
=== seidos_ is now known as seidos
rwwWoot. Looks like my mom's 10.10 -> 11.04 upgrade went fine :)03:50
regularjoMay I ask about the following instruction for installing my new samsung printer smart panel. The instructions are as follows: Smart Panel Application Install Guide]09:00
regularjo1. When the Administrator Login window appears, type in root in the Login field09:00
regularjoand enter the system password.09:00
regularjo2. Download and extract the Smart Panel.09:00
regularjo[root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)]09:00
regularjo3. The Smart Panel will be extracted as ''cdroot'' folder in current path.09:00
regularjo4. Execute installation program.09:00
regularjo[root@localhost root]#./cdroot/Linux/smartpanel/install.sh09:01
regularjo5. Smart Panel will be installed automatically and success message will be displayed in terminal.09:01
regularjo6. Smart Panel will be launced automatically after installation.09:01
regularjoso from the desktop to type control x alt x f2 to get the the virtual terminal. Do I really type "root" next?09:02
aadityano regularjo, don't type root.09:03
aadityaWhy would you want to get to a virtual terminal?09:03
aadityaIf you want a terminal, just hit Ctrl+Alt+T.09:03
regularjoInstead of "root" do I type in my user name which is regularjo? (I'll get to ctr-alt-t in a minute)09:06
aadityaWhy are you typing any of these?09:07
aadityaI'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, regularjo.09:07
regularjoI have just posted the instructions above which are the instructions for installing the smart panel for my new printer.09:07
aadityaYou don't need a virtual terminal to follow these instructions, if I understand correctly.09:09
aadityaPlease try starting a console by going to Applications > Accessories > Terminal09:09
aadityaand if you need root access in that terminal, type `sudo su`09:10
regularjothe result is this: root@Ubuntu:/home/regularjo#09:11
regularjoAm I now ready for step 2?09:11
regularjoI can't seem to select and copy test from this page. can that be done?09:15
aadityatype `cd /tmp` to switch to the temporary directory before you proceed.09:16
regularjoyou mean in terminal?09:17
regularjoit type it and the response was: bash: cd: tmp: No such file or directory09:21
regularjoI want to go to step 2 which says: Download and extract the smart panel [root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)] So..... I copied in "[root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)] brackets xxxs and everything but I get the following response bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('09:24
regularjoI assume I don't type the brackets. do I change root@localhost to regularjo@ubuntu becaause those are my user and computer names?09:26
regularjoaaditya, would you chat with me a little longer about making entries in console?10:16
regularjoaaditya, will you chat a little more about entering strings in console?10:41
=== jah is now known as bsmartt`
regularjocould anyone chat with me about typing commands or text in terminal? I want to install the smart panel for my printer but I don't understand the installation guide.15:38
akkI don't know what the smart panel is, but I'm happy to help with general questions on typing commands.15:40
akkIs the installation guide online?15:40
regularjoYes. It is at: http://www.samsung.com/us/support/downloads/SCX-4623F/XAA.  I want to install the smart panel driver for Linux15:43
akkah, the instructions are in the tarball (.tar.gz) you downloaded?15:45
regularjoI haven't download anything yet. I couldn't understand step 1 which is: 1. When the Administrator Login window appears, type in root in the Login field15:46
regularjoand enter the system password.15:46
akkoh, dear ... ubuntu systems don't generally have a root password15:47
akkso you're right not to understand that :)15:47
regularjowhen I open terminal on my machine, i see: regularjo@Ubuntu:~$15:48
akkWait, how do you see the instructions without downloading anything? that url has a page of links -- which one is the instructions you're reading?15:48
akkI'm trying to figure out whether this Administrator Login window they're talking about is just logging in to the system in a shell, or a window in their app.15:49
akkIf they just want you to have a root shell, that's easy. But I can't tell that from just that single line.15:50
regularjoIt really isn't a link, it you click on the "link" it just expands to show you the steps15:50
akkah, I see15:50
akkOkay, yes, they just want you to get a root shell, and they expressed it very unclearly.15:52
regularjoDo you have any thinking on Step 1 so i can get to the point of attempting step 2, or can I skip the root business altogether?15:52
akkYou can skip step 115:53
akkthen when you get to step 4 (execute the installation program), put sudo in front of it15:53
akksudo ./cdroot/Linux/smartpanel/install.sh15:53
akkit'll ask for a password -- it just wants your normal login password15:54
regularjoBut now I'm stuck on step 2 which is: 2. Download and extract the Smart Panel.15:54
regularjo[root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)]15:54
akkThat's the little icon over at the right under "File" in the browser15:54
akkyou can right-click on it and "save link as" (or similar, depending on which browser you use)15:54
akkthen you'll have the .tar .gz file and you can run that tar command they give.15:55
regularjoI'm sorry. I'm lost on step 2. From my machine, terminal mode, after regularjo@Ubuntu:~$ would I type:[root@localhost root]#tar xzf [Downloaded File Name(XXXX.tar.gz)]15:57
akkNo, that root@localhost thing is what they think your prompt is. Just type tar xzf filename.tar.gz15:57
akkafter you've downloaded the file15:57
akkof corse filename.tar.gz is whatever the real downloaded filename was15:58
regularjoHow do I know what the "real download filename is? can I just create a name?16:00
akkHave you downloaded the file yet? Maybe you should start with that.16:01
akkThat's really step 2, and extracting the tar is step 2.5.16:01
akkWhen you download a file, the browser asks you where to save it16:01
akkand what the filename will be16:01
akkso make a note of that, because that's the filename you need to give to the tar command.16:02
regularjoCan we go back to step 2 about downloading the file. what do I enter to do that?16:02
akkdo it in your browser16:03
akkThis is the first time you've downloaded a file from the web?16:03
akkI mentioned earlier: you can right-click on it and "save link as" (or similar, depending on which browser you use)16:03
akkit will ask you where to save16:03
regularjoOh, the little file icon on the right. O.K. it will be a minute or 216:04
regularjoO.k. I downloaded it to my Download director and its name is Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz. So I opened terminal a typed Smartpane_1.10.tar.gz but the response is:tar (child): Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory16:11
regularjotar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now16:11
regularjotar: Child returned status 216:11
regularjotar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now16:11
regularjoI mean I typed Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz and got the above error message16:12
regularjoNo. I just didn't see the icon that you directed me to. I don't it many many times in windows.16:13
akkYou're probably not in the directory where you downloaded Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz. Where did you put it?16:13
regularjoThat is, I have download many files from the web.16:14
akkIt might be in your Downloads directory or somewhere like that.16:14
akkWhen you open a terminal, you're in your home directory -- you can type ls (that's an ell, not a one, it's short for list) to see what files you have there.16:14
akkYou can use a normal file manager, whatever you're used to, to figure out where you downloaded that Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz file.16:15
regularjoOk. I am in terminal as follows: regularjo@Ubuntu:~/Downloads$ ls16:17
akkOkay, so now you can type the tar command.16:21
akkWhat was the tar command you typed before that gave the error?16:22
regularjoO.k. From regularjo@Ubuntu:~/Downloads$ I type: #tar xzf Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz and I didn't get any messages, so that means It worked. Yes?16:23
akkYou typed the # too?16:24
akkDon't type #, that's a comment.16:25
regularjook. I'll try again16:25
akkMaybe add a v -- tar xzvf Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz -- then you'll get lots of output16:25
akk(v for verbose, it shows all the files it's extracting)16:26
regularjothat is v space two dashes space tar xzvf ( why the v between the z and the f?16:27
akkargh, no16:28
akktype this command:16:28
akk tar xzvf Smartpanel_1.10.tar.gz16:28
akkit's exactly like the other command except I added a v16:29
akkthat's why I said "add a v" and then, inside dashes, I gave the full new command16:29
regularjoI got tons of files estracting. What's next?16:31
regularjoStep3. in the guide say: The Smart Panel will be extracted as ''cdroot'' folder in current path. Where is CD root? Or is it in the Downloads directory?16:33
akkThey give you a command to run. But remember I said before, you have to put sudo in front of it:16:33
akksudo ./cdroot/Linux/smartpanel/install.sh16:34
regularjoI have a cdroot subdirectory in my download directory16:34
akkThat means you'll be running as root, so you're trusting them not to do anything harmful to your system.16:34
regularjoI have a cdroot subdirectory in my download directory16:34
akk(samsung should be trustworthy, one would think)16:34
regularjoI type sudo ./cdroot/Linux/smartpanel/install.sh from three times: one from cdroot subdirectory, one from the Downloads directory and one from regularjo@Ubuntu, but each time it said: command not found16:41
akkRun it from the download directory, the one where ls shows a cdroot subdirectory.16:45
akkIf it doesn't work from there, ls cdroot and see if it has a Linux subdirectory16:45
akkand if it does, ls cdroot/Linux and see if it has a smartpanel subdirectory16:45
akkand if it does, ls cdroot/Linux/smartpanel16:45
akkand see if there's an install.sh there16:45
akk(or do the same thing in your favorite file manager, but that's how to explore directories from the shell)16:46
regularjoO.k. it said it installed. and then I open applications and type "smart" and it showed that it was installed, but when I clicked on the icon it didn't open16:52
regularjoakk. thank you for all your patience. that was the first time I installed a program with terminal. I don't know why it didn't open, but I have some confidence now that I didn't have before we started working this morning. thank you again.16:59
akkYay! Hope you get it running.17:00
regularjoakk, I saved our session because it is relevant to any program I want to download in terminal17:35

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