
=== Hellow is now known as collinp
=== seidos_ is now known as seidos
r4yI was wondeing with Deluge when a port is down, why doesn't it change ports automatically, so if I am not here to test ports and have to quit Deluge and re-open Deluge to get a new random port up using UPnP to get things back up and seeding?10:09
=== duanedes1gn is now known as duanedesign
=== d_atharva_ is now known as Singham
Abhijithello Greg__14:37
Greg__Ok, so I have natty narwale running on my laptop last night it told me I should update,  it downloaded a bunch of updates that included a generic linux kernal and now I can't connect to the internet at all14:38
Greg__I had a really hard time getting my wireless connection to work in the first place, but since this update I can't even get the wired connection to work14:39
Greg__anyone on that can point me in the right direction or?14:42
Sidewinder1Greg__, My networking worked "out of the box", so I'm not real familiar with trouble-shooting; perhaps try #ubuntu... But, wait a while as you don't want to be accused of "cross-posting". :-)14:44
Greg__k, later then14:46
=== assassin is now known as group
=== group is now known as assassin
=== assassin is now known as raju
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
philipballewwhats a good light weight internet browser?21:52
Unit193Midori, Arora, links2 some people think Chromium21:52
philipballewff is to much21:53
philipballewim takin a lxde system and stripping down unnessery things so it runs fast21:53
Unit193I didn't like Firefox :D21:54
Unit193!info arora21:54
Unit193arora (source: arora): simple cross platform web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.2-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1497 kB, installed size 4080 kB21:54
philipballewill try it!21:56
seidosi wonder if these touchpads are any good:  http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/238536/99_touchpad_too_good_to_pass_up.html21:57
seidos$99 is cheap21:57
Unit193ubot2: info midori21:57
ubot2Unit193: midori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.4-3 (maverick), package size 804 kB, installed size 2816 kB21:57
philipballewseidos, it looks good enough21:59
seidosit would be interesting to test gnu/linux on it22:01
* philipballew wonders how much ram it has22:02
seidoswell, just wanted to say for anyone looking for a tablet on the cheap, probably should've said in #ubuntu-beginners-team22:05
philipballewyou did say here :)22:08
seidoseye know22:12
magicjamesvSo I've got an old Dell Latitude laptop with 256mb RAM, and a 751 MHz Pentium III that I want to install linux on. Whicj distro would run best on this machine?22:22
ubot2lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.22:25

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