
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
nigelblifeless / wgrant: around longer?02:54
wgrantnigelb: Hi.04:40
nigelbwgrant: just need a quick help with a test04:52
wgrantnigelb: Sure.04:52
nigelbI add some code to the linkchecker04:53
nigelband I'm writing tests for private bugs04:53
nigelbIs thre a place I can see an example of a private bug creation?04:53
wgrantSomething like factory.makeBug(private=True) doesn't do what you want?04:54
nigelbsure, but I also want a use who can see that :)04:58
nigelbI also want a user who can see the bug :)04:58
wgrantbug.subscribe(person, person)04:58
nigelbalso, the '/bug/1234', I'll need to just build that myself right?04:59
wgrantBut the anonymous user won't be able to call bug.subscribe(); you might need to use 'with celebrity_logged_in("admin")' or so.04:59
wgrantcanonical_url(bug) will give you the URL.04:59
nigelbtrying now05:00
nigelbAlso, urgh @ YUI tests.05:01
nigelbwgrant: er, lol. what's the guranteed way to come up with an invalid bug number?05:56
wgrantnigelb: Well, depending on the test, you could find the max bug number and add 1. Or deliberately make a hole in the postgres sequence. Or use sys.maxint. Or something.06:00
nigelbah, there'sa wway to find max bug number.06:00
lifelessnigelb: why do you want an invalid bug number ?06:07
nigelblifeless: the link checker returns valudes when the bug number is invalid.06:07
nigelb(or private)06:07
nigelbI want to catch both cases.06:07
lifeless'valudes' ?06:07
lifelessit is doing that? or you think its doing that ?06:08
nigelbIt is doing that. I wrote the code ^-^06:09
lifelessIf you used the approach I suggested, you don't need to discriminate between private (won't be found in a search), nonexisting (won't be found in a search)06:09
nigelbSo, just give it a private bug and then assume the same for invalid?06:09
lifelessunless your code actually discriminates between private and invalid, any change in behaviour is out of the scope of your code and you shouldn't test it there06:10
lifelessdoes your code discriminate ?06:10
lifelessthen you should rely on the interface you're using (bug search) and its tests ;)06:10
nigelbbut I still should be testing my code for valid vs invalid bugs right?06:11
nigelbwhere invalid maybe be private or nonexistant.06:11
nigelbBut you're saying that I should not test for private and nonexistant since my code doesn't differentiate between them06:12
* nigelb is unwell and not completely awake.06:12
nigelbUgh, I feel like stabbing YUI.06:44
lifelessnigelb: thats what I'm saying, yes.06:48
lifelessa unit test should only test the behaviour of the unit under test06:48
lifeless*integration* tests may test multiple layers, but they should be few and far between.06:48
nigelblifeless: I did what you suggested :)06:49
nigelbNow, onto testing the javascript code06:50
nigelbaka stabing YUI.06:50
nigelbhm, can't it working. Maybe I should ask someone on Monday.07:21
=== Peng__ is now known as Peng
* jelmer waves12:59
StevenKjelmer: O hai -- could you look at the db-devel failure and see if the conflict I fixed had anything to do with it?13:00
jelmerStevenK: Sure, let me have a quick look13:03
jelmerStevenK: looks like they have somewhat to do with your branch - db-devel has bzr 2.4, which has slightly different locking semantics13:53
jelmerargh, I wish testr integrated better with the launchpad testsuite :-/13:54
jelmerthat said, I can't reproduce the errors here, they look spurious14:03
StevenKjelmer: Feel free to force a build, then14:05
jelmerStevenK: it haz been done14:06
lifeless*yawn* morning20:04
lifelessjelmer: please file bugs about things that make the integration poor20:04
jelmerlifeless: will do20:09
lifelesswgrant and I are using it for lxc based parallel test dispatch20:10
jelmerah, neat20:11
lifelessand its new project time again20:52
jelmerlifeless: what are you starting now?20:53
lifelessjelmer: gpgfixtures20:54
lifelessjelmer: test support for gpg - extracting the stub keyserver etc from lp20:55
lifelessso that I can test the gpg verification web service sensibly without code duplication or importing LP20:55
lifelessjelmer: I made 3 new LP projects last week :P20:56
lifelesslp:python-oops, lp:python-oops-wsgi and lp:python-oops-datedir-repo20:57
lifelessjelmer: https://dev.launchpad.net/CreatingNewProjects has probably been polished since you last read it20:58
jelmerlifeless: None < any(last_modified_time) :P20:59
jelmerlifeless: does that mean things that are split off no longer have to be "lazr" projects?20:59
jelmerthat's great21:00
lifelessjelmer: care to do a real simple review ? :)22:08
jelmerlifeless: ooh22:10
jelmerlifeless: I didn't realise 0.2 was out22:10
jelmerlifeless: +122:10
lifeless-not- what you want to find in every codepath using a test server:22:15
lifeless        sleep(0.02)22:15
* wallyworld_ is off to visit the bank armed with a baseball bat23:11
lifelesswallyworld_: ?!23:16
wgrant926+            cls, 'PROJECT', 'Product',23:45
wgrant927+            'Display search results associated with products')23:45
wgrant937+            cls, 'PROJECTGROUP', 'Project',23:46
wgrant938+            'Display search results associated with projects')23:46
lifelessisn't that wrong ?23:46
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
mwhudson"Though there is work going on to demoralise the data to make the DSP queries fast"23:58
mwhudsonbest typo evah23:58

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