
Pauliaxhello, can you help me?00:06
FlannelPauliax: Perhaps.  What did you need help with?00:10
Pauliaxits my foalt my used bad words agains the guy who coal me d**k, please excuce me and unban in #ubuntu please00:12
Pauliaxi really, sorry, but i need this channel because i need to install ubuntu on asus 1015pn, sorry for my mistakes00:15
Jordan_UPauliax: I hope you realize that it's not only the language but also the attitude which are not acceptable, even is someone is being abusive toward you.00:15
Pauliaxyes i was wrong00:16
Jordan_UGood. Please read the channel guidelines (tell me when you're done).00:16
Jordan_U!guidelines | Pauliax00:16
ubottuPauliax: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:16
PauliaxEnglish, please or Don't be annoying?00:19
Jordan_UPauliax: When I typed "!guidelines | Pauliax" it was a command to the channel bot, ubottu, to give you a link to the channel guidelines.00:20
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:22
Pauliaxso 8 or 10?00:24
Jordan_UPauliax: I don't understand your question.00:25
FlannelPauliax: You should strive to follow all of the guidelines, not just some of them00:26
Pauliaxso then 10 Don't be annoying00:27
topyliit's really a spirit or atmosphere we want, don'read it as laws you can follow or find ways around :)00:29
Pauliaxi really need your forum tomorow on asus 1015pn, i dont know if i find all drivers, on ion2, just please00:32
Jordan_UPauliax: Do you agree to follow the channel guidelines in the future?00:32
Pauliaxyes and really sorry00:32
Jordan_UPauliax: You should be able to join #ubuntu now (please try just to confirm).00:34
Pauliaxthank you00:34
Jordan_UYou're welcome.00:35
topyliPauliax: thanks for understanding that we need to keep the channels friendly, safe, and ubuntu-ish00:37
topyliPauliax: you should part this channel, since your issue is now dealt with00:39
Pauliaxsorry my english is very bad, what doaes it mean?00:40
topyliPauliax: you should not stay on this channel because the business is done00:42
topyliray24 is mocking me for having no kids in -ot. i dont want to do anything myself. he's been an ass before towards others too00:49
topylimight want to watch00:49
Jordan_Utopyli: I don't think it's apropriate for an Ubuntu op to be calling people names, however apt they may be.00:50
topyliJordan_U: agreed, sorry. this is a logged channel too, to make it worse00:51
CoreyMy issues are never dealt with, ergo I never part. :-)00:58
topyliyou took the job, there is very little hope01:00
galamardoes anyone know what the backtrack ops channel is?01:43
bazhang /msg chanserv access #backtrack-linux list01:45
bazhanggalamar, ^01:45
galamarokay thank you....01:45
galamaralso you may have to kick me cause I dont know how to close the irssi channel windows. but let me get that command first 2 seconds.01:46
Flannelgalamar: /wc or /part (wc is window close)01:47
galamarok ty01:47
galamari can not see the room I need because my screen is to short. is there any way someone can tell me it... and sorry for un-ubuntu related questions.01:49
galamaror maybe a way to display that list differently?01:50
Flannelgalamar: page-up and page-down work in irssi.  If they don't due ot your terminal, alt-p and alt-n work for previous/next pages.01:51
Flannelbut the command bazhang gave you will give you a list of operators, not a channel.01:51
Flannelgalamar: I don't see an operator channel, so a list of operators for you to message privately is likely the best route of support if you can't get in touch with one in the backtrack channel.01:52
galamaroh is there a command to list rooms related to bt5?01:52
Flannelgalamar: /msg alis list #backtrack*01:52
galamarokay ty I will leave now01:52
bazhang<Joe0006> bazhang is there an http debuger in ubuntu?   <-- does that make sense?03:19
bazhangthat PPA link is fairly visible03:48
rwwcan't wait for oneiric to come out so we can just tell them to use that03:48
bazhangno idea what encryption error he is referring to03:51
rwwgnome-keyring password prompts, maybe?03:51
rwwor wifi password?03:51
bazhang<EKUriox> what is the root default password03:51
bazhanghe's just not listening03:54
rwwthat's okay, now the not listening goes both ways.03:58
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ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from paulo)16:32
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reiniswtf is this channel18:35
reinisI was trying to join #ubuntu18:36
oCeanreinis: this is the operator channel18:36
reiniswhy am I ending up here when I do /join #ubuntu18:36
reinis21:35 -!- #ubuntu #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel18:36
oCeanwell, there might be a ban-forward from that channel to here18:36
oCeanoh but you left!18:38
charlie-tcabut they will return, won't they ;)18:38
oCeanmaybe, in that case, it's BT 4039718:39
MyrttioCean: you've played too much minecraft18:44
Tm_Trhow so?18:57
rwwoCean is green and looks like :{19:04
robinetdSomeone might want to check in on #ubuntu-offtopic, goddard is now talking about his genitals.19:31
Guest84747i am19:32
robinetdK. Not sure who you are though.19:32
rwwrobinetd: LjL19:32
robinetdHe's an op? :o19:32
rwwrobinetd: yes19:32
* robinetd runs away19:32
rwwrobinetd: I'm his mentor. It's hilarity all around.19:32
rwwGuest84747: speaking of which, I haven't mentored you in a while. Don't not not not not not not not not kickban the entire channel.19:33
Guest84747rww: does mentoring duty includes shoulder to cry upon19:35
rwwGuest84747: if I had shoulders, which I don't, because I'm a robot.19:36
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