
knomemadnick, mmm... good morning! i just installed a new psu!04:59
knome(on other words, a very late evening to you all)05:00
pleia2morning, knome :)05:01
Unit193Good night pleia2 , knome (not going to sleep, just a greeting)05:02
pleia2night Unit193 05:02
knomei just made a decision, that i'll never ever buy a non-modular psu again05:06
knomeof course, i'm (probably) forced to do that on the next occasion, but as far as i can choose..05:07
pleia2I learned that the hard way too05:07
knomedidn't learn that the hard way really05:07
knomethat was my first ever self-installed PSU's05:07
pleia2oh :)05:07
knomeupgraded from 450W to 650W, and now all the devices are turned on every boot05:08
pleia2hehe, that's good05:08
knomeyeah, that's kind of nice :P05:08
Unit193Eh, you don't need a CD drive...05:08
Unit193Or a HDD05:08
knomeactually, the problem was that the sound card was not turned on every boot05:09
knomeno problems with other devices at all.05:09
pleia2I bet that was fun to debug05:09
knomeboot, gmb, play, BLAH, boot, gmb, play, BLAH, boot, gmb, play, BLAH, boot, gmb, play, BLAH, boot, "oh, i have sound"05:10
knomei think my record was 9 boots.05:10
knomeyou can imagine i also hit the fsck boot quite often..05:10
knomewell of course i cancelled, but..05:11
knomei'm wondering what my next move will be05:11
knomesleep won't work, that will end up with zombie-knome for the rest of the day05:11
knomea shower and some more food might do05:11
knomeany more alcohol will also probably fail...05:12
pleia2only if it's with orange juice, that makes it healthy and breakfasty05:14
knomerum with orange juice? :|05:15
knomethough i don't think we have any orange juice05:15
pleia2usually it would be vodka or sparkling wine05:15
knomethe only alcohol there is is rum05:16
knomeand a bottle of beer preserved for special occasion05:16
knomeand that's got nothing to do with orange juice.05:16
knomei think the next step is updating my beerlog05:17
knomehuh, this was definitely night of crazy ideas05:18
knomewe went to shop to buy a new PS3 controller for a friend, just so we could play a game with three players05:18
knome(i also bought the PSU on the same trip)05:19
* knome 's beerlog for this year is at http://wiki.knome.fi/olut:201105:19
pleia2I had Innis & Gunn for the first time recently05:21
knomethe rum cask version is fabulous05:21
knomewe ended the beer-drinking night today with that05:22
knomethen went to rum05:22
pleia2nicely done05:22
knomealso, if you can get your hands on one of those longer matured bottles, they are very fantastic too05:22
pleia2I haven't looked for it around here (was in canada visiting my sister when I had it)05:23
knomewhat did you think of it, btw? :P05:24
knomei instantly thought you'd love it05:24
pleia2I liked it, the one I had was very vanillay05:24
knomethey all have that sameish aroma05:24
pleia2the blonde05:25
knomeblonde? i've never had that05:25
knomehow much alc vol%05:25
pleia2the internet says 6%05:25
knomethe rum cask and the original have more05:26
pleia2yeah, 6 is on the low end of what I typically enjoy05:26
knomei think that actually even improves it, without having had the "lighter" version05:26
knomeoki, beerlog updated :)05:32
knomemadnick, shall we look at the theme stuff later today?10:26
madnickknome: yes please :D10:26
knomemadnick, didn't go to summer cottage this weekend to be able to get some free time with these10:27
knomei need to eat first, a friend is coming over for that in an hour or so, and after that i'm free10:27
knome(before that, i think i'll do some work with other things)10:27
madnickokay, ill be here, if not, just highlight me :)10:28
knomesure, great10:29
madnickI hope the oneiric cd's work today, have not been able to test the lightdm theme :<10:31
madnickoh, yes, password shouldnt have < > ;(12:03
charlie-tcaGood morning13:31
charlie-tcamr_pouit: do you have time to see why the desktop image is failing to build?13:31
charlie-tcamadnick: how goes the lightdm screen?13:33
madnickcharlie-tca: ill paste a screesshot, let me just fire up the testmode :)13:37
charlie-tcaastraljava: gilir from lubuntu is fixing the issues with Users and Groups for derivatives13:38
madnickcharlie-tca: http://www.madnick.se/~madnick/xubuntu/xubuntu-greeter-draft7.png13:38
knomemadnick, that looks realy good. can we maybe make the text on the boxes lighter?13:39
madnickShould I add "Select session" to make it clearer?13:39
madnickknome: yes sure13:39
knomei don't think "select session" is needed13:39
charlie-tcaThat looks good13:39
knome"session" is already quite descriptive13:39
charlie-tcaIf the text is lighter, will it disappear?13:39
knomecharlie-tca, no, it will stand out more13:39
charlie-tcaknome, madnick : agreed on session13:40
charlie-tcaalready descriptive enough13:40
knomeeither you know what session is or then don't "select" doesn't really help13:40
knomeand might confuse, if you think you always need to select something :)13:40
madnickIm setting up a dev environment on Oneiric now13:40
charlie-tcaIt's just the icon alone that left me confused as to what I needed for a session13:40
madnickto test this13:41
knomemadnick, from which icon theme are those icons? elementary?13:41
madnickknome: yes13:41
madnickfrom elementary13:41
knomeokay. i'll give you better icons soonish, based on those13:41
knomealso, i think the arrows work like this as well (no special reason to make them up/down)13:41
madnickknome: i thought that it might be too small to click on13:42
knomecan you bold them (does that make any difference to the looks?)13:42
madnickif they where ^13:42
knomethey arent exactly large now either13:42
madnickNope, but they are spread out13:42
madnickSo you cant click on wrong :P13:42
knomeso there is some invisible, but clickable padding?13:42
charlie-tcaWith them on both ends this way, there is less chance of hitting the wrong one13:42
madnickknome: there could be13:43
knomemadnick, that would be nice. that could even spread to the border of the screen13:43
knomemadnick, then it would be REALLY easy to hit one of those13:43
knomeif that's too hard, just forget it, but some padding would definitely be ++13:43
madnickoki, but knome shall we work on plymouth?13:44
knomecharlie-tca, does the accessibility icon definitely need the blue circle, or would it work without it as well?13:44
knomesure, i'll just work those icons out now, so we can get lightdm finished now13:44
knomeat least from the graphical side13:45
madnicklightdm needs more C code, but the UI 13:45
knomedo you remember those icon paths/names from the top of your head?13:45
charlie-tcaInternationally recognized symbol for accessibility is the man in a cirlce, 13:46
madnick-$ :)13:46
charlie-tcaso, if we can, it would be best to keep it13:46
knomecharlie-tca, okay, i'll keep it there, but not quite as it is now - i'll let you have a look first13:46
madnicki really need help packaging plymouth later, because i made my package look like the old plymouth, but im not sure how to "build it", and i get conflicting information from the internet13:47
charlie-tcaknome: can make it an outline instead of shaded circle, too13:47
knomecharlie-tca, i think a circle would work, just a sec13:48
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: it should be fixed already (murrine-themes got synced when I was away, so I couldn't upload a fixed xubuntu-artwork right after)13:48
madnickknome: btw, the high contrast for accessability; it needs to be implemented into the greeter13:48
madnickAnd im not sure what high contrast would mean :)13:48
charlie-tcamr_pouit: Thanks, will look for them tomorrow to test then13:48
knomemadnick, is it as easy as me telling you which colors to put where?13:49
charlie-tcamadnick: high contrast is just a theme selected for the desktop13:49
madnickknome: yes it is13:49
charlie-tcainstall accessibility themes, gives you "high contrast"  in both appearance and xfwm413:49
madnickYes, I guess I could read the data from that theme13:50
charlie-tcaIt changes the displays to white background, black outlines, black text, black icons13:50
charlie-tcaDo you want a screenshot?13:51
madnickcharlie-tca: hm, in lightdm gtk greeter, it changes to dark blue, and like yellowish stuff13:52
charlie-tcaTo those who do not need it, it is quite difficult to use13:52
charlie-tcaThat will work. It should be very good contrast as opposed to normal13:52
knomemadnick, ^ try those13:52
madnickknome: okay13:53
knomemadnick, also, add some padding vs. the top and the right edge of screen (maybe sth like 5-7px)13:53
charlie-tcaknome: those are fine13:53
knomea bit simpler than the default elementary icons, but fine for the lightdm13:53
knomemadnick, so, the thing with plymouth is... only the progress bar/circle?13:54
knomeor is there something else left to think?13:54
knomei'm starting to think, just keep the bar going back and forth for now, and fix it in oneiric+113:55
knomeno really13:55
knomeit's badish, but it's not the end of the world13:55
knomedo you think the icons are maybe a tad big?13:56
madnickso, keep plymouth as it is?13:56
knomecan i have one more shot of it, and then i can say yes13:56
madnickknome: not on a normal screen :P13:56
knomeokay, that's probably true13:56
madnickknome: 1 more shot?13:56
knomei'm not sure about the lightdm "log in" button either13:56
* madnick thought you meant screenshot :)13:57
knomeit's a bit... weird13:57
knomeyes, screenshot :D13:57
knomeso i can just see that it is fine, really13:57
madnickwhat should i change in the ldm13:57
madnickor did you mean13:57
knomeno i meant13:57
knome1) can i have a screenshot of plymouth, so i can tell you it's ok13:57
knome2) the lightdm log in -button needs tweaking graphically13:58
madnickok, ill setup a new screenshot of plymouth 1 sec13:58
knomei'll get something to drink13:58
madnickerr, it uses the old one :)13:58
madnick1 sec13:58
knomeheh, no hurry13:59
knomewhat does our livecd boot screen look like?14:02
knomei mean, the equivalent to http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Xubuntu_Live_or_install.png14:02
madnickoh holy ... this was hard, i ruined the configs14:04
charlie-tcaThat is the menu screen from the desktop cd14:04
knomeouch? :)14:04
knomecharlie-tca, we still have the same old logo there?14:04
charlie-tcafrom there, if you choose the top option, you get plymouth until the live session starts14:04
charlie-tcayes, we do14:04
knomemr_pouit, madnick: know how to change that? :P14:05
charlie-tcawe have a bug on it, but it may have gotten confused with the "still shows 11.04 logo "  bug14:05
knome11.04? ;)14:05
charlie-tcayes, plymouth in text mode shows "Xubuntu 11.04" with the dots under it14:06
charlie-tcaI think mr_pouit fixed that today14:06
knomeheh, okay14:06
knomebut the livecd still uses the old loho?14:06
charlie-tcabut we still have the old logo on the cd menu, yes14:07
knomei can export/create one suitable for that today, if somebody tells me the specs14:07
charlie-tcaKeep in mind, that is on both images14:07
charlie-tcaalternate and desktop cd use a menu14:07
knomethe worse it is that we do have the old logo there14:07
madnickthats without fsck14:08
madnickand without prompt14:08
madnickthis is what 99% of users will see 99% of the time14:09
knomelooks fine to me.14:09
madnickme too :P14:09
charlie-tcaThat looks good!14:09
charlie-tcalet's package it14:09
madnickcharlie-tca: question is how :\14:09
madnickI did a package in 2006 IIRC14:09
knomelet's file a bug about the progress element not being circular right after UI freeze ;)14:09
charlie-tcamr_pouit: how do we get the new plymouth package ready now?14:09
madnickknome: :D14:10
knomei'm serious.14:10
charlie-tcawe need help, mr_pouit 14:10
knomei want that fixed in o+114:10
charlie-tcagot a new lightdm screen and plymouth for oneiric, but don't know how to get it packaged to put into the images and seeds14:10
charlie-tcaWishlist, knome 14:11
knomei think i'll just file a high priority bug, assigned to me14:11
charlie-tcamr_pouit: and we will need a FFe, won't we?14:11
madnickSomeone said we had one for plymouth14:12
knomea new plymouth/light theme isn't exactly a new feature, is it?14:12
madnicknot really a feature14:12
madnickThat is true :P14:12
charlie-tcaDepends on whether or not we ever had one, doesn't it?14:12
knomeas long as we've seeded plymouth before FF, i don't think a new theme makes a new feature, even if we didn't have plymouth in natty14:13
knomebut that's just me, and the ubuntu bureaucracy might think differently14:13
charlie-tcawell, I guess we wait for mr_pouit to give us the answer 14:13
knomein any case, i don't think getting a FFe is too hard14:14
madnickI need a license dont i :((14:15
madnickI just GPL it?14:15
madnickput the standard GPL stuff in there14:15
knomejust use whatever license we've used before14:15
madnickso GPL14:15
knomefrom my POV, it could even be PD, but i think mr_pouit has wanted to use GPL ;)14:16
madnickWell, there is 1 function i semi stole from the previous script14:16
madnickthe atoi function14:16
madnickSo it will need to be GPL i guess :P14:16
knomeno problem for me.14:17
knomeyou will actually need to change one more thing on both plymouth and lightdm.14:18
knomethe wallpaper14:18
madnickwhat shall we use instead?14:18
knomesomething i'm working on RIGHT NOW14:18
madnickoh ^^14:18
madnickI know what I will make for my personal LightDM screen :))14:19
charlie-tcaNo wallpaper change until it has been approved!14:20
knomeyou can approve it right after it's ready! ;)14:20
knomethis is going to be awesome14:20
charlie-tcamadnick: ignore that. We can use it as is14:20
knomei know it already14:20
knomei told i was going to work on a wallpaper this weekend14:20
madnickbtw, 1 more thing for LightDM14:21
madnickversion number from lsb_release14:21
madnickbut that will ahve to be a string14:22
madnick(todays oneiric had the dev environment tools needed to test lightdm :D)14:24
charlie-tcaOh, good14:26
charlie-tcaknome: why not finish the website, so we can get it up and running before release of oneiric?14:46
knomecharlie-tca, i do have time today, and tomorrow too. i'm using it all for all this, so i can definitely do both.14:47
charlie-tcaWe really need to get the website done, you know it will take IT a while to get it up for us14:54
knomei am aware of the whole process we need to go through14:59
charlie-tcaand, yes, I am aware that a really good wallpaper is desireable for this release. Let's see what you can do. But the website should be a priority, please.15:11
charlie-tcaI guess that is one of the key things about Xubuntu, we seldom run the same wallpaper twice :)15:12
madnickNo luck getting --test-mode to run my greeter15:13
madnickWasnt there a way of installing greeters in a simple manner?15:13
charlie-tcaThe only thing I have is:15:14
charlie-tcasudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --session=xubuntu15:14
charlie-tcasudo /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm-set-defaults --greeter=lightdm-gtk-greeter15:14
charlie-tcaif you don't want to override any existing settings, add --keep-old15:14
charlie-tcafrom mr_pouit 15:14
charlie-tcaand it worked to replace the unity-greeter here15:14
madnickok, thanks15:15
charlie-tcaso much has changed with lightdm, I am not sure any of the docs are right any more.15:17
mr_pouiti'm available in ~15 min if you need me :p15:17
charlie-tcayes, we need you15:18
madnickno, it is a bit of a pain, and even tho there is docs about writing a greeter, some of the source code is plain wrong15:18
madnickbest thing is to look at the example-gtk-greeter15:18
charlie-tcaWrong because of the recent changes, isn't it?15:18
madnickYes to headers15:18
mr_pouitfor the plymouth/lightdm thing, you can either prepare a tarball for me, or a bzr branch, or look in lp:xubuntu-artwork, or we'll see after :P15:18
madnickAnd also wrong because of actual typos :P15:18
charlie-tcamadnick: ^  ^  15:18
madnickmr_pouit: ill setup a tarball15:19
charlie-tcaYou might have a wallpaper change yet, give it until monday if you can?15:19
charlie-tcamr_pouit: how do we change the logo used on the cd menus?15:19
charlie-tcaWe are still using the old old logo15:19
madnickMight as well have a tarball ready that just swaps the bg15:20
charlie-tcaknome: ^  ^  okay?15:20
mr_pouitI filed a bug about that a long time ago, but I forgot about it I guess (and people didn't see it)15:20
charlie-tcaI remembered seeing it, but don't know if I can find it15:20
knomei think i need to get some more tree-photo-material15:21
madnickthunder :|15:26
madnickits been raining for 2 days, like *alot* :)15:26
charlie-tcaYou have to ping mr_pouit with the url when you are ready to have it added15:27
knomei'll ping him today, whether we have a new wall or not15:27
madnickokay :)15:28
charlie-tcamr_pouit: bug 720652 ?15:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 720652 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Xubuntu] maybe-ubiquity/new greeter support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72065215:32
mr_pouithehe, that's the one15:38
charlie-tcaI will push it then, starting Monday, and get us an answer15:38
charlie-tcaHard to get responses from anyone this weekend15:39
mr_pouitmadnick: xubuntu-plymouth-text.plymouth seems identical to the current one15:39
charlie-tcaOh-oh. That's the one I probably see every boot15:40
mr_pouit(just to be sure it's normal :p)15:40
mr_pouitand am I expected to use default.plymouth or xubuntu-plymouth.plymouth for xubuntu-logo? :p15:42
charlie-tcamadnick: mr_pouit asks the tough questions...15:43
mr_pouit(forget about the second question, but I'd rather be sure about the first one before uploading)15:46
charlie-tcahm, he's hiding now?15:46
madnickill answer sioon mneed to stop cookoing15:47
madnickstop cooking*15:47
madnickok, stove is off15:48
madnickmr_pouit: yes, it just a version change, it's just the text part, its not themeable15:48
madnickIts an ascii string15:49
mr_pouitokay (I uploaded a new xubuntu artwork package this morning with 11.10 instead of 11.04, that's why they're the same then)15:49
madnickah :)15:49
mr_pouitI've renamed xubuntu-plymouth back to xubuntu-logo, as I prefer not to change the existing theme name. I hope you're fine with that15:50
madnickIt was just when testing I did not want a conflict with the previous one15:51
madnickI shouldve packed it differently in the tarball15:51
madnickI was just in a little rush :)15:51
mr_pouitthat was ok ;-)15:51
mr_pouitmadnick: did you write the script from scratch, or did you reuse something existing?15:51
mr_pouit(it's for the debian/copyright)15:52
madnicki rewrote everything except15:52
madnickthe atoi function15:52
madnickhowever there is a minor change to it, i dont remember what but its basically the same atoi functino15:53
mr_pouitmmh, I guess I'll keep the (C) 2009 Canonical Ltd. then :P15:53
charlie-tcaSo, all this means I see the same black screen with Xubuntu 11.10 now?15:54
madnickhehe, we could change the background color, but i dont see the point :P15:55
madnicki did not really spend much time with the text version15:56
madnicki was focused on the graphical one15:56
mr_pouitwell, I put black and white because it was easy to do (and when your screen shows some offset at some low resolutions, it's nice with a black background it's not visible)15:57
mr_pouitbut you can change the colors if you want15:57
mr_pouitanyway, thanks for the theme, I'll upload right now15:58
charlie-tcayeah, the current black/white is fine. It is not important enough to spend time on15:58
charlie-tcaHaving seen the nightmare that the alternate installer background and lightdm backgrounds become when they start changing colors, I don't think I will be the one to say anything.15:59
mr_pouitmadnick: (last) question: does your theme include some feedback for fsck? (so I can close Bug #775392)16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775392 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "fsck happens silently - this looks like the machine is frozen." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77539216:01
madnickmr_pouit: yes16:01
mr_pouitI think it does, I just want to be sure16:01
mr_pouitnice :)16:01
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: are you still affected by Bug #552000 ? I think plymouth will now fallback to the text theme when it can't display the graphical one properly16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 552000 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "xubuntu logo in plymouth splash screen looks like it has spider webs in it" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55200016:02
charlie-tcaThe logo is still cloudy on my old machines16:02
charlie-tcaIt is a direct result of the way it is drawn, though. If we are not changing every place it exists, we can sign it off as "by design".16:03
charlie-tcaThat's what makes the logo bright and shiny looking, too.16:03
charlie-tcaI finally understand why it does it!16:04
knomecharlie-tca, with this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-artwork/+bug/552000/comments/4 we can fix it, just provide an alternative image for lower bit depths16:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 552000 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "xubuntu logo in plymouth splash screen looks like it has spider webs in it" [Medium,Triaged]16:08
knomeoh, mr_pouit already commented stuff, blah16:08
mr_pouitokay ^_^16:09
charlie-tcaI did provide an alternate image, didn't I?16:10
charlie-tcaShould be attached to the bug report16:10
knomehmm. is it pixel edited?16:10
knomeright, we could just export that from the svg file16:11
charlie-tcaI did it in gimp, where I can blow them up and darken each square16:11
charlie-tcaso it becomes a one color image, instead of blended16:11
charlie-tcaYou do know you lost me in all this, right?16:12
charlie-tcaMy brain is only partially working today, I guess :)16:13
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I think knome said he can make it work16:13
knomecharlie-tca, ^ a better replacement image for you16:13
knomei know it doesn't look like anything, because it's white on white. :P16:14
knomei just know it can be done technically, i don't know how exactly do that, but steve langasek told it's possible16:15
charlie-tcaI can see it! That's really good, knome16:16
charlie-tcaThat is a clear image here, when I put the background black16:16
charlie-tcaMuch nicer to see than the other one.16:17
mr_pouitokay, and what do I do with it? :P16:18
knomeyeah, because it's exported directly from the original vector16:18
mr_pouitthe theme now includes many images16:20
mr_pouitso I don't think changing this one only will look as expected16:20
madnickHowever quite small ones :)16:20
knomemr_pouit, you write the code that probes if the bit depth is <32bit, and then use that image instead ;)16:20
mr_pouityou got the wrong m, use less <tab> :P16:21
* mr_pouit hides16:21
madnickThat would need to be an external program16:21
charlie-tcaSo, now we made more work for mr_pouit ?16:21
knomeor madnick 16:21
madnickThat invokes plymouth16:21
charlie-tcasimpler to sign it off as "by design team"16:22
madnickand sends a status message of screen depth16:22
knomemadnick, but we are talking about plymouth16:22
madnickhm, what is it that you want to be done? i didnt quite understand 16:23
knomemadnick, use that image for low depth stuff in plymouth, instead of the glowy one16:23
charlie-tcaWe want to determine screen depth or something like that, and then switch graphics depending on screen capability16:24
charlie-tcaknome: what if we just used that one for the text version, and the glowing one for the graphics version?16:24
madnickyes, that would need to be an external call to plymouth with that information16:24
mr_pouitbits_per_pixel = Window.GetBitsPerPixel ();16:24
mr_pouitfrom the ubuntu-logo theme :)16:24
knomeheh, there you go16:24
* knome offers mr_pouit a biscuit16:25
madnickSee, the reference did not mention that :)16:25
mr_pouitmaybe it's ubuntu specific16:25
mr_pouit(I mean, that would not be the first time they did that)16:25
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:26
charlie-tcatrue enough, Ubuntu does do things just to frustrate the rest of us ;)16:26
mr_pouitmadnick: http://paste.ubuntu.com/671056/16:28
mr_pouithere's the test from ubuntu-logo16:28
madnickshall i put an equiv in?16:28
mr_pouitif knome can provide the needed pictures, I guess it's ok16:29
knomemr_pouit, let me think... no, i don't think i can ;)16:29
knomeof course i can16:29
madnickBut only the logotype?16:30
knomei think all the stuff that has the glow16:30
madnickits gonna be *alot* if images :)16:30
knomei know.16:30
knomeit's not a big thing though16:30
knomebut i'll do that a bit later, a short break ->16:30
charlie-tcaAt least the text based screen16:30
madnickWhy do they do bits_per_pixel==4?16:32
madnickisnt that quite very low? :P16:32
charlie-tcafor people with monitors like mine?16:32
madnickNo I mean, I dont quite understand bits per pixel, are we talking VGA mode?16:33
* charlie-tca going hide; sounds like a language he didn't learn yet16:33
mr_pouitmadnick: apparently, when normal images are supported, it returns 0 ;D16:34
madnickoh i found a comitt16:35
madnickunless i know why it returns 416:38
madnickI should probagbly do == 0) {} else16:38
mr_pouituhm, no, imho you should do what the ubuntu-logo theme does16:39
madnickWell, 4 bits per pixel, 16 colors right? Did we not want < 32?16:41
madnick18:20 < knome> mr_pouit, you write the code that probes if the bit depth is  <32bit16:43
madnickBut Ill just use that version, but I bet there is a reason to it returning 4 :P16:43
charlie-tcayes, old monitors won't show right at 3216:44
mr_pouitmadnick: I also think that ;-)16:44
charlie-tcaSome of the old monitors only work at 16 color16:44
charlie-tcabefore the file buffers or something is changed16:44
charlie-tcaor something else I don't understand16:46
madnickI wish I could answer, but I never finished my VGA project ( http://www.madnick.se/~madnick/vga.jpg ) other than that I know mostly about pure text mode, because thats what i encountered in my work :\16:55
charlie-tcaisn't that like building the hardware itself?16:58
madnickI do build hardware myself, I was an embeded developer, but the VGA stuff is the same on normal computers as in what i had in mind :)16:59
mr_pouitok, I've uploaded your theme as is17:03
mr_pouitI'll include the 16bpp fallback tomorrow17:03
madnickI made the changes, just waiting on filenames17:03
madnickoh okay17:03
mr_pouitmaybe with other fixes if testers report some issues ;-)17:03
madnickIt has been tested17:03
madnickAlot ;)17:03
madnickSo i hope its all in order17:04
charlie-tcahueard it all before... :)17:04
mr_pouit(I also want to see how much oversized we are before adding even more pngs)17:04
mr_pouitah, i386 ships one more langpack, so we can remove it if necessary17:08
knomemadnick, mr_pouit: let's ship with the old wall22:51
knomegot to go to bed + stuff22:51
knomesee you tomorrow22:51
knomemadnick, i'll export you the low depth stuff tomorrow too22:52
madnickknome: okay cool :)23:02
Unit193Awww... We don't get to see what he's working on :P23:21

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