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julumme | hi, | 05:02 |
julumme | I wonder if I could get some advice here, regaring Ubuntu on Beagleboard | 05:02 |
julumme | I'm currently running "Robert Nelsons" ubuntu image, and everything seems to work more or less | 05:02 |
julumme | my target is to operate serial infrared trasnceiver on the BB, and for that I chose ubuntu as I saw that lirc was there already in apt | 05:03 |
julumme | however, dpkg-reconfigure complains that it can't compile as I don't have kernel sources installed | 05:03 |
julumme | I don't really know how to compile natively on BB/ubuntu, or how could I cross compile kernel modules on a x86 | 05:05 |
julumme | so I guess I would like to know what someone who understands how these things should be done, suggest to do | 05:07 |
julumme | I tried an official headless image 11.04, but I was unable to get network working on that one (I could not see eth0 nor usb0 at all) | 05:08 |
julumme | it would have enabled me to easily download kernel sources through apt, I guess | 05:08 |
julumme | anyone ? | 05:34 |
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erbo | julumme: I think the build-essential package should give you the tools you need to compile things on your BB | 06:05 |
julumme | oh, I see | 06:05 |
erbo | But I don't know where you can get a package with the kernel source for Robert Nelson's kernel | 06:06 |
julumme | there is a link in the Nelson's wiki, where I could get the kernel sources for compiling myself - silly question: so if I git those to my BB, would I then be able to compile lirc against those sourecs ? | 06:07 |
julumme | I guess what I really need, is just the headers and binaries to link against ? | 06:09 |
julumme | sorry for such simple questions, it's all a bit new to me stil | 06:09 |
erbo | I can't see any reason why that wouldn't work.. | 06:09 |
erbo | yeah, check http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/build-linux-kernel-module-against-installed-kernel-source-tree.html | 06:10 |
julumme | looks interesting, I'll read through, that - thanks | 06:11 |
erbo | I don't know how good the page is, I just googled some. But it looks like it might give you some hints | 06:11 |
julumme | it's all good info, I'm still pretty new to development on linux | 06:15 |
julumme | the info was good indeed | 06:22 |
julumme | erbo, do you happen to know what linux-libc-dev - Linux Kernel Headers for development is ? | 06:23 |
julumme | I'm thinking downloading the whole source code for kernel will take ages ( and also I'm on a budget with space on the BB, as my memory card is currently only 2GB) | 06:24 |
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erbo | apt-cache show linux-libc-dev says: "They are NOT meant to be used to build third-party modules for your kernel. Use linux-headers-* packages for that." | 06:26 |
julumme | :p | 06:26 |
erbo | :) | 06:27 |
julumme | ah, linux-headers-omap might be good | 06:27 |
erbo | But I don't know if there's a package with the headers for your custom kernel, those are probably for the ubuntu kernel | 06:28 |
julumme | mmm, I think there is no package | 06:28 |
julumme | my understanding was that Nelson compiled the default kernel for arm, with some settings for BB | 06:29 |
julumme | if that was the case, wouldn't it work if I had same headers ? | 06:30 |
=== Jack87 is now known as Jack87|Away | ||
julumme | oh, looks like he used 3.0.0-x2 (?) kernel | 06:31 |
julumme | apt only seems to have 2.6.xx stuff | 06:32 |
erbo | yeah he's using a much never version | 06:32 |
erbo | if you have the source he has used, you can just pass -C /path/to/those/sources when compiling your module | 06:33 |
julumme | hmm, ok, looks like I'll have to get a usb drive or something to pull the sources | 06:33 |
erbo | I'm not sure exactly what you need though | 06:33 |
julumme | he has a git link to the sources | 06:34 |
julumme | I'm hoping to compile lirc against his sources | 06:34 |
julumme | so I could configure to use serial port | 06:34 |
erbo | if your using a usb-stick you can grab the whole git and then you should be ok I think | 06:34 |
erbo | s/your/you're/ :) | 06:35 |
julumme | ok.. let me try that | 06:41 |
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julumme_ | hi guys, I'm trying to compile lirc for BB/ubuntu, but I'm running into a strange problem. make fails to before any compiling is done sayng "scripts/genksyms/genksyms: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" | 11:28 |
julumme_ | there is a pastebin of the whole thing here http://pastebin.com/x2w1VXcP | 11:29 |
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satish_ | what is the Hardware-accelerated player for ARM Board ? | 12:08 |
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GrueMaster | satish_: ??? | 16:33 |
GrueMaster | You mean gstreamer? | 16:33 |
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rajendra_ | Hi ogra_ | 16:54 |
rajendra_ | Need info regarding USBOTG | 16:54 |
utlemming | Anyone farmiliar with using omap kernels and qemu? | 17:11 |
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austeregrim-wr | has ogra_ released an image for the toshiba device? | 17:58 |
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