
misen_Hello, can anyone please tell me where Ubuntu 11.04 have the startup scripts?00:00
misen_I know it has changed from previous versions, but I cannot understand the new startup phase.00:02
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William23anyone here use emacs in console mode ubuntu 10.0400:28
William23how do i boot ubuntu 10.04 into console only mode?01:06
cprofittstill here?01:37
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Puck`hi everyone06:39
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philipballewhow can i set up my ubuntu server to allow me to ssh into it from miles away?08:25
ubot2Factoid 'dyndns' not found08:26
bioterrorget your computer static ip address08:26
bioterroror use dyndns or something else08:26
ubot2Factoid 'next' not found08:26
philipballewbioterror, what if my router does not have the option to register a dyndns account?08:27
bioterroryou do it manually08:27
bioterrorand get yourself a better router08:27
Unit193!info ddclient08:27
philipballewits on the to-do list.08:27
bioterrorshould I also remind you to add port forwarding too?08:31
philipballewbioterror, no. port 2222 i think im gona use08:32
philipballewfound this!08:32
Unit193Why is OpenDNS on that list?08:33
philipballewidk Unit19308:35
s-foxHello Unit19309:05
dr0pb3arI am having a problem with a western digital hard drive. I have plugged it in and it is definitely powered up and spinning but it is not coming up when I plug it in. It isn't coming up on gparted either... any help would be much appreciated.12:21
geirhaDo you see it when you open a terminal and run the following command?   sudo fdisk -l12:23
geirhaThat's dash lowercase L, not minus 112:23
dr0pb3arno it doesn's12:26
geirhaOk, so how is it connected? IDE/PATA, SATA, ESATA, USB, Firewire?12:28
bobweaveryou see it ?12:29
dr0pb3arhold on will pastebin results12:30
geirhaIs it an external cabinet containing a SATA or IDE disk? or just a regular USB harddrive?12:30
dr0pb3arIt doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me12:30
bobweaveris this a masscool ??12:30
dr0pb3arit's just a regular 1tb usb hard drive12:31
geirhaOk, those should just work without any fuzz :/12:31
bobweaverwhich one is it12:32
bobweaverBus 001 Device 003: ID 04f2:b130 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd12:32
bobweaverBus 001 Device 002: ID 1164:0871 YUAN High-Tech Development Co., Ltd12:32
dr0pb3arI don't know... it's a western digital drive12:33
geirhaUnplug the drive, run lsusb again and tell us what line changed12:33
dr0pb3ardone... nothing changed... must not be mounting?12:34
bobweaverls <---stands for list and usb stands fo well  do ls+usb= list all usb thing12:34
geirhadr0pb3ar: Try a different USB port12:35
IdleOnea WD drive would show something like: Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1058:1110 Western Digital Technologies, Inc12:36
IdleOnefor lsusb12:36
bioterroras lsusb just shows you devices12:37
bioterrorI'll advice to check dmesg12:37
bioterroras it will tell what happens on kernel level12:37
dr0pb3arit is still the same on other usb port12:37
bioterrorcarry on12:38
dr0pb3arand dmesg shows nothing either12:39
IdleOnedr0pb3ar: anything showing from: sudo blkid12:39
bioterrorIdleOne, nope if dmesg tells there's no sdX device12:40
IdleOnelooks like you got a dead drive12:40
dr0pb3arokay... thanks anyway.12:40
bioterrorpower or something12:41
bioterrorremove that drive from the case12:41
bioterrorand plug it directly12:41
geirhaHe can hear it spin up, so it does get power12:41
dr0pb3arhow do you do that.12:41
dr0pb3arwill it have a sata cable12:41
geirhaIf it's not an external hdd case, I wouldn't attempt that.12:43
bioterrorif it's out of warranty, I would tear it apart!12:43
bioterroras you have only data to loose ;)12:44
geirhaIf it's brand new, it's just a defective drive, so take it back to the retailer and they'll give you a new one.12:44
dr0pb3arit's not new. it's belongs to another guy in my team and we are a bit short of them here in afghanistan so thought I might try and fix it up... think I might be out of options12:45
IdleOnedr0pb3ar: when plugged to a pc running windows does it come up?12:46
dr0pb3arno it doesn't12:46
IdleOnedefinitely dead12:46
IdleOnetarget practice :)12:46
dr0pb3arrighto... will take it to the range tomorrow... thanks for you help guys12:47
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E3D3Who can explane me gnome-system-monitor ?15:29
nlsthzn-workE3D3: what do you need to know?15:31
E3D3Please wait a moment. Maybe it was my Emacs that did strange, I have to check this.15:32
E3D3Sorry nlsthzn-work, I just saw I had a ghost-proces or something (Emacs) I think that it is solved.15:35
E3D3I was confused about that Emacs used a little memory and ALL cpu. I stopped it, also in System-monitor & after that it looks normal.15:35
nlsthzn-workOK Cool :)15:36
E3D3But very much thanks for your kind offer to help me. Good day/luck/etc.15:36
nlsthzn-workE3D3: no prob, cheers :)15:37
E3D3 :D15:38
misenHello, can anyone tell me where are located the new startup scripts in Ubuntu 11.04?18:18
mikdeall my apps hide under the title bar,what do I do?18:18
mikdeI mean the top part of the app ,like the title bar18:20
IAmNotThatGuymisen, /etc/init.d is the one I think18:20
IAmNotThatGuymikde, you are not able to see the file,edit  help and other menu bars right?18:21
IAmNotThatGuyor the tittle bar? in the sense, the application name?18:21
misennot anymore, that has changed to a event.d directory in the /etc dir but I cannot figure it out yet.18:21
IAmNotThatGuymikde, what version are you using?18:21
IAmNotThatGuymikde, try unity --reset18:26
IAmNotThatGuyI think its unity you use18:26
mikdeyes,but where is reset18:27
IAmNotThatGuymikde, open terminal and type sudo unity --reset18:27
mikdethank you, i'll give it a try18:28
philipballewhey so i set up a dydns program on my computer and want to be able to ssh into my desktop from miles away. anyone know how?19:37
geirhaIf you're behind a router, port forward port 22 to your computer19:51
geirhathen ssh username@your.dyndns.com19:52
philipballewhum. let me try that19:53
philipballewalso i assigned the server a ststic ip of i need to see if 200 is a good thing to choose19:54
geirhaIt's a good a byte as any19:55
philipballewhum. well i should probably go to starbucks and see if i can ssh into it19:57
geirhaphilipballew: Try it locally first.19:57
misenDoes anyone know where are located the new startup scripts in Ubuntu 11.04?19:58
geirhaIf ssh user@yourdyndnshostname works, even from the same machine, you should be fine19:58
geirhamisen: "startup" is a bit ambiguous. What are you looking for exactly?19:59
misenAdd a startup script, query/enable/disable startup services, etc.20:00
philipballewgeirha, if im on my local network should i port forword poet 22?20:01
philipballewalso so it should look likr this geirha : ssh philip@philipserver1.no-ip.org20:02
philipballewdont worry, my password is pretty strong20:02
geirhaphilipballew: Yes, if that line works locally, it should work from a remote location too, like starbucks.20:03
geirhamisen: ~/.config/autostart/ as in earlier versions. Or are you asking how to bring up the GUI?20:05
misengeirha: If I want to add a startup script, where can I do it now?20:07
geirhaHitting the windows key and typing startup should bring it up20:09
geirhaThough if you're using a different language, you may need to provide part of the translated name for "startup applications"20:09
misengeirha: Startup applications: Network Connection Manager, Bluetooth, Dhcpd, Sshd, ACPI daemon, etc?.20:12
geirhamisen: Ah, you mean init and upstart scripts20:18
ubot2Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:20
philipballewgeirha, hey so i opened port 22 but i cant seem to connect to it.20:20
geirhaYou forwarded port 22 on the router to port 22 on your desktops local 192.168.1.* address?20:22
philipballewgeirha, http://imagebin.org/16935820:26
philipballewgeirha, would my server ddydns not be working?20:30
geirhaphilipballew: Your dyndns works, you just haven't forwarded port 22 to your desktop computer20:31
philipballewthe immagebin says i did?20:32
geirhaYou'll need to tell it that "when someone connects to remote-ip and port 22, it should be forwarded to port 2220:33
geirhaIn that screenshot it appears you've opened port 22 in the firewall, possibly allowing ssh access to the router itself, from the outside.20:34
geirhahttp://portforward.com/ has guides on how to port forward on tons of different routers. See if you find your router there.20:35
philipballewhum. alright20:36
misengeirha: Thanks20:43
misenIll take a look into the documents20:45
philipballewcan i run a live cd and check if a hard drive is good23:06
nlsthzn-workphilipballew: yup23:09
philipballewoh, well okay nlsthzn-work23:09
nlsthzn-work:) you can mount the drive very easily and you have access to all the same tools as a default install23:10
bookpageis there some option like -r for scp?23:59
nlsthzn-workbookpage: have you checked the man page?23:59

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