
sidneiniemeyer, uhm. looks like i digged my own hole there. now i must type really fast. ;)00:45
sidneiim sure if i just go back and read all the channel logs i'll learn EVERYTHING. or maybe read the source. :)00:47
_mup_Bug #829880 was filed: object store doesn't like key with '/'  <Ensemble:Triaged by hazmat> <OpenStack Compute (nova):New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/829880 >02:26
hazmatsidnei, if you script the download of irclogs, i'd be interested in the script ;-)02:27
niemeyerHey there14:00
sidneihey niemeyer14:32
niemeyersidnei: Yo!14:32
niemeyersidnei: Ready for the talk? :-)14:32
sidneiniemeyer, no ;)14:32
niemeyersidnei: Hehe :)14:33
niemeyersidnei: It's no big deal.. just play with it and you'll easily get the idea14:33
niemeyersidnei: and we'll be here :)14:33
sidneiniemeyer, sure. i'm thinking of starting with a background of 'why ensemble', which should fill at least half the time. then get to the 'how', and hopefully i won't run out of time. :)14:34
sidneiniemeyer, because most people won't have heard of it anyway14:34
niemeyersidnei: Sounds good.. I have the slides from FISL too, in case you want to get a head start14:35
sidneiniemeyer, definitely helpful14:35
niemeyersidnei: http://labix.org/presentations/ensemble-fisl12/14:38
niemeyersidnei: The demo there is a short (3m) video.. I can send you at some point too if you want14:39
sidneiniemeyer, that's fine thinking of saving the demo for a lightning talk.14:40
niemeyersidnei: In my experience the demo has been game-changing in presentations14:41
niemeyersidnei: I could babble for hours and it wouldn't be as effective as showing a couple of in-practice minutes14:41
sidneiniemeyer, right. i'm thinking of redoing the demo so it's more readable on a projector, at fisl i could barely read what was on screen.14:43
niemeyersidnei: Ohh, sweet!14:43
niemeyersidnei: We'd love to have that as well! 8)14:43
sidneii'm sure you do :)14:43
sidneiniemeyer, so changing subject but not quite, how do you see a django formula working? i mean, it's different than most services in the sense that installing a package (python-django) does not bring up a service, but instead you need a django app which is generally a vcs checkout.14:46
niemeyersidnei: That's not a big deal per se, but let me try to understand what you're really referring to14:46
niemeyersidnei: Do you mean a generic all-encompassing django formula that can be used for any django app at all, or14:47
niemeyersidnei: .. bundling of a specific django app from a vcs?14:47
sidneiniemeyer, i think there's room for both. where the former probably means making the vcs location configurable in the formula.14:47
niemeyersidnei: Agreed, there's room for both, but they're different paths14:48
niemeyersidnei: I'd actually like to experiment the first option at some point14:48
niemeyersidnei: The second one is easy14:48
niemeyersidnei: For the first one, I'd like to try building something a bit smarter, that would enable communicating to the framework that e.g. a given database was made avaialble14:49
niemeyersidnei: Effectively working more like a PaaS14:49
niemeyersidnei: Imagine building a thin layer that enabled the Python app to query "Hey, what apps are up?", etc14:50
niemeyersidnei: We could then offer a few different relations.. e.g.14:51
niemeyersidnei: mongo-relation-joined, postgres-relation-joined, etc14:51
niemeyersidnei: These would hook directly into Django and configure the respective database14:52
sidneiniemeyer, so hooking into django.settings, ok.14:52
niemeyersidnei: Right.. PaaS FTW14:53
niemeyersidnei: The vcs then is a config option..14:53
niemeyersidnei: Which means exactly the same formula can be used to deploy pretty much any django app straight from vcs14:54
sidneiniemeyer, yup, i can see that working. would be simple to export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to a module generated by things provided by ensemble, which would override the django app defaults.14:56
niemeyersidnei: Right!14:56
sidneiniemeyer, ok. i think i might give that a try. what about the second option, with bundling the app.14:58
niemeyersidnei: That'd be awesome.. please send some feedback to the list later if possible.  This feels like a big area we should start exploring for several platforms14:59
niemeyersidnei: The second option is trivial.. you bundle the app itself without a formula and hardcode things up14:59
niemeyersidnei: Erm15:00
niemeyersidnei: s/without/within/15:00
sidneiniemeyer, so the formula would be pushed to ensemble with a tarball included15:00
niemeyersidnei: Not necessarily.. you can still reference the vcs, for instance15:00
niemeyersidnei: Except it would be hardcoded inside it15:01
niemeyersidnei: But the tarball would be doable too15:01
sidneiniemeyer, ok. and how scalable is the deployment of formulas? if i had 1000s of new instances firing up simultaneously, would ensemble fall over from too many concurrent requests?15:03
sidneiniemeyer, i was looking at murder https://github.com/lg/murder and it seems simpler than i thought it was, maybe a murder formula would be interesting too.15:03
niemeyersidnei: Nope15:04
niemeyersidnei: I mean, no, it won't fall15:04
niemeyersidnei: We never tested such a workload, but the communication is relatively simple15:05
sidneiniemeyer, awesome. 15:07
sidneiniemeyer, i think a murder formula might be interesting anyway, even if just for the sake of showing how to use murder without capistrano. 15:09
niemeyersidnei: I don't know what's murder.. lookig15:11
niemeyersidnei: Ah, is it the twitter thing?15:12
niemeyersidnei: Yeah, certainly interesting..15:12
sidneiniemeyer, the way its deployed seems fairly trivial, it just calls python scripts to fire up a torrent server and multiple peers15:16
sidneiwhere it == capistrano15:16
sidneiniemeyer, i wonder if it would make more sense as a central service provided by ensemble though15:25
niemeyersidnei: Probably not15:30
niemeyersidnei: We we're going to the opposite direction, actually15:30
niemeyersidnei: Ensemble services themselves will eventually be formulas15:30
hazmatmurder is a deploy system, afaicr15:39
hazmati was thinking about doing a wsgi formula15:39
* hazmat tries some jfdi15:39
niemeyerhazmat: Hey15:41
hazmatniemeyer, hola.. spent the morning trying to track down a touchpad15:42
niemeyerhazmat: I understand it as file-copying15:42
hazmati saw the annoucement last night before i went to bed15:42
hazmatrushed to stores this morning, just missed them15:42
hazmat100 for a tablet computer is pretty nice15:42
niemeyerI just googled for "murder"15:42
hazmatdoh ;-)15:42
hazmatniemeyer, it uses zk15:42
hazmatits twitter's deploy system afaicr15:43
hazmatin python15:43
niemeyerhazmat: Yeah, I've listened to part of the talk.. it sounded like a generic file-copying thing, but maybe I forget the details15:43
niemeyerhazmat: I imagined that it might be put in a relation, etc15:44
hazmatniemeyer, basically bittorrent + zk 15:44
niemeyerhazmat: Ensemble won't get in the way of the copying/deploying bit15:44
hazmatniemeyer, yeah.. its not really germane to a service its pretty custom imo15:44
niemeyerhazmat: E.g.: """15:45
niemeyerMurder (which by the way is the name for a flock of crows) is a combination of scripts written in Python and Ruby to easily deploy large binaries throughout your company’s datacenter(s).15:45
hazmata formula interestested in doing app deploy, just does a set on the version in the config file15:45
hazmatfor upgrade15:45
niemeyerhazmat: Still, how would one put the first version in place15:46
hazmatniemeyer, deploy --with-config15:46
hazmatniemeyer, just finished the config.yaml ;-)15:46
niemeyerhazmat: I imagine, e.g., a few formulas like murder-server, murder-service, etc15:47
hazmatniemeyer, i just don't think its that useful15:47
niemeyerAgreed, it's less exciting15:47
smoserhazmat, cloud-init runs fine to my knowledge on canonistack16:43
hazmatsmoser, yeah.. it does.. i was having some issues logging in with keys that where put in place my cloud-init.. but cloud-init works fine16:43
hazmatsmoser, there's a few minor things i noticed.. the metadata server/hostname set seems to hang16:44
smoser"metadata server/hostname set seems to hang"16:44
hazmatsmoser, the login issue disappeared once i started using a keypair when launching instances, haven't bothered to track it down.. it was probably a red -herring16:44
smoserhostname is https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/82096216:45
_mup_Bug #820962: Generating hostname from display name incorrect <OpenStack Compute (nova):Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/820962 >16:45
hazmatsmoser, ah.. yeah that's it16:46
hazmatsmoser, do you know if current openstack has a metadata server of some type?16:46
smoseryes, it does.16:46
smoserits not perfect (bug 823520, bug 827569) but it is present and generally working16:47
_mup_Bug #823520: EC2 instance-type metadata returns SQLAlchemy object string <OpenStack Compute (nova):Fix Committed by dan-prince> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/823520 >16:47
_mup_Bug #827569: ec2metadata service does not include 2011-01-01 <OpenStack Compute (nova):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/827569 >16:47
hazmatthanks, i'll look into that then, there's a little bit of metadata that we'd like for ensemble from the instances16:47
smoseryou're probably running natty ?16:48
hazmatsmoser, yeah.. mostly natty for ec2.. oneiric for lxc 16:48
smoserso user data issue , natty?16:49
hazmatsmoser, honestly atm it all appears to just magically work16:49
hazmati'm able to deploy services on canonistack 16:50
hazmati'm just not sure how in all cases ;-)16:50
hazmatoff to enjoy a beautiful day.. have a good weekend folks16:50
smoserverified that onieric image on canonicalstack works with no --key (launched and accessed via ssh_import_id in cloud-config)16:51
smoserand verified natty does too16:53
smoserbut... there is a bug in the loader kernels it would appear that sometimes they dont' boot all the way16:53
smoserit is the loader kernel that is at fault likely16:53
smosera reboot will usually fix it16:53
sidneiniemeyer, yes, it's pretty generic file copying, peer-to-peer due to bittorrent.17:04

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