
charlie-tca"Woot" is now an official english word, according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary.01:51
* madnick pokes knome with a fork, as instructed :P14:50
charlie-tcaOneiric is broken bad today. Ran updates, can not boot into the system. gets to lightdm screen15:02
charlie-tcakeyboard and mouse are not working15:02
charlie-tcaImpossible to log in. boot to recovery mode does not complete15:02
charlie-tcaWell, ssh in, clean cache, move .xsession-errors, run updates, run autormove, run updates, reboot, hit a lot of keys when it gets stuck, got to the desktop15:38
charlie-tcaspawn a ton of apport errors, something is broken with gvfs15:42
charlie-tcamr_pouit: gcalc no longer works in oneiric15:42
mr_pouitfeel free to file a bug against it then :p15:53
charlie-tcaBut I am concerned that we are going to have a number of broken apps if we don't keep our eyes on them15:54
charlie-tca"users and groups" can not be used; "gcalc" can not be used; what else is going to be "can not use" that I haven't hit yet?15:55
charlie-tcamicahg: any progess on setting up meeting with derivatives to decide what to do with bug 78933316:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 789333 in policykit-1-gnome (Ubuntu Oneiric) "users-admin crashes on start because of mixed GTK2 and 3 symbols" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78933316:05
mr_pouitwell, gilir (lubuntu) is working on that apparently16:12
Unit193gilir is online now in #Lubuntu-offtopic16:13
micahgcharlie-tca: no, it's been a busy week, I can send out an e-mail over the weekend16:23
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micahgcharlie-tca: no need for a meeting amongst the derivatives, gilir fixed it :)22:41
micahgor rather, it's in progress22:41
charlie-tcagreat! Thanks for checking23:31

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