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dgroos | Good Morning! | 12:55 |
highvoltage | good morning dgroos | 12:55 |
dgroos | highvoltage: how are things 'up north'? | 12:56 |
dgroos | (and east, technically) | 12:56 |
highvoltage | dgroos: good and there? | 12:58 |
jbicha | highvoltage: I was looking for an edubuntu developer to make a decision on bug 692295 | 13:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 692295 in Baltix "[FFe] Update gcompris to 9.6.1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/692295 | 13:00 |
dgroos | Pretty good. First day for teachers was yesterday and even though I'm not a teacher this year (on a study leave this year) I was back in class. | 13:00 |
highvoltage | I saw that in my inbox and I've been meaning to comment on it | 13:00 |
jbicha | I'm probably just too impatient... | 13:00 |
dgroos | I'm supporting the teachers using the classroom set ups with computers. | 13:00 |
dgroos | alkisg: ping | 13:01 |
highvoltage | jbicha: not at all, I just have too many distractions | 13:01 |
highvoltage | dgroos: oh great! | 13:02 |
dgroos | highvoltage: is it just my reader or have your blog posts on edubuntu been, well, truncated? | 13:03 |
highvoltage | dgroos: I think I've been hit by some wordpress bug, sometimes my feed gets truncated. I should probably look into that... :) | 13:04 |
dgroos | wordpress is kinda like that... | 13:05 |
alkisg | or here, dgroos: pong :D | 14:29 |
dgroos | alkisg: howdy | 14:35 |
alkisg | Hey dgroos, how are you? | 14:36 |
dgroos | pretty good/pretty busy | 14:36 |
dgroos | And yourself? | 14:36 |
alkisg | Exactly the same :) | 14:37 |
dgroos | :) | 14:37 |
dgroos | I'm taking this year off so that I can concentrate on my dissertation but I'm also supporting 'my' teachers. :) | 14:38 |
dgroos | I want to install sch-scripts into the new fat client on which I'm working. | 14:38 |
dgroos | The image is on the server I used last year though I did delete the thin client image. | 14:39 |
dgroos | I already installed the client and am wondering about the server sch-scripts app. | 14:40 |
dgroos | How can I launch it if I can't gain super-user permissions? | 14:41 |
dgroos | (I saw you say on a forum that you can't sudo with fat clients). | 14:41 |
alkisg | dgroos: the sch-scripts client connects to the sch-daemon network service through a server socket in /var/... | 14:42 |
alkisg | A fat client doesn't have access to that socket | 14:42 |
alkisg | So, even if you could sudo, you wouldn't access the sch-daemon, so sch-scripts wouldn't work | 14:42 |
alkisg | So the teacher needs to either sit on the server, or on a thin client | 14:42 |
alkisg | The sch-scripts GUI won't work if it's ran from a fat client | 14:43 |
alkisg | So, the best you can do, is to ssh -X or vnc to the server, and run sch-scripts from there. Or to use a thin client for the teacher. Or something similar. | 14:44 |
dgroos | That was it--I thought you were running it from a fat client but it was from the server... | 14:44 |
alkisg | Or to use remoteapps | 14:44 |
alkisg | Maybe that last is the best option | 14:44 |
dgroos | hmmm remoteapps--I'll look it up. Thanks! I'll come back with a question, perhaps :) | 14:45 |
alkisg | dgroos: markit wants to sponsor an i18n sch-scripts version, we may have a new i18n sch-scripts version soon | 14:46 |
dgroos | :D congrats and great and thanks! | 14:47 |
dgroos | alkisg: and, if I can help with the translation en_us let me know, I'd like to help. | 15:10 |
alkisg | dgroos: very nice, I'll tell the other dev doing the i18n to send you the translations for proof-reading | 15:11 |
alkisg | As our english of course are not good enough for main language :) | 15:11 |
dgroos | also, I could help during the end of Dec with Spanish as I'll be with my Guatemalan-inlaws who could help. | 15:11 |
dgroos | I say again yer English is good very! than mine. :) | 15:12 |
alkisg | Sounds good too, but it might be better for the first spanish teacher that actually uses the program, to do the translation too | 15:12 |
dgroos | sure. | 15:12 |
alkisg | (translations need maintanance over time, as anything else in the software world) | 15:13 |
dgroos | (as I experienced! Just let me know) | 15:14 |
dgroos | I've had no luck finding any info on how to use ltsp-remoteapps. Do I just type: "ltsp-remoteapps sch-scripts"? | 15:15 |
dgroos | (I'm backing up my server at the moment and can't test.) | 15:15 |
alkisg | You also need some lts.conf setting about remoteapps | 15:15 |
alkisg | Let me find the exact name... | 15:15 |
alkisg | REMOTE_APPS=True | 15:17 |
alkisg | And you'll need to do something about the sudo part | 15:17 |
alkisg | (sudo sch-scripts, might not work with remote apps and need to edit sudoers instead) | 15:18 |
dgroos | In some list-server e-mails Todd O' wrote the following about using fat clients: "I was able to get root access by doing:" | 15:23 |
dgroos | $ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/amd64 passwd -u root | 15:23 |
dgroos | $ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/amd64 passwd | 15:23 |
dgroos | and setting the password. | 15:23 |
dgroos | does that relate? | 15:23 |
alkisg | dgroos: the clue here is "you almost never need sudo on fat clients" | 15:23 |
alkisg | Let's start there. WHY do you need sudo? | 15:23 |
dgroos | Quoted from above: "alkisg: (sudo sch-scripts, might not work with remote apps and need to edit sudoers instead)" | 15:24 |
alkisg | On the server | 15:24 |
dgroos | just trying to make sense of that statement... | 15:24 |
alkisg | Ah ok let me explain more | 15:25 |
alkisg | If you were sitting on the server and tried: sudo sch-scripts, what would happen? | 15:25 |
alkisg | You'd get a password prompt | 15:25 |
alkisg | Remoteapps unfortunately won't allow a text-based prompt etc | 15:25 |
alkisg | So you'll need a way around that problem | 15:25 |
alkisg | With sudoers, you can configure certain users or groups to be able to run "sudo sch-scripts" without the need of a password | 15:26 |
alkisg | All this on the server | 15:26 |
alkisg | So, when you try "ltsp-remoteapps sudo sch-scripts", you won't get a password prompt from the server, and it'll just run | 15:26 |
alkisg | Makes a bit more sense now? | 15:27 |
dgroos | got it. So how might I find a how to about setting this up? | 15:27 |
dgroos | :) | 15:27 |
alkisg | Let me give you my greek page, I think google translate will be enough... | 15:27 |
dgroos | :D | 15:27 |
alkisg | http://alkisg.mysch.gr/steki/index.php?topic=3211.0 | 15:28 |
dgroos | Thanks! (of course our district has a filter on that page because of 'proxy avoidance' but I'll find a work around!) | 15:29 |
alkisg | Basically it's this: | 15:30 |
alkisg | sudo VISUAL=gedit visudo | 15:30 |
dgroos | interesting--I put it into google translate and it went through :) | 15:30 |
alkisg | And in the end of the file: | 15:30 |
alkisg | teacher ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sch-scripts | 15:30 |
alkisg | Haha google rocks :D | 15:31 |
dgroos | so I can put this line several times: teacher ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sch-scripts but just using a different name for the different teachers? Do you think there will be issues if 2 teachers are using this concurrently? | 15:33 |
alkisg | You can use a group there instead if you prefer, but yeah of course you can put it several times | 15:34 |
alkisg | I think groups need a % in their name (syntax-wise) | 15:34 |
alkisg | The sch-scripts daemon is designed to have as many GUI connections as you like | 15:34 |
alkisg | So not a problem for concurrrent users | 15:35 |
dgroos | I'll put this dialog on my blog for future reference, thanks :) | 15:35 |
alkisg | So it would be: | 15:36 |
alkisg | %teachers ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/sch-scripts | 15:36 |
kukac | Hi, I am just installing edubuntu 11.04 and I have difficulties with ltsp and unity | 21:07 |
kukac | Could someone help me? | 21:07 |
kukac | please | 21:08 |
alkisg | Such as? | 21:08 |
kukac | I have a server and when I chroot to client, I cant install software on client side (eg. italc-client), because apt tries to load some place called ftpmaster.... | 21:10 |
alkisg | And how is that related to unity? | 21:10 |
kukac | alkisg: unity is other question. I purged it, but I get always some alerts telling me that it cant load unity. I choosed classic interface, but it does not count, it seems | 21:12 |
alkisg | To set classic-gnome as the default session instead of Unity in Ubuntu >= 11.04, put LDM_XSESSION="gnome-session --session=classic-gnome" in lts.conf | 21:12 |
alkisg | About the chroot and apt-get install problem, put the output of this command to pastebin: cat /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list | 21:13 |
kukac | alkisg: concerning ltsp, I suppose that I should not see both server interface on client, but I do. It seems that it is not the chrooted environment I get, but the server's one | 21:13 |
alkisg | kukac: you have a misunderstanding there | 21:13 |
alkisg | When you sit on a thin client, you actually sit on the server | 21:14 |
alkisg | Not in the chroot | 21:14 |
alkisg | All the user programs, the session, openoffice, firefox etc run on the server | 21:14 |
highvoltage | a thin client is typically a bit small for me to sit on | 21:14 |
alkisg | So whatever commands you issue on gnome-terminal, they also run on the server, and show your server nics etc | 21:14 |
highvoltage | (but some servers are just the right size) | 21:15 |
kukac | alkisg: I see then. | 21:15 |
* alkisg will never ever learn to use prepositions correctly :D | 21:16 | |
kukac | alkisg: in the ltsp ubuntu help, I read that I should install italc-master on server and client on the chroot, but when I install master, a client is installed too and I cant install anything in chroot | 21:16 |
* highvoltage was just joking :) | 21:16 | |
alkisg | Btw what's the correct preposition there? "at a thin client"? | 21:17 |
highvoltage | I think so | 21:18 |
highvoltage | I guess I would've said "If you're on a session on a thin client, you're actually on a desktop session on the server" or something like that | 21:18 |
* alkisg promises that he'll remember that for the next 2 minutes :) | 21:18 | |
highvoltage | alkisg: I'll keep you to that! | 21:19 |
alkisg | kukac: Meh someone should just delete that italc ubuntultsp wiki page, it's too badly written, I don't think anyone managed to follow it | 21:19 |
kukac | alkisg: oh! and there is not any acceptable online help? | 21:19 |
kukac | alkisg: oh! and there is any acceptable online help? | 21:20 |
alkisg | Sorry but I've helped tooo many people install italc, I don't think I can do it just one more time, but if you search the irc logs, you'll find the necessary steps at least 10 times :) | 21:20 |
alkisg | But the #edubuntu and the #ltsp logs | 21:20 |
alkisg | *Both, not but | 21:20 |
kukacs | alkisg: I am kukac on edubunt here | 21:21 |
alkisg | Did the unity / LDM_XSESSION directive work? | 21:21 |
kukacs | alkisg: I am trying to find it | 21:21 |
alkisg | sudo gedit /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf | 21:22 |
alkisg | And there, put: | 21:22 |
alkisg | [Default] | 21:22 |
alkisg | LDM_XSESSION="gnome-session --session=classic-gnome" | 21:22 |
alkisg | And reboot the clients.. | 21:22 |
kukacs | alkisg: i have two line only in that file: [default] | 21:24 |
kukacs | LDM_THEME=edubuntu | 21:24 |
alkisg | Put a third one, the one with LDM_XSESSION | 21:24 |
alkisg | Don't put [default] twice, leave it just once in the top | 21:25 |
alkisg | Or at the top, or on the top, or whatever :P | 21:25 |
kukacs | alkisg: it seems that I dont have ldm installed | 21:25 |
alkisg | kukacs, you do have ldm install in the chroot | 21:25 |
alkisg | *installed | 21:25 |
alkisg | Don't worry about it, just try putting that line | 21:25 |
kukacs | alkisg: I am checking | 21:26 |
kukacs | alkisg: this alert message is resolved, thanks | 21:30 |
kukacs | alkisg: what should I do with this italc thing? | 21:30 |
kukacs | alkisg: this is the chrooted apt source.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/673383/ | 21:33 |
alkisg | The first line isn't correct | 21:34 |
alkisg | deb http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu natty main restricted universe multiverse | 21:34 |
alkisg | See /etc/apt/sources.list for the correct line | 21:34 |
alkisg | And if you didn't do anything weird, file a bug in edubuntu about it | 21:34 |
kukacs | alkisg: it seems that there is no network connection in chroot environment under /opt/ltsp/i386 | 21:36 |
alkisg | sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ | 21:37 |
kukacs | alkisg: should I move to debian edu maybe? | 21:37 |
kukacs | alkisg: in place of edubuntu? | 21:37 |
alkisg | That's your call, I'm using ubuntu/ltsp for years without problems | 21:37 |
kukacs | alkisg: this resolv.conf helped, it is networking now. you are a wizzard | 21:38 |
kukacs | alkisg: should I install then italc-client there? in chroot? | 21:39 |
alkisg | kukacs, as I said, I don't have the appetite to go once again through the italc installation steps... | 21:40 |
kukacs | alkisg: my other problem, with italc, that it found only the main desktop login as client, but not the real client | 21:40 |
alkisg | I helped more than a dozen people, not one of them corrected the wiki... | 21:40 |
alkisg | If you want search through the irc logs | 21:40 |
alkisg | You'll find the steps there more than 10 times | 21:40 |
kukacs | alkisg: I am searching, thanks | 21:41 |
kukac | alkisg: what do you think, this description is correct? http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/italc | 21:55 |
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