
dakermhall119, nigelb cjohnston no reviews :/00:14
dakerwoo 101queries to display l.u.c/events/16:15
dakerjust filed bug 83059216:51
nigelbdaker: \o/ thanks17:18
nigelbI was talking to mhall about that the other day17:18
nigelbah, right you were around :)17:18
mhall119nigelb: which one is that?17:25
mhall119nigelb: 101 queries? sounds like a job for .select_related17:25
nigelbmhall119: the one where I said we need some caching for l.u.c17:27
Ronniedaker, mhall119: reducing queries can also been done with: http://code.google.com/p/django-selectreverse/ and http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-batch-select but also watch the query execution time. Sometimes 2 queries can be quicker than one, containing the same information17:29
dakergood to know17:34
mhall119I still think a simple select_related will go a long way towards cutting down the number of queryies17:36
Ronniecjohnston, mhall119: how far is the blog functionality in l.u.c18:48

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