=== yofel_ is now known as yofel [00:08] upgrading to 4.7 would it change my current settings and programmes? [00:20] upgrading to 4.7 would it change my current settings and programmes? [00:28] ionite: no, all the settings will be the same [00:29] claydoh: are u using 4.7 too? what about my wine programs. and installed existing programs. would there be any changes? [00:29] nope [00:29] and yes, i am running 4.7 [00:30] claydoh: what are the pros and cons changing to 4.7? [00:30] in general,any user specific settings are never touched [00:30] I don't see any cons, unless you have a really old system with equally old graphics [00:31] ionite: what version do you run now? [00:31] claydoh: 4.5 [00:31] 4.7 is not what I would call a critical upgrade [00:32] ooh yeah [00:32] * szal knows one downside when running a system w/ a nVidia gfx card that runs on a legacy driver [00:32] 4.6 and up are much better than 4.5, polish and speed wise [00:32] ionite: you will see and feel the difference imo [00:32] does 4.7 even exist for anything other than Natty and Oneiric? [00:33] szal: no [00:33] claydoh: i'm on netbook. difference in appearance or performance? i'm more keen in performance and bugs differences [00:33] then all talk is futile; 4.5 was default in Maverick and optionally available for Lucid, iirc [00:33] 4.6 is available in maverick via kubuntu's ppa, well worth it [00:34] imo on a really old laptop (circa 2003) [00:34] the intel graphics have better support in 4.6's version of Kwin in maverick as well [00:35] which is good for netbook users [00:36] ionite: I suggest trying out a live session of natty if you want to see [00:39] claydoh: how do i go about? [00:42] download the iso and burn to a flash drive, like you were going to install it, and boot it to the desktop session instead of the installer [00:43] usb-creator is the tool to use [00:56] hi [00:58] <_BS_> OK, 11.04 ... where did search go on khelpcenter? [00:59] <_BS_> And, for some reason, htdig not installed. Now installed. Still no search / build index. [01:38] I'm using kubuntu 11.04, fresh install. When I bring up konsole, then try to resize it from the bottom-right corner of its window, my entire system completely freezes, although the cursor seems to move around a bit, somewhat randomly, but also as if delayed touchpad or mouse actions are also getting through somehow. I also lose keyboard (laptop) input. [01:39] <_BS_> Firefishe: Try going into systemsettings / display first, and see what's what? Also, I experienced same upon first install, until I remeoved my KVM so it could directly read the monitor's capabilities. [01:40] _BS_: What am I looking for? [01:41] I"m there [01:41] Identify Outputs? [01:41] _ [01:42] _BS_: When you say you removed your KVM, what exactly do you mean? [01:42] <_BS_> Firefishe: What is your monitor capable of, and what is it showing? e.g. (size) 1024x768, (refresh) auto [01:43] Size: 1366x768 - Refresh: 50.0 Hz - Orientation: No Rotation - Position: Absolute [01:43] <_BS_> Firefishe: Never mind on KVM, if you don't know, you don't have one. I have a doohickey that let's me hook up a single keyboard/video/mouse to two systems. Thus KVM. Monitor settings wasn't passing through to computer until I removed it. You must not have one. [01:44] <_BS_> Firefishe: What country are you from? NA defaults to 60 Hz. [01:44] usa [01:45] <_BS_> Firefishe: Ouch! (i.e. In NA yet monitor running at 50Hz. Ouch.) Try changing to 60Hz, click apply along bottom, see what happens. (We're just starting, for the moment.) [01:45] <_BS_> Firefish: What is your monitor capable of? e.g. 1024x768, wide screen, colour depth? e.g. 24-bit. [01:45] the only choice I have is 50 Hz or Auto [01:46] in the Refresh area [01:46] It's a laptop from 2008 with an nvidia 9800M GS - 512MB chipset. [01:47] Asus G50V [01:47] I was running 10.04 LTS with no troubles.... [01:47] but you're right...50 Hz is a little strange [01:48] <_BS_> Firefish: Try auto, can't hurt. Darned strange. Hmmm. Any chance you installed hardware drivers on 10.04, or can still boot to it? [01:48] <_BS_> Firefishe: If you go start / system / additional drivers, and give it some time, does it suggest any drivers? [01:50] I just reinstalled 11.04 from an install a few days ago....this thing just started happening to me. I have to see if there are any proprietary drivers yet...one sec === telmo is now known as itsnotlikeucare [01:50] _BS_: This is strange. It almost always shows what may be available. [01:51] and now my h/d is whirring like a bloody propeller...one sec === itsnotlikeucare is now known as help === help is now known as itsnotlikeucare [01:52] helps if I refresh (first time) the source.list ... doh *bonk* [01:52] sources.list even [01:53] I installed kubuntu-full from the text based installer on the dvd I made, so there will be a lot of updates. Do you recommend updating the system at this time? [01:54] <_BS_> Firefishe: If you know to look for proprietary drivers (which is what I was just searching for), then you know more than I can ever help you with. About the only thing I can think of is go Alt-F2, aptitude update ; aptitude safe-upgrade. May need apt-get install aptitude first. ... [01:54] I usually use apt-get [01:55] <_BS_> Firefishe: What may be available? It doesn't show what's available, it shows what's needed (and available). e.g. On my new system it doesn't show anything, as it no longer needs anything (built in). [01:55] The problem seems to lie with konsole and the window manager in that particular window....weird [01:55] Firefishe: what is the problem? [01:55] I'm using kubuntu 11.04, fresh install. When I bring up konsole, then try to resize it from the bottom-right corner of its window, my entire system completely freezes, although the cursor seems to move around a bit, somewhat randomly, but also as if delayed touchpad or mouse actions are also getting through somehow. I also lose keyboard (laptop) input. [01:56] can you switch to a terminal? ctrl + alt + f2 [01:56] <_BS_> Firefishe: Switch to aptitude as you can. Aptitude later, has more built in intelligence. May want to go into aptitude first, though, Ctrl-T, go over to options. I used to have always installed recommended packages checked, now I don't do that. No so much less grief as greater control. [01:56] sounds like a graphics driver problem [01:56] programming: I think so, too. [01:56] what type of card, Firefishe [01:56] but why only that window and program? (konsole) [01:57] laptop...nvidia 9800M GS [01:57] 512M dedicated [01:57] I notice konsole is a bit different from other windows for some reason [01:57] worked flawlessly with 10.04 [01:57] for example if you shut off all desktop effects [01:57] and 4.5.3 [01:57] you'll see every window but konsole, has perfectly round corners [01:57] but konsole's are square [01:57] so there is something wonky about it, not sure what [01:57] <_BS_> programming: Yah think. (-: Current display settings for Firefishe are at Size: 1366x768 - Refresh: 50.0 Hz. Laptop. [01:58] Firefishe: well, I assume you've already fallen back to using xterm or something [01:58] programming: What's wonky is the dev's didn't quite get konsole integrated with the new plasma engine, methinks ;) [01:58] yes, I'm using xterm [01:59] are you using the hardware accelerated driver for your card? [01:59] and I can get to a pure console session if need be (just did it) [01:59] i.e. the real driver [01:59] programming: well, additional drivers didn't bring it up. Let me see if it does now that I've gotten my sources updated. [01:59] <_BS_> Firefishe: Given fresh install, I'd suggest getting current. Video drivers should probably come in by themselves, especially if 10.04 was fine without additional action on your part. Also, switch to text console is Ctrl-Alt-F2, like you said. [02:00] what is that package? nvidia-current? [02:00] let me see if that works [02:01] Hello, everybody. :) [02:01] <_BS_> Firefishe: This is first boot after fresh install, correct? My experience thus far with 11.04 showed me in pulled in proper driver by itself. Your nvidia is old enough to do the same as well. Not to say you won't want proprietary later, but it shouldn't be at 50 Hz, even now. [02:02] _BS_: Do I do `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ?? [02:02] <_BS_> 11.04 ... where did search go on khelpcenter? (htdig is installed, no make index, no nothing.) [02:03] my experience is that unless you are on the official drivers of the hardware manufacturer, that the experience is poor.. Unless you are using a very old driver, or vesa. [02:04] <_BS_> Firefishe: As I said, if I understand correctly, this is first boot after install. Go to text console, get current. X will reconfigure itself as part of that - assuming it brings down new drivers for you. (There's no xorg.conf any more, all xrandr. Most times.) [02:04] rght [02:04] right [02:04] nvidia, and r128 are pretty decent drivers.. I've had ok times with intel.. but the I won't use linux unless I can get the official drivers running. [02:04] so update and upgrade first? [02:04] <_BS_> programming: Right, but he should, at least, be running 800x600, 60Hz, and not getting wonky screen glitches. [02:04] I also need the proprietary drivers. [02:05] is he using the "nvidia" driver? [02:05] or nv? [02:05] programming: not right now, it's not there, it's not even available via the Additional Drivers program in System [02:05] <_BS_> Firefishe: You may, but first you need a working screen, even the most basic one - with no blotches, etc. [02:05] I'm on the desktop in quassel [02:05] <_BS_> programming: HE'S JUST INSTALLED. He hasn't had a chance to do SQUAT, yet. [02:06] I *was* installed, but loaded something that did something else and zonked my system where it was locking up and freezing every five minutes...had to do hard shutdown via the power switch [02:06] so I just reinstalled. [02:06] What I' [02:06] What I'm asking now is should I do the update and upgrade before I do more? [02:07] tweak xorg.conf [02:07] <_BS_> Firefishe: Yes. [02:07] <_BS_> Firefishe: Get current, then play. [02:07] programming: what would you suggest? xorg.conf has so little in it these days. Getting current. [02:07] _BS_: why the screaming [02:07] he's fine [02:07] :) [02:08] high blood pressure, or something [02:08] I can picture the veins in your neck swelling up _BS_ [02:08] yes, the xserver files will be upgraded [02:08] heh [02:08] [02:08] programming, _BS_, thank you for your help [02:09] as soon as it's done, I'm going to reboot. [02:09] you can configure your HorizSync and VertRefresh manually in xorg.conf, if you have to [02:09] I have half an hour on this connection, so do either of you have any further suggestions? [02:10] programming: the screen is 1366x788 [02:10] I keep forgetting which is which [02:10] what res are you getting? [02:10] now? [02:10] yes [02:10] let me check my xorg.conf [02:10] you'd want to check /var/log/X*log [02:10] k [02:11] <_BS_> Firefishe: Probably makes sense, I expect you're getting a new kernel too. [02:11] also check it for clues.. grep WW for warning [02:11] <_BS_> Firefishe: Before you reboot, you might want to go change /etc/default/grub to your satisfaction. e.g. By default, I don't believe a menu of OS choices comes up. You may, or may not want that, but you should probably have a peek. [02:12] _BS_: Well, actually, what happened on my system is that there was a selection for something like previous kernel choices in the list. Do you think installing grub instead of grub-pc (grub2) would hurt anything? [02:13] I really do not like the complexity of grub2 [02:13] <_BS_> Firefishe: "have any further suggestions?" - depends upon what happens after reboot. [02:13] heh...yeah, I suppose [02:13] Firefishe: what about grub2? it worked pretty much automatically for me every time I installed it [02:13] finds every os and just created the menu [02:14] yes, and it did the first install of 11.04. I don't think grub will pose a problem. [02:14] programming, _BS_: Is there a way to change the refresh rate and my horiz/vert sync right now, in real time? [02:14] <_BS_> Firefishe: installing grub will definitely make your life worse. Grub2, it turns out, really isn't all that bad. Easier, actually. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=show&redirect=GRUB2 is gold. Print it, tuck it under your pillow. Never forget its there. [02:14] Firefishe: I don't think so.. Maybe with xrandr, but I really doubt it. [02:15] xrandr can change your resolution, and the orientation of your display, though. [02:15] <_BS_> Firefishe: If the right driver is installed, and it's behaving properly in the first place - absolutely yes. But right now, at 50Hz, something's gone stupid. Easier to update / reboot / see where you're at. [02:16] I took the `sudo aptitude safe-upgrade' path [02:18] <_BS_> Firefishe: Between that document and /etc/default/grub, I believe most any of your concerns / difficulties with migrating to grub2 will disappear. But, don't forget - you can always peek at /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see what's what. Just jump to the bottom and work back up. If you're comfortable with looking at menu.cfg, then you can look at grub.cfg if you're comfortable with that, to see... [02:18] <_BS_> ...what's going on when you need to. update-grup will overwrite it, so it's pointless to change grub.cfg. [02:18] <_BS_> Firefishe: after 'aptitude update' right? [02:18] _BS_: oh yeah, did that ages ago [02:18] it's upgrading now [02:18] safe-upgrading [02:19] although I don't normally use aptitude. I'm just doing it to keep things balanced in the beginning. once it's stable again, I'll tweak until I did ;) [02:19] did=die [02:19] <_BS_> Firefishe: You can always come back to 'aptitude full-upgrade' later and see what's what. Nice thing about it is you can see what it wants to do, then just press N until you're ready to deal with that nonsense. Screen first. [02:20] _BS_: I'll have to get used to it. [02:20] <_BS_> Firefishe: Yet, evidently, tweaking is what got you here in the first place. :-) [02:20] _BS_: actually, no. I have had virtually no problems with kubuntu/ubuntu since Fiesty. [02:20] 10.04 was rock solid [02:20] <_BS_> Firefishe: Aptitude is merely a refined aptitude with a bit more intelligence in it. There are equivalents for just about anything you can think of with apt-get. [02:20] I can always reinstall it, but I wanted to upgrade to the newest kde [02:21] <_BS_> Firefishe: Yet you said you were reinstalling over top of reinstall, due to something going wonky. ;-) [02:22] <_BS_> Firefishe: Be advised, you're not getting the latest kde. Search for 'kubuntu sc 4.7' to get to page that tells you the ppa to use. Also, be advised that korganizer has been held back. Unless you add a different ppa. Just so's you know. [02:22] <_BS_> Firefishe: It's one of the reasons I upgraded, too, only to find ... [02:23] _BS_: Well, there was really nothing on it, and I just upgraded a few days ago, so I figured I'd just reinstall [02:23] <_BS_> Firefishe: But hey ... let's just get a decent screen first. [02:23] yes...oh, here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/672076/ [02:23] that's the output of my xrandr [02:24] brb....nature call [02:24] <_BS_> Firefishe: I'm not saying what you did doesn't make sense, but if 'over'? tweaking is what got you here ... [02:25] <_BS_> Firefishe: Ick. All the garbage resolutions ... ah, never mind. When you get a decent screen, just don't forget to hist 'Save as Default' in your monitor settings. Stupid 50 Hz. [02:26] Firefishe: this is an onboard chipset right? [02:26] can you try specifying more VideoRam? [02:26] programming: yes [02:26] programming: how do I do that? (where do I do that?) [02:27] I am not sure if this can affect your refresh rate [02:27] but it has boosted my ability to use higher res before [02:27] oh wait...there is an nvidia control panel [02:27] Oh, you're using that? [02:27] I think the answer might lie within there, then. [02:27] well, it's available when the proprietary driver is installed. Let me see if it's even there [02:28] yes, it's there and it's now open [02:33] <_BS_> Firefishe: So, reboot has happened, and you're video is in a happy place once again? [02:33] I *can* specify individual settings (including setting it to 60 Hz and 1388x768 (which is the maximum showing available). [02:33] no, upgrading still [02:33] have not rebooted yet [02:34] <_BS_> Firefishe: So if you do so, 1320 (?) x 768 x 60, does your screen get happy, konsole looks reasonable, etc.? [02:35] _BS_: So far I can't save the xorg.conf. I also can't seem to get the nvidia-settings program to open using sudo, nor even using the root prompt (sudo su -) [02:36] <_BS_> Firefishe: I wouldn't worry about any of it until after the reboot. I went through the same nonsense myself until I got current. Changing res reset X, it was just ... irritating. [02:36] ya [02:37] let than five minutes for upgrade completion then reboot. When I disappear, I'll come back in a few and figure it out then. [02:37] thanks for your help [02:37] I appreciate it [02:38] I wonder if I should just upgrade to 4.7 SC and forget it? [02:38] <_BS_> Firefishe: Hey, been there, done that, don't wish it on anyone. Besides ... talking on irc is computer preserving. I don't know how many computers I've manage to not throw out the window due to a little external sanity. [02:39] _BS_: Yes, IRC is sanity, as far as I'm concerned :) [02:39] <_BS_> Firefishe: kde change isn't going to change any video issue. All video is X, and on top of X is rest, including kde. [02:39] irssi, kvirc (my favorite, from svn), or quassel (slowly showing it's greatness!) [02:39] _BS_: Still, while my install is fresh, wouldn't upgrading via the ppa be wise? [02:40] btw, what's korganizer? part of kontact isn't it? [02:40] <_BS_> Firefishe: Someday, for me, when I get that far. Right now, laptop parked beside new system, and chatzilla hit regularly. It gets the job done - in the face of so many other areas to ... fix ... [02:40] _BS_: Having issues with 4.7.x? [02:42] <_BS_> Firefishe: Don't get me started - I have long lost track of names of korganizer / kontact / kde-pim / whatever. The irritating beastie in the corner is akonadi, the new database backend for the stuff. Irritiating, as in, what the heck is an akonadi. Anyways, it's the mostly equivalent to Outlook - calendar, contacts, e-mail, tasks, plus other stuff, including some optional stuff. All part of... [02:42] <_BS_> ...the kde family. [02:42] <_BS_> Firefishe: I always get it backwards, but one of korganizer / kontact starts the pim with the other apps listed on the left side, the other just starts the right side. Don't ask me which is which. [02:44] <_BS_> Firefishe: The advantage is, it's the kde standard, to which other kde things are written. So, if there's going to be any inter-kde synergy, it will happen based out of kde pim. Even if you never use kde pim. My issue is the whole, I should only have to enter a contact in one spot - and everything else that needs to should just pick it up from there. [02:46] _BS_: I've used kmail, the kontact suite, evolution, etc. I usually install all the primary desktop environments (kde, gnome, xfce) and I even had e17 installed on my last system (a little buggy, but interesting) [02:46] compiled each e17 component individually...good lesson [02:46] <_BS_> Firefishe: Yeah, I get the whole ... let's find the nature of this beastie I've never heard of, syndrome. [02:47] syndrome? [02:47] what is it? [02:47] oh, nm [02:47] my brain is slow tonight *bonk* [02:48] I even have my wife using linux now. She can't stand doze anymore. [02:48] _BS_: One day I'm going to have multiple drives with every major gnu/linux distro on it, just for fun. ;) My most recent foray into adventure is Slackware 13.37 on virtualbox. ;) [02:49] <_BS_> Firefishe: Not a package. :-) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/syndrome, as in: a group of related or coincident things, events, actions, etc. The "What's that all about then, eh?" Syndrome. [02:49] yeah, I figured it out [02:49] just a wee bit too late ;) heh [02:49] <_BS_> Firefishe: Been there, done that, done with that. There's a point where you have to stop playing with distros. 'course, then you just replace it with playing with apps. [02:51] heh [02:51] I've been wanting to do slack for a long time. Every distro of it I've used in one form or another has been rock solid...just no dependency checking on packages....needs more adjusting than others sometimes. [02:52] <_BS_> Firefishe: Done Gentoo? [02:52] _BS_: no, too much infighting ;) [02:52] <_BS_> Firefishe: Fedora? ICK. [02:53] Fedora is too buggy since RH Prime ditched it [02:53] <_BS_> Firefishe: Actually ... the other one really good to get really familiar with is CentOS. [02:53] ubuntu based? [02:55] <_BS_> Firefishe: CentOS is RHEL 'based'. For all intents and purposes, think of it as Fedora done real. It's a server os. But a server os not serving anything ... Good knowledge to have under your belt though. Even if painful / I hate it / won't go back to it unless I have to. Hate the fedora interface. Mind you, I say the same thing about gnome. Different strokes for different folks - don't... [02:55] <_BS_> ...matter what you use if you're productive and happy with it. [02:55] <_BS_> Firefishe: i.e. Just because it's a 'server OS' doesn't mean you have to run it as a server. But you'll want to. [02:56] <_BS_> Firefishe: Still not rebooted? [02:56] It's installing [02:56] still unpacking [02:56] I had half a gigabyte [02:57] incidentally, I used the text-based installer to do it this time. I set the file system up as standard. There were some other selections, like largefile4 or something like that. [02:57] is that for servers or something? [03:00] <_BS_> Firefishe: Yes, it's used on a LOT of servers. Bonus - it's free. [03:00] I assume that standard was my best choice for a laptop [03:00] and ext4 [03:01] <_BS_> Firefishe: http://centos.org/ - CentOS is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor. [03:02] I'll definitely look at it. Incidentally, I'm going to college starting tomorrow to start a course in Networking Systems Technology, and they have a super-fast connection. I'll d/l an .iso and burn it and give it a try. Live cd or dvd available? [03:02] <_BS_> Firefishe: Quite probably. (ext4). You could debate forever on it. For your laptop, probably most reasonable choice. Unless you're into heavy video or heavy . Basically, if another filesystem makes more sense for you, you would probably already know. [03:03] yeah, pbly [03:04] <_BS_> Firefishe: I think LiveCD, but I forget. Regardless - just use whatever the course wants and worry about CentOS another day. More than likely you're about to get stuck with Fedora. Or Debian - which is fine, but not likely. Also, don't forget, if you have the CPU and drive space, you can always vm a different distro. [03:05] ...like slackware 13.37...I saved the .vdi to the win partition ;) [03:06] <_BS_> Firefish: Many courses and books are actually teaching that way. Whatever distro they're talking about, running in a vm. Gives a common base for all students, avoids hardware issues, keeps everyone on the same (virtual) hardware page, etc. [03:06] Well, reboot time....brb [03:06] wish me luck [03:07] <_BS_> Firefishe: If you haven't, you might want to consider buying an external enclosure. Stick a drive into it, back your laptop up to it, etc. Or run a vm off of it. Consider the future if you do: You may only have USB, and 2 at that, for the moment. You'll likely have USB 3 and eSata3 in the future. Having those won't hurt you, going forward. [03:08] <_BS_> Firefishe: Ah, you'll always come back to the grub command line. That's all you need. Why in my grandpapy's day ... they didn't even have keyboards ... they had to enter their programs by morse code ... in Spanish ... backwards ... both ways. [03:09] back [03:09] back [03:09] _BS_: Okay, I'm back in. What now? [03:09] <_BS_> Firefishe: But ... did the screen come back in some sort of reasonable state that you can now get on with your day with. e.g. Not 50Hz. [03:10] I'll have to check the settings [03:10] <_BS_> Firefishe: Well given how you started ... screen going wonky, mouse disappearing, etc. If that's gone, even a crude 800x600x60 is still an improvement, and you're good to go. [03:12] I never had problems with the actual screen size. The system just froze when I resized the konsole window. [03:13] I have wobbly windows, non wobbly windows, effects on, effects off, etc. My current settings in the nvidia settings app show that my resolution is set to auto [03:14] I have not tried to duplicate the konsole window bug. [03:17] _BS_: xorg.conf doesn't tell me much [03:17] where can I find my current refresh rate in use? [03:17] <_BS_> Firefishe: It won't. It essentially no longer exists. [03:17] <_BS_> Firefishe: Try xrandr from the command line. [03:18] ya...thanks for the reminder [03:18] seems to still be at 50 [03:18] let me try the dpkg-reconfigure program [03:19] <_BS_> Firefishe: You are starting to exceed my limited expertise - just so's you know. What does systemsettings / display say. e.g. I'm not sure that it's using nvidia proprietary to know that what it says is germane. [03:19] <_BS_> Firefishe: dpkg-reconfigure -a, but I'm not hopeful. It will, at least, confirm that all is configured. [03:19] k [03:20] system settings still shows 1388x768 @ 50 Hz [03:20] Let me try to load the proprietary driver [03:20] <_BS_> Firefishe: OK, found what I had to use initially to get going long enough for it to get internally happy. What does systemsettings show for name, VGA1? [03:21] Well, this is at least a bit better and more informative [03:21] apparently, nvidia-current is being used, but it says it's not in use (which I believe is a bug) [03:22] <_BS_> Firefishe: xrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1366x768 --rate 60. (1388 seems weird, but I don't have much experience in the area.) [03:23] wobbly windows works (but I turned it off), so the driver is actually working....still, is 50 Hz with the proprietary driver (if it *is* in use) weird? [03:23] the screen is a weird size [03:23] it's a gaming laptop [03:23] I'm going to upgrade to 4.7 I think. Suggestions? [03:24] that artifact in konsole may be gone [03:24] <_BS_> Firefishe: Maybe so, but 1366 is a standard res. Tweak later, solid base now. start / system / additional drivers show proprietary driver in use. Or anything at all, for that matter. [03:24] It says driver is activated but not in use [03:24] yet I have effects [03:25] <_BS_> Firefishe: Like I said, if unhappy display, changing KDE ain't gonna change anything. Screen is randr (xorg) - everything else, including kde, built on top of it. Can't put a solid top on a wobbly base. [03:25] well, then I might as well try another distro for the time being or just go back to 10.04 [03:26] <_BS_> Firefishe: Proprietary or not, doesn't mean the non- doesn't have a fair bit of functionality. Speed, maybe, but you're not there yet. [03:27] boy this is weird [03:28] I just did sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a and it's doing a lot of things that, apparently, were left undone.... [03:28] <_BS_> Firefishe: If you're expecting a distro to do your hardware perfectly, out of the box, you may as well go back to windows. Any distro is X based. If another distro works better, it's only because it just happens to include the components perfect for you. It's not that the components perfect for you aren't already present, they just haven't been kicked in yet Solve your video problem and keep... [03:28] <_BS_> ...going. (Not to say that I have the expertise to help you solve it, though.) [03:29] <_BS_> Firefishe: Well, ain't that annoying. Here's hoping things sort themselves out. At the least, to a consistent impression of what driver it's using. [03:29] it's never done this before...I wonder if the install got hashed....I'll have to keep an eye on it. [03:29] it happens on occassion [03:30] occasion [03:30] <_BS_> Firefishe: I'm wondering if the install over the install confused things. In any case, the reconfigure will probably get things stable / consistent / comprehensible for you. (Here's hoping.) [03:33] _BS_: Me, too [03:35] <_BS_> Firefishe: Sorry, but I've got to go. Good luck with this, I hope the reconfigure sorts you out. Keep at solving the video problem. No real point to going to another distro. In essence, the biggest difference between the different distros (aside from debian vs. fedora based) is the standard apps they include. Any of which, if missing, are easily installable in any other distro. G'nite. [03:35] k, thanks :) [03:35] be well [03:37] <_BS_> Firefishe: Oh, and don't forget to bookmark https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=show&redirect=GRUB2. Gold. [04:08] Hey guys, is there a remote server where I can back up my files, or something? [05:44] Hello all. I've located some backup software, but I'd like to find out if I can store my backups online with it, and if so, how....? [05:44] http://amanda.zmanda.com [05:45] What do you mean "online" ? [05:47] Store my important documents, music, photos, etc. on a remote-access server. Perhaps via a cloud server? [05:50] What is the scale of what you're trying to do? (personal desktop, handful of desktops, SMB, enterprise) [05:53] Just 2 or 3 small desktops. Personal. [05:55] I think Amanda might be overkill for that because (according to the diagram on the website) you have to have one Amanda server onto which all clients will be backed up. That, in turn, can back up to remote stuff like Amazon S3. [05:56] I'd check out Deja Dup. "Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend." It's geared more toward desktop -- rather than enterprise -- use. [05:57] ... Maybe I should just buy a couple of external harddrives. [05:59] This isn't something I've had to try to figure out before. I'm just trying to save the stuff I don't want to lose before I wipe out my system and start over. [06:01] I've had a handful of file errors popping up, and it seems that I can't fix them, even with the help of people here. [06:01] So starting over seems the "best" option. [06:01] The degree of backup depends on how worried you are about data loss, and what you expect to cause the data loss. If you're afraid of fire or theft, external hard drives are at as much risk as your local computer. If you're afraid of hardware failure, external drives would probably be sufficient. If you've got the space, you could just rsync the data you want to save between all of your computers. That would be duplicity rather than a true backup, but a [06:01] failure of one machine wouldn't sink you. [06:03] I'm just looking for free storage that I can use for a temporary situation, while I re-install Kubuntu. [06:03] !dropbox [06:04] .... *facepalm* [06:04] That didn't work, well_laid_lawn [06:04] no it didn't... [06:04] Definitely go with external disks. That's what I do whenever April and October roll around. [06:04] well_laid_lawn: What's this "dropbox" ? [06:05] it's a free online storage option [06:05] afaik [06:05] How does it work, if you know?? [06:05] I don't use it - I have an old comp as a fileserver here [06:06] Maybe you should store my files, lol. [06:06] LINKSWORD2: http://www.dropbox.com/ [06:06] there'll be a fee :P [06:07] 2 gigs free, 50 for $10/month -- according to the website. [06:10] If I back up to an external harddrive, or to something like a DVD+/-RW, can I just select my home directory as the copy source? [06:11] I'd setup the partitions from a live cd then plug the external in and copy it to what will be the /home partition [06:11] then install [06:11] mounting the written to partition as /home [06:12] No, no, no.... [06:12] well_laid_lawn: That presupposes a separate home partition. [06:13] I mean, can I copy all of my stuff by setting my home directory as the source..... [06:13] Or do I have to go into it and copy documents, music, pictures, etc. folders individually...? [06:14] where's this home directory? [06:14] on the external? [06:15] No. I'm talking about copying from my current computer to the external. [06:15] LINKSWORD2: 1. plug in (and mount) external drive. 2. sudo chown link:link -R /path/to/external 3. rsync --progress --recursive /home/link /path/to/external/link [06:16] e_t_: About 90% of that went over my head. [06:16] just use the -R option for cp [06:17] I'm not the most familiar with Kubuntu yet, so I'm absolutely oblivious to what you're saying.... [06:17] or the -a [06:17] * LINKSWORD2 slaps self in frustration!* [06:17] do you have the external now? [06:17] Yeah. [06:18] mounted? [06:18] ready to write to? [06:18] .... Huh? Plugged in, yes. [06:18] can you view files on the external drive? [06:19] I can navigate to it and open it. It's currently empty... [06:19] OK. That means it's mounted. [06:19] try copying one file there [06:20] as a test [06:20] Yep. Worked. [06:21] Are you using Dolphin to browse files? [06:21] Yeah. [06:22] Navigate to your home directory and press ALT+. (period). That will reveal all the hidden files that you want to copy too. [06:23] I don't think I need to copy the hidden stuff. Although I can now check. Thanks for the shortcut. [06:23] the hidden stuff includes all your settings, like desktop wallpaper, themes, colors, etc. [06:24] Also your Firefox profile and a bunch of other stuff. [06:25] saves a lot of setting up having those files [06:26] Interesting. Yet I've already got my themes saved to a USB key. lol [06:27] When you're doing backup, you want to save as much as you can. You can decide later what to restore. If you don't back something up and find later that you wanted it, tough cookies. [06:28] unless you have a time machine [06:28] and a paradox compensator [06:28] Inertial dampers? lol [06:29] Those wouldn't hurt either. [06:30] Ugh. Computer's running excessively slow tonight. [06:31] Are you copying files? That'll make any computer slow. [06:31] Hi, I have a headphone which has a USB sound card. I can see them both listed in alsamixer. Kubuntu takes the system sound card as the default one. I want to set the headphones sound card as the default one, so that I can access Skype through headphone. Where can I do that? [06:32] trions: System [06:32] trions: System Settings > Multimedia > Phonon [06:36] e_t_: Don't take this the wrong way, but I love you man... [06:36] lol [06:44] e_t_: Thanks, the audio output is now on the headphones. But the capture (Mic) does not work yet. I have set "Audio Capture" and "Communication" to have my headphone as the prefered device. But when I close the window and reopen it, it resets to the defaults, that is internal Mic comes at the top. [06:46] trions: You may want to install the tool pavucontrol (sudo apt-get install pavucontrol). It controls PulseAudio more directly than KDE does. You should be able to select the input you want with that. [06:52] e_t_: thanks, pavucontrol has a "Recording" tab where Skype is listed when it doing test call. I had to assign it to headphone for input. IT works now Thank you. [06:56] e_t_: I can't delete the trash folder from my external harddrive. Do you know why? [06:58] LINKSWORD2: what is the message you get? [06:58] "Cannot rename .trash-1000" [06:59] LINKSWORD2: We'll do this on the command line. [07:00] OK. [07:00] Open Konsole and type "cd /media" [07:00] OK. Enter? [07:00] Yes. [07:00] Now type "ls" and press Enter. [07:00] What do you see? [07:00] bash: cd /media no such directory [07:01] That's weird. /media is where removable storage like USB sticks and CDs are mounted. [07:02] There we go. "ls" brings up "floppy" "floppy 0" and "cirago" [07:02] cirago is the name of the USB external drive. [07:02] OK. Type "cd cirago" and press Enter. [07:03] GRRR!!! This thing is case-sensitive. *Facepalm.* [07:03] OK, there we go. [07:04] Where is the .Trash-1000 folder? [07:04] Right inside the drive. No previous folders above it. [07:05] OK. Try "rm -rf .trash-1000" [07:05] That's r m for remove. [07:06] Checking it. [07:06] Confirmed. No more trash folder. [07:06] Thanks. [07:06] I like the tab button for filenames in the terminal [07:06] !tab [07:06] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [07:06] saves on typos... :) [07:06] *Facepalm!* I wish I had known that 5 minutes ago. [07:11] All right everybody. I think I'll be seeing all of you in about 24 hours. [07:11] You wouldn't have even needed to use the "cd" command at all. You could have done "rm -rf /media/cirago/.trash-1000" as soon as you opened Konsole. I thought I'd get your feet wet in command-line navigation. [07:12] e_t_: I know a little bit of this stuff, mostly involving "sudo apt-get install" gimp, konqueror, etc.'s.... [07:12] But I wish there was a cheat-sheet for all the commands. [07:13] There are many. Google "linux command cheat". [07:13] I'll have to do that another time. [07:13] I've gotta sign off for tonight, and then start a new install in the morning. === llee_ is now known as llee [09:10] my rekonq's address bar disappeared. How can I recover the origin GUI layout === niels_ is now known as nielsbusch [12:30] Greets, everyone... Anyone notice any new issues with PulseAudio after upgrading to KDE SC 4.7? "Playback through the PulseAudio server" is no longer showing up in System Settings, and ProjectM PulseAudio Visualization is no longer working. [12:52] Hiyas all [13:17] Why do I have to click in order to exit my splash screen whenever I start up? [13:18] Also when I click leave and choose shutdown. The "Shutdown" dialog box doesn't appear. What can I do? [13:19] szal: u there? [13:22] Why do I have to click in order to exit my splash screen whenever I start up? [13:22] Also when I click leave and choose shutdown. The "Shutdown" dialog box doesn't appear. What can I do? [13:29] ionite: see if a new user suffers from the same problems [13:29] James147: i suspect it's a plasma desktop problem. [13:29] James147: what about my splash screen problem? [13:30] try a new user... allot of weird problems are caused by user level configs and a new user is the easiest way to tell if its a system or user problem [13:32] James147: if a new user works out fine so what can i do? [13:32] ionite: find and reset the appropiate configs (normally by renaming or moving them) [13:32] James147: how do i find? log file? [13:33] * James147 normally systematically guesses [13:33] but first check to see if the configs are the problem then worry about fixing them later :) [13:36] James147: i tried a few times. it happens on some occasions only [13:36] weird... [13:36] BluesKaj: Why do I have to click in order to exit my splash screen whenever I start up? [13:37] ionite, do you mean after entering pw ? [13:37] BluesKaj: Also when I click leave and choose shutdown. The "Shutdown" dialog box doesn't appear. What can I do? [13:38] BluesKaj: what's PW? [13:38] password [13:39] ionite: what version of kubuntu/kde are you using? [13:39] James147: 4.5 [13:39] ionite, or do you have the login set for auto [13:40] BluesKaj: Mine is auto login. after i boot my netbook from a fresh start up. it occasionally get stucks at the splash screen even when it's finish loading. i need to click to exit the splash screen. when this happens, it affects my shutdown. whenever i click 'leave' and choose shut down the count down shutdown dialog box doesn't appear. [13:42] ionite, sounds like a plasma glitch/bug ..choose shutdown from the kmenu , that should work [13:42] BluesKaj: yes, seems like that to me also. but how can i permanently fix it? [13:44] ionite, difficult to say , sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop ?...you can try that , there are no guarantees tho [13:45] BluesKaj: if i were to reinstall my desktop what would be affected? my desktop settings? [13:46] ionite, nothing really , but it might bring along some missing dependencies in plasma [13:46] BluesKaj: alright i'm reinstalling now. [13:50] BluesKaj: how do i perform a shut down now that the dialog box won't appear? [13:51] BluesKaj: nothing was installed @ the reinstallation of the KDE desktops [13:55] ? [14:05] Hi there [14:06] i installed kubuntu 11.04 and i cant connect through dsl connection in network manager [14:06] a created a dsl connection in network manager but it is not visible in network connection [14:07] what can i do? [14:07] plz help me [14:10] if someone see my qoestion plz tell me [14:17] !wait | Kaveh [14:17] Kaveh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait. [14:22] تنکیو [14:35] I have a Dell E6400 latitude, BCM4312 WiFi card, have tried just about everything to get it to work, but it wont.. At first modprobe b43 did it, I had wifi, rebooted, and it was gone. Ever since, with the b43 driver loaded, ifconfig -a shows a wlan0 device, with MAC address which seems to be correct, but I can not use it.. Any help? OS is Kubuntu 11.04 [14:44] !broadcom | Phoenixz [14:44] Phoenixz: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [15:00] Hello there. I have an upgrade question, please. I run KDE 4.6.5 (kubuntu 11.04 natty) with kmail 1.13.6. Is there a simple way to just upgrade kmail to 1.13.7? The .7 fixes a gnarly bug in the GPG integration. Thanks! [15:17] No takers :)? [15:21] R49, sorry I dropped kmail when kde4 became default ...couldn't get it properly configured for my liking === hacked is now known as vinces [15:22] try upgrading to kde 4.7 , perhaps that will solve the prob [15:23] 4.7 comes with kmail2... that has many issues [15:27] ok bye [15:35] ok, how can I scan the ports on my LAN and find out what ip's are being used? [15:38] shane2peru: nmap is pretty good, although mostly command-line [15:39] genii-around: command line is fine, I need to find out my vonage IP so I can get into the box, and figure out what is going on with it. [15:40] shane2peru: Thats probably what you want then, you can scan a range of IPs to find what services/ports are open on each, and give a report back [15:41] genii-around: thanks that was pretty simple [16:11] I've cloned a git repository so I could have a local copy, now I want to update my local copy from the repository. how do I do that? [16:12] avihay: cd into the directory which has the name of the git you cloned, then use the same command as before but put "pull" instead of "clone" [16:15] genii-around: thanks [16:16] avihay: You're welcome [16:29] hello how to install ns 2 in kubuntu 11.04 [16:31] fathima: What is ns 2? [16:37] anyone knows a good gui to show the hardware? [16:37] hello ANY ONE PLEASE TELL how to install ns 2 in kubuntu 11.04 ITS URGENT [16:37] fathima, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=installing+ns-2+linux&l=1 [16:38] hello any one please tell how to install ns 2 in kubuntu 11.04 its urgent [16:38] ns 2 ? [16:41] fathima: What is NS 2? [16:41] We cannot help you unless you tell us what that is. [16:41] rethus, there's http://www.kde.org/applications/system/kinfocenter/ but I can't seem to have it on my system [16:42] its a network simulator [16:43] mhh, i realy wonder.. i have buy ati 5450 with 1GB RAM, but sysinfo only shows 256MB [16:43] now i search a way to check how many RAM my graphiccard has [16:43] fathima, I see ns2 in the repos [16:44] !info gns3 [16:44] gns3 (source: gns3): graphical network simulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7.3-2ubuntu1 (natty), package size 3722 kB, installed size 17680 kB [16:44] genii-around: you mean me? [16:44] rethus: No :) [16:45] kk but i need steps to install in kubunthu 11.04 [16:45] rethus: For your graphics card info: sudo lshw -C video [16:46] result in: http://paste.kde.org/113161/ [16:47] genii-around: you see how much RAM it has? [16:47] fathima, open your software center in the kmenu and choose internet then type ns2 and choose install [16:48] k k thanks [16:52] rethus: 256Mb [16:53] genii-around: how could you find out this? [16:53] on the card the 1024MB is marked ... is it possible that the driver only support such 256 MB ? [16:54] rethus: eg: memory:d0000000-dfffffff ... means FFFFFFF hex, which is 268,435,455 in regular decimal notation [16:55] what you think about my driver question? could this be= [16:55] ? [17:00] rethus: Unfortunately I'm not familiar with the fglrx driver [17:00] so i wonder how this could happend, that only 256MB shown [17:03] rethus: Is your video card a separate one which plugs into a slot on the motherboard or an integrated one? [17:03] seperate one [17:03] your graphics card has 1024 mb ? or are you talking about regular RAM ? [17:04] i buy this card with 1024MB [17:04] and 1024MB is marked on the card itself [17:04] so i soesn't think its a wrong (256MB Card) [17:07] It's possible it uses some kind of memory paging in the driver [17:10] is there a gpu benchmark-prgramm on linux... which may check the whole RAM and show the result? [17:13] !info phoronix-test-suite [17:13] phoronix-test-suite (source: phoronix-test-suite): a comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.1~repack1-1 (natty), package size 351 kB, installed size 2468 kB [17:20] seems to crash [17:20] wait... [17:20] seems only to be a cmd-line programm? [17:20] is there a gui for it === blackbuntu is now known as ex0dust [17:22] rethus, it's simple to use just follow the instrucrions at launch [17:23] i don't know what the output should tell me [17:23] http://paste.kde.org/113197/ [17:23] what should i do "phoronix TESTING" ? [17:24] rethus: Usually #2, then test #51 [17:24] it lists your system hardware , rethus..my graphics shows NVIDIA GeForce 8400GS 1024MB [17:24] what means #2... if i start phoronix it output only this (what i paste) and jump back to cmd input === blackbuntu is now known as ex0dust [17:26] http://paste.kde.org/113209/ [17:26] rethus: At the bottom of that page should be a place where it wants you to answer some questions the first time it runs, like do you want to let it collect anonymous data, and so on. 2-3 questions [17:27] k, that i answerd 1=y 2=y 3=n [17:28] now if i start the programm i got always this i paste at first [17:28] same if i do phoronix-test-suite list-test [17:28] no output like http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/?k=documentation [17:28] (be back in 15 minutes) [17:45] fathima: Used linux much? [17:45] rethus: You can ask in #phoronix [17:45] They made the program [17:53] no answers in phronix irc [17:56] rethus, look in phoronix/System Hardware ..what does the graphics section say? [17:57] BluesKaj: what exactly is the "phoronix/System Hardware" ? Phronix doeing nothing but only showing me this linnes i posted before. [17:57] no system Hardware-section or menu [17:58] rethus: Did you install it from in the package manager, or did you install it from their website? [17:58] kpackage [17:59] rethus, look in kmenu>apps>system === skreech_ is now known as Daskreech [17:59] this popup the terminal-window for 0,5 seconds and finish the programm [17:59] but in this 0.5 seconds i see... exactly same output like on cmd [18:00] rethus, did you follow my instruction ? [18:00] which one? [18:01] look above [18:01] if phoronix didn't start, i can't go to any "System Hardware"-Menue inside of it [18:01] kmenu>apps>system [18:02] yes, and click on phoronix [18:02] i desccribed before what happens. [18:02] pastebin the text [18:02] http://paste.kde.org/113209/ [18:03] one moment, wrong text [18:03] http://paste.kde.org/113197/ [18:03] this one [18:03] phoronix output nothing else [18:03] your install failed [18:03] no message about this [18:05] rethus, sudo apt-get install --reinstall phoronix-test-suite [18:15] how to install ns2 on kubuntu 11.04? [18:16] fathima: sudo apt-get install ns2 [18:17] i tried but its not istalling showing error message [18:17] What error? [18:18] "make: *** [install-binaries] Error 1 [18:18] tcl8.4.18 installation failed. [18:18] Tcl is not part of the ns project." [18:19] hi [18:19] What file to I put a list of commands I want to execute at startup ? [18:22] jerware, scripts ? [18:22] well .bashrc is for every spawned shell. [18:22] I just need login. [18:22] so conky & executes just once. upon login [18:23] rc.local [18:24] uh, login for bash is ~/.profile - rc.local is system wide after boot [18:25] or .bash_login [18:25] system settings >startup and shutdown > autostart>scripts ? [18:26] yofel: Yes, good point. they may not want conky to start for all the users! === fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy [18:33] yofel, genii-around so where in the boot to login sequence does the startup and shutdown > autostart link take place ? [18:34] ok I see a kdm / kde option in "startup and shutdown" [18:34] hm, user session startup after login i think [18:35] pre kdm/kde , actually [18:52] how to prevent "Launching Knotify" from popping up on GNOME panel ? === dark_knight is now known as the_joker [19:21] ciao a tutti [19:21] !it [19:21] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) [19:29] good evening [19:29] I have a strange issue with my kubuntu 11.04 [19:29] whenever I do any actions while playing music sound quality suffers significantly [19:30] when I just run the music player, everything is fine [19:30] but just when I move the mouse around, it starts cracking and jittering [19:31] does this sound familiar to someone or do you have some ideas how to fix that ? [19:31] thanks in advance :) [19:41] Lastmerlin: Can you press Ctrl+Esc and tell me the top three items [19:41] firefox, quassel, vlc [19:43] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=678170 [19:43] I found that, but I could not solve it this way ^^ [19:43] mouse movement is really horrible ^^ [19:44] but flash videos sound horrible too [19:46] several forum threads propose buying different hardware [19:46] but honestly, this never occured before my upgrade to 11.04 [19:49] Lastmerlin, is pulseaudio installed in system settings>multimedia>phonon>device list ? [19:50] yes it is [19:50] thats the difference to 10.10 as I see it [19:51] in 10.10 I had something called Jack running [19:51] at least I guess that pulseaudio is something that replaced Jack [19:52] Pulse uses more CPU than Jack? [19:53] no idea [19:53] I have a core2duo here [19:53] not the latest cpu, but honestly, that should be enough [19:53] jack is quite versatile , but pulseaudio is installed by default on 11.04 , and unless you listen more than one source at a time it's mostly redundant, IMO ...I don't use it [19:54] yes same here , 4yr old HP dual core cpu with entry level integrated soundcard [19:54] lastmerlin, I'm running Natty on a Core2Duo, the sound settings were fine for me out of the box. [19:56] Lastmerlin, I don't think it's the soundcard apps or the drivers ...wondering about input devices , mouse and KB [19:57] I already read, that some inteferences can cause these problems [19:57] but this sounds not logical as I never had these problems before with the same hardware [19:58] so you propose replacing pulseaudio by jack ? [19:59] jack is for musicians [19:59] whats the difference ? [19:59] jack is a low latency sound server [19:59] Lastmerlin, what are the cpu usage for those top programms? [20:00] !info jack [20:00] jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26build1 (natty), package size 119 kB, installed size 652 kB [20:00] >_> [20:00] Lastmerlin,no just remove pulseaudio for now , then when you check phonon again choose delete pulseaudio [20:00] !info jackd [20:00] jackd (source: jackd-defaults): JACK Audio Connection Kit (default server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 5 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB [20:00] when I looked at it, it was about 30% overall cpu load [20:00] now its <10% for some reason [20:01] ok, perhaps because I stopped playing flash and music :D [20:01] if flash was HD, might be the problem [20:01] stop all players before removing pulseaudio [20:01] you use VLC for music? [20:02] KimLaroux, I do ..I use vlc for all media [20:02] right now I did, normally amarok [20:02] did you get the same cracking and clipping on amarok and VLC? [20:02] yes [20:03] just installing Kubuntu 11.04...I am quite impressed with the installer [20:03] Lastmerlin, I suppose you're playing mp3 files? 44.1khz? [20:03] yes [20:04] apt-get remove pulseaudio [20:04] the icing on the cake would be to be able to do something (like play a simple game) while the installation finishes, rather than watch this (very professional-looking and helpful for newbies) slideshow :) [20:04] so you propose this, essentially ? [20:04] And now my sound starts skipping :-p [20:04] can you test sometime for me? Play a song in vlc, then do ~$ cat /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params [20:05] Oh, you have pulseaudio? [20:05] oh no, there's a typo in the slideshow text! [20:05] access: MMAP_INTERLEAVED [20:05] format: S16_LE [20:05] subformat: STD [20:05] channels: 2 [20:05] rate: 44100 (44100/1) [20:05] period_size: 44096 [20:05] buffer_size: 88192 [20:06] you cat output :) [20:06] Lastmerlin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:06] yeah I just wanted to know the rate [20:06] well Alsa isn't resampling, so that's not you problem... amarok might tough [20:07] your* [20:07] ok, just another thing I noticed [20:07] when I move the mouse around on an empty desktop, nothing happens [20:07] but the more windows on the desktop, the worse the effect [20:08] that's weird... do you have many desktop effects on? like transparency and such? [20:08] btw: honestly, less than 10 lines are not flooding yet :P === amit is now known as Guest66623 [20:08] it can be when chat is busy... [20:09] rulez is rulez [20:10] okok [20:10] I had transparency, deactivated it now [20:10] no improvement === Guest66623 is now known as SlimSilverSurfer [20:11] overall, I first notice: the problems are tied to performance [20:11] and xserver seems to be the culprit, mainly [20:16] hmm deactivated the desktop effects, this did help :) [20:16] But why is kubuntu 11.04 so performance sensitive ? [20:16] I am _far_ away from 100% cpu load [20:17] Lastmerlin: bottleneck? [20:18] There are a number of channels other than CPU that could be used [20:18] Lastmerlin, your issue is definitely an odd one , what about your graphics card and driver ..what are they ? [20:18] hmm whatever the problem is, 10.10 did a better job here... [20:19] ATI card, proprietary driver [20:19] which works quite well for me 3D applications [20:20] Radeon 4550 to be specific [20:23] but switching off deskop effects yielded a notable reduction of the noise, at least [20:26] Hello, I have a couple questions. May I ask? [20:26] Lastmerlin, that card should handle most loads without a hitch ...wonder about xorg settings , do you have an xorg.conf file ? [20:26] !ask | PrincessArtemis [20:26] PrincessArtemis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:27] I have an xorg.conf file [20:27] but it was written automatically [20:28] http://paste.ubuntu.com/672699/ [20:28] I wonder about the input devices there [20:29] well, not much there :) [20:29] I did tell you :P [20:30] Attempting to run ATI's Catalyst Control Center as an admin from Applications > System > brings up a small window for my password--it doesn't accept my password there. However, it does accept my password using sudo amdcccle; any ideas why? [20:36] ok, got to go now [20:36] thanks a lot for your advice [20:37] I will be back when I annoyed enough with the current state again ^^ [20:39] Lastmerlin, I would still check around for input device settings and related problems in xorg.conf [20:40] ok, thanks for the advice [20:40] Hello [20:41] I'm new to IRC, and kubuntu too actually. I'm trying to get familiar with the terminal. Can anyone point me to a site or a book that could take me through the different commands and their usage? [20:43] you have a manual on them installed [20:43] the man pages [20:44] try man ls in a terminal [20:44] Also http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/Bash-Beginners-Guide.html is sometimes useful [20:47] that's a handy guide :) [20:49] well_laid_lawn and genii-around Thanks! I'll look into it :) [20:50] handy hint here [20:50] !tab [20:50] You can use your key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. [20:53] ubottu: Thanks! This'll be real handy! :D [20:53] SlimSilverSurfer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [20:53] Oh well_laid_lawn, that was cause you pressed !tab.. [20:54] heh [20:54] !bot [20:54] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots [20:54] Haha cool. Thanks a lot man! [20:54] np :) [20:55] !commands [20:55] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal [20:56] The great thing about the command line is that it's desktop-agnostic [20:58] whoa, 11.04 doesn't have aptitude any more? [20:58] what's the Recommended Package Tool(tm) these days? [20:58] apt-get mostly [20:58] apt-get install aptitude [20:59] rekcuFniarB: yeah, I know I can install it, I just wondered why it wasn't there by default [20:59] Kubuntu is moving to Muon [20:59] does apt-get handle orphaned packages now? That's why I always used aptitude to install, 'cause it would always offer to remove packages that were only installed as dependencies once their "parents" were all gone [21:00] Alumin, yes [21:00] word [21:00] Alumin: Canonical things that it isn't needed for desktop users === yofel_ is now known as yofel === Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan === superuser is now known as Guest90657 [22:06] I have the win-key reconfigured to act as F13 and use it for the application launcher hotkey. This setup disappears several times a day, and I have to manually invoke xmodmap -e 'keycode 113 = F13' to get it back [22:06] It's driving me mildly nuts. [22:06] Could KDE be doing this? [22:08] I'll add that I'm running an up-to-date 11.04 [22:20] plasma slow with desktop effects. uptime:1day 21hours [22:21] effects disabled. performance: 40 down to 5 % [22:22] lost a few degrees of heat too [22:22] :D === decorations is now known as sillykone === techmik67 is now known as techmik === david is now known as Guest14729 [23:17] Heya [23:17] I'm new to Linux in general [23:18] and was wondering if this is a place I can find some info [23:19] What's the difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu? [23:20] Nobody? [23:36] Hello Everyone I'm having a small problem, I'm using Kubunut 11.04 and I install samba from dolphin, and set the folder so that everyone has full control, but when I try to past a file into it from my other computer it says access denied . Can anyone help me with this please? [23:45] Hello Everyone I'm having a small problem, I'm using Kubunut 11.04 and I installed samba from dolphin, and set the folder so that everyone has full control, but when I try to past a file into it from my other computer it says access denied . Can anyone help me with this please?