
rectec794613excuse me. Why does Dolphin always display folder file size as 4kb?00:58
rectec794613folder size*00:59
sithlord48thats its size, but not the size of its contents.00:59
rectec794613sithlord48:  yeah thats what i suspected. how can i make it display the size of the contents?00:59
sithlord48rectec794613: i don't think you can atm01:00
rectec794613sithlord48: hmm well that's strange. oh well. I'll mess around with the settings and see what I can do01:01
sithlord48good luck01:01
rectec794613sithlord48: it01:01
rectec794613my bad01:01
rectec794613sithlord48: it's weird how it doesnt display the folder size. I mean, after all these years of KDE's existance01:02
rectec794613sithlord48: hopefully it'll be fixed01:02
sithlord48rectec794613:  i don't think that gnome does it either01:02
rectec794613sithlord48: why even display the size if it's always 4kb?01:03
sithlord48i can't answer that for you i didn't write it01:03
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lethucan somebody suggest me a good im client other than kopete for kde?04:42
Unit193Many people here use quassel, not saying what's the best though04:43
Terbaddo_@ Unit193 Quassel is an IRC client, and I use Konversation04:43
rwwI've been known to use Quassel+bitlbee, but I'm weird.04:43
Unit193Didn't read that right... Pidgin is an IM client04:46
lethualready tried pidgin, I might give Konversation a go04:52
bbeckDoes anyone really like KPackage kit?05:04
valorieIt's gotten back to OK05:22
valorieMuon is cool though05:22
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shashiHi. I am using Kubuntu 11.04 64-bit. In my home folder, i have a folder "Desktop" with few applications icons. But my "folder view" widget is showing my home folder items, not my "Desktop" folder items. Please anyone tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.06:44
mcdleejoin #coscup06:56
ssfdre38how can i release my user to install new updates07:02
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geesupconnect irc.420chan.org07:47
Unit193Well, that's something...07:47
geesuphow do i connect to the server i want to connect to07:47
Unit193/connect irc.420chan.org07:47
geesupsee i do that, then nothing happens07:48
Unit193Now type /join #channelname07:49
geesupthanks man07:50
geesupit threw me off because i didnt seem to be connecting to 420chan but i was07:50
ionitewhy does my wastebin prompt me to empty it when there's only a few hundred MBs inside?07:50
geesupsee how theres a channel list on the left and the first one is kubuntu irc or whatever08:00
geesuphow do i connect to a different irc08:00
geesupsee i just want to join an irc network that isnt this kubuntu default one, and i'd assume that 99% of users would want to do the same, so why is there not an option to do so08:04
geesupseems that the server im on is holmes.freenode.net08:04
geesupi want to connect to something that isnt that08:04
szalgeesup: using what chat client?08:11
geesupi cant even find a settings or preferences of options or anything08:13
szalgeesup: File -> Networks -> Configure Networks... -> Networks -> Add... -> choose a name for whatever IRC network you want to add, then go down to Network Details, add at least one server address & configure the other things there08:19
geesupi'm not kidding when i say, this quassel doesnt even have "file"08:20
geesupits fucked08:20
szalgeesup: try hitting Ctrl+M08:21
geesupgave it a go before, nothing even hapenned08:22
geesupits frustrating08:22
geesupmaybe i need to update it08:22
szalgeesup: 'lsb_release -a' please08:23
szal(in the terminal)08:23
onebitxajaxi need help in installayion08:23
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szalgeesup: how about an answer?08:33
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mudassarhello people, will anybody help me in a problem ?08:52
mudassarHello people please help ==> Unable to negotiate a key exchange method08:53
szal!details | mudassar08:54
ubottumudassar: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:54
mudassarI am trying to create a kerberos ticket and then trying to connect to my university server using ssh ........ but it gives me this error "Unable to negotiate a key exchange method", I am running Kubuntu 10.0408:55
mudassarneed more details ?08:59
Mamarokmudassar: just be patient, as soon as somebody knows you will get an answer09:12
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ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:26
kobusanybody that can help with the networkmanager in 11.04?10:02
kobusi've just installed 11.04 on a new latop and i can't connect to my wireless network. wired works by plugging in10:04
kobusi've added the wireless network, but i don't understand how i connect to it.10:04
kobusin 10.04 i could click on the taskbar icon and then on the wireless network in the list and it will connect10:05
kobusany takers?10:06
kobusanybody with experience with the nvidia driver?10:09
kobusanybody using 11.0410:11
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BluesKajhowdy all10:55
lizhaoxinhello i am a new comer11:51
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alexThunderhi there - did anyone do a apt-get dist-upgrade in the last few days?12:28
James147 alexThunder: you will get a better response if you say what problem you are having12:40
alexThunderi can't start kde anymore, it disappeared from kdm12:40
alexThunderi found out that dist-upgrade removed kde-window-manager kde-workspace-bin kde-workspace-data12:41
James147alexThunder: install kubuntu-desktop12:42
alexThunderi tried12:42
alexThunderit didn't want to install kde-workspace-data12:42
alexThunderbut appartently it does now12:42
James147alexThunder: and run apt-get install -f as well12:42
James147 (-f means fix broken)12:42
alexThunderit's installing right now12:43
James147yeah, run it after its finished12:43
alexThundersome minute ago, it told me, that there were wrong versions12:43
James147wont do anything if there is nothing to fix so should be safe12:43
alexThunderbrb, let's see if kde is back :D12:44
alexThunderok - the problem solved itself :D12:46
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mudassarI am trying to start afs client like sudo /etc/init.d/openafs-client start but it gives error "afsd: some file missing or bad in /etc/openafs13:06
mudassarplz help13:06
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BluesKaj!info jack14:08
ubottujack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26build1 (natty), package size 119 kB, installed size 652 kB14:08
venkatahi all14:15
venkatai have a font issue in kubuntu 11.0414:16
venkataif fonts tab opened all fonts(ubuntu) are becoming thin14:16
GirlyGirlany idea how to get back the old folder icons in kde 4.714:16
venkatarunning kde 4.614:17
venkataplz help14:18
GirlyGirlvenkata: I don't quite understand "if fonts tab opened"14:19
venkatasorry... fonts section in system settings --> application appearence14:20
venkataeven no need to change any fonts to reproduce this issue..14:20
GirlyGirlyou meen the fonts suddenly change if you open the setting pane?14:21
venkatajust open the fonts tab, and leave the existing ubuntu fonts like that.. and close the settings window..14:21
venkataafter all system fonts becoming thin and ugly... ( in newly opened applications)14:22
venkatathanks for response14:22
GirlyGirlenable anti alliasing maybe?14:22
venkataya i have tried the anti aliasing .. and hinting options14:23
venkatabut no results14:23
venkataif i click on defaults button .. the fonts are changing to Sans Serif14:24
venkatathat gives some better look.. but all gtk apps like firefox, chrome etc.. are still ugly14:24
GirlyGirlgtk fonts need to be adjusted in "GTK + Appearance"14:25
venkatayes.. i selected "use kde fonts in gtk apps"14:27
venkatabut still firefox and chrome are not displaying ugly fonts14:27
venkataeven i have changed the fonts manually in firefox preferences to sans-serif14:28
venkatabut no use...14:28
venkatafirefox and chrome displaying well... before i touched with this fonts14:29
James147GirlyGirl: which "old folder icons" do you refer to?14:29
GirlyGirlhmm I can't reproduce this issue but then again I am on kde 4.714:29
venkataoh..i have tried some other distros like pclinuxos 2011 and kubuntu 10.10 .. on both i cud reproduce the issue14:30
James147venkata: GTK applications have their own configs which should be further down the list to where the fonts configs are14:30
GirlyGirlJames147: folder icons in kde 4.0 to 4.6 oxygen14:32
venkatajames147:yes i have tried the settings  "use kde fonts in kde apps " and manually setting the other font..14:32
venkataboth havent gave any change14:32
James147venkata: try creating a symlink from ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 to ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (ln -s ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 ~/.gtkrc-2.0)14:34
James147GirlyGirl: need to find a copy of them I would guess, and install it manually as a different theme, could look on kde-look.org or see if you can find the actual icons14:35
venkatai dont have gtkrc folder in my home folder14:35
James147. means its hidden14:35
venkatals -a14:36
venkatacudnot show14:36
venkatasorry james147 i thought thats a folder14:36
venkatai could see as a file14:36
James147venkata: yeah, they are files :)14:36
venkatai could see some polish on fonts14:39
venkatabut not as when installed first14:39
venkatathanks james14714:39
ionitehow can i increase my diskcache?14:40
ionitehow can i increase my diskcache?15:02
Peace-ionite: you mean  the disk part that the system use like ram _15:04
ioniteyea? idunoe15:04
Peace-swap  is the hardisk partition that linucs uses like ram15:05
ioniteoic. thanks peace!!:)15:05
ionitePeace-: so the more swap the higher ram?15:05
Peace-welll how many gig of ram have you15:06
Peace-swap ?15:07
Peace-i mean how many of swap ?15:07
ionitePeace-: 1gb15:09
Peace-ionite: well you will not able to hibernate your system15:09
ionitePeace-: how can i increase the swap ?15:10
Peace-ionite: partion manager15:10
Peace-you need to unmount swap15:10
ionitePeace-: more swap means faster?15:10
Peace-unmount one partition that you can reduce15:10
Peace-swap is the hardisk that is used like ram15:11
Peace-so... if the system is under strong pressure it can handle anyway15:11
Peace-the fast memory is always the ram15:11
Peace-so you need to buy ram to get a faster system15:11
Peace-or disable some advanced feature of kde15:11
Peace-ionite: http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/configure-kubuntu-for-everyone/15:13
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grobda24has anyone had abroken xorg with recent kde updates ?15:33
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rhkfinKDE task manager, I have 'Waiting for disk' or similar in CPU% column. Does it mean that the process is - stopped because of (slow) disk operation?16:34
James147rhkfin: yes16:39
rhkfinJames147: ok.. I've thought that my disks are slow but never been able to 'prove' it..16:41
James147thats not really proof ^^16:41
James147it just means the process is waiting for something to be loaded16:41
James147rhkfin: try using hdparm to test the read speed ^^ its good enough to give you a rough guide as to your disks premormance16:43
James147(sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda)  << note the drive not the partition16:43
rhkfinok thanks, will do16:44
James147rhkfin: there are also varius things to can do to try and help (such as setting noatime on the mount options (in fstab)  to stop it updating the access times when a file is read16:46
rhkfinI run Raid1 and the result shows 53MB/s for / 'disk' and 63 for /home16:46
rhkfinSound's good. I've read about that earlier but never tried..16:46
rhkfinAny other way to enable noatime (in fstab) but restart?16:47
James147rhkfin: placing it in fstab means it will use though options at boot, and can manually remount hte file systems with the option to do it without rebooting16:48
rhkfincan't do that on root without rebooting..? home might be possible but.. restarting doesn't take that long anyway :)16:50
James147rhkfin: you can do it on root16:51
James147just need to remount (basically allows you to change options)16:51
rhkfinah, ok..16:51
James147but yes :) reboot shouldnt take long16:51
BSODLOLEvenin' all. Trying to install Synaptic Package Manager on Kubuntu 11.04, libgtk2.0 is installed, but won't install from terminal, do I need to add a specific repository for this?17:04
BSODLOL"Package synaptic is not available, but is referred to by another package.This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or17:05
BSODLOLis only available from another source"17:05
James147BSODLOL: Probally under a different name ^^ have you tried searching for it?17:06
BSODLOLI typed "synaptic" into kpackageKit and it just brings up some xorg driver for a touchpad17:07
BSODLOLUsing kpackagekit after being used to synaptic is extremely painful :(17:08
James147BSODLOL: try moun ^^17:08
BSODLOLI'm guessing I just need to add a repo, I just have no idea which :)17:09
James147BSODLOL: you shouldnt need to ^^17:10
James147BSODLOL: have you updated the package lists?17:10
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* rhkfin likes to use wajig as package installer17:12
rhkfinBut yes, synaptic is the package that should be available to install synaptic17:12
BSODLOLJames147: You mean like "apt-get update" ? If so, this is what I get in response:17:12
BSODLOLE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:12
BSODLOLE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/17:12
rhkfinJames147: I decided to have a look at my boot scripts and now finally restart :)17:12
James147BSODLOL: Close any other package manager you might ahve open17:12
BSODLOLThe only things I have up are Rekonq, Quassel and Konsole17:13
James147BSODLOL: and you ran apt-get update as root?17:14
BSODLOL"sudo apt-get update" was the command I used yes :)17:14
James147BSODLOL: are you sure there is nothing else running? if so delete the lock file (if there is doing so can cause more problems)17:15
BSODLOLOh how irritating, update manager restarted itself, minimized to notification area >.<17:16
James147BSODLOL: but anyway... http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/synaptic  the package does exist, so you should be able to install it, hoever i do suggest  giving muon a try :)17:16
BSODLOLJames147: What's the advantage of using Muon over Synaptic? (In your opinion)17:17
James147BSODLOL: for one its intergrated in kde rather then gtk17:17
James147BSODLOL: though I have never really used either programs extensivally :)17:18
BSODLOLJames147: And you can select multiple files for install/uninstall etc just the same?17:18
James147what package manager cannot do that?17:18
BSODLOLUbuntu Software Center LOL17:19
BSODLOLJust had a quick look on the website, think I'll stick with Synaptic, perfect layout (can't teach old dog new tricks etc) :p17:20
James147BSODLOL: really? looks the same layout to me :S17:22
rhkfinBSODLOL: if you had update manager running, it's the reason why you couldn't use sudo apt-get update17:26
BSODLOLAnd it's working again, without any changes from me, how odd (apt-get update and install synaptic)17:26
rhkfinJames147: will have a look at myon though :)17:28
rhkfinHmm.. I run powertop and allowed USB to go to powersave mode.. Now my wireless mouse is not smooth any more :D17:33
James147rhkfin: thats becase the usb suspends ^^17:34
BSODLOLrhkfin: thanks for reminding me to switch off all the power saving stuff / screen saver etc :p17:34
James147powertop dosnt make permint settings so a reboot will undo what it did17:34
rhkfinJames147: yes - and I now have no idea how to switch it off..17:35
rhkfinah ok..17:35
rhkfinBSODLOL: you're welcome :)17:35
rhkfin-> booting.....17:35
BSODLOLtyped ubuntu-restricted-extras instead of kubuntu *cries*17:39
rhkfinHmm.. interesting.. restricted-extras seems to be a meta package for ubuntu-restricted-addons17:43
rhkfin(that installs gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, flashplugin-installer, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, icedtea6-plugin, gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp317:43
BSODLOLand the download speed is maxing out at 185kb/s17:43
BSODLOLeven though my ISP provides 10mb/s lol :(17:44
rhkfinYou have plenty of time to abort the installetion of ubuntu-R-E17:44
rhkfin-> ctrl+C17:44
James147BSODLOL: probally the mirror then17:49
BSODLOLJames147: Must be, almost there! *stares at slowly moving progress bar*17:51
arturлюди. как поменять кодировку что б было видно русский текст ?18:14
rhkfinartur: this is english channel (but I can read that you write something about russki text video :)18:17
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kobus_is the network manager in 11.04 broken?19:48
ArchangelSe7enit is basically broken in all releases :P19:48
ArchangelSe7enthats why I usually replace it with WICD .... what's wrong though19:49
mfraz74seems ok here19:49
mfraz74kobus_: what version of kde are you using?19:51
kobus_mfraz74: 4.619:51
mfraz74kobus_: have you tried 4.7?19:52
kobus_mfraz74: no, i just installed Kubuntu 11.04. do you recommend it?19:53
mfraz74kobus_: i haven't had any trouble with it, and i'm using it on 4 computers19:53
kobus_mfraz74: do i use Kubuntu 11.06 and then install kde 4.7 and remove 4.6?19:55
mfraz74kobus_: no you add the kubuntu backports repository and do an update19:56
kobus_mfraz74: on kubuntu 11.04?19:56
James147kobus_: can you define "broken" ... it dosnt really tell us much19:57
kobus_mfraz74: i have tried a couple of times to connect to a wireless network. i was asking for help, since my first option is that i'm just stupid19:59
mfraz74kobus_: are you able to see your network?20:00
kobus_i add a wireless network and i can't figure out how to connect to it20:00
mfraz74what security are you using?20:00
James147kobus_: what encryption type?20:00
kobus_i connect to the same network with the same setting on this laptop running Kubuntu 10.0420:01
kobus_what i don't understand is how to use it. because if you click on the network in the taskbar applet it show the details of the network. there seems to be no way to connect to the network20:02
mfraz74what network card are you using?20:03
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TigerboyHi, does anyone know how to change the size of a given mouse cursor? ... like in Gnome there is a resize slider in the mouse theme area.20:04
James147kobus_: there are two halfs to the applet, one side you have the inerfaces/info the other the networks20:04
OerHeksTigerboy, cursortheme ?20:05
OerHekstype this in KDEmenu :-)20:06
Tigerboyno it's not in the settings area20:06
kobus_James147: intel centrino wireless-n 103020:07
Tigerboythe cursor settings in kde only lets you change the theme20:07
Tigerboyno resizing20:07
mfraz74kobus_: have you tried setting the network up from within system settings?20:07
kobus_mfraz74: no, is that worth a try?20:08
mfraz74it might be20:08
kobus_mfraz74: ok, i will try. thanks!20:08
mfraz74kobus_: one thing that has been fixed in 4.7 is that you can have system wide wireless settings20:09
kobus_mfraz74: for all users?20:09
mfraz74kobus_: yes20:11
kobus_mfraz74: is 4.7 more stable? i've had a few crashes20:12
mfraz74kobus_: i've had a few crashes with amarok, but that's probably because that's a new version too20:13
mfraz74kobus_: i've also been trying out 11.10 on my netbook20:13
kobus_mfraz74: i've installed the proprietary nvidia driver and the systems seems less "nice"... some freezes after boot before you can use the system, screen flickers20:15
kobus_mfraz74: is there an oss nvidia driver?20:15
mfraz74kobus_: only Nouveau20:16
kobus_mfraz74: is 11.10 stable enough for a dev pc. i run virtualbox with windows vms for work projects20:17
Terbaddo_Hi, how to change the bootsplash in Natty ?20:17
mfraz74kobus_: no, it isn't stable yet. had 2 crashes this afternoon after trying out supertuxkart and extremetuxracer20:17
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kobus_mfraz74: ok, but you think 4.7 is stable enough?20:19
mfraz74kobus_: yes20:19
kobus_mfraz74: thanks for you help. i will look at Nouveau and 4.720:20
SnackWhackI'm a Linux novice, with very limited ability, but I thought I'd try Kubuntu with an old Dell Dimension 3000 I had sitting around. I installed it, but the graphics are screwy. The windows jump around and hide and don't refresh properly. Any ideas on what might be wrong?20:21
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mfraz74SnackWhack: what graphics card are you using?20:21
James147kobus_: 4.7 should be as stable as 4.6 was for all the features in 4.6.5... but 4.7 adds new features that might not be as stable yet20:21
SnackWhackIt's an Intel(R) Pro/100 VE20:21
SnackWhackat least that's what Windows said it was before I formatted it20:22
kobus_James147: ok, but october isn't that far away, so each update will hopefully be closer to release quality...20:23
James147kobus_: each month kde releases a maintance release (ie 4.7.X) these contain backported bugfixes are security fixes from the current development branch20:24
mfraz74my biggest concern with 11.10 at the moment is that they won't have digikam 2.0 ready - I don't want to go back to 1.920:24
trionsWhen I checkmark "Set date and time automatically" in "Adjust date and time" and press OK I get "Unable to contact time server: Public Time Server (pool.ntp.org)."20:24
James147kobus_: so 4.7.0 would be less stable then 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 ^^20:25
SnackWhackmfraz74: any ideas?20:25
trionsalso I get "Unable to authenticate/execute the action: 6, "20:25
mfraz74SnackWhack: not really, it could be that the graphics card isn't up to the job.20:25
SnackWhackhmmmm... I have some others sitting around. Let me see what I can find20:26
mfraz74try the dell forums20:26
trionsHow can I run "Date and Time" as sudo. What is the command?20:26
SnackWhackon the Dell site?20:26
James147SnackWhack: have you tried turning off desktop effects?20:26
kobus_James 147: so to get the fixes you have to switch to the latest maintenance release?20:27
James147kobus_: yes20:27
SnackWhackJames147: nope. Can you walk me through doing that?20:27
mfraz74trions: I'm not sure, i've never figured that out. I always get an error when trying to activate that20:27
James147kobus_: I think kubuntu normally ships with x.x.2 or 3 depening on timeings of the releases20:27
James147SnackWhack: system settings > desktop effects20:28
Terbaddo_Ctrl+Alt+F12 to disable desktop fx20:28
Terbaddo_Ctrl+Shift+F12 *20:28
James147Terbaddo_: ^^ technically that toggles the effects on or off :)20:28
Terbaddo_ah lol20:28
SnackWhackJames147:  I don't see desktop effects as an option20:29
James147SnackWhack: waht version of kde/kubuntu are yu using?20:29
Terbaddo_3.5 lol20:29
SnackWhackmmmm... Most recent, just downloaded it last night. USB Install20:29
SnackWhackhow can I verify version?20:30
kobus_James147: so if i install kubuntu 11.06 i will likely not get any kde fixes? that explains why i keep getting kde crashes on 10.0420:30
* SnackWhack <- Windows guy obviously20:30
James147SnackWhack: and kde application > help > about kde (for kde version)20:30
James147kobus_: there is no kubuntu 11.06 is there?20:30
SnackWhackJames147: 4.6.220:31
kobus_James147: :-) sorry 11.04...20:31
James147SnackWhack: then you should have system settings > desktop effect as far as I remember20:31
Terbaddo_@ SnackWhack Any KDE applications > Help > About KDE20:31
SnackWhackTerbaddo_: yep, 4.6.220:32
James147kobus_: why would you not get kde fixes with the latest kubuntu?20:32
SnackWhackany way to disable desktop effects from command line?20:32
mfraz74there is, but i can't remember how to20:32
James147SnackWhack: press alt+shift+F12 to toggle it on and off20:32
mfraz74i would've thought that if the system was running that slow, it would've automatically turned effects off20:33
James147mfraz74: through dbus.. though it just toggles it on and off it i remember correctly (it basically does what that shortcut does ^^ )20:33
James147mfraz74: it should20:34
kobus_James147: what i inferred from your comment that the maintenance release contains backported fixes from the current dev branch20:34
SnackWhackit's working better :)20:34
DaemonFCor you can switch it to xrender if your hardware is too slow20:34
DaemonFCthat gets you some effects and it can be faster20:34
James147kobus_: kubuntu package the latest kde maintaince release in their pps:kubuntu-ppa repo :)20:34
kobus_James147: ok, the penny dropped!20:35
mfraz74once it has been tested, it goes into the main updates repo20:35
SnackWhackok, found desktop effects ... was a PEBKAC error20:35
SnackWhackworking much better now that it's off20:36
mfraz74SnackWhack: your graphics card can't handle 3d graphics then20:36
James147mfraz74: does it yet? I heard talk about *ubuntu updating some packages to newer version but i dont know which ones they currently are :)20:36
SnackWhackmfraz74: Cool. No biggie, it's just going to serve as a web server20:37
kobus_James147: i can't really recall seeing any kde updates in normal kubuntu updates...20:37
James147SnackWhack: you should go to system settings > desktop effects and actually turn it off ^^ that shorcut just suspends it20:37
SnackWhackbeing new to Kubuntu installations, is there anything else I should do after install a clean copy? I ran apt-get update and upgrade already....20:37
mfraz74James147: i'm sure that once they are happy with them in the kubuntu-ppa, it gets pushed to the normal updates repository.20:37
SnackWhackJames147: I did. I found it.20:38
James147mfraz74: they didnt use to, as kubuntu dosnt normally push new versions of things to their repos during a release20:38
mfraz74SnackWhack: add the restricted extras like mp3 playbacck20:39
James147mfraz74: though I know they recently changed that for `some` packages20:39
mfraz74SnackWhack: it is kubuntu-restricted-extras20:39
James147SnackWhack: "kubuntu-restricted-extras" that is20:39
James147mfraz74:  :D20:39
SnackWhackmfraz74: I shouldn't need any bells and whistles on here. Just going to be a web server runing Apache and MySQL20:39
soeedo you have problems with ktorrent? eve if i turn it off there is problem with my connection - ping jums from 60-150, pages wont work etc. it happens only if i start ktorrent and is running or if i turn it off - i have to restart my pc to get connection normal20:40
James147SnackWhack: if its just a web server why do you need a gui at all ?20:40
mfraz74SnackWhack: you didn't really need to install kubuntu then, could've just had ubuntu server20:40
SnackWhackmfraz74: Cause I had a hard time installing it, and Kubuntu made it easy :)20:40
James147SnackWhack: fair enough... though if your going to be running a server its best to learn the command line20:41
mfraz74SnackWhack: i found upgrading ubuntu server a lot easier than upgrading kubuntu20:41
James147mfraz74: easier? or less troublesome?20:41
mfraz74bought one of those hp proliant servers in december20:41
SnackWhackOnce I get more familiar with this environment, I'm sure I'll make a lot of changes20:41
SnackWhackit's nice to be in a Linux environment though20:42
mfraz74James147: less troublesome I suppose. it was just ssh in, run the command and leave it20:42
SnackWhacksick and tired of Windows viruses20:42
James147mfraz74:  :) since everything you can do on the server you can do on the desktop :D20:42
mfraz74with kubuntu, i had to purge some ppas first and then add all the ppas back in afterwards20:42
James147SnackWhack: yup :) though that dosnt mean you should be sloopy with security, linux can get them as well... though its a lot harder to do so20:43
SnackWhackJames147: vows not to be sloopy!20:43
James147mfraz74: thats a customisation you have made to the system20:43
mfraz74James147: true20:43
James147mfraz74: which always adds a complication20:44
mfraz74i do like having squid-deb-proxy on the server :)20:44
mfraz74James147: there was also more config files that had changed and it kept asking what version i wanted to keep20:44
kyubutsuhow to install !gnash20:53
James147kyubutsu: umm... sudo apt-get install gnash20:57
kyubutsuwill it work with rekonq automatically20:58
mauriwhen kde starts , nautilus starts also.... why?21:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Terbaddo_Surely because you had nautilus open when you logged out21:08
Terbaddo_System settings > Startup and shutdown > Session management > On Login21:09
Terbaddo_Then you select "Start with an empty session"21:09
jmichaelxwhen i saw that another round of 4.7 updates were available, i mistakenly got my hopes up that they would fix some of the many blatant (in my case, at least) bugs in this version of KDE.... no such luck21:18
alcomhow to open vdk2 ?21:22
Shirakawasunawhich bugs, jmichaelx?21:23
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: where should i start?21:23
ShirakawasunaI keep hoping they'll allow panel icons to resize arbitrarily large21:23
Shirakawasunaas opposed to something like 32x32 or 48x48, which are the current stupid limits21:23
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: i (very stupidly) upgraded 3 machines to 4.7. on all three, icons remain in the task manager ofter the corresponding windows have been closed. the highlighting of icons in the task manager is messed up....21:25
BSODLOLJames147: I take it all back, Muon is impressive. :)21:25
Shirakawasunajmichaelx: ah, so you're talking about 4.7-specific bugs21:25
jmichaelxthe system tray, while not as broken, has some weird spacing issues (not the hugest deal), and then there's the calendar widget....21:26
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: yea, i had none of these problems in 4.621:26
ShirakawasunaYeah, I wish the kde devs would focus more on squashing bugs than new features... which was apparently one of the focuses of 4.7...21:26
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: many KDE bugs live on and on21:27
Shirakawasunaif you create a new user, jmichaelx, do you still see those problems? Some of it could be related to old .kde settings21:27
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: no, a new user has the same issues21:27
jmichaelxthis is probably relatively minor, but yakuake is not saving to bash history... pretty annoying21:28
jmichaelxall of these things put together leave the impression that KDE has no quality control in place at all21:29
Shirakawasunayakuake isn't part of the main kde packages21:29
Shirakawasunabother Sho21:29
Shirakawasuna(in #kde)21:29
jmichaelxyeah, i though as much... was not sure about yakuake21:30
Shirakawasunafirst make sure it's yakuake and not konsole21:30
jmichaelxkonsole is fine21:30
Shirakawasunaanother thing is that different tabs on yakuake will remember different histories21:30
BSODLOLI like various aspects of ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, but which-ever I install, I spend a long time removing unwanted software, adding what I do like etc, is there not a "bare minimum" release? with just the essentials needed to run?21:30
jmichaelxas far as i can tell, it is only yakuake...21:30
Shirakawasuna(same with konsole)21:30
Terbaddo_@ jmichaelx YOu have to close Yakuake "safely"21:31
Shirakawasunaif I want to search through my history, sometimes I have to open say... 5 tabs and ctrl+r on each21:31
jmichaelxyes, i knoew that... i have been a KDE user for years21:31
Terbaddo_If you close Konsole unsafely, history isn't saved21:31
jmichaelxyakuake has had this issue a few other times in the past. it gets fixed, then comes back again.... gets fixed, comes back again21:32
jmichaelxTerbaddo_: yakuake had not been doing this through the past several kubuntu iterations21:33
jmichaelxTerbaddo_: i don't think that the idea with yakuake is that you are supposed to close it before logging out21:34
jmichaelxsorry, experiencing packet loss here21:36
kobus_James147: just a question about knetworkmanager again. is there some documentation explaining how it works? i still don't get how it is supposed to work!21:41
kobus_James147: i don't get the edit box with the "type a connection name and press enter"21:42
James147kobus_: what do you see? (screenshot would be good)21:42
kobus_James147: oops its on another machine and i can't get the networking going21:43
kobus_James147: will post shortly...21:47
kyubutsuhow do i check if rekonq is using gnash21:49
kyubutsui installed gnash but i get no playback on youtube21:51
DaemonFCmeaning it is operating normally21:53
* kyubutsu installs openjdk-7-jre22:06
kobus_James147: where should i paste the image?22:13
Daskreechkobus_: you can use the pastebin plasmoid or imagebin.com22:33
aguitelis kdesu avaleable in kde?22:35
yofelwe have kdesudo22:36
aguitelkdesudo not open file for me22:38
soeeyofel, therewere some updates yesterday i thik related KDE are they any importnat ?22:39
yofelaguitel: uh... what are you trying to do?22:40
yofelsoee: updates for what from where?22:40
soeekde-workspaces etc not sure now - from backposrts i think22:40
aguitelyofel, open /etc/apt/sources.list file22:41
yofelaguitel: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list22:41
aguitelyofel, nothing happens22:42
yofelsoee: ah, that was cherry picking the 4.7.1 fixes for kde bug 262487 and kde bug 26491422:42
ubottuKDE bug 262487 in widget-taskbar "launcher support in taskbar: launcher does not appear immediately" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26248722:42
ubottuKDE bug 264914 in widget-taskbar "Launcher appears when application is running after switching virtual desktops or activity" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26491422:42
yofelsince the automatic launcher creation is rather broken in 4.7.022:43
yofelaguitel: and 'kdesudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list' ?22:43
aguitelyofel, nothing happens22:44
yofelaguitel: odd, can you run konsole and run kdesudo kate in there?22:44
soeeyofel, ok thank you22:45
=== niekie_ is now known as niekie
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: so, i discussed this issue i am having with yakuake with Sho, and he basically confirmed what you had told me.... so my question is, would kubuntu have somehow messed with bashrc when upgrading from maverick to natty?23:21
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
Shirakawasunadunno, jmichaelx. It certainly installs its own .bashrc for your user on the first installation23:24
Shirakawasunals -lat ~ | grep history23:25
jmichaelxShirakawasuna: yes23:25
Shirakawasunamaybe you'll get lucky and there's two files ;)23:25
jmichaelxnope, just one23:27
Snowhogjmichaelx: It is very unlikely that a 'users' .bashrc file would have been affected by any OS upgrade. Are you referring to the /etc/bash.bashrc or /etc/skel/.bashrc file by chance?23:53
jmichaelxSnowhog: may be more something in bash profile23:53
jmichaelxSnowhog: i thought i had remembered having this problem for a while several years ago, too, and came across this forum thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41855223:55
Snowhogjmichaelx: Only if you made customization changes to the /etc/skel/.bashrc file (used when creating a new user account) would it be subject to 'change' on an OS upgrade, but even then, it should be seen as 'changed' and prompt the user as to keeping or replacing it on an upgrade.23:55
jmichaelxSnowhog: i do not know exactly what may have changed, but something caused a change in behavior after upgrading to natty... i am seeing this across 6 machines or so23:57
Snowhogjmichaelx: Comming in on this late, so what changes are you seeing?23:57
jmichaelxSnowhog: well, mainly just that since upgrading to natty, bash sessions in yakuake are not being saved to .bash_history..... bash session in konsole get saved just fine23:58

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