
=== med_out is now known as medberry
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=== doko_ is now known as doko
rix1234 How to enable a smart card on linux. i am using Aladdin etoken 72K, can anyone plz help me...12:59
holsteinhey rix123413:00
holsteinlet me point you to #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners13:00
davmor2rix1234: you'll need #ubuntu for general help this channel is just for meetings they should be able to help you there13:01
davmor2holstein: nice you beat me to it :)13:01
holsteindavmor2: :)13:01
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Aug 25 15:00:05 2011 UTC.  The chair is ogra_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.15:00
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.15:00
* davidm waves15:00
ogra_whistle if you are here15:00
* NCommander lags15:00
ogra_do we have persia ?15:01
* ogra_ guesses not15:01
ogra_hmm, silly bot, the old one just picked up my links15:01
ogra_[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Meeting/2011/2011082515:01
ogra_or not :P15:01
ogra_there are no action items from last meeting \o/15:01
ogra_(how could that ahppen ? )15:02
ogra_[topic] standing items15:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: standing items
meetingologyTOPIC: standing items15:02
* cmagina waves15:02
ogra_[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm.html15:02
ogra_[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html15:02
ogra_pfft, why do i even try :P15:03
ogra_[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-arm-ubuntu-11.10-beta-1.html15:03
ogra_the latter one was indeed wrong15:03
ogra_so beta freeze is today15:03
NCommanderpoke me for any ffes you may need15:04
ogra_we need to see that we get all items sorted on the second tracker soon15:04
ogra_mainly its GrueMaster, jani and me who still have open items15:04
GrueMasterSo of course this means major pool churn until Monday.15:04
ogra_oh, indeed, even server images might fail the next days :)15:05
infinityMeh.  It happens.15:05
GrueMasterAs to the tracker, the link you posted shows no progress, when 5 of my WI are done.15:05
ogra_and its expected at such days15:05
NCommandersoneed archive skew fixed15:05
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
ogra_GrueMaster, which one ? note the ubuntu-armel one is obsolete15:06
ogra_i mis-pasted that one from the wiki15:06
NCommanderwe should probably use statis.u.c15:06
NCommanderer status15:06
ogra_thats why i pasted an updated version below ;)15:06
ogra_NCommander, is everything sorted with it ?15:06
ogra_i thought there were still issues with cross team statuses15:06
NCommanderit ahould be fine15:07
ogra_well, feel free for next meeting then ;)15:07
ogra_it surely looks tons better15:07
GrueMasterSince none of my work items require code checkin, I am just going to keep plugging away.15:07
ogra_GrueMaster, anything we could help you with (apart from finishing our own items indeed)15:08
GrueMasterSome of my WI require work from you, so yes.15:08
ogra_beyond that ... you still have 8 items, can we share something to idling team members i mean :)15:08
janimoI took one of GrueMaster's WI which luckily may get solved differently. we'll see15:09
GrueMasterAlso, I found a test suite for ipv6, but it is for FreeBSD and won't compile on Linux in its current form.  mahmoh was going to look at it, but that was a few weeks ago.15:09
ogra_right, i took two recently, but thats trivial stuff and not closely bound to freezes15:09
cmaginaGrueMaster: could you point me at that test?15:10
davidmGrueMaster, if need be postpone IVP6 testing as blocked on test porting15:10
GrueMasterdavidm: It is currently marked as blocked.15:10
davidmGrueMaster, good enough15:10
ogra_anything else about WIs ?15:11
GrueMastercmagina: I'll find the link and shoot it your way.15:11
cmaginaGrueMaster: thanks15:11
ogra_or can i move to server ?15:11
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
ogra_moving on ...15:11
ogra_[topic] ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)
meetingologyTOPIC: ARM Server Status (NCommander, Daviey)15:11
GrueMastercmagina: http://www.tahi.org/release/15:11
NCommandernot muchto report on my end15:12
ogra_NCommander, Daviey ?15:12
ogra_well, i know Daviey had issues with qemu the last week15:13
ogra_trying to get cloud images running15:13
ogra_NCommander, they will likely use omap i guess and might need to learn how to create the vfat (or where to steal a working one that can boot a cloud instance)15:14
NCommanderI am pretty happy with our.progress. there is still some research into openstack that I need to look at15:14
ogra_since the beagle emulation literally emulates a beagle ... (so you need a partitioned Sd image, not just an img and vmlinuz)15:14
ogra_i think we need to provide some help here since we know that stuff15:15
ogra_anything else for server ?15:15
NCommanderyeah thats a headache sinceour preinstalls wont work right15:16
NCommandernothing else15:16
ogra_moving on15:16
ogra_[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)
meetingologyTOPIC: Kernel Status (cooloney, ppisati)15:17
ppisatiFor every arm flavour but natty/ti-omap4 an update should be on its way out. The updated kernels mainly contain CVEs fix.15:17
ppisatiOn the other hand, work continues on lp709245: found a patchset that should enable localtimers even in the nosmp case but it doesn't work out of the box, and i'm debugging it ATM.15:17
ppisatii might say that now i know why it doesn't work, and IMO it should work at all15:17
ogra_i was pinged about sound status on omap4, but cant tell much about it atm15:18
ppisati(in fact the patchset has not been pulled in rmk patch system...)15:18
ogra_GrueMaster, did you test any sound related stuff recently ?15:18
ppisatidunno, should ask the TI guy tomorrow15:18
GrueMasterNot since A3.15:18
ogra_i'm nmot sure we have all necessary patches in 3.0yet15:18
rsalvetionly thing that's kind of also related with the kernel15:18
rsalvetiwe need to get the sound working this time!15:19
ogra_ppisati, well, TI was among the ones asking :)15:19
ppisatinice :)15:19
ogra_rsalveti, please !!!!!!!!!!15:19
ppisatibut, do they get sound working?15:19
rsalvetineed to sync with alsa ucm configs and also the kernel15:19
ogra_dunno, we definitely need to check our sound stack though15:19
ppisatiperhaps iot's just a pulseaudio problem15:19
ogra_pulse changed and might expect bits from the kernel we dont have atm15:20
ppisatiactually the problem one month ago was that15:20
rsalvetiyeah, should be good to sync with agreen to see if he's planning to merge anything new related with sound15:20
ppisatiwhen pulseaudio opened some devices and tried some ioctls15:20
ppisatithe devices didn't answer as pulseauydio expected si15:20
ppisatiinstead of sleeping or dying or whatever15:20
ogra_well, we dont need to work out the fix right now :)15:21
ppisatihe kept triyng to re-open the device and reissue the same ioctls over and over again15:21
ogra_just everybody keep an ear open for sound stuff :)15:21
ppisatiresult? 100% busy cpu15:21
ogra_i'll run around and poke people the next week15:21
ppisatii repeat, perhaps it's a pulseaudio problem15:21
ppisatican't we kill it? no eh? :)15:21
ogra_about the ac100 kernel, it seems there are suspend fixes that partially work on some devices .... but seems there was also instability added to the tree since my last checkout for the ubuntu package15:22
ogra_ppisati, no, we cant, gnome depends on it in some ways15:22
janimoogra_, suspend does not work for me with the new marvin kernel15:22
janimoit is still less than a week old patchset15:22
ppisatiogra_: i was kidding :)15:23
ogra_janimo, thats why i said  partially work on some devices :)15:23
ogra_well, indeed i would like to have the latest and greatest in the archive by release :)15:23
ogra_anyway, just a short ac100 status15:23
ogra_anything else for kernel ?15:23
ppisatinot from me15:24
rsalvetianything for the mx5 one?15:24
rsalvetior is it working well?15:24
janimoogra, we have almost 2 months till release, so we may get that. It is not a critical platfrom so we can still update after the freeze15:24
ogra_no, we need a metapackage name change15:24
janimomx5 indeed needs a new metapackage from jcrigby , ogra should know the new name :)15:24
ogra_janimo, indeed, its in universe, but i'd like to stick to release schedule if possible15:24
rsalvetiok, doesn't seems too complicated :-)15:24
rsalvetiogra_: can you sync with jcrigby later?15:25
ogra_needs to be linux-linaro-lt-mx515:25
ogra_yup, he pinged me in #uarm already15:25
GrueMasterThe MX image is a little more critical than we give it.  With that image, the kubuntu team can do more testing in-house.  Right now, they rely on me to do release testing.15:25
rsalvetigreat :-)15:25
infinityogra_: Eh?  The metapackage was named correctly...15:25
infinityogra_: Wasn't it?15:25
ogra_GrueMaster, if it works on the efikas :)15:25
ogra_infinity, l-b looks for linux-linaro-lt-mx515:25
infinityogra_: Yes... And what's it called now?15:26
ogra_which is right if -linaro belongs to the flavour15:26
infinity(it does)15:26
ogra_there is no actual meta15:26
ogra_only the linux-image one15:26
infinityogra_: Oh, the image one is correct.15:26
infinityYou just mean he's missing the higher level one.15:26
ogra_right, and the meta is missing15:26
infinityFair enough.15:26
ogra_trivial addition to debian/control15:27
ogra_moving on ...15:27
infinityCarry on.15:27
jcrigbyso ogra just send me an email with addition, ok?15:27
ogra_[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)
meetingologyTOPIC: ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:27
ogra_jcrigby, np15:27
janimoinfinity, great job on ocaml transition15:27
janimoI did a few uploiads and give backs15:28
janimoand assigned likewise-open to the uploader :)15:28
ogra_yeah, he spammed my changes inbox like mad15:28
ogra_poor package ... noone loves it15:28
janimoI thought there's a company behind, not sure why it does not get love15:28
ogra_btw, is anybody watchiong the rebuild test results ?15:29
NCommanderlikewise open breaks ecery cycle and it annoys me to fiz it15:29
GrueMasterSo fix it, don't fiz it.  :P15:29
ogra_empathy breaks the images btw15:30
ogra_GrueMaster, well, he could fiz it but onyl with some gin15:30
infinityWhich is s/tp-glib/lp-buildd/15:30
ogra_(i know, really bad pun)15:30
ogra_did anyone ever look at scribus ?15:30
infinityI'll look at the lp-buildd bug today and sort out if it's worth my time to keep patching testsuite timeouts or just fix launchpad.15:30
ogra_it seems to sit there forever, or does it just show up over and over ?15:31
ogra_i dont look that often at ftbfs anymore but it feels like its on there every time i look15:31
janimoogra_, I looked at scribus last cycle and sent a large patch upstream15:32
ogra_there being http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/15:32
janimoit may still languish in their trac, and not even apply anymore15:32
ogra_hmm, and libreoffice is unhappy too it seems15:32
dokoogra this one is fixed in the queue15:32
NCommanderugh ..15:32
rsalvetifor the rebuild http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110819-oneiric.html15:33
ogra_anything else for ftbfs ? doko ? anything to add wrt rebuild ?15:33
janimoexpect more breakage I guess :)15:33
ogra_ah, ricardo is to fast :)15:33
ogra_well, if there is nothing else, i'll move on15:33
ogra_[topic] http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/
meetingologyTOPIC: http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/15:34
dokoogra_, it would be nice if somebody could file the bug reports for arm ...15:34
ogra_[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)
meetingologyTOPIC: ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:34
ogra_doko, why not just fix them :)15:34
rsalvetidoko: I'm planning to go over that list, file bugs if needed and put the porting-queue tag15:35
rsalvetiso we can have more people looking at them during the linaro porting jam15:35
ogra_good idea15:35
ogra_k, image status ...15:35
janimoI think we need to set aside a spec next cycle for doing infrastructure work. It is such a waste to manually handle all these breakages. There may exist half-decent sccripts but they are not widely used15:35
ogra_janimo did a bunch of work on the mx5 ones :)15:35
janimos/bunch of work/bunch of uploads/15:36
ogra_i spent nearly all week on debian-cd to add fixes, our code was really badly not designed for more than omap actually15:36
dokoogra_, did the lo one, where is your fix? ;-P15:36
janimorsalveti, jcrigby want to bring up the issue of uboot+SPL replacing xloader for our images, sooner rather than later15:37
ogra_our download pages have changed a bit, please take a look at cdimage on the preinstalled images and tell me what still needs changing15:37
janimothey say new uboot needs pushing in the archive and we need to switch the images over if possible simultaneously15:37
ogra_ah, right, SPL and u-boot15:37
ogra_wont be possible i guess15:37
rsalvetiyeah, we switched to spl for 11.0815:38
ogra_but in a close window will15:38
janimobut if we expect breakage for a few days anyway they could just go in now :)15:38
rsalvetiquite well tested, working fine15:38
rsalvetiyeah, today is the deadline15:38
ogra_janimo, if you dont want mx5 images :P15:38
ogra_i still need a working cdimage/debian cd atm15:38
rsalvetijcrigby can push the package today, but will break omap 4 images15:38
janimowell I want them, won't this only possibly break omap targets?15:38
ogra_omap3 too, no ?15:38
rsalvetiogra_: not for now15:38
ogra_ah, k15:39
rsalveticurrently only for omap 415:39
janimoI hope our targets are well separated enough so we can break one without the other15:39
ogra_well, if its only omap4, then go for it, but i'm swamped tomorrow15:39
ogra_so someone else with antimony access needs to handle that15:39
rsalvetishould be a simple change15:39
ogra_it wont15:39
rsalvetiwhy not?15:39
ogra_its a change that has to happen in multiple places15:40
rsalvetiyeah, true =\15:40
janimoogra_, I can look at the omap4 and add a pull request unless infinity or NCommander want to add it. I hope I'll get it right in at most 3 trials15:40
ogra_starting at d-i, over flash-kernel to debian-cd and cdimage15:40
ogra_there is likely even more duplicated code in other places i dont remember atm15:40
GrueMasterThis close to beta, maybe we should wait until after next week.15:41
ogra_janimo, yeah, preferably we should have something like flash-kernel-installer thats re-used everywhere15:41
janimoeven debian-cd has uboot referenes?15:41
ogra_janimo, the boot and post-boot scripts15:41
janimooh, I thought that was cdimage15:41
janimoI keep confusing these two15:41
janimorsalveti, is the new uboot package not a drop in replacement for the exising one? What happens if xloader is installed too?15:42
janimostill I think we can and should do this before beta15:42
janimoI can look at the uboot/omap4 thing15:42
rsalvetijanimo: it's fine to install both at the rootfs15:42
ogra_well, skaet, around ?15:42
ogra_any opinion ?15:43
rsalvetiyou just need to copy the right MLO for the first partition15:43
skaetogra_, yup15:43
ogra_wer will likely need a good bunch of freeze exceptions for that15:43
janimorsalveti, ah, because xloader cannot load new uboot?15:43
NCommanderI also agree with before beta so wr can maximize testing15:43
rsalvetijanimo: no :-(15:43
janimoNCommander, says he approves FFes so we're fine15:43
janimorsalveti, that's ok. As long as we know it15:44
rsalvetijanimo: :-)15:44
NCommanderfiine the bug and I will.ack15:44
NCommanderfile even15:44
ogra_he will only fiine it if you then fiz it :P15:44
ogra_k, lets unleash GrueMaster  ....15:45
ogra_moving on15:45
ogra_[topic] QA GrueMaster mahmoh15:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: QA GrueMaster mahmoh
meetingologyTOPIC: QA GrueMaster mahmoh15:45
* GrueMaster ... unleashed.15:45
GrueMasterCurrently, I am stuck on iSCSI implementation.  Trying to reproduce on x86.15:46
GrueMasterWill set it aside today, so I can get other things working (clusterFS, LAVA, etc).15:46
GrueMasterBug #806751 still hounds me, even though others seem to think it is invalid.15:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 806751 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Boot partition on SD is too small on omap/omap4" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80675115:47
GrueMasterUntil it is fixed, I can not use the boot.img-[serial|fat] images, and netboot has to be very manual (format partition, copy files manually).15:48
ogra_to be honest i dont get why its invalid15:48
ogra_dont we have a rule that invalid bugs need a comment when invalidated ?15:49
GrueMasterI don't either.  But every time I hit it and refile, it gets marked invalid and disappears.15:49
ogra_davidm, ^^^ you set it to invalid, why did  you ?15:49
NCommanderits incalid because the partitiooner ahohld be recreating the vfat blob. I havent had an opportunity to properly fix it15:50
ogra_and then it gets invalidated ?15:50
GrueMasterIf it isn't fixed, it isn't invalid.  Fix it and mark the bug "Fix Released".15:51
* ogra_ doesnt get that ... its simply not fixed, leave it alone if you dont find the time, but dont inavliadte it15:51
NCommanderugh Ineed a new keyboard15:51
ogra_same here, though i'm sitting in the garden, balancing the ac100 on a knee ... :)15:51
NCommanderno the.bug.is guided partitioning doesnt work which.is filed15:51
davidmNCommander, said it was invalid, if it's not then lets set it correctly and contiue but fix it this week15:51
GrueMasterIf the bug needs to point to a different package, let me know.  I can reassign appropriately.15:51
ogra_NCommander, then its a duplicate15:52
ogra_so it should be duplicated15:52
ogra_not invalidated15:52
NCommanderno its a non issue. it should be set to wont fix15:52
ogra_guided is the default on server too, right ?15:52
ogra_then thats even high15:52
ogra_(critical in arm only POV)15:53
NCommanderand there is a seperate bug on itvwhich os high15:53
ogra_why should it be wontfix if its actually a different issue you can duplicate to ?15:53
ogra_just add a duplicate and be done :)15:53
NCommanderfine. change it. its not worse the arguement15:54
ogra_else you have tobin opening it over and over, getting annoyed every time15:54
GrueMasterThe bug should only be invalid if it is inappropriately assigned to the wrong package, like if I had assigned it to pulseaudio.15:54
ogra_whats the master bug # ?15:54
ogra_anyway, lest move, time runs out and i have an AOB bit15:54
NCommanderlp on this link is a bad idea. action me tovdupe it15:54
ogra_moving on ...15:54
ogra_[topic] AOB15:55
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
meetingologyTOPIC: AOB15:55
skaetjust a reminder we'll be entering beta freeze at 2100 UTC15:55
infinity(in 5 hours)15:55
ogra_[action] NCommander to duplicate 806751 to the right masterbug15:55
meetingologyACTION: NCommander to duplicate 806751 to the right masterbug15:55
GrueMasterSo sayeth the master of all.15:55
GrueMaster(referring to skaet).15:56
ogra_yeah, get your stuff in everyone (me included) !!!!15:56
skaetyes please.15:56
ogra_so, i'm using unity-2d on arm every day, recently we switched to unityƶ-greeter on lightdm, that results in UI response times of 1-2sec for a keystroke etc15:56
ogra_i talked to seb about that today and he sees no issue with that, people should have more powerful HW if they use unity-greeter15:57
GrueMasterwow.  Such a non-answer.15:57
ogra_so i think we need to test that a bit deeper, my only experience is on ac100 where the UI is totally unusable15:57
ogra_his suggestion was to use the gtk greeter instead on all arm images15:58
infinityIf that's the default, that answer doesn't work even for x86...15:58
ogra_i was referring to vesa ...15:58
GrueMasterI'll try to get some desktop testing in today or tomorrow.15:58
ogra_as well as to framebuffer15:58
GrueMasterI can test it in an x86 VM.15:58
ogra_if we need to do anything about it, we should know as early as possible15:58
ogra_i was just very surprised about that attitude ...15:59
ogra_thats all from me15:59
ogra_anything else for AOB15:59
infinityjcrigby: It would take me as long to write a patch as to just upload linux-meta-whatever.  Mind if I just upload the mx5 meta fix, and you can pick it up from the archive? :)15:59
janimoreminds me of the good old days of gnome needing lots of RAM and saying those library dependencies are just fine15:59
janimothen the whole mobile craze made that suddenly an issue for them too15:59
ogra_k, doesnt seem like there is anything else16:00
ogra_going once16:00
ogra_going twice16:00
ogra_sold to the woman with the whip16:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology is the new Mootbot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Aug 25 16:00:34 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot . (v 0.1.4)16:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-08-25-15.00.moin.txt16:00
jcrigbyinfinity, that is fine with me16:02
mdzpitti, kees, Keybuk, ping18:01
pittihello again18:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Aug 25 18:02:16 2011 UTC.  The chair is mdz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot.18:02
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.18:02
mdz#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda18:02
mdzmeetingology, you're confusing18:02
meetingologymdz: Error: "you're" is not a valid command.18:02
mdzmeetingology, #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda18:02
meetingologymdz: Error: "#link" is not a valid command.18:02
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
mdzyou just told me it was a useful command!18:02
mdz[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoardAgenda18:03
charlie-tcathe links happen without feedback now18:03
mdzI see18:03
pittiso the [foo] syntax is gone?18:03
mdz[topic] Action review18:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Action review
meetingologyTOPIC: Action review18:03
charlie-tcastill usable18:03
mdzThe only action is for cjwatson and he couldn't make it to the meeting18:03
pittiah, apparently not18:03
mdzhe sent in a draft of the brainstorm review topics though18:03
mdzand I sent him some feedback18:03
pittihe picked some interesting ones18:04
mdzlooked like a good list18:04
mdz[topic] UDD bug spam on technical-board@ (mdz)18:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: UDD bug spam on technical-board@ (mdz)
meetingologyTOPIC: UDD bug spam on technical-board@ (mdz)18:04
mdzin scanning the mailing list for this meeting, I noticed there was a lot of bug spam18:04
pittiooh, yes, that's bothering18:04
pittidiscard_if_subject /developer-membership-board (moderator request|post)|\[Merge\]|\[Blueprint /18:04
pittidiscard_if_from /developer-membership-board/18:05
pittidiscard_if_from noreply@launchpad.net18:05
pitti^ in case it's useful for you, too18:05
pittiI have that in my .listadmin18:05
mdzcan we fix it further upstream?18:05
pittibut I don't filter the UDD bugs18:05
pittias sometimes there might be a legitimate reason to get bug mail on the list18:05
mdzbut these bugs don't need to go out to t-b18:05
mdzwe're getting them because techboard is the owner of the udd team or something18:05
pittiI meant, there might be bugs where people subscribe the TB to18:06
mdzYou received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu18:06
mdzDistributed Development Developers, which is subscribed to Ubuntu18:06
mdzDistributed Development.18:06
cjwatson(I'm here for a bit after all, unless I get called away.)  techboard could continue to be the owner of udd without being an actual member of it18:07
cjwatsonI think that might fix it18:07
cjwatsonShall I try that?18:07
pittioh, please18:07
cjwatsonI'm an administrator of that team independently, so I can restore the previous state if it goes wrong18:08
cjwatsonoh, no, I'm merely a member18:08
* pitti cleans the list backlog in the meantime18:08
mdzcurrently techboard is owner and member (admin)18:08
cjwatsonbut I'm sure that James or Martin or Robert can help if necessary18:08
cjwatsonbeat me to it18:08
mdz[topic] AOB18:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
meetingologyTOPIC: AOB18:08
mdzany other topics?18:08
pitti28.07.11 21:23 Kees Cook         Membership Council voting procedures18:09
pittiis there still something to be done for this?18:09
mdz[topic] Membership Council voting procedures18:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Membership Council voting procedures
meetingologyTOPIC: Membership Council voting procedures18:09
pittiI missed the past few meetings due to holiday, conference, etc.18:09
mdz[link] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2011-July/000998.html18:09
mdzI only looked for items since the previous meeting18:10
mdzAFAIK it is in the CC's court now18:10
pittiah, ok18:10
pittijust wanted to know the current status of this18:10
mdz[topic] AOB18:11
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
meetingologyTOPIC: AOB18:11
cjwatsonthanks for your feedback on my brainstorm mail, mdz18:12
cjwatsonwhat did you mean about "disable by default for good reasons"?  you mean not playing a login sound?18:12
pittibtw, we got clearance for this for oneiric18:12
pittiwe'll disable it by default18:13
pittiat last!18:13
mdzcjwatson, I mean sounds for events in general18:13
cjwatsonI expect some people will still choose to turn it back on; presumably at least some of those who voted for that brainstorm item actually like having sound18:13
mdzI think the login sound is the sole exception for accessibility18:13
mdzpitti, oh? nice18:14
mdzthat makes the sound theme a niche concern IMHO18:14
mdzI think most people don't turn it on18:14
mdz(proof by assumption)18:14
pittior, rather, turn it off18:15
cjwatsonI was trying not to apply very much editorial discretion to that list, TBH; I just picked the top ten18:15
cjwatsondid either of you apply any manual selection before?18:15
mdzcjwatson, sure, I wasn't questioning the selection18:15
mdzjust the suggested response type18:15
cjwatsonah, I see18:15
cjwatsonright, you mean it's maybe not worth a big push to fix18:15
pitticjwatson: mildly; I looked at the top 15 and discarded the ones which seemed totally unrealistic18:15
cjwatsonok, I can go with that18:15
cjwatsonit interested me that a unity lens was the top suggestion18:16
mdzany other business for the meeting?18:17
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology is the new Mootbot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Aug 25 18:18:07 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell/mootbot . (v 0.1.4)18:18
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2011/ubuntu-meeting.2011-08-25-18.02.moin.txt18:18
mdzthanks all18:18
pittithanks everyone, nice and short18:18
mdzwho chairs next?18:20
Keybukpitti alphabetically18:24
kees(gah, sorry I was late^Wmissing -- car trouble)18:25

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