to linux in general, but I know how to program and wanted to do some light tinkering/development/general playing with changes, so I need to figure out how to get it to compile.  I attempted to follow the instructions on the site but I'm a little lost.  I had the game running at one point from a package install, but after trying to get all of the development libraries installed10:12
ranjanurlin2u, it toggles the whole touchpad10:12
firestormoooit won't run at all.  Any thoughts on what I did to screw things up?  The program is glob2; I have a list of dependencies that I need to install.10:12
bannikwildbat nothing is happening10:13
bannikno error or anything10:13
kms11 /msg nickserv register 111111 payni10@yahoo.com10:13
urlin2uranjan, hmm strange.10:13
wildbatbannik: hmmm ~ that strange.10:13
wildbatbannik: try reinstall it ?10:14
bannik:( I feel stupid for not trying that10:14
kms11here i shoud type for register?10:14
somsip!register | kms1110:14
ubottukms11: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:14
urlin2uranjan, page 8 #4 reads as TouchPad on/off button Enables/disables the TouchPad.   you saw this correct?10:15
wildbatkms11: 111111 isn't a good passwd :>10:16
kms11:D yes i know, but i m testing i get confused10:16
deltafosswildbat: that's just a template10:16
ranjanurlin2u, yes, in my case that on/off stuff is at the corner of touchpad itself, a small silver box like drawing, and its not a push button10:16
urlin2uranjan, cool very strange.10:17
com64somsip: it seems that dwm can only be configured when you compile it. I installed from ubuntu software centre, d'oh!10:17
ranjanurlin2u, have you not seen such a touchpad before?10:18
urlin2uranjan, I have acer netbook it is a recessed pad, I use a mouse.10:18
dmtarmeywelcome chat room10:19
ichbinderhello there. My Samsung Galaxy GT-S5830 (ACE), using Frodo, is in a deadlock situation: I used the default browser's functionality to create links to websites on the desktop. I had to desktop pages at that point. After adding 2 links, the desktop was full and the third link caused an error message, saying that the current page is full. Since then, my desktop is empty and I can't access it. I also can't access the main menu. So I10:19
ichbinder can't add a new desktop page. All I get is an error that  com.sec.android.app.twlauncher has stopped unexpectedly. Pressing "Force Quit" button doesn't help, get the error again as soon as I try to enter desktop or main menu.10:19
ichbinderSamsung support hotline said, there is no other way than reset the phone... are they right? Is there maybe an android support or something?10:19
ichbinderwrong channel, sorry :D10:19
deltafossi need a software to recover deleted dat10:20
dmtarmeyi have an issue with trying to access my ftp with filezilla is there any security software that could block filezill i havent installed a firewall10:20
bannikis there an easier and safer way for me to try out kubuntu out without destroying my current installation, my feels a bit bloated, slow at times10:20
wildbatdeltafoss: what kind of files , remount the drive ro asap10:20
bannikwildbat same thing is happening10:20
urlin2ubannik, put a ISO on a pendrive10:20
firestormoooCan someone help me troubleshoot dependencies to compile a program?10:21
deltafosswildbat: read only?10:21
wildbatdeltafoss: yes10:21
dmtarmeyHello ChanServ10:21
wildbatbannik: no idea then sorry, may be try digging logs.10:22
wildbatfirestormooo: /j ##c10:22
deltafosswildbat: it's on my current filesystem10:22
com64my mouse cursor is stuck dragging a tab in chrome... and I Can't close it.10:23
wildbatdeltafoss: readonly can prevent the data being overwritten. try testdisk / photorec.10:24
deltafosswildbat: okay, great info. thank10:24
dmtarmeyHello anyone can help with issue with filezilla10:24
mlomnickihi, anyone knows how to permamently disable DPMS. I set Option "dpms" "false" in xorg.conf but it doesn't take any effect. the only working solution at the moment is to set gnome autostart script which calls xset -dpms && xset dpms 0 0 0 but I'd prefer to disable it on system level10:24
com64I've managed to close it, but ut's still draging that tab :o10:24
wildbatcom64: kill the chrome ?10:25
wildbat!anyone| dmtarmey10:26
ubottudmtarmey: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.10:26
com64wildbat: kill -HUD pid, right?10:26
wildbatcom64: i perfer killall , but up to you .10:27
dmtarmeyCheers Does anyone know how i can reso‌lve an isssues with using filezilla to access drupal server10:27
wildbatterm, hup , then kill if it won't give up10:28
dmtarmeyi keep getting the following error Command:USER dmtarmey@red-banana.biz10:29
dmtarmeyError:Could not read from socket: ECONNRESET - Connection reset by peer10:29
dmtarmeyError:Could not connect to server10:29
dmtarmeyhello ubottu ?10:30
wildbatdmtarmey: that isn't ubuntu support question:> that's relate to your server / your setting issue10:30
Say ¤Ç¤Á10:31
Say hi10:31
nicheguys, are malware / viruses much of a risk on ubuntu?10:31
dmtarmeyi have been though my server support this issue is only happening on my computer10:31
wildbatniche: not much.10:32
dmtarmeyubottu is there a way i can test to see if any program on this computer is blocking me10:33
wildbatdmtarmey:  Connection reset by peer it is the server hang up on you .10:33
wildbat!firewall| dmtarmey10:33
ubottudmtarmey: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.10:33
wildbat!hi | Say10:34
Say :)10:34
dmtarmeycheers ill have a look10:34
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firestormoooI get the following error when I attempt to run the program in question right now: "glob2: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".  Synaptic packet manager tells me the containing package is installed, but the files aren't actually there.  What gives?10:37
wildbatfirestormooo: try reinstall it ?10:38
dmtarmeyubottu im using unity i cant see any firewall on my system10:39
ubottudmtarmey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:39
firestormoooTried already.  Reinstalled both the game and SDL10:39
wildbatfirestormooo: no idea10:39
dmtarmeyubottu sorry you seem to me more intelligent than me in this area10:40
ubottudmtarmey: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:40
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firestormoooI think maybe the stuff installed to the local usr directory rather than the root one?10:40
firestormoooThere's a file with the correct name inside my user acount10:40
bannikokay is there a way to do a clean instal of ubuntu without me loosing any of my personal files10:41
wildbatfirestormooo: may be ~ may be LD_PATH issue ~ idk10:41
wildbatbannik: are you /home on seperate partition ?10:41
bannikmost probably not10:42
wildbatbackup your /home then.10:42
=== Monster is now known as monsterwizard
liutong hello lihao10:43
wildbatnext install , you should have seperate partition for /home10:43
velmisso many users...10:44
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StaRetjifolks, can someone help me out with udev rules? I've placed file called 98-modem-rules inside /etc/udev/rules.d directory and ran udevadm control --reload-rules also tried udevadm trigger, however links are not created. I need someone help me debug it. Thx so much.10:45
Joe0006hail !10:45
aziplease tell me there is a way to recover after rm -rf a directory10:47
bannikhey wildbat I think i found the error, I am using ubuntu 10.10 but when I click on about ubuntu it says I am using 11.0410:47
wildbatbannik: you didn't fully upgraded ?10:48
skilzIs there some text program to show is caps lock, num lock ect is on like 'Caps Lock: On' ect?10:48
bannikI never upgraded10:48
bannikI upgraded from 10.04 to 10.1010:48
propusany one with sli knowledge?10:49
bannikbut that was weeks ago10:49
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wildbatazi: try testdisk / photorec10:49
bannikwildbat if in terminal I type cat /etc/lsb-release I get ubuntu 10.10 maverick10:50
narvaMy valgrind complains about lidstdc++.so.6.0.13 after I updated it. Previously my code has been working just fine. Anyway to downgrade the library?? Running on Lucid 64bit10:50
wildbatbannik: hmmm something not right .. you muct have crashed on upgrading it10:50
bannikwhat should I do10:51
dabukalam#join ubuntu+110:51
wildbatbannik: try upgrading it or reinstall .10:51
narvaI can't change the code, because the error occurs on another library I'm using10:51
bannikis 11.04 any good?10:51
aziwildbat: what will that do?Å10:51
user17narva: define "complains"10:52
narvaDo I paste it here??10:52
graingertdoes anyone notice that python /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport_python_hook.py has 3 failed test cases10:52
user17narva: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10:52
wildbatazi , they scan for deteled files and recover if not overwritten them10:52
narvauser17: http://paste.ubuntu.com/669980/ ... I'm using MySQL++ library in my code. Normal Query object creation triggers this error in the valgrind10:54
skilzIs there some text program to show is caps lock, num lock ect is on like 'Caps Lock: On' ect?10:54
user17narva: it's a programming error in mysqlpp, not in libstdc++. that said, ask the maintainer of mysqlpp to fix their code10:54
narvauser17: k :D They only have a mailing list so I decided to come here first. thx :)10:56
adioe3hey guys, how do I install 11.04 using software raid?10:56
wildbat!alternate | adioe310:57
ubottuadioe3: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal10:57
muhammad_any one can help10:58
muhammad_when i am installing upgrade10:59
propuswhat happens? =)10:59
muhammad_coming u securty tools desable11:00
urlin2umuhammad_, in os or fro to?11:00
urlin2ufrom to11:00
muhammad_saudi arabia11:00
kingspiderOS - operating system11:00
urlin2umuhammad_, in the operating system or to another11:01
muhammad_only ubuntu11:01
muhammad_i install in laptop11:01
propusmuhammad_, try the man page.11:01
kingspiderokay so what do you need help with11:01
urlin2umuhammad_, is the upgrade within ubuntu or to the next distribution11:02
muhammad_when i am installing any thing coming you securty tools is desabled11:02
w00hi,  i'm trying to symlink some files and access them through pure-ftpd, activated virtualchroot and perms look ok but the ftp client gives 'not a directory' errors, anyone knows what could be the issue? (same type of setup works on another distro)11:03
muhammad_how can i enabled my securty tools11:03
Pippi_Longstockcan someone help me adding raid1 with ubuun11:04
muhammad_dpkg cod error11:04
dabukalamI'm trying to install ubuntu-desktop on a minimal oneiric, and I'm getting an error (ubuntu-desktop has unmet dependencies: Depends: gnome-session but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity but it is not going to be installed Depends: unity-2d but it is not going to be installed E:Broken Packages)11:05
muhammad_how i cal install11:05
Pippi_Longstockoneric is ubuntu+111:05
urlin2umuhammad_, run sudo apt-get update in terminal and pastebin any errors.       http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:05
dabukalamyeah, but it's an ubuntu question not ubuntu+111:06
Pippi_Longstockits about a beta version11:06
dabukalami'm not asking why oneiric is broken, i'm asking about a problem that could occur on dapper11:06
muhammad_i did same11:06
Pippi_Longstockand oneric is beta11:06
mgolischdabukalam: the packages are mostlikely broken11:06
muhammad_can u access my pc11:06
urlin2udabukalam, #ubuntu+1 is oneiric11:06
dabukalamPippi_Longstock: actually it's alpha11:07
urlin2umuhammad_, people rarely do that.11:07
muhammad_ pls tell me11:07
muhammad_u can access my pc now11:08
Joe0006íÇ ÇÎí ãÍãÏ. ÊÑíÏ ãäåã íÏÎáæä ÇáÌåÇÒ ááãÓÇÚÏ æ áÇ ÇäÊ ÎÇíÝ ãä ÇáåÇßÑÒ ¿11:08
Joe0006ok i scared him11:09
Joe0006maybe he wa asking if you can access his computer without authorization11:09
Joe0006like hacking11:09
Joe0006they brain was people heads these days. whenever an OS breaks they say a hacker broke my computer11:10
urlin2ustrange seems like a language problem 2 on saudi channel.11:10
Joe0006urlin2u where is the saudi channel ?11:10
urlin2uJoe0006, #ubuntu-sa11:11
urlin2uohh 6 on11:11
monsterwizardis there a Uk channel?11:11
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urlin2u#ubuntu-uk  monsterwizard11:12
urlin2unp monsterwizard11:12
bannikokay I fixed the error by going into grub loader and loading an older version of ubuntu 10.10 (about ubuntu still says I use 11.04 I will upgrade later on) how can I make this current version of ubuntu as my normal starting one so I dont have to go to select it all the time11:13
urlin2ubannik, 10.10 as default?11:14
urlin2uin grub menu11:15
nicheGuys I need some help. I used this tutorial: http://conradmiguel.com/how-to-install-adobe-flash-player-on-64-bit-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat to install Flash 64 bit on my Ubuntu 10.10. After it finished, terminal said flashplugin-installer is the newest version. However, when I got to flash websites like YouTube and Google Music it says I am missing the flash plugin.. HELP!11:15
bannikno, you know how when you start the pc, if you press ESC during grub load you get to see a version selection like ubuntu 10.10 2.3.4 then the safemode version then 10.10 2.3.3 (numbers are not accurate they are an example)11:16
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urlin2ubannik, you want to default to a kernel set?11:17
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twomackGood morning11:20
* twomack is trying to run a commercial program on Natty and gets an error message about /lib/libc.so.6 not existing11:20
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ubuntuhello all - I'm a newbie having probs with flash. Anyone able to help?11:21
ubuntuFlash tends to crash my firefox browser, sometimes to the extent where only a hard re-boot will fix it.11:22
ubuntuIt tends to happen when any new flash element pops up or changes11:22
ubuntuit's annoying. lol11:22
Craw^ubuntu, try the Flash-Aid plugin for Firefox.11:24
ubuntuthanks - is it just called flash-aid?11:27
ubuntuohhh wiat - it's not free. That's not good11:28
sajimonhello, im thinking about upgrading to ocelot, but first i want to ask if its usable in current state11:32
sajimonisit ?11:32
zwt2789flash is one big fail11:32
ikoniasajimon ocelot ?11:32
Myrtti!oneiric | sajimon11:33
ubottusajimon: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:33
nicheI have a dumb question11:33
FloppyBombask it11:33
nicheHow do I open a directory (i.e. unzipped tar) folder like Firefox11:34
nichein terminal11:34
ikonianiche: cd $directory_name11:34
nicheI tried "cd directoryname" and it didn't work11:34
nicheoh poop11:34
ikonianiche: what is the name of the directory11:34
nicheflash 11 beta11:34
nicheso I have to use _'s11:35
syrinx_priestniche: when you say it didn't work, what happened?11:35
zwt2789niche: it depend from where you are trying to cd11:35
nicheno such file or directory11:35
nichebut I was using spaces11:35
th0rniche: you have to either use quotes, single quotes, or escape each space with a leading \11:35
nicheI did "ls" and I am in the correct place I think11:35
th0rniche: or use tab to autocomplete11:35
zwt2789niche: use the <TAB> key to complete the directory name11:35
zwt2789niche: it will automatically quote the spaces11:35
nicheyeah heeyyy11:35
nichethat works simple enough11:35
propusniche: tar zxvf(tar.gz) or tar xjf(tar.bz2)11:36
szalniche: is that a 32bit or 64bit system?11:36
zwt2789propus: i think he already untarred it11:36
niche64 bit11:36
szalniche: then it's easier to get the Flash 11 Beta from the SevenMachines PPA11:36
nichenow to install this blasted 64 bit flash, I need to move the libflashplayer.so file into the /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ directory?11:37
Kingsywhat are the major differences between ubuntu latest and 10.04 ?11:37
Kingsydoes 10.04 have grub2 ?11:37
nicheszal, how do I do that? I'm on 10.10 btw11:37
zwt2789Kingsy: 10.04 has grub2, but it does not have unity11:37
=== DIFH-iceroot is now known as iceroot
szalniche: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer11:38
Kingsyzwt2789: sorry to be a noob but what is unity?11:38
zwt2789Kingsy: the new desktop of ubuntu11:38
propusKingsy: a f*cking sucky dm :D11:39
nicheszal, I tried that and got this in return11:39
nicheflashplugin64-installer is already the newest version.11:39
niche0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:39
nicheBut... When I use mozilla, every flash site says I need to install flash11:39
Kingsypropus: ohhh yeah I have used it.... and i HATE ity11:39
szalniche: in other words, you already have it, so why are you fiddling?11:39
Kingsyso thats ok11:39
nicheszal, read my next comment11:39
Kingsybasically I think my 11.04 installation has a kernel bug so I am going to have to clean install the LTS11:40
zwt2789niche: check the url   about:plugins   in firefox11:40
nicheno enabled plugins found11:40
zwt2789szal: is there anything to do after installing flashplugin64-installer?11:41
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:41
propusKingsy: me too.. it is very awful to have it when using lot of applications.. gnome classic is the way :D11:41
Karen_mwhile i'm in the ubuntu desktop, how do I get out to the login screen so that I can toggle the classic/unity11:41
Kingsypropus: :) you have the kernel bug? or you hate unity? :)11:42
szalaccording to the wiki restarting Firefox should be enough11:42
nicheI have restarted firefox many times ;911:42
propusKingsy: i hate it :)11:42
zwt2789szal: seems the flashplugin64-installer didn't do anything on niches machine11:42
arfbtwnniche: Why not use the 32 bit plugin with nspluginwrapper?11:43
nichearfbtwn, at this point I'll use whatever11:44
nichesomeone just give me some commands to put into terminal11:44
szalarfbtwn: because it plain sucks11:44
nicheok, well if szal says it sucks, I want 64-bit!11:44
arfbtwnszal: It works for me fine, how does it suck?11:45
stephenhhello, how can i tell which package provides a file?11:45
stephenhredhat/centos has 'yum provides', what is the apt equivilent?11:46
nicheGuys, do you think you'll be able to help me with this or am I a lost cause? If so I'll just go to bed11:46
Kingsypropus: do you use 11.04 or the LTS ?11:46
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arfbtwnniche: Installing 32 bit flash player on 10.04 or later is just a case of installing flash from the ubuntu software centre11:47
oCeanstephenh: there is apt-file search (have to install apt-file package) and dpkg -S /path/to/file is similar to rpm -qf /path/to/file11:47
propusKingsy: 11.04 x86_64 kernel
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as miiiiii
stephenhoCean: this is to show where an existing file comes from?11:48
nichearfbtwn, installed flash on Ubuntu Software Center. Restarted firefox, firefox tells me I need flash to play youtube videos11:48
Kingsypropus: argh, hehe I don't get it.. everyone here uses 11.04 and I am the only one with this weird kworker issue11:49
arfbtwnniche: ok, so what does about:plugins say? no flash there?11:49
oCeanstephenh: dpkg -S is to show for existing file, apt-file will show you any file matching the searchstring (in the packages available in repository, similar to yum whatprovides)11:49
oCeanerr *provides11:49
nichearfbtwn, yes it says no plugins11:49
propusKingsy: what is the problem?11:49
niche"For your safety, Firefox has disabled your outdated version of Flash. Please upgrade to the latest version."11:49
stephenhoCean: nice, will remember that thanks11:50
arfbtwnniche: What version of firefox are you running?11:50
nichearfbtwn, 6.011:50
Kingsypropus: for some reason my hdd light is on perminatly, so I checkout iotop and there is a kworker thread working all of the time, read/writing constantly at 70-100MB/s and I don't know why/what its doing11:50
szalniche: go to Tools -> Add-ons in Firefox, switch to Plugins tab & tell us what version of Flash it shows as installed11:50
Kingsypropus: did some research and asked around, and it looks like its a "kernel bug"11:50
* Kingsy shruggs11:50
nicheszal, when I go to Add-ons > Plugins it says "You don't have any add-ons of this type installed"11:51
propusKingsy: is it you're system disk or storage?11:51
szal!info firefox maverick11:52
Kingsypropus: well thats the thing, I have one disk for operating system and one disk for storage (which is raid) I cant even tell which disk its read/writing to11:52
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.2 (maverick), package size 11114 kB, installed size 29968 kB11:52
szalniche: where did you get FF6 from?11:52
nicheAlso, when I try to download the APT flash file from the website, I get this message "Firefox doesn't know hot to open this address, because the protocal (apt) isn't associated with any program. -- Isn't 10.04+ supposed to handle APT?11:52
nicheszal, http://www.mozilla.com11:52
stephenhapt-file search seems to expand the search to include any package that has those letters in succession11:53
oCeanstephenh: use -F to prevent that  apt-file search -F /bin/cp11:54
szalniche: do you have a directory /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ ?11:54
nicheniche@niche-GA-MA790X-UD4P:~$ cd /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/11:55
TraintopHi Folks! -A short question: anybody noticed these days that sound breaks after pausing video/audio in vlc?11:55
szalls -lA this dir please -> pastebin11:55
sausagefishI keep getting lockups with ubuntu trying to diagnose what the problem is :S11:56
szalTraintop: doesn't here, but that may depend on your output device; I noticed a slight difference between my internal sound device and PCI sound card11:56
nicheszal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/670022/11:56
szalniche: ls -lA /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin11:57
Joe0006is it save to install java runtimes on ubuntu ?11:58
nicheszal, ^11:58
szal!java | Joe000611:58
ubottuJoe0006: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://goo.gl/zwOip -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.11:58
Traintopszal: it worked flawlessly until a vlc-upadte via synaptic... :-( and the effect is: I play a video in vlc without any errors but when I pause the video, sound breaks completly.. until I close vlc and restart the video again... :-(11:58
zagibuJoe0006: it's safe11:58
szalniche: there's your problem then, it links to a (probably non-existing?) 32bit Flash plugin11:59
zagibui used to develop java on ubuntu and didn't have many problems11:59
nicheszal, cool, how do I fix???11:59
szalniche: try 'sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin'; you should be able to choose the 64bit Flash plugin there11:59
=== jrgifford is now known as jrgifford_
=== jrgifford_ is now known as jrgifford__
nicheszal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/670027/12:00
Traintopniche: I use 11.04 64bit and installing flash was as simple as marking it as "to install" in synaptic12:00
zwt2789Traintop: he is using firefox 6.0, not installed via package manager12:01
nicheTraintop, 11.04 also ran like a piece of poop on my machine12:01
Traintopzwt2789: sorry to intervene... :-)12:01
Traintopniche: also on 64bit?12:01
nicheTraintop, ja12:02
nicheszal, you see my last message after looking for alternatives?12:02
Traintopthis is my first 64bit install and I am a bit confused about some wierd things like delayed sound, cracking sound in the first 1,5sec of each song... :-(12:02
szalniche: yes, trying to find a solution12:03
Tank658Am i on now?12:03
nicheszal, mucho gracias12:03
* sp3ctrumIG_ is away: 12:04
Traintopis the 64bit version equally supported/deveopled like the 32bit version or is 64bit still more for the nerds...?12:04
niche64-bit version is the pokemon master edition12:05
TraintopTank658: at least I can read you :-)12:05
Traintopniche: which means? -I'm too old for pokemon-hints... :-)12:05
nichecatered to nerds? I actually have no idea I just have ADD and had to throw something out there12:06
szalniche: 'sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so firefox-flashplugin /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so 60 && sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin' <- that should then either give you a choice or tell you that it has the 64bit Flash plugin as the only option12:06
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=== jrgiford is now known as jrgifford
nicheszal,  cool man check it out http://paste.ubuntu.com/670032/12:07
TraintopI noticed that qemu-performance is better than 32 bit, but everything else seems to be a bit more laggy...12:08
nicheszal, which one do I want? I don't understand auto mode, manual mode, priority? I want 64 bit12:08
szalniche: looks good as-is; restart Firefox and try Flash again12:08
nicheszal, I haven't selected a option though. I just restarted firefox and flash is still missing btw12:09
szalniche: or re-run the update-alternatives --config command (NOT the --install part) and select option 112:10
nicheszal, chose option 1 and it's still not working12:11
szalniche: then be sure to uninstall the 32bit Flash plugin12:12
nichedo I need to re-install the 64 bit?12:12
szalnot that I know of12:12
nicheszal, :( Still nothing. Any other ideas12:13
szalwhat does update-alternatives --config say now?12:14
pete__hi, how do I see what devices are connected to my usb ports?12:14
Traintoppete_: lsusb -v12:14
Traintoppete__: there are some more ls-variants: ls, lsusb, lspci12:15
nicheszal, http://paste.ubuntu.com/670036/12:15
pete__Traintop, that's told me lost of information about the usb controllers but not about the device that's plugged in12:16
szalniche: k, then I'm out of ideas..  blame the official Firefox ^^12:16
Traintoppete__: but it should list all connected devices... -if lsusb only lists your usb-controllers it means that no usb-device is pluged in...12:17
nicheszal, I see. Well thanks for the efforts! Wonder how it got screwed up12:17
pete__dammit, I have one plugged in and it's not seeing it12:17
szalniche: I can only tell you that it works w/ no extra configuration in Firefox 6 (from *buntu pkg) on Natty12:17
pete__is there a dmesg command or something else I can try?12:17
Traintoppete__: I have to say I am not really sure if usb-devices are also listed if their driver is not loaded, but that's just hinting12:18
zwt2789Traintop: they are12:18
Traintoppete__: you can try putting more "v"s e.g. lsusb -vv or lsusb -vvv12:18
zwt2789Traintop: usb device have to show up in lsusb output, regardless if there is a driver loaded or not12:18
SomelauwHi, someone made an interactive pdf, but it doesn't work in my pdf viewer. What pdf viewer can open interactive pdf pages?12:19
zwt2789pete__: you can try   dmesg | tail   right after pluggin in the usb device12:19
pete__Traintop, that just makes it more verbose12:19
SomelauwOther than adobe.12:19
szalniche: the only other option I could think of (attention: dirty and NOT recommended) is symlinking the libflashplayer.so by hand12:19
PulpÐóññêèå ïîìîãèòå!12:20
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Traintopzwt2789: so lsusb does not verify module-loading but just lists all connected devices12:20
pete__zwt2789 kinda worked12:20
szalPulp: please fix your encoding12:20
zwt2789Traintop: yes12:20
Traintopzwt2789:thx :-)12:20
zwt2789pete__: put the output on pastebin12:20
nicheszal, I'm up way too late. I will just have to work on this tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help12:21
compdocyoure getting sleeeeepy12:21
alaai need help in apache?12:21
PulpThere is here Russian?12:21
szal!ru | Pulp12:21
ubottuPulp: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:21
pete__zwt2789, http://pastebin.com/uiHF7qMs12:21
zwt2789pete__: looks like hardware problems. which usb device is it?12:22
pete__a phone, htc hd212:22
corey_is steam going to be ported to linux?12:22
Picicorey_: Ask Valve.12:23
szalcorey_: how do we know, ask the Steam developers12:23
zwt2789pete__: maybe that device has buggy usb function, not conforming to standards12:23
corey_i was just wondering because theres alot of people saying "its confirmed"12:23
alaai need .htaccess file to redirect all subdomain to subdirectories with the same name?12:23
TraintopI saw the same output some days ago when a friend of mine gave me a "probably broken" usb-memory-stick... :-(12:23
zagibucorey_: unfortunately not12:24
zagibuthey tried, but decided it was too difficult to establish compatibility with all different environments12:25
zagibubut this is old info, so maybe it has changed lately12:26
airtonixzagibu: already gone dude. welcome to your first drive by preach troller12:26
zagibuhmmm, it's interesting, though, they are currently looking for a senior software dev to port games to linux...12:27
airtonixit's also offtopic12:27
TraintopQuestion: I have a machine which has a 64bit-capable cpu: should I use the 32 or the 64 bit version?12:28
airtonixTraintop: which ever you want12:28
Traintopof ubuntu 11.0412:28
pete__thanks for your help dudes12:28
zagibuand maybe it only covers the server parts of the games, which are already running under linux for some12:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:29
zagibumaybe you should loosen your undies a bit, they seem to fit too tightly12:29
OerHeksTraintop, how much RAM do you have ?12:29
Traintopairtonix: I used 32bit-linux all the years and decided to test 11.04 64bit: but now e.g the sound cracks every time I start audio for about 1.5sec... -is this a 64-bit-bug?12:30
TraintopOewHeks: 4GB12:30
Traintopto be totally precise: the machine is a X61t from lenovo12:31
OerHeksTraintop, with more than 2 Gb ram, i would try 64 bit, but 4 Gb is awesome.12:31
zagibudownload a 32bit live cd and see for yourself12:31
snirc_user8345Êàêîé ðàçìåð inode âûáðàòü?12:31
i42nsnirc_user8345, of course!12:31
szalsnirc_user8345: please fix your encoding12:32
Traintopzagibu: right! -this would be worth a try... :-) -thx man; didn't come to my mind... :-(12:32
zagibupersonally, i still get odd problems with 64bit linux from time to time12:32
Nrmsorry ^^12:32
szalzagibu: such as?12:33
i42n64 bit works fine for me12:33
Traintopthe thing that makes me cry almost every 5min is: when I open a media-file (audio or viedo) sound starts, pauses for 2 or 3 times and then resumes for good as long as I do not pause it for myself... :-(12:34
cillo564can ubuntu one music store use other linux distro users aswell?12:34
zagibureally strange things, such as really bad wifi reception on a fresh install, some 3d programs that crash a lot, etc12:34
zagibuand yes, the wifi reception is much better on a fresh install of the exactly same distro but the 32bit version12:34
snirc_user8345Какой размер inode выбрать?12:35
Traintopso, 32bit is still a bit more stable/supported than the 64-bit version?12:35
szal!ru | snirc_user834512:35
ubottusnirc_user8345: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:35
zagibuinode is a trademark of apple, please don't use it in public chat12:35
szalzagibu: you gotta be kidding..12:36
zagibusure, man12:36
zagibuTraintop: well, I'm not sure, i think it mainly has to do with drivers...at least all my problems seem to involve some dedicated hardware like network adapters, gpu or audio device12:37
zagibui'd say if you don't have over 4gb ram, there is not much benefit from 64bit12:37
gp5sthello. I booted a 10.10 livecd, and am trying to fsck a disk, but it says it's mounted, but when i umount it it says it's not:(  How do i repair an ext4 fs off the live cd? disk util just says somethings borked and wont fix it12:38
szalzagibu: in practice the limit seems to be 3 GB12:38
zagibuyeah, you lose a bit of your 4gb, but not that much12:38
szalzagibu: apart from that, PAE exists, extending RAM addressability to 64 GB12:39
cillo564can ubuntu one music store use other linux distro users aswell?12:40
szalbut honestly, I don't see a reason not to use 64bit w/ capable hardware12:40
gp5stlsof just says [jdb2 sda1-8]12:40
nearsthi pppl12:40
Traintopso I am confused...: qemu runs a good bit faster than on 32-bit ubuntu 10.04, but everything else is slower than 32bit12:41
tomatobrosHi! guys is there any one get this error when trying to open ntfs-config-root   http://pastebin.com/1e7Jg77212:41
Traintopbut I will try the 32-bit live-cd just to be sure12:41
nearstTraintop: qemu is well known as a good vmhost12:41
Traintopcillo564: I really have no idea... -sorry :-(12:42
Traintopnearst: I know... :-) -my argument is that qemu-performace is better on my 64-bit 11.04 install than on the 32-bit 10.04 install :-)12:42
Traintopbut everthing else is better on the 32bit install... :-(12:43
nearstTraintop: np, bcoz most app is written on 32-bit library12:43
natschilHello. Does anyone know why \neq draws an equals sign instead of a not-equal sign on ubuntu in latex?12:43
gener1chey , i am having freezes with my prodege r835 tried all the solutions on google like installing the newest kernel and updating ubuntu12:44
cillo564Traintop:  ok, thanks , i wonder where can get an official response?12:44
Picinatschil: Have you asked in #latex ?12:44
Picicillo564: #ubuntuone would be the best place to ask.12:44
Traintopcillo564: have you googled ?12:44
gener1cand disabling power managment in grub12:44
lucidguyLooking for a simple apache log analyser.  Any recommendations?  Something simple.12:44
gp5st1sorry about that:( networking issues. any idea how to get jbd2 to not use my partition so i can fix it?12:44
natschilPici: yes, but they said \neq draws a not-equals sign12:44
nearstlucidguy: make a search, `apt-cache search apache | less`12:45
natschilPici: nevermind, it may be due to using a different latex package, sorry.12:45
Traintopcillo564: ubuntu-documentation is quite good as long as you do not want to digg real deep :-)12:45
lucidguynatschil: I'm aware of a few, just looking for recommendations.12:45
natschillucidguy: sorry?12:46
lucidguynatschil: sorry .. wrong person12:46
TraintopI have to go: thx to all helping people :-) -cu12:46
natschillucidguy: ah ok, np ^^12:46
lucidguynearst: I'm aware of a few analyzers, just looking for recommendations.12:46
nearstlucidguy: cool..12:47
gener1ci am using 6.39-r4 now12:47
gener1cand it has no toshset support12:47
gener1ccan that be the issue with my toshiba freezing?12:47
gener1cdo i need to manually recompile the kernel?12:47
DeadmanIncJShey guys, im installing 11.04 (dual boot finally) and it's just sitting at "retrieving file 23 of 23"12:47
nearstlucidguy: what kind of log u need no analyze ?12:47
DeadmanIncJSis it ok to take cd out and reboot?12:48
lucidguynearst: Apache2 access.log12:48
ichbinderhello. I have a problem with dependencies in my Ubuntu. I am compiling a personal project that needs boost 1.44. Current version in natty/main is 1.42. So I added LP-PPA-purplekarrot/natty from https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa/+build/2658906 So far, so good. But the code also needs libcgal-dev. When I select that in synaptic, it says it needs libboost-dev and libboost1.42-dev. Installing this, leeds then to the12:48
ichbindererror http://paste.ubuntu.com/670057/ I can click close and the error goes away, leaving a broken dependency. I can then also compile the code as libcgal-dev is installed... but the broken dependency is still there... :(12:48
ichbinderI tried a few things, but nothing helped... any advice welcome, thanks!!12:49
nearstlucidguy: logstalgia will be good12:49
lucidguynearst: Every use Analog, awstats, webalizer?12:49
nearstlucidguy: yeah12:50
lucidguynearst: Experience?  Which would you prefer?12:50
nearstlucidguy: webalizer will be good. im always use for analyze for proxy access.12:51
dan__hi, I just installed some updates in 11.04, nothing crazy, and now when i reboot, gnome will not start12:51
dan__has anyone else had problems with updates today?12:51
nearstlucidguy: goaccess also work good if u need to analyze by visual12:52
dan__doing gdm start also doesnt the desktop12:52
nearstdan__: what u mean gnome will not start ?12:52
nearstdan__: /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?12:53
lucidguynearst: I think Im leaning towards awstats...  quite a few discussion boards rank it the best12:53
dan__doesnt start gnome12:53
osamaservice gdm restart ?12:53
ichbinderdan__: what does it say?12:53
dan__i had an error immediately after updating 'resume: libcrypt 1.4" or something12:53
nearstlucidguy: gudluck.. some ppl got diff mind :)12:53
nearstdan__: try apt-get install --fix-missing12:53
lucidguynearst: agree..  not a fan of awstats?12:54
dan__it says usual stuff abotu upstart job12:54
dan__no errors12:54
dan__sudo service gdm restart makes the screen flicker but stays on terminal12:54
nearstlucidguy: not too fan, since i always use for running my squid access log analyzer12:54
dan__fix missing didnt report any packages missing12:55
ichbinderdan__: uninstall and reinstall libcrypt by hand?12:55
dan__tried that too12:56
ichbinderany error?12:56
dan__oh hang on, i removed and reinstalled uswsusp12:56
dan__not libcrypt12:56
nearstdan__: try to reconfigure back xserver-xorg, before that backup your xorg.conf file12:56
ichbinderdan__: hm, you could try that. And also try to start x straight away, to see whether it's an X problem or not12:56
nearstdan__: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh12:57
nearsthi HypothesisFrog12:57
ichbindernearst: shouldn't he try to find out if that's the problem? just wondering :)12:57
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:57
dan__its X12:57
dan__and the nvidia drivers12:57
HypothesisFrogcan I be connected to a wireless router for internet purposes, and a wired router for NFS sharing purposes?12:57
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:57
dan__trying to start X on command line, outputs a bunch of erros about nvidia driver versions12:57
dan__"no screens found"12:58
ichbinderdan__: you could look in /va/log/... for the last updates performed and see whether something nvidia related was done12:58
ichbinderdan__: or just do as nearst recommended and try to reset x12:58
szaldan__: how did you install the nVidia driver12:59
dan__package from nvidia12:59
dan__ichbinder: yep12:59
szaldan__: nVidia doesn't offer packages for *buntu that I know of12:59
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
dan__it's a downloadable .sh iirc13:00
dan__that extracts itself and installs13:00
nearstdan__: find nvidia-xconfig file13:00
szaldan__: then that's your problem; there was a kernel update recently; you need to rebuild the kernel module for the new kernel13:00
nearstim agree too... u need to compile your own nvidia module13:01
dan__i'm tryng reinstall of the driver13:01
nearsttry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual13:01
dan__do kernel updates in general break this stuff?13:02
dan__nearst: thanks13:02
szaldan__: however, I'd rather suggest you uninstall the official driver ('nvidia-installer --uninstall') & install the driver packages from Ubuntu-X-Swat PPA13:02
=== Hoxily_ is now known as Hoxily
dan__what's that PPA?13:02
szaldan__: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates13:03
nearstget the bleeding edge driver13:03
nearstsee how it work :)13:03
dan__i'd prefer open source driver13:03
szalnearst: not exactly bleeding-edge since it's the stable upstream release..  if you want bleeding edge, use the Xorg-edgers PPA ;)13:03
dan__guys thanks for your help13:04
dan__it was the kernel update for sure13:04
nearstszal: ty for info.. im not too graphic guy :D13:04
szalnearst: that'll include beta drivers, I guess13:04
dan__reinstalling the driver put it all back to life13:04
nearstyes.. anybody running kernel 3 now ?13:04
dan__is 3 stable?13:04
kruxLinux dell 3.1.0-rc1 #2 SMP Fri Aug 12 22:28:37 EDT 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux13:05
dan__I was reading about a guy porting it to his samsung android13:05
dan__which seemes cool13:05
DeadmanIncJSthat would be awesome13:05
nearsthow it work, fast and stable ?13:05
szaldan__: stable yes, available for *buntu no (except for the unpatched 'mainline' kernel and Oneiric (the latter is to be discussed in #ubuntu+1)13:05
dan__it's for samsung galaxy spica13:05
BobZhomesome how I am no longer able to click on a file to view it with text edit. Now if I want to view the file, I have to right click on it. For some reason if I choose "open with" and checked off "remember this application" doesn't work. Anyone know how to fix this?13:06
* sp3ctrumIG_ is back (gone 01:03:25)13:07
AlienMindTrickI installed VirtualBox, used it, then uninstalled it, but now the RAM that I dedicated to it still hasn't been freed. How do I free that RAM?13:07
ikonia!away > sp3ctrumIG_13:07
ubottusp3ctrumIG_, please see my private message13:07
ioniteOn some occasions when I boot up my netbook, it get stucks @ the splash screen it'll only show my desktop when click.  what's wrong? is it my plasma desktop problem?13:07
=== sena is now known as senayar
nearstwhat is samdroid13:08
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html13:08
szalAlienMindTrick: see this13:08
dan__AlienMindTrick: is there a process still running?13:08
vastu 208423013:09
vastuhm. that seems not to have worked.13:09
AlienMindTrick@szal, @dan__:  i'm using System Monitor to check free RAM. Prior to installing and uninstalling VirtualBox, it showed 2GB of RAM. Now it shows 1.8GB.13:10
dan__nearst: its an android community for samsung phones13:10
dan__in russia and english13:10
ioniteOn some occasions when I boot up my netbook, it get stucks @ the splash screen it'll only show my desktop when click.  what's wrong? is it my plasma desktop problem?13:10
dan__ionite: look in logs for an error13:10
dan__sounds like it has an inivisble error which is waiting for an acknowledgement13:10
prashant_hello all13:10
fsb2what's the program that manages the login screen? it fails to start after 11.04 and trying to debug13:13
Hyperbytefsb2, you probably mean gdm.13:14
fsb2when the gui starts, you get a login window13:14
fsb2i don't get that13:14
fsb2it just hangs on the startup progress screen13:14
dan__can you do alt+f2 and open a terminal?13:15
fsb2machine boots fine.. can login to a shell13:16
fsb2i had to manually do startx13:16
dan__did you update the kernel today?13:16
fsb2and manually start gnome-panel13:16
dan__i had this problem too :)13:16
fsb2i did an upgrade from 10 to 11.0413:17
dan__ah ok13:17
fsb2what did you do?13:17
nearstlook like problem on Xsession file config13:18
dan__reinstall nvidia driver13:18
dan__was my solution13:18
fsb2i have an nvidia card13:18
dan__when you start x13:18
dan__did you get errors about API mismatches..?13:18
* szal suspects yet another case of manually installed nVidia driver and failure to compile new kernel module after kernel update13:19
dan__;) even13:19
fsb2szal, i installed the driver through the GUI13:19
fsb2through additional drivers13:19
AlienMindTrickdid my issue get ignored?13:19
nearstuse the apt-get instead13:19
triplchi all13:21
JacoWhich CAD software support DWG under linux?13:21
AlienMindTrickI installed VirtualBox, used it, then uninstalled it. Prior to installing it, System Monitor showed 2GB of memory, but now shows 1.8GB of memory. I had dedicated 10% of memory to VirtualBox. How do I free that memory?13:22
=== vastu is now known as pgulley
=== simmorion is now known as sim-value
triplcWhich command to control (enable/disable) a service in Ubuntu. I used to use "update-rc.d" do enable/disable a daemon. However after using ubuntu i find that some server are 'converted' to other place so update-rc.d no longer works\13:24
sim-valuehi, quick question: for grub-setup should i use /dev/sdbX or only /dev/sdb (/dev/sdb ist the hardisk I want to boot from /dev/sdb5 is where Ubuntu is installed)13:24
auronandace!upstart | triplc13:25
ubottutriplc: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:25
nearst!grub2 | nearst13:25
ubottunearst, please see my private message13:25
DeadmanIncJSu tryin to dual-boot as well sim-value?13:25
sim-valueDeadmanIncJS, Ubuntu, Windows and Arch13:26
DeadmanIncJSim just trying to dual-boot Win7/Ubuntu13:26
DeadmanIncJSnot figuring out this grub stuff :(13:26
nearstsim-value: try to install grub to your linux partition, so that your windows blocksector will not corrupt13:26
sim-valueDeadmanIncJS, what is your problem? Did you install windows after Linux?13:26
nearstDeadmanIncJS: try grub-update13:26
sim-valuenearst, will it write the MBR automatically?13:27
szalDeadmanIncJS: install Grub to MBR, then choose the HDD you installed Ubuntu's Grub to as primary HDD for booting in the BIOS13:27
DeadmanIncJSit was updated when i tried to use terminal13:27
nearstsim-value: if you choose to write into mbr block13:27
DeadmanIncJShang on a second, i think it worked13:27
triplcauronandace, well, i understand the idea of upstart... but i do not know which command to use, just to disable mysql so that it only start when run start mysql manually13:27
nearstsim-value: or just doing some boot image incase got problem13:28
sim-valuenearst, sry, didn't understand what you  mean?13:28
auronandacetriplc: sorry, i'm not familiar with it myself13:29
nearstsim-value: dd if= of= bs=512 count=1 , where if = your partition, of = output image13:29
ichbinderhm, nobody has an advice about my dependency problem?13:29
nearstthen copy into C:/boot.inf13:29
LogicallyDashingwhat difference does the block size make in dd?13:29
nearstLogicallyDashing: since dd make it into raw13:29
LogicallyDashingnearst: ...huh?13:30
nearstsim-value: then you got dual boot without grub :D13:30
ichbindernearst: you seem so active. No advice for me? :)13:31
sim-valuenearst, right now I can only boot with super Grub2 disk, so there's nothing to backup really13:31
nearstLogicallyDashing: idk about block size, since it is work for me :D13:31
nearstichbinder: nah, im almost not irc for a long time, last login was last year i guess13:31
nearstsharing is caring, well grown community13:32
nearstsim-value: u cant mount your windows file?13:33
ichbinderfor anybody who might be able to help, here my problem again: I am compiling a personal project that needs boost 1.44. Current version in natty/main is 1.42. So I added LP-PPA-purplekarrot/natty from https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa/+build/2658906 So far, so good. But the code also needs libcgal-dev. When I select that in synaptic, it says it needs libboost-dev and libboost1.42-dev. Installing this, leeds then to13:34
ichbinder the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/670057/ I can click close and the error goes away, leaving a broken dependency. I can then also compile the code as libcgal-dev is installed... but the broken dependency is still there... :(13:34
sim-valuenearst: I can mount my windows file system in Ubuntu if that's what you mean13:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:34
AlienMindTrickI installed VirtualBox, used it, then uninstalled it. Prior to installing it, System Monitor showed 2GB of memory, but now shows 1.8GB of memory. I had dedicated 10% of memory to VirtualBox. How do I free that memory?13:34
nearstsim-value: yeah..if u worried to install grub, then u can make some image for boot from windows partition13:34
BlizI was just wondering, does Ubuntu handle moving to completely new hardware? Or will I have to reinstall with my new build?13:35
rlyI cannot switch user anymore. I get no error message, but I also don't get gdm displayed. Is that a known issue?13:35
sim-valuenearst, thanks, will also consider that, but now i gtg, PC will have to wait13:36
nearstokaayy sim-value13:36
omarezzhey  guys13:36
nearstrly: ctrl+alt+f1, then login as your user/root13:37
rlynearst: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168833313:37
rlynearst: I know that. That is not the problem.13:37
rlynearst: the problem is that the feature is broken.13:37
nearstwhat feature ?13:37
ichbinderAlienMindTrick: you should be able to look up if those 0.2 GB are used by anything virtualbox related, just click on system monitor. Or use htop in command line...13:37
rlynearst: the switch user feature in Gnome/Ubuntu.13:37
rlynearst: if you press System -> Log off -> Switch user, it doesn't actually switch users.13:38
HypothesisFroghi. Got dissed.13:38
DeadmanIncJSdisabled it somehow13:38
n2iI'm using wvdial to connect to internet via GSM using a mobile phone as modem. Connect successful. But Pidgin is not able connect to net. How to fix it?13:38
DeadmanIncJScause don't you have a choice if that shows up or not13:38
HypothesisFrogis it possible to have two network connections at once? One for internet, one for NFS/SAMBA purposes?13:39
Karen_mwhen I close my laptop lid, and reopen the lid, i just have a black window and it will not show a login screen.  I have to power cycle, why is that?13:39
AlienMindTrick@ichbinder: once I click on System Monitor, what am I looking for specifically?13:39
n2iSomeone can help me?13:40
nearstrly: maybe gdm issue13:41
BluesKaj!ask | n2i13:41
ubottun2i: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:41
nearstn2i: do u try to ping some ip to make sure it work ?13:41
n2inearst: yes, of course!13:42
rlynearst: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146923513:42
jasonmsphey all.  Is there a fast way to stop the output of cat if I have indavertantly done cat filename.txt on a huge file?13:42
rlynearst: another thread with the same problem.13:42
n2inearst: I have to using irssi + bitblee to chat13:42
shadow__how can i extract mp3 or convert a flash video into mp3?13:42
DeadmanIncJShot damn... it works!!!13:42
rlynearst: everyone is blaming it on ATI hardware.13:42
rlynearst: more likely it is just gdm/Gnome at fault.13:43
DeadmanIncJSdual boot works, yahoo.  :)13:43
Nriteanyone knows how to get invited into #php?13:43
rlyNrite: go to ##php13:44
nearstrly: use alternative13:44
nearst!gnome-app : rly13:44
ubottunearst: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:44
kthakoreHi there my empathy stopped working for gmail. I can no longer see contacts for my gtalk account. How can I fix this?13:45
Nriterly: check this out,  ##php :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services13:45
nearsttry gnome-ppp13:45
xevioxI've installed the kde meta package on my ubuntu, now I want to test unity, might there be a problem installing unity while keeping kde as alternative?13:45
jasonmspanyone?  whats another way to stop the output of cat rather than ctrl-z and then killing the process?13:45
nearstrly: http://www.binbert.com/blog/2011/07/configure-a-gprs-dialer-in-linux-using-wvdial-gnome-ppp/13:45
xevioxor should I test the new gnome?13:45
rlynearst: what alternative?13:46
nearstjasonmsp: ctrl + c13:46
nearstrly: gnome-ppp13:46
=== x_ is now known as Aquix
rlynearst: what are you talking about?13:46
jasonmspnearst:  that doesn't work for some reason.  Could it be key mapping?13:46
rlynearst: I had a problem with gdm, not with some dialer.13:46
nearstrly: ok.. sorry.13:47
MyrttiNrite: you need to register and identify to freenode services to be able to access the channel13:47
nearstjasonmsp: maybe, try setting for shell keymap13:47
jasonmspnearst:  where?13:48
nearstjasonmsp: what shell u use ?13:48
bullgard4_For Suse the following is valid: "The username may contain only lower case letters and digits and must begin with a letter." Does this also apply to login names  in Ubuntu?13:48
nearstbullgard4: yes.13:49
jasonmspdefault in ubuntu on my desktop.  I used to be a windoze user with putty, but recently converted to ubuntu at the house13:49
Nritewho has access into ##php? or who knows how to gain access into ##php13:49
jasonmspnearst: im on 11.0413:49
bullgard4_nearst: Where is this laid down?13:49
nearstNrite: u need to register to login as the channel is redirect13:49
Nritenearst n myrtti: ahh, ic. whats' the command?13:50
compdocbullgard4_, its pretty much a linux thing13:50
oCean!register | Nrite13:50
ubottuNrite: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode13:50
nearstNrite: try /msg nickserv help13:50
markitoxsdoes anyone have any hints why an ssh session will compeletely become unresponsive when exectuing certain commands .e.g "top"  ?13:50
nearstcool oCean13:51
Nrite!register | Nrite13:51
ubottuNrite, please see my private message13:51
oCeannearst: ubottu knows stuff :)13:51
nearstoCean: im not ubottu :P13:51
bullgard4_compdoc: "pretty" and "thing" are no exact descriptions.13:52
compdocbullgard4_, regardless - its not specific to ubuntu13:52
Logos01After a reboot my audio device is no longer being detected. No kernel updates, no major updates of any kind.13:53
oCeannearst: type /msg ubottu !bot for usage and command with ubottu13:53
Logos01It is now persisting across three updates.13:53
Logos01Running Ubuntu 11.04 amd64 on an hpdv7t-100013:53
escottLogos01, hot or cold reboots13:53
Logos01Original was by invoking restart.13:54
escottLogos01, do you know what kind of driver it is? you could try and modprobe it directly13:54
Logos01Honestly I haven't the foggiest. HDA Intel I believe but the last time I tried to look into it I couldn't say.13:54
jasonmspnearst:  bump...  im using default terminal in ubuntu 11.0413:55
Logos01lspci output: ":1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)13:55
markitoxsdoes anyone have any hints why an ssh session will compeletely become unresponsive when exectuing certain commands .e.g "top"  ?13:55
nearst!alsa | LoganCloud13:56
ubottuLoganCloud: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:56
nearst!alsa | Logos0113:56
ubottuLogos01: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.13:56
Logos01nearst: That is exactly non-helpful.13:56
escottLogos01, hda is actually a bit broad. you need snd_hda_intel and maybe a snd_hda_codec_???? for the ich9. im not sure what that would be13:56
usr13markitoxs: May be do to extremly slow speed.13:56
usr13*due not do13:57
nearstLogos01: try to lookup your lspci13:57
Logos01nearst: scroll up. Already done.13:57
escottLogos01, it might be snd_hda_codec_realtek try that one13:57
markitoxsusr13, interestingly watch ls works absolutely fine13:57
compdocbullgard4_:    http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/topic/com.ibm.db2.luw.admin.dbobj.doc/doc/c0007245.html13:58
markitoxsusr13, "history" has the same behaviour13:58
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usr13markitoxs: Not sure at all would it could be really, was just my first thought.13:58
escottmarkitoxs, running on a really low baud connection?13:59
markitoxsescott, EFM 10 MB :D13:59
Logos01escott: Here's my modprobe -l | grep -i hda outpud: http://pastebin.com/2EqEUc3X13:59
usr13markitoxs: How about the other way around?13:59
markitoxsusr13, its on our network13:59
Logos01realtek and intel are both already loaded.14:00
Logos01But it's not detecting the audio device.14:00
nearstdepmod -ae ?14:01
usr13markitoxs: In other words, go to the other PC and log in to this one and run top, see how it reacts.14:01
escottLogos01, i guess lspci -v shows the device but the kernel module doesn't appear beneath it14:02
usr13markitoxs If a system is nearly maxed out, top will push it over the edge.14:03
Logos01depmod -ae has no output.14:03
_mutlucan96[17:02] --> #ubuntu kanalına katıldınız (~mutlu@
_mutlucan96[17:02] *** Kanal konusu: "Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | Natty/11.04 is out! | Please keep questions/answers on one line, and address the recipient".14:03
_mutlucan96[17:02] *** Konu LjL!~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl tarafından 29-04-2011 22:13 tarihinde ayarlandı.14:03
_mutlucan96[17:02] *** Kanal Adresi: http://www.ubuntu.com14:03
FloodBot1_mutlucan96: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:03
axisyshow do I find out what kind version http server is running remotely ?14:03
javier_perhaps an odd request, but does anyone know what the widget is being used here (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xip8vm_ubuntu-11-04-tahe-natty-narwhalt-64-bit-hd_tech)14:03
axisyscurl -v site does not tell it14:03
_mutlucan96hadeeeeeeeeee git işine sizde bu karakterler yok muhahahah şığüöç14:04
nearstLogos01: should be no output since no error14:04
nearstLogos01: or u got u use another 3rd party to set it up, try alsa-mixer ?14:04
oCean!tr | _mutlucan9614:05
ubottu_mutlucan96: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.14:05
_mutlucan96konuşmazsam  neolur zaten canım sıkkın bulaşacak yer arıyorum. Sizi rahatsız ettim çok soriii14:05
Logos01escott: http://pastebin.com/AEyQC2iB14:05
_mutlucan96ubuntu-tr emptly14:06
Logos01nearst: Alsamixer isn't working because my system cannot detect the audio device.14:06
_mutlucan96boş sorriii14:06
_mutlucan96bbay bay!14:06
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Nritehow to I permanently give permissions for myself to edit /var/www instead of always typing gksudo nautilus in terminal before editing?14:06
Logos01Nrite: chown -R {usergroup}.{username} /var/www14:07
nearstLogos01: try aplay -l14:07
Logos01Nrite: That's *REALLY* bad practice though.14:07
BluesKaj!sudoers | Nrite14:08
Logos01nearst: There. Are. No. Soundcards. Detected.14:08
llutzLogos01: chown user:group    not vice-versa14:08
Logos01llutz: I always get those backwards. Even corrected it.14:08
Logos01Well, 'corrected'.14:08
usr13axisys: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/apache*14:08
NriteLogos01: why is it a bad practice? there wouldnt be a 2nd user for my laptop14:08
jayotterHow do i diagonise my display issues via terminal and plus I'm trying to figure out what causes my Ubuntu to freeze.14:08
jayotterer sorry about my Enlgish o.O14:09
somethinginteresHi all, I am in need of very good referencing software that can import from scholarly databases and retrieve info from them akin to Endnote. I have tried Zotero standalone, Mendaly but none have the level of functionality I need for  PhD research. The references they produce are unreliable unless I enter it all manually. Endonte under WINE is buggy too. Ideas?14:09
axisysusr13: remotely14:09
Logos01Nrite: Because the various services that work with it expect it to not be writable. Also, changing file-ownership to your personal userid allows remote exploits to operate *as* your user.14:09
Logos01Nrite: Basically, it's bad security practice.14:09
llutzNrite: just chown doc-root to you, chmod it 755, give www-data limited write-access to dirs it _really_ needs to write to14:09
nearstLogos01: try modprobe snd-cs4236;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss14:09
axisysusr13: how do I find out what version http server google is running .. for example14:09
usr13axisys: ssh root@ ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/apache*   #Where is the IP of the server.14:10
jayotterI will wait.14:10
usr13axisys: Oh sorry.  I thought you were talking about on your LAN14:10
Logos01nearst: I never used those before, and this just happened out of the blue.14:10
BluesKajNrite, check this out , it might be what you're looking for http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/no-password-for-sudo-442808/14:11
NriteLogos01: hmm, in that case if i create "myproject" in /www, and give full access, that would be appropriate i assume?14:11
nearstLogos01: ??14:11
Logos01I didn't even do a system update. Just rebooted (accidentally, as it turns out) and then when my system came back up I had no audio at all.14:11
Logos01Because my system no longer detects the audio cards.14:11
jayotterHow do I examine the issues on my display issues in the terminal?14:11
escottLogos01, have you tried to rmmod, modprobe the snd_hda_intel maybe udev didnt pick up the insertion14:11
Logos01Alsa et all is all loaded, the kernel module is loaded.14:11
Logos01escott: I've rebooted like six times.14:11
axisysusr13: sorry I was not clear14:11
Logos01And there's nothing in syslog to indicate any errors.14:11
usr13axisys: Are you talking about what type and version of web server  is hosting a particular site?14:12
nearsttry to install another kernel, or maybe some module is missing14:12
Logos01And ... trying to rmmod snd_hda_intel is a PITA.14:12
escottLogos01, the module seems to be associated with the device so it seems the problem must be with the creation of the device file14:13
axisysusr13: yes14:13
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Logos01escott: Heh. Either way I just rmmodded ... and it said it wasn't loaded.14:13
Logos01Despite being in modprobe -l14:14
Logos01modprobe snd_hda_intel && alsactl init caused the device to be detected.14:14
Logos01Phenomenal, thank you. :)14:14
=== hacked is now known as vinces
usr13axisys: Well, that is not so easily done.  Many sysadmins do not want that known and if so you wont find out.14:14
Logos01Now to see if it picks up across another reboot.14:15
nearst!ubuntu | Logos0114:15
ubottuLogos01: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:15
Logos01nearst: Are you particularly in the habit of doing things that are non-sequitorous and entirely useless / aggravating?14:15
axisysusr13: but if taht info is available.. what tool would you use to get that?14:15
wplSince upgrading to 11.04 my network is miserable slow. First I thoughts it's a nameserver problem and i changed it to OpenDNS, but the problem still exists. I turned off IPv6, without success eiher.14:15
axisysusr13: curl -v site should have told you that?14:16
Logos01escott: Again, thank you sir.14:16
EvilGeekCan anyone port scan my public IP for me I'm getting odd results doing it from the internal network14:16
pyrokinetichey guys i've been getting a: "kernel panic - not syncing : VFS: unable to mount root FS on unknown-block", I figured it's because the linux image i'm trying to boot too doesn't have an initrd image, anyone know how i could create one?14:17
nearstpyrokinetic: maybe problem with /etc/fstab14:18
PiciEvilGeek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670114/14:18
usr13axisys: http://www.apache.org/no-particular-site14:18
EvilGeekwell crap14:19
DJonesEvilGeek: You could use https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 which will do a port scan on your ip address14:19
EvilGeekthank you14:19
axisysusr13: cool!14:20
axisysusr13: thanks a lot14:20
JanusmanHelp: just ran the upgrade to kernel, but it doesnt show up on the Grub menu when I reboot.14:20
nearstyour grub timeout ?14:21
BluesKajJanusman, sudo update-grub14:21
JanusmanI ran sudo update-grub, said it rebuilt menu.lst... still doesn't show.14:21
pyrokineticnearst: I have no idea what fstab is (I'm kinda new to this). Right now I booted to vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-generic, but I have up to vmlinuz-2.6.38-11-generic installed, anything above -8- won't boot14:21
BluesKajmenu.lst that grub legacy14:21
Janusmanthe boot screen says "grub", it's purple, it shows and 2.6.38-10-PAE, the memory test, and win 7.14:21
pyrokinetic2.6.38-8-generic is the  only one that has an initrd image to go with it, so seems that's the problem - how do i get initrd images for the newer versions?14:23
Singham<Janusman> : Have you installed any windows operating system after ubuntu installation ?14:23
JanusmanSingham: nope.14:23
cryptodirahi folks,  10.10 amd/64 system here...... with visual effects set to NONE.... i am able to grab a session and move it about in the workspace switcher (from within the switcher)....when 'normal' or 'extra' is chosen from visual effects, this function does NOT work.... what am i doing incorrectly?14:23
JanusmanSingham: Ah.. it's not listed in /boot/grub/grub.cfg.... should I edit that ? =)14:23
nearst!mkinitrd | pyrokinetic14:24
Janusmanor run grub-mkconfig ?14:24
Singham<Janusman> : Try it..there will be "if else statement"14:24
nearstJanusman: try set in /etc/default/grub then grub-update14:24
Singham<Janusman> : edit "else=10"14:25
Janusmannearst: explain?14:25
nearstsudo gedit /etc/default/grub and look for timeout item14:26
Pici!gksudo | nearst Janusman14:26
ubottunearst Janusman: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)14:26
pyrokineticnearst, is mkinitrd something i'm supposed to run in a terminal?14:26
asher^does anyone know why there may be a large difference between memory use reported by top and my actual memory use?14:27
escottasher^, shared libraries can get double counted14:27
nearstpyrokinetic: suppose to be that mkinitrd run while running into a new image install14:27
Janusmannearst: ok.. but I don't have timeout problems =)14:27
nearstty Pici for info :)14:27
dantixmorning all! I'm having problems to get working freenx on natty. The nx client ends with a black screen. Investigating a bit try: xhost  + and ubuntu said: No protocol specified.. unable to open display... the same with my user and as root. What could be wrong?14:27
asher^im running hardly anything but the use is almost 100% :-|14:28
pythonirc101how do i add a user so that he can do sudo?14:28
escottasher^, you want your ram to be used14:28
asher^adduser username sudo14:28
nearstpythonirc101: make changes to /etc/sudoer14:28
asher^escott why is that?14:28
Picipythonirc101: add them to the admin group.14:29
nearstpyrokinetic: im suggest reinstall the whole image using synaptic14:30
escottasher^, because you paid for it. the kernel will any memory not used by processes for buffers and cache. so you need to exclude those to get a sense of actual memory usage14:30
=== hacked is now known as vinces
pyrokineticnearst: ok i'll give it a try, thanks mate14:30
nearstpyrokinetic: yw14:30
nearstwhich kernel 3 is good for running or liquorix14:31
asher^escott ok. is there an easy way for me to get the amount used by my programs? i want to monitor it to jugde the need for upgrades etc14:31
ichbinderfor anybody who might be able to help, here my problem again: I am compiling a personal project that needs boost 1.44. Current version in natty/main is 1.42. So I added LP-PPA-purplekarrot/natty from https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa/+build/2658906 So far, so good. But the code also needs libcgal-dev. When I select that in synaptic, it says it needs libboost-dev and libboost1.42-dev. Installing this, leeds then to14:31
ichbinder the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/670057/ I can click close and the error goes away, leaving a broken dependency. I can then also compile the code as libcgal-dev is installed... but the broken dependency is still there... :(14:31
nearstasher^: try htop14:31
skim1776why there is /usr/local/sbin?14:32
escottasher^, you should consider buying more ram when you are having to regularly go into swap, but you can delay that if most of your swap usage is from a process that hasn't been runnable for some time14:32
asher^in htop the memory bar is all the way to the end but the text says 227/99814:33
cryptodirahi folks,  10.10 amd/64 system here...... with visual effects set to NONE.... i am able to grab a session and move it about in the workspace switcher (from within the switcher)....when 'normal' or 'extra' is chosen from visual effects, this function does NOT work.... what am i doing incorrectly?14:34
asher^i have another server running a lot more stuff and the bar doesnt go to the end and top doesnt report such high use. i wonder why14:34
escottasher^, what you really want to look for are page miss statistics. im sure they can be found but im not sure where14:34
asher^what is the 'nice' number in htop btw?14:36
escottasher^, negative nice is higher priority, positive nice is "nicer" lower priority14:36
escottasher^, you should run background jobs as nice background_command14:37
asher^thanks for the top14:37
asher^looks like i can set it in htop also14:37
Lee_Prisonhow to install firefox 6.0 in ubuntu10.04?14:39
auronandace!info firefox | Lee_Prison14:39
ubottuLee_Prison: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14881 kB, installed size 30008 kB14:40
escottLee_Prison, look for a ppa14:40
rlyWhy does my X server use 800MB of memory?14:41
escottrly, caching pixmaps14:41
rlyescott: well, I have tons of browser windows open. Thanks.14:42
rlyPerhaps I do need 8GB then.14:42
Pici!ram | rly14:42
ubotturly: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html14:42
escottrly, today is the day for memory usage questions. check free -m and look at the +/- buffers cache. and the swap lines ignore anything else14:42
samontabAny suggestion for another IRC client?14:44
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:44
asher^Mem:           998        956         41          0         58        67614:45
asher^-/+ buffers/cache:        222        77614:45
asher^Swap:         2047          0       204714:45
escottasher^, you aren't swapping so you have plenty of memory14:45
samontabyeah, I was looking at that page, just thought someone could give a human opinion14:45
asher^so ignore the actual 'mem' line?14:45
Piciiridium: Bitchx is no longer supported upstream and is not in the Debian or Ubuntu repositories for that reason.14:45
cryptodirahi folks,  10.10 amd/64 system here...... with visual effects set to NONE.... i am able to grab a session and move it about in the workspace switcher (from within the switcher)....when 'normal' or 'extra' is chosen from visual effects, this function does NOT work.... what am i doing incorrectly?14:45
iridiumPici, and it was a joke14:46
asher^escott thanks for all your help14:46
Piciiridium: I've still seen plenty of people ask why bitchx isn't in the repos, and its not easy to determine if people are joking over IRC.14:46
iridiumaside of huge security holes? I wonder why...14:47
SavageWolfCrypt, have you tried installing "Compiz Control Panel" or something, and configuring stuff from there?14:47
rlyescott: I had 195MB free for physical memory and 1600 for my swap (out of 4GB).14:47
technikfreakhello each time i try to watch a video ubuntu crashed and logged me out14:48
technikfreakwhat could i do for resolving14:49
cryptodiraSavageWolf,  yes, i have compiz installed...either i am not parsing its functions correctly, or it does not help...with moving a session from within the application switcher....14:50
escottrly, so you are using swap which is bad, but you have some free memory (which is being used for a cache) so the kernel things that the stuff in the swap is less important than the potential gains from caching a few things. in other words you could use more ram, but what is being swapped is mostly stuff you arent using right this moment. you should see some hesitation when you switch tabs/alt-tab to another application14:50
=== Mud is now known as Guest94290
escottrly, s/kernel things/kernel thinks/14:51
rlyescott: yes, I know; I could write a virtual memory system myself ;)14:51
cryptodiraSavageWolf,  the deal is, on boot up... all the previous sessions are on one14:52
cryptodirapage.... not where they were locked too.14:52
LaykeIs there a way to force the uninity bar to close. It really annoys me that it stays open due to some bug which I ca't identify.14:52
rlyescott: if you want a harder problem: I cannot switch user. If I do, I get a short black screen and just see that my session is locked.14:52
LaykeThe only way to get it to close is to quit out of netbeans then reload it.14:52
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coz_Layke,   the only way I know of is to set it to autohide14:53
rlyescott: it kind of makes me and Ubuntu look stupid when that happens of course.14:53
SavageWolfWell, I can't help you much Crypt... Sorry...14:53
Laykecoz_,  Unfortunately, it is on autohide.14:53
nearst|awayaway for a while14:53
davidhola a todos14:53
=== david is now known as Guest6740
LaykeBut it thinks that it deserves focus and stays open.14:53
skulltipi installed 64-bit ubuntu server, dhcp works fine but why can't i get static ip working, or where is an uptodate tutorial for 11.04 that actually works and not some rehashed tutorial from 2007 on back?14:53
cryptodiraSavageWolf, ok, thanks for the inut.14:53
coz_Layke, oh!!  and it pops up for you when the cursor is on the left screen edge ...yes?14:53
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LaykeYeah. But it is currently always open.14:53
David_Spanishi know...14:54
coz_Layke,   well,, the only other way is to log off and log into the classic mode or the classic ( no effects) mode14:54
moktiI'm going to be installing Ubuntu on my new machine but Idk what version to use. I was thinking about 10.04, but I dont know if the newest version is better.14:54
David_Spanishsomeone spanish here?14:54
Pici!es | David_Spanish14:54
ubottuDavid_Spanish: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:54
moktiWhen is the next LTD version coming out?14:55
LaykeYup. :) Figurred. I do actually like the Unity bar. But the oonly two ways I have figured out is to.. log out log back in to restart X. Then close all my applications.14:55
David_Spanishok thank u very much14:55
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coz_mokti,  well 10.04 is LTS  ,, 11.04  has the newer interface ,, if you check online for the different appearances  then you could make your decisioin that way maybe14:55
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escottrly, you just testing people? in any case I don't know much about user switching14:55
muktiI don't really like unity much. Is rather stick with gnome14:55
amanforindiamy computer's RAM is 2 GB but free -m is only showing 1.6 GB14:55
coz_mukti,  well you can use classic gnome on 11.0414:56
amanforindiawhy is that?14:56
escottamanforindia, the kernel uses some which doesnt appear there14:56
coz_mukti,  just log into the classic or classic ( no effects)  mode14:56
rlyescott: no, I was wondering about why X used that much memory, but your explanation was known to me in hindsight.14:56
amanforindiaso much as 200 mb??14:56
rlyescott: the other thing is a real problem.14:56
rlyescott: er another*14:56
mukticoz_ Oh, it still has gnome?14:57
coz_mukti,  yes it does,,so no problem there14:57
muktiIs 11.04 an LTD version?14:57
iridiumamanforindia, dmesg | grep Memory14:57
iridiumin a terminal14:57
coz_mukti,   no 11.04 is not LTS  but 12.04  will be LTS14:57
OerHeksamanforindia, do you use an Onboard Videocard wich uses shared memory ?14:58
amanforindiaMemory: 1637896k/1686528k available (5190k kernel code, 44376k reserved, 2539k data, 700k init, 773420k highmem)14:58
technikfreak0815hello my ubuntu crashed everytime i try t watch a film could somebody see the problem? http://paste.ubuntu.com/670133/14:58
muktiIdk if I want to go to a non-LTS version14:58
nearst|awaytechnikfreak0815: try vlc-player14:58
amanforindiai have a laptop so probably onboard only but dunno about shared memory14:59
technikfreak0815the same14:59
technikfreak0815anway which player and which setting14:59
OerHekstechnikfreak0815, clear youtube super cookies and browser cache ?14:59
technikfreak08153d, graphic card14:59
coz_restart required  brb14:59
technikfreak0815its also with local files14:59
escotttechnikfreak0815, thats not going to be too helpful as it doesnt show the crash. you can install mplayer and try mplayer -vo x11 video_file and see if the issue is something with gl or xvideo14:59
technikfreak0815just that i have on my home folder14:59
OerHeksamanforindia, shared memory could explain the use14:59
technikfreak0815also if skype shows webcam bam15:00
amanforindiait was not giving me trouble as even 1.5gb is quite big for most application but i recently starting using virtualBox15:00
LaykeIs there a reason also, why I could drag the Netbeans 6.9 to the unity menu bar, but I can do that for Netbeans 7.01? When I do it, it just drops but doesn stay in the Unity menu.15:00
technikfreak0815any video related i logged15:00
amanforindiaso how do i decrease the shared memory15:00
OerHeksamanforindia, adjust it in your Bios.15:00
muktiWhat are the major differences from 10.04 to 11.04?15:01
iridiumamanforindia, lspci | grep VGA15:01
amanforindiaeven in memtest86+ it is showing only 1.6gb15:01
iridiumlets see what returns15:01
IdleOneLayke: right click and keep in launcher15:01
amanforindiaATI card15:01
amanforindiaVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 980215:02
LaykeIdleOne,  Yeah, I can't do that.15:02
LaykeTht only works if the icon is already in the menu bar.15:02
LaykeI want to get it there.15:02
LaykeIt's strange. It's like the bar just won't accept this icon.15:02
IdleOneLayke: launch the app it should appear in the bar and then you should be able to make it stick.15:03
IdleOneLayke: if not, I don't know.15:03
LaykeIdleOne: Thanks. That worked :)15:03
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iridiumamanforindia, seems to be AMD fusion, so almost for sure the integrated card will be reserving memory for itself15:04
xTs_wis there a reason why lib32asound2-plugins is not in natty?15:05
amanforindiawould that have been the default setting? how do i optimize ram usage for VM's15:05
axisysso i need vnc-java for web browser to access my ubuntu laptop.. which one is preferred? tightvnc-java or vnc-java ?15:05
muktiWhat are the major differences from 10.04 to 11.04?15:05
xanguamukti: almost everything15:06
Laykelol. Except IdleOne the icon isn't clickable from the Unity Bar. So strange. I'll just live with typing netbeans and click for now.15:06
LaykeNot seen this behaviour before.15:06
xanguaa year of diference :P15:06
IdleOneLayke: must be missing some feature. report a bug maybe?15:06
axisysi use ubuntu classic15:06
axisysLayke: ^15:06
BluesKajmukti, that wouls take too much room , go to a search for general questions15:06
LaykeI don't know how I could provide a "how to repeat"15:06
LaykeIt's definately only specific to my system. Since otherwise all the people using Netbeans would have come accross it before.15:07
LaykeHow do I switch to classic? Just disable Unity Plugin?15:07
Laykeaxisys, ^^15:07
ogra_bug 82058515:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 820585 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "debian install fails to add fixrtc to systems that do not have a battery backed RTC (arm)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82058515:08
Spitfire19equivalent of Cobian for Ubuntu Server?15:08
escott!classic | Layke15:08
ubottuLayke: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:08
coz_Layke,  log off15:08
LaykeCheers :)15:08
coz_Layke,   then  at the bottom,, just after  putting in the password  choose the classic session at the bottom15:08
Bakougood to know ubottu15:08
coz_Layke,   then hit enter15:08
IdleOneSpitfire19: try dejadup15:09
Bakouthat maximized window thing was really bothering me, and the sidebar isnt very well thought out :\15:09
LaykeNice, think I might actually prefer Classic.15:12
Spitfire19IdleOne: I need something that can be run in Terminal.15:12
LaykeDoesn feel like Iḿ missing anything and can actually easily see what applications are running and where.15:12
LaykeI just don't like the menu bar above all the windows. I guess that's only Unity?15:13
IdleOne!backup > Spitfire1915:13
ubottuSpitfire19, please see my private message15:13
IdleOneSpitfire19: see if the link ubottu just sent you has more info15:13
Spitfire19thx, I'll check it out.15:14
moktiCould I remove Unity from 11.04, and set the default UI to gnome15:14
segfaultJust set classic as the default session.15:15
xangua!classic | mokti15:15
ubottumokti: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:15
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Sidewinder1mokti, I believe, once you boot to classic, it'll "remember" and continue to do so... Not sire as I use Lucid.15:16
moktiXangua Can I set classic as default and remove unity?15:16
Sidewinder1sure, even.15:16
amanforindiahow to optimize ram for virtual machines??15:16
moktiSidewinder1 is 10.04 Lucid?15:17
IdleOneSpitfire19: take a look here also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem15:17
IdleOnenm ubottu sent you that already15:18
Nrmbye everyone15:18
moktiSidewinder: does that remember your default UI? (i haven't switched UIs for some time, and I'm not at my machine right now)15:19
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escottmokti, it should15:19
MuNk`_Is it possible to resize the unity panel or move it in Ubuntu 11.04?15:19
Sidewinder1mokti, I think so, but I'm not absolutely certain.15:20
IdleOneMuNk`_: no.15:20
IdleOnemokti: Ubuntu will use the last session used as default.15:20
MuNk`_IdleOne, is it possible to lock it in place then? because if the Text in a window is to big it keeps pushing my icons off the edge of the screen15:21
moktiIdleOne: is it possible to remove unity altogether?15:21
Sidewinder1IdleOne, Thanx; that's what I thought. :D15:21
IdleOnemokti: I suppose so but why. use classic if you prefer and just leave unity installed.15:22
IdleOneMuNk`_: I believe you can in !ccsm15:22
IdleOneMuNk`_: if you drag the mouse over to the left edge of the screen the launcher should reappear15:22
Bakouunity would be fine if clicking the prog tabs again minimized15:22
Bakouand it didnt do that wierd ass maximize15:23
IdleOneBakou: Please mind your language15:23
moktiIdleOne: do you know how big Unity is?15:23
IdleOne!info Unity15:23
ubottuPackage Unity does not exist in natty15:23
MuNk`_IdleOne, not those icons , I mean the ones in the unity panel/systray15:23
teemperorBakou: whats the problem with the maximizing?15:23
Bakouthe top bar just feels so wrong15:23
Bakouand the buttons are on the left side, and the usual config cant seem to move them right15:23
Sidewinder1 Unity does not exist in natty?15:24
Bakoui like win7 ui just fine, wish it was more customizable to be like that15:24
escott!unity | Sidewinder115:24
ubottuSidewinder1: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to the classic GNOME desktop; see !classic.15:24
teemperorWell, on my netbook i'love those settings, on my desktop the only really bad thing is the global menu15:24
jYare there any packages or src-deb's for mysql 5.5 for 10.04?15:24
escott!classic | Bakou15:24
ubottuBakou: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:24
moktiIdleOne: do you know how big Unity is (size)?15:24
IdleOnemokti: not sure.15:25
IdleOne!info unity15:25
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.16-0ubuntu1~natty1 (natty), package size 614 kB, installed size 1864 kB15:25
Sidewinder1escott, Yes, I know; I was questioning ubottu's factoid.15:25
segfaultIs anyone using LightDM?15:25
IdleOnemokti: ^15:25
Bakouwel i still kinda like the idea of the pinned program tabs/icons15:25
Bakouits just a poor execution :|15:25
escottsegfault, yes it is default for 11.1015:25
segfaultWhat do you think of it?15:25
Bakouand not customizable enough, at least not easily15:25
moktiIdleOne, thanks. I'll just leave it since its so small lol15:26
Sidewinder1IdleOne, Must've fixed it. :D15:26
teemperoryes, settings for unity would be really fine15:26
IdleOneSidewinder1: nah, package names are case sensitive. ubottu knows that I didn't :)15:26
Sidewinder1U vs u15:27
Sidewinder1Got it!15:27
renancoelhohi there, how do I get the feature in 10.10  that you can resize two adjacent windows at the same time?15:28
LaykeLike with Unity, can Classic mode, remove Toolbars. Like I don't like having the menu bar on my IRC window.15:28
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escottrenancoelho, the tiling feature of ccsm?15:28
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moktiBy any chance would anyone know of a UI like wmii? (preferably without a 9p filesystem)15:29
renancoelhoescott: I am not sure, I am new to it. I saw on-line, somebody had two windows each covered half the screen and he resized them horizontally15:30
renancoelhoescott: at the same time..15:30
renancoelhoescott: at the same time resizing one from the right and the other from the left, since these edges were touching..15:31
zagibusounds like a killer feature15:31
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escottrenancoelho, not sure what wm would have that feature. compiz has a feature where you can ctrl-alt-numpad6 and make a window fit the left hand side but its only one window at a time. in gnome3 you drag the window to the side and it takes up half the screen. not sure about unity15:32
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segfaultIn Unity, just drag to an edge to take up half the screen.15:32
segfaultDrag to top to maximise.15:33
coz_renancoelho,  sounds like that person had group windows activated  in order to resize 2 wi ndows at once15:33
renancoelhoI guess it is just hard to explain, i appreciate the help though, thanks!15:33
renancoelhocoz: how to do that?15:33
escott!ccsm | renancoelho its in there15:34
ubotturenancoelho its in there: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:34
coz_renancoelho, ok let me open ccsm ,, I used to do this let me check the settings15:34
coz_renancoelho,  ok do you have ccsm opened?15:34
coz_renancoelho,  go to the window management category and click on the Group and tab windows plugin to get into it's settings15:35
coz_renancoelho,  the first thab,,"Selection"  is an option for mouse binding which is likely disabled15:35
coz_renancoelho,  now just below that is the "Select single window"  options default  Super +s15:36
m_fulderI've just installed postfix on my server and try this PHP line: echo mail('test@example.org', 'Subject', 'Body', 'From: user@example.org', '-f user@example.org'); ..though the webpage doesn't show 0 or 1 and I don't get any error messages in my var/log/mail.* logs :O..any idea what I could have done wrong?15:36
coz_renancoelho,  now,, if that plugin is enabled, if you select 2 windows with the super +s   both will be attached to eachother I believe and both should resize  but let me test here ,, its beena while :)15:37
moktiDoes anyone use xmonad?15:38
renancoelhocoz: Thanks, but i can't see group and windows plugin... could it be under a different name?15:38
MuNk`_hmm ok this is confusing, Is the notification area, called the system tray, or Unity.panel, because its starting to annoy me, all i want is for it to stay at the top right and stop moving off my damn screen >.>15:38
coz_renancoelho,   sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins-extra15:38
escottmokti, ccsm has some xmonad like features, but not as advanced15:38
coz_renancoelho,  then restaret compiz either by loggin off and back on or  compiz --replace & disown from terminal  unless you are on Unity then just log off and back on15:39
RA_drchi, i think my graphics card driver in ubuntu is messed up - after a while, i can't read any of the text on the screen.  how do i fix this?15:40
coz_RA_drc,  which graphics card?15:40
RA_drccoz_: i'm not sure, how can i find that out?15:40
coz_RA_drc,  in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga15:40
MorphiesAfternoon all, Newbie looking for a bit of help. Installation alongside windows 7, bootloader install failed15:41
ikoniaMorphies: define failed15:41
MorphiesSorry, an error occured window on instalation15:42
ikoniainstallation of what15:42
ikoniaMorphies: please try to be specific15:42
moktiescott, isn't ccsm just  options for compiz? Or am I missing something15:42
escottMorphies, if you are sure the error is with the bootloader but dont have the window open and cant see the error please manually reinstall the bootloader15:42
escott!grub | Morphies15:42
ubottuMorphies: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:42
escottmokti, im not running compiz but ccsm has a tiling plugin that will allow ctrl-alt-numpad to tile windows to that location on the screen15:43
MorphiesI have a window open now, the window title is Bootloader install failed. There are 3 options: Install to a different device, continue without a bootloader and cancel the installation15:43
renancoelhocoz: Thanks so much for you help but I have to go now. Thanks again!! very helpful!15:44
escottMorphies, does this computer have only one hard drive?15:44
ikoniaMorphies: where did it try to install to15:44
RA_drccoz_: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)15:45
MorphiesI've told it to install to /dev/sdb on my 500gb main drive, i;ve disconnected my other internal drives but a 6tb esata raid drive is still connected15:45
coz_RA_drc,  ok  now you know which graphics card you have :)15:45
coz_RA_drc,  now  are you running 11.04 Unity?15:45
ikoniaMorphies: it's more likley that it will be sda then if you only have 1 driver installed15:46
ikoniaMorphies: once you put the second drive back in, it will change to sdb,15:46
RA_drccoz_: yes, i think so15:46
ikoniaMorphies: this is one of the reasons you shouldn't disconnect drives while you are trying to install15:46
Morphiesno, sta is coming up as the 6tb external esata15:46
coz_RA_drc,  do you have the large launcher on the left side of the screen?15:46
RA_drccoz_: yes15:46
ikoniaMorphies: intteresting, then you should be fine to sdb15:46
coz_RA_drc,  ok  see if you have  compizconfig-settings-manager installed15:47
Morphieswell i tried installing with the drives connected and couldn't select the 500gb OS drive to create the partition on15:47
coz_RA_drc,  in a terminal type     ccsm15:47
Morphiesit wanted touse one of the 1.5tb data drives15:47
Joe0006in ubuntu you install one thing then it ask for another thing. then when you start program is missing something15:47
Joe0006what the heck15:47
Morphiesto use*15:47
moktiI have one last question, then I have to get out of here15:47
ikoniaMorphies: that suggests there is a more deep issue15:47
RA_drccoz_: i don't have it, should i go ahead and install it?15:47
coz_RA_drc,  yes15:47
moktiWhat web browsers allow you to navigate using only the keyboard?15:48
Morphiesi;ve tried selecting all of the different locations to install, none of them do anything, as in nothing happens. So I selected continue without a bootloader and stillnothing happens,the window juststays15:48
escottmokti, links, elinks, lynx are all terminal browsers15:48
ikoniaMorphies: the two issues you've described suggest there is a deeper issue with your disk system and the installer15:49
RA_drccoz_: so would just installing solve the problem?15:49
coz_RA_drc,  no a setting may have to be made in ccsm15:49
coz_RA_drc,  so when that installs,, in terminal again type    ccsm for it to open15:49
moktiescort, is there any that aren't terminal browsers?15:49
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escottmokti, i would assume that firefox is keyboard navigable for a11y purposes15:50
moktiI think there is either an application you can download, or a specific browser that will highlight all links with a yellow square and a number.15:50
Morphiesikonia, Should I try installing again with only the main drive connected? or is there something else I should try? Or should I leave it alone altogether?15:50
mokti(when you press a specific key)15:50
ikoniaMorphies: truthfully I don't know without understanding the issue more,15:50
TechnoCatcan someone help me with this kernel panic? kernel panic not syncing out of memory and no killable processes15:51
mokti Then you can jump to that link15:51
coz_RA_drc,  then you will see on the left,, a vertical list of the categories.. you want to click on the "General" category.. then click on  "OpenGL" to bet into its settings,, once there,  uncheck both "Lighting"  and "Sync to VBLank"  and then test if the same problem still occurs15:51
sivakumar_hi good evening to all15:51
escottTechnoCat, oom. how much ram do you have, how big is your swap15:51
sivakumar_can any one know how to install ns2 in ubuntu 10.0415:51
TechnoCati can't get it to boot15:51
coz_RA_drc,  unfortunately I have to go to work so I will let the other help you with t his from this point15:51
TechnoCati am having a hardware issue, i just don't know what yet15:51
escottTechnoCat, it is oom'ing on boot?15:51
moktiescort, do you know what I'm talking about?15:51
TechnoCati'm trying to boot a liveusb15:52
MorphiesEven the cancel the installation option does nothing :-)15:52
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escottmokti, firefox has a plugin maybe that allows you to type the words of the link and type through them15:52
TechnoCati have a part magic livecd i've been trying to do stuff with15:53
escottmokti, http://lifehacker.com/139495/hack-attack-mouse+less-firefox15:53
daavishi!  *.mkv on vlc does not work properly. sound and video not on same time. so, any suggestions about player which play *.mkv properly15:53
rawfodogHey Ubuntu, I'm doing my laundry and would like to have a timer to tell me when my stuff is done. Is there a program for ubuntu that works like a simple egg timer ?15:53
sivakumar_hey i have one problem that while booting into ubuntu it is showing my os name as KUBUNTU instead of ubuntu whats the reason and how to solve it15:53
edbianrawfodog: that is the at command and the sleep command15:53
edbianrawfodog: sleep 10; echo 'done!'15:53
CombatjuanMaybe a silly question.  My /var/log/messages contains the line "Aug 7 06:47:04 host-name syslogd 1.5.0#5ubuntu3: restart"  Is that syslogd indicating that the server restarted or something indicating that syslogd restarted?15:54
escottrawfodog, at, cron15:54
llutzCombatjuan: syslogd restart, check with "who -b" for last system restart15:54
rawfodog10 is like what, 10 seconds or minutes ?15:55
bennymRunning an SSH server at home, friend wants to use it for tunneling. How can I limit bandwidth for his user's sessions? (Bonus points for monthly usage quotas)15:55
Combatjuanllutz: How about last restart before last?  (-8  I just restarted it.  Oops.15:55
DebianUTwould any of you send me and invite to g+ please?  my email is ramsees.79@gmail.com15:55
escottrawfodog, seconds, use at for longer periods15:55
edbianrawfodog: You could make it play a sound file if you have one. sleep 10; aplay /path/to/file   I think15:55
rawfodogsweet. I just found out if I put an "m" next to the number it knows I mean MINUTES :D15:56
escottrawfodog, "at now + 10 min[enter]alert laundry[enter][ctrl-d]15:56
llutzrawfodog: sleep 10 or sleep 10m   or sleep 10h15:56
rawfodogThanks ebian15:56
edbianrawfodog: sure15:56
edbianescott: alert laundry ?15:57
escottedbian, his original question was about the laundry. alert integrates to the desktop notifications and prints "laundry"15:57
ichbinderfor anybody who might be able to help, here my problem again: I am compiling a personal project that needs boost 1.44. Current version in natty/main is 1.42. So I added LP-PPA-purplekarrot/natty from https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa/+build/2658906 So far, so good. But the code also needs libcgal-dev. When I select that in synaptic, it says it needs libboost-dev and libboost1.42-dev. Installing this, leeds then to15:57
ichbinder the error http://paste.ubuntu.com/670057/ I can click close and the error goes away, leaving a broken dependency. I can then also compile the code as libcgal-dev is installed... but the broken dependency is still there... :(15:57
edbianescott: mhmmm15:57
MorphiesHow does ubunto recognise new drives after an installation with only one drive connected? Will it have any issues if I try installing with a single drive connected, then reconnect the other after installation?15:59
m_fulderhm when I try to sendmail with telnet I get the error message: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table postfix  when trying to specify a RCPT TO:15:59
m_fulderany ideas how to solve that?15:59
glebihanichbinder, do you need the "libboost-exception-dev" package ?16:00
ichbinderglebihan: hey, thanks for answering. I think it's something the other -dev packages depend on16:00
robroHello, is there a way to map CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROW  to a gamepad button using QJoyPad?16:02
llutzm_fulder: is the recipients domain listed in $mydomain?16:02
jessieMorphies: What do you mean? If you add a new (internal) hard drive will it work? Yes. You will need to format it, but it will be accessable after.16:02
llutzerr mydestination*16:02
glebihanichbinder, are you sure about the dependencies you mentioned ? cause  libboost-dev and libboost1.42-dev are conflicting packages16:02
glebihanichbinder, oh no soory16:02
m_fulderllutz should mydomain be in the /etc/postfix/main.cf ? I don't think I got it there16:03
MorphiesJessie: I mean leaving only my main HDD attached, and disconnecting every other HDD during installation then reconnecting post installation.16:03
TechnoCatomg, i have a linux shell. how do i format my disk and just drop all tables?16:03
llutzm_fulder:  mydestination*  not mydomain, sry16:03
Morphieswhich I suppose is essentially the same:-)16:03
ichbinderglebihan: when I try to remove libboost-exception-dev it also wants to remove all other -dev packages16:03
glebihanichbinder, did you try "sudo apt-get install -f"16:03
ichbinderglebihan: on what item?16:03
jessieMorphies: Ah. Okay. Well, I am guessing you want to dual boot into Windows?16:03
escottTechnoCat, how will that help the oom?16:04
glebihanichbinder, none, just that command16:04
TechnoCatwhat is oom16:04
TechnoCatoh out of memory16:04
Morphiesjessie: yes16:04
m_fulderllutz, no the receptionist address is not listed there should I list everyone I will send mail to there :O16:04
TechnoCatbecause i'm not out of memory, it is wrong16:04
ichbinderglebihan: ok, give me a sec16:04
TechnoCat3gb to boot up a 178mb live cd?16:04
llutzm_fulder: you have to define for what domains you accepts mails16:04
escottTechnoCat, if you want to create a new partition table just sudo fdisk /dev/sda16:04
Spitfire19Can I serve *.exe s over a samba share?16:05
llutzm_fulder: accepting all makes you an open-relay16:05
escottTechnoCat, but i'm not clear what the real goal here is. diagnosing the errors leading to the oom, or blowing everything away16:05
jessieMorphies: It should work if you do that, though you will have to do some potentially strange things with the BIOS.16:05
escottSpitfire19, most configs will refuse to execute them16:05
trobrockIs there any way to source a file by default for any runit service's run script?16:05
Spitfire19the software we are currently usings works over traditional Windows file shares16:06
TechnoCatcan i display partitions with fdisk?16:06
m_fulderllutz from who I accept to get mails from? Then how is this related to who I am sending my mail to? :P16:06
escottTechnoCat, i think its p but type h for commands16:06
Morphiesjessie: Sounds insteresting, I;ve attempted install already with everything connected, it failed on partitioning. tried with just the external esata drive connected, failed at bootloader installation. Currently installing withjust the main drive connected16:06
llutzm_fulder: mydestination = example.com, coolnewdomain.com, localhost.localdomain, localhost                        <- all domain-names you accept mails for (not senders)16:06
TechnoCatare there supposed to be a million partitions? =\ lol16:07
TechnoCati didn't think that was possibly16:07
TechnoCati have /dev/sda1 - /dev/sda6016:07
m_fulderllutz hum so if I don't have one mail in the mydestination variable I can't send mail to him :O16:07
TechnoCatall ntfs...16:07
escottTechnoCat, thats weird. you can have up to 4 primaries but a pretty much unlimited number of extendeds16:07
TechnoCatconclusion: the windows installer f'ed up my disk16:08
ichbinderglebihan: nope. fails to install or update16:08
llutzm_fulder: for outgoing, you want to look for sasl and set something like " smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated"16:08
llutzm_fulder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix16:09
mikebeechamhey guys....just wanted to know whether it's worth upgrading to 11.10 yet?16:10
escottmikebeecham, #unity+116:10
m_fulderllutz will check that out :P16:10
escottmikebeecham, rather #ubuntu+116:10
Morphiesseems grub has installed OK this time round16:10
glebihanichbinder, it looks like there are some broken packages in the repos, I'm also getting dependencies errors while trying to install libgcal-dev16:11
mikebeechamescott, thanks16:11
Ramses_hello from Lybia16:11
glebihanichbinder, if I were you I would file a bug on libgcal-dev and see what comes out of it16:11
ichbinderglebihan: hm, ok... interesting. I thought this would definitely be a personal problem with haveing two versions of boost installed...16:12
sivakumar_Ramses_,  hello what kind of help do you want now from here16:12
glebihanichbinder, you have 2 versions installed ?16:13
Ramses_looking for more Linux knowledge, just it16:13
ichbinderglebihan: well, what I mean is the conflicting installes of boost...16:13
Neptui was wondering how can i get more than 9 workspaces??16:13
TechnoCatIs this stupid case of not being able to boot because of the 60 NTFS partitions worth noting somewhere?16:13
TechnoCati wasn't able to boot live cd's or anything16:14
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varikonniemihello all16:14
ichbinderglebihan: i tried to remove all boost stuff before adding https://launchpad.net/~purplekarrot/+archive/ppa/+build/2658906 as repo, but when I try to do so, it wants to remove also very basic stuff or other stuff, e.g. libreoffice.16:14
varikonniemihow do i change the date format in ubuntu16:14
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glebihanichbinder, yes but I would think the problem rather comes from libgcal-dev than boost itself16:14
varikonniemito custom yyyy-mm-dd16:14
escottTechnoCat, (a) are you sure thats why you couldn't boot (b) you could send something to the kernel group, I suppose they should care if a bad partition table crashes the system16:15
glebihanichbinder, you shouldn't need to remove it, the upgrade should be enough16:15
TechnoCatescott, yes, i am positive16:15
escottvarikonniemi, locale16:15
TechnoCati was finally able to boot into a shell from initramfs or something, and used fdisk, deleted partitions, restarted, everything works16:15
varikonniemii can only see the change for countries16:15
varikonnieminot to custom16:16
glebihanichbinder, as I said, for now I would uninstall the conflicting packages and file a bug, but maybe somebody else can find a better solution16:16
dianabitcoingirlalbino_: hi16:16
ichbinderglebihan: yeah, thought so too... i guess you are right, and I guess there is somewhere in cgal a dependency for boost version = 1.42 instead of >= 1.4216:16
escottTechnoCat, the thing is that says the kernel was ok with the bad partition table, but the upper user stack doesn't like it. honestly i doubt anyone expects to get to a gui when the partition table is junk16:16
ichbinderglebihan: well, can't uninstall as I need both packages to compile my stuff16:16
TechnoCatescott, i do with a live image.16:16
TechnoCatif i disconnected the hdd it would've booted16:17
ichbinderglebihan: i need boost > 1.42 and I need cgal, which wants boost 1.42... ^^ but only during installing. Then it works...16:17
albino_How can I change wiFi card driver (BCM4312) from STA to b43?16:17
eightieskdoes anyone know of a distro based upon it? like with data recovery tools and what not i could use on my workstations?16:17
albino_I have both installed, but don't know how to change 'em16:17
=== dianabitcoingirl is now known as graingert
TechnoCateightiesk, parted magic16:18
varikonniemiwhoa dianabitcoingirl you must really like bitcoin16:18
graingertvarikonniemi: a lot16:18
varikonniemibut anyone, to change date foramt in ubuntu 1104 ?16:18
graingertvarikonniemi: the silly girl didn't register her nick16:19
varikonniemigraingert ?16:19
graingertso I stole it16:19
graingertdespite warning her el oh el16:19
Myrttivarikonniemi: date format in what context? CLI? panel?16:19
varikonniemiwell, system wide.. D:16:19
ichbinderglebihan: thanks for your help and trying things... i guess i will file that bug report16:20
varikonniemior at least the top right cornet16:20
eightieskTechnoCat: not talking about a program but something thats basic, nothing but recovery tools, internet no messageing or email16:20
varikonniemibut.. also nautilus16:20
tfdevcant install linux on my android grrr16:20
glebihanichbinder, you're welcome, sorry I couldn't be more helpful16:20
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush_88
idsmeHi, anyone can help me ? i have a little problem with my X-FE auzentech Sound card16:21
ichbinderglebihan: no problem. Helps to know that it might be cgal's fault16:21
glebihanvarikonniemi, maybe this could help : http://ccollins.wordpress.com/2009/01/06/how-to-change-date-formats-on-ubuntu/16:21
idsmeHi, anyone can help me ? i have a little problem with my X-Fi auzentech Sound card16:22
Morphieshow do i alter the display settings?16:22
babblehey everyone: I'm making backup snapshots with squashfs and automatically appending a date & time string to the filename when it's done; I just realized I'm using a colon in the filename; will this do Very Many Odd Things if I copy them back to an HFS+ volume for storage, or will hfstools in Natty be smart enough to use escaped chars for me or something?16:23
varikonniemii cannot believe it is that hard still :D16:23
eightieskdoes anyone know of a distro based upon it? like with data recovery tools and what not i could use on my workstations, but without all the bloatware...16:23
varikonniemiits from 0916:24
idsmeTry testdisk16:24
idsmeyou can recover a whole parttion16:24
idsmeo sorry16:25
glebihanvarikonniemi, well I guess not many people look for that possibility, so nobody worked on a tool to make it easier16:25
idsmeal linux distro16:25
escottbabble, why are you using rsync with --link-dest16:25
tp43anyone know how to use virtualbox, I see instructions for a new windows xp installation, but is it possible to use an existing wndows partition?16:25
varikonniemi;D i mean most web forums allow the change to custom16:25
escottbabble, rather why are you not16:25
eightiesknot the point i know i can install and then install the programs.16:25
varikonniemiso it is not too much to askt my OS os of choice can do the same? :P16:25
eightieskit would make my life ez if i could add them to source code how would i go abotu that16:26
eightieskwe have 10 computers here16:26
babbleescott: because I'm too much of a newbie to figure out rsync :)16:26
idsmeAnyone can help me with my X-FI auzentack sound card?16:26
rhin0if a resize (installing 10.04 - resizing 11.04) is stuck at 50% (has been for 5 minutes) is it going to be a problem ... do I lose my old partition -- because this to me doesn't look good16:26
nearstbabble: what u gonna do16:26
rhin0whoa hang on its moved on16:26
rhin0is ok thanks16:26
ActionParsnipidsme: wassup with it?16:26
escottbabble, what you gain by using this squashfs based approach is being able to move around backups independently at the expense of cpu and disk space16:26
nearstrhin0: backup all your data 1st16:26
danii3hi guys. i just got ubuntu today and am clueless on how to use it.:-(. getting cannot find name for group id 504. how do i solve this?16:26
idsmethere is no sound16:26
babblenearst: oh, likely rename these snapshots, rather than risk it16:26
idsmei try to install the drivers16:27
idsmebut get some error message16:27
nearstbabble: cool tho16:27
babbleescott: I'm a Mac user; I'm used to working with disk umages.16:27
babbleSquashFS works lik eI think16:27
babble(and I need to renice mksquashfs, apparently. hehe)16:27
nearstbabble: yeah.. gudluck and gudtry16:28
danii3can anyone help me with a cannot find name for group id 504 ?16:28
escottbabble, ok. if it works for you, go for it. most would probably recommend learning rsync, so if you want to try and learn that we can try to point you in the right direction. there are also guis listed in !backup16:28
idsmeAction, i try to install the drivers16:28
nearstdanii3: cat /etc/passwd | grep 50416:29
babbleescott: yeah, I'm not averse to learning The One True and Proper Way to do things; I was more just wondering if hfstools was going to be smart enough to do the Right Thing on copy16:29
neiliob1973where can i get help with Logitech Webcam Pro 9000 on Ubuntu (looks great in Cheese and Guvcview, but awful when streaming)?16:29
nearstescott: agree, im using rsync too...16:29
ActionParsnipidsme: the CD you have, do you mean?16:29
babbleif not, I'll rename all of these and twiddle my backup script to use a different naming scheme16:30
idsmenot the CD :)16:30
rnsanyonw know how I can install this?  I have successfully downloaded the package with wget and uncompressed it.. Now what? http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/lucid/msttcorefonts16:30
idsmethe drivers one the internet page: moment, will show it16:30
ActionParsnipidsme: good, that would be silly16:30
nearstidsme: what do u mean16:30
escottbabble, its not necessarily the one true and proper way, just that yours is unusual. unfortunately i don't know enough about hfstools to say16:30
danii3nearst: hi nearst. no such file or directory16:30
llutzrns: "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb"16:31
babbleescott: Mac users use disk image sfor EVERYTHING. hehe.16:31
xanguarns: or just install the mssttcorefonts package16:31
babblemy backup strategy isn't unusual coming from OS X16:31
glebihanrns, why didn't you install from the repos ?16:31
escottbabble, when you look at the underpinnings of time machine its pretty close to rsync16:31
ActionParsniprns: you don't extract debs, they are packages to install16:31
rnsxangua, glebihan I don't have sudo access, this is on a server.  I tried easy_install but it couldn't find the pacakge.16:31
babbleescott: yeah, I was never much of a fan of TM :) hehe16:31
babbleI get conceptually than rsync and TM are doing similar things16:32
rnsActionParsnip, so how do I install it?16:32
nearstdanii3: try id (username)16:32
ActionParsniprns: to install then you will need sudo access to put the files in the file system, you can run:   sudo dpkg -i filename    to install them16:32
escottbabble, use what you are comfortable with16:33
nearstrns: yeah.. maybe u need to install using gdebi for dependencies resolver16:33
glebihanrns, if you're not root, you won't be able to install either from the repos or from a downloaded package16:33
idsmeAction : i can't find the page so fast, but i download the driver16:34
idsmeand try to install is16:34
rnsglebihan, is there I can build this from source?  I am trying to install mscorefonts16:34
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llutzrns: btw, why do you want those ms-ttfs on a server?16:34
babbleescott: thanks; so on to plan b: what's the simplest way for me to sub colons for hyphens in this passel o files?16:34
ActionParsnipidsme: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh16:34
glebihanrns, you may be able to build the package, not to install it16:34
ActionParsnipllutz: good point16:34
danii3nearst: no such user16:35
escottbabble, rename16:35
llutzrns: if you really need that package, ask your admin to install it16:35
escottbabble, maybe combined with find16:35
idsmeAction : Your ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=57748e0cd82d46ece2b6d42cf1633b3697078d3516:35
babbleyeah; I wanna grep all the colons, and do... what? Heh. Sorry, I REALLY am a n00b16:36
ActionParsnipidsme: is the correct audio device set in sound preferences, you have a lot of audio output devices16:36
danii3nearst: its on a vps and just install ubuntu 6.06.16:36
ActionParsnipidsme: I also suggest disabling the onboard sound card to reduce possible devices.16:37
idsmeyeah, i tried, al the devies,16:37
ActionParsnipidsme: you have an onboard intel sound chip as well as the Creative garbage you probably just installed16:37
nearstdanii3: owh.. on vps :s16:37
idsmeonly my logitsch headset is working16:37
ActionParsnipidsme: if you unplug the headset, is it better16:37
llutzdanii3: you don't want to use 6.0616:37
idsmewhen i switch it to X-fi16:37
idsmenothng happen16:38
=== herton_ is now known as herton
ActionParsnipidsme: disable the onboard sound card and unplug the headset, may help16:38
escottbabble, so rename will take a regex rename 's/:/_/' *.img, but if they are spread across directories you need to find . -iname "*.img" -exec rename 's/:/_/' {} \;16:38
escottbabble, do check that the rename is working correctly because i dont know rename that well16:38
danii3llutz: how about centos 5? i just want to run windows programs and need a gui because i dont understand anything16:39
zatanHi can anyone tell me how can I fix a top toolbar : http://i.imgur.com/h4hyj.png ?16:39
idsmei unplug the usb, and disable the onboard card16:39
robroHello, does anyone know of a realistic flight simulator for Ubuntu besides flightgear?16:39
llutzdanii3: " i just want to run windows programs"  so you want a windows system, not a linux16:39
danii3llutz: yes16:40
llutzdanii3: neither centos nor ubuntu are windows16:40
ActionParsniprobro: playdeb site may have one16:40
danii3llutz: can i use wine?16:40
babbleescott: thank you very much :)16:40
idsme30:00.0 Audio device: Creative Labs X-Fi Titanium series [EMU20k2] (rev 03)16:41
KM0201danii3: if you want windows, why not install windows?16:41
llutzdanii3: maybe, ask in #winehq16:41
danii3km0201: because the vps service provider didnt want to give me windows :-(16:42
ActionParsnipidsme: did you check compatibility with Ubuntu before buying the device? Creative hate Linux and refuse to support the OS16:42
robroActionParsnip: Yeah, I already checked there16:42
llutzdanii3: change to a different provider16:42
ActionParsnipdanii3: what apps do you need?16:42
KM0201danii3: that would be my suggestion, get a new provider.16:42
llutzdanii3: and tbh, if a vps-provider offers ubuntu-6.06, you really shouldn't pay him16:42
idsmeyeah, on my last configuration it works fine, but reinstall my computer...16:42
idsmeand now, it's doesn't work anymore16:43
danii3llutz/km0201:  its free. i dont want to waste it16:43
KM0201good luck finding anything for that16:43
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ActionParsnipdanii3: what apps do you need?16:43
MrNthDegree6.06 - rock solid stable, more ancient than Debian Stable16:43
KM0201danii3: if you're using 6.06, you're gonna find very very little that works w/ that at this point.16:43
danii3actionparsnip: i need remote desktop, mozilla firefox16:43
llutzdanii3: 6.06 is dated, dead, stinks. no updates, no security fixes since ages. you don't want to use that16:43
MrNthDegree6.06 has been EOL for ages16:43
ActionParsnipdanii3: firefox runs native in Ubuntu, why do you need wine for that?16:44
PiciMrNthDegree: Server support just ended on June 1st of this year.16:44
babbleheh. OS X has made me lazy; I'm used to naming stuff with colons and slashes with abandon and trusting that bad chars will get HTML-escaped automatically.16:44
danii3actionparsnip: what about windows remote desktop connection?16:44
idsmeroot@LinuNealz:/home/idsme/apps/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00# sudo make16:44
idsmemake -C /lib/modules/2.6.38-10-generic/build M=/home/idsme/apps/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.0016:44
idsmemake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.38-10-generic'16:44
idsme  CC [M]  /home/idsme/apps/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o16:44
idsme/home/idsme/apps/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.c:14:26: fatal error: sound/driver.h: No such file or directory16:44
idsmecompilation terminated.16:44
FloodBot1idsme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:44
idsmemake[2]: *** [/home/idsme/apps/XFiDrv_Linux_Public_US_1.00/xfi.o] Error 116:44
Omega!paste | idsme16:45
ubottuidsme: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:45
ActionParsnipdanii3: just use X forwarding, you don't need the full desktop if you just want a web browser16:45
MrNthDegreePici, and support of the whole distro ended in 200916:45
escottbabble, im not sure that html escaping filenames is anything close to correct16:45
ActionParsnipdanii3: you can use VNC over SSH and get the desktop but it will lag16:45
babbleescott: OS X does on copy to hfs-old volumes.16:45
escottbabble, if i want a : in my filename its because i want a : in my filename16:45
MrNthDegreePici, server support is less than 30% of the distro methinks16:45
babbleor ufs volumes or whatnot16:45
PiciMrNthDegree: The repositories were still online for everything until that date though.16:46
babbleescott: I understand what you're saying, but earlier versions of HFS/HFS+ use colons for directory separators.16:46
escottbabble, pre-osx sure16:46
idsmeok thanx16:46
babbleescott: which is why MacOS Old would complain if you named them as such16:46
danii3actionparsnip: i feel very insecure without any gui, will want to use vnc, oh i forgot. i need to run vmware and some .exe on it16:46
escottbabble, does it still complain these days?16:47
babbleescott: no, because it HTML-entitizes things like forward slashes or colons for you, depending on the filesystem you're writing to16:47
mongydanii3, xnest/ssh is a decent remote desktop solution, google up on it16:48
ActionParsnipdanii3: vnc has the VIC so you don't need GUI for that either16:48
ActionParsnipdanii3: running a desktop on a server makes it less secure, use more resources and take longer to boot16:48
escottbabble, so it would complain. weird16:48
babbleescott: back in OS 9 and earlier, sure.16:48
babbleescott: bearing in mind, the internals of OS 9 were essentially not very different from System 6/7 in 1986.16:49
rsrhello, I have ubuntu server installed and I am logged in via ssh. I would like to extract the /etc/network/interfaces file from the server and save it locally. Is there a guide for me to follow to accomplish this?16:49
escottbabble, i've never used macs, just dont see the appeal. in any case didn't know that restriction was present16:50
mongyrsr, scp user@host:/etc/network/interfaces .16:50
babble'complain' is the wrong word, maybe. it would barf a dialog at you telling you colons were Bad To Use and rename it with a hyphen16:50
Picirsr: mongy's command should be run from your local computer, so exit ssh.16:50
babblethen OS X just twiddled it behind the scenes as needed and you named crap whatever you wanted to in the GUI16:50
mongyrsr, ugh, yeah what ^pici said16:50
danii3mongy/actionparsnip: thanks. will find out more now. rather overwhelmed16:52
idsmeAction : http://paste.ubuntu.com/670205/plain/16:52
satatanuxHi everyone!16:52
satatanuxPlease, I need help whit my ubuntu installation...16:53
kleechhow safe is it to do a apt-get upgrade on a server?16:53
KM0201satatanux: just ask, if we can help, we will.16:53
sivakumar_hi how to xtract rar files in ubuntu16:53
rsrOK! thanks guys!!!16:54
KM0201!rar | sivakumar_16:54
ubottusivakumar_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:54
sivakumar_please help me its troubling me aloy16:54
KM0201sivakumar_: read the link..16:54
remi_hello everybody16:55
rsrit returned this:16:55
glebihan!unrar | sivakumar_16:55
ubottusivakumar_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free16:55
rsrusage: scp [-1246BCEpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]16:55
rsr           [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program]16:55
rsr           [[user@]host1:]file1 ... [[user@]host2:]file216:55
=== remi_ is now known as remsSs03
rsram I missing a command?16:56
jodlajodlahello! it will heroes of newerth work with my Gigabyte GT 430?16:56
sivakumar_glebihan, what is !unrar16:56
glebihansivakumar_, read what ubottu told you16:56
KM0201sivakumar_: it's a tool to unrar files... why don;t you read the links.. thats why we've posted them.16:56
satatanuxThanks!  I've a relative old computer (with a MSI KT6V-LSR Motherboard). The live CD boot and works fine, I install Ubuntu 11.40, all ok, then finish install and restart and then... the keyboard and mouse dont work... are USB mouse and kb, they are conected directly (not over usb hub), so i try anther linux distribution... Linux mint, and in this distro dont work mouse and keyboard even in live cd... what can i do?16:57
llutzrsr: at local machine: "scp  user@server:/etc/network/interfaces ."16:58
sivakumar_KM0201, sorry my internet is very slow thats y i asked you sorry for disturbance16:58
KM0201sivakumar_: you were given the link twice.. but.. ok16:58
rsrllutz: I did that from a mac os box... I hate mac os but it's what this client has :/16:58
KM0201satatanux: have you tried PS2 adapters?16:58
satatanuxno, i dont have it16:59
satatanuxBTW: I try installing a virtual machine on Windows XP and pass the same... the mouse and KB dont work16:59
KM0201satatanux: have you checked the BIOS?.. to see if "usb legacy support".. is enabled?  I know on one of my PC's (also an old msi).. if i dn't have that, the usb keyboard/mouse don't work17:02
KM0201i forget exactly where it is in the BIOS, but it's in there somewhere17:02
satatanuxYes, i have USB legacy support enabled, if I disable it tthe mouse and keyboard dont work anymore even on windows17:02
jodlajodlabo delov HoN na Gigabyte NV GT430?17:03
KM0201satatanux: dunno, sounds like ps2 adapters might be your only way to go.17:03
satatanuxlet my try something, i will wrote the MB settingm, because they are 2 about USB and ill come back... thanks a Lot! see you in a minute17:05
ActionParsnipjodlajodla: don't see why not :)17:05
jodlajodlaActionParsnip: are u playing HoN?17:05
ranjanHi all is anyone here aware of the psmouse.c error related to the touchpads of new latptops17:05
ActionParsnipjodlajodla: I don't play any games17:06
ActionParsnipjodlajodla: you have an nvidia chip and its not too shabby so it should be fine, there is a native linux client for it so I'd say go for it.17:06
jodlajodlaActionParsnip: Okay, tyvm :)17:06
amaliaai got trouble getting work my wireless adaptater17:08
amaliaai'm gonna commit suicide i can't get it work17:08
ActionParsnipamaliaa: use one line please, easier to read17:08
pkukso I finally got around to installing 11.0417:09
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )17:09
amaliaai tried everything17:09
usr13amaliaa: What does lspci say about it?  Paste the line here.17:09
amaliaaActionParsnip : this is what i do17:09
usr13just the one line17:09
pkukthe new interface is so painful!17:09
KM0201usr13: well, it's usb.. so probably not much.. :)17:09
ActionParsnippkuk: log of and log in to Ubuntu Classic17:09
llutz!classic| pkuk17:09
amaliaalspci recognizes my usb linksys cisco17:09
ubottupkuk: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".17:09
ActionParsnippkuk: Unity 2d willreplace classic in Oneiric17:10
pkukActionParsnip: yeah, I did this, but then compiz is all messed up!17:10
amaliaai installed driver with ndiswrapper17:10
usr13amaliaa: Show us.17:10
amaliaabut still nothing17:10
amaliaathere isn't any wlan*17:10
amaliaaon network manager17:10
usr13amaliaa: How does lspci identify it?17:11
ActionParsnippkuk: classic doesn't use compiz, it uses metacity (as far as I know). You could always use a different desktop17:11
amaliaathe most funny part is that it worked with an older version17:11
amaliaawith exactly same procedure17:11
ActionParsnipamaliaa: is it USB based or PCI based?17:11
glebihanActionParsnip, classic can also use compiz depending the settings (I don't which is the default)17:11
amaliaaubuntu isn't launched right now17:11
ActionParsnipamaliaa: ok run:  lsusb     what is the line which identifies the device?17:11
amaliaai can't do any command17:12
ActionParsnipglebihan: true enough17:12
usr13amaliaa: Come back when you can get on the system again.17:12
amaliaai posted some command on an ubuntu forum17:12
ActionParsnipamaliaa: you can, press CTRL+ALT+T17:12
pkukActionParsnip: I will look into that... aside from this interface Ubuntu continues to impress, and I've been hopping distros for 10+ years :)17:12
usr13amaliaa: Plug into wired internet and show us what you have.17:12
ActionParsnippkuk: I use LXDE, it's pretty much not changed17:12
pkukActionParsnip: nice, will try17:13
ActionParsnippkuk: same, started on Mandrake 7 here :)17:13
usr13amaliaa: Is it a laptop or desktop computer?17:13
amaliaaa desktop17:14
blognewbhi everyone im trying to install ubuntu in my sister's computer, i want to know the system requirements for ubuntu 11 but can't find it help17:14
pkukActionParsnip: I started in uni when my windows 98 machine crashed and a buddy gave me red hat!  I forget what version now sadly17:14
amaliaai must ask it17:14
amaliaawhy this regression17:14
usr13blognewb: What process or and how much memory does it have?17:14
blognewbusr13 piii :(17:15
KM0201amaliaa: what regression?17:15
usr13blognewb: How much memory?17:15
pkukActionParsnip: actually landed me a few jobs in school because I had the experience.  Added economic benefit of opensource17:15
amaliaaKM0201 : capacity of ubutu for autodetecting wireless hardware and setting up17:15
glebihan!requirements | blognewb17:15
ubottublognewb: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu17:15
KM0201amaliaa: it usually does.. my usb wireless devices all wrk when i plug them in.17:15
KM0201amaliaa: it just depends ont he device really.17:16
amaliaamaybe mine is older17:16
amaliaaso they dropped support17:16
KM0201amaliaa: unlikely, the wusb45, is pretty common.17:16
blognewboh sorry17:16
blognewbusr13 Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz / 256MB SDRAM / 40GB HDD17:16
usr13blognewb: Very low memory.  I recommend 3 or 4 times as much RAM.17:17
amaliaacan i drop here iwconfig ?17:17
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KM0201amaliaa: pastebin it17:17
KM0201!pastebin | amaliaa17:17
ubottuamaliaa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:17
amaliaa2 lines17:17
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blognewbusr13 so i guess i can't install ubuntu?17:17
mongyblognewb, try lubuntu17:17
usr13blognewb: The processor is fine, but you need to do RAM upgrade.  512 is minimum IMO, 1G is very good.17:17
cereal_is there a program that shows your total data usage for each session, im getting a new smart phone and i wanted to use it for tethering17:18
usr13blognewb: Oh you can install it, but for good prefomance, I would put some more RAM in it.17:18
amaliaalsmod : http://pastebin.com/Ct0ukPc517:18
KM0201amaliaa: all that shows is its not working.17:18
blognewbmongy will lubuntu be enjoyable for a 15year old?17:19
mongyblognewb, not sure, I havent been a 15 yr old for 23 yrs :)17:19
amaliaasomeone adive me that i should install rutilt17:20
usr13blognewb: As you are advised above, xubuntu or Lubuntu will be better for the limited resources you have now, but if you do a memory upgrade, the standard Desktop edition will work too.  It's your choice.17:20
blognewbthanks guys, my other question is, the computer is currently partitioned with edubuntu + XP in it, how do i do a clean slate to install Lubuntu17:21
amaliaathere is in ubutu depot however since i don't get network connectivity it's over17:21
oly562hi, i need some help with /sbin17:21
usr13blognewb: You mean you just want to use the whole drive?17:21
blognewbhow much is a 256 MB ram these days17:21
blognewbusr13 yeah well i wanna clean everything before i install this17:22
usr13blognewb: Pretty cheap.  You can get 512MB pretty cheap nowdays.17:22
oly562when i lock the screen in gnome desktop, i am not able to log back in.17:22
blognewbusr13 what is cheap to you?17:22
lolmatic8 gb ddr3-1333 cost €2817:22
usr13blognewb: The installer will do that for you.  Just run the install and it will wipe the whole drive if you want.17:22
amaliaa28 what17:22
oly562i have to goto single user mode, killall gnome-screensaver17:22
dddbmt_Hi guys, I need your help! I have another computer with ubuntu installed, when I power it on I can only get to the login screen. After that I get "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/dddbmt/.ICEauthority".17:22
oly562then im allowed to log back in with ctn-f717:23
jodlajodlais HoN safe game, so i can't get any malware on something like that on my ubuntu?17:23
ActionParsnipblognewb: boot to the install media, format the Edubuntu partition(s) and install Lubuntu. Be sure to backup the data you need17:23
blognewblolmatic oh cool. How do i know how much i can upgrade this computer? it's a refurb with no specs barebones17:23
lolmaticblognewb: well i dont know what hardware u have17:23
oly562i chmod/chown'd perms in /sbin, im positive, so i need to know what perms people have in /sbin17:23
oly562can someone pastebin me ls -al /sbin17:23
akashaaHi, I've edited my .profile file, but seemingly it's never run. Is there some other file in natty to add basic things like `export WORKON_HOME=...17:23
blognewbActionParsnip format? wait how? terminaL? will it tell me how17:23
usr13blognewb: http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=DDR2+512&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=17:23
dddbmt_I click "Close" and get another message "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256".17:23
lolmaticJodaZ: hon is a real game with lots of customers, i think it should be safe to install.17:23
oly562so i can compare17:23
oly562i really dont feel like reinstalling...17:24
dddbmt_I click close and get "Nautilus could not create the following required folder: /home/dddbmt/Desktop, /home/dddbmt/.nautilus".17:24
blognewblolmatic i guess my question is upon which is it dependent? the motherboard? so i have to know which motherboard it is?17:24
lolmaticblognewb: what processor do you have?17:25
alex--My netbook is using it's SWAP, but there's enough RAM (not all ram is being used). In the netbook is a slowly SSD, which makes the netbook unusable when it's using it's swap (almost all of the time). Is there any way to fix this?17:25
escottdddbmt, sounds like the permissions on the home directory are wrong !paste the output of ls -ld /home and ls -l /home17:25
jodlajodlais HoN safe game, so i can't get any malware on something like that on my ubuntu?17:25
lolmaticjodlajodla: hon is a real game with lots of customers, i think it should be safe to install.17:25
blognewboh it's a ThinkCentre NetVista Intel Pentium 417:26
blognewb@ lolmatic17:26
escottalex--, you can adjust the swapiness parameter in /sys or just disable the swap17:26
usr13blognewb: Find the model# on the mother borad and do a search.  But you can safely assume it will take 512M or 1G modules.17:26
blognewbThinkCentre NetVista Intel Pentium 4 1.8GHz / 256MB SDRAM / 40GB HDD / CD-ROM / AGP Video Card / 10/100Mbps LAN / Windows 2000 / Off-Lease Refurbished Desktop PC17:26
lolmaticblognewb: i recommend buying a new machine. pentium 4 is really very outdated.17:26
jodlajodlalolmatic: thanks for reply! :)17:26
dddbmt_escott, how do I do that when I can't login/get to my terminal.17:26
escottalex--, sorry its in /proc/sys/vm/swappiness17:26
blognewblolmatic $17:26
amaliaawhat should i do now ?, what command are worth posting17:26
escottdddbmt, ctrl-alt-f117:26
lolmaticblognewb: if you dont wanna buy a new one i would recommend buying 512 mb of ram for it.17:27
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ghoulhi all, is there an easy way to connect vnc to an EXISTING x session ? i'd like to remote-help a pc downstairs every now and then without running stairs all the time17:28
escottghoul, you have to export DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY locations thats all that is required17:29
BarcoHi Guys, can anyone assist with Internet setup on Edubuntu, I've setup the gateway but am running an LTSP setup. Have all the settings and my internet is up all other computers but I seem to be missing something on my Edubuntu server  - ifconfig output here http://pastebin.com/abPbqLXu17:29
ghouland how do i do that exactly ?17:29
ghouli do have ssh to the machine downstairs17:30
escottghoul, well DISPLAY is most like ":0" if you use gdm your xauth location is in /var/lib/gdm/something-auth-username-something/something (not using gdm so i cant say off hand)17:30
usr13blognewb: I don't have anything that slow, but almost.  I have a machine here that is only 2GHz, (AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+), and it runs nicely on 10.04 LTS.  (But it has 1G RAM).17:31
KingsyI found out what my stupid kworker thread is doing17:31
usr13blognewb: cpu MHz: 1994.35717:31
blognewbusr13 i also have one like that but at the moment it's giving me ntfs corrupt messages, i dunno how to recover the files without formatting it17:31
mfilipeis there any solution of gnome-sensors-applet to 11.10? is there to project hamster too?17:32
ghouldir /var/lib/gdm/*auth*     returns empty result, no idea what i'd be searching for17:32
usr13blognewb: You definately need to recover the files ASAP.17:32
escottghoul, just ls /var/lib/gdm i think its in there17:32
dr3mrois there a pre configured or optimized linux kernels that some can download and install17:32
blognewbwow look at this http://www.ebay.com/itm/4GB-8-X-512MBMEMORY-DDR2-533MHZ-PC2-4200-NON-ECC-240P-/150647280184?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2313471238#ht_1007wt_95417:32
blognewbusr13 asap?17:33
usr13blognewb: Probably looking at imminite hard drive failure17:33
usr13asap = as soon as possible17:33
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blognewblol yeah im not that stupid17:33
ghoulthere's an empty Seat1/ dir and :  .cache/ .dbus/ .gconf/ .gconf.defaults/ .gconf.path .local/ .pulse-cookie .config/ .esd_auth .gconfd/ .gconf.mandatory/ .ICEauthority .pulse/ Seat1/17:34
g0thI would like to install mplayer 1.0git instead of the standard ubuntu one17:34
g0thbut a lot of libraries require the version to be bigger than "..."17:34
escottghoul, try Seat117:34
g0thhow can I tell them to accept the version 1.0git?17:34
blognewb2 laptops, one shitty vista dell laptop, one old p3 384 ram xp toshiba17:35
dddbmt_escott, ls -ld: drwxr-xr-x root is owner and group17:35
blognewbthe toshiba is pretty fast tbh17:35
g0thI tried pinning giving it a priority 100117:35
g0thbut it didn't help17:35
oly562hi, i need some help with /sbin when i lock the screen in gnome desktop, i am not able to log back in. i have to goto single user mode, killall gnome-screensaver then im allowed to log back in with ctn-f7 i chmod/chown'd perms in /sbin, im positive, so i need to know what perms people have in /sbin can someone pastebin me ls -al /sbin so i can compare i really dont feel like reinstalling...17:36
RoastedI am constantly getting search3.comcast web pages coming up when I'm on my Ubuntu partition. what gives?17:36
dddbmt_escott, ls -l: drwx----- dddbmt is owner and group17:36
n2iblognewb: "tbh" = ?17:36
escottdddbmt, thats looks alright17:36
ghoulescott, it's just an empty dir, but i'll give it a try, thanks for the help =)17:36
bluezone_How do i open an .epub file?17:36
Roasteddo I need to flush dns or something?17:36
RoastedIve NEVER had this issue17:36
g0thIs it because 1.0git is before 1.0~...?17:36
blognewbn2i tbh = to be honest17:36
escottdddbmt, what about some of the folders it complained about like ~/Desktop17:36
n2iblognewb: oh, thanks!17:37
oly562how can i turn off software updates after doing an update, where the kernel sources keep asking me to update, for which i do not want to yet...?17:37
blognewbis this factual "Ubuntu 11.4 is more bloated than even vista , its more slow and performance is ridiculous!"17:37
ActionParsnipRoasted: do you mean in the browser in Ubuntu?17:37
RoastedActionParsnip, yes.17:38
escottghoul, someone in channel running gdm can just echo $XAUTHORITY and tell you exactly where it is17:38
ActionParsnipblognewb: I'd say not17:38
RoastedActionParsnip, no other pc in the house has an issue but this one17:38
oly562i come from redhat update and there was a config file that i could specify NOT to include kernel* updates?17:38
RoastedActionParsnip, if I open about 400 tabs, eventually 1 will work.17:38
ActionParsnipRoasted: does it happen as all users and in all browser?17:38
oly562how can i turn off software updates after doing an update, where the kernel sources keep asking me to update, for which i do not want to yet...? i come from redhat update and there was a config file that i could specify NOT to include kernel* updates?17:38
blognewb"Ubuntu 11.4 is a failed experiment. You're also an asshole for making assumptions so quickly. Downgrade to 10.10. It's much faster.17:38
blognewbVista is also a failed experiment btw."17:38
dddbmt_escott, ls -l for Desktop "drwxr-xr-x".  The machine worked perfectly untill my latest restart.17:38
oly562lots of questions today :)17:38
RoastedActionParsnip, I'm the only user on this pc. and yes, it happens only in the browser, however, randomly17:38
escottdddbmt, is home on its own partition?17:38
RoastedActionParsnip, is there a flush dns or smoething with ubuntu?17:38
cfeddeblognewb: that's flame bait.17:38
ActionParsnipRoasted: thought to make a fresh user, to test....17:38
oCeanblognewb: this is not a discussion channel, you can try #ubuntu-offtopic for such17:38
oly562hi, i need some help with /sbin when i lock the screen in gnome desktop, i am not able to log back in. i have to goto single user mode, killall gnome-screensaver then im allowed to log back in with ctn-f7 i chmod/chown'd perms in /sbin, im positive, so i need to know what perms people have in /sbin can someone pastebin me ls -al /sbin so i can compare i really dont feel like reinstalling...17:39
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic17:39
dddbmt_escott, no. one partition.17:39
blognewb lolmatic should i choose 10 then instead of 11?17:39
bluezone_How do i open an .epub file? Calibe fails to do so, and so does the document viewer17:39
RoastedActionParsnip, well, maybe I could. but I'd kind of like to know what the problem is vs recreating a profile17:39
BluesKajg0th, read up on the git commands in order to install using the git repos17:39
blognewbi was aboutt o download 1117:39
ActionParsnipblognewb: why not use it and form your own opinion, don't let anyone tell you how to think17:39
escottdddbmt_, what happens when you "touch ~/test_file.txt"17:39
cfeddeblognewb: use the most recent one or the LTS.17:39
ActionParsnipRoasted: if it happens as the fresh user then its the system, if its ok then it is your settings17:39
blognewbActionParsnip im asking from the expert you so would you suggest 10 instead of 1117:39
usr13g0th: Why not just install mplayer and see what you get, (see if it does what you want / need)?17:39
oly562blognewb: did you load it lately? has it changed much due to the complaints? i agree with you, from what i have heard, but havent tried 11.x yet.17:39
RoastedActionParsnip, right, but I'd rather have a more pinpointed idea.17:40
blognewbActionParsnip speed wise17:40
ActionParsnipblognewb: I'd suggest Natty (11.04)17:40
usr13g0th: Actually, I think it's smplayer17:40
g0thusr13: I want to but it doesnt work because some packages break it17:40
dddbmt_escott, Permission denied.17:40
blognewbActionParsnip in terms of speed?17:40
ActionParsnipblognewb: not seen any slowness personally17:40
g0thBluesKaj: I already compild the package, what do you mean?17:40
ActionParsnipblognewb: I use LXDE on all my systems so sidestep a lot of the gnome stuff17:40
usr13g0th: What packages break it?17:40
escottdddbmt, whoami17:40
g0thit requires version 1.0~... something17:40
cfeddeblognewb: my 11.04 vm performs well enough that I typicaly ignore the windows 7 host it is running on.17:41
g0thwhich comes after 1.0git alphabetically unfortunately17:41
dddbmt_escott, dddbmt17:41
BluesKajusr he wants ti onstall git mplayer version which supposedly has more options and bugs fixes17:41
escottdddbmt_, is the partition mounted read-only?17:41
g0thactually it is mplayer2 but nevermind17:41
dddbmt_escott, how do I test that?17:41
g0ththe issue is with this version number17:41
escottdddbmt, `moun`17:42
escottdddbmt, `mount`17:42
dddbmt_escott, with plings?17:42
usr13g0th: Sorry, I just don't know, would have to know what 1.0~... something is.  All I know is that mplayer works ok on my system.17:42
escottdddbmt, without17:42
=== Logan__ is now known as Logan_
bluesfreak72How come every time I try to do an upgrade to natty that includes a kernel upgrade, the upgrade fails and this is what happens when I try to fix it:  http://pastebin.com/mSN9YyXn ???17:43
g0thusr13: I want to install mplayer2 git, I ask how to do this17:43
de 17:43
g0thusr13: the problem is that the version name is lower than the one of the mplayer in the ubuntu repository, so it complains17:43
g0this there a proper way to circumwent that?17:44
StevenRbluesfreak72: looks like the archive is corrupt?17:44
dddbmt_escott, what do you want to see?17:44
g0tha "hack" would be to change the version in mplayer2  git to be higher than the ubuntu version but that's ugly17:44
dddbmt_(Cant copy paste, since I'm writing from another machine) escott17:44
bluesfreak72@ StevenR - Is there anything I can do on my end to fix the archive?17:44
escottdddbmt_, just the mount options for the relevant partition you dont have a /home so /17:44
mbeierlNatty: I've got System->Preferences->Power Management Display: Put display to sleep when inactive for 0:10, but the monitors never turn off.  How does one set the power save on the monitors to make them turn off when not in use?17:45
ghoulescott,   x11vnc -nopw -display :0  via ssh on the remote machine, and then gtkvncviewer  on my machine did the trick =)17:45
StevenRbluesfreak72: I'd look at clearing the downloaded archive so apt downloads it again... there's apt-get clean or something17:45
usr13bluesfreak72: Looks like there was a problem with the file.17:45
usr13bluesfreak72: linux-image-2.6.38-11-generic_2.6.38-11.48_i386.deb17:46
escottghoul, i guess you had xhost set so that xauthority wasnt required17:46
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bluesfreak72usr13: I know that file is the issue.17:46
ghouldidn't have to set any env vars, and display was the one via  commandline17:46
rwwg0th: increment the epoch number in the version string?17:46
dddbmt_escott, /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro,commit=0) ?17:46
usr13bluesfreak72: sudo apt-get clean17:47
escottdddbmt_, we must be missing something but im not sure what. the permissions i've seen look ok17:47
g0thoh the "2:" ?17:47
rwwg0th: ( http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/ubuntu-policy/policy.html/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version has the details if you don't know what an epoch number is)17:47
rwwg0th: yeah17:47
g0thrwww: I never understood that17:47
bluesfreak72Looks like sudo apt-get clean did the trick.17:48
usr13Thanks to StevenR :)17:48
g0thrww: this is supposed to be change in the git repo?17:49
dddbmt_escott, it stopped working after I turned of "Ask for password on login". Don't know if that has anything to do with it, though.17:49
escottdddbmt_, did you enable encrypted home17:49
rwwg0th: you'd change it in the package you're making from mplayer git, yes.17:49
dddbmt_escott, No I didn't. It might have been enabled before that though - I don't remember.17:50
escottdddbmt_, because you cannot have encrypted home and autologin17:50
escottdddbmt_, in mount does it say anything about ecryptfs17:50
dddbmt_escott, is there a way to turn off autologin command line?17:50
dddbmt_escott, yes it does. Want me to paste?17:50
g0thrww: ok, so I tell them to update that accordingly?17:51
g0thrww: do you know where the version is specified?17:51
StevenRbluesfreak72: hurrah :)17:51
escottdddbmt_, no need. you have to disable autologin17:51
rwwg0th: in the package control file at debian/control17:51
dddbmt_escott, do you know how I do that command line?17:51
escottdddbmt_, autologin creates a file in /etc/gdm/ or something i cant remember where17:52
g0thrww: ok thanks17:52
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bluesfreak72Thanks, StevenR and usr13.!!!17:52
escottdddbmt_, ask the channel what file you need to remove to disable autologin17:52
escottalternately you should be able to login now, and you may then be able to remove the file (because you are logged in on the terminal)17:52
dddbmt_Hi #ubuntu. Which file should be deleted in order to disable autologin?17:54
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: you don't delete a file, you just edit a file17:54
oly562how can i turn off software updates after doing an update, where the kernel sources keep asking me to update, for which i do not want to yet...? i come from redhat update and there was a config file that i could specify NOT to include kernel* updates?17:54
oly562hi, i need some help with /sbin when i lock the screen in gnome desktop, i am not able to log back in. i have to goto single user mode, killall gnome-screensaver then im allowed to log back in with ctn-f7 i chmod/chown'd perms in /sbin, im positive, so i need to know what perms people have in /sbin can someone pastebin me ls -al /sbin so i can compare i really dont feel like reinstalling...17:54
oly562thats 2 questions17:54
dddbmt_ActopmParsnip, could you tell me more about it? Or maybe a link to a guide?17:54
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: use tab to complete nicks ;)17:55
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf.17:55
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, thanks for the tip ;) I only see custom.conf and gdm.schemas (among other files)17:56
escottdddbmt_, custom.conf17:56
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: are you using Ubuntu or are you using KUbuntu?17:56
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, Ubuntu.17:56
escottdddbmt_, nuke custom.conf (you can cat it and see exactly what it does)17:57
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: http://maxolasersquad.blogspot.com/2009/07/how-to-setup-auto-login-in-ubuntu-at.html17:57
SeCuRe_I need help here.I am trying to get my smartphone into recovery mode on ubuntu. Anyone help?17:57
ActionParsnipSeCuRe_: do you mean access it in Ubuntu recovery mode?17:58
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, AutomaticLoginEnable=false, AutomaticLogin=. That is the _current_ settings.17:58
SeCuRe_No. I am trying to work with SUDO17:58
dddbmt_escott, nuke as in delete?17:58
SeCuRe_here is prodecure http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Last_Resort_Emergency_BootLoader_Recovery#OMAP_boot_Procedure17:58
escottdddbmt_, yes delete it, although if it has auto login disabled right now...17:59
ActionParsnipSeCuRe_: If you add your user to the admin group it will get sudo access17:59
SeCuRe_I just downloaded the TAR file and linux drivers but when i type sudo omap3_usbload boot.bin it returns with command not found17:59
escottSeCuRe_, full path to binaries outside of $PATH17:59
SeCuRe_ActionParsnip : How do I gonna add my name to admin group?18:00
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, you agree that I should try to delete custom.conf ?18:00
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ActionParsnipSeCuRe_: in the root recovery mode is one way, what does omap3_usbload boot.bin do?18:00
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: not sure, never really messed with that stuff18:00
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, I'll let you know what happens then ;)18:01
SeCuRe_escott: I just installed the ubuntu and very new to it. How do i know the path?18:01
SeCuRe_sudo ls is not working also. DIR commands also...18:01
escottdddbmt_, look at the contents of it. they should be fairly safe to remove18:01
ActionParsnipSeCuRe_: does this help: http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/Last_Resort_Emergency_BootLoader_Recovery18:01
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: you can always move the file instead, if it's bad you can always move it back18:01
escottSeCuRe_, echo $PATH (but root has a different $PATH). in any case you have to have the path as /home/username/Downloads/whatever/omap_blah.bin18:02
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, too late ;) but thanks for the tip!18:02
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: moving and renaming is always better, it allows you to roll back18:02
hack27how i do update the bios18:02
SeCuRe_ActionParsnip: OMAP3..bin makes the phone to get into recovery mode from USB.18:02
ActionParsniphack27: what make and model system?18:02
escotthack27, specific to the manufacturer and generally done through windows18:03
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, yeah - I see your point :)18:03
ActionParsnipSeCuRe_: the guide may help, it has some command and such18:03
tab1293anyone know where i can find the realtek drivers for the RTL8188CE chipset for kernel 3.0?18:03
SeCuRe_so do you want me to get in Ubuntu recovery mode and try sudo command again?18:03
ActionParsniptab1293: oneiric support is in #ubuntu+118:03
SeCuRe_ActionParsnip: Ubuntu does not accept the commands. Example sudo omap3.bin18:04
SeCuRe_it says command not found18:04
ActionParsniphack27: some dell BIOSs can be updated in Ubuntu18:04
escottSeCuRe_, because it is not in the path. full path required18:04
escottSeCuRe_, it doesn't know where to look for this omap3.bin you have to tell it where /home/me/Download/omap3.bin or ./omap3.bin (if your terminal pwd is where the file is)18:05
dddbmt_escott, ActionParsnip, the thing is that nautilus is complaining that it can't create /home/dddbmt/Desktop - but it allready exists.18:05
oly562where does apt-get store its APT:: config files from Perl?18:05
dddbmt_same with .nautilus18:05
escottdddbmt_, no its because when it tries to auto-login your ecryptfs mount isn't up and running18:06
martin_tscmy db backup is making any access to my site inaccessible, how to I change the nice list to -10 for mysqld and apache218:06
escottdddbmt_, you can't do autologin and encrypted home. the login is what decrypts the home18:06
megalomanHello all. I am still getting used to narwhal and unity. One problem I have is that whenever usb devices are connected to my machine, booting hangs. I assume this is a boot device preference thing, anyone know where to fix it?18:06
SeCuRe_escott: Now the file is in the desktop. I will try sudo omap3_usbload boot.bin /home/user/desktop right?18:06
escottSeCuRe_, "Desktop" but yes18:06
dddbmt_escott, okay I see. But since the custom.conf didn't do anything - do you have anymore suggestions?18:07
ActionParsnipdddbmt_: is it owned by your user?18:07
escottdddbmt_, did you reboot or sudo service gdm restart after removing custom.conf18:07
dddbmt_escott, "reboot now".18:08
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, ls -l for /home says that my user is owner and group.18:08
escottdddbmt_, give it a try. hopefully it brings up the login screen18:08
r2dx0fGood morning from Thailand!18:09
dddbmt_escott, Give what a try? I get to the login screen fine - but when I click my account it just log in, instead of asking for password.18:09
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escottdddbmt_, thats no good. the password is required to unwrap the ecryptfs key. if you aren't being asked for the password you won't be able to access your files18:10
hack27i dont have a dell18:10
oly562can someone pastebin me -   ls -al /sbin18:10
oly562i hosed up some perms18:10
dddbmt_ActionParsnip, escott - "ls -ld" for /home says root is user and group ?18:10
ActionParsnipoly562: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670271/18:11
dddbmt_escott, yeah I've realized that. But how to get it to prompt me for passsword?18:11
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ActionParsnipoly562: why are you messing with it anyway?18:11
escottdddbmt_, /home is 755 root:root /home/me 755 me:me (but 700 is also ok for /home/me but not /home)18:12
oly562thanks ActionParsnip18:12
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oly562oh i made a script, and ran it in /sbin rather in dir i wanted too... lol18:12
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:12
oly562i had ln -s the script from there, but i ran it while in /sbin lol18:13
SeCuRe_escott: I came with no success. When type sudo ls i see the omap file under user(cnyt) directory but when type sudo omap3_usbload boot.bin /home/cnyt i still get command not found18:13
escottSeCuRe_, sudo /home/cnyt/omap3_usbload18:14
dddbmt_escott, "ls -l /home" says drwx ---- ---- me:me. "ls -ld /home" says drwx --xr ---x root:root18:14
escottdddbmt, ie /home/me is 700 me:me and /home is 755 root:root so it perms are ok18:15
SeCuRe_escott : no success again :/18:15
enzo_je voudrais savoir comment ca fonctionne!18:15
SeCuRe_I see the file when type sudo ls18:16
hack27any diagnotic18:16
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oly562i figured it was that file... unix_chkpwd, it was group'd shadow and -s'd18:16
rww!fr | enzo_18:16
ubottuenzo_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:16
escottoly562, no shadow would be correct18:17
escottoly562, you should be very careful with what you are doing, especially if shadow group doesn't make you immediately think of /etc/shadow18:18
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llutzdddbmt_: really "ls -ld /home" says drwx --xr ---x root:root" ?? it has to be 755, "drwxr-xr-x root:root"18:18
enzo_please where can i have thaenc IRC?e ubuntu fr18:18
rwwenzo_: type /join #ubuntu-fr18:18
enzo_please where can i have the ubuntu french IRC18:19
MaximumResultsHi everyone18:19
dddbmt_llutz, it is - I missed the "r".18:19
llutzdddbmt_: ok18:19
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enzo_how can i do to join ubuntu in french?18:20
llutzenzo_: type "/join #ubuntu-fr"18:20
bindi_enzo_: the same way you joined here, but instead of #ubuntu, make it #ubuntu-fr ...18:20
dddbmt_llutz, you have no suggestions for my problem? I have turned ON autologin with encrypted /home. Removing /etc/gdm/custom.conf didn't disable it.18:20
llutzdddbmt_: no sorry18:21
escottdddbmt_, llutz makes a good point is it. those permissions don't look correct it should be rwxr-xr-x for /home18:21
enzo_ok! thank you18:21
escottdddbmt_, the key is it MUST ask you for your password18:21
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MaximumResultsI have a question.   Is there any way to automatically start a graphical login on tty8, tty9, ...   when someone presses ctrl-alt-F8 or crl-alt-f9.18:21
dddbmt_escott, it's "drwxr". I know, but just don't know how to make it ask me for password.18:22
paulopreciso de ajuda, tanto o ubuntu 10.04 quanto o 11.04 encherga a rede sem fio mas não se conecta18:22
escottMaximumResults, modify /etc/init/gdm.conf to start on 8 and 918:23
oly562escott: i know, im saying my script changed chmod/chown'd stuff in /sbin ;) almost done fixing the login issue18:23
SeCuRe_escott : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/cucuman/Screenshot.png18:23
rww!pt | paulo18:23
ubottupaulo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:23
escottSeCuRe_, thats really hard for me to read just !paste it18:23
escott!paste | SeCuRe_18:24
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ubottuSeCuRe_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:24
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest61266
oly562what chmod switch do i use to get this perm    -rwxr-sr-x18:24
SeCuRe_I cant copy because it on a different machine18:24
SeCuRe_just click on it and will resize18:24
oly562chmod o+ ?18:25
escottoly562, 755 g+s18:25
oly562ah thanks18:25
SeCuRe_no it wont :/18:25
rwwoly562: technically, chmod u=rwx,g=rs,o=rx filename18:25
oly562escott: so 755 will be done first, then the g+s is applied, correct?18:25
oly562rww: thanks18:25
oly562with commas?18:26
rwwoly562: yes18:26
oly562tanks ;)18:26
escottSeCuRe_, there is no bin file in that bolder. there is a .c file you need to compile first18:26
escottoly562, yes... i dont know how to do g+s along with the 75518:26
SeCuRe_i got it!18:26
oly562wait.... rww18:27
oly562the s is -S not -s18:27
oly562and the file is now in terminal yellow color18:27
escottoly562, good18:27
oly562is there a diff between -s and -S18:27
tsimpsonoly562: chmod 2755 file18:27
Wabbott9I've been having a problem with file open/save dialog boxes18:27
escottoly562, it might be the 755 instead of 745?18:27
oly562tsimpson: ill try, brb18:28
gstnetHello *ubuntu people18:28
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escottoly562, mine is not a capital S its lower case. im not sure what g+s with g-x means exactly18:28
oly562that worked tsimpson18:28
rwwoly562: oh, right, yes. you'd do g=rxs to do it my way :)18:28
* rww forgot the x18:28
oly562escott: then do not tell people to do a cmd on a system file unless you know!18:29
gstnetneed some small help with bash... cannot make this work ,,, for i in {1..$VAR};do .... any ideas how to fix it ? When I use actual number instead of $VAR it works18:29
oly562k rww, ill try your again for shyts and giggles18:29
oly562then put it back18:29
daavishi! i have problems with internet. after a while (40min) my network losts and it happens regulary. then i click on network icon, reconnect to wifi and it's ok then. there is no problem with provider couse internet works great on other laptop18:30
oly562yep that works too rww18:30
rwwoly562: what tsimpson said is the octal representation of what I said :)18:30
oly562yep that fixed my log in issue. finally... lol18:30
oly562been a week, just been killing gnome-screensavor in ctrl-f218:31
oly562then switching back18:31
oly562to ctr-f718:31
oly562next question:   how can i turn off software updates after doing an update, where the kernel sources keep asking me to update, for which i do not want to yet...? i come from redhat update and there was a config file that i could specify NOT to include kernel* updates?18:31
Wabbott9when I open a file dialog box it doesn't actually show, just displays whatever was in the background rather than the dialog box and I have to log out to get anywhere18:31
oly562i already have my update set to not install/download whatever, but i did do a mild upgrade, without kernels,,, it keeps popping up, how to make it stop18:32
ZorinI need help with Zorin. It's Lubuntu based. My installation is super slow even though a day ago it was working fine.18:32
oly562where is the update-manager conf file?18:32
daavishi! i have problems with internet. after a while (40min) my network losts and it happens regulary. then i click on network icon, reconnect to wifi and it's ok then. there is no problem with provider couse internet works great on other laptop18:32
rwwZorin: #ubuntu is for Ubuntu and supported derivatives only. "Zorin" isn't a supported derivative.18:33
SeCuRe_thanks escott!18:33
MaximumResultsgstnet,  have you tried for (( i=1; i<=var; i++ )); do ... ; done18:33
ZorinHow do I get help if Zorin OS has no irc channel?18:33
oly562whats zorin? sounds like something outta the movie "Big" with tom hanks18:33
martin_tscwhat command runs the mysql requests18:33
oly562oh wait that was zoltar18:33
rwwZorin: No idea. Go look on the website you got it from, and consider things like this when choosing a derivative.18:34
oly562whats a derivative rww?18:34
Wabbott9when I open a file dialog box it doesn't actually show, just displays whatever was in the background rather than the dialog box and I have to log out to get anywhere18:34
rwwoly562: a distribution based on another distribution. e.g. Ubuntu is a derivative of Debian.18:34
oly562ah ic18:34
h00koly562: also known as that, yes18:35
oly562i like mint chocolate chip :)18:35
oly562kinda like redhat and fedora, ic, interesting term this derivative18:36
Wabbott9Guess nobody knows18:36
oly562Wabbott9: ?18:36
oly562so where can i find the config file for update-manager for my issue18:37
Wabbott9when I open a file dialog box it doesn't actually show, just displays whatever was in the background rather than the dialog box and I have to log out to get anywhere18:37
oly562Wabbott9: huh?18:37
Wabbott9I've been having a problem with dialog boxes18:37
oly562Wabbott9: not following, sorta, explain a bit more? what kinda dialog box?18:37
oly562properties dialog boxes??18:38
Wabbott9File open or save boxes. When they open, they don't actually show18:38
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oly562wow lol.. what was that!18:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:38
nearstnever know that split18:38
oly562i guess so18:38
oly562is that some pharana process for irc?18:39
rwwoly562: I don't know what "pharana" means, but netsplits are caused by the IRC servers having trouble talking to each other18:40
oly562rww: kinda like an LVS process for traffic control or failover...18:40
oly562parhania the fish spelled,i never can spell that word18:40
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oly562rww: kinda like a virtual router process based on response/get/ack from defined alias IP that two servers require to prevent failover,,,18:41
oly562opps prompt failover18:42
remsSs03hello everibodi18:42
oly562most webserver farms have some appliance or failover process, or some function to push data to next available service provided18:42
h00koly562: if you want to ask, you can check in #freenode. Ops don't respond/prompt for failover, the servers handle the disconnection.18:42
rwwoly562: no, it's entirely unrelated to that18:43
oly562so its an internal service mechanism not related to routing, ie netsplit, i wonder why they chose the term Net to be included....18:43
mutantei want to find out which package installs the file "mail.ini" (PHP5) /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mail.ini . But could not find anything with either dlocate or apt-file. Is that really something that must have been created manually?18:43
qurioI need to install a few packages on another computer with Ubuntu, Where are the downloaded packages saved? So that I can copy them over to the other computer and install them.18:44
rwwoly562: go ask #freenode18:44
oly562rww: :|18:44
oly562h00k: i never said ops anything18:44
llutzmutante: grep -ri mail.ini /var/lib/dpkg/info/*18:44
oly562although i did notice it was the ops who parted18:44
Shveloqurio: use aptoncd18:44
pedahzurAnyone else having trouble with the proposed linux-firmware 1.52.1? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/82969618:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 829696 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Upgrading to version 1.52.1 breaks broadcom b43 driver" [Undecided,New]18:45
mutantellutz: thanks, but also no result there18:45
daavishi! i have problems with internet. after a while (40min) my network losts and it happens regulary. then i click on network icon, reconnect to wifi and it's ok then. there is no problem with provider couse internet works great on other laptop18:45
dddbmt_Does anybody know how to Enable "Ask for password" from the command line? I've mistakenly enabled autologin while having encrypted home folder - which result in I can not login properly.18:46
oly562thats exactly why i DO NOT like upgrading my kernel and sources just becuz it says to in update-manager,,,, it breaks things,,, anything header* kernel* linux* i usually wait till the bugs are cleared up before doing those.... so i ask,, how can i turn it off! 5x time now18:46
oly562where is the friggin update-manager conf file if there is one18:46
oly562you guys seem to know it all,,, where is it?18:46
rww!attitude | oly56218:47
ubottuoly562: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:47
oly562shut up18:47
oly562im just talking18:47
rwwoly562: read the channel guidelines ubottu just linked you to before returning.18:47
=== zz_ng_ is now known as ng_
Wabbott9I've been having a problem similar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1801280 but not involving flash18:48
daavishi! i have problems with internet. after a while (40min) my network losts and it happens regulary. then i click on network icon, reconnect to wifi and it's ok then. there is no problem with provider couse internet works great on other laptop18:50
megalomanIf i'm having problems booting only when usb devices are attached, can I fix this with grub? Is it likely irq interrupts hanging the kernel boot?18:50
Jordan_Umegaloman: What happens when you try to boot without USB devices attached?18:52
craigbass1976I want to run an app that requires Windows AND java.  Do I need a jre running in wine, or will wine see my already installed jre?18:55
escottcraigbass1976, probably need a jre running in wine18:56
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: You will need to install the windows jre in wine.18:56
GravWhat is a good torrent client for Ubuntu?18:56
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: What are you actually trying to run?18:56
CrusaderADGrav: Transmission18:56
h00kcraigbass1976: also, #winehq may be of help for that18:56
megalomanJordan_U: booting without usb devices attached is a breeze. No problems.18:57
ActionParsnipGrav: transmission is in the default install18:57
h00k!appdb | craigbass1976 see if it's listed in the appdb18:57
ubottucraigbass1976 see if it's listed in the appdb: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:57
Travis-42On 11.04, the latest kernel update is stuck while applying... and the cancel button is greyed out. what do I do?18:57
craigbass1976escott, Jordan_U I figured.  Stupid...  I'm trying to ditch my windows box at work, and the last piece of the puzzle is a kitchen design program.  I don't want to bother with the one we currently use, and an alternative was written in Java.  I tried running the mac version a few months ago, to no avail, now I'm thinking of the windows version with wine18:58
megalomanI just don't want to unplug wireless mouse and keyboard every time I boot.18:58
Jordan_Umegaloman: Ok, what happens when you try to boot with USB devices?18:58
ActionParsnipTravis-42: applying what?18:58
oly562so where can i find the config file for update-manager? anyone?18:58
megalomanJordan_U: black screen. Hangs there indefinitely.18:58
Travis-42ActionParsnip, while configuring linux-image-2.6.38-11-generic18:58
ActionParsnipmegaloman: add in /etc/rc.local  a command to unload the module(s), then reload straight after. May help18:58
ActionParsnipTravis-42: can you pastebin the text please18:59
Jordan_Ucraigbass1976: It's a java app, what happens when you try to run it from a linux JRE?18:59
h00koly562: what are you trying to configure with update-manager?18:59
Jordan_Umegaloman: Do you see any messages before the blank screen?18:59
oly562ActionParsnip: do you now how to stop update-manager from bothering me about update-mananger pop ups?18:59
wildc4rdevenin all18:59
oly562h00k: that right there18:59
ActionParsnipoly562: remove the startup itemand it should go19:00
oly562i know in redhat i could uncomment so to speak kernel* with up2date, i wonder if the same option or similar19:00
oly562ActionParsnip: itemand?19:00
ActionParsnipoly562: I don't know what that means19:00
megalomanJordan_U: I just see an underscore cursor top right blinking until even that goes away. I'm pretty new and figure dmesg might be a way to get more info, but don't know what to look for.19:00
rwwoly562: "item and". ActionParsnip missed a space.19:01
oly562ActionParsnip: its not i dont want want update-manager to stop, but rather stop updating kernel/headers/linux*19:01
oly562oh lol19:01
oly562got it19:01
megalomanActionParsnip: I don't know which modules you mean. I'm pretty green.19:01
Jordan_Umegaloman: Is this before or after grub loads? Does this happen when the connected USB devices are not hard drives?19:01
Travis-42ActionParsnip, The details box from the update manager doesnt appear to be copy pastable, so here's a screenshot.... http://oi54.tinypic.com/2hgg35x.jpg19:01
h00koly562: in the update manager, click the 'settings' button, and then the 'Updates' tab19:01
megalomanJordan_U: definitely happens when the connected devices aren't hard drives. Tested that.19:02
oly562yep h00k19:02
megalomanJordan_U: I don't know whether grub loaded or not. What would give me a clue?19:02
Jordan_Umegaloman: If you hold shift during boot do you see the grub menu (with USB devices connected)?19:02
GravCrusaderAD: Thanks. I will use transmission19:03
h00koly562: perhaps try not having it check for updates automatically19:03
oly562release upgrades NEVER?19:03
h00koly562: alternatively, install the updates19:03
oly562h00k: thats been done already.. it still nags me about kernel19:03
megalomanI will have to try that. I should probably login here with my other computer.19:03
oly562your not getting my question....19:03
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oly562ActionParsnip: any other suggestions?19:03
CrusaderADGrav: no problem, it's a great program19:04
h00koly562: Please settle. I'm only trying to help.19:04
oly562to tune kernels to NOT be updated or checked...is that the NEVER selection in Software Sources?19:04
bodhi_zazenanyone here with any experience with avahi ?19:04
bodhi_zazenI can never seem to get ping hostname.local working properly19:04
oly562h00k: please try understanding my question first, reread it, and if you have worked with redhat or up2date in the past, you will know what i am asking, no offense19:04
oly562i wont repast, i will be breaking rules in #ubuntu19:05
ActionParsnipoly562: you can pin the kernel version and it won't be updated19:05
oly562ActionParsnip: whats pin?19:05
slacker_nloly562: man etc_preferences :)19:05
ActionParsnipmegaloman: lsmod     will list the modules, you can read and see what each does to see which to use19:05
oly562ok, let me try it this way,,, like i stated long ago.... sorry, maybe you missed it...19:06
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megalomanJordan_U: I'm logged in on my other computer as TrickyDick now.19:06
ActionParsnipTravis-42: not sure man, is there a bug reported19:06
Pici!pinning | oly56219:06
ubottuoly562: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:06
oly562i recently updated all my packages that needed updating.... with Update Manager gui19:06
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megalomanJordan_U: rebooting now.19:06
oly562Pici: @@ ahhhh thats what im looking for!19:06
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oly562let me see if it is what i need,,, brb19:06
Picioly562: look at the 'holding' part19:07
oly562earlier i asked about APT:: config file locations....  :|19:07
oly562Pici:  k thanks19:07
Travis-42ActionParsnip, I don't know, I guess I'll check... but any idea what do to make sure everything isn't screwed up? I figure that the greyed out cancel button means that I'm not supposed to just kill the process and restart19:07
oly562/etc/apt/preferences, cool, it has priority numbering, nifty.19:08
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oly562Pici:  that will work, thanks, also, is there a cmd line version of synaptic i can modify if im headless?19:09
h00koly562: aptitude19:09
usr13oly562: apt-get19:09
Picioly562: The instructions there include a method for holding using dpkg --set-selections19:10
oly562ok, last question, in Software Sources gui, what does Release Upgrade - show new distributions releases related too,,, if i select NEVER, will that not show the UPGRADE in update manager unsubdued?19:10
daavishi! i have problems with internet. after a while (40min) my network losts and it happens regulary. then i click on network icon, reconnect to wifi and it's ok then. there is no problem with provider couse internet works great on other laptop19:10
oly562Pici: oh, col. thanks19:10
oly562see, i knew someone had the answer19:10
oly562thanks, thats all for today, l819:10
usr13oly562: It stops looking for updates  No more updates.19:11
jiffeanyone know an app that can spider a url and recursively generate a list of urls within that website ?19:11
Dr_Willisdaavis:  so  you have 2 laptops connecting to a router, then that to the internet>?19:11
daavisyea, Dr_Willis19:12
nearstwhich bonding is good...19:12
rohdefcan anyone explain the rationale of preferring apt-get over aptitude?19:12
rwwrohdef: there isn't one.19:12
Dr_Willisrohdef: ive never really seen much need for aptitude over apt-get either. :)19:12
Dr_Willissomeone will occanisally mention handleds depends better, or other reasons..19:13
rohdefDr_Willis, apart from automatically removing old packages, which creates a less bloated system19:13
usr13daavis: Does it happen when it hibernates?19:13
rwwrohdef: both apt-get and aptitude can do that19:13
Dr_Willisi was thinking that in recent years the 2 have basically gotten identical feature sets.19:14
Jordan_Urohdef: apt-get is installed by default and aptitude isn't (for space reasons).19:14
rohdefrww, true, but in apt-get you need to invoke extra commands19:14
TrickyDickJordan_U: It isn't a problem with non-Sata devices unless I try to boot to SATA, that fails, and I shut off and try again with other devices. No grub menu when there is a problem.19:14
rohdefalso aptitude has a ncurses ui per default19:14
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systemclientwhenever I connect via SSH to a machine in my local network (DHCP) it always offends the key list since the IPs change. Can I somehow change this for my local network?19:14
rohdefthat's my reasons for aptitude, but I've been wondering if there was some good reasons that I shouldn't use aptitude too19:15
h00ksystemclient: you could reserve the same IPs for machines on your network19:15
usr13rohdef: They both do the same thing basically.19:15
daavisusr13, hibernate ? what this word means19:15
systemclienth00k: I do not want to static-IP my little VM zoo …19:15
Jordan_UTrickyDick: It sounds like a simple problem that you have a drive somewhere that contains a broken bootloader, and somtimes your BIOS is booting from that drive.19:15
usr13rohdef: I don't think it hurts anything.19:15
Jordan_U!bootinfo | TrickyDick19:15
ubottuTrickyDick: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).19:15
rohdefusr13, basically true :) but when nearly every example on the net you see is based on apt-get you start to wonder :)19:15
h00ksystemclient: you wouldn't have to statically IP it, you could just set reservations on whatever is serving your DHCP19:16
systemclienth00k: I do not understand. how does that work=19:16
h00krohdef: beacuse ubuntu has apt-get, rather than aptitude by default, probably.19:16
=== Milos|isaway is now known as Milos|Netbook
Laputa hi, anyone knows where's the manual of theme.lua of awesome ?   i cant find anything about theme.lua on this manual                                            │ aupo19:17
rohdefbut well if it's just at matter of preference I'll just stick to aptitude19:17
systemclientrohdef: but people argue that aptitude is better than apt-get19:17
usr13daavis: http://truejournals.com/2009/10/13/suspend-vs-hibernate/19:17
systemclientrohdef: I like aptitude too19:17
TrickyDickJordan_U: Thanks.19:17
systemclientrohdef: especially since you can browse through the packages19:17
h00ksystemclient: You set a 'reservation' on your DHCP server, leave your client computers set to DHCP.  When they broadcast and look for an IP (DHCP), the DHCP server will always respond to them with the same IP, so it's like being set statically, but the machines still use DHCP.19:17
Laputahi, anyone knows where's the manual of theme.lua of awesome ?   i cant find anything about theme.lua on this manual  http://awesome.naquadah.org/doc/api/index.html19:17
usr13rohdef: apt-get is the prefered method.19:17
h00ksystemclient: it's done on the DHCP server by MAC address19:17
systemclienth00k: okay, that makes sense. Is there some way to tell SSH I do not want that security feature?19:18
Jordan_UTrickyDick: You're welcome. If you pastebin the RESULTS.txt I can confirm or scratch my hypothesis.19:18
usr13rohdef: I don't use aptitude, I only use apt-get    I recommend apt-get19:18
rohdefsystemclient, I think I'll prefer to say it's matter of taste then19:18
systemclientusr13: how come?19:18
llutzsystemclient: you want to use "StrictHostKeyChecking = ask" in ssh_config19:18
rwwrohdef: correct19:18
h00ksystemclient: what llutz said ;)19:18
Laputaanyone use awesome ? need help on theme.lua19:18
systemclientrohdef: same with git vs. bazaar and vim vs. emacs :)19:19
systemclientllutz: I'll check it out19:19
rohdefsystemclient, heh yeah tools can create stupid flamewars, but people some times have good reasons too :)19:20
=== Milos|Netbook is now known as Milos|Netbook_
usr13systemclient: Partly because of what rohdef pointed out, it is most widely used, most others use it, most how-to's use it, it is simplier to only use apt-get and not alternete between the two, there are a number of reasons.19:20
=== Milos|Netbook_ is now known as Milos|Netbook
systemclientrohdef: for starters I think that git/bzr is way better svn, but that is just me19:20
systemclientusr13: hmm, once you know both, I guess you can use aptitude without a problem19:21
rohdefsystemclient, agreed19:21
Laputaanyone use awesome ? need help on theme.lua19:21
craigbass1976Jordan_U, it didn't run back when I tried the mac version a few months ago; I think it's still making calls to OS specific stuff.19:21
h00kLaputa: A quick search shows they have a channel on another network for support.19:22
h00kLaputa: http://awesome.naquadah.org/community/19:22
systemclientHost 192.168.0.*   StrictHostKeyChecking no19:23
usr13systemclient: I used to use aptitude too.  I just don't find any need for it anymore.  It is easier simplier to keep the how-to's relating to apt-get and not going back and forth between aptitude and apt-get as it just adds a layer of undue complication / confusion to new users when one says apt-get and another says aptitude.19:24
systemclientusr13: true, others argue that aptitude seems more unified that apt-{cache,get} and so on. But I agree with you.19:24
megalomanJordan_U: Here is the result of that bootinfo script. http://pastebin.com/WNE0FVML19:26
Laputah00k: thanks , im gonna check that19:26
=== ng_ is now known as zz_ng_
amh345is there a way to set ubuntu so it shows the grub loader?  i dont see it when i boot.  i just get post screens and then gnome loading19:27
llutzsystemclient: you'd maybe add a "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null"  for that ip-range too19:27
llutzsystemclient: "CheckHostIP no" also could be handy19:28
systemclientllutz: thanks!19:28
DrArchehwhy would screen keep resizing my terminal to a certain size when i attach? it does not seem to save the last size or adjust to the current size19:28
systemclientllutz: hostip no seems like the perfect thing19:29
llutzsystemclient: lots of options, pick the best for your situation :)19:30
FlannelDrArcheh: see the -A option19:30
widewakehello, my browser speed recently becoming very slow, takes awhile to load even simple pages, any solutions? im using ubuntu 10.1019:31
systemclientllutz: the checkhostip is the perfect one, so it still checks the key, but not the IP -- what I wanted :)19:31
Ubuntu4numbi think here is empty19:32
systemclientwidewake: look into the system monitor to see whether your CPU doen't do other things19:32
systemclientwidewake: and if your network is used like it should do19:32
widewakesystemclient, cpu looks fine, 4-6 for mozilla19:33
systemclientwidewake: what about network, do you get the usage you would expect from your connection when you surf?19:33
=== Guest42086 is now known as Logan_
widewakesystemclient,  54 mbs,19:34
nikitisHey, i got a new WD My Book Harddrive.  and I mounted the drive and can browse it, but i cannot copy anything to it.  Get permission denied.  It's formated ext4 and mounted rw.19:35
systemclientwidewake: that sounds like your WiFi19:35
systemclientwidewake: I meant that if you surf the web, that you get some 300 kB/s or so?19:35
systemclienttb: what's up with that?19:36
systemclientnikitis: what user is the drive mounted with? can you write with a sudo?19:36
nikitissystemclient: i can use sudo19:37
nikitissystemclient: oh let me see if i can write19:37
widewakesystemclient,  its up and down, though looks efficient atm19:37
systemclientnikitis: it might be a simple rights question19:37
nikitissystemclient: yeah it's letting me as sudo.19:37
systemclientwidewake: I am just asking, maybe it is your WiFi or your internet connection that is slow19:37
nikitissystemclient: how can i make it work as user?19:37
DasEinikitis: chown the mountdir to regular user19:37
nikitisDasEi: did that19:38
nikitisDasEi: when I mount it though it gets reowned by root19:38
DasEinikitis: sudo chown -R $USER /your/MountDir19:38
systemclientnikitis: I heard of a way to ignore the rights on external drives19:38
widewakesystemclient, kk, not sure what it is but i dont think its the wifi19:38
nikitisit's weird cause it only does it on this drive.  I have another drive that mouts fine19:39
systemclientwidewake: does it work with another browser?19:39
DasEinikitis: and oc lookup correct dir by mount19:39
widewakesystemclient, nope, slow as well19:40
Boitatahi, i very like cigar of hemp, and you?19:40
widewakesystemclient, it will get stuck randomly, one second it loads a page quickly, next its taking forever. its only recently its became a problem19:40
systemclientwidewake: okay, so it is not browser issue … do you have tried it on another computer19:40
BoitataYou like hemp's cigar?19:41
systemclientwidewake: sounds like when I am at the edge of my wireless …19:41
megalomanJordan_U: Still here... I got two errors from the file, ========= Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive: =========19:41
megaloman=============================== StdErr Messages: ===============================19:41
megalomanunlzma: Decoder error19:41
widewakesystemclient, there are other people using the same wifi, theyve yet to complain so.. i think its jjust me19:41
systemclientBoitata: we like dicussions19:41
systemclientBoitata: hi -- what do you want?19:41
usr13Boitata: You said that already.  Do you have any Ubuntu questions?19:41
DasEi!ot | Boitata19:42
ubottuBoitata: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:42
usr13widewake: ifconfig   #Look at signal strength.19:42
usr13widewake: iwconfig   #Look at signal strength.19:42
usr13Sorry first one was typo19:42
DasEinikitis: chowning worked ?19:43
feathersanddownhow to reboot services on ubuntu ?19:43
usr13feathersanddown: service19:43
DasEifeathersanddown: sudo service stop/start/restart19:43
feathersanddownwhere service is service name ?19:44
usr13feathersanddown: sudo service <service-name> restart19:44
DasEifeathersanddown: some might be still /etc/init.d/sta../stop/restart19:44
feathersanddownok thanks =)19:44
widewakesystemclient, Link Quality=63/70  Signal level=-47 dBm19:44
BoitataTem algum corno na porra desta sala ai?19:44
usr13feathersanddown: man service   #For more info.19:45
konamBoitata this is an english channel19:45
widewakesystemclient, Link Quality=63/70  Signal level=-47 dBm        ,  Frequency:2.437 GHz,  Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=15 dBm19:45
konamBoitata entra a #ubuntu-br19:45
feathersanddownand wich service name have apache server ?19:45
Escherialurgh, that dead space issue at the bottom of the screen makes using eclipse very difficult :\ autocomplete dialogs always end up half-displayed in there if i'm editing near the bottom of the screen19:46
phillipsjkI just tried the Ubuntu Live CD in a new computer because I wanted to see what hardware is detected. All I get is a dumbed-down interface with no CLU access. searching for "bash" or sh" with dash reveals nothing. Nevermind: searching for "terminal" worked.19:46
systemclientfeathersanddown: apache2 I guess19:47
systemclientfeathersanddown: or httpd19:47
systemclientwidewake: that does not tel me much, honestly19:47
DasEiphillipsjk: verified cd's integrity on another box least ?19:48
Boitatayou like smoke hemp's cigar19:48
widewakesystemclient, heh k19:48
widewakesystemclient, well thx for trying. going to trouble shoot later, its driving me bonkers!19:49
feathersanddownwith sudo apache2 -k graceful i get: apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} , but with sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 graceful i get to reload config again19:49
usr13widewake: Link Quality can go down to a certain point, (it varies, low 60's usually), and you have degraded performance - anything above that point is good, anything below is in the mud, (poor performance).19:49
systemclientwidewake: you can try to hook up with LAN, that might help narrowing it down19:49
phillipsjkDasEi: I think the difference is that the new machine have Intel integrated video so a compositing window manager is turned on.19:49
SeCuRe_Hey! I am trying to run a SUDO command but i always came with `command not found`. can someone help?19:50
SeCuRe_here is the snapshot http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v124/cucuman/Screenshot-1.png19:50
DasEiphillipsjk: or a bad burn or unity striking, easiest to verify cd on another box , and also try a lubuntu or such19:50
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:51
usr13SeCuRe_: sudo  (not SUDO)19:51
PernigSeCuRe_ is your script "omap_usbload" marked as executable?19:51
B4ckBOneWhats the best way to sync two ubuntu machines, complete home dir and everything?19:51
phillipsjkDasEi: I have used the CD on another box.19:51
BoitataI want smoke on cigar in hemp19:51
Boitatabut can't get hight19:51
Boitatader o cú19:52
BoitataalienX é viado19:52
BoitataAkuma dá o butão19:52
DasEiphillipsjk: ic, well intel integrated isn't best bet, so can for usual run ubu/debian, do you have tty at all atm ?19:52
SeCuRe_Pernig how can i know that?19:52
Boitatasó tem corno e viado nesta sala19:52
usr13SeCuRe_:  "Command not found" is referint to the command, (not sudo).19:52
sandy__someone tells the tactics of shell script programming19:52
SeCuRe_usr13 trying sudo19:53
DasEisandy__: #bash19:53
{VeTeR}hello, is someone here who knows good openid or janrain openid tutorial? original manual sux:/19:53
usr13SeCuRe_: Again, it is not sudo it is complaining about, it is the command you are using sudo to execute.  (Read what it says.)19:54
SeCuRe_usr13 it does not matter \19:54
DasEiBoitata: /join #ubuntu-br19:54
phillipsjkDasEi, It looks like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/index.html   Yes: is was able to find the "terminal" program by searching in dasher.19:54
B4ckBOnehowto sync 2 ubuntu machines?19:55
usr13SeCuRe_: I'm sorry.  Waht is your question?19:55
PernigSeCuRe_ "omap3_usbload" isn't a command by default19:55
DasEiphillipsjk: so you get default gui, that's current unity of ubuntu19:55
SeCuRe_usr13 i am just trying to run this simple sudo command19:55
phillipsjkOn ther machines I get the older gui.19:55
Pernigto make it executable you would need to run "sudo chmod +x ~/omap3_usbload" BUT make sure the script isn't harmful before you run it19:56
SeCuRe_omap3_usbload is a file19:56
DasEiphillipsjk: you can switch back to classic gnome still, until next release19:56
Pernigespecially if you plan to run it as root19:56
DasEi!classic | phillipsjk:19:57
ubottuphillipsjk:: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".19:57
SeCuRe_i am trying chmod19:57
Perniglooks good SeCuRe_, run that chmod command like i said but run the omap3_usbload at your own risk mate19:57
usr13SeCuRe_: What the error message is telling you that omap_usbload is not a command.  Now if it is a script or some sort of executable and you want to run it, you will more-than-likely need to set the executable bit on it.  i.e. chmood +x omap3_usbload19:57
Pernigmake sure your stuff is backed up etc, as i'm not an expert on the webos stuff19:57
xoohi, how can i check whether i915 module has KMS enabled19:57
glebihanSeCuRe_, from what you've shown you have a omap3_usbload.c file but no omap3_usbload file, so you would have to compile it before you can run it19:58
usr13SeCuRe_: But be sure it is going to do something you really want it to do before you set the executable bit and run it.19:59
NvrnightAnyone around that could help me with an ubuntu server problem by chance? I'm pretty sure I must be doing something dumb20:00
SeCuRe_     usr13  and pernig thanks but it didnt worked20:01
TheEvilPhoenixNvrnight:  #ubuntu-server20:01
SeCuRe_glebihan how do i compile it?20:01
ki__Nvrnight: just ask your question20:01
NvrnightI have a script that does "apt-get install apache2", says it cannot find the package, but when I run the same command in the terminal, it finds it just fine20:02
glebihanSeCuRe_, use gcc (look at "man gcc" first)20:02
glebihanNvrnight, why do you want a script to do that ?20:02
usr13SeCuRe_: Did you read and follow the instructions on the URL you posted above?20:03
=== puff` is now known as puff
delkinHi everyone. I have installed the package 'playdeb', but when I click the 'install this now', in order to install a game, my system doesnt know which application should open to install it... I also have no idea where to find the 'playdeb' application (path). Someone help?    http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/all#how_to_install20:03
Nvrnightbecause I want to build my machine up from scratch easily20:03
Nvrnightand possibly new machines identical for different environments20:04
glebihanNvrnight, ok could you paste (use pastebin if several lines) the complete error message you are getting ?20:04
SIFTUNvrnight: if you are going to do that you should really use something like puppet or cfengine20:04
usr13delkin: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?20:04
Ellipsis753With anacron if I set my program to run weekly then go on holiday for a mounth when I turn the computer back on it wont run it several times at once will it?20:04
delkinusr13: I have ubuntu 11.0420:05
SeCuRe_Guys how do i compile this file?20:05
glebihanSeCuRe_, already told you, use gcc20:06
Nvrnightglebihan, http://pastebin.com/G9eTyggi20:06
usr13delkin: Did you add the software soruce ?20:06
SeCuRe_usr13 i followed the steps over there and come to sudo step last20:06
glebihanNvrnight, and you script just contains "apt-get install apache2" ?20:07
SeCuRe_glebihan sorry didnt see it20:07
usr13delkin: YOu got it installed?  Yes?  Or are you still trying to install it?20:07
puffEmpathy seems to be having problems.  I started it and changed my status to available, contacts aren't showing up. Tried to initiate a voice chat, the dialog just sat there, trying to connect, until I hung up. Is there some way to see more detail on what's going wrong?20:07
delkinusr13, I just installed the package 'playdeb'20:07
Nvrnightglebihan, and if I run the command right in the terminal, it works fine20:08
charwhat player will play apple lossless?20:08
usr13delkin: which playdeb   #What does that say?20:08
delkinusr13, my synaptic manager has the package 'playdeb' installed. I downloaded it from the website.20:08
usr13delkin: You did not install it via the package manager?20:09
SIFTUNvrnight: are you running the script as root? can you pastebin the script?20:09
delkinusr13, No, i didn't. The package says this:20:09
delkinThis package adds the playdeb repository entry to your source list20:09
delkinand adds the respective GPG key.20:09
NvrnightSIFTU, I am using root, sudo su before running the script, and the entire script right now is just that one line I put into chat20:10
usr13delkin: see my pm20:10
glebihanNvrnight, don't use "sudo su"20:10
NvrnightSIFTU, also if I add sudo to the command in the script, it doesn't change anything20:10
glebihanNvrnight, use "sudo -i" instead20:10
usr13delkin: I think so far, you've only added the source20:11
delkinusr13, i think you might be right. What should I do?20:11
SIFTUNvrnight: not even a shebang?20:11
urlin2uchar, here is a link says they can  http://www.blog.highub.com/linux/play-itunes-m4a-files-on-linux-ubuntu/20:11
Nvrnightglebihan, I just did sudo -i instead, no effect20:11
usr13delkin: Oh, you probably need to do sudo apt-get update   first20:12
NvrnightSIFTU, the error I get is the same as the error that you would normally get if you spelled the package name wrong20:12
glebihanNvrnight, did you first quit the root shell ?20:12
usr13delkin: sudo apt-get update20:12
SIFTUNvrnight: #!/bin/bash20:12
NvrnightSIFTU, got that on the first line20:12
SIFTUNvrnight: well apache2 is a meta package.. what about apache2.2-bin or whatever20:13
urlin2uchar, notice date though 200820:13
usr13delkin: And then, click on one of them.20:13
SeCuRe_still here and looking for help :/20:13
charother ubuntu support channels?20:13
NvrnightSIFTU, I will just apache2.2-bin and see where that goes20:13
urlin2uSeCuRe_, just out of curiosity why do you want that app?20:13
SIFTUNvrnight: what does "apt-cache search apache2" return?20:14
Dr_WillisNvrnight:  normally you dont use sudo in scripts except in special cases20:14
NvrnightDr_Willis, I was just trying it to prove that that wasn't the cause20:14
SeCuRe_urlin2u it sends boot code my smartphone to get into recovery mode20:15
bashelinwhat is nickserv ???20:15
NvrnightSIFTU, a lot of output came from the "apt-cache search apache2"20:15
SIFTUNvrnight: and is your package listed20:15
Dr_Willisbashelin:  a service to allow someone to keep the same nick for a period of time.20:15
Dr_Willisbashelin:  /msg nickserv help20:15
urlin2uSeCuRe_, ah thats right, I remember now, thanks ;)20:15
bashelinanyone good with apache2  here ??20:15
SeCuRe_i did all the steps on the website but when it comes to sudo it fails!20:15
NvrnightSIFTU, don't quite know how to check that, if "apt-get install apache2" works in the terminal, doesn't that mean it is?20:16
usr13SeCuRe_: Are you sure you did exactly as it said?20:16
improveuponcould someone help me interpret some rsync errors? it should not take long. if so where should i paste?20:16
urlin2uSeCuRe_, so it is the tar that needs compiling?20:16
SeCuRe_Yes I am sure20:17
SeCuRe_it created a file boot.bin but someone said omap3_usbload needs to be compiled20:17
urlin2uimproveupon, http://paste.ubuntu.com/20:18
setepenreis there the default gnome-terminal profile somewhere? i've lost mine and am going mad having to stare at this shitty zenburn theme all day20:18
propusis there any program for ubuntu that can find conflicts in the system.. between drivers and hardware and so on?20:18
usr13SeCuRe_: See my pm20:18
iceroot_propus: conflicts like?20:19
propusiceroot_: well i have this problem with my sli config.. when i activate sli in the xorg.conf file i get very poor performance, but when i set sli off the desktop runns very nice.. feel me?20:21
Pernigiceroot_ in my experience you want to be using nvidia-settings rather than messing around with xorg.conf if you are using the proprietary nvidia drivers20:21
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!20:21
Pernigthe nvidia settings usually creates xorg.conf for you20:22
rwwLol: Hi. What's the emergency?20:22
iceroot_propus: using the nonfree-driver?20:22
improveuponurlin2u: done20:23
rwwLol: Alrighty, I guess there wasn't one. In the future, please don't use factoids if you don't know what they do, and only use the ops factoid in channel emergencies.20:23
SwordManXteach me how to linux20:24
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush_88
rwwSwordManX: Ask an answerable question20:24
puffrww: What's wrong wiht my empathy install :-)20:25
urlin2uimproveupon, I probably can't help but you now post the http address20:25
ashickur-noorwhat u want t know20:25
rww!rute | SwordManX: in general20:25
ubottuSwordManX: in general: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com20:25
puffrww: Empathy starts, never displays avalable contacts.20:25
htmlSwordManX,  hello?20:25
propusiceroot_: Yes. i have tryed the driver that comes with the os when i installd it and i have tryed the lastest driver from nvidias homepage.. i have had this problem every since i started using linux..20:25
SwordManXls -la?20:25
rwwpuff: no idea, I don't use Empathy20:25
iceroot_propus: what is the reason to use sli on linux?20:26
iceroot_propus: and what do you mean with ppor performance? on what applications?20:26
SwordManXjk I know linux.  Just came in here to check things out20:26
SwordManXmore of a fedora guy though20:26
htmlSwordManX,  what do you need?20:27
SwordManXjust slight differences but sicne my customers use it20:27
improveuponurlin2u: thank you. everyone: i used rsync -av and got these errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670345/20:27
marcuyhi, I don't have audio in Ubuntu 11.04, here is my output with "lshw" command: http://codepad.org/bnYkPpJO20:27
SwordManXjust want to hang out in here a bit.20:27
Jordan_U!ot | SwordManX20:28
ubottuSwordManX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:28
SwordManXsome customers i have use ubuntu20:28
propusiceroot_: poor performance, ex. x-window is just laggy and runns very bad..20:28
SwordManXi know i will ask relavent quesions20:28
setepenreis there the default gnome-terminal profile somewhere? i've lost mine and am going mad having to stare at this sucky zenburn theme all day20:28
htmlSwordManX, i can help you20:29
SwordManXI'm fine right now.  I appreciate it. just going to lurk a bit until I have a question20:29
SwordManXI do like channels like this to find answers though and help others20:29
SwordManXbut like I said i'm more of a fedora guy, but there are slight differences between that and ubuntu20:29
htmlwell what do you want to know?20:30
propusiceroot_: reason for running sli under linux.. well i have to gfx card why not take advantage of both gpus.. and also i run the boinc application that sometimes uses the gpu.20:30
Jordan_USwordManX: This is a (rather busy) support channel, please don't waste peoples time with fake questions and offtopic chatter.20:30
SwordManXnothing at the moment.  just want to lurk20:30
SwordManXI won't Jordan_U20:30
marcuyhi, I don't have audio in Ubuntu 11.04, here is my output with "lspci | grep -i audio" command: http://codepad.org/Dbkrkzvd20:30
czzhello, is there any way to unrar a .rar file in cli?20:31
llutzczz: unrar x foo.rar20:31
propusiceroot_: sorry... i have two gfx cards.20:31
SwordManXarchive manager. but gotta aptitude install unrar20:31
=== zz_RobinJ is now known as RobinJ
htmlJordan_U,  has a point,  and since this channel gets verry crowed often   , we have a bit of ,," code of laws"  and i hope you no caugth by the channel operator, breaking the rules,! his ..20:33
ajfwhat's that command again to list all connected USB devices?20:34
RobinJIs there an actually noticable performance difference between packages wich have been installed from the repositories, from a deb file, or compiled from source?20:34
bolla3@ajf lsusb20:35
htmlSwordManX,     "Jordan_U "   has a point,  and since this channel gets verry crowed often   , we have a bit of ,," code of laws"  and i hope you no caugth by the channel operator, breaking the rules,! his ..20:35
mfpocketshi im looking for help fixing apt-get, it has unmet dependancies, and ive tried using apt-get install -f but it wont fix the issue20:35
ajfbolla3: thanks :)20:35
mfpocketsim unable to install any new packages20:35
SwordManXI said one thing.  I'm here to contribute20:35
bolla3ajf: No problem :)20:35
SwordManXjust answered a question20:35
SwordManXajf: lsusb20:35
teagehow do I remove the assistive tech icon from my panel? I dont know how it got there but I would like it gone.20:36
edgyHi, where is the recommended dir to mount partitions in linux? /media for removable media, /mnt for temporary mounts according to fhs, no?20:37
llutzedgy: /media seems to be used today for every type of mounts20:38
RobinJteage: control center -> assisting technologies -> uncheck "enable blablabla"20:38
medflywhat's a Linux equivalent of disklabel20:38
rwwedgy: correct. Linuxes commonly mount non-removable media that don't fit elsewhere in FHS into /media too, though (e.g. Windows partitions)20:39
edgyllutz, rww: but the problem with media is that you don't want to mix removable with non-removables, e.g I don't want to index the files in removable20:39
m_fulderllutz you still here .. sry I was drinking abit :P20:40
llutzedgy: then you'll have to pick your own place to mount, maybe not fhs-conform20:40
mfpocketshi im looking for help fixing apt-get, it has unmet dependancies, and ive tried using apt-get install -f but it wont fix the issue,  I just posted the issue here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11168050#post11168050 along with the output from the commands im trying to run20:40
rwwedgy: another option I've seen is just throwing the mount straight in /. e.g. /windows20:40
m_fulderllutz I have now followed the guide without the authentication part (I have installed postfix 1-2 times before and didn't need to install libsasi2-1, sasl2-bin and libsasi2-modules)..so I have just tried to connect via telnet and AUTH with my email and password as in the sasl_passwd file but then I get this error message: Error: authentication failed: generic failure20:41
Jordan_Uedgy: Then make your own mountpoint wherever you want it, like '/windows' as rww or make your own '/non_removable_media/' with sudirectories. There generally shouldn't be any problems caused by having things mounted to "non standard" locations as long as you can keep track of them.20:43
edgyrww: that would clutter the root, mainly I want to mount a linux partition for storage, and I think the best bet is use /mnt instead of /media, unless I can include my partition in updatedb.conf and exclude everything else20:43
rwwedgy: I like /mnt as a temporary mountpoint, but if you don't use it for that, then go right ahead :)20:43
edgyJordan_U: I know but I just want to understand why fhs doens't cater for it20:44
usr13edgy: It doesn't matter.  /windows is just a shorter path than /mnt/windows20:44
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Jordan_Uedgy: My guess is that it's specifically because it doesn't tend to matter. Where you mount a given device tends to be less important to standardise than what the path is to given files, like /var/log/ or /etc/.20:45
llutzm_fulder: you have to use the Base64 encoded password when using telnet20:45
=== redeyyez is now known as segfaulterror
m_fulderI do that llutz20:46
Jordan_ULol: We can see you. Do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:46
LolWhat is the size of inode to choose when install?20:46
llutzm_fulder: try to increase verbosity to get more helpfull error-messages20:46
usr13Lol:  There is a default set by mkfs20:47
Jordan_ULol: Unless you have reason to change the default, don't. It isn't even an option in the main (possibly even advanced) menus of Ubuntu's installer.20:47
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usr13Lol: But it must be changed before you run mkfs20:48
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usr13Lol: But do you need a higher number of inodes?20:48
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FreezingColdWhat's wrong with my command?20:50
FreezingColdsudo nmap -v -sS -p 1080 --script socks-open-proxy
jnsl_where is libreoffice document executable ?20:50
usr13Lol: Are you running out of inodes?  Is that the problem?20:51
mang0G'night all.20:52
Pernignight mang20:52
SeCuRe_usr13 we came to an end with no success again?20:53
llutzm_fulder: check if saslauthd runs at all20:54
usr13SeCuRe_: you left20:54
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
m_fulderllutz increasing verbosity for smtp didn't give me anything new. How can I check if it runs?20:54
SeCuRe_usr13 i think ping time out20:54
GreekFreakhi all20:55
llutzm_fulder: pgrep saslauth20:55
usr13SeCuRe_: See my pm20:55
m_fulderllutz don't show anything so I guess its not running :O20:55
llutzm_fulder: service saslauthd start20:56
LolWhat does it affect? It makes sense to choose a multimedia parted(big files) with more?20:56
m_fulderllutz hm I don't even have it installed :/ .. do I really need that? I thought that postfix could just check a password file to know how to connect20:56
m_fulderllutz Im trying to just create a SMTP-Server that will connect to another SMTP-Server not create my own from scratch20:57
GreekFreakI'm new to ubuntu and I'm trying to enable my 5.1 surround. I can't hear my rear speakers and movies don't give me the 5.1 option. I have selected 5.1 analog suround in SOund preferences. any ideas?20:57
rhizmoem_fulder: smtp relay20:58
llutzm_fulder: you'd maybe better ask in #postfix. my setups always use postfix + saslauthd or use dovecot for authentication20:58
DSpairGood evening all... Any LVM experts around?20:58
edgyJordan_U: this would be true if fhs didn't try to standardize it but they tried by mentioning /media, /mnt20:58
m_fulderllutz ah will do that :P20:58
m_fulderrhizmoe whats smtp relay?20:58
DSpairI have a broken LVM mirror that I need to recover, but it's not one of the mirror legs which failed, but the mirror log....20:58
DSpairI cannot seem to figure out how to recover from that.20:59
rhizmoem_fulder: it's an smtp server that only sends to some other specific smtp server20:59
m_fulderah cool rhizmoe will check it out20:59
rhizmoealso: smarthost, bastion are ok search terms20:59
llutzm_fulder: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix            configure "using smarthost"21:00
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=== dunsparceus is now known as surskitty
m_fulderllutz yeah will try that I choose internet server before I think21:01
PatrickCquick question21:02
PatrickCcan I install stuff like git/sun-java w/o installing ubuntu?21:02
marcuyhi, I don't have audio in Ubuntu 11.04, here is my output with "lspci | grep -i audio" command: http://codepad.org/Dbkrkzvd21:02
PatrickClike in the "trial mode"?21:02
rwwPatrickC: You can install whatever packages you want on the livecd, if that's what you mean.21:03
SubjectOnei think i messed up my httpd.conf ( on my apache2 installation )21:03
rwwwell, until you run out of room on the squashfs21:03
SubjectOnethe files is empty ( but my server still works21:03
PatrickCrww: without actually installing?21:03
PatrickCI used wubi21:03
PatrickCnot livecd21:03
SubjectOneis it possible that apache2.conf ( replaced the httpd.conf ) ?21:03
rwwSubjectOne: it's supposed to be empty. Debian and Ubuntu use /etc/apache2/apache2.conf instead21:03
Jordan_UPatrickC: You can do anythin in a Wubi install that you can do in a normal install.21:03
SubjectOneah thanx21:03
tekkhey guys, due to alsa privelages (or something) i cannot access the audio device on my machine inside a "screen" without first creating a login shell by sending "login" and re-logging in once inside a screen... does anyone know a more elegant way that is non-interactive?21:03
PatrickCJordan_U: thanks! awesome!21:04
SubjectOnei was panicking21:04
m_fulderllutz hm now I get Error: authentication failed: another step is needed in authentication while trying to AUTH via telnet21:05
GreekFreakHi. Trying to enable 5.1 surround but only get my 2 from speakers. here's the info upload (http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=8bda95fb5d234eb0b42eb11b6ed45981712fccfe)21:05
GreekFreaksorry, forgot to mention I'm on 64but Ubuntu 11.0421:06
daavishi! howto safely format usb flash? i looked in there but seems like it's little bit to complicated for me.. looks like i could fu** things up useing this http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-format-usb-pen-drive/21:08
DasEidaavis: install gparted21:11
bolla3Is there a conky genius here?21:12
th0rbolla3: seriously, how do you expect someone to answer that question?21:12
SubjectOnedo i need to create for every vhost under apache2 a seperate file under \sites-enabled\ ?21:13
personHey, trying to build the kernel from source and using Ubuntu's installkernel to install it. When I'm in the root of the source tree I enter 'sudo make install' and get the following...21:13
bolla3thor: Well, there are a lot of self-declared geniuses out there...21:13
personWhen I reboot and try to start up the newly installed kernel, it goes to a black screen and there's a kernel panic (caps lock flashin)21:13
personAny idea why? Something to do with my nvidia drivers?21:14
[THC]AcidRainare there any graphical website builders for ubuntu? aside from eclipse.21:14
[THC]AcidRainnot that ive ever used one. just sayin :)21:14
bolla3th0r: Well, there are a lot of self-declared geniuses out there...*21:14
SlimGAnyone know of a tool that'll take a directory as a parameter, and show me the filenames of files within this directory that isn't referenced to by textfiles in that same directory? (messy website cleanup)21:14
[THC]AcidRainperson, does it ever make it past the black screen?21:15
urlin2ubolla3, and you would surely trust them. ;-)21:15
[THC]AcidRainSlimG, dir :)21:16
personNo it doesn't.21:16
SlimG[THC]AcidRain: What is "dir" ?21:16
bolla3urlin2u, I am really to desperate to be picky about my geniuses...21:16
personI get to the bootloader, I select the new one, then black screen, kernel panic.21:16
DasEiSlimG: ls | grep -v "\.txt$21:17
urlin2ubolla3, no one but whats the problem?21:17
DasEiSlimG: ls | grep -v "\.txt$"21:18
DasEi!ask | bolla321:18
ubottubolla3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:18
mfpocketshi im looking for help fixing apt-get, it has unmet dependancies, and ive tried using apt-get install -f but it wont fix the issue,  I just posted the issue here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11168050#post11168050 along with the output from the commands im trying to run21:18
SlimGDasEi: the tools would be find+grep, but I'm not interested in writing the script, hopefully someone else has written a tool like this21:19
DasEiSlimG: so why ask then, btw dir -I also works21:20
bolla3I am trying to make use of a python script, but there's no output.. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/670391/21:20
SlimGDasEi: I'm asking if someone know about a tool that'll do this21:21
urlin2umfpockets, have you looked in synaptic-custom filter-broken packages?21:21
Picibolla3: Please ask in #python, as this is not Ubuntu specific.21:21
oly562ok, so i was sniffing around my /etc dir and i found a few files that are related to update and apt and found a few files that i was also referring to for headless configin of these files... like /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05aptitude, 01autoremove, 10periodic... but more importantly where are the APT:: files/configs... that looks like Perl file naming conventions... any thoughts?21:21
mfpocketsurlin2u, not too good with linux I know the basics, but not sure what your asking.  I also only have ssh shell access to the box.21:21
oly562Pici: mentioned, dpkg -set which i still need to review, not totally aware of dpkg cmd syntaxas of yet...21:21
SlimGDasEi: I'll try creating a script using "dir -I", thanks for the tip21:22
oly562like the diff between dpkg and dpkg-deb, or distaddfile21:22
doldrimI'm on 11.04 with wubi, my system "skips" about every 10 seconds, either mouse or typing text I can see it jerk like it lost a few frames. I started checking top and noticed it coincided with a kworker/7:1 each time, spiking 16% of cpu. I have no idea what the thread's doing or how to check, but does anyone have an idea what's going on?21:22
oly562anyfoo, ill keep reading,, just thought i would mention what i was finding out about ubuntu if others where interested in more cmdline stuff21:22
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mfpocketsurlin2u, can you take a look at the exact error im getting and maybe it will give you an idea of what I can try?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=182886721:23
GreekFreakCan anyone here help me enable 5.1 surround sound?21:24
urlin2umfpockets, I did, you might try sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get autoclean then run the f command again21:25
mfpocketsurlin2u,  pretty sure I did that at some point today while googling for solution.  I will try again now to make sure.21:25
urlin2umfpockets, also try sudo dpkg --configure -a21:26
zykotick9doldrim, have you seen this thread?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163034721:26
urlin2umfpockets, oops disregard r the last hold on21:26
mfpocketslol, its already almost complete.  should i break it?21:27
urlin2umfpockets, actualy that command is what I was looking for.21:27
mfpocketsurlin2u, cool, the autoclean and remove didnt help, ill see how this goes.21:28
Be-LoveI'm in the middle of a failed network upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 - lots of unmet dependencies. I've removed all third-party packages and followed the 'clean upgrade' directions. Now I have tons of missing packages .. e.g. 'shutdown' has been removed.21:28
Be-LoveI have four servers to do this weekend, and this is number one. I need a hand doing a manual recovery from this failed upgrade.21:29
george_Hello im using ubuntu 10.04 on an HP mini 210 1000 and my mute LED light is on even though sound is active, is there a fix for this???21:29
mfpocketsurlin2u, it gave these errors at the end http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/670398/21:29
urlin2umfpockets, not sure really. ;-)21:30
mfpocketsurlin2u, thanks for trying, Im open to try anything at this point!21:30
Be-LoveHere's my pastebin of an 'apt-get -f install': http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/670400/21:31
urlin2uJoe0006, please do not pm me no apoligies needed.21:31
htmlBe-Love,  i say restore you sever first,  then just do a freash install, or you'll get a few nasty bugs, and the unknow bug i call it, and it seems you got the update faill21:31
Joe0006i msged alot of good helpers in here most of them help me21:31
Joe0006you know what happened between you and me on pm21:32
h00k!pm | Joe000621:32
ubottuJoe0006: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:32
Be-Lovehtml: You mean do a CD format and clean install?21:32
Joe0006np ubottu i'm wait for others to join21:32
Joe0006then i will pm21:32
Joe0006i don't want to share my quesiton in the channel21:32
h00kJoe0006: Consider using the forums, and please read why we don't recommend PMing21:33
glebihanmfpockets, did you try removing the "libcupsys2" package ?21:33
rebornCan i have help?21:33
Joe0006h00k please stop bothering me.. it's 2am in here and i don't have the patience. i have 3 question that nobody answerd for a week21:33
Joe0006so thank you21:33
mfpocketsglebihan,  just did now, it seems if I try to remove anything I get the same error. :(21:34
mfpocketsglebihan, even with -f21:34
rebornanyone use lubuntu?21:34
zykotick9reborn, probably the people in #lubuntu21:35
rebornah, i need some help.21:35
glebihanmfpockets, what about "dpkg -r libcupsys2" ?21:35
h00kJoe0006: as I said, consider the forums, or askubuntu, or a local community (LoCo), but resorting to spamming with PMs is frowned upon21:35
jg71reborn: it's /join #lubuntu21:35
rwwreborn: best to ask your actual question and see if anyone knows the answer21:35
Be-LoveI think the root of my problems come down to a dpkg error: "dpkg: syntax error: unknown group `postdrop' in statoverride file"21:36
rebornokay, how i do to touchpad disable? i have a tried few.  it seem don't work.21:36
mfpocketsglebihan,  that gives this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/670408/21:37
urlin2ureborn, try fn held down and f7  sevral time to work if it does.21:37
glebihanmfpockets, then try "dpkg --force-all -r libcupsys2"21:37
rebornno luck.21:38
urlin2ureborn, get the manual for that computer it is probably on there, min is the one mentioned and works on MS and linux21:39
mfpocketsglebihan, seems to have worked, running a apt-get install -f and getting further than before... for now21:39
mahnazdo we have  such a command in linux:‫‪. ~/.euca/eucarc‬‬21:40
mahnaz 21:40
rebornI did, and it worked, but i need "Start login" when disable touchpad, i am not accept with that.21:40
urlin2ureborn, you can get the manual on line quite likely.21:40
ActionParsnipreborn: could rmmod the driver for the pad, stops it working good21:40
rebornthen where i can remove the pad?21:41
ActionParsnipreborn: if you run:  lsmod     you will see the module, probably psmouse, then run:  sudo rmmod modulename21:42
daavisi try to format usb flash with gparted. now i have to create partition for usb drive. which filesystem i should use for usb?21:42
daavisi try to format usb flash with gparted. now i have to create partition for usb drive. which filesystem i should use for usb?21:43
glebihanmfpockets, still running ?21:43
h00kdaavis: ext4 will work nicely, fat32 if you want to use it on a Windows machine21:43
=== Mp3Lover is now known as UbuntuNewB
mahnazcan any body help me with bulding a cloud?21:43
mfpocketsglebihan, yup its still going :)  looks like im in the clear...21:43
daavisused fat32, could not open21:43
Be-LoveIf I restore my sources.list to hardy and dist-upgrade could that help get me back to a working place?21:43
mfpocketsglebihan, I just got these 2 errors http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/670415/21:44
=== JasonO_ is now known as JasonO
rebornNo luck.21:44
mfpocketsglebihan, portmap and samba21:44
glebihanmfpockets, do you need those packages ?21:45
llutzdaavis: use vfat/ntfs if you have any windows-machines accessing the drive. both need some mount-options for user-access in linux21:45
mfpocketsglebihan, dont think so :)21:45
Successhello guys21:45
Successmy right speaker won't work!21:45
glebihanmfpockets, ok try removing them then21:45
Successseems to be a software problem21:46
SIFTUmahnaz: building your own cloud?21:46
UbuntuNewBi'm having an audio delay with vlc player in ubuntu 11.04 .....  anyone knows how to fix it? .......or recomend me another multimedia player for ubuntu that i don't need to install codecs for see xvid,divx and h264 movies...  Thanks!21:46
benstehi , I recently got a Vaio S Series - and I'm now having trouble with the touchpad which is an ALPS GLidepoint (or at least detected as such), problem is once i start moving my finger the cursoer is flickering over the screen and always moving slightly right - but never left21:46
bensteplease help21:46
Successi think. I have 2 sets of speakers. one of them is normal plug into headphone jack speakers21:46
SIFTUUbuntuNewB: mplayer (smplayer frontend) try that21:46
mfpocketsglebihan, update made me loose sudo access :(  first gotta figure that out, I think I forgot root password *facepalm*21:46
Successthe other one is ambx21:46
ActionParsnipSuccess: are the levels cranked and unmuted in alsamixer21:46
Be-LoveWell, I'm going to give that a try. Restored default 8.04 sources.list and am safe-upgrade'ing.21:46
UbuntuNewBSIFTU, thanks!21:46
mahnazsiftu:yes yes21:46
Successhow get to alsamixer21:47
SIFTUmahnaz: you want to setup a virtualization cluster?21:47
reborni need touchpad disable21:47
glebihanmfpockets, how are you running all the dpkg and apt commands then ?21:47
ActionParsnipSuccess: run it in terminal21:47
Successok im at21:47
Successhow change left/right21:47
mfpocketsglebihan, I was in the sudoers file, then the sudo apt-get upgrade removeed me from sudoers file21:47
mahnazi want build a cloud21:47
SIFTUmahnaz: that a big task.. little more than I can expalin in here21:48
ActionParsnipSuccess: cursors and M to un/mute and use ESC to exit21:48
daavisstill cant open..usb drive..damn.. i shouldnt format with gparted :/21:48
mfpocketsglebihan, then I tried su - to find out I forgot root password.  Im logging into my vps control now I think I can change root pass21:48
SIFTUmahnaz: ah.. well i havent used that21:48
mahnazyws i know21:48
mahnazhow can i use your help?21:48
Successwhats pcm21:48
mahnazhave you build a cloud?21:49
kdldlllll'unhide' found the following Found HIDDEN PID: 3608 Found HIDDEN PID: 8561 Found HIDDEN PID: 8607   any ideas what these process numbers relate to running on ubuntu21:49
Jordan_Umfpockets: Ubuntu doesn't have a root password by default (and you shouldn't add one).21:49
kdldlllllor if they are legit21:49
mfpocketsJordan_U, well I kinda have to other wise I cannot add myself to sudoers file right?21:49
ActionParsnipSuccess: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-code_modulation21:50
kdldlllllis there a website with process numbers and related processes21:50
Jordan_Umfpockets: If you do set one you should remove it after you are done.21:50
Successanyways has anyone got ambx speakers to work on ubuntu21:50
mahnazSIFTU:can you help me?21:50
Successi don't see why they shouldn't but...21:50
Successthey are so much better then laptop speakers or harman/kardon desktop speakers21:51
ActionParsnipSuccess: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh21:51
Successwhats that do21:52
daavishow to format usb flash drive so i can open it? looks like i did smth wrong21:52
ActionParsnipSuccess: run it in a terminal, upload to the server and a URL will be generated, what is the URL21:53
mfpocketsglebihan, ok im back in, I think I may need portmap but not sure, what is the switch to reinstall portmap and samba so I wont get the errors when doing updates?21:53
Successnot given yet21:53
z0x1cApparently mozillateam's firefox-next PPA doesn't include Firefox 7 for Natty 64-bit? Anyone know when they'll add it?21:53
UbuntuNewBdaavis, i'm new in ubuntu but... go to system settings >  Disk Utility   ...... also... you can work with gparted if u want to work with flags and partitions21:54
ActionParsnipSuccess: copy it as one, it will be fine21:54
erikskdaavis did you tyre gpardet?21:54
ActionParsnipSuccess: perfect21:54
glebihanmfpockets, not sure as I don't where those errors came from21:54
kdldlllllne ideas how to relate pid numbers to actual processes21:54
Successdo i need this: ESound Daemon21:55
daavisyeah, i fuc**ed things up with gparted21:55
glebihanmfpockets, I think the best thing to do would be first uninstalling those packages, finish the upgrade, then trying to reinstall them21:55
daavisi try different variations with partitioning usb drive but with no success21:55
mfpocketsglebihan, so just sudo apt-get remove?21:55
daavisi can see my drive in home folder, but not on desktop21:55
daavisand i cant open it no matter how i try21:56
UbuntuNewBLOVE UBUNTU!!! wish i know how to use it a lil more... is there any manual or tutorial for reallllllly dummy users? starting from 0! ?21:56
glebihanmfpockets, if it works, yes, otherwise use the dpkg command again21:56
rwwz0x1c: try asking #ubuntu-mozillateam. The package failed to build, so they're at least attempting to have it :)21:56
Jordan_U!manual | UbuntuNewB21:56
ubottuUbuntuNewB: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:56
user119My Video Driver not fuction prorerly,using ASUS A42F....help me21:56
faustischwhere do I get the "Keyboard Preferences" source code?21:56
faustischI need to hack it21:57
Successalright i turned everything all the way up on alsamixer except master21:57
z0x1crww: Thank you - no response yet, but they're obviously busy!21:57
UbuntuNewBJordan_U, thanks21:57
Successstill no right speaker21:57
Jordan_UUbuntuNewB: You're welcome.21:57
skrapsanyone else having issues with pastebin?21:58
carldeantuckerkdldlllll: using ps should give you that info or did i misinterpret the question?21:58
glebihanfaustisch, it's part of the gnome-control-center package21:58
faustischglebihan, thank you21:59
glebihanfaustisch, to get the source "apt-get source gnome-control-center"21:59
glebihanfaustisch, you're welcome21:59
ActionParsnipSuccess: try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/670422/21:59
urlin2uskraps, many pastebin option o line, what's the problem?21:59
Be-LoveThank you to the devs who made dpkg cache work across distros. I went straight to 'installing the upgrades' on upgrade try 2. Praise be their names.21:59
skrapsurlin2u: well Iv been having issues with the some higher power and now I can't access pastebin22:00
urlin2uskraps, higher power?22:00
Successits running22:01
Successim almost out of space tho22:01
Successi only gave ubuntu like 15gb22:01
ActionParsnipSuccess: try:   sudo apt-get clean22:01
Be-LoveTo anyone who's following, having a missing 'postbot' group was causing dpkg to fail on my hardy->lucid upgrade. Manually adding the group to /etc/group seems to have done the trick. About 10% through the upgrade with no errors (where last time I had 500 by now). *fingers-crossed* *back-to-reddit*22:01
Successi ddi that b4 didnt help22:01
skrapsurlin2u: I don't know if its feds, corporate, local, but its really wierd22:01
ActionParsnipSuccess: 15Gb is plenty, make sure you remove all the old kernels you don't use22:02
Successits being use by like webfiles music applications22:02
urlin2uskraps, lol,22:02
blognewbis it possible for me to make a network with 2 windows and 1 ubuntu node?22:03
Be-Loveoops. :s;postbot;postdrop22:03
Successsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop  linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound2; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*22:04
SuccessE: Unable to locate package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.38-10-generic \n E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.38-10-generic'22:04
Be-Loveblognewb: Sure.22:05
skrapsurlin2u: sounds far fetched I know.22:06
nichehey guys, I'm in desperate need of help22:08
Zxcvbany suggestions for making xubuntu boot faster when run as a guest?22:08
nicheI have Firefox 6.0 and Flash will NOT install correctly... trying to install 64 bit22:09
Zxcvbin virtualbox to be exact (yes, it is running from a sata rather than ide)22:09
Be-Lovezxcvb: Back in the day you could profile the boot - not sure if it's done automagically now.22:09
Be-LoveZxcvb: You can also use bootchart to figure out what packages / portions of the boot are taking the longest.22:10
ZxcvbI assume using sata drives is the fastest22:11
nicheCan someone help me completely uninstall Firefox 6.0 and Flash 64-bit? I think that will be my only option to get it working correctly22:11
Be-LoveZxcvb: Sure. SSD will certainly get you where you want to be.22:12
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charnelI cannot upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 UNR(64 bit). Getting 1 warning telling 3rd party packages are disabled  at the beginning and one error after calculating packages.22:12
ZxcvbBe-Love: no, using a virtual sata controller is faster than ide22:12
Be-Lovecharnel: Did you follow the 'clean upgrade' instructions?22:12
ZxcvbBe-Love: and emulating a SSD drive so you can use trim (reduces growth of disk image files)22:13
cfeddeis netbook remix ready for 64 bit?22:13
Be-Lovezxcvb: Ah. You're getting into specifics of VB with which I am unfamiliar.22:14
charnelBe-Love: I don't have a software sources and could not install it from synaptic it has some errors22:14
JasonnHi, the side bar on ububtu 11.04 wont go away22:14
ZxcvbBe-Love: apparently sata has less cpu usage than ide22:14
Jordan_Ucfedde: Netbook Remix no longer exists. Unity, which was once the NBR interface, has been made the default interface for both Desktops and netbooks.22:14
Be-Lovecharnel: "don't have a software sources" ? What does this sentence mean?22:14
JasonnHi, the side bar on ububtu 11.04 wont go away22:15
charnelAdmin > Software sources under system tab. I remove all the sources and manually add the recommended repositories22:15
Jordan_Ucfedde: And yes, 64 bit Ubuntu works great.22:15
cfeddeJordan_U: thanks!22:15
Dr_Willis!classic | Jasonn22:15
ubottuJasonn: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".22:15
Jordan_Ucfedde: You're welcome.22:16
nicheCan someone help me completely uninstall Firefox 6.0 and Flash 64-bit? I think that will be my only option to get it working correctly22:16
Be-Lovecharnel: if it were my box I'd edit /etc/apt/sources.list and revert to a stock file.22:16
JasonnDr_Willis: But I dont want to do that, I just want to sidebar not to be stuck22:16
charnelBe-Love: I'm afraid I don't have the backup22:16
Be-Lovecharnel: GIYF.22:17
Dr_WillisJasonn:  you should phrase your questions better anbd give more details.22:17
Jasonnok, how about this: My sidebar is stuck, and I dont know how to make it go off my screen.22:17
Jordan_U!google | Be-Love22:17
ubottuBe-Love: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:17
Dr_WillisJasonn:  stuck  is a bit vague. but you could try    unity --reset22:18
urlin2ucharnel, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/22:18
charnelBe-Love: I came from there there is a bug report in Ubuntu pages. But could not solve the problem22:18
JasonnI mean its stuck in the open position22:18
SuccessCTRL+ALT+F1 gives you awesome theme22:18
Dr_WillisJasonn:    resetting ccsm settings (compiz) or unity, would get back to defauilt settings. personally i set the panel to never  hide via  the ccsm tool,.22:19
Be-LoveJordan_U: Dig.22:20
Successwhen you pres ctrl alt f1 how do you get out of it22:20
JasonnDr_Willis: Thanks :D22:20
Be-Lovectrl alt f722:20
glebihanSuccess, Ctrl+Alt+F722:20
cfeddeSuccess: each of the alt-f# keys switches between a virtual console.22:20
glebihanSuccess, could be F8 instead of F7 sometimes22:20
Successw8 u guys are lying22:21
Successare there any more i can try22:21
ubuntu_chrisi have windows 7 installed on a 250 gb hard drive but i like to use a seperate drive to play around with different linux distros. I added an 80gb drive for linux, but what is the best way to partition it to use that whole drive for ubuntu?22:21
Dr_WillisJasonn:  check out my unity links at      http://www.delicious.com/dr_willis/?page=322:21
Successyou got me im curious now ima try it22:21
Jasonnok, im reading them now22:21
Successoh wow you werent lying thanks guys!22:21
Be-Loveubuntu_chris: You could always let the installer use its default partition layout.22:21
cfeddeubuntu_chris: the easiest way is just to use the whole drive.22:21
Dr_Willisubuntu_chris:  the installer can auto  partiti8on it.,22:21
JasonnDr_Willis: ok, im reading them now22:21
nicheCan anyone help me install 64 bit flash on firefox 6.0? >:(22:22
Jasonnniche: NO!22:22
Jasonnniche: Just get it from usc22:22
JasonnUbuntu Software Center22:23
Dr_Williswhy do you need 64bit java anyway niche?22:23
Jasonnthats what I was gonna say22:23
nichedoesn't work man, what I'm trying to say is I've done all the work-arounds and flash is still showing as not installed even though it says it has been installed in terminal22:23
mahnazhow can i find such a file:‫‪. ~/.euca/eucarc‬‬22:23
nicheDr_Willis, I don't necessarily, 32 bit won't install either. I would just prefer 6422:23
ubuntu_chrisit asked if i wanted to install ubuntu alongside windows 7 but i assumed it would shrink my windows partition and install ubuntu on the same drive. Would it use the second drive with that option?22:23
Jasonnmahnaz: ctrl + h while in the file explorer22:24
Dr_Willismahnaz:   Thats the path to the file,.. what cant you find about it?22:24
Be-Loveubuntu_chris: You can pick which drive to install to.22:24
ubuntu_christhanks for the help22:24
mahnazi cant find such directory22:24
Jasonnniche: Ok, did you enable the plugin and restart firefox22:24
glebihanmahnaz, ~ represents your home directory22:24
nicheJasonn, no matter what I try, Flash does not appear in the Plugins for Firefox add-ons22:25
Jasonnmahnaz: ITs a hidden folder, press ctrl + h when you are looking in your home dir22:25
nicheJasonn, and yes.. I have restarted firefox and my computer many times22:25
Jasonndo you have more than one version of flash installed?22:25
Dr_Willisniche:  the normal java from the repos wont install? that sounds like signs of a deeper issue.22:25
JasonnDr_Willis: he is looking for flash22:26
nicheDr_Willis, that is correct22:26
Dr_Willisor normal flash wont install>  :) whats the error message?22:26
Be-LoveSounds like a non-standard firefox.22:26
Dr_Willisthen again i dont use ff6 at all. so ti may be a ff6 issue>22:26
=== luigi is now known as \l
nicheHow do I completely uninstall firefox and flash?22:26
nicheI just want to start from scratch22:26
Jasonnniche: sudo apt-get remove firefox *flash*22:27
Dr_Willisniche:  how did you install them>22:27
Jasonnniche: sudo apt-get remove *firefox* *flash*22:27
Jasonnthat one22:27
Jasonnniche: and then sudo apt-get autoremove22:27
Dr_Willisassuming he installed them via the apt system.22:28
nicheJasonn, http://paste.ubuntu.com/670435/22:28
Jasonnand then remove the installed prog files22:28
Jasonnniche: sudo apt-get remove firefox22:28
ubuntu_chriscan ubuntu and fedora share a home partition?22:28
Dr_Willisubuntu_chris:  you can. make users with differnt names... or you can get issues.22:29
Be-Loveubuntu_chris: Probably a bad idea.22:29
Be-LoveDr_Willis is correct - I was assuming same user.22:29
Dr_Willissame user can cause issues with differnt uid./gid on differnt disrtos.22:29
nicheJasonn, thanks. Do you have a terminal command to install the standard firefox 6 and flash 64 bit?22:29
Be-LoveDifferent config files for similar, but not identical, packages.22:30
rredd4installing newest ubuntu, its asking if I want to install "enable realtime process priority"  clicking on help says something about "jackd"  don't know what that is22:30
Dr_Willisff6 is not in the repos yet is it?22:30
Dr_Willisneither is 64bit flash,22:30
nicheDr_Willis, oh... well how about firefox 5 then22:30
Jasonnniche: Look in the ubuntu software center. Search for flash, and you should get the official one there, same with ff.22:30
Jordan_Urredd4: I assume you're installing Ubuntu Studio or using the alternate install CD?22:30
RA_drchi, how do i tell if i have an IDE or SATA hard drive?22:31
Be-Loveniche: Life is easier when you take the ubuntu road *more* traveled.22:31
Jasonnniche: Or you could go old style, and do: sudo apt-cache search flash22:31
Dr_WillisRA_drc:  look at the connector,22:31
yulerhow do I bring a process to GUI focus from CLI?  Using GNOME Ubuntu 10.10, have Firefox process that is running but can't be accessed from desktop/workspace.22:31
nicheJasonn, the one in USC is version 3.6.... seriously, I don't want that22:31
ubuntu_chrisi had to change a bios option for my sata configuration from ide to raid to get ubuntu to boot. Should this affect windows 7 or will it still boot fine?22:31
rredd4Jordan_U no, just ubuntu22:31
Dr_Willisniche:  what version of ubuntu are you using>?22:31
rredd4Jordan_U an upgrade from the internet22:31
Jasonnniche: Download it, and it will auto-update22:31
nicheDr_Willis, 10.1022:31
RA_drcDr_Willis: is there an alternative way?22:31
Jordan_UDr_Willis: Firefox 6 is in the repositories as a stable release update.22:31
Jasonnniche: Its actually 4.022:31
nicheJasonn, I just looked it up and it says 3.622:32
glebihanJasonn, in 10.10 I think it's still 3.622:32
Jasonnniche: Se, thats why you are having compatability issues, you are using a downloaded version of ff22:32
nicheJasonn, I see. So if I download 3.6 you are saying it will automatically update to 5?22:32
Dr_WillisRA_drc:   clarify what you mean.   if you got 2 hds on the table,, the sata hd will have a little plug  anbd the ide will have lots of pins.....22:32
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UbuntuNewBSIFTU or anyone ;P  I need one last help: i need to add  font that has correct Spanish characters for Ubuntu or SMPLAYER ... subtitle give me wierd characters when spanish characters should appears.  THANKS22:32
rredd4Jordan_U what is jackd, and is it only in studio?22:33
Jasonnniche: I am saying that if you had 11.04, you would get 4.0, but would not be able to officially update to 5 or 6 from USC22:33
glebihanniche, I you want a different version than the one in the repos, you should use one of firefox ppas22:33
Jasonnniche: But that is the easiest way to get it to work with flash22:33
Jordan_Urredd4: Jackd is something which is required for serious audio production work.22:33
SIFTUUbuntuNewB: not sure on that one22:33
RA_drcDr_Willis: let's say my hds are not on the table, but in my computer.  is there a command i can use in ubuntu to see what sort of hard drive it is using?22:33
Dr_Williseasier would be use google chrome and its buit  in flash,.,.22:33
nicheglebihan, ok, well I am a noob. How do I get one of the firefox ppas?22:33
Jasonnniche: You download it from the website22:34
rredd4Jordan_U ok, thanks22:34
Dr_WillisRA_drc:  you neglected to mention that little detail, ;0      try the various hwinfo tools i guess like..22:34
glebihanniche, https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable22:34
Dr_Willis!info hwinfo22:34
Jasonnniche: but then it will probably not work with the flash from the repos22:34
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2 (natty), package size 45 kB, installed size 112 kB22:34
nicheJasonn, that's ok I want 64 bit anyways22:34
mahnazwhat does such a command do?:‫‪sudo euca_conf --get-credentials mycreds.zip‬‬22:34
mahnaz ‫‪unzip mycreds.zip‬‬22:34
UbuntuNewBSIFTU, for the moment i can live with that ;P audio and video are in perfect sync (=22:35
UbuntuNewBSIFTU,  thanks for the help!22:35
Jasonnmahnaz: That will get your credentials from the system, and then unzip them22:35
SIFTUUbuntuNewB: yeah I usually have good luck with sm/mplayer22:35
Jordan_Urredd4: You're welcome.22:35
mahnazbut I cant fine22:35
mahnazfolder in which credentials are saved!!22:36
JasonnI dont know what the credentials are22:36
Jasonnor for what they ar e22:36
Dr_Willisthey could be anything. :)22:36
mahnazthese are command i use before:mkdir -p ~/.euca22:36
mahnazchmod 700 ~/.euca22:36
mahnazcd ~/.euca22:36
Jasonnbut you are getting some kind of credentials from your system22:36
Jasonnmahnaz: What are you trying to do??22:37
Dr_Willismahnaz:  so theyare in the .euca dir22:37
zykotick9Success, perhaps Chromium>Firefox but Chrome<firefox22:37
Jasonnmahnaz: They cant be there, because you just made that folder22:37
Dr_Willisput themn in there then,.22:37
mahnazthere in is no such a folder22:37
mahnazbut i cant see any folder there!22:37
Dr_Willismahnaz:  you just made the folder..  the fact you dont see it in the nautilus file manager means its hiding it,.. use the terminbal22:38
nicheglebihan, I don't quite understand this "Step 1: On the PPA's overview page, look for the heading that reads Adding this PPA to your system. Make a note of the PPA's location, which looks like: "22:38
Dr_Willismahnaz:  cd .euca22:38
Dr_Willismahnaz:  ls -al22:38
SuccessChromium is the os though right? isnt chrome the browser?22:38
Dr_WillisSuccess:  chromeOS22:38
zykotick9Success, no there is ChromeOS22:38
Be-Loveand ChromiumOS22:38
Successwell then im confused22:38
Jasonnmahnaz: ok, you are asking the SIMPLEST QUESTION EVER. if you cannot figure out how to do whhat you are trying to do, you should not do it.22:38
glebihanniche, run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update"22:38
Dr_Willischromium is a variant of chrome.22:39
Successwhats the diffrerence22:39
Dr_Willismahnaz:  you may want to spend some time learning some bash basics..22:39
jetscreamerchromium is a game, also22:39
zykotick9Dr_Willis, actually chrome is a variant of Chromium22:39
JasonnSuccess: Chrome is for windows, and chromium is for linux22:39
glebihanniche, then sudo apt-get upgrade22:39
zykotick9Jasonn, incorrect - there is Chrome for linux as well22:39
Dr_Willisits google-chrome here...22:39
nicheglebihan, gracius22:39
JasonnSuccess: Its like windows live messenger does not have a verion for linux, but they make something to simulate it.22:40
Successever sence switching to linux there are a few things i miss22:40
Successi so over all like it tho22:40
jetscreameramsn comes to mind, dunno if it's still any good or deprecated22:40
zykotick9Success, like crashing?22:40
Be-LoveSweet merciful jebus 1 minute remaining.22:40
jetscreamerpidgin does too iirc22:40
JasonnSuccess: Slow comp speeds, and NTFS file systems?22:40
Successactually iv had quite a few lock ups on ubuntu22:40
Successand my windows was faster22:40
jetscreamerblame the admin22:41
Successbut like real games22:41
zykotick9Success, ubuntu != Linux22:41
JasonnSuccess: touche, but windows cannot be faster than ubuntu22:41
Successand canary/beta channels22:41
Successand things like .net22:41
Successbye belove22:42
zfeanybody with a macbook pro?22:42
zykotick9Success, mono is .net on gnu/linux22:42
Jordan_UJasonn: Chrome is based on the open source project chromium, and both are available for linux: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome22:42
jetscreamerwe need the entire channel to say hello back to zfe22:42
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:42
JasonnSuccess: ubuntu is like the really FAT brother of debian. There is a whole bunch of stuff in ubuntu that people will never use, and it overloads your comp. Its like windows vista vs XP22:42
ubottuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.22:42
zfei'm going to install ubuntu 11.04 on my macbook pro22:43
nicheglebihan, you are awesome, flash 64 now works with firefox 6.0.... woooot22:43
zfefrom usb drive22:43
zfeany known issue or something i should know before going on?22:43
zykotick9jetscreamer, "/msg ubottu foo"22:43
Jasonnzfe: You should install from cd if possible22:43
jetscreamerwhy, i know what the bot has to say22:43
Jordan_Uzfe: That's very difficult at the moment. I would recommend installing via CD if at all possilbe.22:43
zfeJordan_U, i'm going with dd22:43
glebihanniche, nice :)22:43
zfeif that's the problem22:43
zfewhat's the problem with the installation from usb-drive22:44
Jasonnzfe: Its not a problem perse, but its just there are more things that can go wrong if you install from a usb drive22:44
Successwell how do i get rid of those things?22:44
jetscreamerweird /dev-ness probably22:44
zfedoes everything work? ( ideally don't care about Thunderbolt)22:44
Successand what are they22:44
zfe*i really22:44
urlin2uzfe, might help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro22:44
Successand i miss my chrome canary22:44
Successthere is stable,beta,developer, and canary22:45
Jordan_Uzfe: The problem is that it boots without Apple's BIOS implementation which unfortunatly causes problems for many graphics drivers at the moment.22:45
JasonnSuccess: What version of ubuntu are you using? a22:45
JasonnSuccess: What was yer first ubuntu version??22:45
zfeJordan_U, ok22:45
JasonnSuccess: Did you notice how 10.10 ran like 5 times faster than 11.04??22:46
zfealso, i've read that debian is able to run proprietary drivers for my wifi adapter22:46
zfewhy is it marked as NOTWORKING22:46
zfeon the ubuntu wiki22:46
JasonnSuccess: You can switch over to the gnome desktop, take out some programs,22:46
Jasonnthat alone will speed up your comp by like 20%22:46
Quantum_IonJasonn, Do you find 11.04 slow ?22:46
JasonnQuantum_Ion: Slower than 10.10, yes22:46
Successnow that you bring it up yea it was way faster22:47
SuccessJasonn, even gnome desktop is slow on 11.0422:47
Jordan_Uzfe: If you do decide to use a CD instead of USB be sure to use the +mac image (if you still go with USB, the +mac image will *not* work from USB at all).22:47
Quantum_IonJasonn, Believe it or not I am still running 10.04 LTS and won't upgrade until another Ubuntu LTS is released22:47
JasonnSuccess: Because they changed a lot, and if you go back to berson 8.xx its like 100 times slower22:47
zfeso i'm wasting my time22:47
zfei downloaded the mac image22:47
zfeand trying to use usb22:47
FloodBot1zfe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
JasonnSuccess: It asks you what you want to log into when you log in.22:48
Successi hear 11.10 will be worse22:48
JasonnSuccess: Probably.22:48
Successand they are ditching original gnome2 classic22:48
Quantum_IonWait until another LTS release22:48
Successi like gnome classic mode22:48
Quantum_Ionmaybe 12.04 might be LTS ?22:48
Successunity is kind of weird22:48
zykotick9Success, start looking for a new distro then22:48
aaasanyone have x11 forwarding working with natty22:48
JasonnQuantum_Ion: Dont switch up, unless you choose to use the GNOME desktop22:48
Successzykotick9, the sacrifices for love. lol22:49
JasonnSuccess: Yeah.22:49
Quantum_IonJasonn, I will wait for a while not in a rush to upgrade22:49
Successhey how are you suppoce to switch applications on unity i never figured that out22:49
Successi had  to install a dockbar22:49
Jordan_Uzfe: Correct, the +mac image has EFI support removed and Apple's firmware only supports loading EFI bootloaders from USB. Why their BIOS implementation work with CDs and internal drives but not USB drives is a mystery to me but that's the way it is.22:49
Successi got avant22:49
JasonnSuccess: Also, you can use lubuntu, which is a lighweight version of ubuntu. Using the lxde desktop environment, it runs waay faster than even 10.0422:49
Successreally? How can i go to it22:50
zfeJordan_U, ok22:50
induzis it possible to access this live chat from MIRC22:50
zfeso i'll wait tomorrow morning and get a cd22:50
cbhlSuccess: You switch applications all mac-style... you click the application icon again on the left sidebar.22:50
zfeand burn it22:50
JasonnSuccess: Totally reinstall operating system.22:50
Quantum_IonThey have to work all those bugs out of those new releases22:50
zfeeven though it feels so -.-22:50
induzor is this Ubuntu Sever availabile on MIrc22:50
Dr_Williswin+Numkey to switch :)22:50
cbhlSuccess: Or you can alt-tab. :)22:50
Quantum_IonGo back to 10.04 LTS22:50
Jordan_Uinduz: Yes. This is standard IRC and can be accessed via any IRC client.22:50
JasonnSuccess: http://lubuntu.net/22:50
Quantum_IonThey need to work those bugs out of Unity22:51
Dr_Willisa unity manual http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/04/my-effort-at-writing-help-for-unity.html22:51
glebihanSuccess, to install lbuntu, just install the "lubuntu-desktop" package22:51
Successalt tab isnt working for me22:51
Successand oh i forgot about the sidebar switching thing22:51
Jordan_Uinduz: The network is freenode, which can be accessed via irc.ubuntu.com, irc.freenode.net, or any of many local servers.22:51
Successbut not everything shows uip over there...22:51
UbuntuNewBSIFTU,  F.Y.I.: Now its working perfectly... i change the subtitle encoding to UTF-822:51
Quantum_IonSeems like Unity is trying to mimic Android tablet22:52
JasonnSuccess: If you choose lubuntu, download it through a torrent, its waaay faster22:52
induzJordan_U, thanks but do i have to go to a web browser to connect to this chat22:52
Jordan_Uinduz: No.22:52
improveuponcould anyone give me a quick opinion about some errors i got using rsync (for the first time)? paste.ubuntu.com/67034522:53
zfeJordan_U, not to rant, but how comes that an image specifically built for macs22:53
zfehas the support for apple bios removed22:53
Successthe screen shots make it look kind of ..22:54
Quantum_IonSeems like they are immitating Android tablet form22:54
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Dr_WillisQuantum_Ion:  acts nothing like android,,22:54
steelhas anybody faced problems in ubuntu 11.04 after installing nvidia drivers?22:54
zykotick9improveupon, "File too large" are you rsyncing to a FAT volume?22:54
Quantum_IonWith those big ass icons and crap like that22:54
improveuponyes. ok thanks22:55
Successwhat is android immitating22:55
Jordan_Uzfe: First as a matter of terminology, EFI is a type of firmware which replaces the BIOS interface. For an explanation of the +mac image see here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/37999/what-is-different-about-the-mac-iso-image22:55
Dr_Willisgetting where im so used to android i want my pc to be more android like.22:55
Quantum_IonDr_Willis, lol22:56
zykotick9Dr_Willis, pcs are not phones :p22:56
SuccessDr_willis: in the future everything will be phones and servers22:56
zykotick9Success, no they won't22:56
Dr_Williszykotick9:  my phone does eveyrthing i do on my pc . :)22:56
improveuponthe how to i read said if you are syncing your dual-booting ntfs/ext4 drive, format the disk to fat22:56
zykotick9Dr_Willis, :)22:56
JasonnDr_Willis: Can you watch porn in 1080p ?22:56
seacaptaini am having a problem with network manager and a huawei datacard. it was working flawlessly up until a couple days ago and now i keep getting this failure message NetworkManager[1021]: <warn> pppd timed out or didn't initialize our dbus module22:56
Dr_WillisJasonn:  yes,22:57
SuccessJasonn: YES22:57
Dr_Willis or so i hear,,,,  :)22:57
Quantum_IonThey want to make it so that Android is the dominate OS and you will need an Application to do everything22:57
JasonnI cant22:57
seacaptainam i in the right place?22:57
Successso i hear22:57
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:57
Jasonncalm down there Jordan_U22:57
Successwe should get a bunch of ubuntu guys and make a ubuntu phone os22:57
improveuponanyway. great. thank you.22:57
Quantum_Ionan Application to start your car, pay your taxes, open your home door, etc22:57
Dr_WillisQuantum_Ion:  i think ive seen Bluetooth Front Door locks...22:58
SuccessQuantum_Ion have seen all of those except car which im kind of suprised22:58
Successcars you could use bluetooth too or nfc maybe22:58
Dr_Willisseen ways to 'page/message/call' your car to tell it to start.22:58
Successreally hp invinted bluetooth to charge there stuff, but fcc wouldn't let them so they used it for data22:59
Quantum_IonSuccess, Don't worry its coming soon22:59
Successthats wut they told me22:59
Successim 14 so me no have car but parents aare giving me their 98 Camaro RS22:59
JasonnSuccess: Iv seen an app that opens your car22:59
Successwonder if i can fix it to phone start22:59
Quantum_IonAn application to apply for food stamps in the USA, hahahah22:59
JasonnSuccess: and im 14 too :322:59
Jordan_USuccess: Quantum_Ion: Please move offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic.22:59
Successapp to change tv channel22:59
mahnazhow can I understand my whether or not my cpu  suports virtualization ?23:00
Successive seent htat on archos23:00
JasonnQuantum_Ion: LOL23:00
Successmahnaz: most likely not if u dont know23:00
Jasonnmahnaz: lol, dejavu23:00
Jasonnmahnaz: true that23:00
SIFTUmahnaz: you can check it out easy23:00
Jasonnmahnaz: When was your comp made?23:00
Quantum_Ionan app to register for college courses stuff like that23:00
Successmahnaz: look up specs for your cpu23:00
zfeok, confirmed23:00
zykotick9mahnaz, intel or amd?23:00
mahnazabout 3 years zgo?23:00
zfeit doesn't boot ^_^23:00
JasonnQuantum_Ion: An app to jack off :323:01
LaykeWould there be a simple way to from a single click of a button switch my monitors? Like when I am working, I use my Dual screens, but when I want to relax, I want to tuwn these two monitors off, and then I enable my TV monitor.23:01
Jordan_UQuantum_Ion: This is your last warning about staying on toppic.23:01
Successmahnaz: it probably does23:01
Successjasonn: already invented23:01
mahnazdell vostro 151023:01
SIFTUmahnaz: cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -i "model name"| uniq23:01
zykotick9mahnaz, cat /proc/cpuinfo - for Intel verify "vmx" is present23:01
Jasonnmahnaz: it might,23:01
FloodBot1Jasonn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
RA_drchi, how do i tell if the hard drive in my ubuntu machine is sata or ide?23:01
SIFTUzykotick9: +123:01
bindi_RA_drc: look inside :)23:01
steelsorry for reposting but i didn't get a reply earlier.has anybody faced problems in ubuntu 11.04 after installing nvidia drivers?23:01
RA_drcbindi_: that's not an option here23:01
OerHeksRA_drc, look at your bios at startup.23:01
RA_drcOerHeks: is there another way to do it without rebooting?23:02
bindi_RA_drc: google your motherboard model23:02
RA_drcbindi_: ok, how do i find out my motherboard model23:02
OerHeksRA_drc, you could install systinfo23:02
bindi_RA_drc: or rather, you should see your hdd info with something.. atleast the name23:03
zykotick9OerHeks, it's s/systinfo/sysinfo/ if you want to substitute ;)23:03
seth_I recently upgraded to Natty Narwhal on my netbook and the keyboard compose key doesn't work. I've tried assigning it to Alts, Ctrls, etc. but none of the keys work. Any help?23:04
bindi_RA_drc: sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep Model23:04
OerHeksthank you zykotick9 , my bad, c-correction23:05
Successguys my cpu is being whiny its lagging really bad23:06
zykotick9OerHeks, i was just joking with ya.  But if you want to be "nerd" accurate it is s/foo/bar/ ;)23:06
Successdude what is the s for23:07
Successs means nothing man23:07
zykotick9Success, s is substitute for sed23:07
zykotick9Success, nm23:07
Successnot regex..23:07
=== Guest15721 is now known as ColdFyre
zykotick9Success, sed = regex23:07
foul_owlnetwork goes down randomly. internet access is lost. does this /etc/network/interfaces file look sane? http://pastebin.com/x0fbMRtj23:08
Jordan_USuccess: echo "This is a test" | sed 's/a test/only a test/'23:08
Pauliaxreintall gnome internet tools23:08
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Dr_Willistesting out the quassel irc client. on android. oops. ;)23:09
Success.replace(/.{4}/g,"")//Don't use big words..23:09
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rileyphttp://lirc.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=lirc/lirc;a=commitdiff;h=77c9429dde46f108ab4ba47791977abae3a6af3c does this mean tx is not supported in natty until I do this fix?23:10
Successawe i forgot the ;23:10
=== foxxtrot_ is now known as foxxtrot
steeli can't login normally after installing nvidia driver in ubuntu 11.04.has anybody else experienced it?23:10
zykotick9Dr_Willis, you phone does everything your PC does eh?  Including PEBKAC ;)23:10
SuccessNEVER  leave out TEXAS its always supported23:10
Pauliaxfuck textas23:11
Jordan_U!language | Pauliax23:11
ubottuPauliax: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:11
Dr_Willisand moar zykotick923:11
rileypsteel it may have o do with nouvou23:11
markosoken you here?23:11
Kingsyguys, I have had a raid1 setup, (fakeraid) I disabled it in the bios and I want to format both drives and make them standard sata data drives.. how would I go about doing that?23:12
markosothe only ubuntu disk i had was fiesty fawn how to i upgrade from ubuntu23:12
steelrileyp, how to solve this problem?23:12
seth_I recently upgraded to Natty Narwhal on my netbook and the keyboard compose key doesn't work. I've tried assigning it to Alts, Ctrls, etc. but none of the keys work. Any help?23:12
Pauliaxfcuk oyu dikc i am searching23:13
rileypsteel did you follow a guid eto insatll latest nv driver or did you point and clunk....23:13
markosoI installled fiesty fawn and want to upgrade is it possible?23:13
Dr_Willismarko i would get a newer disk.23:13
markosoi dont have cd lol23:13
Dr_Willisuograding fiesty may take a long time23:13
Dr_Willisuse a usb flash23:13
markosoi have time this is a server23:14
Dr_Willisyou want it to work?23:14
markosojust test server for web site23:14
Dr_Willisthat big a upgrade it may break badly23:14
steelrileyp, i went to system>administration>additional driver and installed the recommended one.23:14
zykotick9markoso, for a server perhaps Lucid would be MUCH more appropriate23:14
rileypif you follow a guide nv will install nicely if not you may end up with gdm not starting at all and blank screen or default graphics etc thats ok you can ctrl  alt f1 into a tty session and fix if you know how23:14
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.23:15
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:15
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:15
Dr_Willis3+ yrs old.23:15
rileypsteel you pointed and clicked eerrr clunked23:15
steelrileyp, so how to go  about it?23:16
RA_drcbindi_: thanks23:18
rileypctrl alt f1 and sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf then sudo service gdm restart and then google a guide to install nv on natty23:18
OerHeks!hi felipe_23:20
steelrileyp,ok thanks . i forgot to mention that i have hybrid graphics card and linux currently doesn't support that.do you think could this be the reason ?23:21
felipe__come stai23:21
rileypsteel hybrid what is a hybrid card?23:21
Myrtti!it | felipe__23:21
ubottufelipe__: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:21
felipe__ok grazie23:22
rileypsteel http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-nvidia-driver-ubuntu-1-04-11-10-ppa/23:24
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olividiris this the ubuntu help irc?23:25
olividirok, I have a little problem I was uploading my ubuntu 11.04 and needed to restart the computer after that23:26
edbianolividir: uploading it?23:27
olividirsorry, updating it23:27
rileypsteel its like this sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates              sudo apt-get update        sudo apt-get install nvidia-current     and then  sudo nvidia-xconfig and then reboot23:27
olividirand now its says "minimal BASH-like line editing is supported23:28
twentyafterfour4anyone else having keyboard trouble as of the latest kernel update on 10.04?23:28
olividirand I have no idea what to do23:28
twentyafterfour4suddenly my control keys don't work23:28
SIFTUrileyp: that wont work with the hybrids23:29
rileypwell I did ask what is a hybrid and he didnt answer23:30
rileypsiftu enlighten me please23:30
SIFTUrileyp: one the gen 2 intel cpus it has a on chip intel GPU, and some laptops have another nvidia GPU23:30
olividirso, does anyone know what to do when your computer says "Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported"?23:30
faustischWhere do I get the source code to "Wanda the Fish"? I mean the fortune teller applet23:30
SIFTUrileyp: linux does not support the hybrids (well nvidia doesnt on linux)23:31
SIFTUrileyp: there isa  project called bumblebee which is trying to hack it together. But I owuld just recommend blacklisting nvidia and nouveau23:32
rileypSIFTU:  thanks for explaining I knew nothing of them. cheers23:32
olividirneed a genius to get my computer working, doesnt work after updating it, uses ubuntu 11.0423:32
rileypSIFTU:  do you anything about lirc and why irsend isnt working I found this but not sure if i need to implement it or not in natty http://lirc.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=lirc/lirc;a=commitdiff;h=77c9429dde46f108ab4ba47791977abae3a6af3c23:33
Ellipsis753Hey, I'd like to set a program to run daily, how can I do this? (cron would require the computer being on 24/7 and this computer isn't)23:33
edbianEllipsis753: anacron23:34
SIFTUrileyp: the lirc people broke lirc in one of recent kernel updates.. I should try it again but last time I tried it was in quite a state23:34
SIFTUrileyp: going back to and older kernel will probably fix it :)23:35
twentyafterfour4so I'm the only one with suddenly broken keyboard after update?23:35
rileypSIFTU I need natty for truehd audio support :D23:35
phajdan-jris mod_ftp packaged for Ubuntu? I think I can't find it.23:35
steelrileyp,i tried gdm stuff but it didn't work.i had to boot into the failsafe mode.23:36
SIFTUsteel: you cant use the nvidia driver with that laptop23:36
Dr_Willisolividir:  that 'minima.... ' is what the grub shell says.  so some how the grub got messed up, or the system is not booting up competely23:36
rileypsteel .... SIFTU: rileyp: linux does not support the hybrids (well nvidia doesnt on linux)23:36
SIFTUsteel: you could try "bumblebee"23:37
SIFTUsteel: https://github.com/MrMEEE/bumblebee23:37
olividirit just wont boot, just says this minimal bash like line23:37
steelSIFTU, oh yeah i was just reading about it23:37
rileypstell you may a s well remove all th nv stuff and go back tou your default driver as it aint gonna work23:37
olividirDr_Willis it just wont boot, just says this minimal bash like line23:38
SIFTUsteel: yeah you have to use the intel driver in the kernel.. what laptop do you have?23:38
steelSIFTU,dell xps 15 l502x23:38
SIFTUsteel: some allow you to have descrete mode in the BIOS23:38
Dr_Willisolividir:  its stuck in GRUB.  you may need to reinstall grub.23:38
SIFTUsteel: oh.. yeah not that one.. thats what I have23:38
SIFTUsteel: do you game?23:38
steelSIFTU, yes, sometimes23:39
tiemonsterHey, I have a nVidia graphics card, and installed the drivers through restricted drivers. Works great, but keep resetting to 600x800 on restart. The "write to X config" in the nVidia settings doesn't make it permanent. Any suggestions?23:39
rileyptiemonster  in a terminal type ssudo nvidia-settings and it will save.23:39
felipe_Brzhey the php version I get via apt-get on ubuntu 10.04 is 5.3.2... Is that ever going to change or I'm stuck with that php version until I change OS?23:40
rileypthats sudo23:40
SIFTUsteel: ah ok.. well your best bet is bumblebee.. also kenerl 3.0 has huge performance gains for the intel GPU23:40
Ellipsis753edbian,how can I set anacron up with a job?23:40
SIFTUfelipe_Brz: you can always compile a new versions yourself or find a PPA23:40
olividirDr_Willis, happy happy joy joy, can I get my stuff off the computer first?23:41
edbianEllipsis753: IDK, never done it :P23:41
felipe_BrzSIFTU:  those are the only ways, yes? WIll I ever be able to update php by running apt-get update and upgrade?23:41
tiemonsterrileyp: I changed the menu command to `gksudo nvidia-settings` - no go23:41
whiz_ides for ubuntu?23:42
steelSIFTU, ok23:42
SIFTUfelipe_Brz: well they could push new versions.. if you add a PPA you will get new versions like that23:42
tiemonsterfelipe_Brz: iirc - they update each release23:42
whiz_c++ IDEs for ubuntu?23:42
felipe_BrzSIFTU: hmmm... is there no 'official' PHP PPA for the newest possible stable php versions?23:43
tiemonsterwhiz_: I use Eclipse's CDT, but hard-core devs aren't fans of it23:43
tiemonsterfelipe_Brz: no23:43
tiemonster5.3.2 is fairly new23:43
whiz_tiemonster, what do hard core devs use?23:43
felipe_Brztiemonster:  it is indeed.23:43
tiemonstermy hosting company still runs 5.2.1223:43
rileyptiemonster open a terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings like i said23:43
tiemonsterwhiz_: vim23:43
tiemonsterrileyp: does the same thing23:44
whiz_k i'm sticking with gvim23:44
tiemonstersuit yourself23:44
rileyptiemonster: and then saveit and it will be fine23:44
tiemonsterwhiz_: gdb is way easier to use in Eclipse23:44
steelSIFTU, how do i upgrade to kernel 3.0?23:44
whiz_i a ultra hard core dev-- gvim23:44
tiemonsterrileyp: k. I guess I'll try it again and report back if it still doesn't work.23:44
SIFTUsteel: well you can compile one yourself, or find a PPA :)23:44
whiz_what's gdb?23:44
tiemonsterGnu Debugger23:45
scarleoHi, I m getting this in my kernel.log: ACPI: EC: GPE storm detected, transactions will use polling mode. Just found a lot of very old bug reports on it. Anyone know what is causing it?23:45
tiemonsterfor debugging c/c++ programs23:45
steelSIFTU, oh thanks :)23:45
SIFTUsteel: apparently you wont be supported in this room if you do that23:45
khafraI installed the driver from ATI's website on Ubuntu 11.4. It doesn't show up in "Additional Drivers," and I have no hardware graphics acceleration going on.  But when I try to reinstall, it says it's already installed23:46
tiemonsterrileyp: it's a pretty old release on there as well (8.04, I think). upgrading might help?23:46
khafraHow do I get the ATI driver to actually do things?23:46
tiemonsterkhafra: I always have used the restricted drivers tool23:47
steelSIFTU, won't be supported. why?23:47
tiemonsterusing it on this box right now, and I get full hardware accelerated HD video23:47
fosburgare there any 'graphic designers' out here?23:47
SIFTUsteel: it is not official release23:47
tiemonstersteel: there's a reason the Ubuntu devs chose not to use it23:47
steelSIFTU, ok23:48
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
khafratiemonster: That's "additional drivers" in the 11.4 GUI, right?23:48
tiemonsterfosburg: millions23:48
Ellipsis753edbian, humn, do I need to add anacron to the startup list?23:48
steeltiemonster, ok23:48
tiemonsterkhafra: oh. I don't know. haven't upgraded.23:48
tiemonsterI only use LTS releases23:48
khafratiemonster: I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have.23:48
tiemonsterI have better luck with that23:48
=== brian is now known as Guest64095
khafraLTS, here I come.23:48
edbianEllipsis753: look at man anacrone23:48
tiemonsterespecially for older hardware23:48
khafraI don't really think Unity's all that hot, either.23:49
edbianEllipsis753: man anacron23:49
Dr_WillisI have better luck running away from ATI when ever possible. :)23:49
tiemonsterkhafra: it's meh23:49
Ellipsis753edbian, IT MAKES NO SENSE THOUGH!23:49
tiemonsterI don't have an opinion23:49
edbianEllipsis753: a-ha23:49
fosburghow are the graphic apps in linux accepted in the US print community?23:49
edbianEllipsis753: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/05/anacron-examples/23:50
zakwilsonfosburg: they're not, as far as I'm aware.23:50
rileyp SIFTU: rileyp: linux does not support the hybrids (well nvidia doesnt on linux) Is this the case with natty?23:51
fosburgso MAC is still the king when it comes to print design?23:51
rileyphttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lirc/+bug/663497 Does this post mean its broken in natty as well?23:53
rileyp 23:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 663497 in lirc (Ubuntu) "Transmitter (irsend) broken in 10.10" [Undecided,New]23:53
sivikI have installed the vpnc and connected to the vpn but I am not able to get out of the networking.  How do I enable transparent tunneling?23:53
Ramir00cpu temperatura program...No sysinfo,..No xsensor23:54
sivikI don't see an option in the gui23:54
rileypJarrod has attached a fix to the end but I dont know if its fixed in natty or how to apply the patch/diff can anyone help please23:54
sivikalso, with a computer with an nvidia nvs 300, I am not able to get a live cd to work, even in low graphics.  I tried the agp=off as it said in the forums but it still doesn't load a screen.  Just get black screen23:55
tiemonsterfosburg: yes23:55
sivikAnd no tty23:55
tiemonsterI've tried. Trust me, I've tried.23:55
tiemonsteryou can get away with TIFFs out of gimp23:56
tiemonsterbut no one will take PDFs out of Scribus or anything like that23:56
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fosburgI assume that you are a designer23:56
tiemonsterfosburg: did print layout design for two years23:57
tiemonsterit was InDesign or nothing for most print shops23:57
=== Jasonn is now known as BunnyFart
fosburgI retired--but am interested in doing free lance23:58
tiemonsterI used it on Windows with no problems23:58
tiemonsterif hardware cost is biting you23:58
tiemonstercan't do anything about software costs, though23:58
Ramir00program to measure CPU temperature????23:59
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.23:59
Dr_Willissivik:  try the nomodeset option23:59

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