
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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JoeR2I have no sound through HDMI in xubuntu 11.04 any advice?05:19
Aicasnubuntu is based on debian right?  deb 6 was out in feb of this year, so how long might it be until we see a (x)ubuntu based on squeeze?12:18
TheSheep!release | Aicasn12:24
ubottuAicasn: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:24
Aicasnhmm.. i guess i'm asking not when the next release will come but if the next release will be built from deb 6?12:25
PiciAicasn: Ubuntu is synched from debian unstable for each non-lts release.12:27
DaewHello everyone. I need help:12:27
DaewI installed Xubuntu a few weeks and it worked perfectly until one day (and always from then on) workspaces stopped working (I can only see 1 workspace, despite the settings) + I don't see windows in panel (in application menu and workspace switcher) + the top of the windows is missing (the part with title, minimize, close...).    If I start a second session, there are no problems there, but now whenever I turn on computer, I  have to run 2 s12:27
TheSheepDaew: there was someone with exactly the same problem yesterday, you could check the forums, maybe he described the solution12:29
DaewI found it, thank you.12:37
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Koltenесть кто из россии?13:19
liamanyone on?13:43
TheSheep!hi | liam13:43
ubottuliam: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:43
liamI just installed Xubuntu on a virtual machine to play with13:50
liamhad a question about getting the python V2.7 to work13:50
liam anyone know how?13:50
Aicasnyou would get better help if you would tell us exactly what the problem is.  where are you stuck?  error messages?  pastebin if output is long13:51
Aicasnor not  :/13:52
technikfreakhello i have a failed kernel or soemthing related because each time i started to watch a video anway which player the xorg crashed and logged me out14:48
TheSheeptechnikfreak: what's in your ~/.xsessionerrors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log after such a crash?14:50
technikfreakmoment i will create a crash and come than back14:52
technikfreak0815here is my paste14:55
technikfreak0815from the log14:56
technikfreak0815hope there is the related problem really easy to find out14:57
technikfreak0815isn't it helpfull?15:00
TheSheeptechnikfreak0815: can't see anything wrong15:04
TheSheeptechnikfreak0815: are you sure it's from the crash?15:05
TheSheeptechnikfreak0815: or the next one after you rebooted?15:05
technikfreak0815it will be not rebooted15:05
technikfreak0815just logged me oput15:05
technikfreak0815and than i have to login15:05
technikfreak0815but the display will crash15:06
TheSheepis there /var/log/Xorg.1.log?15:06
technikfreak0815is it possible to overwritw the current graphics settings?15:06
TheSheepor ~/.xsessionerrors?15:06
technikfreak0815mhon var /log?15:08
TheSheepyou should have .xsessionerrors in your home directory15:08
TheSheepas a hidden file15:08
technikfreak0815here it is15:13
TheSheepnope, no errors related to the crash15:15
TheSheepalthough there is something else wrong with your install15:15
TheSheep"Home directory /home/martin not ours."15:16
TheSheepyou are not the owner of your home directory15:16
TheSheepwhat does 'ls -ald /home/martin' say?15:16
technikfreak0815drwxr-xr-x 69 1016 1016 4096 2011-07-16 12:49 /home/martin15:17
technikfreak0815why should i not?15:17
TheSheepyou should be the owner15:17
TheSheepbut instead it's owned by an uknknown user with PID 101615:17
technikfreak0815aha so than i am hacked?15:17
TheSheepyou can fix that by running 'sudo chown martin.martin /home/martin'15:18
TheSheepno, I think you just installed over some other installation15:18
TheSheepand the home directory was there already, right?15:18
technikfreak0815yeah i ahve upgraded it15:21
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SaaMmYSetting PCRE_CFLAGS and LIBS variables how to do17:19
SaaMmYmaybe I have already fixed17:26
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* jarnos finds chromium-browser much more responsive than firefox in Natty. Also youtube works more fluently.20:07
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se

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