
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
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=== Pici` is now known as Pici
ubottuurlin2u called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:18
IAmNotThatGuycame here to do that :D02:18
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vibhavWhy am I still banned now!?09:32
vibhavIts been more that a month09:32
vibhavikonia? rww? Pici? Tm_T?09:33
vibhavelky? flannel?09:34
elkyI was going to respond until you started nickspamming.09:34
vibhavok sorry09:34
vibhavSo elky am I unbanned?09:34
vibhavits been more than a month09:34
dwarf_code_red_X<+elky> I was going to respond until you started nickspamming. <-- HAHAHAHA. You are ridiculous.09:35
Myrttiyou really need to brush up on being patient09:36
vibhavGo to the issue , am I unbanned?09:36
elkyYou have to be willing to discuss the reason why you're banned and explain how you will avoid that behaviour in the future.09:37
vibhavI gave a url which had dead links09:37
vibhavand I am really sorry about it...09:37
elkyThat isn't all you did.09:38
vibhavthen you tell me09:39
vibhav<Tm_T> 1824.42 <+ikonia> vibhav: could you please leave this channel, and come back no sooner than 2 weeks09:40
elkyYou also don't listen to people. You use up lots and lots of people's time by failing to follow instructions.09:40
vibhavI did not listen to ikonia09:42
elkyNot just ikonia. You also didn't listen tp people in #ubuntu trying to help you.09:42
vibhavWhen did I do that!?09:43
elkyWhen you were getting in trouble and people were telling you how to not get in trouble.09:44
elkyThis was not just ikonia.09:45
vibhavand I MEAN it09:46
elkySo how about we make some rules for you? 1. When people ask you to do something, you follow their instruction. 2. While you are following instructions, you don't ask different people for help. 3. When you are giving out advice, you will test it first. 4. You will not treat giving answers like a race, you will make sure you answer is correct.09:46
elkyDo you understand why I am making these rules?09:48
elkyPlease explain it to me so I know you understand.09:49
vibhavI folow people's instuctions......Dint ask diff people for help.........TEst my adive and MAke sure my ans is correct09:51
elkyYou could do with learning some patience, too.09:53
vibhavOK will be patient too09:53
elkyi have to do the fiddly stuff now. Bans don't just go away quickly09:55
elkytry now.09:57
elkyi didn't see him join...09:58
Myrttihe joined about half'n'hour earlier09:59
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu cheese_eater (7c949fad@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #ubuntu aka cheeseinacup. Rage quit/swearing11:02
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:02
bazhang<cexsum> KDE is just so easy to compile.11:51
bazhangsome odd commentary from him11:51
IdleOneneed an op in -ot before c0mrade gets real stupid11:51
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (c0mrade_)11:52
elkygord, got him in PM?11:55
IdleOnedidn't you explain it all to him last time11:56
IdleOnethat was a clear case of, gonna troll -ot11:56
bazhang[b4ll_s4ck]  offensive or no12:06
bazhang* b4ll_s4ck is now known as MarkShuttleworth12:06
bazhang< jpds >12:06
IdleOnethat's fine12:06
IdleOneunless he starts trolling12:07
jpdsbazhang: Take precautions.12:34
bazhangjpds, just giving you the chance to say "troll detected"12:54
jpdsbazhang: "Troll detected", then one says: "Take precautions."12:55
Myrttimrnaz, debi_lector14:27
MyrttiI need to go do plumbing14:27
Myrttithanks mates :-<14:50
IdleOneoh right14:51
Myrttijust when D gave up and called the plumber, and I came upstairs to my real computer to banforward MrNaz to ##fix_your_connection, he stopped flooding himself of14:51
PiciMyrtti: sorry, trying to get some real work done, not really paying attention to IRC much14:51
Myrttia lot of help you are :-<14:51
IdleOnei didn't notice him flooding out14:52
MyrttiPici: I know, I'm just venting14:52
PiciMyrtti: okay :)14:52
Myrttibut, as I was saying14:54
MyrttiI wonder if debi_lector is a bot of some sort14:54
Myrttiwas nickname_ earlier14:54
PiciThey responded to me earlier.14:54
Myrttiyeah, and then continued with the mindless ramble14:55
PiciI'm a bad op today :(14:55
Myrttior seemingly mindless14:56
h00kI do that from time-to-time15:11
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu debi_lector (~ubuntu@ removed for multiple random comments.16:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:03
IdleOne!guidelines > debi_lector16:04
oCeanc0mrade_ is also annoying16:09
oCeanpopey: he's muted actually16:10
popeyhe can still see my reply :D16:10
h00kdebi_lector is back, had another random comment I saw.16:11
IdleOnefunny how everybody wants to answer when he can't anymore16:12
IdleOneI'm gonna see if I can't get some sleep. been up since yesterday sometime. debi_lector probably needs a timeout16:19
IdleOneI also think c0mrad is trying to not be trollish16:20
PiciIdleOne: Was that just a remove? Or a ban?16:43
Picifor debi_lector16:43
oCeana +q16:43
oCeanhe's now back as ubuntu_stuff16:44
PiciI don't see a +q that would have matched them.16:44
oCeanoh wait, I'm mixing 2 actions16:44
oCeanubuntu_stuff/debi_lector was removed, but rejoined16:45
oCeanc0mrad was muted for a while16:45
ubuntu_stuffi think im not doing somethig right16:50
Piciubuntu_stuff: You seem to be making lots of uneeded and confusing comments in #ubuntu16:51
Pici(thanks h00k)16:52
h00kPici: Not a problem.16:52
h00kThe comment was supposed to go to a different channel, bah.16:53
ubuntu_stuffthats right but kickstar its not part of ubuntu16:53
Piciubuntu_stuff: That comment doesn't have anything to do with what I just said.16:54
ubuntu_stuffgo to some coffe to respond novices ))17:01
ubuntu_stuffi dont know that im in ops17:07
Piciubuntu_stuff: Are you able to talk with me now?17:08
ubuntu_you are not opers )17:20
ubuntu_good, if you want something call17:21
Piciubuntu_: I've told you that if you want to discuss your ban in #ubuntu then you need to talk about it here.17:21
PiciMaking random comments is not going to get you anywhere.17:21
Piciubuntu_: Please do not idle in this channel if you are not here to talk about your ban.17:22
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Myrttiubuntu_: hi17:31
Myrttiubuntu_: you are not allowed to enter #ubuntu at the moment17:32
Myrttioh good grief17:41
* h00k blinks17:41
CoreyMyrtti: Interesting opping issues?17:45
Myrttioh boy...17:45
h00kI don't have UTF-8 again (punches screen), can anyone see what adamanna96 is speaking?18:12
h00kYeah, found it18:12
Myrttih00k: he's been told twice before, tho18:13
h00kMyrtti: it's true18:13
MyrttiI think that might have finally done it18:24
PiciMyrtti: doesn't look like it.18:30
Myrttilast attempt18:31
Picisorry, I've been afk, wasn't sure exactly what was tried before.18:31
Myrttiaww keck, forgot the space18:32
Myrttiand again I have an instictive feeling I should know that language more18:32
Myrttidamned finno-ugric languages18:33
topylii'm sure they just threw hungarian into the family so that they (and we) would feel less lonely. but they forgot these consequences18:47
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
oCeanMcmuffin is back in #u?20:08
PicioCean: they're using the webchat.20:09
bazhangoCean, yep but muted20:09
bazhang-ops-monitor shows that activity20:09
oCeanright, did not read this *.cpe.net.cable.roger as webchat mask20:10
PiciThats why I removed the regular ban.20:10
bazhangxfce is "gnome-based"20:39
bazhangperhaps he means gtk?20:39
bazhangwas arilyn a bot?20:50
* genii-around slides bazhang a coffee20:50
genii-aroundNo idea20:50
bazhangheh thanks20:51
Jordan_Ubazhang: Seems likely.20:52
bazhang<Mimoso98> ANY thing equal for MySQL?21:04
h00kit has webscale21:04
bazhangthought c0mrade_ was banned from -ot21:23
popeyhe was +q in #u earlier21:28
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
h00kI'm going to attempt to redirect conversation21:36
LjL3make it h00k onto something else21:37
elkypopey, yeah he was +q yesterday until he was reported to be PMing people while being willfully thick in PM with me21:55
Jordan_UIs excessive punctuation after being asked twice to stop a kickable offense? ( al-sindi in #ubuntu )22:00
h00kJordan_U: I'd try an /at or a +q for a few22:01
* h00k shrugs22:01
h00kJordan_U: I saw it again :-(22:02
Jordan_UMeh, too late now.22:04
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Iamred appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)22:52
bazhang<philipp__> Gnea the problem is i have to copy my private .asc from my old OS to the new one but cant start the old one cause it has been compromised23:07
bazhangtake with a grain of salt, he was trolling #ubuntu and -ot yesterday23:07
bazhangLint seems familiar23:47
h00kLint is giving false advise :(23:58

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