=== yofel_ is now known as yofel === head_victim is now known as Guest97921 === Guest97921 is now known as head_victim [09:28] hey! my cd's are not showing up in my /media folder. how can i tell if there just not mounting or its a hardware problem [09:38] philipballew, mount them manually from terminal [09:38] !mount [09:38] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [09:38] up late to bioterror ? [09:39] philipballew, I'm UTC+3 ;) [09:39] that means it's almost 13:00 [09:40] nice! here in ca its almost 3. [11:11] hi all, is somewhere here? or all afk? [12:03] gigenieks: yes === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh [16:18] hi there I messed up my terminal bad up and down arrows are not working so that means no control in nano vi ect... any one know how to compleatly reset terminal or where the conf file might be ? [16:22] ~/.gconf/apps/ maybe? [16:22] thanks I will look I messed up this time [16:22] i see a gnome-terminal file in there [16:23] *directory [16:23] yes backspace gives me ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H [16:23] shouldnt hurt to pull that out of the way for a second and try it [16:23] I have to copy and paste everything in [16:23] some keys work some dont [17:46] Can someone help with this --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1830736 [17:46] Can't install Lubuntu on old PC. [17:46] I'm stuck!... [17:54] can you try an older version gigenieks ? [17:55] can you do a netboot install? [17:56] i'm assuming the system doesn't boot from usb stick [18:17] that PC can't boot from USB! It is OLD.. I guess I can (btw with "I" I mean my friend) "netboot"? System does boot from CD (live cd, alternate or minimal) it does NOT install. That is the issue [18:32] gigenieks: to netboot the system will have to support PXE netbooting, and you'll need another computer to set up the server [18:32] there's a wiki guide, let me find it [18:33] gigenieks, what do you meant do not install, install freezes or just wont start? [18:34] for example in Live CD (standard installation CD) if we try 1) Try Lubuntu bla bla => freeze (nothing happens) or 2) Install Lubuntu => freezes [18:35] I think i pretty good explained in here --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1830736 [18:35] here's the wiki if you decide to try it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot [18:35] i'm leaving, good luck [18:37] mmm dont you think that machine is kind old for ubuntu? have you tryed puppy ? [18:39] not for lubuntu [18:39] ahhh [18:39] but he's our old friend from #lubuntu ;) [18:40] awwww a puppy :) [18:41] sep [18:48] bioterror, well have you tryed lubuntu lts [18:49] CrOnOs2000, I've tried many lubuntus [18:49] for a mystical reason === yofel_ is now known as yofel [21:21] I'm looking for somebody to ask about encryption. Specifically I want to use an asymmetric cipher where a message is encrypted a person and is decryptable by the public key. I want something different than signing because a failed signature check would still have the contents readable.