
escottthe newer version of ia32-libs no longer contains libssl3.so needed by nspluginwrapper. is the correct way to resolve this to install libnss3:i386 (which in turn pulls in libnspr and libsqlite?01:30
lenescott, Are you trying to use 32-bit flash on a 64-bit system?  If so, just use the finalized 64-bit version, and you won't need to worry about  nspluginwrapper02:24
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escottlen, im just using what came with the system. i actually care less about what version of flash to use than not having firefox freeze up when a 32bit plugin cannot find a shared lib02:49
lenescott, Are you finding a lot of firefox plugins only available in 32-bit versions?  As far as flash goes, if you install the flashaid plugin, it will find the lastest 64-bit version of flash for you and clean up duplicate flash paths02:53
escottlen, is flashaid a ppa?02:53
lenNo, just install from inside firefox and a regular plug-in02:54
escott!ppa > escott02:56
ubottuescott, please see my private message02:56
muntiKubuis there a chance ffmpeg gets updated to 0.8.2 from 0.7.1?02:58
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Peddynautilus draws a menu bar at the top of the desktop, is this intended behaviour? can anyone else experience it with desktop icons enabled?03:51
escottPeddy, i've seen that when unity crashes03:52
Peddyescott, weird. I don't have it installed. There's a bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/717358   but I'm not sure it's relevant03:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 717358 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu Natty) "nautilus puts a menu bar at the top of the desktop" [Low,Fix released]03:54
escottPeddy, i'm not sure, but when I was fighting to get gdm to remember my gnome3 preference it kept dumping me into unity and I always ended up with an unusable system and a nautilus menu at the top.03:56
jbichaPeddy: are you seeing the nautilus menu bar in addition to the normal UI?03:57
Peddyjbicha, yes. Usually, it would be obscured by the 'activities' bar, but I have two monitors and it extends across (the activities bar is only on the left monitor)04:03
Peddyescott, unity is the poor man's gnome shell04:03
Peddyjbicha, I guess one could test for it by doing metacity --replace and seeing if the menu bar was hiding underneath (with nautilus desktop handling enabled, of course)04:08
jbichaPeddy: hmm, I don't have 2 monitors so I can't fully test the gnome shell part04:09
jbichabut yes, if your window manager crashes, nautilus shows its menu bar and I'm not sure that that's a bug04:09
Peddyjbicha, maybe this illustrates it better: http://i.imgur.com/T3yBy.jpg04:14
Peddyand with without gnome shell covering it up: http://i.imgur.com/mKVbs.jpg04:17
jbichaPeddy: look at these fun bugs: bug 814799 and bug 81480304:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 814799 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "It is possible to create a new tab on the desktop window" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81479904:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 814803 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "It is possible to move the Nautilus desktop window" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81480304:21
jbichaI don't think Nautilus 3 desktop mode has been very well tested since I don't think any other distro enables it by default04:22
Peddyjbicha, if drawing the desktop is going to be disabled by default, I don't see it as _that_ big of an issue.04:22
rwwI want desktop tabs. Where do I sign up?04:23
jbichalol, it doesn't actually work04:23
jbichaKDE4 has a cool feature where multiple windows of normal apps can become tabs04:23
Peddyso groovy, check it out: http://i.imgur.com/um8hY.png04:23
rwwyeah, it may be evident that I'm a KDE user04:24
Peddythat's my desktop04:24
rwwwell, in general. Playing with Unity today for some reason.04:24
Peddyyou poor soul04:24
Peddy(I'm satirizing unity hate bandwagon)04:26
rwwI was wondering whether you meant KDE or Unity ;)04:27
Peddywell, which do you prefer?04:27
rwwKDE, though Unity's making a strong argument on my netbook screen. Don't like it much on the desktop, though.04:28
rww(and I haven't tried it on oneiric, so I really shouldn't be talking about it here, but whatevs)04:28
Peddya lawbreaker, I like it04:30
Peddywell, wasn't unity "netbook edition" originally anyway?04:30
rwwyup, and it shows04:31
jbichabut the name was a hint of what sabdfl intended04:31
Peddybut then it was decided in the future people will only use netbooks and clouds &c!04:31
PeddyI actually prefer unity 2D to the default one. You can disable global menu and the titlebar thing easily04:33
rww!info unity-2d natty04:34
ubottuunity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB04:34
rwwhrm, maybe I should throw that on my parent's laptop and see if she likes it04:34
Peddyyeah, I didn't understand the purpose of having extreme 3D graphics and transparency(!) on a distro intended for (low-powered) netbooks04:37
rwwI noticed on sabdfl's blog that they're making a bunch of UI changes to Unity. Are those changes also going into Unity 2d so the interfaces are the same modulo less shiny stuff?04:41
rwwbecause it'd be nice for support if most users are all on one UI that has the same layout04:41
jbichaI don't believe the alt-tab switcher is going into Unity 2D, at least not this cycle04:44
jbichabut in general the UI is fairly similar between the two versions04:44
lenHmm. This is a weird one.  I just did an update.  I was a bunch of KDE related packages.  Now after the updates, Whenever I press a widget on my toolbar, the little widget dialogs boxes which usuall pop up right above the widget are poping up way at the top- alighed with the top of the screen.  It looks really stupid.06:18
lenDid anyone else just update Kubuntu, and can verify this?06:20
lenMy panel in on the bottom, btw.  Widgets normally open right above panel aligned just above the widget pressed, but now align with top of screen when opened.06:23
lenNow my stacked tasks don't work :)  ie.  My quassel comes to the fore when i press it's icon because I only have one of them open, but when I press on either Dolphin or Chrome, nothing happens because I have 2 open of each, and the normal popup that shows all instances when you press on it doesn't work.  :(06:33
lenThis last round of KDE updates is full of regressions.06:34
bullgard4_[GNOME 3] The package tilda is installed. Why does the folder »Applications« not list a button »Tilda«  to start Tilda?07:17
jbichabullgard4_: are you sure it doesn't?07:32
IdleOneFlash is broken, installed from adobe PPA Flash is working again (64 bit)08:01
IdleOneuh not adobe but sevenmachines ppa08:02
SevenMachinesIdleOne: flash64 is *always* broken too, it just installs ok :)08:06
IdleOneI haven't had any issues with it until tonight08:07
IdleOneso I asked ubottu what she thought about it :)\08:07
IdleOneDon't what magic you did but thanks.08:09
IdleOneDon't  know*08:09
SevenMachinesno problem, it was only supposed to be a quick temporary thing since 64bit flash was the only thing that worked a few years ago. Adobe have stretched out that first 64bit release date quite impressively08:11
Peddyhow do I change GTK2 theme for GTK2 programs in gnome 3?09:42
bullgard4_[GNOME 3] The package »rsyslog« is installed. Why does System Monitor not list a process »rsyslogd«?10:08
edgyHi, I am new to unity. when I open any app i cannot see the minimize button, where is it gone? who said unity is great?10:35
leniosedgy, try alt+f910:48
edgylenios: nice and obscure, how on earth am I supposed to discover this?10:54
BluesKajhowdy all10:55
BluesKajany word on the nspluginwrapper/flashplugin issues ...looking on launchpad for bug reports , but none yet.11:05
Ian_Cornewhy are you guys using nspluginwrapper anyways, there's a 64 bit flash pluing now no?11:06
BluesKajIan_Corne, i'm not using it purposely..it seems to be a dependency11:09
jacobwflashplayer 11 is still beta11:10
Ian_Cornehines1 Candidate:
Ian_CorneI use that ppa11:10
Ian_CorneIt might be beta, but probably has less issues and security issues11:12
BluesKajok Ian_Corne  , I'll check it out11:17
SevenMachinesLooks like the flash problem is due to nspluginwrapper on amd64 depending on nspluginviewer, which is i386 only. Maybe its part of the ia32-libs multi-architecture changes?11:23
Ian_Corneoh SevenMachines is even here:)11:24
SevenMachinesWaiting for the sun to come out :)11:26
BluesKajIan_Corne, thanks for the hint , i ended up using this package https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash/+packages11:46
Ian_Cornei don't know what one google chrome ships11:47
Ian_CorneYou have version 11,0,1,98 installed11:47
BluesKajwell, it works on chromium11:47
Ian_Cornesame as firefox11:48
jtaylorflash ahs been mmultiarched11:48
jtaylorif you haven'T enabled it yet, you probably must do it11:49
BluesKaji wasn't aware of any differences apart from the need for nspluginwrapper on the previous version ...how that happened is still a mystery to me11:50
BluesKajI assume all packages in the repos are going to be 64 bit11:53
jtayloryou mean the main repos?11:54
SevenMachinesBluesKaj: 64 bit flash has been in pre-release stages for at least 2 years to my knowledge. I doubt it'll be put in official repositories until its released, which may be tomorrow or may be never, hard to tell with adobe12:20
BluesKajSevenMachines, interesting, my assumption that running a 64bit kubuntu links me to 64 bit package repos isn't entirely correct ...there's nothing "pure 64" about them :012:26
SevenMachinesBluesKaj: the repository flash is 32bit, version 10.something i think, and uses nspluginwrapper to allow 64bit systems to run it12:31
SevenMachinesthis is also why it depends on ia32-libs12:32
jtaylornot anymore12:36
jtaylorall its dependencies have been multiarched12:36
BluesKajjtaylor, yes nspluginwrapper was up for removal after installing the sevenmachines flash version12:45
jtayloryou still need the wrapper for 32 bit flash12:45
jtaylorbut you don't need ia32libs12:45
BluesKajI had already removed the non working version12:46
BluesKajthe wrapper is removed12:46
BluesKajno flash probs yet12:46
jtayloranyone using opera?12:47
Dimmuxxflash 64bit have been pre-alpha before and now it's beta so it will hopefully be properly released this time12:51
edgyhi, when any one runs sudo iptables -L what does one get by default in ubuntu?13:06
edgyme get Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)13:07
edgytarget     prot opt source               destination13:07
edgyACCEPT     all  --  anywhere       state RELATED,ESTABLISHED13:07
edgyis this normal?13:08
jtaylorI have nothing13:08
edgyjtaylor: then how can i find where are those rules coming from?13:08
jtaylorno idea13:08
edgyI have a guess. it could virt-manager13:09
edgyI guessed so because that ip is on interface called virbr013:09
CarlFKwhy not in natty?13:20
bazhangCarlFK, gamix ?13:21
bazhangits there; /msg ubottu info gamix13:22
ubottuDebian bug 628384 in ftp.debian.org "RM: gamix -- RoQA; orphaned, RC-buggy, better alternatives exist" [Normal,Open]13:22
CarlFKer, sorry, not why natty, why not on onrick13:22
CarlFKthus me asking here in +113:23
bazhangyep, you mentioned natty13:23
jtaylorsee the bug13:23
CarlFKgot it.  thanks13:23
CarlFKwhat does "PCM" stand for?13:25
bazhangPCM (digital audio) interface13:26
penguin42Pulse Code Modulation13:26
penguin42CarlFK: Sending audio as a sequence of codes - as opposed to for example pulse width modulation where you just use the width of pulses to represent the amplitude13:27
CarlFKso is that an input or output?13:29
penguin42to what?13:30
CarlFKI have a usb audio device - I can capture audio from it.  but alsamixer says "no capture device"  (on both oneric and natty)13:33
CarlFKso something is wonky.  trying to figure out what's going on13:34
penguin42there's a page on debugging audio stuff13:44
penguin42hmm - although they primarily seem to be based around output13:45
penguin42CarlFK: Can you pastebin /proc/asound/cards ?13:46
CarlFKpenguin42: output of script from debugging page:  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f42f65402eb315265baae14e76fa1f48a32af61113:47
CarlFKhttp://dpaste.de/74GY/  /proc/asound/cards13:49
* penguin42 looks13:50
CarlFKthat's the device13:51
penguin42well, it does list the capture device for that card13:53
CarlFKI've been told (tm) that the default setting is 50 or 80% of max.  I want it 100%.13:53
CarlFKalsamixer says ""This sound device does not have any capture controls. "13:53
penguin42yeh, that's what the debug shows - a usb mixer but only for playback13:53
BluesKajdunno if this will help or not CarlFK , sudo gstreamer-properties , if a gui pops up then you can configure your device , and a reboot might be inorder .13:54
CarlFKBluesKaj: um.. gui popped, I can select "Default input, alsa, usb" - but don't see any way to adjust levels13:56
penguin42CarlFK: I don't think the driver is finding the input mixer at all13:56
BluesKajCarlFK, alsamixer all configured ?13:57
CarlFKBluesKaj: ?13:57
penguin42BluesKaj: That debug output shows it's not getting that far13:58
BluesKajCarlFK,F4 for capture devices , it might sho up there13:58
CarlFKBluesKaj:   alsamixer says ""This sound device does not have any capture controls. "13:59
BluesKajyeah , it sounds weird but I've seen that in the past , CarlFK , just thought it was worth a try :(14:00
penguin42CarlFK: If you're reasonably sure the device has an input mixer I'd submit a bug14:01
BluesKajCarlFK, have you considered "jack" ? Some outboard devices like USN and firewire work quite well with it14:02
CarlFKpenguin42: "input mixer" = ability to tell the hardware to adjust level?14:02
BluesKajerr USB14:02
penguin42CarlFK: Yeh14:03
CarlFKpenguin42: im not really sure what it can/can't do.  friend insists he used gamix to change it, resulting in better sounding audio.14:03
CarlFKgiven it is standard usb audio, is there some way I can fore it to try and adjust it? (guessing there is a standard api for this)14:04
CarlFKpenguin42: you seem on top of sound stuff - if the vu meeter maxes out, that means the input 'mix' (if there is one) is maxed, right?14:32
CarlFKif it wasn't, then it couldn't deliver 'max' (I think 0db is the tech thing I should really learn)14:33
CarlFKcuz when I give it a strong input signal, it maxes my apps vu meeter.14:33
CarlFKso I think my friend that thinks he adjusted it is on crack14:34
penguin42CarlFK: Problem is there are so many different mixers (software and hardware) it's difficult to actually follow which slider does what unless you really dig - and I don't know them all14:37
kjeldahlNot sure I like the new window switcher which merges apps with multiple windows, not allowing me to select a specific browser window without doing extra finger magic...14:40
BluesKajkjeldahl, got desktop effects turned on ? run your mouse to left top corner of the scrn14:47
BluesKajerr cursor14:47
kjeldahlBluesKaj: I think I have effect on, I'm on Oneiric Alpha3 "pure". Looks snappy, semi transparent windows etc. Moving cursor to top left corner makes nothing happen.14:56
kjeldahlBluesKaj: Well, pulls out unity bar in certain apps..14:57
penguin42BluesKaj: Oh thanks - I don't think I would have spotted that - I was wondering hth I managed to minimize a firefox window14:57
BluesKajkjeldahl, penguin42 , oddly I can't recall which effect that's called in destop effects, desktop grid ?15:03
* penguin42 doesn't know - it seems to have landed in a very recent update15:04
kjeldahlBluesKaj: Dunno, but it also seems the whole compiz control setup is also missing from the system settings thingy, as it already seems to be installed. I know it from earlier ubuntu releases, but the whole system settings app is pretty sparsly populated on Oneiric (yet anyway).15:05
BluesKajwell, the composting in kde is somewhat different than gnome , so i'm not sure what the diffs are.15:06
ari-tczewdoes nvidia driver work on oneiric? (kernel 3.*)15:51
BluesKajari-tczew, yes , depends which nvidia card ..5yrs old or newer should be fine15:52
ari-tczewBluesKaj: nvidia 9600gso, doesn't work :/15:52
BluesKajhmm, no patience ...instant gratification failure, strikes again16:06
BluesKajChogyDan, are you running oneiric?18:52
Ian_Corneout f the blue question?18:54
BluesKajno he asked about dkms failure in #ubuntu and then he joined here18:54
ChogyDanBluesKaj: no actually, something weird.  I was trying to install the 3.0 kernel on natty.  It looks like it isn't compatible though18:55
Ian_Cornenvidia from natty doesn't work on 3018:57
jtaylorthants dangerous, there is a bunch of stuff that breaks due to the version number alone18:57
ChogyDanIan_Corne: my guess is that there is an issue with the build scripts and the version change18:58
Ian_CorneChogyDan: it's fixed in the newer versions18:58
Ian_Corneand i only asumed you had a problem with nvidia because of your dkms question18:58
ChogyDanyeah, I would imagine.  I'm used to being able to test out the kernels this way.  But it looks like I will have to do a full oneiric testing install18:59
BluesKajis there an lspci command that shows empty pci slots ?...don't feel like taking the pc apart just now19:03
ChogyDanBluesKaj: maybe lshw19:03
penguin42BluesKaj: dmidecode might19:03
ChogyDansudo lshw19:03
penguin42BluesKaj: It relies on the BIOS actually being correct, which is rare19:03
Tetsuo55i wish there where far more devs working on the kernel, and that bioses where open19:21
* Tetsuo55 keeps on dreaming19:21
spacebug-Will it not be possible to not turn screen off? As it is now, one can only chose how much time it will be till it does. There is not option "do not turn of screen". Also, when it puts the screen off, there is still the clock and username showing, not good for monitors. So, I cannot disable screen from going blank (when watching movies and such) and when it does, it still does not really put it off.19:25
jbichaspacebug-: there is an API that apps can use to inhibit the screensaver, so that is a bug in the app if it doesn't work automatically19:26
jbichathat doesn't help Flash videos though...19:26
spacebug-well I'm not thinking about a special app right now19:27
jbichaand the screensaver only shows the time and username for a few minutes before the screen turns off19:27
jbichabut I heard that that entire bar might be disabled for Oneiric anyway19:27
spacebug-oh ok19:28
jbichaI actually like it but it's a Gnome Shell look not the Unity look19:28
trismspacebug-: I managed to kill the screen blanking with: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false; and adding: sh -c 'xset -dpms' to Startup Applications19:29
spacebug-I dont really care about the look, just want the function of beaing able to chose when to turn screen off and not and how ;)19:29
spacebug-trism: hum ok19:30
* penguin42 is always nervous of having features on the lock screen - got to be very very careful with security19:30
spacebug-for a OS that should be more and more userfriendly I dont think that is going the right way hehe19:33
jbichathose are GNOME design decisions, not Ubuntu19:33
jbichaif you like lots of configuration options, try KDE :-)19:33
spacebug-yes, well that is my second choice19:34
spacebug-used it for many years. Though I liked gnome when I started with ubuntu about a year ago19:34
spacebug-well ,we'll see19:36
bjsniderBUGabundo, have you tried to test the alleged pulseaudio support in chromium?20:53
lenThe new Muon package manager is really nice.  I just wish there was an option to "view details" as it is installing packages so you can all the messages given off as the packages are install.  Sometimes you see some important messages that are helpful to know.20:56
Daekdroom!info Muon20:56
ubottuPackage Muon does not exist in oneiric20:56
BUGabundoboas noites20:56
BUGabundobjsnider: didn't even knew about it20:57
BUGabundoI'm happy to be on gnome classic20:57
BUGabundolots of crashes everywhere20:57
BUGabundowith no 3D20:57
BUGabundoif I enable 3D I don't have the bottom applet bar :S20:57
bjsnidergoogle added pulseaudio support to chrome/chormium supposedly although i'm unable to test it20:57
lenIt's a QT-based package manager included in Oneirirc Kubuntu20:57
njinhello, can someone drag and drop window between workspaces in unity 2D ?20:58
bjsniderBUGabundo, you'd need to try an html5 audio/video file probably and then look at the audio indicator's applications tab to check if it still says alsa-plugin or just chromium20:58
bjsnideron the other hand, maybe fta hasn't enabled it21:00
njinbug 83023121:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830231 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "Impossible to move window from workspaces" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83023121:00
BUGabundocan it be another day?21:00
BUGabundohaving a lousy day today21:00
BUGabundojust happy I got Gnome working21:00
BUGabundooh and re-hammered my grub2 to boot from ISO21:00
BUGabundoso I have daily kubuntu and ubuntu on grub2 now21:00
BUGabundotrying to get ChromiumOS to boot too... but I can't :(21:01
lenSpeaking of grub2, when will it finally be officallly out of beta.  It's been at 1.99 for years.21:02
mauriwhen kde starts , nautilus starts also.... why?21:06
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bjsniderwell, for me it's still using the alsa plugin21:08
yofelmauri: same here, haven't found out why yet21:08
penguin42mauri: Oh wow - it's not just me!21:09
bullgard4_What repository provides the DEB program package »libpanel-applet2-0« ?21:09
jbichaactually, libpanel-applet2 isn't supported any more21:10
bullgard4_gnome-panel is no repository.21:10
jbichanatty has it, but it's not supported in oneiric...21:10
Ian_Corne!info libpanel-applet2-021:10
ubottulibpanel-applet2-0 (source: gnome-panel): library for GNOME Panel applets. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.32.1-0ubuntu6.5 (oneiric), package size 80 kB, installed size 196 kB21:10
Ian_Corneit's there21:11
yofelwell, it _is_ in oneiric,  and in main, so it is supported21:11
jbichano, it just hasn't been removed yet, it's a package without a source21:12
bullgard4_jbicha: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libpanel-applet2-0&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all: "You have searched for packages that names contain libpanel-applet2-0 in suite(s) oneiric, all sections, and all architectures. Found 1 matching packages."21:12
yofelah, true21:12
bullgard4_jbicha: "[23:12]<jbicha>no, it just hasn't been removed yet, it's a package without a source" <- Can you prove your statement.21:13
jbichayes, apt-cache depends gnome-panel21:13
yofelbullgard4_: the source package is gnome-panel, but the oneiric source of gnome-panel doesn't build that lib anymore, so only the binaries that were copied from natty are left21:14
jbichagnome-panel used to provide libpanel-applet2 but it doesn't now and it won't let you install libpanel-applet2 and keep it installed21:14
jbichaanything that uses libpanel-applet2 needs to be ported to panel-applet4 so that it can work in GNOME 321:14
bjsnideryofel, you're evidently being pressured to join the ranks of gnome users21:20
bjsniderthey're demonstrating how great nautilus is21:20
bullgard4_jbicha: '~$ apt-cache depends gnome-panel; Depends: libpanel-applet-4-0'. Synaptic tells me that libpanel-applet-4-0 version 1:3.1.5-ubuntu1 is installed on my Oneiric computer.21:21
yofelbjsnider: funny thing, it's absolutely invisible until you log out - then you see the gnomeish desktop ^^21:22
yofelwell, for a second or so21:22
* penguin42 wonders where my volume control went on KDE22:39
BUGabundoits not working in gnome either22:42
penguin42the issue isn't working ness - the issue is it's gone22:43
yofelkmix works fine here, didn't restart yet today though22:45
penguin42yofel: It doesn't seem to be on the 'add widget' list22:45
penguin42ah thank you - ran kmix and it's back22:46
penguin42yofel: The odd thing that happened to me this morning was that it flipped default audio output (which wsa easy to fix) - not sure why KDE/pulse decided to do that22:46
yofelit did that for me twice in the last week...22:47
yofelI'm not sure why it prefers my HDMI port (well, displayport) over my internal card :/22:48
penguin42yeh, same problem22:48
penguin42especially since they're is nothing plugged in to the HDMI22:49
penguin42bizarre; youtube just started playign videos at like 5x speed - restarting pa fixed it22:56
Ian_Corneyou have discovered the hyper PA function22:56
Ian_Cornenah, that's something that would appear in an apple slideshow, sorry22:57
penguin42I mean a fast-forward in youtube would be very nice - but still22:57
=== niekie_ is now known as niekie
Ian_Corneit's available23:06
Ian_Corneif you enable html5 playback23:06
penguin42oh - didn't know23:06
penguin42hmph package upgrade of flashplugin-installer failing23:32
Ian_Cornesomething with ndiswrapper23:33
Ian_Corneand i32 libs23:33
Ian_Cornethere's a 64 bit beta23:33
Ian_Cornewhich isn't broken23:33
penguin42yeh, par for the course23:34
Ian_Cornepar for the course?23:34
penguin42Ian_Corne: Normal, expected23:34
penguin42Ian_Corne: Common expression here; derived from golf23:35
Ian_Corneok :)23:36
Ian_Cornehere being?23:36
Ian_CorneI'm from belgium so english isn't my mother tongue23:36
penguin42Ian_Corne: I believe (not being a golfer) that each golf hole has a 'par' which is the number of shots taken to play it on average; so that's what's expected23:37
Ian_Corneyes i know23:37
Ian_Cornebut are you from the UK or the US?23:38
Ian_Corneor is it used in all english speaking countries23:38
Ian_CorneI will add the expression to my vocabulary23:38
jbichait's American too23:41
Ian_Corneyeah I learned most of my english from tv and talking on irc and mumble/ventrillo23:42
Ian_Corneso not too high quality :D23:42
penguin42youch; learning language via irc....I could tell you anything23:58

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