
h00kYeah, we do have 4 bots...14:42
h00klocobot_2, lubotu1, ubuntulo12, ubuntulo114:42
h00kI forget what they're for...At least one is obsolete14:42
h00kone does logging, one is a copy of ubottu14:42
h00k!gender | lubotu114:43
lubotu1lubotu1: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)14:43
lubotu1Some fun statistics for this channel can be found on http://ircstats.tonyyarusso.com/ubuntu-offtopic.html or http://status.nullcortex.com/irc/offtopic/15:48
h00kyep, it works.15:48
h00kRelease Parties Email.16:21
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-wi to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Wisconsin LoCo! | LP: http://goo.gl/Td4Co | Wiki: http://goo.gl/fN3cu | Forum: http://goo.gl/YbxrT | Mailing list: http://goo.gl/TsX2P | Start planning release parties today!
h00kI should check into the bots and see what we need16:24
Cheeseheadh00k: nice e-mail16:31
h00kCheesehead: roger.16:32
h00kCheesehead: looking...looking...I got one regarding 'Mobilemerger'16:34
h00kCheesehead: oh, I read that 'check email'16:34
h00kI'm an idiot16:35
h00kalso, distracted :D16:35
h00kCheesehead: looking into the bots thing.16:36
h00kI have /n17:09
Cheeseheadtest...bug 3456717:20
lubotu1Launchpad bug 34567 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "The date is not displayed correctly (live CD Dapper mar 11)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3456717:20
CheeseheadAh, so that's what that bot does.17:20
CheeseheadSo the other two are logger bots?17:29
h00kCheesehead: yep. Unsure why there are two17:29
h00klocobot was depreciated17:30
* Cheesehead is looking through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:30
h00klubotu1: loco | Cheesehead17:30
lubotu1Cheesehead: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at http://loco.ubuntu.com/17:30
h00klubotu1: tell Cheesehead about msgthebot17:30
lubotu1Cheesehead, please see my private message17:30
CheeseheadAw, geez, now I gotta figure out how to do that on irssi17:31
h00kCheesehead: switch windows with /windownumber17:32
h00kCheesehead: or ctrl+n17:32
Cheeseheadhow do I scroll up in a window/17:33
* Cheesehead plays triumphant music17:33
CheeseheadI might just be able to use this.17:34
h00kI lurve it17:34
h00kCheesehead: are you running it in a screen?17:34
CheeseheadA terminal window...17:34
h00kCheesehead: I have a VPS where I have it running in 'screen'17:35
h00kCheesehead: then I just detach/reattach when I want17:35
h00kso, it's always running17:37
h00kit's pretty sweet.17:37
CheeseheadAh. When I get used to it, I really should do that with my gateway device.17:38
CheeseheadBut for now, laptop.17:38
h00kCool, that works.17:40
h00kIt also puts you /away when you're detached, saves a log of yor highlights17:40
CheeseheadYeah, I'm trying irssi for precisely that functionality - I want a log over in #ubuntu-brainstorm17:41
CheeseheadAnd my request to add a bot was politely declined.17:42
h00kCool. I have logs of all my stuffs.17:42
h00kthere's nice plugins and themes, too17:42
CheeseheadI use the logs over at irclogs.ubuntu.com for this channel and a couple others (meeting, classroom, etc)17:43
* Cheesehead heads over to get lunch17:48
h00kCheesehead: http://i.imgur.com/GxrIK.png17:52
h00kCheesehead: that's my irssi17:52
* Cheesehead returns from lunch18:25
CheeseheadAh, next time I should use /away18:25
Cheeseheadh00k: nice theme!18:26
h00kCheesehead: thanks :)19:17
h00kdouglasawh-desk: HI!21:04

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