
=== CrazyGir is now known as Guest28914
maknzHi, if the mail() function returns 1/true, is it safe to assume that a problem with the mail being sent lies with the mailing daemon, not PHP (or at least the PHP script)?01:54
maknzAh, wrong channel >_< sorry!01:57
=== Guest28914 is now known as CrazyGir
Demosthenesanyone have virtualbox running on lucid? my dkms modules refuse to compile.04:27
lickalottdid you spank them?04:28
Demostheneswell, i only dabble in dominating kernel modules.04:29
Demosthenesi don't think these really fear me yet04:29
lickalotti've only ever used it on winblows04:31
uvirtbot`New bug: #829944 in clamav (main) "stopping freshclam doesn't remove pidfile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82994408:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #829945 in clamav (main) "purging all clamav packages doesn't remove /var/run/clamav directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82994509:02
greenmang0can anybody here tell me the procedure to "fsck" an "lvm" partition using "live cd" ?10:01
greenmang0filesystem has errors on it ... but then i mount it using live cd ... e2fsck says that it's clean10:02
patdk-lapdon't mount it, just fsck it10:07
patdk-lape2fsck -f /dev/....10:08
greenmang0patdk-lap, yes... tried that ... it still says "clean"10:10
patdk-lapusing -f?10:10
greenmang0patdk-lap, yes ... -fv10:10
patdk-lap-f is suppost to make it check, even if it's clean10:11
patdk-lapso it must really be clean then10:11
patdk-lapwhy do you think it's broken?10:11
greenmang0patdk-lap, but if i boot system and run "e2fsck -n /dev/mapper/foobar" it says partition has errors10:11
patdk-lapyou did mount the lvm right?10:11
greenmang0patdk-lap, what happens is the file system suddenly becomes "read-only" after few days of uptime and some files become inaccessible10:12
greenmang0patdk-lap, rebooting solve the issue temporarily ...10:12
patdk-lapheh, I had that happen only once10:12
greenmang0and i keep getting some "ata" errors on login screen10:13
patdk-lapit was my laptops intel wifi driver doing it, corrupting ext3 somehow10:13
patdk-lapupgraded the driver, and all is good10:13
greenmang0patdk-lap, how can i find the root cause?10:13
patdk-lapno idea10:13
patdk-lapI solved it by chance, kindof, by removing parts of the computer, and trying again10:14
patdk-laptill it didn't corrupt the filesystem10:14
greenmang0patdk-lap, ok10:14
patdk-lapfor me, I couldn't even do an install, cause it would get corrupted that quickly10:14
patdk-lapso it provided a pretty quick reliable way to tell10:15
jformanhi all. is there an easy way to convert a ubuntu 10.04 server LTS release to standard 11.04 server? without blowing it away and reinstalling from scratch11:34
alamardist-upgrade to 10.10 and then to 11.0411:37
jformanthats what i suspected, just wasnt sure. maverick was the option i was given when trying a 'do-release-upgrade -d'.11:38
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alamarjforman: that's what the release notes of 11.04 suggest. (to be more precise they refer to the upgrade notes for maverick)11:39
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RoyKjforman: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal, then run do-release-upgrade13:31
RoyKoops - he apparently left...13:32
sajkacahi. i have 6 hds and i want to make raid 5. how to set up partitions?13:33
RoyKsajkaca: no need for partitions13:33
RoyKsajkaca: have you created a raid with mdadm?13:33
sajkacai m doing a fresh install. i set up raid 1 for /boot partition and then raid 5 and lvm /, swap and storage13:35
sajkacait doesnt work grup cant be installed so i think i did something wrong13:35
RoyKI'd recommend using separate drives for root/boot with raid-1/mirrors13:36
RoyKthen use the remaining drives, equally sized, for a raid-5 (or raid-6 if you're paranoid) for the data13:36
RoyKsmallish 2,5" drives are good if space is an issue13:37
sajkaca4 drives will not be enough for storage i need more. so i have to do 6 hds for raid. only boot is the problem13:42
sajkacabecose it wont work. and i read on google that there is some ishues with ubuntu raid 5 etc.. so i need howto that the system will work fine13:42
ubunteohi everyone.13:50
ubunteohow are you ??13:50
ubunteodo we need public IP to build webserver to be accessed anywhere from internet ?13:57
RoyKsajkaca: the problem with mixed raid setup is when something fails - get some small drives for the root - you can probably find some small drives from ebay for close to nothing - for example http://www.ebay.com/itm/40GB-5400RPM-2-5-SATA-Serial-ATA-Laptop-Hard-Drive-HDD-/260833948384?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbaea32e014:03
RoyKubunteo: yes14:03
RoyKubunteo: either a public IP or some nat magick14:04
ubunteoRoyK: thanks14:04
ubunteoour office Firewall blocked pinging/traceroute to google or other public DNS servers . I can't access firewall. How could I do without touching firewall?14:06
* RoyK was at a dinner with a friend last night, watching movies and having a few glasses of wine before going home about half past five in the morning, and can only conclude he's not 20 anymore :P14:06
RoyKubunteo: ask the sysadmin to open up for the webserver14:06
RoyKpreferably, it should be in the DMZ14:06
RoyKstupid bot....14:07
ubunteoRoyK: I hate bots except in counter-strike game14:08
RoyKI was referring to ubottu14:08
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents14:08
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress]14:09
RoyKbug #1 is always amusing :)14:09
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114:09
ubunteowhy can't GIMP or others can't be exactly the same like Photoshop?14:11
RoyK"why can't linux be exactly the same as windows?"14:11
ubunteowine is odd14:12
RoyKubunteo: there are sets of shortcuts out there to mimic photoshop14:12
RoyKubunteo: they're separate systems, with separate goals, so they're bound to be different14:12
ubunteoRoyK: I mean other features like addons and brushes and actions.14:12
RoyKand Adobe has been in this for years and gimp is still rather new in comparison14:13
RoyKubunteo: /j #gimp14:13
RoyKit's not really an ubuntu server issue :P14:13
ubunteoRoyK: the sad thing is OSS community can't create absolute alternative to  Windows' Active Directory. even SAMBA LDAP can't resemble windows exactly the same features14:14
RoyKsamba4 does14:14
RoyKbut then, it's not finished14:14
ubunteoRoyK: I want to stop using Windows AD . it is waste of money14:14
RoyKand, btw, samba isn't an acronym14:15
RoyKjust a name derived from SMB (server message block, the windoze file sharing protocol)14:15
ubunteoRoyK: may be a rumor or I dont know. there would be ubuntu directory services. how is that status to totally replace windows AD ?14:15
RoyKubunteo: samba4 supports acting as an AD controller14:16
RoyKit's still in alpha, though (IIRC). See http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba4 for more info14:17
ubunteoRoyK:  actually Novell Directory Service eDirectory can totally replace or do same feature like windows AD for most common daily routines for users of windows. why ubuntu can't ?14:17
RoyKhm... seems it's left alpha14:17
RoyKNDS is closed source14:18
* RoyK is an old NetWare Master CNE :D14:18
RoyKubunteo: but then, openldap and samba can do a few things14:19
RoyKwith samba4, it'll be far easier to implement windows integration14:19
ubunteoRoyK: I know it is dead end technology according to the whole world though I don't know exactly why. But installiing novell clients for widnows on each windows computer, it can communicate well with Novell eDirectory14:19
RoyKI know14:20
RoyKNDS is kickass technology compared to AD14:20
RoyKAD is merely a smart extension of the old winnt domains14:20
ubunteoRoyK: I would like to get the same feature with ubuntu servers at back end and windows clients at front end14:20
RoyKNDS is a distributed catalog service14:20
RoyKwell, for windows, you either need an NDS client, or AD support14:21
RoyKAFAIK windows doesn't support LDAP logins14:21
RoyKand I doubt mickysoft will add that, since by then, there'll be less need for AD14:21
RoyKubunteo: try samba414:22
RoyKyou'll need to compile it from source, though, but it might be worth a try if you're eager to kick out M$ servers14:22
ubunteoRoyK:  but making samba can directly talk to windows and for over exceeded quantity of users that samba can't handle, samba server should connect to LDAP server to handle. I read that on one article14:23
RoyKerm... I didn't quite understand that - what do you mean?14:24
ubunteoRoyK: I have to convince management before we decide to use ubuntu instead of costly windows. This is reform. I would like to make sure all before hand.14:24
RoyKkeep your AD controller and use Samba for fileservers14:25
RoyKsamba can join AD easily14:25
RoyKusing samba4 in production would be silly14:25
ubunteoRoyK: I don't want to see MS stuffs anymore. I dn't want install antivirus and other related problems14:25
RoyKubunteo: are your clients running windows?14:26
ubunteoRoyK: yes. all clients are windows.. all servers are novell. I am now in the middle of nowhere to migrate to ubuntu or windows servers for the backend deployment14:26
RoyKok, so you're using netware and NDS?14:27
RoyKcurrently, there's no good open source replacement for AD or NDS14:29
ubunteoRoyK: yes. Groupwise. Border Manager14:29
ubunteoRoyK: oh. that sucks . that is why linux still can't beat Microsoft14:29
ubunteoRoyK: ok thanks a lot. let me stop.14:30
RoyKwell, linux is a bit more than windows integration - last I checked, linux was the most used OS for web services and more14:30
RoyKubunteo: btw14:30
RoyKubunteo: I think there might be an LDAP login plugin available for win14:30
RoyKhaven't tried it, though14:30
ubunteois there anyone who is using inventory software to record IT stocks like toners, cartridges and CDs, DVDs cosume and refill ?14:31
ubunteoAs I am looking for inventory software for non-profit organizations. There is no sales or linking to accounts in this inventory software.14:32
RoyKno idea, but I guess there are dozens of packages available for that14:40
RoyKgoogle for it14:40
ubunteoRoyK: I checked sf.net. most are network based tracing serials network cards .bla bla. I just want pure IT stocks recordiing no sales included14:45
ubunteothanks all . see you later14:51
uvirtbot`New bug: #830108 in bacula (main) "bacula director eror in initial conf file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83010815:51
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KM0201anyone aware of a good, mini sas card that will be supported out of the box.  I'd like support for 8 drives.16:34
uvirtbot`New bug: #830129 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83012916:36
KM0201upgraded from 10.04 to 11.10?  that was smart16:38
KM0201skipped a few in between there.16:38
mfraz74KM0201: on your server?16:38
KM0201no, i didn't..lol i'm not that dumb.. i clicked the link on the bug report and read it.16:39
KM0201or do you mean the mini-sas card question?16:39
mfraz74i meant the upgrading to 11.0116:40
KM0201oh no, id idn't do that.. lol16:40
KM0201click the link on the bug report, and read his description of his "bug" (i think the bigger problem is between his ears)16:40
* patdk-lap wonders what exactly is a mini-sas card16:41
mfraz74i'm running kubuntu 11.10 on a netbook, it's looking good, but i wouldn't trust it on my main machine yet16:41
patdk-lapI know sas and sata, but haven't seen anything called mini16:41
mfraz74is the card mini?16:41
patdk-lapdunno, that would be called lowprofile16:42
KM0201i've always heard it called a mini-sas card.. maybe i named it improperly16:42
KM0201sas is appropriat ei'm sure.. i think mini just describes the card16:42
patdk-lapsas lp card :), low profile sas hba, to be more exact16:42
KM0201i'm int he US, and second, i don't wanna spend that much, that's a little insane.16:43
patdk-lapoh, the mini-sas in that refers to the sff-8087 ports16:43
mfraz74it was a bit expensive, i've found another for £23 :)16:43
mfraz74i was just using it as an example of mini-sas cards16:44
KM0201ok.. let me explain what i want.. i think its sff 8087.... i want a raid card, that has 2 ports, that will allow me to run 8 drives, w/ a cable like this..  http://www.amazon.com/Adaptec-2236600-R-Internal-Mini-SASX4-SFF-8087/dp/B000GU04X216:44
patdk-lapI think some call it mini-sas compared to the sff-8484 conector16:44
patdk-laplooks like your getting a highpoint then16:46
patdk-lapif you want cost effective16:46
patdk-lapotherwise probably go with an lsi16:46
KM0201well cost effective would be nice.16:46
KM0201i'd like to keep it between 90-150 US (not sure on your idea of cost effective)16:46
patdk-lapyou want a raid card for <200?16:46
KM0201i did't think that seemed htat unusual.16:47
patdk-lapyour asking for fakeraid, and they don't make fakeraid sas16:47
KM0201patdk-lap: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681611509616:48
KM0201patdk-lap: if i'm looking at that card correctly, it should support 8 drives (2 ports, 4 drives each)16:49
patdk-lapit does16:49
patdk-lapbut the firmware on that card isn't that great16:49
KM0201why would that be a concern?...16:50
patdk-lapyou don't know how to read the feedback section?16:50
patdk-lapor do your own research about stuff before you buy?16:50
KM0201actually, i didn't even notice it had a feedback tab..lol16:50
KM0201yes, i research before i buy, i was just posting that one as an example.16:50
patdk-lapif you look, only highpoints are <20016:51
KM0201i know high point makes a crap firearm, so maybe thats an omen.. :)16:52
patdk-lapwell, some of their stuff isn't16:52
KM0201their pistols.16:52
patdk-lapmaybe they will be like ati was16:52
KM0201some of their rifles get rave reviews (but i have no experience w/ those)16:52
patdk-lapI refused to get an ati video card cause the drivers where always crashing systems16:52
KM0201patdk-lap: how is intel usually?...  http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681611715716:56
patdk-lapintel is just relabled lsi16:57
KM0201that should do what i want i think16:57
KM0201now just to see how solid it's linux support is16:58
patdk-laphmm? lsi has always been making linux drivers16:58
patdk-lapnever had an issue16:58
KM0201are they "plug n play" or do you have to compile the driver?16:59
patdk-lapjust have to download the management software from their website16:59
KM0201is that really necessary?17:00
patdk-lapif you want to fix the raid without taking the whole system down? yes17:00
KM0201sounds like its necessary.. :)17:00
patdk-lapor see if a drive failed, without depending on led's17:00
KM0201how does the mgmt software work?17:01
patdk-lappretty simple17:01
patdk-laplooks just like the bios interface17:01
patdk-lapatleast for the ones I have17:01
KM0201hmm, so do you run it via SSH, or.. ?17:02
KM0201i see.17:02
KM0201that seems like it would be the easiest way.17:03
KM0201maybe i should up my budget a bit, and not "shortchange" this one17:03
KM0201software raid is working OK, but i only have 6 ports, and have 8 bays... but.. right now i don't need all 6 ports.17:11
KM0201patdk-lap: question about software raid (i'm kinda new to this)... say one of my drives borks out.. 1. how do i know, and 2, is easy to add a new drive to the array?17:11
patdk-lapask mdadm17:12
KM0201i see where you're going17:13
KM0201unfortunately a lot of that is greek to me17:14
qman__KM0201, cat /proc/mdstat (or set it up to email you), and yes, it's easy17:23
qman__install new drive, partition it, then add it to the array with mdadm17:23
KM0201yeah, i just found a lnk,   http://www.howtoforge.com/replacing_hard_disks_in_a_raid1_array17:24
KM0201i guess my bigger question, is how to tell which drive is bad..17:24
KM0201i'm gonna try it in vbox, see if i run into a problem17:24
qman__the way I tell is with smartctl17:24
qman__it tells you the serial number when you smartctl -a /dev/sd?17:25
qman__which is printed on the label17:25
qman__also, it's often too late when the drive actually drops out of the array17:25
qman__I use smartd to email me on bad sectors17:26
KM0201wha tdo you mean "to late".. if i'm using raid 1.. there should be a mirror on the other drive.17:26
qman__I lost an 8 disk raid 5 that way, three drives failed in one day17:26
uvirtbot`New bug: #830142 in samba (main) "package samba-common-bin 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: short read on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/bin/smbpasswd'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83014217:26
qman__would have known sooner if I had smartctl telling me about the bad sectors17:26
KM02013 drives in 1 day?... lol.. impressive.17:26
KM0201but wiith raid 1, i have a mirror of the drive, so it shouldn't be as big an issue, right?17:27
qman__unless your two drives are like my three17:27
qman__and you can't replace it before the second fails17:27
KM0201this is true.17:27
qman__it's more likely than you think, unfortunately17:27
qman__I've already replaced two drives with bad sectors on my new array17:28
KM0201unfortunately, this isn't very easy to test in vbox apparently17:29
KM0201i know what i can do..17:30
KM0201i can just remove one of the drives in the vbox settings17:31
qman__you can mark a drive as failed with an mdadm command17:31
KM0201well, i'm assuming i "miss" that the drive is failed, that sall.17:31
KM0201or that it fails unexpectedly17:32
KM0201ok, just marked a virtual drive as failed, remooved it, shut down, deleted the drive, now i'm adding a new drive, and then i'll try to add it back to the raid17:38
uvirtbot`New bug: #830154 in samba (main) "Login timed out after 60 seconds after winbind install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83015417:42
=== Psi-Jack_ is now known as Psi-Jack
KainoreHello i hope there is a good soul in here there can help me resovle a problem of mine im using vsftpd on my ubuntu server 11,04 and can connect with out problem in filezilla in my privet network but17:52
Kainorewhen i try to do it on the public ip i get user and pass sent in but dont get my file catalog17:53
Kainoreit say "time out"17:53
qman__that is a limitation of FTP17:53
qman__one end must not be behind a NAT17:53
qman__since almost every client is behind NAT these days, your server cannot be, or it must be worked around in your firewall17:54
qman__opening anywhere from several to thousands of ports17:54
Kainoreso becouse my nat is has port forwarding i still will have problem?17:54
qman__for more details: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/FtpMustDie17:55
Kainorethank you alot17:55
qman__it's possible, just difficult17:55
qman__and doesn't make a lot of sense when SFTP is in every way better17:55
Kainorethanks i will check it out you have helped alot allready now im siting with some idea's to solve it that i diden have before17:57
BrixSathello :)18:12
josePhoenixUserdel won't remove a user if they're logged in.. how can I force logout a user? Would killall -u username work?18:12
BrixSatdoes any one here have a git repository server18:13
BrixSati would need a tut to point me in the right way18:14
josePhoenixAny tricks for setting umask? I have a group writable directory, and I want users who create files in there to make them group-writable18:54
josePhoenixSince the purpose of these user accounts is only to edit files in said group directory, would it be okay to add "umask u=rwx,g=rwx,o=" in their bashrc?18:56
KM0201is there a way to make ubuntu continue to boot, despite a failed disk on the raid?  I keep getting a "press S or M" (skip or repair manually).. if the server is headless, obviously i won't know this when its powering up.19:03
BrixSatyes you can fix that19:04
KM0201ii know how to fix the drive, i just don't want ubuntu to halt on that error.19:04
BrixSati had that problems a few months ago and i fixed it in fstab19:04
KM0201let me bring it back up then take a look at fstab.19:05
qman__yeah, it halts boot on a degraded array by default19:05
KM0201yeah, i want to turn that off.19:05
qman__raid 1 is about the only situation you'd want to continue19:05
KM0201i use raid 1.19:06
qman__it's entirely possible, I just don't know where the setting is19:06
KM0201i'm guessing in fstab, i'll check in a second19:06
KM0201cuz since i can't SSH while its booting, obviously i wouldn't be able to see that error, and know there's a problem.19:07
oratedHello, can anyone guide me to achieve this on desktop, please - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/ShareEthernetConnectionThroughWireless?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ICS2.jpeg ?19:07
KM0201orated: so.. you have two routers?19:08
KM0201hmm, wait maybe not.19:08
RoyKorated: simple matter of iptables nat thing19:09
qman__or bridge your interfaces19:09
oratedI recently got Dell XPS 15 laptop which allows to connect to WiFi and also LAN19:10
oratedI've never tried , so not sure19:10
josePhoenixI guess I'll set the umask in their bash profile19:11
oratedCan anyone lnk me to some documentation for this?19:11
oratedKM0201: How can I confirm you if I've two routers or not?19:13
KM0201you'd see them in your house.19:13
KM0201but i don't think thats what you're trying to do.19:13
oratedI have only one DSL19:13
oratedI mean D-Link modem which allows me to connect to LAN19:14
oratedI've primarily connect to LAN but wish to share internet making system like a WiFi hotspot to other WiFi enabled devices at home19:15
KM0201BrixSat: what did you add to fstab, to make that stop happening, i tried "nobootwait".. which didn't do the trick.19:15
oratedI read its called internet connection sharing or masquerade, if I'm right19:15
josePhoenix/etc/profile is maintained by the package manager, right?19:15
josePhoenixI can't override the umask in there because it'll cause conflicts when updating19:16
josePhoenixand I can't put it in /etc/profile.d/ because the umask line is the last one in /etc/profile19:16
oratedRoyK: qman__: Can you guide me on bridgin interfaces? Or iptables can do what I want to try?19:17
qman__apt-get install bridge-utils19:17
qman__edit /etc/network/interfaces as root19:17
qman__add a bridge interface like so: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/natty/man5/bridge-utils-interfaces.5.html19:18
KM0201anybody interested, post#2 did the trick..  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165258719:19
oratedqman__: And, will it affect when I'm using WiFi?19:20
qman__done right, all it will do is bridge your wifi to your ethernet19:20
qman__so configuring your wifi won't affect it19:20
qman__set up ad-hoc to get the computers connected, or connect to an AP when you're elsewhere19:21
qman__access point19:21
oratedad-hoc works only for connecting computers? It will not work for wifi enabled devices?19:22
qman__it will work for any wifi device19:23
qman__the difference is AP mode is a router providing internet access in the traditional way, ad-hoc is multiple 'client' devices just talking to each other19:23
qman__you're technically providing internet to an ad-hoc network19:23
oratedad-hoc works only for connecting computers? It will not work for wifi enabled devices??19:25
oratedBut how is bridging helping to create an ad-hoc network19:25
qman__it isn't19:26
oratedSorry, fingers slipped on arrow keys when pressing return,..19:27
qman__bridging brings your working internet connection to the ad-hoc wireless network19:27
qman__so other clients on the ad-hoc can get to the net19:27
oratedSo, how do I create ad-hoc network?19:27
qman__probably through network manager19:27
qman__beyond the scope of this channel, but first google hit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc19:28
oratedI'm sorry for being offtopic. I'm completely beginner on this, so, well.. I'll read more on it. Thank you.19:30
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uvirtbot`New bug: #830250 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83025021:37
oakboxHi all, does anyone know how I can get noip2 to run as root.  I need to to execute a script that has permission to edit root files.21:37
oakboxqman__, Hi, the problem is noip2 runs the script so I cant use sudo??21:46
qman__use sudo in the script21:50
qman__for the bits that require it21:50
uvirtbot`New bug: #830277 in ntp (main) "ntpdate manpage is inconsistent about threshold" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83027722:16
bernhard2using exim4 with dovecot (its 80% functional).. i would like to setup virtual domains with virtual mailboxes. are there  any good tutorials ?22:39
CrazyGirhello! I have someone working remotely on a server who is unable to boot properly. I need to get into the system with a chroot, and we have a rescue cd, but the rescue env did not seem capable of figuring out the LVM setup22:43
CrazyGiris the rescue env aware of LVM and capable of working with it to mount the root fs?22:43
tohuwbesides the lower values for GIDs, what is the functional difference between a system group (i.e., a group created with the --system option) and a non-system group?22:44
CrazyGirwhile I'm not 100% sure, I would hope ubuntu was playing smart and putting extra restrictions on the system user/group22:45
CrazyGirnot sure though22:45
CrazyGirddg it?22:45
tohuwI've searched around, nothing relevant has come up. Groups, unlike users, don't have explicit extra permissions based on their ID, so I'm not sure what restrictions would be needed for a group, other than making usre it has a unique GID22:52
CrazyGirwell, there are also login limits, like max files and such22:53
CrazyGirbut yea, I don't know22:53
CrazyGirtohuw: as ubuntu is based on debian, maybe #debian as something to say22:53
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CrazyGircould someone translate this? I just tried a service networking start and received: start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.6" (uid=1000 pid=2381 comm="start) interface="com.ubuntu.Upstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init))23:24
wplWhen setting up ip_tables i get this error: "can't initialize iptables table `raw': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)". What do I have to do?23:39
wpllickalott: Already did it. A 'sudo modinfo ip_tables' gives: "modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.18-028stab092.1/modules.dep".23:41
lickalottare you root?23:46
lickalottbetter question are you in the sudousers file?23:47
wpllickalott: i am. The requested file does not exist on my system.23:48
lickalottwait 223:49
lickalottlemme check mine23:49
wplbut i have a moduldes.deb in '/lib/modules/2.6.18-028stab064.8/'23:50
wplwhy does modinfo look for a non-existing '/lib/...stab092.1'?23:51
lickalottmine show up as 2.6.38-8-generic-pae23:54
lickalottwhats inside your modules dir?23:55
wplmodules.alias   modules.ieee1394map  modules.ofmap     modules.symbols23:56
wplmodules.ccwmap  modules.inputmap     modules.pcimap    modules.usbmap23:56
wplmodules.dep     modules.isapnpmap    modules.seriomap23:56
wplthe problem is that 'modprobe', 'insmod' etc. are looking for the wrong directory23:57
lickalottjust found this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9967579&postcount=1223:57
lickalottthinking maybe you can edit that file for the proper path.23:58

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